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pdfU.S. Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics
4600 Silver Hill Road
Washington, D.C. 20212-0002
Month Day, Year
Respondent Name
Respondent Address
Respondent City, State, and Zip code
Dear [Respondent Name]:
You are receiving this letter because you recently provided data to the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) Housing Survey. Thank you for your recent participation in this important
survey. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is committed to producing high-quality statistics that accurately
reflect the economic conditions in the United States. As part of that commitment to quality, the BLS
randomly conducts follow-up contacts. This helps us verify that we correctly recorded your responses
and verifies that BLS representatives were professional in their conduct. Your participation in this
verification is vital to the accuracy and integrity of the CPI.
Our records indicate that [data collector name] contacted you in [Month Year] regarding the housing unit
at [unit address]. We ask that you take a few minutes to complete the enclosed questionnaire and return
it in the prepaid envelope included with this mailing.
If you have questions about the CPI, the Housing Survey, or this data quality follow-up, please call Steven
Joering, Branch Chief of Data Quality, at 202-691-7067 or email him at
If you would like information about the Consumer Price Index, please see the Frequently Asked Questions
on the back side of this letter or visit our website:
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Ursula Y. Oliver
Associate Commissioner
Office of Field Operations
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of change in the cost of goods and services typically
purchased by urban consumers. As the only comprehensive measure of inflation at the retail level, the
CPI is widely used by private industry, labor unions, and the federal government to help in making
informed business and economic decisions. Below are a few examples of uses of the CPI:
The cost-of-living adjustments for over 50 million Social Security beneficiaries.
The cost of lunches for millions of school children.
Federal income tax brackets, so you don’t pay higher taxes because of inflation.
Payments in collective bargaining agreements.
Why are you verifying my information?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) regularly conducts verifications on the accuracy of the data collected
by its staff as part of a legally mandated quality assurance process. This contact is part of that quality
assurance process, and your response will help the BLS provide accurate statistics.
What will you do with my information / Is this confidential?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies will use the
information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the
full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical
Efficiency Act (44 U.S.C. 3572) and other applicable Federal Laws, your responses will not be disclosed in
identifiable form without your informed consent. Per the Federal Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of
2015, Federal information systems are protected from malicious activities through cybersecurity
screening of transmitted data.
I did not participate previously, should I still complete this?
Yes, even if you did not participate previously, your responses will still be helpful. Responding to this
questionnaire will help the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) improve the accuracy of the Consumer Price
Index. BLS has sampled the listed unit address as part of the Consumer Price Index Housing Survey, and
it is important that we understand the reported information.
Is this authorized/approved by OMB?
The time needed to complete this survey is estimated to be less than 4 minutes. If you have comments
concerning the accuracy of this time estimate or suggestions for making the survey simpler, you can
write to: Office of Prices and Living Conditions, 4600 Silver Hill Road, Washington, DC 20212-0002. The
OMB control number for this voluntary survey is 1220-0163. Without a currently valid number BLS
would not be able to conduct this survey.
Consumer Price Index: Housing Survey Verification
When completing this survey, please think only about the housing unit and time period listed below:
[Unit Address]
Month Year
Experience with BLS representative
1. Were you contacted by a representative of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in [Month Year] regarding
this unit?
No, no one was contacted
No, but you know someone else reported for this unit
Not sure
2. Were you satisfied with your experience providing data for the CPI Housing Survey?
Please provide any additional comments about your experience:
Housing Unit Information
Again, thinking about [unit address], complete the following questions.
3. In [Month Year] was this unit…?
Occupied by the owner
Occupied by the renter
Unit does not exist, or was not a housing unit
If this unit was occupied by the renter in [Month Year], continue with question 4 below.
Otherwise, if this unit was NOT occupied by a renter in [Month Year], skip to question 10.
4. Is the occupant of this unit a relative of the landlord?
Continued back page
5. For the month of [Month Year], please mark the rent the tenant was charged (excluding any subsidy received).
[Dollar Amount]
[Dollar Amount]
[Dollar Amount]
Some other amount, please provide an exact dollar amount below:
6. Did the rent you reported in question 5 include any optional extra charges?
Examples of optional extra charges include pet fees, parking fees, washer & dryer in the unit, etc…
7. Please list below any optional extra charges that were included in the rent you reported in question 5.
Type of extra charge included in the rent
Amount of this charge
8. Was the rent for [Month Year] reduced because the landlord received any supplemental funding or
assistance from a government program such as Section 8?
► Enter the amount the rent was reduced
Not sure
9. Was the rent reduced because someone did work for the landlord?
► Enter the amount the rent was reduced
Not sure
10. Thank you for your time and assistance with helping us ensure the quality and integrity of the data BLS
collects. In the event that a representative from BLS needs to contact you regarding the information you
provided, please provide your contact information below.
The information you provide will only be used for the purposes of this survey and held confidential to the
fullest extent allowed by law.
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:
Email: _________________________________________________________________________________
Return this survey in the postage paid envelope provided.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - HSG_Reint_Rent Blank (new address).docx |
Author | Sirois_T |
File Modified | 2025-02-24 |
File Created | 2025-02-24 |