This information collection features quarterly performance narrative reports that document the innovative strategies and collect information about effective practices and "lessons learned" from the diverse projects funded by the WIF. All data collection and reporting is done by grantee organizations (state or local government). These performance reporting requirements align with outcome categories identified in the SGA used to award the WIF grants. The quarterly performance narrative reports provide a detailed account of program activities, accomplishments, and progress toward performance outcomes during the quarter. Specifically, these reports include aggregate information on participants' grant progress and accomplishments, grant challenges, grant technical assistance needs and success stories and lessons learned. The performance outcomes are defined by each grantee; each grant has a unique set of performance goals and outcome measures according to the specific innovation and project being pursued in the grant. The performance narrative reports, to be completed quarterly, include a narrative of grant activities and the unique grant performance and evaluation measures and key project milestones identified by the grantees. As a result, the performance measures for each grant will be different.
The latest form for Workforce Innovation Fund Grants Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements expires 2020-06-30 and can be found here.
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