Registrations and Miscellaneous Requests and Notices for Distilled Spirits Plants; Distilled Spirits Related Requests and Notices for Non-Distilled Spirits Plants

OMB 1513-0048

OMB 1513-0048

The IRC at 26 U.S.C. 5171 and 5172 provide that an application to register a distilled spirits plant (DSP) be made in conformity with regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, while 26 U.S.C. 5201 requires DSPs to operate in conformity with such regulations. Under these authorities, the TTB regulations in 27 CFR part 19 prescribe the use of TTB F 5110.41 to register a DSP or to make certain amendments to an existing DSP registration. The TTB regulations in 27 CFR part 19 also require DSP operators to submit various miscellaneous notices or requests to vary their operations from the requirements of that part. In addition, the regulations in part 19 require persons who are neither registered DSPs nor applicants for registration to submit applications or notices related to certain distilled spirits activities, such as the establishment of an experimental DSP or the use of spirits for research purposes. The required information assists TTB in determining a person’s eligibility to establish and operate a DSP, whether a variance from TTB’s regulatory requirements should be approved, and whether non-DSP entities are eligible to engage in certain distilled spirits-related activities.

The latest form for Registrations and Miscellaneous Requests and Notices for Distilled Spirits Plants; Distilled Spirits Related Requests and Notices for Non-Distilled Spirits Plants expires 2021-01-31 and can be found here.

OMB Details

Registration of Distilled Spirits Plants

Federal Enterprise Architecture: General Government - Taxation Management

Form TTB F 5110.41Registration of Distilled Spirits and instruction
Form N/APermits Online - Original AFP and instruction
Form N/APermits Online - Original DSP and instruction

Review document collections for all forms, instructions, and supporting documents - including paper/printable forms.

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