Form FR 3066a FR 3066a Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Federal Reserve Payments Study


FR 3066a

OMB: 7100-0351

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FR 3066a
OMB No. 7100-0351
Approval expires July 31, 2025

The Federal Reserve
Payments Study
Depository and Financial Institutions
Payments Survey
Survey Period:
Calendar Year 2022

Responding to this collection is voluntary. The Federal Reserve may not conduct or sponsor, and an organization is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be an average of 22 hours per response, including the
time to gather and maintain data in the required form, to review the instructions and to complete the information
collection. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Secretary, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and C
Streets, NW, Washington, DC 20551; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (71000351, 7100-0355), Washington, DC 20503

About the study
The Federal Reserve Payments Study estimates national aggregate payments through the collection of survey data from
payment organizations and depository institutions. The study includes the Networks, Processors, and Issuers Payments
Surveys (NPIPS) and the Depository and Financial Institution Payments Survey (DFIPS). Aggregate results will be
compared to those of previous studies to track changes and identify trends in US payments.

About the survey
This survey, the 2023 DFIPS, gathers data about customer accounts and different types of noncash payments and cash
withdrawals processed by your institution for calendar year 2022. It is designed to be an enterprise-wide survey, covering
payments, withdrawals, and other information about the accounts held at your institution and all of its domestic affiliates.
In addition to the cover page and these instructions, this survey contains worksheets for the following categories
(completion percentages will update as you fill out the survey):
 Institution profile
 Check profile, payments, deposits, and outgoing returns
 ACH profile, originations, receipts, and outgoing returns
 Wire transfers originated
 Debit and general-purpose prepaid cards
 General-purpose credit cards
 Cash withdrawals
 Alternative payment initiation methods

Any information you provide for this survey is strictly confidential. Individual responses to the survey will not be shared
with the public or the industry.

Your participation
Your organization was selected to participate in this survey because it is one of the largest depository institutions in the
United States and represents a unique and important component of US payments. Your response is important for the
accuracy of aggregate estimates from the study. Note: If your institution outsourced payments processing to another
organization during calendar year 2022, please request the necessary data from that organization or provide them with
the survey so they may fill out the appropriate worksheets on behalf of your institution.

>> Please respond by: July 28, 2023 <<

Data entry
Please leave no survey items blank. Items left blank can be difficult to interpret and may generate follow-up questions.
If appropriate, please enter one of these alternatives:
* Enter "0" if the requested item is known to be zero. (Items that are not applicable to your institution are typically
equal to zero.)
* Enter "NR" if the requested item is known to be nonzero but cannot be reported.
2023 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Definitions and examples
Definitions and examples can be found in the CY2022_DFIPS_Glossary.pdf supplied with this survey.

A note about third-party fraudulent transactions:
This survey includes questions about the volumes of payments fraud, defined as cleared and settled payment
transactions that are determined by your institution to be initiated or altered by a third party not authorized to make the
payment with the intent to deceive for personal gain. This definition is deliberately narrow, applying to fraud vulnerabilities
in the payment types, initiation methods, or systems, themselves. Payments fraud does not include fraud performed by or
with the assistance of an authorized user or valid payments that happen to be part of a fraud scheme. Do not include
fraud attempts that were prevented before the payment was settled. Please report unauthorized third-party
fraudulent transactions that were recorded and recognized by your institution as fraud in calendar year 2022 (even if the
fraud occurred in the prior year).

Submitting the Completed Survey
1. If you have access to Zix secure encryption directly through your organization's email application: Please attach
this and any other completed survey workbooks to an email and send it securely via Zix encryption to
2. If you cannot use Zix secure email encryption directly but you have previously set up an account on the Federal
Reserve Board's Zix-based secure email portal: Please use your email address and the password you created
when you set up your account to logon to Then choose “Compose” from
the pull-down menu. Use the "Attach File" button to upload this and any other completed survey workbooks as
attachments to an email and send it to
3. First-time portal users, or if 1. or 2., above, do not apply to you: An email invitation is required to set up an account
on the Board's Zix portal. To receive an email invitation, please send an email from your email address to with "Request Secure Reply" in the subject line. An email invitation with a web link
allowing you to set up an account will be sent by the end of the next business day. You will be prompted to create
a password. (Please save your password for future use.) After you create a password, you should see the
invitation email from inside the portal inbox. You may select the message and follow
the instructions to upload this and any other survey workbook(s) as attachments in a reply to the invitation.
Note to portal users: Messages on the platform expire after 21 days. Follow the process in 2. if you have logged in to but cannot find a message to reply to in the portal.

If you have questions about the survey content or problems with the submission process, please contact
Please provide any comments in the box below:

2023 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Institution Profile

Institution Profile
Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
The first part covers transaction deposit accounts held by your institution. The second part covers general-purpose credit card
accounts held by your institution.
For each question below, average of monthly totals means the average end-of-month totals for each of the months in 2022.


Did your institution issue general-purpose prepaid cards and
hold accounts associated with them in 2022?
If "Yes," please include such accounts in totals, as appropriate, in items 2 and 3
below. If your institution partnered with another depository institution that issues
the card on your behalf (sometimes called a "white-label issuer") please report
"No" to this question.
If "No" please do not include such accounts in items 2 and 3 below. Report "0" for
item 3a below.
Note: Please ensure your answers on this page are consistent with answers
provided in the Debit and General-Purpose Prepaid Cards section. In particular,
your answer to item 1 in Deposit Accounts should be the same as your answer
to item 3 in that section.

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

Transaction deposit accounts (including Demand Deposit
Accounts (DDAs)) = 2.a + 2.b

(Average of monthly totals in 2022)

Include: Checking accounts, NOW accounts, share draft accounts, and generalpurpose prepaid card program accounts associated with cards for which your
institution is the issuer, including accounts of your individual customers or generalpurpose prepaid card program accounts managed by a third party.
Do not include: Non-transaction accounts (savings accounts, money market
accounts, certificates of deposits), prepaid card program accounts issued on your
institution’s behalf by another institution, credit card accounts, accounts of foreign
governments and official institutions, or accounts of other depository institutions.
Do not include balances reported in item 5 (retail sweep program accounts) or
item 7 (wholesale sweep program accounts) below.

2.a. Consumer accounts
2.b. Business/government accounts
Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

Transaction deposit accounts (including Demand Deposit
Accounts (DDAs)) (repeat item 2) = 3.a + 3.b

(Average of monthly totals in 2022)

3.a. General-purpose prepaid card program accounts
Include: Individual and pooled general-purpose prepaid card program
accounts for which your institution is the issuer. (Count each pooled
account as 1 account.)

3.b. All other accounts
2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Institution Profile

Did your institution or any of its affiliates employ the use of
a retail sweep program (i.e., reserve sweep program)
during calendar year 2022?
We use your institution's deposit balances as a sizing measure. Understanding if
your institution used a retail sweep program will help inform our estimates. Do not
consider wholesale sweep program accounts (i.e., corporate sweep program
accounts). If your answer is "No," please report "0" for item 5 below.


Retail sweep program accounts (i.e., reserve sweep program

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

(Average of monthly totals in 2022)
Include: Savings and money market deposit accounts associated with retail
sweep programs.
Do not include: Balances reported in items 2 and 3 above (transaction deposit
accounts), item 7 below (wholesale sweep program accounts), or accounts and
balances of any savings-type account not associated with transaction deposit
accounts under a sweep program.


Did your institution provide a wholesale sweep program (i.e.,
corporate sweep program) to your business accountholders
during calendar year 2022?

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Do not include: Retail sweep program accounts (i.e., reserve sweep program
accounts). If your answer is "No," please report "0" for item 7 below.

Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

Wholesale sweep program accounts

(Average of monthly totals in 2022)
Include: Corporate sweep accounts in which funds from your business
accountholders are swept overnight into investment instruments.
Do not include: Balances reported in items 2 and 3 (transaction deposit
accounts) and item 5 (retail sweep program accounts) above, or accounts and
balances of any savings-type account not associated with transaction deposit
accounts under a sweep program.


Did your institution issue general-purpose credit cards and
hold accounts associated with them in 2022?
If "Yes," please report the number of and balances for these accounts in items 9
and 10 below. If your institution partnered with another depository institution that
issues the cards on your behalf (sometimes called a "white-label issuer"), please
report "No" to this question and zero for accounts and balances in items 9 and
10 below.
Note: Please ensure your answers on this page are consistent with your
answers in the General-Purpose Credit Cards section. In particular, if your
answer is "No" to item 8 in Credit Card Accounts, please report "No" for item 1
and "0" for items 4 through 9 in the General-Purpose Credit Cards section.

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Institution Profile
Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

Total general-purpose credit card accounts = 9.a + 9.b
(Average of monthly totals in 2022)
Include: All general-purpose credit card accounts including zero-balance
active accounts with a credit line and the ability to transact.
Do not include: Closed accounts.

9.a. Consumer accounts
9.b. Business/government accounts
Average of monthly totals
in 2022
Balance ($)

Consumer general-purpose credit card accounts
(repeat item 9.a) = 10.a + 10.b + 10.c + 10.d
(Average of monthly totals in 2022)

10.a. With zero balance
(no current balance, no revolving balance)
10.b. With current balance only
(nonzero current balance, no revolving balance)
10.c. With revolving balance only (no current activity)
10.d. With current and revolving balances
= 10.d.1 + 10.d.2
10.d.1. Current balance
10.d.2. Revolving balance

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border checks. Please include third-party fraudulent checks, defined as
cleared and settled checks that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without the authorization, agreement,
or voluntary assistance of an authorized check signer.
The first part covers your institution's check profile, the second part covers check payments, the third part covers check deposits, and
the fourth part covers outgoing returns.


Did your institution outsource check processing to another
organization (i.e., its "processor") during calendar year


Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know

1.a. If your answer is "Yes, in all cases" or "Yes, in some
cases" to item 1 above, are you able to include these
outsourced portions in your answers below?


Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know
Not applicable


Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know


Yes, for all affiliates
Yes, for some affiliates
Don't know
Don't have any affiliates

If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 1.a below.

If possible, please report your institution's check volume processed by
another organization. If your answer is "No" to item 1.a above, please report
all check volume processed by your institution and explain in the comments
box at the end of this section.


Are you able to exclude non-check documents from "total
checks drawn on your institution" in items 5 below?
Non-check documents are "other" items processed on check sorters (e.g., batch
headers, general ledger tickets, cash-in or cash-out tickets, deposit slips). Even if
you are unable to exclude non-check documents, please report all check volumes
drawn on your institution, including non-check documents.


Are you able to report checks deposited at one affiliate of
your institution but drawn on another affiliate of your
institution as "on-us" volume in item 5.b below?
Some institutions call this "on-we" volume, which should be reported entirely under item 5.b
below if possible. Even if you are unable to report "on-us" volume in item 5.b, please report
all checks drawn on your institution in items 5 below.


Did your institution process checks for an unaffiliated
depository institution as part of a correspondent banking
relationship during calendar year 2022?
As a "correspondent bank," your institution holds balances for an unaffiliated
depository institution or "respondent bank" in a due-to account and performs check
clearing services on its behalf.

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Check drawn on your institution. Your customer is the payer.

Total checks drawn on your institution = 5.a + 5.b
5.a. Checks drawn on your institution for which another
institution was the "bank of first deposit"
5.b. "On-us" checks for which your institution was the
"bank of first deposit"

Value ($)



Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total checks drawn on your institution (repeat item 5)
= 6.a + 6.b
6.a. From consumer accounts
6.b. From business/government accounts


Third-party fraudulent checks drawn on your institution
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent check transactions
regardless of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" check is
considered cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the check was
cleared and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made
available to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's
accountholders (first-party fraud).

Check deposited with and collected by your institution. Your customer is the beneficiary.


Total checks deposited at your institution

Third-party fraudulent checks deposited at your institution
Include: cleared and settled third-party fraudulent check transactions regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" check is considered cleared
and settled if funds were made available to the receiving accountholder.)
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the check was cleared
and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made available
to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's accountholders (firstparty fraud).

All checks received for payment by your institution that were returned unpaid.

Total outgoing and "on-us" returned checks

All checks drawn on your institution that it returned unpaid to another institution
or to your institution's accountholder.

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey


Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only
be used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border ACH transfers. Please include third-party fraudulent ACH
transfers, defined as cleared and settled ACH transfers that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without
the authorization, agreement, or voluntary assistance of an authorized payer.
The first part covers your institution's ACH profile, the second part covers ACH originations, the third part covers ACH receipts, and
the fourth part covers outgoing returns.


Did your institution post transactions from other payment
instruments to your Demand Deposit Account (DDA) system
using your ACH platform during calendar year 2022?
Rather than maintaining an interface between your institution's DDA system and a
particular transaction processing system (e.g., signature-based debit card or wire
transfer), your institution creates a separate ACH entry to post each of those nonACH transactions.


Did your institution originate forward ACH credits (not
including returns or offset entries) during calendar year

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Did your institution originate forward ACH debits (not
including returns or offset entries) during calendar year

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Did your institution originate offset ACH debit or credit
entries during calendar year 2022?

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Some institutions refer to forward originations as "live items." If your answer is "No,"
please report "No" for item 5 below, and report "0" for items 6, 7, 8, and 9 and their
subsets below.


Some institutions refer to forward originations as "live items." If your answer is "No,"
please report "0" for items 10, 11, and 14.b below. (If you do not originate debit
entries, then you will not receive in-house on-us debit entries.)


 Yes
 No
 Don't know

An offset ACH entry is an on-us entry used to effect settlement by an originating
depository financial institution (ODFI). For example, when acting as ODFI for one
hundred credit entries for $1,000 each for a corporate accountholder, an ODFI might
originate a single $100,000 debit entry to draw funds from the originator's funding
If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for items 4.a and 4.b below.

4.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 4 above, are you able to
exclude offset ACH volumes from balanced files in
your answers below?
Even if you are not able to exclude all offset volumes from balanced files,
please report the number and value of your institution's forward ACH entries
and third-party fraud for all items below.
Balanced files contain offsetting entries that automatically credit or debit the
customer's Demand Deposit Account (DDA) for the debit and/or credit
transactions on the file. The debit and credit offset entries should equal the
value of the credit and debit originated entries respectively in the received file
from the accountholder.

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

 Yes, volumes exclude all
 Yes, volumes exclude
some offsets
 No, volumes include all
 Don't know
 Not applicable


4.b. If your answer is "Yes" to item 4 above, are you able to
exclude offset ACH volumes from unbalanced files in
your answers below?
Even if you are not able to exclude all offset volumes from unbalanced files,
please report the number and value of your institution's forward ACH entries
and third-party fraud for all items below.
Unbalanced files do not have an offsetting entry that automatically credits or
debits the customer's Demand Deposit Account (DDA) for the debit and/or
credit originated. After receiving the file from the accountholder, the originating
depository financial institution (ODFI) will then originate the offset entries to
balance the file. Most institutions prefer to receive unbalanced files.


Did your institution offer same-day settlement of ACH credit
originations during calendar year 2022?
If your answer is "No," please report "0" for items 8.a and 9.a below.

 Yes, volumes exclude all
 Yes, volumes exclude
some offsets
 No, volumes include all
 Don't know
 Not applicable


Don't know
Not applicable

Your institution is the originating depository financial institution (ODFI).
An ODFI is the depository institution that initiates and warrants electronic payments through the ACH network (or on-us)
on behalf of its customers. Some institutions refer to forward originations as "live items."


Total forward ACH credit entries your institution originated
(ODFI credits) = 6.a + 6.b + 6.c
Your customer is the payer.

6.a. Network

A network ACH entry is one that is cleared through a network operator
(i.e., the Federal Reserve or EPN). Please consider all network ACH
entries, including network on-us ACH entries (those for which your
institution is both the ODFI and the receiving depository financial institution
(RDFI)) and volume sent or received by a correspondent bank on behalf of
your institution via a network operator.

6.b. In-house on-us

An in-house on-us ACH entry is one for which your institution is both the
ODFI and the RDFI without the use of a network operator (i.e., the Federal
Reserve or EPN), for clearing or settlement. In-house on-us entries result
in the movement of funds from one account to another within your

6.c. Direct exchange

A direct exchange ACH entry is one that is exchanged directly between
your institution and another. Some institutions call these "direct send"
entries. Direct exchange does not include volume sent or received by a
correspondent bank on behalf of your institution. Correspondent volume
should be included with Network ACH entries.

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Value ($)


Total forward ACH credits entries your institution originated
(ODFI credits) (repeat item 6) = 7a + 7b
Your customer is the payer.

7.a. From consumer accounts
7.b. From business/government accounts

Total forward ACH credits entries your institution originated
(ODFI credits) (repeat item 6) = 8a + 8b
Your customer is the payer.

8.a. Same-day settlement
8.b. Non-same-day settlement



Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)

Forward ACH credit entries your institution originated and
identified as third-party payments fraud (fraudulent ODFI
credits) = 9.a + 9.b

Your customer is the payer.
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent ACH transactions regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" ACH transfer is considered
cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving accountholder.)
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the ACH was cleared
and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made available
to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's accountholders (firstparty fraud).

9.a. Same-day settlement
9.b. Non-same-day settlement

10. Total forward ACH debit entries your institution originated
(ODFI debits)
Your customer is the payee.

11. Forward ACH debit entries your institution originated and
identified as third-party payments fraud (fraudulent ODFI

Your customer is the payee.
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent ACH transactions regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" ACH transfer is considered
cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving accountholder.)
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the ACH was cleared
and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made available to
the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's accountholders (first-party

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey


Your institution is the receiving depository financial institution (RDFI).
An RDFI is the depository institution that accepts and posts ACH transactions to customer accounts.


Total forward ACH credit entries your institution received
(RDFI credits)


Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)

Your customer is the payee.


Forward ACH credit entries your institution received and
identified as third-party payments fraud (fraudulent RDFI

Your customer is the payee.
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent ACH transactions regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" ACH transfer is considered
cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving accountholder.)
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the ACH was cleared
and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made available
to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's accountholders (firstparty fraud).


Total forward ACH debit entries your institution received
(RDFI debits) = 14.a+ 14.b + 14.c
Your customer is the payer.

14.a. Network

A network ACH entry is one that is cleared through a network operator
(i.e., the Federal Reserve or EPN). Please consider all network ACH
entries, including those for which your institution is both the ODFI and
RDFI (i.e., network on-us ACH entries), and volume sent or received by a
correspondent bank on behalf of your institution via a network operator.

14.b. In-house on-us

An in-house on-us ACH entry is one for which your institution is both the
ODFI and the RDFI without the use of a network operator (i.e., the
Federal Reserve or EPN), for clearing or settlement. In-house on-us
entries result in the movement of funds from one account to another
within your institution.

14.c. Direct exchange

A direct exchange ACH entry is one that is exchanged directly between
your institution and another. Some institutions call these "direct send"
entries. Direct exchange does not include volume sent or received by a
correspondent bank on behalf of your institution. Correspondent volume
should be included with Network ACH entries.

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey


Total forward ACH debit entries your institution received
(RDFI debits) (repeat item 14) = 15a + 15b
Your customer is the payer.

15.a. From consumer accounts
15.b. From business/government accounts

Total forward ACH debit entries your institution received
(RDFI debits) (repeat item 14) = 16a + 16b
Your customer is the payer.

16.a. Same-day settlement
16.b. Non-same-day settlement

Value ($)


Value ($)

17. Forward ACH debit entries your institution received and
identified as third-party payments fraud (fraudulent RDFI
debits) = 17.a + 17.b

Your customer is the payer.
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent ACH transactions regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" ACH transfer is considered
cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving accountholder.)
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the ACH was cleared
and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not made available
to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's accountholders (firstparty fraud).

17.a. Same-day settlement
17.b. Non-same-day settlement


ACH outgoing debit returns (i.e., debit return entries your
institution originated including "on-us" debit returns)
Forward ACH debit entries your institution received and were subsequently
returned by your institution, the RDFI. Your customer is the payer for the forward
debit being returned.

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Wire Transfers
Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border wire transfers. Please include third-party fraudulent wire
transfers, defined as cleared and settled Wire transfers that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without the
authorization, agreement, or voluntary assistance of an authorized payer.

Your customer is the payer. Include wires for which your institution is the payer (referred to as "settlement/bank business").


Did your institution originate wires on behalf of an
unaffiliated depository institution during calendar year 2022
(i.e., correspondent volume)?

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

1.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 1 above, are you able
to exclude these volumes from your answers below?


If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 2.a below.
If your answer is "Yes, in some cases," please explain in the comments
box at the end of this section. Even if you are unable to exclude these
volumes, please report all wires originated by your institution below.


Did an unaffiliated depository institution originate wires
on behalf of your institution during calendar year 2022?
If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 2.a below.

2.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 2 above, are you able
to include these volumes in your answers below?
If your answer is "Yes, in some cases," please explain in the comments
box at the end of this section. Even if you are unable to include these
volumes, please report all wires originated by your institution below.


Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know
Not applicable

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know
Not applicable


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total wire transfer originations (outgoing) = 3.a + 3.b
Include: All wire transfers originated by your institution's U.S. domiciled
accountholders with either a domestic or foreign beneficiary. Include funds
transfers originated using the large-value systems (i.e., Fedwire and CHIPS).
Include payments that your institution's accountholders submitted and settled
through these systems directly or through a correspondent. Include book
transfers (i.e., internal transfers using your institution's wire platform).
Do not include: Wire transfers your institution originated on behalf of an
unaffiliated depository institution (i.e., correspondent volume).

3.a. From consumer accounts
3.b. From business/government accounts


Total wire transfer originations (outgoing) (repeat item 3)
= 4.a + 4.b
4.a. Domestic (U.S.) payee
4.b. Foreign payee

Wire Transfers


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total wire transfer originations (outgoing) (repeat item 3)
= 5.a + 5.b
5.a. Sent through a network (i.e., Fedwire or CHIPS) or a
correspondent bank
5.b. Book transfers (i.e., internal transfers using your
institution's wire platform)


Third-party fraudulent wire transfer originations (outgoing)
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent wire transfers regardless
of whether a loss is incurred. (A fraudulent "on-us" wire transfer is considered
cleared and settled if funds were made available to the receiving
Do not include: Fraud attempts that were prevented before the wire transfer
was cleared and settled, fraud attempts that resulted in frozen funds (funds not
made available to the perpetrator), or fraud committed by your institution's
accountholders (first-party fraud).

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Debit and General-Purpose Prepaid Cards
Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only
be used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border debit and general-purpose prepaid card payments made via
a general-purpose card network, including payments initiated with physical or virtual cards, digital wallets, or other methods. Debit
card payments use transaction deposits from a typical transaction deposit, share draft, or "checking" account. General-purpose
prepaid card payments use transaction deposits associated with a prepaid card program account. (Deposit accounts and balances
are reported in the first part of the "Institution Profile" section.) Please include third-party fraudulent debit and general-purpose
prepaid card payments, defined as cleared and settled payments that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal
gain without the authorization, agreement, or voluntary assistance of an authorized payer.


Did your institution have debit cards in circulation in 2022
for which your institution was the issuer?
If your answer is "No," please report "0" for items 5.a and its subsets, and 6.a


Did your institution offer its customers general-purpose
prepaid cards issued by another financial institution
during calendar year 2022?

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

2.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 2 above, are you able
to exclude card counts and transaction volume data
from general-purpose prepaid cards issued by another
financial institution from your answers below?


Did your institution have general-purpose prepaid cards in
circulation in 2022 for which your institution was the

 Yes
 No
 Don't know

3.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 3 above, are you able to
include all general-purpose prepaid card counts and
transaction volumes (as well as from
business/government general-purpose prepaid card
programs) in your answers below?


Did your institution provide virtual debit cards or virtual
general-purpose prepaid cards as a product/service in
2022 for which your institution was the issuer? (Note:
Virtual cards are different from digital wallets.)

 Yes, debit cards only
 Yes, general-purpose prepaid
cards only
 Yes, both debit cards and
general-purpose prepaid cards
 No
 Don't know

If your answer is "Yes," please exclude these volumes from all items below.


If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 3.a, and "0" for
items 5.b and 6.b below.


 Yes
 No
 Don't know

Virtual cards are used for online or over the phone purchases and do not
require the accountholder to have a physical card. Virtual cards may provide
greater security than a physical card because they use a unique card number
and may have an expiration date and security code that is only valid at specific
merchants or for a specific amount of time. Virtual cards may be issued for
single or multiple transaction use, and they may or may not be added to digital

Yes, ALL data are EXCLUDED
Yes, SOME data are EXCLUDED
No, ALL data are INCLUDED
Don't know

Yes, ALL data are INCLUDED
Yes, SOME data are INCLUDED
No, ALL data are EXCLUDED
Don't know

Debit and General-Purpose Prepaid Cards
Average of monthly totals
in 2022


In force



Value ($)


Value ($)

Number of physical debit and general-purpose prepaid cards
= 5.a + 5.b
(Average of monthly totals in 2022)
Report debit and general-purpose prepaid cards associated with transaction
deposit accounts reported in the Institution Profile section.
For cards in force, report only debit and general-purpose prepaid cards that can
be used at the point of sale, were issued by your institution, activated by your
institution's accountholders, have not expired at the end of a month, and draw on
the transaction deposit accounts reported in items 2 and 3 in the Institution Profile
For cards in force with purchase activity, report only debit and general-purpose
prepaid cards that had at least one point-of-sale (POS) and/or bill payment in a
month. Do not include cards that were only used to withdraw cash.
Average of monthly totals means the average end-of-month totals for each of the
months in 2022.

5.a. Debit cards = 5.a.1 + 5.a.2
5.a.1. Consumer
5.a.2. Business/government
5.b. General-purpose prepaid cards


Total debit and general-purpose prepaid card transactions
= 6.a + 6.b
6.a. Debit card transactions = 6.a.1 + 6.a.2
6.a.1. From consumer accounts
6.a.2. From business/government accounts
6.b. General-purpose prepaid card transactions


Total debit and general-purpose prepaid card transactions
(repeat item 6) = 7.a + 7.b
7.a. In-person transactions
7.b. Remote transactions

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Debit and General-Purpose Prepaid Cards


Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total debit and general-purpose prepaid transactions
(repeat item 6) = 8.a + 8.b + 8.c
8.a. In-person contactless card transactions

Include: Transactions for which a physical card or token was "tapped" to
pay at the POS terminal.

8.b. Digital wallet transactions = 8.b.1 + 8.b.2
8.b.1. In-person

Include: Transactions for which an electronic device, such as a
smartphone, smart watch, or activity tracker, was "tapped" or
"waved" to pay at the POS terminal (e.g., Apple Pay, Samsung
Pay, Google Pay, Fitbit Pay). Such payments are considered
contactless payments, but do not use a physical card or token.

8.b.2. Remote

Include: In-app transactions or browser transactions made with
a digital wallet. Browser transactions include both digital wallets
(e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay) and third-party
tokenized digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Amazon Pay, Square
Restaurants, Visa Checkout, Masterpass).

8.c. All other transactions


Third-party fraudulent debit and general-purpose prepaid
card transactions = 9.a + 9.b
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent card network transactions
before any recoveries or chargebacks (i.e., regardless of whether a loss is incurred).
Do not include: Fraud prevented by declining a transaction or fraud committed by
your institution's accountholders (first-party fraud).

9.a. In-person transactions
9.b. Remote transactions


Total debit and general-purpose prepaid cash-back at the
point of sale
Please report only the cash value ($) portion of the cash-back transaction (e.g.,
if a customer paid for $100 in goods at the point of sale using a debit or generalpurpose prepaid card and asked for $20 in cash back, please report one
transaction for Number and $20 for Value in item 10).
Do not include: ATM withdrawals or the amount paid for goods and services.

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

General-Purpose Credit Cards
Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border general-purpose credit card payments made via a generalpurpose card network, including payments initiated with physical or virtual cards, digital wallets, or other methods. General-purpose
credit card payments use funds from credit card accounts. (Credit card accounts and balances are reported in the second part of the
"Institution Profile" section.) Please include third-party fraudulent general-purpose credit card payments, defined as cleared and settled
payments that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without the authorization, agreement, or voluntary
assistance of an authorized payer.


Did your institution have general-purpose credit cards in
circulation in 2022 for which your institution was the issuer?
Include: General-purpose credit cards, charge cards, and co-branded cards for
which your institution owns the receivables. These can be cards that use any one
of the four major credit card networks (i.e., Visa, MasterCard, American Express,
and Discover).
If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for items 2, 2.a, and 3 and
"0" for items 4 through 9 and their subsets below.


Did your institution have co-branded credit cards in
circulation in 2022 for which your institution was the issuer?
If your answer is "Yes," please exclude "internal" (closed-loop, not using one of the
above four major credit card networks) volumes from items 6 through 9 and report
"internal" volumes in item 5 below. Please include "external" (open-loop, using one
of the above four major credit card networks) volumes in your answers to items 6
through 9 below.
If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 2a and "0" for item 5

2.a. If your answer is "Yes" to item 2 above and if your
institution had "internal" (closed-loop, not using one of
the above four major credit card networks) co-branded
credit card transactions, are you able to exclude these
volumes from your answers to items 6 through 9 below?
If your answer is "Yes, in some cases," please explain in the comments box
at the end of this section. Even if your answer is "No," please report data for
items 6 through 9 below and explain in the comments box at the end of this


Did your institution provide virtual general-purpose credit
cards as a product/service in 2022 for which your
institution was the issuer? (Note: Virtual cards are
different from digital wallets.)
Virtual cards are used for online or over the phone purchases and do not require
the accountholder to have a physical card. Virtual cards may provide greater
security than a physical card because they use a unique card number and may
have an expiration date and security code that is only valid at specific merchants
or for a specific amount of time. Virtual cards may be issued for single or
multiple transaction use, and they may or may not be added to digital wallets.
If your answer is "Yes," please exclude virtual cards from the counts in item 4
but include virtual card transactions for all items from item 5 through 9 and their
subsets below.

 Yes
 No
 Don't know


Don't know
Not applicable


Yes, in all cases
Yes, in some cases
Don't know
Not applicable


Don't know
Not applicable

General-Purpose Credit Cards


Number of physical general-purpose credit cards
= 4.a + 4.b

Average of monthly totals
in 2022
In force

(Average of monthly totals in 2022)
For cards in force, report only cards that had been issued by your institution,
activated by your institution's accountholders, and had not expired at the end of
a month.
For cards in force with purchase activity, report only cards in force that were
used to make at least one point-of-sale (POS) and/or bill payment in a month.
Average of monthly totals means the average of end-of- month totals for each of
the months in 2022.

4.a. Consumer cards
4.b. Business/government cards




Value ($)


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total general-purpose co-branded credit card non-network
transactions ("internal" closed-loop transactions)

Total general-purpose credit card network transactions
= 6.a + 6.b
Include: All network transactions made with general-purpose credit cards,
charge cards, or co-branded cards (network volume) issued by your institution.
Do not include: General-purpose credit card non-network transactions (e.g.,
balance transfers, convenience checks), co-branded credit card "internal"
closed-loop transactions, or cash advances.

6.a. From consumer accounts
6.b. From business/government accounts


Total general-purpose credit card network transactions
(repeat item 6) = 7.a + 7.b
7.a. In-person transactions
7.b. Remote transactions

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

General-Purpose Credit Cards


Value ($)


Value ($)

Total general-purpose credit card network transactions
(repeat item 6) = 8.a + 8.b + 8.c
8.a. In-person contactless card transactions

Include: Transactions for which a physical card or token was "tapped" to
pay at the POS terminal.

8.b. Digital wallet transactions = 8.b.1 + 8.b.2
8.b.1. In-person

Include: Transactions for which an electronic device, such as a
smartphone, smart watch, or activity tracker, was "tapped" to pay
at the POS terminal (e.g., Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Google Pay,
Fitbit Pay). Such payments are considered contactless
payments, but do not use a physical card or token.

8.b.2. Remote

Include: In-app transactions or browser transactions made with
a digital wallet. Browser transactions include both digital wallets
(e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay) and third-party
tokenized digital wallets (e.g., PayPal, Amazon Pay, Square
Restaurants, Visa Checkout, Masterpass)

8.c. All other transactions


Third-party fraudulent general-purpose credit card network
transactions = 9.a + 9.b
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent card network transactions
made with general-purpose credit cards, charge cards, or co-branded cards
(network volume only) issued by your institution before any chargebacks or
recoveries (i.e., regardless of whether a loss is incurred).
Do not include: Third-party fraudulent general-purpose credit card non-network
transactions (e.g., balance transfers, convenience checks), co-branded credit
card "internal" closed-loop transactions, or cash advances.

9.a. In-person transactions
9.b. Remote transactions

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cash withdrawals from circulation from your institution's domestic branches, and both domestic and cross-border
ATM cash withdrawals by your institution's customers from any ATM. Cash, also called currency, includes paper banknotes and coins.
Do not include banknotes and coins exchanged with the Federal Reserve or other supplier for maintaining cash inventory or any other
exchanges on your institution's own account. Please include third-party fraudulent ATM cash withdrawal transactions, defined as
cleared and settled ATM cash withdrawals that a third-party initiated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without the
authorization, agreement, or voluntary assistance of an authorized accountholder or cardholder.



Value ($)


Value ($)

Total cash withdrawals from your institution
= 1.a + 1.b + 1.c
1.a. Over-the-counter cash withdrawals

Cash withdrawals made at bank lobby teller window or drive-through teller.
Include: Cash withdrawn by a third party that is not paid out on behalf of
another depository institution (e.g., via a "check cashing" service).
Do not include: Cash paid out to a third-party on behalf of another
depository institution (e.g., an over-the-counter cash advance from a credit
card issued by another institution)

1.b. Cash orders at wholesale vaults and RCMTs
Cash withdrawals handled through armored couriers including vaults
operated by your institution or outsourced to an armored courier or other
third-party vault operator or made at remote currency management
terminals (RCMTs) at merchant customer locations.
Do not include: Banknotes and coin exchanged with the Federal Reserve
or other supplier for maintaining cash inventory or any other exchanges on
your institution's own account.

1.c. Total ATM cash withdrawals (your institution's
accountholder, any ATM) = 1.c.1+ 1.c.2
1.c.1. "On-us" ATM cash withdrawals (your institution's
accountholder, your institution's ATM)
An "on-us" ATM is any ATM owned or operated by your institution.

1.c.2. "Foreign" ATM cash withdrawals (your
institution's accountholder, "foreign" ATM)
A "foreign" ATM is any ATM not owned or operated by your


Total cash withdrawals from your institution (repeat item 1)
= 2.a + 2.b
2.a. From consumer accounts
2.b. From business/government accounts


Value ($)

Total ATM cash withdrawals (your institution's
accountholder, any ATM) (repeat item 1.c) = 3.a + 3.b
3.a. Domestic ATM cash withdrawals (your institution's
accountholder, any ATM in the U.S.)
3.b. Cross-border ATM cash withdrawals (your institution's
accountholder, any ATM outside the U.S.)


Third-party fraudulent ATM cash withdrawals (your
institution's accountholder, any ATM)
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent ATM cash withdrawal
transactions before any recoveries or chargebacks (i.e., regardless of whether
a loss is incurred).
Do not include: Fraud prevented by declining a transaction or fraud committed
by your institution's accountholders (first-party fraud).

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey

Value ($)

Alternative Payment Initiation Methods
Report aggregate data for all domestic affiliates for full calendar year 2022. All data you provide is strictly confidential and will only be
used to produce aggregate estimates.
This section covers all cleared and settled domestic and cross-border online or mobile bill payments and person-to-person (P2P)
transfers originated by your institution's consumer accountholders. Please include third-party fraudulent P2P transfer originations,
defined as cleared and settled P2P transfer originations that a third-party originated with the intent to deceive for personal gain without
the authorization, agreement, or voluntary assistance of an authorized payer.


Did your institution offer online or mobile consumer bill
payments during calendar year 2022?
Include: Bill payment transactions made from consumer accounts at your institution
and initiated via your institution's website or mobile application.
Do not include: Payments made through the biller's website.
If your answer is "No", please report "0" for item 2 below.


 Yes
 No
 Don't know


Total online or mobile bill payment transactions initiated by
institution's consumer accountholders

Value ($)

Include: Online or mobile consumer bill payments initiated through your institution's
bill payment platform.
Do not include: Bill payment transactions initiated through a different medium
(e.g., Zelle).


Did your institution offer an online or mobile person-to-person
(P2P) funds transfer system during calendar year 2022?
Include: P2P transfer originations made from consumer accounts at your institution
and initiated via your institution's website or mobile application.
Do not include: Transfers made through an external party's website such as
Venmo or Popmoney.
If your answer is "No," please report "Not applicable" for item 3.a and "0" for items 4
and 5 below.

3.a. If the answer is "Yes" to item 3 above, did your institution
offer an immediate payments option via an online or
mobile person-to-person (P2P) funds transfer system
during calendar year 2022?
Immediate payments are funds transfers sent with real-time or near-real-time
availability to recipient (30 minutes or less).


Total online or mobile person-to-person (P2P) transfer
originations = 5.a + 5.b
Include: P2P transfer originations made from consumer accounts at your
institution and initiated via your institution's website or mobile application (include
transfer originations made through digital payments network partners, e.g., Zelle, if
Do not include: Transfers made through an external party's website such as
PayPal, Venmo, or Popmoney.

 Yes
 No
 Don't know


Don't know
Not applicable


Value ($)


Third-party fraudulent online or mobile person-to-person
(P2P) transfer originations
Include: All cleared and settled third-party fraudulent P2P transfer originations
made from consumer accounts at your institution and initiated via your institution's
website or mobile application, before any recoveries or chargebacks (i.e.,
regardless of whether a loss is incurred).
Do not include: Third-party fraudulent transfers made through an external party's
website such as PayPal, Venmo, or Popmoney. Also do not include fraud
prevented by declining a transaction or fraud committed by your institution's
accountholders (first-party fraud).

Please provide any comments in the box below:

2022 Depository and Financial Institutions Payments Survey


Value ($)

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2025-02-20
File Created2024-09-30

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