6. Item 9. Contact Hours, Class Length (hours and quarter hours). Enter the |
A Grantee Quarterly Progress Report (OSHA 171 and Narrative Report) is to be |
number of contact hours for each training session. Training less than .5 |
completed for each grant at the end of each Federal fiscal quarter. |
hours cannot be counted. Partial hours should be rounded to the nearest |
Federal fiscal quarters end on December 31, March 31, June 30, and |
quarter hour, for example, 1.25, 1.5, or 1.75. |
September 30. An electronic copy of each report is to be received by the |
7. Item 10. Contact Hours, Total: This is calculated automatically. |
Regional Office administering the grant no later than the thirtieth of the |
For each line, this multiplies the total number of contact hours by the |
month following the end of the Federal fiscal quarter, i.e., January 30, April 30, |
total number of trainees. |
July 30, and October 30. |
8. Item 11. Total for Reporting Period. This is calculated automatically. |
Enter the sum of the entriesin each of the following four columns: |
6. Employees, 7. Employers, 8. Total, and 10. Total. |
9. Item 12. Plan for Quarter. Enter the total numbers (employees and |
Reports will cover only the activities conducted during the quarter for which |
employers) planned to be trained and the total number of planned |
the report is being submitted. |
contact hours during the quarter. This information is to be obtained |
from the approved grant application. |
10. Item 13. Percent of Plan Accomplished. This is calculated automatically. |
Enter the percentage that line 11 is of line 12. |
Grantees are required to keep records to support the information contained in |
the Grantee Quarterly Progress Report. For example, a sign-in sheet for |
C. Signature Element. |
participants at a training session that shows whether the participant is an |
employee or an employer and notes the date, location, training subject, |
1. Item 14. Grantee Signature. Signatures may be an electronically signature |
trainer’s name(s) and scheduled beginning and ending time of the session is |
or the typed name of an authorized staff member (authorized representative |
sufficient documentation. Attendees should include legible first and last |
or project director) of the grantee and forwarded to the Regional office |
names and the sign-in sheet should be signed by the trainer(s) to verify |
via the authorized staff member’s organizational email address. |
accuracy. Records must be kept for three years after grant closeout or final |
2. Item 15. Date. Enter the date the report is signed. |
audit, whichever is later. |
In the narrative report, grantees are to provide descriptive information about |
Grantees are required to submit form OSHA 171 in electronic format to their |
their progress in achieving work plans, any deviations from plans, and |
Regional Office by the end of the fiscal quarter as described in I. |
important activities. Reports should follow the format below. |
FREQUENCY OF REPORTING. All sections for the form must be filled out |
completely. |
A. Identifying Information. Provide the name of the grantee organization, the |
grant number that appears on the Grant Agreement face sheet for the |
V. OSHA FORM 171 |
current grant year, and the reporting period, which is the first and last |
dates of the quarter covered by the report. Example: from 4/1/21 to 6/30/21. |
A. Identifying Information. |
B. Capacity Building Activities (Required by Capacity Building Grants only) |
1. Item 1. Grantee Name. Enter the name of the grantee organization. |
Describe institutional capacity building activities conducted during the |
2. Item 2. Grant Number. Enter the grant number that appears on the |
quarter. Compare the timeframe of the activities to those presented in the |
Grant Agreement face sheet. |
approved grant application. |
3. Item 3. Reporting Period. Enter the first and last dates of the quarter |
covered by the report, for example, from 4/1/01 to 6/30/01. |
C. Needs Assessment (Required by Capacity Building Grants only). |
Describe the needs assessment process conducted during the quarter, |
B. Training Sessions |
the results of the needs assessment or update, and how the results will |
be used to develop training materials and training, as applicable. |
A training session is the presentation of occupational safety and health |
information to a group of people. Do not count conferences or needs |
D. Training. Describe efforts made to reach the target audience, to make |
assessments as training sessions. Use a separate line for each training |
them aware of the training, and to enroll them in training. Discuss the |
session. If necessary, continue on an additional form. Training sessions for |
training conducted during the quarter including the language of the |
the same group of trainees that are conducted on more than one day are not |
training session. Provide a summary of the subject matter, the type of |
to be reported until they are completed. Sessions are to be reported in the |
training (e.g., train-the-trainer, hazard recognition), and who attended |
quarter in which they end. A separate OSHA FORM 171 is required to be |
(e.g., employers, building trades workers). Provide aggregated ethnicity |
submitted for each type (or tier) of training conducted in a quarter. |
and race data details. |
1. Item 4. Date. Enter the date the training session ended. |
E. Training Materials/Curriculum. Provide information about training |
2. Item 5. Location. Enter the name (or two-letter abbreviation) of the |
materials in development and any training or assessment materials |
state where the training session was held. |
changes that are being made to improve the materials as a result of |
3. Item 6. Number in Attendance: Employees. Enter the number of who |
feedback. |
employees who attended the training session. An employee is a worker |
does not meet the definition of an employer. First-line supervisors |
F. Evaluation Activities. Discuss evaluation activities conducted during the |
are to be included as employees. Attendees not covered under the OSH |
quarter. Describe the results of the Level 1, 2, and 3 evaluations obtained |
Act cannot be counted. |
Only Capacity Building Developmental grants are required to conduct |
4. Item 7. Number in Attendance: Employers. Enter the number of |
Level 3 evaluations. Results should be summarized in the report. |
employers who attended the training session. An employer is a person, |
other than a first-line supervisor, who is responsible for the work flow |
G. Other Educational Activities. Discuss any educational activities that are |
of two (2) or more persons, including responsibility for rating the |
being conducted other than training or developing training materials. |
performance of those persons working for the employer. Attendees not |
Examples include on-site consultation, assisting an organization in the |
covered under the OSH Act cannot be counted. |
implementation of a safety program, or operating library services. |
5. Item 8. Number in Attendance: Total. Enter the sum of the entries in |
each of the columns 6. Employees and 7. Employers. This is calculated |
H. Planned vs. Actual. Describe progress in meeting plans as contained in the |
automatically in the electronic form once the number of contact hours |
approved grant. Specify where plans are not being met and discuss the |
for the training session is completed for column 9. Class Length. |
corrective action that is being taken to meet plans. Where corrective |
actions have already been taken, indicate if they were successful. In |
addition, discuss grant successes, either where plans were exceeded or |
where significant accomplishments were achieved. |
OMB No. 1218-0100 Previous Editions may not be used OSHA 171 Revised March 2025 |