[NCHS] Data Collection for the Residential Care Community and Adult Day Services Center Components of the National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study

OMB 0920-0943

OMB 0920-0943

This request is for a Reinstatement with change of OMB Control Number 0920-0943 - Data Collection for the Residential Care Community and Adult Day Services Center Components of the National Study of Long-term Care Providers. The goal of this study is to collect data for the residential care community (RCC) and adult day services center (ADSC) survey components of the 4th National Study of Long-Term Care Providers (NSLTCP). The data to be collected will include the basic characteristics, services, staffing, and practices of RCCs and ADSCs, and the demographics, selected health conditions and health care utilization, physical functioning, and cognitive functioning of RCC residents and ADSC participants. This reinstatement involves minor changes to the instruments including addition of COVID-19 questions. The number of respondents and the burden have increased as well.

The latest form for [NCHS] Data Collection for the Residential Care Community and Adult Day Services Center Components of the National Post-acute and Long-term Care Study expires 2023-09-30 and can be found here.

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OMB Details

RCC/ADSC Contact Confirmation Call Script

Federal Enterprise Architecture: Health - Public Health Monitoring

Form 0920-0943RCC/ADSC Contact Confirmation Call ScriptNAForm

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