Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Department of the Treasury
Supporting Statement
Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program
OMB Control Number 1559-0044
A. Justification
1. Circumstances necessitating collection of information
The purpose of the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Bond Guarantee Program (BG Program) is to support CDFI lending by providing Guarantees for Bonds issued by Qualified Issuers as part of a Bond Issue for Eligible Community or Economic Development Purposes. Established by the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111–240; 12 U.S.C. 4713a), the BG Program provides CDFIs with a source of long-term capital and furthers the mission of the CDFI Fund to increase economic opportunity and promote community development investments for underserved populations and distressed communities in the United States. To date the BG Program has guaranteed $2.965 billion in Bonds.
Through the BG Program, applicants apply to be approved as a Qualified Issuer (QI), using the Qualified Issuer Application (QI Application). Qualified Issuers may submit Guarantee Applications to be approved for a Guarantee under the BG Program. Applicants are required to provide financial and program related information and, subject to approval, will enter into agreements that require the collection of reports that will be used for credit underwriting, compliance monitoring, and program evaluation purposes. The application information is required in order for program management to evaluate an applicant’s capacity to effectively execute its obligations under the Bond Documents.
In compliance with the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Circular No. A-129: Policies for Federal Credit Programs and Non-Tax Receivables (OMB Circular A-129), the BG Program collects all necessary information to manage the portfolio effectively and to track progress towards policy goals. The Department of the Treasury’s authority to collect the requested information, as well as the specified data collection areas and parameters, are consistent with the annual and periodic financial reporting requirements for the BG Program as defined in 12 CFR 1808.619 of the Final Interim Rule. The information outlined in the reporting requirements is crucial for adequately managing and monitoring the BG Program’s total portfolio of outstanding Bond Loans. In order to do so, the CDFI Fund proposed the use of four reports: the Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report, the Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report, the Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification. The CDFI Fund also seeks to require Eligible CDFIs to complete the Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report. The purpose of the TLM Report is to verify the amount of collateralization pledged against the secondary loans for approved CDFIs that use the CDFI-to-financing entity asset class. These five reports are in addition to the Qualified Issuer Application, Guarantee Application, and Secondary Loan Requirements Certification.
The Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report adds significantly to the Department of the Treasury’s review of Borrower’s (known as Eligible CDFIs (ECDFIs) within the Program) financial health and supports the CDFI Fund in proactively managing portfolio risks and performance surrounding Bond Loan repayment. The FCM Report is collected quarterly, and it allows the BG Program to monitor and compare ECDFIs’ balance sheets, income statements and cash flows, and portfolio quality in a standard format. The FCM Report supports risk detection and mitigation, which are crucial activities for the long-term operation and viability of the BG Program.
The Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report adds significantly to the Department of the Treasury’s review of the use of Bond Loan Proceeds in underserved communities and supports the CDFI Fund in proactively managing portfolio risks and performance surrounding Bond Loan collateral. The PLM Report is a monthly report submission, allowing the BG Program to monitor the terms, payment performance and value of the underlying collateral (e.g., pledged loan receivables) for the Bond Loans on essentially a real-time basis. The PLM Report supports risk detection and mitigation, which are crucial activities for the long-term operation and viability of the BG Program.
The Annual Assessment adds significantly to the Department of the Treasury’s review of Qualified Issuer’s and ECDFI Borrower’s ongoing capacity to fulfill their programmatic roles and responsibilities including, but not limited to, maintaining their financial capacity and ensuring the integrity of their internal controls. The Annual Assessment is an annual submission, allowing the BG Program to monitor compliance with the Bond Guarantee Program Regulations and executed Bond Issuance documents. The Annual Assessment supports risk detection and mitigation, which are critical activities for the long-term operation and viability of the BG Program.
The BG Program Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification will enable the BG Program to monitor ECDFIs and their compliance with certain requirements of the Interim Rule, namely that ECDFIs and Secondary Borrowers must execute Secondary Loan documents (i) for 50 percent of the Bond Loan proceeds no later than 12 months after the Bond Issue Date (Year 1 Commitment Test), and (ii) for 100 percent of the Bond Loan proceeds no later than 24 months after the Bond Issue Date (Year 2 Commitment Test) per 12 CFR 1808.307(b). This information is essential to ensure compliance with programmatic requirements, mitigate risk, prevent Guarantees from being called and the Secretary of the Treasury from paying the obligation, and to protect taxpayer dollars.
The Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report adds significantly to the Department of the Treasury’s review of the use of Bond Loan Proceeds in underserved communities and supports the CDFI Fund in proactively managing portfolio risks and performance surrounding certain Bond Loan collateral. The TLM Report is either a quarterly or monthly report submission, allowing the BG Program to monitor the terms, payment performance and value of the underlying collateral (e.g., tertiary pledged loan receivables for those approved CDFIs that are using the CDFI-to-Financing Entity Asset Class) for the Secondary Loans on essentially a real-time basis. The TLM Report supports risk detection and mitigation, which are crucial activities for the long-term operation and viability of the BG Program.
2. Method of collection and use of data
Qualified Issuer (QI) Application and Guarantee Application
The CDFI Fund collects the Qualified Issuer Application and Guarantee Application on annual basis upon the annual Congressional authorization to issue Guarantees for the BG Program. The BG Program staff uses all application materials to determine an applicant’s organizational expertise, experience and capacity to adhere to the requirements of the BG Program.
Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report
ECDFIs submit the FCM Report to the BG Program’s Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. Within the Master Servicer’s web-based portal, the BG Program’s Credit and Risk Management (CRM) staff analyze the FCM Report data for each ECDFI individually, within ECDFI asset size categories, and across the entire BG Program portfolio. Specifically, the CRM unit assesses financial and portfolio quality trends to ensure that ECDFIs remain capable of repaying the outstanding Bond Loan principal.
Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report
QIs administering approved Bond Issues and ECDFIs submit the Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report, for each ECDFI, to the BG Program’s Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. The Master Servicer hosts all PLM Reports for each ECDFI on their web-based portal for the duration of the Bond Loan. The PMLM staff analyze the PLM Report data for each ECDFI individually across fiscal year cohorts and across the entire BG Program portfolio. Specifically, PMLM assesses delinquency trends, ensures that loan-to-value ratios remain adequate for the underlying assets of the collateral, reviews loan receivable balances, and analyzes lending patterns geographically and across asset classes.
Annual Assessment
QIs administering approved Bond Issues and ECDFIs submit the Annual Assessment report to the BG Program’s Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. The BG Program’s Compliance Management and Monitoring (CMM) staff analyze the results of the Annual Assessment of the QIs and ECDFIs across fiscal year cohorts and across the entire BG Program portfolio. Specifically, CMM staff analyze each participant’s financial strength, portfolio management and servicing capability, management and governance policies, systems and information technology, and internal controls.
Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification of Secondary Loan Commitment Form
QIs administering approved Bond Issues and ECDFIs will submit the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and the Certification of Secondary Loan Commitment Form to the BG Program’s Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. The BG Program’s CMM staff will review the submitted materials to conduct an assessment of the ECDFI’s ability to pass the Year 1 or the Year 2 Commitment Test.
Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report
QIs administering approved Bond Issues and ECDFIs submit the Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report, for each ECDFI, to the BG Program’s Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. The Master Servicer hosts all TLM Reports for each ECDFI on their web-based portal for the duration of the Bond Loan. Data from the TLM Report is used to monitor the performance of pledged collateral for secondary loans that are in the CDFI-to-Financing Entity Asset Class, to ensure that required over collateralization for the Bond Loan is being maintained by loans pledged in this asset class.
3. Use of Information Technology
The CDFI Fund eliminated paper submission of all reporting information being collected for the BG Program. The Qualified Issuer Application and the Guarantee Application are submitted via the web through the Awards Management Information System managed portal at The following reports are submitted by the ECDFIs and QIs via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal: the Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report, the Pledge Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report, the Annual Assessment, the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification, and the Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report. The Master Servicer Trustee manages their web-based portal and hosts these reports on their portal for the duration of the Bond Loan. The CDFI Fund evaluated the burden on utilizing this information technology for the aforementioned reports and found it to be the most efficient means available for the ECDFIs, QIs, and the BG Program staff. Collecting these reports via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal permits the ECDFIs to minimize reporting burden by retaining previously populated information for static data points from previous reports and only updating those data fields that change on a periodic basis. The BG Program participants pay the Master Servicer on a monthly basis. The CDFI Fund does not have a contractual relationship with the Master Servicer and the CDFI Fund does not pay the Master Servicer to access this information.
4. Efforts to identify duplication
All of the information requested in the Qualified Issuer (QI) Application and the Guarantee Application is required to evaluate an applicant’s ability to adhere to the requirements of the BG Program. The BG Program staff conducted a review of the reporting forms of other programs administered by the CDFI Fund and other Federal agencies to identify and eliminate duplication where possible. The BG Program staff also evaluated the public comments on the following forms to identify ways to eliminate the duplication of data collection through the CDFI Fund’s other information collection systems: the Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report, the Pledge Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report, Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report, the Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification. These forms are critical to assessing the ECDFIs and QIs compliance with the BG Program regulations and Bond and Bond Loan Documents.
5. Impact on small entities
This collection of information is not expected to have a significant impact on small entities. The BG Program application process includes an extensive review of an organization’s capacity to manage a number of requirements and responsibilities, including sufficient organizational capacity and experience to manage the reporting requirements outlined in the Bond Loan Agreement. Due to the fact that the BG Program application process includes an extensive review of each organization’s capacity to comply with post-award requirements up-front, BG Program staff expects that all Program participants possess the staff and knowledge capacity to complete the FCM PLM, and TLM Reports and possess the organizational infrastructure to undergo the Annual Assessment and Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification tests.
6. Consequences of less frequent collection and obstacles to burden reduction
The CDFI Fund will not be able to properly evaluate an applicant’s and a borrower’s ability to execute the BG Program’s requirements without this collection of data. The borrower’s monitoring reports (PLM, TLM, and FCM), Annual Assessment, and Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification test comply with the requirements of OMB Circular A-129 and the Final Interim Rule that governs the BG Program (12 C.F.R. 1808.307(b)). These reports, the Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification tests inform the CDFI Fund of changes in ECDFIs’ financial conditions; effectively manage portfolio risk and credit, add significantly to the Department of the Treasury’s review and outcome analysis on the current and proposed use of Bond Proceeds in underserved communities; and support the CDFI Fund in proactively managing regulatory compliance.
7. Circumstances requiring special information collection
Not applicable.
8. Consultation with Persons outside the Agency
Pursuant to the notice and request for comments published in the Federal Register on December 9, 2024, at 89 FR 97705, the CDFI Fund received two comment letters. Tables 1 and 2 in Appendix 1 identify the commenters and comment summaries.
9. Provision of payment to respondents
No payments or gifts will be made to respondents.
10. Assurance of confidentiality
The CDFI Fund is subject to all Federal regulations with respect to confidentiality of information supplied in the Qualified Issuer (QI) Application, Guarantee Application, FCM, PLM, TLM, Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification. The Qualified Issuer and the Guarantee Applications are submitted through the CDFI Fund’s Award Management Information System (AMIS). Access to the submitted Qualified Issuer and the Guarantee Applications is restricted to the applicant and their designated representatives through an authenticated and secure applicant profile. Access to the Qualified Issuer and Guarantee Applications are limited to the BG Program staff who are subject to all Federal regulations and completed annual privacy and cybersecurity training.
The FCM, PLM, TLM, Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification are submitted to the Master Servicer via the Master Servicer’s web-based portal. The ECDFIs and QIs have a contractual relationship with the Master Servicer and receive services from the Master Servicer to maintain these reports. The Master Servicer hosts all these reports for each ECDFI and QI on its web-based portal for the duration of the Bond Loan. Access to the Master Servicer’s web-based portal to submit these aforementioned reports is restricted to the QIs, the ECDFIs, and designated representatives of the QIs and ECDFIs through an authenticated and secure QI and ECDFI profile. The BG Program staff is granted access to these reports. BG Program staff are subject to all Federal regulations and complete annual privacy and cybersecurity training.
11. Justification of sensitive questions.
No sensitive personally identifiable information (PII) is collected.
12. Estimate of the hour burden of information collection.
Bond Guarantee Program Application Materials
Information Collection |
No. Respondents |
No. Responses Per Respondent |
Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
Qualified Issuer Application |
5 |
1 |
5 |
80 |
400 |
Guarantee Application |
15 |
1 |
15 |
80 |
1,200 |
20 |
1 |
20 |
80 |
1,600 |
Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report - Estimated Reporting Burden
Responsible Party |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
30 |
4 |
120 |
2 |
240 |
QI |
10 |
4 |
40 |
1 |
40 |
40 |
4 |
160 |
1.75 |
280 |
Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report - Estimated Reporting Burden
Responsible Party |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
30 |
12 |
360 |
2 |
720 |
QI |
10 |
12 |
120 |
1 |
120 |
40 |
12 |
480 |
1.75 |
840 |
Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report - Estimated Reporting Burden
Responsible Party |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
10 |
12 |
120 |
2 |
240 |
QI |
5 |
12 |
60 |
1 |
60 |
15 |
12 |
180 |
1.666 |
300 |
Annual Assessment – Estimated Reporting Burden
Responsible Party |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
30 |
1 |
30 |
2 |
60 |
QI |
10 |
1 |
10 |
2 |
20 |
40 |
1 |
40 |
2 |
80 |
Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification – Estimated Reporting Burden
Responsible Party |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Burden |
30 |
1 |
30 |
4 |
120 |
QI |
10 |
1 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
40 |
1 |
40 |
3.25 |
130 |
All Forms – Estimated Reporting Burden
Form |
Number of Respondents |
No. of Responses Per Respondent |
Number of Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
No. of Hours Annually |
Bond Guarantee Program Application Materials |
20 |
1 |
20 |
80 |
1,600 |
Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report |
40 |
4 |
160 |
1.75 |
280 |
Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report |
40 |
12 |
480 |
1.75 |
840 |
Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report |
15 |
12 |
180 |
1.66 |
300 |
Annual Assessment |
40 |
1 |
40 |
2 |
80 |
Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification |
40 |
1 |
40 |
3.25 |
130 |
920 |
3,230 |
13. Estimate of total annual cost burden to respondents
There are no additional capital, start-up or ongoing operational, or maintenance costs associated with the information collection for the Bond Guarantee Program. No purchases of equipment or services are necessary to complete the Bond Guarantee Program Application Materials, the Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report, the Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report, the Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report, the Annual Assessment, and the Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification.
The following are the estimated personnel costs associated with completing the Application Materials and FCM Report, PLM Report, TLM Report, Annual Assessment and Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification. The Time Values are based on amounts per the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
Bond Guarantee Program Application Materials – Estimated Annualized Cost Burden
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour) |
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
20 |
1 |
20 |
80 |
1,600 |
$84.051 |
$134,480 |
Total |
20 |
1 |
20 |
1,600 |
$134,480 |
Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report - Estimated Annualized Costs to Respondents
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour) |
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
40 |
4 |
160 |
1.75 |
280 |
$84.05¹ |
$23,534 |
Total |
40 |
4 |
160 |
280 |
$23,534 |
Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report - Estimated Annualized Costs to Respondents
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour) |
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
40 |
12 |
480 |
1.75 |
840 |
$54.302 |
$46,612 |
Total |
40 |
12 |
480 |
840 |
$46,612 |
Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report - Estimated Annualized Costs to Respondents
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour) |
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
15 |
12 |
180 |
1.666 |
300 |
$54.303 |
$16,290 |
Total |
15 |
12 |
180 |
300 |
$16,290 |
Annual Assessment – Estimated Annualized Cost to Respondents
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour) |
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
40 |
1 |
40 |
2 |
80 |
$54.304 |
$4,344 |
Total |
40 |
1 |
40 |
80 |
$4,344 |
Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification – Estimated Annualized Cost to Respondents
Affected Public |
Number of Respondents |
Number of Responses Per Respondent |
Total Annual Responses |
Hours Per Response |
Total Hours |
Time Value (per Hour)
Monetized Burden Hours |
Private Sector |
40 |
1 |
40 |
3.14 |
130 |
$54.30³ |
$7,059 |
Total |
40 |
1 |
40 |
130 |
$7,059 |
All Forms – Estimated Annualized Cost to Respondents
Form |
Total Annualized Cost |
Bond Guarantee Program Application Materials |
$134,480 |
Financial Condition Monitoring (FCM) Report |
$23,534 |
Pledged Loan Monitoring (PLM) Report |
$46,612 |
Tertiary Loan Monitoring (TLM) Report |
$16,290 |
Annual Assessment |
$4,344 |
Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification |
$7,059 |
$232,319 |
14. Estimate of annualized cost to the Government
The cost to the government is the CDFI Fund staff and contractor time required to develop the Application, review submitted Applications, collect follow-up information from Applicants, close the Bond Loan Agreements, and monitor the portfolio. The estimates of annualized cost to the Federal government based on a methodology that estimated the time and loaded labor rate for the CDFI Fund staff by general scale (GS) level and cost of contractor services. The estimated total cost is $5,034,282.
Expense Category |
Cost |
IT Contract |
$130,129 |
Underwriting and Portfolio Management Contracts |
$2,219,507 |
CDFI Fund Staff |
$2,684,646 |
Total |
$5,034,282 |
Specifically, the CDFI Fund estimated the hours by grade level for each step of the Application life cycle including the Application material preparation, Application review, Bond Loan Closing process, and monitoring the portfolio. The staff wage rate was based on Step 5 of the respective GS level and then multiplied by 1.63 to capture the value of non-wage compensation. The average fully loaded cost per hour was based on a standard 2,000 full time equivalent (FTE) hours per year.
15. Any program changes or adjustments
The Bond Guarantee Program made revisions to the applications to enhance ease of use by applicants. The FCM report has been updated to allow for a single signature, to reduce administrative burdens. The TLM report has been updated to allow for appropriate asset classes as well as clarified the instructions. The Secondary Loan Commitment Test form has been updated to increase functionality and ease of use.
The total requested hours decreases by 6,643 hours due to agency discretion.
16. Plans for information tabulation and publication
No information will be published. In keeping with Federal regulations and laws, confidential and proprietary information collected through all Bond Guarantee Program materials associated with this Information Collection Request (ICR) will not be published.
17. Reasons for not displaying expiration date of OMB approval
Display of the OMB expiration date may cause confusion for the applicants and borrowers due to the different reporting timelines for information collections and long-term nature of the financial instrument. Therefore, the non-display of the OMB expiration date is requested.
18. Explanation of exceptions to certification statement
Not applicable.
B. Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods
This section is not applicable.
Appendix 1: The Bond Guarantee Program Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification Respondents and Comment Summary
Table 1: Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification Respondents
No. |
Organization Name |
Organization Representative |
Date Submitted |
1 |
Community Reinvestment Fund
and |
Novak, Senior VP |
February 7th, 2025 |
2 |
Community Reinvestment Fund
and |
Novak, Senior VP |
February 7th, 2025 |
Table 2: The Bond Guarantee Program Secondary Loan Commitment Form and Certification Comment Summary
Date of Comment Submission |
Organization |
Author / Position |
Category |
Author's Description |
Author's Recommendation |
BGP Response |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Guarantee Application |
Timing & Process Improvements: |
Consistent release date in January. |
BGP will take the suggested recommendation into consideration for future rounds. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Guarantee Application |
B-ID-9B-Pipeline (History): Currently, the ECDFI Application instructions lack sufficient guidance on the B-ID-9B Pipeline (History) template, making it difficult for applicants to navigate submission requirements. |
reference the B-ID-9B Excel workbook in the PDF Guarantee
Application Instruction manual to ensure applicants understand
this requirement and improve clarity and usability. |
Applicants, including from the Qualified Issuer Representatives, may reach out to the BG Program via with specific application questions if they have questions about the guidance. The BG Program has determined that the currently collected information is necessary for evaluating the Guarantee Application. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Guarantee Application |
Portfolio by Risk Rating and Loan Loss Reserve: Applicants must
submit |
PDF Submissions in addition to Excel, which would reduce the
manual burden. |
The BG Program will make the necessary change to enable PDF and Excel submissions for 9H-Loan Portfolio by Risk Rating and Loan Loss Reserve for the FY 2026 Application Round. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Secondary Loan Requirements |
The LTV requirements for real estate backed loans are currently at a max of 80%. This max fails to reflect market realities for certain high-performing secure asset classes. Loans in the Multifamily Affordable Housing (MFAH) Rental Housing asset class with Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) have a risk profile that justifies a max 90% LTV requirement. |
Asset Class-Specific LTV Adjustment: Increase the LTV threshold
from 80% to 90% for MFAH Rental Housing to reflect the risk
profile of these secure asset classes. |
In accordance with the Secondary Loan Requirements, the required loan-to-value varies with the type of real estate and its position as Secondary Loan Collateral. The Loan-to-Value thresholds are long standing policy of the BG Program that were established in consultation with OMB. The BG Program will consider examples of the type of instructions that would provide further clarity. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
FCM Report |
Loans – Allow for Eligibility and Guidelines: |
• Define
Participation Loan Eligibility |
This recommendation regards policy for acceptance of proposed Secondary Loan Collateral and is unrelated to burden. BG Program suggests that the question be submitted through a current Qualified Issuer for consideration via an alternative forum. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
FCM Report |
& Reporting Requirements: |
Eliminating this additional attestation reduces administrative burdens without compromising Fund portfolio management duties. |
The FCM report will continue to require the CEO/CFO level signature; however, the BG Program has removed the requirement of a signature from a Designated Officer from the FCM Report. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
FCM Report |
Frequency for Performing ECDFIs: |
recommend that Performing ECDFIs, defined below, be allowed to
submit FCM reports on a semi-annual basis instead of quarterly.
Shifting to semi-annual reporting would cut down on administrative
costs for both ECDFIs and the CDFI Fund, including time spent on
data collection, verification, and submission. |
The BG Program will not consider this recommendation at this time and has determined it needs to continue to collect this data the currently frequency to effectively monitor risk under the program. (Bond Loan Agreement Section 5.1(f)). |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
PLM Report |
the PLM reports, unnecessary fields create inefficiencies for
We recommend removing NA columns and redundant fields that do not apply to all loans, such as Secondary Co-Borrower Information (Lines 11k–11t) which are always unnecessary if there is no co-borrower. |
Each monthly PLM is downloaded in our internal IT system and any change in the number of columns would require updating the coding in our system. Currently, the CDFI Fund does not have any funds allocated for IT system changes. Also, these fields are optional so do not create any extra work for the entities that are required to complete the PLM Reports. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Template Tab: |
recommend: |
The BG Program will rename the Collateral Type column (10a) as Asset Class column with the list of asset classes shown in a dropdown menu. This would not disrupt our internal IT system as the number of columns would stay the same. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
The TLM template also lacks a dedicated column to indicate the asset class, which is necessary to determine eligibility, compliance, and track portfolio concentration in the Updated Capital Distribution Report. |
Add Asset Class Column to explicitly identify asset type for each tertiary loan, aligning with the Fund’s eligibility criteria. |
• On
the data template, we would add the Asset Class Column and include
as drop down the following tertiary loan Asset Classes: |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 1 |
Template: |
Items H and I, Address 1, and Address 2, we would change the instructions from Leave Blank to Leave blank for any loans that are made to individuals regardless of their asset class. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 2 |
Financing Structure Definitions: |
The BG Program will reach out to the submitters for additional information and consider revising form guidance as necessary. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 3 |
Calculated Field for Current LTV: |
Due to internal IT system limitations, the TLM report cannot include calculations. As a result, the recommendation is not feasible at this point. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 4 |
• Items F and G, Address 1, and Address 2: For small business loans that are made to individuals, please clarify if address information should be left blank. The current guidance requires these fields to be blank for owner-occupied home mortgages. |
The CDFI Fund will revise the guidance to clarify how to complete these fields should be completed for loans to individuals. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 5 |
for Loan Drop Drop-down: |
This feature is already part of the TLM report. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 6 |
Loan OC Calculation: |
Due to our internal IT system limitations, the TLM report cannot include calculations and links among the different tabs. As a result, this recommendation is not feasible at this time. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
TLM Report |
Instructions Tab 7 |
of Cash Held in Lieu of Tertiary Loans: |
The guidance currently states, " Enter the amount from the 'Restricted Account' as the it is important to specify that the ECDFI borrowers should not commingle the funds for the tertiary loans with the one used with the secondary loans. Each ECDFI that are required to submit their TLM report should keep a restricted cash account to comply with the required OC test at tertiary loan level. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Annual Assessment Report |
ECDFIs face unnecessary and significant administrative burdens and costs from annual assessments, despite having a proven record of compliance and financial strength. The benefit versus cost of this exercise needs to be assessed by the Fund. |
We recommend reducing the AAR frequency to a triennial (every three years) cycle for Performing ECDFIs to alleviate the administrative burdens of the ECDFI without compromising oversight. |
The BG Program will take this recommendation into consideration at the approriate time, but each current ECDFI has already agreed to submit Annual Assessments and Vendor Certifications through the information covenants in the Bond Loan Agreement section 5.1(i). |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Annual Assessment Report |
and Streamline AAR Submission & Template: |
• Align
AAR timing and structure with the Fund’s review process to
prevent redundant requests and reduce overlap with audit
finalizations. |
The BG Program will take this recommendation into consideration at the approriate time, but each current ECDFI has already agreed to submit Annual Assessments and Vendor Certifications through the information covenants in the Bond Loan Agreement section 5.1(i). |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Secondary Loan Commitment Tests |
Current structure lacks consistency with other BGP reporting templates, creating inefficiencies in submission and review. |
Add Standardized Instructions: Include a detailed instructions tab within the Excel template to ensure uniform guidance for all users, replacing the need for separate email clarifications. |
The BG Program will consolidate the Certification signature page and Instructions into tabs on the Excel spreadsheet to consolidate the documents into one submission for the Secondary Loan Commitment Test. |
2/7/2025 |
Reinvestment Fund |
Novak, Senior VP |
Secondary Loan Commitment Tests |
Current structure lacks consistency with other BGP reporting templates, creating inefficiencies in submission and review. |
Consolidate Certification into the Template: Integrate the Secondary Loan Certification signature page directly within the Excel workbook, rather than as a standalone Word document. |
The BG Program will consolidate the Certification signature page and Instructions into tabs on the Excel spreadsheet to consolidate the documents into one submission for the Secondary Loan Commitment Test. |
1 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mean Hourly Wage. May 2023, Mean Hourly Wage was reported as $84.05.
2 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mean Hourly Wage, May 2023, Mean Hourly Wage was reported as $54.30.
3 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mean Hourly Wage, May 2023, Mean Hourly Wage was reported as $54.30.
4 Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mean Hourly Wage, May 2023, Mean Hourly Wage was reported as $54.30.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Supporting Statement |
Author | Wolfgang, Dawn |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-03-01 |