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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
A. Introduction
Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
To address the effects of operating in extreme cold weather by ensuring
each Generator Owner has developed and implemented plan(s) to mitigate the
reliability impacts of extreme cold weather on its applicable generating units.
4.1. Functional Entities:
4.1.1. Generator Owner
4.1.2. Generator Operator
4.2. Facilities:
4.2.1. Bulk Electric System (BES) generating units. For purposes of this standard,
the term “generating unit” subject to these requirements refers to the
following Bulk Electric System (BES) resources: A Bulk Electric System generating resource identified in the BES
definition, inclusion I2 and I4; or A Blackstart Resource, identified in the BES definition, inclusion
Effective Date: See Implementation Plan for Project 2021-07 Phase 2.
B. Requirements and Measures
At least once every five calendar years, each Generator Owner shall, for each of its
applicable generating unit(s): [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: Long-term
1.1. Calculate the Extreme Cold Weather Temperature for each of its applicable
unit(s) and identify the calculation date and source of temperature data; and
1.1.1. If the re-calculated Extreme Cold Weather Temperature is lower than the
previous Extreme Cold Weather Temperature, the entity shall review and
update its cold weather preparedness plan(s) under Requirement R4
within six (6) months of the recalculation. If new corrective actions are
needed to provide the required operational capability under
Requirement R2 or R3, the entity shall develop a Corrective Action Plan
within 6 months of the recalculation.
1.2. Identify generating unit(s) cold weather data, to include:
1.2.1. Generating unit(s) operating limitations in cold weather to include:
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations Capability and availability; Fuel supply and inventory concerns; Start-up issues; Fuel switching capabilities; and Environmental constraints.
1.2.2. Generating unit(s) minimum:
Design temperature, and if available, the concurrent wind speed and
Historical operating temperature at least one hour in duration, and if
available, the concurrent wind speed and precipitation; or
Current cold weather performance temperature determined by an
engineering analysis, which includes the concurrent wind speed and
M1. Each Generator Owner will have evidence documenting its Extreme Cold Weather
Temperature calculation and design information, operating data, or engineering
analysis that supports its generating unit minimum temperature.
Applicable to generating units with a commercial operation date on or after October
1, 2027: Each Generator Owner, for each generating unit that has a calculated
Extreme Cold Weather Temperature at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees
Celsius) as determined in Requirement R1, and that self-commits or is required to
operate at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius), 1
shall: [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Long-term Planning, Operations
Implement freeze protection measures to protect Generator Cold Weather
Critical Components that provide the capability to operate at the unit(s)’
Extreme Cold Weather Temperature with sustained concurrent twenty (20)
mph wind speed for (i) a period of not less than twelve (12) continuous hours,
or (ii) the maximum operational duration for intermittent energy resources if
less than twelve (12) continuous hours; or
Develop a Corrective Action Plan(s) to add new or modify existing or
previously planned freeze protection measures to provide the capability to
operate at the unit(s)’ Extreme Cold Weather Temperature with a sustained
concurrent twenty (20) mph wind speed for (i) a period of not less than
Generating unit(s) that do not self-commit or are not required to operate at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit
(zero degrees Celsius), but may be called upon to operate in order to assist in the mitigation of BES Emergencies, Capacity
Emergencies, or Energy Emergencies during periods at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius),
are exempt from this requirement.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
twelve (12) continuous hours, or (ii) the maximum operational duration for
intermittent energy resources if less than twelve (12) continuous hours.
M2. Each Generator Owner will have dated evidence that demonstrates it has freeze
protection measures for its unit(s) in accordance with R2, or it has developed a
Corrective Action Plan for the identified issues. Acceptable evidence may include the
following (electronic or hardcopy format): Identification of generating unit(s)
minimum temperature under Requirement R1 Part 1.2.2 which is equal to or less than
the unit’s Extreme Cold Weather Temperature, documentation of freeze protection
measures, and Corrective Action Plan(s).
Applicable to generating unit(s) in commercial operation prior to October 1, 2027:
Each Generator Owner, for each generating unit that has a calculated Extreme Cold
Weather Temperature at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius) as
determined in Requirement R1, and that self-commits or is required to operate at or
below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius), 2 shall:
[Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Long-term Planning, Operations
Implement freeze protection measures to protect Generator Cold Weather
Critical Components that provide the capability to operate at the unit(s)'
Extreme Cold Weather Temperature; or
Develop a Corrective Action Plan to add new or modify existing freeze
protection measures to provide the capability to operate at the unit(s)'
Extreme Cold Weather Temperature.
M3. Each Generator Owner will have dated evidence that demonstrates it has freeze
protection measures for its unit(s) in accordance with R3, or it has developed a
Corrective Action Plan for the identified issues. Acceptable evidence may include, but
is not limited to, the following (electronic or hardcopy format): Identification of
generating unit(s) minimum temperature per Part 1.2.2 which is equal to or less than
the unit’s Extreme Cold Weather Temperature, documentation of freeze protection
measures, and Corrective Action Plan(s).
Each Generator Owner shall implement and maintain one or more cold weather
preparedness plan(s) for its generating units. The cold weather preparedness plan(s)
shall include the following, at a minimum: [Violation Risk Factor: High] [Time Horizon:
Operations Planning and Real-time Operations]
Generating unit(s) that do not self-commit or are not required to operate at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit
(zero degrees Celsius), but may be called upon to operate in order to assist in the mitigation of BES Emergencies, Capacity
Emergencies, or Energy Emergencies during periods at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius),
are exempt from this requirement.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
4.1. The lowest calculated Extreme Cold Weather Temperature for each unit, as
determined in Requirement R1; 3
4.2. The generating unit cold weather data, as determined in Requirement R1.2;
4.3. Documentation identifying Generator Cold Weather Critical Components;
4.4. Documentation of freeze protection measures implemented on Generator Cold
Weather Critical Components which includes measures used to reduce the
cooling effects of wind determined necessary by the Generator Owner to protect
against heat loss, and where applicable, the effects of freezing precipitation
(e.g., sleet, snow, ice, and freezing rain); and
4.5. Annual inspection and maintenance of generating unit(s) freeze protection
M4. Each Generator Owner will have evidence documenting that its cold weather
preparedness plan(s) was implemented and maintained in accordance with
Requirement R4. Examples of documentation to demonstrate a cold weather
preparedness plan may include existing operating procedures, plans, checklists, or
processes. Examples of documentation to demonstrate inspections and maintenance
have been completed may include, but are not limited to, completed work order(s)
from the Generator Owner’s work management system and/or freeze protection
checklists identifying the measures inspected and maintained.
Each Generator Owner in conjunction with its Generator Operator shall identify the
entity responsible for providing the generating unit-specific training, and that
identified entity shall provide annual training to its maintenance or operations
personnel responsible for implementing the cold weather preparedness plan(s)
developed pursuant to Requirement R4. [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time
Horizon: Long-term Planning, Operations Planning]
M5. Each Generator Operator or Generator Owner will have documented evidence that
the applicable personnel completed annual training of the Generator Owner’s cold
weather preparedness plan(s). This evidence may include, but is not limited to,
documents such as personnel training records, training materials, date of training,
agendas or learning objectives, attendance at pre-work briefings, review of work
order tasks, tailboards, attendance logs for classroom training, and completion
records for computer-based training in fulfillment of Requirement R5.
Each Generator Owner shall, for each generating unit that has a calculated Extreme
Cold Weather Temperature at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius)
as determined in Requirement R1 and that self-commits or is required to operate at
Generator Owners shall include the lowest calculated Extreme Cold Weather Temperature for the unit, even where
subsequent periodic re-calculations under Requirement R1 Part 1.1 cause an increase in the Extreme Cold Weather
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius), 4 develop a
Corrective Action Plan when the generating unit experiences a Generator Cold
Weather Reliability Event. The Corrective Action Plan shall be developed within 150
days or by July 1, whichever is earlier, and contain at a minimum: [Violation Risk
Factor: High] [Time Horizon: Long-term Planning]
6.1. A summary of the identified cause(s) for the Generator Cold Weather Reliability
Event, where applicable, and any relevant associated data;
6.2. A review of applicability to similar equipment at generating units owned by the
Generator Owner; and
6.3. An identification of operating limitations or impacts to the cold weather
preparedness plan that would apply until execution of the corrective action(s)
identified in the Corrective Action Plan.
M6. Each Generator Owner will have documented evidence that it developed a Corrective
Action Plan following a Cold Weather Reliability Event at an applicable unit in
accordance with Requirement R6. Acceptable evidence may include, but is not limited
to, the following dated documentation (electronic or hardcopy format): Corrective
Action Plan(s) and updated cold weather preparedness plan(s) where indicated as
needed by the Corrective Action Plan.
Each Generator Owner, for each Corrective Action Plan developed pursuant to
Requirements R1, R2, R3, or R6, shall: [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon:
Long-term Planning]
7.1. Include a timetable for implementing the selected corrective action(s) that shall:
7.1.1. List the action(s) which address(es) existing equipment or freeze
protection measures, if any, to be completed within 24 calendar months
of completing development of the Corrective Action Plan;
7.1.2. List the action(s) which require(s) new equipment or freeze protection
measures, if any, to be completed within 48 calendar months of
completing development of the Corrective Action Plan; and
7.1.3. List the updates to the cold weather preparedness plan required under
Requirement R4 to identify the updates or additions to the Generator
Cold Weather Critical Components and their freeze protection measures;
7.2. Implement the Corrective Action Plan in accordance with the specified
timetables in Requirement R7 Part 7.1;
Generating unit(s) that do not self-commit or are not required to operate at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit
(zero degrees Celsius), but may be called upon to operate in order to assist in the mitigation of BES Emergencies, Capacity
Emergencies, or Energy Emergencies during periods at or below a temperature of 32 degrees Fahrenheit (zero degrees Celsius),
are exempt from this requirement.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
7.3. Update the Corrective Action Plan action(s) and timetable(s), with justification, if
corrective action(s) change or timetable(s) exceed the timelines in Requirement
R7 Part 7.1; and
7.4. Document in a declaration, with justification, any Generator Cold Weather
Constraint that precludes the Generator Owner from implementing selected
action(s) contained within the Corrective Action Plan.
M7. Each Generator Owner shall have dated evidence that demonstrates it implemented
each Corrective Action Plan, including updating actions or timetables, or has explained
in a declaration why corrective actions are not being implemented in accordance with
Requirement R8. Acceptable evidence may include, but is not limited to, the following
dated documentation (electronic or hardcopy format): records that document the
implementation of each Corrective Action Plan and the completion of actions for each
Corrective Action Plan including revision history of each Corrective Action Plan and, if
applicable, justification to support any changes to corrective action(s) identified in the
Corrective Action Plan or timetables exceeding the timelines in Requirement R7 Part
7.1. For each Corrective Action Plan applying to multiple generating units, the
timetable shall reflect implementation at each unit addressed in the Corrective Action
Plan. Evidence may also include work management program records, work orders,
and maintenance records. Any declaration shall contain dated documentation to
support constraints identified by the Generator Owner.
Each Generator Owner that creates a Generator Cold Weather Constraint declaration
shall: [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Long-term Planning]
8.1. Review the Generator Cold Weather Constraint declaration at least every five
calendar years or as needed when a change of status to the Generator Cold
Weather Constraint occurs; and
8.2. Update the operating limitations associated with capability and availability under
Requirement R1 Part R1.2 if applicable.
M8. Each Generator Owner shall have dated evidence that demonstrates it performed the
review and updated operating limitations as needed. Acceptable evidence may
include, but is not limited to the following dated documentation (electronic or
hardcopy format): records that document the performance of the review and update
to the operating limitations, as needed.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
C. Compliance
Compliance Monitoring Process
1.1. Compliance Enforcement Authority: “Compliance Enforcement Authority” (CEA)
means NERC or the Regional Entity, or any entity as otherwise designated by an
Applicable Governmental Authority, in their respective roles of monitoring
and/or enforcing compliance with mandatory and enforceable Reliability
Standards in their respective jurisdictions.
1.2. Evidence Retention: The following evidence retention period(s) identify the
period of time an entity is required to retain specific evidence to demonstrate
compliance. For instances where the evidence retention period specified below
is shorter than the time since the last audit, the CEA may ask an entity to provide
other evidence to show that it was compliant for the full-time period since the
last audit.
The applicable entity shall keep data or evidence to show compliance as
identified below unless directed by its CEA to retain specific evidence for a
longer period of time as part of an investigation.
The Generator Owner shall retain data or evidence to support its current
Extreme Cold Weather Temperature calculation and generating unit cold
weather data, plus each calculation or revision since the last audit, for
Requirement R1 and Measure M1.
The Generator Owner shall keep data or evidence to show compliance for
three years, or until any Corrective Action Plan under Requirement R2 or R3
is complete, whichever timeframe is greater, for Requirements R2 and R3
and Measures M2 and M3.
The Generator Owner shall retain the current cold weather preparedness
plan(s), as evidence of review or revision history, plus each version issued
since the last audit and evidence of compliance since the last audit for
Requirement R4 and Measure M4.
The Generator Owner or Generator Operator shall keep data or evidence to
show compliance for three years for Requirement R5 and Measure M5.
The Generator Owner shall keep data or evidence to show compliance for
three years, or until any Corrective Action Plan under Requirement R6 is
complete, whichever timeframe is greater, for Requirement R6 and Measure
The Generator Owner shall keep data or evidence to show compliance for
three years, or until any Corrective Action Plan is complete, whichever time
frame is greater, for Requirement R7 and Measure M7.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
The Generator Owner shall maintain data or evidence to support its current
Generator Cold Weather Constraint declaration, plus each revision since the
last audit, for Requirement R8 and Measure M8.
1.3. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program: As defined in the NERC
Rules of Procedure, “Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Program” refers
to the identification of the processes that will be used to evaluate data or
information for the purpose of assessing performance or outcomes with the
associated Reliability Standard.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
Violation Severity Levels
Violation Severity Levels
Lower VSL
Moderate VSL
High VSL
Severe VSL
The Generator Owner did not
calculate the Extreme Cold
Weather Temperature and
identify generating unit(s) cold
weather data in accordance
with Requirement R1 for 5% or
less of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
calculate the Extreme Cold
Weather Temperature and
identify generating unit(s) cold
weather data in accordance
with Requirement R1 for more
than 5%, but less than or equal
to 10% of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
calculate the Extreme Cold
Weather Temperature and
identify generating unit(s) cold
weather data in accordance
with Requirement R1 for more
than 10%, but less than or
equal to 20% of its applicable
The Generator Owner did not
calculate the Extreme Cold
Weather Temperature and
identify generating unit(s) cold
weather data in accordance
with Requirement R1 for more
than 20% of its applicable
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) for its applicable
unit(s) meeting the criteria in
Requirement R2 for 5% or less
of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) for its applicable
unit(s) meeting the criteria in
Requirement R2 for more than
5%, but less than or equal to
10% of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R2 for
more than 10%, but less than
or equal to 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R2 for
more than 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan to implement appropriate
freeze protection measures for
5% or less of its applicable
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan for more than 5%, but
less than or equal to 10% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan for more than 10%, but
less than or equal to 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R3 for
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R3 for
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R3 for
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan for more than 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
have freeze protection
measure(s) meeting the
criteria in Requirement R3 for
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
5% or less of its applicable
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan as required by
Requirement R3 for 5% or less
of its applicable units.
more than 5%, but less than or
equal to 10% of its applicable
more than 10%, but less than
or equal to 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan as required by
Requirement R3 for more than
5%, but less than or equal to
10% of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan as required by
Requirement R3 for more than
10%, but less than or equal to
20% of its applicable units.
more than 20% of its
applicable units.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan as required by
Requirement R3 for more than
20% of its applicable units.
The Generator Owner
implemented a cold weather
preparedness plan(s) but failed
to maintain it.
The Generator Owner’s cold
weather preparedness plan
failed to include one of the
applicable Parts within
Requirement R4.
The Generator Owner had and The Generator Owner does
not have a cold weather
maintained a cold weather
preparedness plan(s) but failed preparedness plan(s).
to implement it.
The Generator Owner’s cold
weather preparedness plan
The Generator Owner’s cold
failed to include three or more
weather preparedness plan
of the applicable requirement
failed to include two of the
parts within Requirement R4.
applicable requirement parts
within Requirement R4.
The Generator Owner or
Generator Operator failed to
provide annual generating
unit-specific training as
described in Requirement R5
to the greater of:
The Generator Owner or
Generator Operator failed to
provide annual generating
unit-specific training as
described in Requirement R5
to the greater of:
The Generator Owner or
Generator Operator failed to
provide annual generating
unit-specific training as
described in Requirement R5
to the greater of:
one applicable personnel
at a single generating unit;
two applicable personnel
at a single generating unit;
three applicable personnel
at a single generating unit;
The Generator Owner or
Generator Operator failed to
provide annual generating
unit-specific training as
described in Requirement R5
to the greater of:
four or more applicable
personnel at a single
generating unit; or
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
• 5% or less of its total
applicable personnel.
more than 5%, but less
than or equal to 10% of its
total applicable personnel.
The Generator Owner
developed a Corrective Action
Plan, but not within 150 days
or by July 1 as required in
Requirement R6.
The Generator Owner's
Corrective Action Plan failed to
comply with one of the
elements in Requirement R6,
Parts 6.1 through 6.3.
more than 10%, but less
than or equal to 15% of its
total applicable personnel.
The Generator Owner's
Corrective Action Plan failed to
comply with two of the
elements in Requirement R6,
Parts 6.1 through 6.3.
more than 15% of its total
applicable personnel.
The Generator Owner's
Corrective Action Plan failed to
comply with three of the
elements in Requirement R6,
Parts 6.1 through 6.3.
The Generator Owner did not
develop a Corrective Action
Plan, as required by
Requirement R6.
The Generator Owner
implemented a Corrective
Action Plan, but failed to
update the Corrective Action
Plan when corrective action(s)
changed in accordance with
Requirement R7.
The Generator Owner
implemented a Corrective
Action Plan, but failed to
include a timetable for
implementing the selected
corrective actions meeting the
criteria of Requirement R7
Part 7.1.
The Generator Owner
implemented a Corrective
Action Plan, but failed to
implement the Corrective
Action Plan within the
specified timetable or failed to
update the Corrective Action
Plan, with justification, when
timetable(s) exceeded the
timelines in Requirement R7
Part 7.1.
The Generator Owner failed to
implement a Corrective Action
Plan or failed to document in a
declaration why corrective
actions are not being
implemented in accordance
with Requirement R7.
The Generator Owner failed to
comply with one of the
elements in Requirement R8,
Parts 8.1 through 8.2.
The Generator Owner failed to
comply with all of the
elements in Requirement R8,
Parts 8.1 through 8.2.
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EOP-012-2 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operations
D. Regional Variances
E. Associated Documents
Implementation Plan
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EOP-012-1 – Extreme Cold Weather Preparedness and Operation
Version History
October 1, 2024
Drafted by Project 2021-07
February 16,
Revisions drafted by Project 2021-07 due Revisions
to FERC Order and inquiry
February 15,2024
Board Adopted
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Final Ballot_EOP-012-1_clean |
Author | Alison Oswald |
File Modified | 2024-02-22 |
File Created | 2024-02-22 |