Application for Grants Under the Predominantly Black Institutions Formula Grant Program

OMB 1840-0812

OMB 1840-0812

The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 amended Title III, Part A of the Higher Education Act to include Section 318 - the Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Program. The PBI Program makes 5-year grant awards to eligible colleges and universities to plan, develop, undertake and implement programs to enhance the institution's capacity to serve more low- and middle-income Black American students; to expand higher education opportunities for eligible students by encouraging college preparation and student persistence in secondary school and postsecondary education; and to strengthen the financial ability of the institution to serve the academic needs of these students.

The latest form for Application for Grants Under the Predominantly Black Institutions Formula Grant Program expires 2020-07-31 and can be found here.

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