OEWS Reporting Instructions |
Which employees should I report? |
Report employees who worked during the pay period that included November 12, 2022. |
Report employees working at, or reporting to, the location specified after “Report for” in the mailing address in your letter or email. |
Report employees who are on paid leave or assigned temporarily to other work locations, including employees who are working remotely or off-site. |
Report paid owners and officers of incorporated firms. |
What information should I report? |
For each of these employees, please report the following information: |
Job title |
Brief description of duties |
Part-time or full-time status |
Hourly wage rate (for part-time or full-time employees) or annual salary (for full-time employees only) |
Weekly hours |
Hire date |
Gender |
Birth year |
Department (optional) |
What information should not be reported? |
Do not report any of the following employees or information: |
Do not report contract workers |
Do not report owners or partners of unincorporated firms. |
Do not report employee names or Social Security numbers |
Do not report annual wages for part-time employees |
How should I report job titles? |
Report employee job titles according to the work they are doing, not their training. |
Example: Report an employee working as a drafter, but trained as an engineer, as a drafter. |
Report an employee as a supervisor if they spend at least 80 percent of their time supervising other employees. |
Example: Report a head cashier as a supervisor of cashiers if they spend more than 80 percent of their time supervising other cashiers, but |
report them as a cashier if they spend less than 80 percent of their time supervising other cashiers. |
Report apprentices separately from helpers. |
Example: Report an apprentice carpenter as a carpenter but report an employee who helps them as a carpenter’s helper. |
How should I report wage rates? |
Report hourly wage rates or annual salaries for full-time employees. Report hourly wage rates for part-time employees. |
If wage rates are recorded differently, such as by the month, convert them to an hourly wage rate. |
Report each employee’s actual wage rate, not an approximation. |
For employees who earn tips, commissions, or piece-rate payments, calculate their hourly wage rate or annual salary including their base pay plus tips, commissions, or piece rates. |
If you are reporting for a school, please see the additional reporting instructions at www.bls.gov/respondents/oes/MI.htm#school. |
What should I include when reporting wages? (Definitions of pay terms) |
· Base rate |
· Commissions |
· Tips |
· Cost-of-living allowance |
· Deadheading pay |
· Guaranteed pay |
· Hazard pay |
· Incentive pay |
· Longevity pay |
· Piece rate |
· Portal-to-portal rate |
· Production bonus |
What should I exclude when reporting wages? (Definitions of pay terms) |
· Attendance bonus |
· Back pay |
· Draw |
· Holiday bonus |
· Holiday premium pay |
· Jury duty pay |
· Lodging payments |
· Meal payments |
· Merchandise discounts |
· Nonproduction bonus |
· On-call pay |
· Overtime pay |
· Perquisites |
· Profit-sharing payment |
· Relocation allowance |
· Tuition repayments |
· Severance pay |
· Shift differential |
· Stock bonuses |
· Tool allowance |
· Uniform allowance |
What if I need more help? |
Email OEWSMichigan@idcfmail.bls.gov |
or call 866-637-1920 |