Application and Impact of Online Clinical Research Training Programs on Healthcare Professionals in Industry, Academia, and Clinical Research, Office of Clinical Research, OD, NIH

OMB 0925-0764

OMB 0925-0764

This request for a new clearance number for information collection allows the on-going assessment of the long-term impact and outcomes of 4 clinical research training programs provided by the Office of Clinical Research located in the NIH Office of the Director on an annual basis previously cleared under OMB#s 0925-0602 Exp. Date 9/30/2019 and 0925-0698 Exp. Date 7/31/2020. The 4 programs, the Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research and Principles of Clinical Pharmacology, Sabbatical in Clinical Research Management, and the NIH Summer Course in Clinical and Translational Research, were formerly a part of the Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education in the NIH Clinical Center, but were transitioned to the NIH Office of Clinical Research, Office of the Director. The information received from respondents was evaluated annually by, and incorporated into, the ongoing operational and course improvement efforts of the Office of Clinical Research, Associate Director for Clinical Research, and the Chief Scientific Officer of the Clinical Center. The purpose of this information collection is to continue to assess the satisfaction, applicability and impact these NIH training programs have on the short- and long-term outcomes of their graduates. As the unifying office for clinical research training at NIH, it remains incumbent upon the Office of Clinical Research to assess and modify, as appropriate, its program offerings based upon trainee feedback.

The latest form for Application and Impact of Online Clinical Research Training Programs on Healthcare Professionals in Industry, Academia, and Clinical Research, Office of Clinical Research, OD, NIH expires 2022-11-30 and can be found here.

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OCR Learning Portal Registration (Health Professionals)

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Health Care Services

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