SSA is requesting clearance to collect data necessary to conduct a random assignment evaluation of volunteers in Ohio who enroll in Ohio Direct Referral Demonstration (ODRD). SSA and Opportunities for Ohioan’s with Disabilities (OOD) will conduct the ODRD to test the effectiveness of providing direct referrals to vocational rehabilitation services for 18 and 19 year-olds who are, or may become, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients. The participants in the demonstration will be individuals ages 18 and 19 at the time of enrollment, who are either (1) applying for SSDI or SSI or (2) undergoing an age-18 redetermination of SSI eligibility. The ODRD is a joint effort by SSA and OOD’s Division of Disability Determination (DDD), and Ohio’s Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation (BVR). ODRD builds off other work by SSA exploring ways to improve the adult employment outcomes and financial independence for SSI recipients and SSI and SSDI applicants who are in the process of transitioning to adulthood. ODRD tests the effects of a direct referral to vocational rehabilitation services for individuals aged 18 or 19 who are in the process of applying for, or undergoing an evaluation to, retain SSDI benefits or SSI payments. We will use the data collected to answer the following questions: What effect did the intervention have on receipt of Ohio’s BVR services? What effect did the intervention have on employment outcomes, such as job placement and earnings? What is the length of time from application to eligibility decision? What general vocational rehabilitation outcomes did participants achieve? What was the number of closed cases resulting in employment and what was the number of cases closed for other reasons? SSA is seeking OMB clearance for the data collection related to enrollment and evaluation of the ODRD. Using SSA claims records, which DDD will access to perform disability determinations for SSA, DDD will attempt to recruit at least 750 participants. DDD will obtain signed, informed consent from individuals who want to participate in the demonstration. Recruitment for the ODRD will require two forms: (1) a new Invitation to Participate and Consent form, and (2) Form SSA-3288, Consent for Release of Information (OMB # 0960 0566). ODD will send the new Invitation to Participate and Consent form to young adult disability recipients, whose claim we sent to the DDD for a continuing disability review, and applicants to see if they are interested in participating in the demonstration. The ODRD Invitation to Participate and Consent forms will meet the informed consent requirements in the Social Security Act and SSA regulations. Specifically, they include language explaining the study as well as potential benefits and harms. SSA will use administrative records systems and BVR data to evaluate the effect of the demonstration. This is a onetime collection of information, and there are no surveys or additional data collections for the ODRD. This collection is voluntary, and participation in this demonstration will have no impact on respondents’ disability determination, benefits, or SSI payments. The respondents are individuals aged 18 or 19 who are in the process of applying for, or undergoing an evaluation, to obtain or retain SSDI benefits or SSI payments.
The latest form for Ohio Direct Referral Demonstration (ODRD) expires 2023-01-31 and can be found here.
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Federal Enterprise Architecture: Income Security - General Retirement and Disability
Form N/A | Invitation and Consent to Join the Ohio Direct Refferal Demonstration | Paper Only | Form and instruction |
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