N-400 Copy Deck

N-400-018 83C Copy Deck v0.01 BiologicalSex-OMBReview.pdf

Application for Naturalization

N-400 Copy Deck

OMB: 1615-0052

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Form Number and Name
OMB Number
Form Edition Date:
Form Expiration Date:
PRA Project:

N-400, Application for Naturalization
N-400-018 83C

Revision Key


• All original (old) text is black.
• All revised (new) text is red.


• All original text is black.
• Any text that is removed from original column will
be removed in the revision column with the words
on either side indicated with red.



1. Oranges
2. Bananas
3. Apple
4. Pineapple

1. Oranges
2. Bananas

I want to eat a watermelon for lunch
and go hiking today.

I want to go hiking today.

3. Pineapple
4. Pear

Copydeck Version Info


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Body Text

File a Form

Select the form you want to file online. For some forms you will have the option to either fill out your form online or upload a completed form. Once you start,
we will automatically save your information for 30 days, or from the last time you worked on the form.
Fee waiver: Fee waivers can be requested online only when submitting certain benefit requests using the PDF filing option. If your desired benefit request is
not eligible for PDF filing, you must file a paper version of both the Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver and the form for the specific benefit you are
requesting. You can review the fee waiver guidance at www.uscis.gov/feewaiver.

Select the form you want to file online

Use this form to request to become a U.S. citizen through naturalization. Naturalization is the process you take to voluntarily become a U.S. citizen if you were born
outside of the United States.





Start form

Unauthenticated eligibility tool is the link


In general, you may apply for naturalization when you meet all the requirements to become a U.S. citizen. The following general eligibility requirements apply
to most naturalization applicants:
• You are at least 18 years of age when you file;
• You have been a lawful permanent resident of the United States for at least 5 years;
• You have demonstrated continuous residence in the United States for at least 5 years;
• You have lived in the U.S. state or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) district where you claim residence for at least 3 months before filing;
• You have demonstrated physical presence in the United States for at least 30 months (913 days);
• You demonstrate good moral character;
• You demonstrate an attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution;
• You demonstrate a basic knowledge of U.S. history and government (also known as “civics”) as well as an ability to read, write, speak, and understand
basic English; and
• You are willing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States, and you are well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States.

File a Form


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Field type

Instructional Text

Eligibility tool

Determine your

(beginning of tool)

Before you begin Form N-400, Application For Naturalization, please answer some simple
questions to find out if you can apply for Naturalization

Determine my eligibility


Go directly to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


These questions are solely intended to help you determine whether you may be eligible to submit the Application for
Naturalization (N-400). This tool does not determine if you are actually eligible for citizenship. After you submit your application,
USCIS will review your information and determine if you are eligible for citizenship through naturalization.

Go to the Application for Certificate of Citizenship (N-600)


Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(If determine my eligibility)
(if yes to U.S. citizen parent)

Were one or both of your parents a U.S. citizen when you were born?
You may already be a U.S. citizen

(if no to U.S. citizen parent)

How old are you?

18 or older
Under 18


(if under 18)

Are you a member of the U.S. armed forces?



(if no to member of armed forces)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


Did you serve honorably in active duty or reserve service in the U.S. armed forces?

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Yes, during a designated period of hostilities


(if yes to member of armed forces)

(if yes, during a designated period of

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Yes, for a year or more
Neither of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)





If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

You may need to file a different application if one or both of your parents are U.S. citizens. You may file the Application for
Certificate of Citizenship (N-600) if you were born abroad and one or both of your parents are U.S. citizens. You may also submit an
application if U.S. law automatically made you a U.S. citizen after your birth. You should learn more about obtaining citizenship
through your parents.



If user selects to go directly to form, move user to the N-600 Overview page

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


U.S. armed forces include the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and certain components of the National
Guard and the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.


U.S. armed forces include the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and certain components of the National
Guard and the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.


If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

View a complete list of periods of hostilities.

You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your interview or you must have been physically present at the
time of enlistment, re-enlistment, extension of service, or induction into the U.S. armed forces.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if yes, for a year or more to active duty) You may be eligible to apply for naturalization


You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your interview or you must have been physically present at the
time of enlistment, re-enlistment, extension of service, or induction into the U.S. armed forces.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if Neither of these apply to me)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if 18 or older)

Are you a member of the U.S. armed forces?



U.S. armed forces include the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and certain components of the National
Guard and the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.

(if yes to member of armed forces)

Did you serve honorably in active duty or reserve service in the U.S. armed forces?

Yes, during a designated period of hostilities


U.S. armed forces include the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and certain components of the National
Guard and the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.

[Blue alert]
[b] You served in the U.S. armed forces during a
designated period of hostilities.


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

[Blue alert]
https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about[b] You served in the U.S. armed forces for one year citizenship/citizenship-and-naturalization/i-am-a-lawfulpermanent-resident-of-5-years
or more.

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page




View a complete list of periods of conflict.

(if yes, during a designated period of

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Yes, for a year or more
Neither of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your interview or you must have been physically present at the
time of enlistment, re-enlistment, extension of service, or induction into the U.S. armed forces.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if yes, for a year or more to active duty) You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your interview or you must have been physically present at the
time of enlistment, re-enlistment, extension of service, or induction into the U.S. armed forces.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

[Blue alert]
[b] You served in the U.S. armed forces during a
designated period of hostilities.


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

[Blue alert]
https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about[b] You served in the U.S. armed forces for one year citizenship/citizenship-and-naturalization/i-am-a-lawfulpermanent-resident-of-5-years
or more.

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

(if Neither of these apply to me, go to
LPR question)

(if not a member of armed forces
if 18+ years of age AND member of
military AND answered "Neither of
these apply to me")

Are you a lawful permanent resident?



A lawful permanent resident is someone who has been granted permanent resident status in the United States under U.S.
immigration laws, and normally has a Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as an Alien Registration Card or referred to as a
Green Card).

(if no to lawful permanent resident)

Are you married to a U.S. citizen?



Select no if you are divorced or legally separated, if your marriage was annulled, or if your spouse is deceased.



Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if no to married a U.S. citizen)
(if not a U.S. national)

(if yes to a U.S. national)

Are you a U.S. national?
You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

You are required to reside in a state in a USCIS service district for at least 3 months before submitting your application. Any
[Blue alert]
time you resided in American Samoa or Swains Island counts as time in the United States for the continuous presence and physical [b] You are a U.S. national from American Samoa
presence requirements.
or Swains Island
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if yes to married to a U.S. citizen)

Select the statement that applies to you

First link: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-a-uscisoffice/field-offices

If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page
If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Second link:

I am married to a member of the U.S. armed forces who is stationed Radio
and living overseas
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is regularly stationed abroad as an Radio
employee or individual under contract with the U.S. government
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of Radio
an American institution of research recognized by the Attorney General
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of Radio
an American-owned firm or corporation engaged in the development of
foreign trade and commerce for the United States

(if married to armed forces member
stationed and living overseas)

Is your spouse an active duty member of the U.S. armed forces who is stationed and living

(if yes to spouse active duty)

Are you currently authorized to accompany and reside with your spouse overseas according
to his or her official orders, and do you intend to naturalize while abroad?

(if yes to authorized to accompany, and You may be eligible to apply for naturalization
intend to naturalize)

I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of
a public international organization of which the United States is a
member of by law or treaty
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as a person who
performs ministerial or priestly functions for a religious denomination or
an inter-denominational organization with a valid presence in the United
None of these apply to me




Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)




You are required to have official military orders that authorize you to accompany your spouse to his or her overseas station in
order to meet the continuous residence and physical presence requirements.
You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your USCIS interview.

[blue alert]
https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/learn-about[b] Your spouse is serving in the U.S. armed forces citizenship/citizenship-and-naturalization/i-am-a-lawfuland stationed overseas, and you are authorized to permanent-resident-of-5-years
accompany your spouse to the overseas station

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

Eligibility Tool


Column Header Descriptions
Color guide: Follow the same colors to track the question's path.
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Field type

(if no to spouse active duty)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


(if married to citizen with qualified

Do you intend to join your spouse overseas after naturalization?

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if yes to join spouse overseas)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your USCIS interview.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.
In order to apply for naturalization based on your spouse's overseas employment, you must intend to join him or her overseas.

(if no to authorized to accompany, and
intend to naturalize)

(if no to join spouse overseas)

(if married to U.S. citizen but none of
the overseas options apply to them)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if yes to lawful permanent resident)

Did you obtain LPR status under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as the spouse or
child of a U.S. citizen who subjected you to battery or extreme cruelty?



(if yes to VAWA)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if no to VAWA)

Before [date]


Between [date] and [date]
Neither of these apply to me


Are you married to a U.S. citizen?



(if neither of these)
(if YES to married to U.S. citizen)

Have you been married for 3 years or longer?



(if yes to married 3 years or longer)

Has your spouse been a U.S. citizen for 3 years or longer?



(if yes to spouse been citizen for 3 years Have you left the United States in the past 3 years?
or longer)
Have any of your trips outside of the United States been longer than 6 months?
(if yes to left US in past 3 years)





(if yes to trips outside US longer than 6
(if yes to moved in past 3 months)

Have you moved in the past 3 months?



You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on your travel history and where
you moved from

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if LPR between [date] and [date])

When did you become a lawful permanent resident?

Instructional Text



[blue alert]
[b] Your spouse is a U.S. citizen and is regularly
engaged in qualifying employment overseas

If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page
If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link


Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.
The date may be located on the front or back of your Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien Registration Card or
referred to as the Green Card), depending on when the card was issued.




You are required to be a lawful permanent resident (LPR), demonstrate continuous residence for 3 years after obtaining LPR status,
and live in a state or USCIS district for 3 months before you file your application.


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page
If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Select no if you are divorced or legally separated, if your marriage was annulled, or if your spouse is deceased.


Your eligibility may depend on the length of your international travel and the reason you were traveling. If you have been absent
from the United States for one year or more, you are required to have an approved Application to Preserve Residence for
Naturalization Purposes (N-470) before you apply for naturalization. You should learn more about continuous residence and
physical presence requirements for naturalization.

[blue alert]
First link:
[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/continuous-residence-andmore than 3 years and your spouse is a U.S. citizen physical-presence-requirements-for-naturalization
Second link:

Your eligibility may depend on where you moved from. You need to wait to apply if you moved to a new state or USCIS service
district in the last 3 months. You may apply once you have lived in your new location for 3 months.
You are required to have been married to and living with your spouse for the past 3 years and your spouse is required to have been
a U.S. citizen for the past 3 years.

(if no to married 3 years or longer)

(if married to armed forces stationed
(if yes to active armed forces living
(if yes to currently authorized to

Select the statement that applies to you

Is your spouse an active duty member of the U.S. armed forces who is stationed and living
Are you currently authorized to accompany and reside with your spouse overseas according
to his or her official orders, and do you intend to naturalize while abroad?
You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

I am married to a member of the U.S. armed forces who is stationed Radio
and living overseas
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is regularly stationed abroad as an Radio
employee or individual under contract with the U.S. government
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of Radio
an American institution of research recognized by the Attorney General
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of
an American-owned firm or corporation engaged in the development of
foreign trade and commerce for the United States
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as an employee of
a public international organization of which the United States is a
member of by law or treaty
I am married to a U.S. citizen who is working overseas as a person who
performs ministerial or priestly functions for a religious denomination or
an inter-denominational organization with a valid presence in the United
None of these apply to me




If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Third link:

Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.




You are required to have official military orders that authorize you to accompany your spouse to his or her overseas station in
order to meet the continuous residence and physical presence requirements.
You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your USCIS interview.

[blue alert]
[b] Your spouse is serving in the U.S. armed forces
and stationed overseas, and you are authorized to
accompany your spouse to the overseas station

Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if no to currently authorized to

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


(if no to active armed forces living

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page
If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

(if married to citizen with qualified
(if yes to join spouse overseas)

Do you intend to join your spouse overseas after naturalization?

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


You are required to be a lawful permanent resident at the time of your USCIS interview.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.
In order to apply for naturalization based on your spouse's overseas employment, you must intend to join him or her overseas.

(if no to join spouse overseas)

(if married to U.S. citizen but none of
the overseas options apply to them)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


Select the statement that applies to you

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
I was the spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces at the time of his
or her death and my spouse was a U.S. citizen


I am the child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
parent was a U.S. citizen
I am the parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
child was a U.S. citizen
None of these apply to me


If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

[blue alert]
[b] Your spouse is a U.S. citizen and is regularly
engaged in qualifying employment overseas


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


Eligibility Tool


Column Header Descriptions
Color guide: Follow the same colors to track the question's path.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav Tertiary Nav

Conditional logic



Field type

Instructional Text

(if spouse of a U.S. armed force and
spouse was U.S. citizen at death)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


[IF spouse] In order to be eligible as the spouse of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you are required to have been
[blue alert]
married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse at the time of his or her death. You must also show that your spouse died while [b] You are the spouse, child, or parent of a
serving honorably in active duty status. You may still be eligible for naturalization if you have remarried after your spouse’s death. deceased member of the U.S. armed forces who
was a U.S. citizen
[IF child] In order to be eligible as a child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your parent died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

(if child of armed forces and parent was

[IF parent] In order to be eligible as a parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your child died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

(if parent of armed forces and child was

[All] Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and
civics requirements for naturalization.

(if none of the above)

(if not married to U.S. citizen)

(if spouse of a U.S. armed force and
spouse was U.S. citizen at death)

You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Select the statement that applies to you

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


I was the spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces at the time of his
or her death and my spouse was a U.S. citizen
I am the child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
parent was a U.S. citizen
I am the parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
child was a U.S. citizen
None of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)



[IF spouse] In order to be eligible as the spouse of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you are required to have been
[blue alert]
married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse at the time of his or her death. You must also show that your spouse died while [b] You are the spouse, child, or parent of a
serving honorably in active duty status. You may still be eligible for naturalization if you have remarried after your spouse’s death. deceased member of the U.S. armed forces who
was a U.S. citizen
[IF child] In order to be eligible as a child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your parent died
while serving honorably in active duty status.


[IF parent] In order to be eligible as a parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your child died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

(if parent of armed forces and child was

[All] Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and
civics requirements for naturalization.
Are you a U.S. national?



You may not be eligible to apply for naturalization at this time

Learn more about the path to U.S. citizenship


You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


You are required to reside in a state in a USCIS service district for at least 3 months before submitting your application. Any
[Blue alert]
time you resided in American Samoa or Swains Island counts as time in the United States for the continuous presence and physical [b] You are a U.S. national from American Samoa
or Swains Island
presence requirements.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if LPR before [date])



(if LPR before [date] and no to left U.S. Have you moved in the past 3 months?
in past 5 years)
(if LPR before [date] and no to moved in You may be eligible to apply for naturalization
past 3 months)



Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if LPR before [date] and yes to moved
in past 3 months)

I was the spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces at the time of his
or her death and my spouse was a U.S. citizen
I am the child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
parent was a U.S. citizen
I am the parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
child was a U.S. citizen
None of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if spouse of a U.S. armed force and
spouse was U.S. citizen at death)

Have you left the United States in the past 5 years?

Select the statement that applies to you

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization



(if LPR and yes to left U.S. in past 5

Have any of your trips outside of the United States been longer than 6 months?



(if LPR and NO to trips outside U.S.
longer than 6 months)

Have you moved in the past 3 months?



(if yes to moved in past 3 months)

Select the statement that applies to you

I was the spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces at the time of his
or her death and my spouse was a U.S. citizen
I am the child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
parent was a U.S. citizen
I am the parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
child was a U.S. citizen
None of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


First link: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-a-uscisoffice/field-offices

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page
If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Second link:

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

[blue alert]
First link: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-a-uscis[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for office/field-offices
more than 5 years
Second link:

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Your eligibility may depend on where you moved from. You need to wait to apply if you moved to a new state or USCIS service
district in the last 3 months. You may apply once you have lived in your new location for 3 months.


[IF spouse] In order to be eligible as the spouse of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you are required to have been
[blue alert]
married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse at the time of his or her death. You must also show that your spouse died while [b] You are the spouse, child, or parent of a
serving honorably in active duty status. You may still be eligible for naturalization if you have remarried after your spouse’s death. deceased member of the U.S. armed forces who
was a U.S. citizen
[IF child] In order to be eligible as a child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your parent died
while serving honorably in active duty status.


[IF parent] In order to be eligible as a parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your child died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

(if parent of armed forces and child was

[All] Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and
civics requirements for naturalization.


Your eligibility may depend on where you moved from. You need to wait to apply if you moved to a new state or USCIS service
district in the last 3 months. You may apply once you have lived in your new location for 3 months.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

I am an employee or individual under contract to the U.S. government

If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link


(if child of armed forces and parent was

Select the statement that applies to you




(if LPR and YES to trips outside U.S.
longer than 6 months)

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

[IF spouse] In order to be eligible as the spouse of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you are required to have been
[blue alert]
married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse at the time of his or her death. You must also show that your spouse died while [b] You are the spouse, child, or parent of a
serving honorably in active duty status. You may still be eligible for naturalization if you have remarried after your spouse’s death. deceased member of the U.S. armed forces who
was a U.S. citizen
[IF child] In order to be eligible as a child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your parent died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

[All] Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and
civics requirements for naturalization.

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on where you moved from

If user selects to learn more about the path, direct them to the link

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

(if parent of armed forces and child was

(if yes to moved in past 3 months AND
none of these apply to me)




You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

[IF parent] In order to be eligible as a parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your child died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

(if spouse of a U.S. armed force and
spouse was U.S. citizen at death)



(if child of armed forces and parent was

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)




(if LPR before [date] and none of these You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on where you moved from
apply to me)



(if child of armed forces and parent was

(if yes to a U.S. national)




(if not married to U.S. citizen and none
of these apply to me)
(if not a U.S. national)



If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

[blue alert]
First link: https://www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-a-uscis[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for office/field-offices
more than 5 years
Second link:

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


I am performing ministerial or priestly functions for a religious
denomination or interdenominational organization with a valid presence in
the United States

Eligibility Tool


Column Header Descriptions
Color guide: Follow the same colors to track the question's path.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav Tertiary Nav

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Field type

Instructional Text



Your eligibility may depend on the length of your international travel and the reason you were traveling. If you have been absent
from the United States for one year or more, you are required to have an approved Application to Preserve Residence for
Naturalization Purposes (N-470) before you apply for naturalization. You should learn more about continuous residence and
physical presence requirements for naturalization.

[blue alert]
First link: https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/continuous[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for residence-and-physical-presence-requirements-fornaturalization
more than 5 years and [conditional reason]



I have been employed for 5 years or more by a U.S. nonprofit
organization that principally promotes the interests of the United States
abroad through the communications media
I am employed by an American institution of research recognized by the Radio
Attorney General
I am employed by an American-owned firm or corporation engaged in the Radio
development of foreign trade and commerce for the United States
I am employed by a public international organization of which the United Radio
States is a member by law or treaty (and my employment began after I
became a permanent resident)
None of these apply to me

(if employee under contract to the U.S. Have you moved in the past 3 months?



Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


(if ministerial or priestly functions)
(if employed by an American institution
of research)
(if employed by American-owned first
or corp)
(if employed by a public internation
(if yes to moved in past 3 months)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on your travel history and where
you moved from

Second link:

Your eligibility may depend on where you moved from. You need to wait to apply if you moved to a new state or USCIS service
district in the last 3 months. You may apply once you have lived in your new location for 3 months.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

(if employeed for U.S. Nonprofit)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

(if LPR, YES to trips outside US longer
Select the statement that applies to you
than 6 months, AND none of these apply
to me)

(if spouse of a U.S. armed force and
spouse was U.S. citizen at death)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


I was the spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces at the time of his
or her death and my spouse was a U.S. citizen


I am the child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
parent was a U.S. citizen
I am the parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces and my
child was a U.S. citizen
None of these apply to me
Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.


(if child of armed forces and parent was
(if parent of armed forces and child was

[All] Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and
civics requirements for naturalization.

(if LPR, YES to trips outside US longer
than 6 months, none of these apply to
me, AND none of these apply to me)

Have you moved in the past 3 months?



(if yes to moved in past 3 months)

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on your travel history and where
you moved from

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)


Your eligibility may depend on the length of your international travel and the reason you were traveling. If you have been absent
from the United States for one year or more, you are required to have an approved Application to Preserve Residence for
Naturalization Purposes (N-470) before you apply for naturalization. You should learn more about continuous residence and
physical presence requirements for naturalization.
Your eligibility may depend on where you moved from. You need to wait to apply if you moved to a new state or USCIS service
district in the last 3 months. You may apply once you have lived in your new location for 3 months.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.

Go to the Application for Naturalization (N-400)

[blue alert]
[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for
more than 5 years and you are engaged in
qualifying nonprofit employment

[IF spouse] In order to be eligible as the spouse of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you are required to have been
[blue alert]
married to and living with your U.S. citizen spouse at the time of his or her death. You must also show that your spouse died while [b] You are the spouse, child, or parent of a
serving honorably in active duty status. You may still be eligible for naturalization if you have remarried after your spouse’s death. deceased member of the U.S. armed forces who
was a U.S. citizen
[IF child] In order to be eligible as a child of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your parent died
while serving honorably in active duty status.
[IF parent] In order to be eligible as a parent of a deceased member of the U.S. armed forces, you must show that your child died
while serving honorably in active duty status.

You may be eligible to apply for naturalization, depending on your travel history

Third link:

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page



(if no to moved in past 3 months)

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page


Your eligibility may depend on the length of your international travel and the reason you were traveling. If you have been absent
from the United States for one year or more, you are required to have an approved Application to Preserve Residence for
Naturalization Purposes (N-470) before you apply for naturalization. You should learn more about continuous residence and
physical presence requirements for naturalization.
Your eligibility will also depend on your ability to establish good moral character and your ability to meet the English and civics
requirements for naturalization.


[blue alert]
First link:
[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/continuous-residence-andphysical-presence-requirements-for-naturalization
more than 5 years

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Second link:

[blue alert]
First link:
[b] You have been a lawful permanent resident for https://www.uscis.gov/citizenship/continuous-residence-andphysical-presence-requirements-for-naturalization
more than 5 years

If user selects to go directly to form, direct user to the N-400 Overview page

Second link:

Eligibility Tool


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N-400, Application For

Before You Start Your Application

Body Text




Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, is an application to become a naturalized U.S. citizen. Naturalization is the process you take to voluntarily become a U.S. citizen if you were born outside
of the United States.


You will need to select your basis for eligibility after you start your application. There is more information about specific eligibility requirements following these general eligibility requirements.
In general, you may apply for naturalization when you meet all the requirements to become a U.S. citizen. The following general eligibility requirements apply to most naturalization
• You are at least 18 years of age when you file;
• You have been a lawful permanent resident of the United States for at least 5 years;
• You have demonstrated continuous residence in the United States for at least 5 years;
• You have lived in the U.S. state or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) district where you claim residence for at least 3 months before filing;
• You have demonstrated physical presence in the United States for at least 30 months (913 days);
• You demonstrate good moral character;
• You demonstrate an attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution;
• You demonstrate a basic knowledge of U.S. history and government (also known as “civics”) as well as an ability to read, write, speak, and understand basic English; and
• You are willing to take the Oath of Allegiance to the United States, and you are well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States.

Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence

Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence
In general, you must show that you have been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act
(INA) in effect at the time of your admission or adjustment. This requirement applies to your initial admission as a lawful permanent resident (LPR) or adjustment to LPR status, as well as all
subsequent reentries into the United States.
In addition, you must show that you have not abandoned your LPR status. If you leave the United States and demonstrate you no longer intend to reside in the United States, that is abandoning LPR
Time as a Lawful Permanent Resident
In general, you must be a lawful permanent resident for 5 years before applying for naturalization unless you are:
• A U.S. noncitizen national (person born in American Samoa or Swains Island);
• Applying for naturalization based on service in the U.S. armed forces;
• Applying for naturalization based on being a spouse of a U.S. citizen, including the spouse of a U.S. citizen in qualified employment outside the United States; or
• Applying for naturalization under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) based on being a spouse or child of a U.S. citizen who battered you or subjected you to extreme cruelty.

[Accordion continued]
Lawful Admission for Permanent Residence

U.S. Nationals
If you are a U.S. noncitizen national (you were born in American Samoa or Swains Island), you may apply for naturalization without LPR status.
Residence of Students
Lawful permanent resident students who are eligible for naturalization may apply for naturalization either in the USCIS district where they go to school or in the USCIS district where their parents
live if they are still financially dependent on their parents.
Applicants for Naturalization Based on Military Service During a Period of Hostilities
If you apply for naturalization under INA section 329 (service during hostilities), you may apply for naturalization without LPR status, if you were in the United States or certain other specified areas
at the time of enlistment, reenlistment, extension of enlistment, or induction.
Conditional Permanent Residents
If you are a conditional permanent resident, you must file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, or Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident
Status, within 90 days before your conditional permanent resident status expires, unless you can establish good cause and extenuating circumstances for failing to file Form I-751 or Form I-829
during that time period. In most cases, you must have an approved Form I-751 or Form I-829 before we can approve your application for naturalization.

Eligibility Based on Marriage to a U.S. Citizen

Military members applying under INA section 329 and certain spouses of U.S. citizens employed outside the United States by qualified organizations under INA section 319(b) do not need an
approved Form I-751 or Form I-829.
Eligibility Based on Marriage to a U.S. Citizen
In addition to the general eligibility requirements listed above, you must meet certain requirements if you seek to naturalize based on your marriage to a U.S. citizen. If you or your spouse were
previously married, you must demonstrate that all of your and your spouse’s previous marriages were lawfully terminated.
Generally, to qualify for naturalization based on marriage to a U.S. citizen, you must meet these requirements at the time you file your application:
• You must be legally married to a U.S. citizen who resides in the United States, and you must remain legally married to the U.S. citizen until you take the Oath of Allegiance;
• You must have been living in marital union with your U.S. citizen spouse for at least 3 years;
• Your spouse must have been a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years; and
• You must have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 3 years.

Application Overview



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Eligibility for the Spouse, Former Spouse, or Child of a U.S. Citizen under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Any person who obtained LPR status as the spouse or child of a U.S. citizen who subjected the person to battery or extreme cruelty may naturalize under the spousal provision without having to live
in marital union for at least 3 years.

Eligibility for the Spouse, Former Spouse, or
Child of a U.S. Citizen under the Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA)
To qualify you must:
• Have obtained LPR status based on:
- An approved Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, as the self-petitioning spouse, intended spouse, or child of an abusive U.S. citizen;
- An approved Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, as the self-petitioning spouse, intended spouse, or child of an abusive LPR, if the abusive spouse naturalizes
after the petition has been approved;
- Special rule cancellation of removal for abused spouses and children in cases where the applicant was the child, spouse, or intended spouse of a U.S. citizen, who subjected him or her to battery
or extreme cruelty;
- An approved Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant as the derivative child of a self-petitioning spouse of a U.S. citizen who was battered or subjected to extreme
cruelty by a U.S. citizen spouse; or
- An approved Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, for a conditional permanent resident, filed as a waiver of the joint filing requirement, if the marriage was entered into in
good faith and the spouse, intended spouse, or child was subjected to battery or extreme cruelty by the petitioning citizen spouse or parent.
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Continuously reside in the United States for at least 3 years after obtaining lawful permanent residence;
• Be physically present in the United States for at least 18 months during the 3 years immediately before filing your application;
• Live in the state or USCIS district with jurisdiction over your place of residence for at least 3 months before filing your application; and
• Demonstrate good moral character for at least 3 years before filing your application.



First link:
Second link:

Note: Evidence of the spouse's U.S. citizenship, marriage to the U.S. citizen, divorce or separation, or marital union is NOT required if you obtained LPR status as the spouse, former spouse, or
intended spouse of a U.S. citizen who subjected you to battery or extreme cruelty.

Eligibility for the Spouse of a U.S. Citizen
Working for a Qualified Employer Outside the
United States

Eligibility for the Spouse of a U.S. Citizen Working for a Qualified Employer Outside the United States
In addition to some of the general eligibility requirements listed above, you must meet certain requirements if you seek to naturalize based on your U.S. citizen spouse working for a qualified
employer outside the United States (INA section 319(b)).


• You must be legally married to a U.S. citizen who is working outside the United States for a qualified employer;
• Your U.S. citizen spouse’s qualified employment outside the United States must be scheduled to last for at least 1 year after the time you file Form N-400;
• You must be a lawful permanent resident when you file your application for naturalization;
• You must declare in good faith an intention to reside in the United States immediately after your spouse’s qualified employment outside the United States ends;
• You must be present in the United States when you take the Oath of Allegiance; and
• You must establish that you will join your U.S. citizen spouse within 30 to 45 days after you are naturalized.
If you meet these requirements, you are not required to show any prior residence or period of physical presence within the United States or any state or USCIS district. You must be present in the
United States at the time of your interview and naturalization. In this form, you will be able to select the USCIS field office where you would like to have your naturalization interview. You can find
a list of USCIS field offices here.


Eligibility for the Spouse of a Member of the U.S. Armed Forces
If you are the lawful permanent resident spouse of a member of the U.S. armed forces, you are authorized to accompany the member and reside abroad with him or her on official orders, and you
Eligibility for the Spouse of a Member of the U.S. are residing outside the United States with your spouse in marital union, you may be eligible to complete the entire naturalization process outside the United States.
Armed Forces
Provide the following evidence:
• Documentation you are authorized to accompany the member under his or her official orders; and
• Documentation of his or her military service with the U.S. armed forces.

Application Overview



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Eligibility for Current and Former Members of the U.S. Armed Forces
Some applicants may qualify for naturalization based on current or previous military service. If you are or were a member of the U.S. armed forces, certain naturalization requirements may not
apply to you. You are still required to comply with the English and civics requirements.

Eligibility for Current and Former Members of
the U.S. Armed Forces




If you are a current member of the U.S. armed forces, you may be eligible to complete the entire naturalization process outside the United States. You can learn more about the requirements for
current members here.
Military basis of eligibility to qualify under INA section 328:
• Have at least 1 year of honorable service in the U.S. armed forces at any time;
- If separated, all separations were under honorable conditions.
• Be at least 18 years of age;
• Have obtained LPR status at the time of your naturalization interview;
• Demonstrate good moral character for at least 5 years before filing your application, and until the time of your naturalization; and
• Demonstrate continuous residence during any period when you were not serving within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing.
- If you file 6 months or more after you separate from the U.S. armed forces, you must show 5 years of continuous residence and 30 months of physical presence in the United States out of the 5
years immediately preceding the date of filing the application.
- Honorable military service during the 5-year period meets the continuous residence and physical presence requirements in the United States.
Note: INA section 328 filers are exempt from physical presence requirements if they are still serving in the U.S. armed forces or within 6 months of separation.

[Accordion continued]
Eligibility for Current and Former Members of
the U.S. Armed Forces

Military basis of eligibility to qualify under INA section 329:
• Have honorable service in active duty or in the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve of the U.S. armed forces during a designated period of hostilities;
- If separated from qualifying period of service, separated under honorable conditions.
• Either you are an LPR, or you were physically present at the time of enlistment, reenlistment, extension of service, or induction into the U.S. armed forces:
- In the United States or the Canal Zone, American Samoa, or Swains Island; or
- On board a public vessel owned or operated by the United States for noncommercial service.
• Demonstrate good moral character for at least 1 year before filing your application, and until the time of your naturalization.
Note: There is no age requirement to qualify for INA section 329. INA section 329 filers are also exempt from the general naturalization requirements of continuous residence and physical presence.
Designated periods of hostilities are:
• September 1, 1939 to December 31, 1946;
• June 25, 1950 to July 1, 1955;
• February 28, 1961 to October 15, 1978;
• August 2, 1990 to April 11, 1991; and
• September 11, 2001 to Present.

Physical Presence Requirements

Physical Presence Requirements
Certain applicants must meet physical presence requirements in the United States. Physical presence refers to the number of days you must be physically present in the United States during the
period of continuous residence required before you file Form N-400.
In general, you must have been physically present in the United States for a period or periods totaling at least half of the required continuous residence period. We will count the day that you
depart from the United States and the day you return as days of physical presence within the United States for naturalization purposes.
The following are common bases of eligibility for naturalization, and if applicable, how long a person eligible under those provisions must have been present in the United States:
• If you have been a lawful permanent resident for 5 years (general provision), then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.
• If you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen, then you must have been present in the United States for 18 months (548 days) during the past 3 years.
• If you were a member of the U.S. armed forces for at least 1 year but did not serve during a designated period of hostilities and separated from service more than 6 months before applying for
naturalization, then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.
• If you are a U.S. Government employee or contractor outside the United States, then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.
• If you are employed outside the United States in a religious vocation, then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.
• If you are employed by or under contract with the Chief of Mission (Department of State) or the U.S. armed forces as an interpreter, translator, or in a security-related position (executive or
manager), then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.
• If you are a U.S. national, then you must have been present in the United States for 30 months (913 days) during the past 5 years.

Application Overview



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[Accordion continued]

There is no physical presence requirement (and no requirement to file Form N-470) if you are applying as:
• A currently serving member of the U.S. armed forces or a former service member who separated from service within 6 months of applying for naturalization;
• A former service member who served in an active-duty status in the U.S. armed forces or as a member of the Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve during a designated period of hostilities;
• The spouse of a U.S. citizen currently residing outside the United States, if your spouse is employed outside the U.S. in a religious vocation or by the U.S. Government, an American institution of
research, certain American firms or corporations, or certain public international organizations; or
• An employee of a U.S. nonprofit organization that principally promotes the interests of the United States outside the United States through the communications media.

Physical Presence Requirements




Note: Time spent outside the United States in the U.S. armed forces counts as time spent in the United States.
Note: If you are a U.S. Government employee or contracter outside the United States, you are exempt from the physical presence requirement, if you have an approved Form N-470. You must have
had 1 year of uninterrupted physical presence before you filed Form N-470.
Note: If you are employed in a religious vocation, with an approved Form N-470, your time outside the U.S. counts as time in the United States. You must have 1 year of uninterrupted physical
presence in the United States before you file Form N-400.
Note: Your entire period outside the United States may count as physical presence in the United States if you are engaged in qualifying employment for any portion of the period outside the United
Note: Time in American Samoa or Swains Island counts as time in the United States.
Good Moral Character

Naturalization Testing and Exceptions

Good Moral Character
Good Moral Character (GMC) means character that measures up to the standards of average citizens of the community in which the applicant resides. In general, an applicant must show that he or
she has been and continue to be a person of GMC during the required period (for example, 5 years if you are applying based on 5 years as a lawful permanent resident or 3 years if you are applying
as the spouse of a U.S. citizen) prior to filing and up to the time of the Oath of Allegiance.
Naturalization Testing and Exceptions
Almost all applicants for naturalization must take a naturalization test to demonstrate that they are able to read, write, speak, and understand English, and that they have a basic knowledge of civics
(U.S. history and government). You do not have to take the English reading, writing, speaking and understanding test, and you can take the civics test in a language of your choice if at the time you
file your application:
• You are 50 years of age or older and have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 20 years; or
• You are age 55 years of age or older and have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 15 years.

First Link:

Second link:

If you are 65 years of age or older and have been a lawful permanent resident for at least 20 years, you may take a simplified version of the civics test. Learn more about the civics test here.
You may be eligible for an exception to the English language test or civics test or both if you have a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment that has lasted, or is expected to last,
12 months or more. If you are requesting a medical exception to the English language and civics tests, answer “Yes” to the question in the Requests for Accommodations page in the About You
section. You will also need to submit a completed Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions, with your Form N-400. You can find and download Form N-648 here.
Note: If you need an interpreter and you qualify for an exception to the English part of the test, you must bring an interpreter to the interview.
Legal Guardian, Surrogate, or Designated Representative
If you cannot undergo any part of the naturalization process because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment, you may have a legal guardian, a surrogate, or an eligible
designated representative complete the naturalization process for you.

Oath of Allegiance

Oath of Allegiance
If USCIS approves your application, you must take the Oath of Allegiance to become a U.S. citizen. In limited cases, you may take a modified Oath.
Modification to the Oath
You may request a modification to portions of the Oath requiring you to bear arms on behalf of the United States or perform noncombatant service in the U.S. armed forces if you have a religious or
conscientious objection to those portions. You may not request a modification to the portion of the Oath requiring you to perform work of national importance under civilian direction. You may
provide, but we do not require, an attestation from an organization, a witness statement, or any other evidence to support your objection to bear arms or perform noncombatant service.
You may request to substitute the words “solemnly affirm” for the words “on oath” and omit “so help me God.” You may request this affirmation instead of an Oath for any reason without
Oath Waiver
You may receive a waiver of the Oath of Allegiance if you are unable to understand or to communicate an understanding of the meaning of the Oath because of a physical or developmental
disability or mental impairment.

Application Overview



Column Header Descriptions
Heading: The primary heading on a page, typically the first part of a section of the page.
Sub-Heading: The secondary header, typically directly underneath the Heading.
N i ti
f th f
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Early Filing

Conditional Logic

Body Text
Early Filing
If you are applying based on lawful permanent residence for 5 years, you may generally file your application up to 90 days before meeting the required 5-year period of continuous residence as a
lawful permanent resident. If you are applying based on your marriage to a U.S. citizen, you may generally file up to 90 days before meeting the required 3-year period of continuous residence as a
lawful permanent resident.




However, applicants filing up to 90 days before meeting the continuous residence requirement must still meet all other requirements for naturalization at the time of filing Form N-400. If these
requirements are not met at the 90-day period, the applicant must wait to file until the requirement is met, otherwise, the application will be rejected or denied. For example:
• If you are applying under Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 319(a) as the spouse of a U.S. citizen, you must have been married to a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years at the time you file
Form N-400; or
• If you request an exception to the English testing requirements, you must meet the requirements for the exception (age and years as a lawful permanent resident) when you file Form N-400.
Use the USCIS Early Filing Calculator to ensure that you file your Form N-400 no earlier than 90 days before you complete the required period.
Note: We will reject your application if you submit it too early.


We will automatically calculate the cost for you when you submit your application. For specific information about fees applicable to this form, see Form G-1055.
Note: Current and former members of the U.S. armed forces filing under INA section 328 or 329 are not required to pay the filing fee or the biometric services fee.

Form G-1055:

Fee reduction: If you are requesting a fee reduction, you cannot file online. You must file a paper version of Form N-400, Application for Naturalization.

Form I-912 fee waiver:

Fee waiver: If you are requesting a fee waiver, you cannot file online. You must file a paper version of both the Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, and Form N-400, Application for
Naturalization. You can review the fee waiver guidance at www.uscis.gov/feewaiver.

Form N-400:

Refund policy: USCIS does not refund fees, regardless of any action we take on your application, petition or request, or how long USCIS takes to reach a decision. By continuing this transaction,
you acknowledge that you must submit fees in the exact amount and that you are paying the fees for a government service.

Fee waiver:

Please refer to the instructions for the form(s) you are filing for additional information or you may call the USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283. For TTY (deaf or hard of hearing) 800-767-1833.

Filing online

Submitting your application online is the same as mailing in a completed paper form. They both gather the same information.

Documents you may need

We will automatically determine which documents you need to provide us as you fill out your application. At the time of filing, you must submit all evidence and supporting documentation

Biometric services appointment

USCIS may require you to appear for an interview and provide biometrics (fingerprints, photograph, and/or signature) at any time to verify your identity, obtain additional information, and conduct
background and security checks, including a check of criminal history records maintained by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), before making a decision on your application or petition. If we
determine that a biometric services appointment is necessary, we will send you an appointment notice with the date, time, and location of your appointment. If you are currently overseas, your
notice will instruct you to contact a U.S. Embassy, U.S. Consulate, or USCIS office outside the United States to set up an appointment.
At your biometrics appointment, you must sign an oath reaffirming that:
• You provided or authorized all information in the application;
• You reviewed and understood all of the information contained in, and submitted with, the application; and
• All of this information was complete, true, and correct at the time of filing.
If you do not attend your biometric services appointment, we may deny your application.

After You Submit Your Application

Track your case status online

After you submit your form, you can track its status through your USCIS account. Sign into your account often to check your case status and read any important messages from USCIS.

Respond to requests for information
Provide your biometrics
Attend your interview

If we need more information from you, we will send you a Request for Evidence (RFE) or a Request for Information (RFI). You can respond to our request and upload your documents through your
We will contact you to schedule an appointment at an Application Support Center near you. At the appointment, we will get your fingerprints, photograph, and signature.
After your biometrics appointment, we will schedule your interview at a local USCIS field office (unless you qualify for a special accommodation). At the interview, you will answer questions about
your application and take the civics and English tests as required.
Once your application is approved, you will be ready to take the Oath of Allegiance. At your naturalization ceremony, you will return your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card), answer questions
about your activity since the interview, take the Oath of Allegiance, and get your Certificate of Naturalization.
You should answer all questions in the Getting Started section first so we can best customize the rest of your online form experience.

Take the Oath of Allegiance
Completing Your Form Online

Complete the Getting Started section
Provide as many responses as you can
We will automatically save your

You should provide as many responses as you can. Incomplete fields or sections and missing information can slow down the process after you submit your form.
We will automatically save your information when you select next to go to a new page or navigate to another section of the form. We will save your information for 30 days from today, or from the
last time you worked on the form.

Application Overview



Column Header Descriptions
Heading: The primary heading on a page, typically the first part of a section of the page.
Sub-Heading: The secondary header, typically directly underneath the Heading.
N i ti
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Conditional Logic

Body Text

How to continue filling out your form

After you start your form, you can sign into your account to continue where you left off.

DHS Privacy Notice

AUTHORITIES: USCIS is collecting the information requested on this application, and the associated evidence, under INA sections 103, 316, 319, 325, 328, 329, 332, 334, 335, and 336.




PURPOSE: The primary purpose for providing the requested information on this application is to determine if you have established eligibility for naturalization. DHS uses the information you provide
to grant or deny the immigration benefit you are seeking. DHS may also use the information you provide to determine your eligibility for any public recognition program at the discretion
DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information, including your Social Security number (if applicable), and any requested evidence,
may delay a final decision or result in USCIS denying your application.

Social Security Administration Privacy
Act Statement

FBI Privacy Notice

ROUTINE USES: DHS may, where allowable under relevant confidentiality provisions, share the information you provide on this application and any additional requested evidence with other
Federal, state, local, and foreign government agencies and authorized organizations. DHS follows approved routine uses described in the associated published system of records notices [DHS/USCIS001 - Alien File, Index, and National File Tracking System, DHS/USCIS-007 - Benefits Information System, and DHS/USCIS-018 Immigration Biometric and Background Check System]. For further
details on relevant information sharing practices, see the published privacy impact assessments [DHS/USCIS/PIA-015 Computer Linked Application Information Management System and
DHS/USCIS/PIA-056 USCIS Electronic Immigration System] which you can find at www.dhs.gov/privacy. DHS may also share this information, as appropriate, for law enforcement purposes or in the
interest of national security.


SSA Privacy Act Statement Sections 205(c) and 702 of the Social Security Act authorizes SSA to collect information to assign you an SSN and issue a Social Security card. The information you furnish
on this application is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information may prevent SSA from issuing you an SSN and Social Security card. SSA will maintain the information used to
assign you an SSN and issue you a Social Security card in SSA’s system of records [Master Files of Social Security Number (SSN) Holders and SSN Applications, 60-0058].


Find the complete lists of approved routine uses for the information used to assign you an SSN and issue you a Social Security card here.
USCIS may use your biometrics to obtain the criminal history records of the FBI, for identity verification, to determine eligibility, to create immigration documents (for example, Permanent Resident
Card, Employment Authorization Document), or any purpose authorized by the Immigration and Nationality Act.
You may obtain a copy of your own FBI record using the procedures outlined at 28 CFR 16.30-16.34. Learn how to obtain a copy of your FBI record or how the FBI will use your fingerprints.

First link:

Second link:
Paperwork Reduction Act

We may not conduct or sponsor an information collection, and you are not required to respond to a collection of information, unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated at 3 hours and 55 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
gathering the required documentation and information, completing the application, preparing statements, attaching necessary documentation, and submitting the application. The collection of
biometrics is estimated to require 1 hour and 10 minutes. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing
this burden, to:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Office of Policy and Strategy, Regulatory Coordination Division
5900 Capital Gateway Drive, Mail Stop #2140
Camp Springs, MD 20588-0009
Do not mail your completed Form N-400 to this address.
OMB No. 1615-0052
Expires: 02/28/2027

Security Reminder

If you do not work on your application for more than 30 days, we will delete your data in order to prevent storing personal information indefinitely.

Application Overview



Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Getting Started

Change basis of

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

(if 1.1G)
(if 1.1D)

Paper Form


Field Type


General provision



Spouse of a U.S. citizen



Spouse, former spouse, or child of a U.S. citizen under the Violence Against
Women Act (VAWA)
Spouse of U.S. citizen in qualified employment outside the United States
Military service during a period of hostilities
At least one year of honorable military service at any time
Provide an explanation.



If your residential address is outside the United States and you are filing under
Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) section 319(b), select the USCIS field
office where you would like to have your naturalization interview.
Information about your eligibility
Change my basis for eligibility

(if user returns to basis
of eligibility page)
Preparer and interpreter

Preparer information

What is your basis of eligibility?




Is a preparer assisting you with completing this application?




Is an interpreter assisting you with completing this application?



What is your preparer's full name?

Given name (first name)


Family name (last name)




What is your preparer's business or organization name?


What is your preparer's contact information?

Interpreter information



What is your interpreter's full name?


What is your interpreter's business or organization name?


What is your interpreter's contact information?

What language is your interpreter using to interpret this application for

My preparer is not part of a business or organization.
Daytime telephone number
Mobile telephone number
My preparer does not have a mobile telephone number.
Email address
My preparer does not have an email address.
Given name (first name)
Family name (last name)
My interpreter is not part of a business or organization.
Daytime telephone number
Mobile telephone number
My interpreter does not have a mobile telephone number.
Email address
My interpreter does not have an email address.

Help Text


Is someone assisting you with completing this application?


Instructional Text





Answer options in dropdown will be pulled from ELIS

The basis for eligibility shown here reflects your answers to questions about your
lawful permanent residency, age, and other factors. If this statement is not
accurate, or you chose not to determine your eligibility, you can change your basis
for eligibility here.

A preparer is anyone who completes or helps you complete all or part of your
application using information and answers that you provide.
An interpreter is anyone who translates or helps you translate all or part of your
application using information and answers that you provide.

Provide a 10-digit phone number.
Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Example: user@domain.com

Provide a 10-digit phone number.
Provide a 10-digit phone number.

Example: user@domain.com


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

About You

Your name

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

(IF 2.2 = YES)

Paper Form



What is your current legal name?




Have you used any other names since birth?



Field Type

Instructional Text

Given name (first name)


Middle name (if applicable)
Family name (last name)
Given name (first name)


Your current legal name is the name on your birth certificate unless it changed after birth by
marriage, divorce, or court order. Do not provide any nicknames here.

Middle name (if applicable)
Family name (last name)

Would you like to legally change your name?



Help Text



Required? Notes

Other names used may include nicknames, aliases, and maiden names.
Provide all other names you have ever used, including aliases, maiden name, family name at birth,
assumed names, nicknames, and alternate spellings or variations of names.

Simple table
CTA= "Add another"

Include any names used in previous immigration applications, petitions, or removal proceedings;
any names provided to immigration officers, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement; and any names used in any Federal, state, or local criminal
arrests, citations, or proceedings.
A court can allow you to change your name when you naturalize. Any name change you request
on this application will not be final until you are naturalized by the court.
If you want the court to change your name at your naturalization ceremony, select “Yes” and
provide the requested information.
You do not need to request a name change if your legal name has already changed through
marriage, divorce, or other court order.

(if 2.3 = YES)

Your contact


What is the new name you would like to use?

Given name (first name)


How can we contact you?

Middle name (if applicable)
Family name (last name)
Daytime telephone number


Mobile telephone number (if any)
This is the same as my daytime
telephone number.
Email address (if any)
In care of name (if any)


Provide a 10-digit phone number.


Example: user@domain.com


We cannot process name change requests for members of the military, or their spouses, who
are seeking naturalization outside of the United States.
Provide the new full name you would like to use. Any name change you request here will not be
final until you become a U.S. citizen.

What is your current mailing address (Safe Mailing Address, if

Address line 1
Address line 2
City or town

(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal code
and remove help text)
[blue alert]


ZIP code/Postal code

Provide a 10-digit phone number.

We will use your current mailing address to contact you throughout the naturalization process.
We may not be able to contact you if you do not provide a complete and valid address.
If you are residing in a shelter or safe house at the time of filing this application or you otherwise do
not feel safe providing your current mailing address, you may provide a “safe address” where you
are able to receive mail. You may provide a post office box (P.O. Box) or the address of a friend, your
attorney, a community-based organization that is helping you, or any other address where you can
safely and timely receive mail.

Street number and name
Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.
[blue alert]
Instructions for P.O. Box numbers, students, spouses of U.S.
citizens employed abroad, and domestic violence victims:
Post Office (P.O.) Box numbers
You may provide a Post Office Box (P.O. Box) or the address of a friend,
your attorney, a community-based organization that is helping you, or
any other address where you can safely and timely receive mail. Do not
provide a P.O. Box number unless it is your only address.
Lawful permanent resident students who are eligible for naturalization
may apply for naturalization either in the USCIS district where they go to
school or in the USCIS district where their parents live if they are still
financially dependent on their parents.
Spouses of a U.S. citizen employed abroad
If you reside outside of the United States, are applying under INA
section 319(b), and you want us to collect your biometrics in the United
States, then you must provide an address in the United States. We will
send a letter to your U.S. mailing address notifying you when and where
to go for your biometrics services appointment.
Domestic violence victims
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you are not required to disclose
the confidential address of a shelter or safe house. If you are currently

Requests for


Do you have a physical or developmental disability or mental
impairment that prevents you from demonstrating your
knowledge and understanding of the English language or civics
requirements for naturalization?



If you want to apply for a disability exception, your disability or impairment must affect your ability
to read, write, or speak the English language or learn U.S. civics, even with accommodations.
Your disability must have affected you for at least 1 year or be expected to last longer than 1
year. If you qualify for a disability exception, an interpreter who is fluent in English and the
language of your choice must come with you to your interview.
You cannot qualify for a disability exception based on illiteracy.

[if 2.11 = yes]
[Yellow alert]

[Yellow alert]
[h] You should request a disability accommodation


[b] If you need a sign language interpreter, make your request as soon
as you receive your appointment notice. The more advance notice we
have of your accommodation request, the better prepared we can be
and less likely we will need to reschedule your appointment.
When and where
you were born
(if 2.6 Additional Info = YES)


What is your date of birth?



2.6 Additional Info

Have you ever used another date of birth?




Was your mother or father (including adoptive mother or father)
a U.S. citizen before your 18th birthday?



[yellow alert]
(if 2.10 = YES)


Your immigration

(if 2.9 Additional Info = YES)

Learn more about requesting a disability accommodation here.

We will reject your Form N-400 if you do not provide your date of birth.
Provide any other dates of birth you have ever used, including dates used in connection with any
legal names or non-legal names.
Your relationship to your mother and father may be biological or as a legal adoptive parent.

Simple table
CTA = "Add another"

[h] You may already be a U.S. citizen

What is your country of birth?
What is your country of citizenship or nationality?


Dropdown/Tex Use the name of the country at the time of your birth, even if the name of the country has changed.
Dropdown/Tex Provide the current name of the country of which you are currently a citizen or national. If the
country’s name has changed, enter the current name of the country.

2.9 Additional Info

Are you a citizen or national of more than one country?

What is the name of the country?



If you are a lawful permanent resident, when did you become a
lawful permanent resident?




I am not a lawful permanent resident
of the United States.

(red alert)
[if 2.7 = Less than 3 years]
[if 1.1 = 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.1C]

[b] If your biological or legal adoptive mother or father is a U.S. citizen
by birth, or if she or he naturalized before your 18th birthday, you may
already be a U.S. citizen.

If you are stateless, provide the name of the country, as it currently exists, where you were last a
citizen or national.
Simple table
"Add another" is CTA

If you are a lawful permanent resident, provide the official date when your permanent residence
began, as shown on your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card, formerly known as the Alien
Registration Card).
The date may be located on the front or back of the card, depending on when the card was issued.
[red alert]
[h] You are not eligible for Naturalization
[b] You indicated that you have been a lawful permanent resident for
less than [number of years and months]. At this time, you are not
eligible to apply for naturalization as a person who has been a lawful
permanent resident for at least 3 years before submitting this
You may be eligible to apply for naturalization as a person who has
been a lawful permanent resident for at least 3 years before
submitting this application on or after [date].

Other information


What is your gender?

Part 1

What is your A-Number?

What is your sex?

Another gender identity



Indicate how you identify. Your selection will be reflected on secure documents if we approve your Indicate whether you are male or female as provided on your birth certificate issued at the time
of birth or issued closest to the time of birth or in secondary evidence you provided to USCIS, if
Your A-Number is located on the Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien
Registration Card or referred to as the Green Card), and consists of a 7, 8, or 9-digit number.
The A-Number may be located on the front or back of the card, depending on when the card was

(if 2.12A = YES)


(if 2.12A = YES)



Do you want the Social Security Administration (SSA) to issue
you an original or replacement Social Security card and update
your immigration status with the SSA if and when you are
What is your U.S. Social Security number (SSN)?
Do you authorize disclosure of information from this application
and USCIS systems to the SSA as required for the purpose of
assigning you an SSN, issuing you an original or replacement
Social Security card, and updating your immigration status with
What is your USCIS Online Account Number?

I do not have or know my A-Number.

I do not have or know my U.S. Social
Security number.


You can continue filling out your application and we will save your
information for 30 days from the last time you worked on your

Provide a 7, 8, or 9-digit number. If your ANumber is fewer than 9 digits, the system will
automatically add zero(s) after the "A" and
before the first digit so there is a total of 9 digits,
for example: A-001234567.

Two images shown with
question as examples of ANumber location on card.

You are not required to request a Social Security card using this application. However, you must have
a Social Security number (SSN) properly assigned in your name to legally work in the United States.


Provide a 9-digit Social Security number.


If you want the SSA to issue you an original or replacement Social Security card you must also
authorize the disclosure of information from this application to the SSA.


You will only have an Online Account Number, or OAN, if you previously filed a form that has a
receipt number that begins with IOE. If you filed the form online, you can find your OAN in your
account profile. If you mailed us the form, you can find your OAN at the top of the Account
Access Notice we sent you.

Provide a 12-digit Online Account Number.

If you do not have a receipt number that begins with IOE, you do not have an OAN.

Describe yourself

[blue alert]

[help text is found in a


What is your ethnicity?


What is your race?

I do not have or know my USCIS Online
Account Number.


Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 



A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the
Indian subcontinent including, for example,
Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea,
Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands,
Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific


A person having origins in any of the black racial
groups of Africa.
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander



A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other
Pacific Islands.

[help text is found in a

Black or African American 

[help text is found in a

[help text is found in a


What is your weight?
What is the color of your eyes?

American Indian or Alaska Native



What is your height?

Hispanic or Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central
American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Select all that apply. Your race is different from your ethnicity and should reflect your
geographical origins.

[Blue alert]
We require you to complete the questions below to conduct background
checks. Providing this information as part of your application may
reduce the time you spend at your biometrics services appointment.

A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of North and South America (including
Central America), and who maintains tribal
affiliation or community attachment.

[help text is found in a



(The OAN is not the same as an A-Number)



A person having origins in any of the original
peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North

Help text is found in a

Help text is found in a

Help text is found in a
Help text is found in a

Help text is found in a

Provide a weight between 30 and 699 pounds.

About You


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper Form



What is the color of your hair?

Where you have


Bald (no hair)


Field Type

Instructional Text


Help Text



Required? Notes


Table page
CTA is "Add another

List every location where you have lived during the last 5 years. Provide information for the
complete time period. If anything is incorrect or missing, you can edit or delete your entries or add a
new address.
List every location where you have lived during the last 3 years if you are applying as:
• A spouse of a U.S. citizen; or
• A spouse, former spouse, or child of a U.S. citizen under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

(if CTA = first

(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal
code and remove help

(if CTA = additional

(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal
code and remove help
Schools and

4.1 and 4.2

What is your current physical address?

I live at my current mailing address.

Address line 1
Address line 2
City or town


ZIP code/Postal code


Note: Only list the location where you are currently living if you are applying:
• As a spouse of U.S. citizen in qualified employment outside the United States; or
You must provide a physical address so that U.S. can schedule your biometric and interview
appointments at the correct location.


If you are currently homeless, you can indicate “homeless” in the Street Number and Name field;
however, you will need to provide the city, state, ZIP code, and country where you live. You can
then use Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance, to request notification
by text or email confirming receipt of your Form N-400.
Street number and name
Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.


When did you move here?




Where else have you lived?



Address line 1
Address line 2
City or town


Street number and name
Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

ZIP code/Postal code


Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.




When did you live here?


Where have you worked and/or attended school (full-time or
part-time) during the last 5 years?

To' field will be greyed out
with 'Present' for the first
address. All other
addresses can input a
date for the 'To' field.

CTA is "Save Entry" and
Table page
"Add another" as CTA

List where and when you have worked or attended school full-time or part-time during the last 5
years. Provide information for the complete time period for all employment, including foreign
government employment such as military, police, and intelligence services. If anything is
incorrect or missing, you can edit or delete your entries or add a new entry.
List where and when you have worked or attended school full time or part time during the last 3
years if you are applying as:
• A spouse of a U.S. citizen;
• A spouse, former spouse, or child of a U.S. citizen under the Violence Against Women Act
(VAWA); or
• A spouse of U.S. citizen in qualified employment outside the United States.

(if self-employed)


Choose new school/employment type


What is the name of the employer?


What was your occupation?
On what dates were you self-employed here?

(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal
code and remove help
(if unemployed)

(if school selected)

On what dates were you unemployed?


What is the name of your school?
What was your field of study?
On what dates did you attend this school?

Military service

(if 9.23 = YES)
(if 9.24 = YES)


(if 9.25 = YES)
(If 9.26A = YES)


(If 9.26A = YES)
(If 9.26A = NO)


Military service page (if 9.25 = YES)
(If 9.27 = YES)
(If 9.28 = YES)

Selective Service


(If 9.29 = YES)

(If 9.22A = YES)
(If 9.22B = YES)
(If 9.22B = YES)
(IF 9.22A = YES)
[IF 9.22B = NO]
[if 2.6 = 26 - 31 years old]
[yellow alert]





What is the school's address?

What is the name of the employer?
What was your occupation?
On what dates were you employed here?
What is the employer's address?

Have you EVER left the United States to avoid being drafted in
the U.S. armed forces?
Have you EVER applied for any kind of exemption from
military service in the U.S. armed forces?
Have you EVER served in the U.S. armed forces?
Are you currently a member of the U.S. armed forces?
Are you scheduled to deploy outside the United States,
including to a vessel, within the next 3 months?
Are you currently stationed outside the United States?
Are you a former U.S. military service member who is currently
residing outside of the U.S.?
Have you EVER been court-martialed or have you received a
discharge characterized as other than honorable, bad conduct, or
dishonorable, while in the U.S. armed forces?
Have you EVER been discharged from training or service in
the U.S. armed forces because you were an alien?
Have you EVER deserted from the U.S. armed forces?

Are you a male who lived in the United States at any time
between your 18th and 26th birthdays?

Did you register for the Selective Service?
When did you register for the Selective Service?
What is your Selective Service Number?
Why did you not register with the Selective Service?



I am currently self-employed.
City or town


ZIP code/Postal code


What is the name of the employer?


(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal
code and remove help
(if employer selected)
(If non-USA use Province
and text field)
(If non-USA use Postal
code and remove help

What is the business address?

Add a period of self-employment
Add a period of unemployment
Add a school
Add an employer

I am currently unemployed.


ZIP code/Postal code


I currently work here.
City or town


ZIP code/Postal code




Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.






Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.

Autofilled with "Selfemployed"

If you are retired, enter "retired."

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.
Autofilled with

If you are retired, enter "retired."


I currently attend this school.
City or town


Note: If you are filing based on military service during a period of hostilities, list where you have
worked or attended school full time or part time during the last year.


Autofilled with "Student"

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.
If you are retired, enter "retired."

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.

If you applied for and received an exemption or discharge from the U.S. armed forces because you
did not have lawful immigration status to serve in the military, you may not be eligible for

Call the Military Help Line at 877-247-4645 if you transfer to a new duty station after you file your
Form N-400, including if you are deployed outside the United States or to a vessel.

If you were ever convicted of desertion from the U.S. armed forces during a time of war, you do not
qualify for naturalization.
Almost all persons born as male who are either U.S. citizens or immigrants and are between 18 and
26 years of age must register with the Selective Service System. You may visit the Selective Service
System Immigrants and Dual Nationals page for information on your registration.


Note: If you were a lawful nonimmigrant during that entire time period, select no.

If you are now at least 26, but under 31 years of age (or at least 26, but under 29 years of age if you
are applying based on being the spouse of a U.S. citizen), you must explain why you did not register.


(if 9.22B = NO)
(if 2.6 = younger than 26)


[h] You must register with the Selective Service before you apply for
[b] Almost all persons born as male who are either U.S. citizens or
immigrants and are
between 18 and 26 years of age must register with the Selective Service
Register with the Selective Service online.
After you register, provide your Selective Service information on your
[h] You may need to provide a status information letter from the
Selective Service

[yellow alert]
(if 9.22B = NO)
[if 2.6 = 26 or older]


[b] Since you indicated you are 26 years old or older, but you did not
register with the Selective Service System, you should provide a status
information letter from the Selective Service with your application.
Download the Selective Service status information letter here.
You can upload your letter as evidence or bring it with you to your
naturalization interview.

Travel outside the

(if 8.1 = YES)

Have you taken a trip outside of the United States in the last 5


Note: If you are 31 years of age or older (or 29 years of age or older if you
are applying based on being the spouse of a U.S. citizen) at the time you
file your Form N-400, you do not need to provide a status information
letter from the Selective Service.

List all the trips that you have taken outside the United States during the last 5 years. Do not
include trips where the entire trip was completed within 24 hours. If anything is incorrect or
missing, you can edit or delete your entries or add a new entry.


Table page
CTA is "Add trip"

List all the trips that you have taken outside the United States during the last 3 years if you are
applying as:
• A spouse of a U.S. citizen; or
• A spouse, former spouse, or child of a U.S. citizen under the Violence Against Women Act

(if CTA)


List all trips that you have taken outside of the United States
during the last 3 or 5 years.

Date you left the United States


Date you returned to the United States
Countries you traveled to


Note: You do not need to list any trips you have taken outside the United States if you are
• As a spouse of U.S. citizen in qualified employment outside the United States; or
Do not include trips where the entire trip was completed within 24 hours.

About You


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Your Family

Marital status

Current spouse

Tertiary Nav




Field Type


What is your current marital status?


(if 5.1 = Married)


(if 5.1 = Married, Divorced,
Widowed, Separated, or Marriage


Is your current spouse currently a member of the
U.S. armed forces?
How many times have you been married?

Single, Never Married
Marriage Annulled

Conditional Logic

(If 1.1 = 1.1B or 1.1D)

[if user selects checkbox, prepopulate the user's physical

(If non-USA use Province and text
(If non-USA use Postal code and
remove help text)
Current spouse page 2 (If 1.1 = 1.1B or 1.1D)
(IF 5.5A = Other)

[if 1.1 = 1.1D]




What is your current spouse's date of birth?
When did you marry your current spouse?
What is current spouse's current physical address?

Given name (first name)


Middle name (if applicable)
Family name (last name)
My spouse's current physical address is
the same as my current physical
Address line 1
Address line 2
City or town


ZIP code/Postal code


By birth in the United States


When did your current spouse become a U.S.


On what date did your current spouse become a U.S. MM/DD/YYYY
AWhat is your current spouse's A-Number?


I do not have or know my current spouse's A-Number.
How many times has your current spouse been married?



What is the name of your current spouse's current
employer or company?
How many children do you have?

What is your son or daughter's current legal name?


What is your son or daughter's date of birth?
Where does your son or daughter reside?


What is your son or daughter's relationship to you?


Are you providing support for your son or daughter?




Include your current marriage, any marriages before or during your current marriage, marriages in the
United States, marriages in other countries, annulled marriages, civil marriages, customary or religious
marriages, marriages to other people, and marriages to the same person, whether or not the marriage
was registered with a government.
If you were married to the same person more than one time, count each time as a separate marriage.
Your spouse's legal name is the name on his or her birth certificate unless it changed after birth by
marriage, divorce, or court order. Do not provide any nicknames here.

If user selects the checkbox, the answers from
earlier in the form auto-populate to the address


Street number and name
Apartment, suite, unit, or floor

Provide a 5 or 9-digit ZIP code.


The A-Number is located on their Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as the Alien
Registration Card or referred to as the Green Card), and consists of a 7, 8, or 9-digit number.
The A-Number may be located on the front or back of the card, depending on when the card was

Provide a 7, 8, or 9-digit
number. If your A-Number is
fewer than 9 digits, the system
will automatically add zero(s)
after the "A" and before the first
The A-Number may be located on the front or back of the card, depending on when the card was digit so there is a total of 9
digits, for example: Aissued.
Examples of Where to Find an A-Number on a Permanent Resident Card
[sample A-Number card image]


My spouse is currently unemployed.

Help Text




[if CTA]

What is your current spouse's legal name?

Instructional Text


Given name (first name)


Family name (last name)
Resides with me
Does not reside with me


Biological son or daughter
Legally adopted son or daughter



Include your spouse's current marriage, any marriages before or during your spouse's current marriage,
marriages in the United States, marriages in other countries, annulled marriages, civil marriages,
customary or religious marriages, marriages to other people, and marriages to the same person,
whether or not the marriage was registered with a government.

You must indicate ALL children under 18 years of age, including:
• Children born in the United States or in other countries;
• Children living with you or elsewhere;
• Current stepchildren;
• Legally adopted children;
• Children born when you were not married;
• Children born when you were in a civil marriage (whether or not the child's other parent was your
spouse); and
• Children born when you were in a customary or religious marriage (whether or not the child's other
parent was your spouse).
Here are your children. If anything is incorrect or missing, you can edit or delete your entries below or
add a new child.
Your son or daughter's legal name is the name on his or her birth certificate unless it changed
after birth by marriage, divorce, or court order. Do not provide any nicknames here.

Table page
CTA is "Add child"

An applicant who willfully failed or refused to support his or her dependents during the statutory
period, even if there is no court-ordered child support, cannot establish good moral character (GMC)
unless the applicant establishes extenuating circumstances.

Your Family


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Moral Character

Citizenship claims and voting

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper Form


Field Type

Instructional Text

[blue alert]

Help Text Alert



[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

(if yes)


Have you EVER registered to vote or voted in any Federal,
state, or local election in the United States?

(if yes)
[blue alert]

Hereditary or inherited titles

(if 9.30A = YES)
(if 9.30A = YES)


(if 9.30AB = YES)
Tax information

[blue alert]

(if yes)


(if yes)
[blue alert]

Party or group affiliations


(if yes)

Party or group affiliations page 2




(if yes)
[blue alert]

Calls to action

(if yes)
(if yes)

(if yes)

Calls to action page 2




(if yes)
[blue alert]


(if yes)

(if yes)



(if yes)
[blue alert]

(if yes)

You may not qualify for naturalization if you previously claimed you were a U.S. citizen.

Provide an explanation.


You may not qualify for naturalization if you unlawfully voted in the United States in a Federal, state, or local election.
Note: Voting in a local election will not render an applicant ineligible for naturalization if the applicant was eligible to
vote under the relevant law.

Do you currently owe any overdue Federal, state, or local
taxes in the United States?

Since you became a lawful permanent resident, have you called
yourself a “non-U.S. resident” on a Federal, state, or local tax
return or decided not to file a tax return because you considered
yourself to be a non-U.S. resident?


Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way
associated with, or have you EVER provided money, a thing of
value, services or labor, or any other assistance or support to a
group that engaged (participated) in:
Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way
associated with, or have you EVER provided money, a thing of
value, services or labor, or any other assistance or support to a
group that threatened, attempted (tried), conspired (planned with
others), prepared, planned, advocated for, or incited (encouraged)
others to:

Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted,
helped with, or otherwise participated in torture?









Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in genocide?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in killing or trying to kill
any person?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in intentionally and
severely injuring or trying to injure any person?
Provide an explanation.

Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in any kind of sexual
contact or activity with any person who did not consent (did not
agree) or was unable to consent (could not agree), or was being
forced or threatened by you or by someone else?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in not letting someone
practice his or her religion?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER ordered, incited, called for, committed, assisted, Yes/No
helped with, or otherwise participated in causing harm or
suffering to any person because of his or her race, religion,
national origin, membership in a particular social group, or
political opinion?
Provide an explanation.

Have you EVER served in, been a member of, assisted (helped), or Yes/No
participated in any military or police unit?
Provide an explanation.

Most people do not have a foreign hereditary title or order of nobility. If you do have a hereditary title or order of
nobility, the law requires you to renounce this title as part of your naturalization ceremony to become a U.S. citizen.

[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

[blue alert]

Provide an explanation.


[blue alert]



Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way
associated with any Communist or totalitarian party anywhere in
the world?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER advocated (supported and promoted) any of the Yes/No
following, or been a member of, involved in, or in any way
associated with any group anywhere in the world that advocated
any of the following:

Have you EVER been a member of, involved in, or in any way
associated with, or have you EVER provided money, a thing of
value, services or labor, or any other assistance or support to a
group that used a weapon or explosive with intent to harm
another person or cause damage to property?


Provide an explanation.

Provide an explanation.


(if yes)


Do you now have, or did you EVER have, a hereditary title or Yes/No
an order of nobility in any foreign country?
Provide an explanation.
Are you willing to give up any inherited titles or orders of nobility Yes/No
that you have in a foreign country at your naturalization
List all your inherited titles and
orders of nobility.

(if yes)
[blue alert]

(if yes)


Provide an explanation.


Paramilitary, police, and prison

Have you EVER claimed to be a U.S. citizen (in writing or
any other way)?

If you have failed to pay taxes as required, we may determine that you lack good moral character.

[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.


Find out if you were required to file a tax return here.

[blue alert]

Current or previous membership in certain organizations may indicate lack of good moral character, unlawful
admission, or lack of attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution or indicate that you are not well disposed to
the good order and happiness of the United States.

[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

• Opposition to all organized government;
• World communism;
• The establishment in the United States of a totalitarian dictatorship;
• The overthrow by force or violence or other unconstitutional means of the Government of the United States, or all
forms of law;
• The unlawful assaulting or killing of any officer or officers of the Government of the United States or of any other
organized government because of their official character;
• The unlawful damage, injury, or destruction of property; or
• Sabotage?
[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

• Kidnapping;
• Assassination; or
• Hijacking or sabotage of an airplane, ship, vehicle, or other mode of transportation?

• Use a weapon or explosive with intent to harm another person or cause damage to property;
• Engage (participate) in kidnapping;
• Commit assassination; or
• Hijack or sabotage of an airplane, ship, vehicle, or other mode of transportation?

[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.




[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.





[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.


Include the name of the country, the name of the military unit or armed group, your rank or position, and your dates of
involvement in your explanation.

Moral Character


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper Form

(if yes)

(if yes)
[blue alert]

Weapon use and training

(if yes)
(if 9.10A = yes)
(if yes)
(if 9.10B = yes)
(if yes)

(if yes)




(if yes)
[blue alert]

Recruitment information


(if yes)


(if yes)
[yellow alert]

Crimes and offenses



Crimes and offenses page 2

(if 9.15A = YES) or (if
9.15B = YES)

Illegal activity

(if 9.15A = YES) or (if
9.15B = YES)


[blue alert]

(if yes)

(if yes)
(if yes)
(if yes)

Field Type

Have you EVER served in, been a member of, assisted (helped), or Yes/No
participated in any armed group (a group that carries weapons),
for example: paramilitary unit (a group of people who act like a
military group but are not part of the official military), self-defense
unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, or guerrilla group?
Provide an explanation.


Have you EVER worked, volunteered, or otherwise served in a
place where people were detained (forced to stay), for example, a
prison, jail, prison camp (a camp where prisoners of war or
political prisoners are kept), detention facility, or labor camp, or
have you EVER directed or participated in any other activity that
involved detaining people?
Provide an explanation.


Were you EVER a part of any group, or did you EVER help Yes/No
any group, unit, or organization that used a weapon against
any person, or threatened to do so?
Provide an explanation.
When you were part of this group, or when you helped this Yes/No
group, did you EVER use a weapon against another
Provide an explanation.
When you were part of this group, or when you helped this Yes/No
group, did you EVER threaten another person that you
would use a weapon against that person?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER sold, provided, or transported weapons, or
assisted any person in selling, providing, or transporting weapons,
which you knew or believed would be used against another
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER received any weapons training, paramilitary
training, or other military-type training?
Provide an explanation.

Have you EVER recruited (asked), enlisted (signed up), conscripted Yes/No
(required to join), or used any person under 15 years of age to
serve in or help an armed group, or attempted or worked with
others to do so?
Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER used any person under 15 years of age to take part Yes/No
in hostilities or attempted or worked with others to do so? This
could include participating in combat or providing services related
to combat (such as serving as a messenger or transporting
Provide an explanation.




Instructional Text

Help Text Alert


[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.



[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.




Have you EVER committed, agreed to commit, asked someone Yes/No
else to commit, helped commit, or tried to commit a crime or
offense for which you were NOT arrested?


Have you EVER been arrested, cited, detained, or confined by Yes/No
any law enforcement officer, military official (in the U.S. or
elsewhere), or immigration official for any reason, or been
charged with a crime or offense, or notified that you were being
investigated for a crime?


[h] Before you start this section

Include all the crimes and offenses in the United States or anywhere in the world (including domestic violence, driving
under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and crimes and offenses while you were under 18 years of age) which you EVER:

[b] If any of the questions on this page apply to you, you must answer "Yes" and provide information for each
crime or offense even if your records have been sealed, expunged, or otherwise cleared. You must disclose this
information even if someone, including a judge, law enforcement officer, or attorney, told you that it is no longer
on your record, or told you that you do not have to disclose the information.

• Committed, agreed to commit, or asked someone else to commit;
• Were arrested, cited, detained, or confined for by any law enforcement officer, military official (in the U.S. or
elsewhere), or immigration official;
• Were charged with committing, helping commit, or trying to commit;
• Pled guilty to;
• Were convicted of;
• Were placed in alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program for (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution,
withheld adjudication, or deferred adjudication); or
• Received a suspended sentence, clemency, amnesty, or pardon for, or were placed on probation or paroled for.
Include all the crimes and offenses in the United States or anywhere in the world (including domestic violence, driving
under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and crimes and offenses while you were under 18 years of age) which you EVER:
• Committed, agreed to commit, or asked someone else to commit;
• Were arrested, cited, detained, or confined for by any law enforcement officer, military official (in the U.S. or
elsewhere), or immigration official;
• Were charged with committing, helping commit, or trying to commit;
• Pled guilty to;
• Were convicted of;
• Were placed in alternative sentencing or a rehabilitative program for (for example, diversion, deferred prosecution,
withheld adjudication, or deferred adjudication); or
• Received a suspended sentence, clemency, amnesty, or pardon for, or were placed on probation or paroled for.
Provide information about all your crimes and offenses in the United States or anywhere in the world including any
offenses involving solicitation, domestic violence, or driving under the influence, any offenses that have been expunged
(removed from your record) or for which you received a pardon, and any offenses that happened before you reached 18
years of age. If anything is incorrect or missing, you can add, edit, or delete your entries.


What was the date of the crime or offense?
What was the date of your conviction or guilty plea? (if applicable) MM/DD/YYYY


Where did the crime or offense occur?

For example, no charges filed, convicted, charges dismissed, detention, jail, probation, etc.

City or town

What was the result or disposition of the arrest, citation, or
What was your sentence? (if applicable)
If you received a suspended sentence, were placed on probation, Yes/No
or were paroled, have you completed your suspended sentence,
probation, or parole?


Table page
CTA is "Add another"

Note: If you do not tell us about these offenses, you may be denied naturalization even if the original offense was not a
crime for which we would deny your application.
If you were convicted, provide crime of conviction. If you were not convicted, provide crime or offense listed in arrest,
citation, charging document, or crime committed.

What was the crime or offense?

Have you EVER engaged in prostitution, attempted to procure or Yes/No
import prostitutes or persons for the purpose of prostitution, or
received any proceeds or money from prostitution?
Provide an
Have you EVER manufactured, cultivated, produced, distributed, Yes/No
dispensed, sold, or smuggled (trafficked) any controlled
substances, illegal drugs, narcotics, or drug paraphernalia in
violation of any law or regulation of a U.S. state, the United States,
or a foreign country?
Provide an
Have you EVER been married to more than one person at
the same time?
Provide an
Have you EVER married someone in order to obtain an
immigration benefit?
Provide an


Include the name of the country, the name of the military unit or armed group, your rank or position, and your dates of
involvement in your explanation.


Crime and offense history

[if CTA]

Crimes and offenses page 3


For example, 90 days in jail, 90 days on probation, etc.
We will not approve a naturalization application while you are on probation, on parole, or under a suspended
[blue alert]










[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

Moral Character


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Tertiary Nav

Illegal activity page 2

Conditional Logic

Paper Form


Field Type




Provide an explanation.


(if yes)
[blue alert]

(if yes)

(if yes)
(if yes)

(if yes)




(if yes)
[blue alert]

Immigration proceedings

(if yes)


(if yes)

Attachment to the U.S.

(if no)

Oath of Allegiance

(if no)


Have you EVER helped anyone to enter, or try to enter, the
United States illegally?



Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.
Have you EVER lied to any U.S. Government officials to gain entry Yes/No
or admission into the United States or to gain immigration
benefits while in the United States?
Provide an explanation.


Have you EVER gambled illegally or received income from
illegal gambling?
Have you EVER failed to support your dependents (pay child
support) or to pay alimony (court-ordered financial support after
divorce or separation)?
Have you EVER made any misrepresentation to obtain any
public benefit in the United States?
Have you EVER given any U.S. Government officials any
information or documentation that was false, fraudulent, or

Have you EVER been placed in removal, rescission, or
deportation proceedings?

Have you EVER been removed or deported from the United

Do you support the Constitution and form of Government of
the United States?
Do you understand the full Oath of Allegiance to the United
Are you unable to take the Oath of Allegiance because of a
physical or developmental disability or mental impairment?



Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Provide an explanation.


Oath of Allegiance page 2

(if no)
(if 9.33 = NO)
(if no)

(if no)

(if no)





Are you willing to take the full Oath of Allegiance to the
United States?


Provide an explanation.
If the law requires it, are you willing to bear arms (carry weapons) Yes/No
on behalf of the United States?
Provide an explanation.
If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant
services (do something that does not include fighting in a war) in
the U.S. armed forces?
Provide an explanation.
If the law requires it, are you willing to perform work of national Yes/No
importance under civilian direction (do non-military work that the
U.S. Government says is important to the country)?
Provide an explanation.


Help Text Alert



[blue alert]
[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.


[blue alert]
(if 9.33 = YES)

(if 9.33 = NO)

Instructional Text

[blue alert]

If you were placed in removal, rescission, or deportation proceedings or were removed or deported from the United
States, you must provide: Name, Port of Entry (POE) of removal, if you departed by plane or land border, and reason for

[b] When a question includes the word “EVER,” you must provide information about any of your actions or conduct that
occurred anywhere in the world at any time, unless the question specifies otherwise.

If you were placed in removal, rescission, or deportation proceedings or were removed or deported from the United
States, you must provide: Name, Port of Entry (POE) of removal, if you departed by plane or land border, and reason for

If you cannot undergo any part of the naturalization process because of a physical or developmental disability or
mental impairment, you may have a legal guardian, a surrogate, or an eligible designated representative complete the
naturalization process for you.

If USCIS approves your application, you must take the Oath of Allegiance to become a U.S. citizen. In limited cases, you
may take a modified Oath.

[blue alert]
[H] You may be eligible for a waiver
[b] You may receive a waiver of the Oath of Allegiance if you are unable to understand or to communicate an
understanding of the meaning of the Oath because of a physical or developmental disability or mental impairment.




Moral Character


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Evidence Title: Name of the individual evidence. All evidence evidence titles should be "Title Case."
I t ti
l T t T t th t
di tl b l
id i t ti
i th
Primary Nav
Secondary Nav
Tertiary Nav Conditional Logic
Paper Form Evidence Title

Required evidence


Instructional Text

File Requirements





As part of the naturalization process, you will need to provide evidence to support your application. These documents help us evaluate your application and verify your answers are true.
You are required to provide several documents now as part of submitting your application. You may be required to bring copies of evidence to your interview.

[if 4.3 Country = non-USA]

2" x 2" photo of you


Do not send or provide original documents to USCIS in the mail. Provide legible copies of your documents unless USCIS later requests original documents.
If you are applying from outside the United States, you must submit two identical color passport-style photographs of yourself taken recently.

[if 2.7 = date entered]

Your Permanent Resident Card


Upload an image of your Permanent Resident Card (Green Card). Make sure all text is clear and readable.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Upload two recent color photographs of yourself that measures 2 inches by 2 inches, with your face measuring 1 inch to 1 3/8 inch from your chin to the top of your head. Your eyes should be between 1 Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
1/8 inch and 1 3/8 inch from the bottom of the photo. Make sure your whole face is visible, you are facing the camera directly, and the background is white or off-white. Your head must be bare, unless hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
contrary to your religious beliefs.
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time
If you need help understanding the photo requirements or want to resize, rotate, or crop your photo, you can use the Department of State's photo composition tools.

Note: You must also bring your original Permanent Resident Card when you appear for your interview.

[if 1.1E] or [if 1.1F]

Form N-426, Request for Certification Upload
of Military or Naval Service

All current members of the U.S. armed forces who are applying for naturalization based on their military service must submit a copy of a completed Form N-426, Request for Certification of Military or
Naval Service. Learn more about Form N-426 here.
If you are a current or former member of the U.S. armed forces, or are a family member of a person in the U.S. armed forces, you may contact the Military Help Line for information at 877-CIS-4MIL (877247-4645). You can find more contact information on the Military Help Line web page.


Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time
Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

First link:
Second link:

[if 1.1E] or [if 1.1F]

Official military orders


If you are currently serving in an active-duty status, whether inside or outside the United States, you should submit a copy (not the original) of your official military orders. Do not submit an original DD Drag files here or choose a file
Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge.
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
If you are a current or former member of the U.S. armed forces, or are a family member of a person in the U.S. armed forces, you may contact the Military Help Line for information at 877-CIS-4MIL (877- hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
247-4645). You can find more contact information on the Military Help Line web page.
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time


[if 1.1E] or [if 1.1F]

Separation from U.S. armed forces


If you are currently separated from the U.S. armed forces and you are applying for naturalization based on your military service, provide copies of your DD Form 214, NGB Form 22, or other official
discharge document for all periods of service.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time


Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time


Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time



If you are a current or former member of the U.S. armed forces, or are a family member of a person in the U.S. armed forces, you may contact the Military Help Line for information at 877-CIS-4MIL (877247-4645). You can find more contact information on the Military Help Line web page.

[if 9.3 = YES] or [if 9.4 = YES]

Tax documents - [3 OR 5] years


Tax transcripts are not required for every case. If you have any Federal, state, or local taxes that are overdue, provide:
• IRS tax transcripts for the past 5 years, or 3 years if filing for naturalization on the basis of marriage to a U.S. citizen;
• A signed agreement from the IRS or state or local tax office showing you have filed a tax return and have arranged to pay the taxes you owe; and
• Documentation from the IRS or state or local tax office showing the current status of your repayment program.
Note: You should bring your IRS tax transcripts to your interview, especially if you have traveled outside the United States for a period that lasted more than 6 months. You can request copies of your
tax documents from the IRS here.

[if 1.1 = 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.1C, OR 1.1G]
[if taken a trip that lasted more than 6
months but less than 1 year]
---[Display 3 years if 1.1B or 1.1C]

Proof of your continuous residence


If you have taken any trips outside the United States that lasted more than 6 months but less than 1 year, provide evidence that you maintained your continuous residence in the United States.
Upload documents that show you maintained your continuous residence in the United States. For example:
• Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax transcripts listing tax information relevant to your absence for the last [5 OR 3] years;
• Rent or mortgage statements, or pay statements;
• Bank, credit card, or loan statements showing regular transactions;
• Proof of car registration and insurance;
• Your passport showing entry and exit stamps; or
• Any other document that shows that you maintained your residence in the United States.
Note: You should bring your IRS tax transcripts to your interview, especially if you have traveled outside the United States for a period that lasted more than 6 months. You can request copies of your
tax documents from the IRS here.

[if 1.1 = 1.1A, 1.1B, 1.1C, OR 1.1G]
[if taken a trip that lasted more than 1

Form N-470, Application To Preserve
Residence For Naturalization


If you were absent for 1 year or more during the period when continuous residence is required while working in qualified employment outside the United States, you generally must have an approved
Form N-470, Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes, to preserve your continuous residence. Learn more about Form N-470 here.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

(IF 2.2 = YES)

Evidence of your name change


If you have legally changed your name, upload a readable image of the legal document that formally changed your name. For example:
• Marriage certificate;
• Divorce decree; or
• Court document.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

(if 1.1B) or (if 1.1D)

Your current spouse's U.S. citizenship Upload

Upload a document showing that your spouse has been a U.S. citizen for at least 3 years. For example:
• Your spouse's U.S. birth certificate (if your spouse has held U.S. citizenship since birth);
• Your spouse's Certificate of Naturalization;
• Your spouse's Certificate of Citizenship;
• Your spouse’s Form FS-240, Consular Report of Birth Abroad; or
• The biographical page of your spouse’s U.S. passport.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time



Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Evidence Title: Name of the individual evidence. All evidence evidence titles should be "Title Case."
I t ti
l T t T t th t
di tl b l
id i t ti
i th
Primary Nav
Secondary Nav
Tertiary Nav Conditional Logic
Paper Form Evidence Title


Instructional Text

File Requirements

Upload a copy of your current marriage certificate. Also upload any divorce decrees, annulment decrees, or death certificates showing that your prior marriages, and your spouse’s prior marriages, were
terminated (if applicable).

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

[if 1.1B] or [if 1.1C] or [if 1.1D]
[if 1.1C = Evidence not required]

Current marriage certificate and
previous marriage documents

[if 1.1B]

Evidence about your marriage


Upload documents showing that you and your spouse have lived in marital union for at least 3 years before the time you file your Form N-400. For example:
• Joint bank and credit card statements;
• Leases or mortgages;
• Birth certificates or adoption decrees (as applicable) for any children born or adopted during the marriage by either spouse;
• Insurance policies; and
• IRS tax transcripts for you and your spouse for the past 3 years.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

[if 1.1D]

Current spouse's qualifying


Upload evidence demonstrating your U.S. citizen spouse’s qualified employment outside the United States. For example:
• The employer’s name and nature of the employer’s business;
• The nature of the work the U.S. citizen spouse is performing; and
• Documentation to establish the employing entity is:
- The U.S. Government;
- An American institution of research recognized as such by the Attorney General;
- A public international organization in which the United States participates by treaty or statute;
- An American firm or corporation that is engaged in whole or in part in the development of U.S. foreign trade and commerce; or
- A religious denomination or an interdenominational mission organization and your spouse is performing the ministerial or priestly functions of the religious denomination or is serving as a missionary,
brother, nun, or sister for the religious denomination or interdenominational mission.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

Note: Evidence of the spouse's U.S. citizenship, marriage to the U.S. citizen, divorce or separation, or marital union is NOT required if you obtained LPR status as the spouse, former spouse, or intended
spouse of a U.S. citizen who subjected you to battery or extreme cruelty.




This evidence
uploader is NOT
required if the user
is applying as VAWA


Note: You can find a list of American institutions of research recognized by the Attorney General here.

[if 6.1 = YES]
if 6.1 = yes Child and spousal support
if 5.1 =
[if 5.1 = Married, Divorced, Widowed, married,etc
Separated, or Marriage Annulled)
[if 9.17G = YES)

(IF 9.22A = YES)
[if 9.22B = NO]

Selective Service status and statement



In addition, provide the following:
• If applicable, your U.S. citizen spouse’s travel orders which include your name;
• Documentation to establish your spouse’s qualified employment outside the United States is scheduled to last for at least 1 year from the date you file Form N-400; and
• A typed or printed statement of your intent to reside outside the United States with your spouse and to live in the United States immediately after your spouse’s qualified employment outside the
United States ends.
Provide evidence that you have complied with any child and spousal support obligations. If you have dependent children living apart from you, provide evidence that you support each dependent son or
daughter and that you have complied with any child support obligations. If a court has ordered you to provide financial support for a spouse, former spouse, or children, provide the court or government
order and evidence that you have complied with the order. For example:
• Cancelled checks or money order receipts;
• A court or agency document showing child support payments;
• Evidence of wage garnishments; or
• A notarized letter from the parent or guardian who cares for your children.
If you were required to but did not register with the Selective Service System before you turned 26 years of age, you must provide:
• A status information letter from the Selective Service; and
• A statement regarding your reasons for failing to register.
Note: If you are 31 years of age or older (or 29 years of age or older if applying based on being the spouse of a U.S. citizen) when you file your Form N-400, you do not need to provide a
status information letter or a statement explaining the reason for not registering.

[if 9.15B = YES]
[if no charges filed]

Arrests without charges


If you have ever been arrested or detained anywhere in the world and NO CHARGES WERE FILED, you must provide:
• An arrest report; and
• An official statement from the arresting agency or applicable court confirming that no charges were filed.
If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.
Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.

[if 9.15B = YES]
[if charges were filed]

[if 9.15B = YES] and
[if convicted, probation, or other]

Arrests with charges


Alternative sentencing or rehabilitative Upload

Convictions and sentences


[if convicted and sentenced,
suspended sentence, probation, or

Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.
If you have ever been convicted or placed in an alternative sentencing program (such as diversion, deferred prosecution, withheld adjudication, deferred adjudication) or rehabilitative program
(including a drug treatment or community service program), you must provide:
• The sentencing record for each incident; and
• Evidence that you completed your alternative sentencing or rehabilitative programs.

Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.
If you have ever been convicted and sentenced (including if your sentence was suspended, or you were placed on probation or parole), you must provide:
• The sentencing record for each incident; and
• Evidence that you completed your sentence, such as probation or parole records.
If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.

[if convicted vacated, set aside, sealed,
or expunged]

Arrests or convictions removed from
your records



Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Note: If you were sentenced to jail or prison or received an alternative sentence or probation, you must also provide evidence to show that you completed your period of jail, prison, alternative sentence, Upload no more than five documents at a time
or probation.

Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.
[if 9.15B = YES] and

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

If you have ever been arrested or detained anywhere in the world, and CHARGES WERE FILED, you must provide:
• Documentation of all arrest reports, charging documents, court dispositions, sentencing reports, and any other relevant documents; and
• Any additional evidence that you would like us to consider concerning the circumstances of your arrests or convictions.

If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.

[if 9.15B = YES] and

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

If you have ever had any arrest or conviction vacated, set aside, sealed, expunged, or otherwise removed from your record, or received a pardon, you must provide:
• A motion to vacate and court order vacating, setting aside, sealing, expunging, or otherwise removing the arrest or conviction from your record;
• An application or petition for a pardon and final decision granting your application or petition for a pardon; or
• A statement from the court that no record exists of your arrest or conviction.
If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.
Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time
Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time
Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time



Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Conditional Logic: Indicates whether the question or subquestion only applies if you meet certain criteria.
Evidence Title: Name of the individual evidence. All evidence evidence titles should be "Title Case."
I t ti
l T t T t th t
di tl b l
id i t ti
i th
Primary Nav
Secondary Nav
Tertiary Nav Conditional Logic
Paper Form Evidence Title
[if 9.15B = YES] and

Traffic incidents


[if convicted vacated, set aside, sealed,
or expunged]

Instructional Text

File Requirements

If you have ever been in a traffic incident that was alcohol or drug related, you must provide documentation about:
• The involved alcohol or drugs;
• How the traffic incident led to an arrest; or
• How you seriously injured another person.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.
Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.
[if 9.15B = YES] and
[if ordered to pay a fine, make
restitution, or wages garnished]

Fine, restitutions, and wage


If you have ever been ordered to pay a fine, make restitution, or have your wages garnished, you must provide:
• Documentation of the order to pay a fine, restitution, or garnish wages; and
• Documentation that you have paid the required sum or evidence of current payment.
If any of the required records are unavailable, provide original or certified confirmation that the record is not available from the applicable law enforcement agency or court.
Note: You must bring originals or court-certified copies to your interview.


Legal guardian, surrogate, or designated Upload

Provide a court order authorizing the legal guardian or surrogate to exercise authority over the applicant’s affairs.

(If 2.11 = YES)

Form N-648, Medical Certification for
Disability Exceptions

Upload a copy or image of a completed and signed Form N-648, Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions.

Additional evidence you want to provide Upload




Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
In the absence of a court ordered legal guardian or surrogate, an authorized designated representative who is the primary custodial caregiver and who takes responsibility for the applicant can serve as the Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
designated representative. The family member must provide documentation to establish a familial relationship between the applicant and the designated representative, as well as proof that the
No encrypted or password-protected files
designated representative is the primary custodial caregiver and takes responsibility for the applicant.
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time

(If 2.11 = YES)



Bring your original Form N-648 to your naturalization interview. Submitting Form N-648 does not guarantee we will exempt you from the testing requirements. Learn more about Form N-648 here.

You can provide additional documents that support your application and help explain any of your responses on the application. If you want to provide additional evidence, upload those documents here.
You can also bring the documents to your naturalization interview.

Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time


Drag files here or choose a file
Accepted file formats: JPG, JPEG, PDF, TIF, or TIFF
Accepted file name characters: English letters, numbers, spaces, periods,
hyphens, underscores, and parentheses
No encrypted or password-protected files
Maximum size: 12 MB per file
Upload no more than five documents at a time



Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav


Additional information

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper Form Question



You may provide additional information for your application. Add additional

Field Type

Instructional Text

Large table

If you need to provide any additional information for
any of your answers to the questions in this form,
enter it into the space below. You should include the
questions that you are referencing.

Help Text





Large Table Pattern
Ghost Sub Nav

If you do not need to provide any additional
information, you may leave this section blank.

Additional Information


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav

Review And Submit

Review your application

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper form



Field Type

Check your application before you submit

Instructional Text
Please review your ${formType} and check it for accuracy and completeness
before you submit it.

Help Text





Review application

We encourage you to provide as many responses as you can throughout the
${formType}. Missing or incomplete information may slow down the review
process after you submit your ${formType}.
You can return to this page to review your ${formType} as many times as
you want before you submit it.
Your form filing fee is: $[XXX]
Refund policy: USCIS does not refund fees, regardless of any action we
take on your application, petition or request, or how long USCIS takes to
reach a decision. By continuing this transaction, you acknowledge that you
must submit fees in the exact amount and that you are paying the fees for a
government service.
You will submit your application using the following basis for eligibility.
You may qualify for one or more exemptions based on the information you
provided in your application.
You have one or more alerts and warnings based on the information you
provided in your form.

Your eligibility
Alerts and warnings

Filing fee is calculated by ELIS


A red alert means you have incomplete or incorrect responses to certain
questions. You ​cannot​ submit your form with any alerts.
A yellow warning means you may be missing information or may need to
follow-up with us about your responses. You can still submit your form, but
some warnings may slow down the review process after you submit your
A green alert means you have completed all required fields and responses.
Your application

Preparer certification

Here is a summary of all the information you provided in your application.

Review the N-400 form information


Make sure you have provided responses for everything that applies to you
before you submit your application. You can edit your responses by going to
each application section using the site navigation.



Preparer's certification and signature

We also prepared a draft case snapshot with your responses, which you can
download below.
Your preparer must read and agree to the certification below.

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I prepared this application for the applicant at their request and with express consent and that all of the responses
and information contained in and submitted with the application are complete, true, and correct and reflects only information provided by the applicant.
The applicant reviewed the responses and information and informed me that he or she understands the responses and information in or submitted with
the application.
As the applicant's preparer, you must sign on paper and provide your signature page to the applicant. Follow these steps:
1. Download the Preparer Signature page
2. Print the Preparer Signature page
3. Read and sign the Preparer Signature page
4. Give the signed Preparer Signature page to the applicant

Preparer signature



Preparer's Signature Upload
Interpreter's certification and signature

The applicant will need to scan and upload your completed signature page on the next screen.


Scan and upload your preparer's completed signature page below.
Your interpreter must read and agree to the certification below.


Scan and upload your interpreter's completed signature page below.
You must read and agree to the certification below. If you knowingly and
willfully falsify or conceal a material fact or submit a false document with
your Form N-400, we will deny your Form N-400 and may deny any
other immigration benefits. In addition, you will face severe penalties
provided by law and may be subject to criminal prosecution.

I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I am fluent in English and the language provided in the Getting Started section of this application, and I have
interpreted every question on the application and instructions and interpreted the applicant’s answers to the questions in that language, and the
applicant informed me that he or she understood every instruction, question, and answer on the application.
As the applicant's interpreter, you must sign on paper and provide your signature page to the applicant. Follow these steps:
1. Download the Interpreter Signature page
2. Print the Interpreter Signature page
3. Read and sign the Interpreter Signature page
4. Give the signed Interpreter Signature page to the applicant

Interpreter signature
Your certification
and signature




Pay and submit

(If "Your certification
and signature" is

Interpreter's Signature Upload
Applicant's certification and signature

Your signature (or signature of a legal guardian,
surrogate, or designated representative, if applicable)

Pay for and submit your application

The applicant will need to scan and upload your completed signature page on the next screen.
I certify, under penalty of perjury, that I provided or authorized all of the responses and information contained in and submitted with my application, I
read and understand or, if interpreted to me in a language in which I am fluent by the interpreter listed in the Getting Started section of this
application/[interpreter first and last name], understood, all of the responses and information contained in, and submitted with, my application, and that
all of the responses and the information are complete, true, and correct. Furthermore, I authorize the release of any information from any and all of my
records that USCIS may need to determine my eligibility for an immigration request and to other entities and persons where necessary for the
administration and enforcement of U.S. immigration law.
I have read and agree to the applicant's statement


You must provide your digital signature below by typing your full legal
name. We may deny your application if you do not completely fill out this
application or fail to submit required documents. We will record the date of
your signature with your application.
The final step to submit your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization,
is to pay the required fee.

Exact fee will be pulled from

Your application fee is: [$XXX]
Refund policy: By continuing this transaction, you agree that you are paying
for a government service and that the filing fee, biometric services fee and
all related financial transactions are final and not refundable, regardless of
any action USCIS takes on an application, petition or request, or how long
USCIS takes to reach a decision. You must submit all fees in the exact
We will send you to Pay.gov — our safe, secure payment website — to pay
your fees and submit your application online.

Pay and submit

Here are the steps in the payment and submission process:
1. Provide your billing information on Pay.gov
2. Provide your credit card or U.S. bank account information
3. Submit your payment
When you have paid your fee, your application will be submitted.
Pay.gov will redirect you to a uscis.gov confirmation screen, which will
include your receipt number. Please keep a copy of your receipt number for
your records. You can track the status of your application through your
USCIS online account.
(Successful submission)
(No nav)

You have successfully submitted your Application for
Naturalization (N-400)

We will contact you if we have any questions or need additional
information. You can track the status of your request through your USCIS
online account.

Go to my cases

(Unsuccessful card
declined) (No nav)

You did not submit your Application for Naturalization

Your payment failed because your credit or debit card was declined.

Sign and submit

You can try again now to sign and submit your requests or save and exit.

Review & Submit


Column Header Descriptions
Primary Navigation: A section of the form that contains several pages.
Secondary Navigation: A single page within a section.
Primary Nav

Secondary Nav
submission) (No nav)

Tertiary Nav

Conditional Logic

Paper form

You did not submit your Application for Naturalization


Field Type

Instructional Text
Your payment failed or was canceled before it could be processed on

Help Text





Sign and submit

You can try again now to sign and submit your request or save your request
and exit. We will save your request for 30 days from when you started it.

Review & Submit

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorMicrosoft Office User
File Modified2025-02-18
File Created2025-02-18

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