Consolidated List of All Client Questions

Domestic and International Clients Export Services and Customized Forms

0625-0143 Question Library Revision

Consolidated List of All Client Questions

OMB: 0625-0143

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ICR 0625-0143 Domestic and International Clients Export Svcs & Customized Forms QUESTIONS LIST
U.S. organization
Client Type
Foreign organization
Client Type
Client Type
Client Type
Client Type
Client Type
General population 
Alternate contact title
Contact Information
Alternate contact email
Contact Information
Alternate contact tel
Contact Information
Contact Information
First name
Contact Information
Last name
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact first name
Contact Information
Contact last name
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Information
Daytime phone number
Contact Information
Office phone
Contact Information
Cell/Mobile number
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Information
User ID and password
Contact Information
Address 1
Contact Information
Address 2
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Information
Zip Code
Contact Information
Contact Information
Contact Person: (Designated point of contact for the Applicant, which may be an independent thirdparty representative, if applicable) First name, Last name, Company, Telephone, Title, Email
Contact Information
Contact Information
Please enter your name as you would like us to use it: Prefix, First name, Middle initial or Name (if
Contact Information
used), Last name, Suffix (if used)
Contact Information
In one brief sentence, please describe your work.
Please provide your work contact information. You may use a personal email address if preferred.
Your position, Company/Organization name, Business address, City, State, Zip Code, Email, Phone
Contact Information
number, Compay/Organization website
Contact Information
Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type
Recipient/End user
Contact Type
Contact Type
Decision maker
Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type
Board of Directors
Contact Type
International marketing
Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type

Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type
Contact Type
District Export Council/Committee
District Export Council/Committee

District Export Council/Committee



Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data

Educational Institution Data

Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data

Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data

Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data

In-country representative
Mission sponsor
Principal U.S. subcontractors
Alternate contact
Please select your District Export Council/Committees:
Are you a member of the District Export Council/Committee? (Y/N)
Please provide a brief statement with your qualifications to be a DEC Member. You may include:
Awards received or professional honors, Trade issues you are interested in, Other community work.
Per the DEC Manual, you must disclose if you represent one or more foreign governments, including
as Honorary Consuls, or are employed by an entity owned by or affiliated with a foreign government.
This may disqualify you from appointment to a DEC. Determination of eligibility is made on an
individual basis based on the individual’s ability to carry out the duties of a DEC Member
representing solely the interests of the U.S. exporting community without the influence of foreign
government interests, as well as the potential of the foreign appointment to raise appearance
Application Information: Type of application
Choices:  E Award for Exports; E Award for Export Service; E Star Award for Exports; E Star Award for
Export Service 
E Star Applicants: Year of previous E Award receipt
E Award for Exports or E Star Award for Exports Applicants: U.S. Export Statistics:  Provide figures for
each of the past four (4) years (either calendar or corporate fiscal), plus your most recent quarterly
data. Data should include shipments to Canada and Mexico, but not Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin
Islands. Do not include income from licensing agreements in sales figures; list licensing income
Additional organization information: Educational Institution: (Please select all that apply) Four-Year
College/University, Graduate School/Program, Two-Year College, High School/Boarding School,
English Language Program, Public/Private/Non-Profit, Private/For-Project, Other (Please specify)
Primary NAICs Code(1): Only complete if a Private/For-Profit Institution
Average Annual Revenues(2): Only complete is a Private/For-Profit Institution
Accrediting type and body:
Do you have recruitment partners selling your courses online?   
When your educational institution is assessing potential partners, including recruitment agents in
target markets, is the ability of partners to assist with online program promotion and/or recruitment
a primary qualifier? 
Does your educational institution understand online transaction options and patterns for your
courses and training in target markets? (e.g. market intel on consumer behavior in the education
Type of educational institution:
Total number of undergraduate/graduate students:
Accrediting body:
List degrees offered:
Please list any specific educational institutions, associations, agents, etc., that we should not
Does your educational institution have cross-border sales channels for online courses for credit or
offer online classes of any kind?  If so, is it being offered through your own website, marketplace,
social media or in-country partner?  
Please provide 2-3 keywords that visitors would use to search for your school in a search engine: 
Does your educational institution employ in-house talent to manage your online presence? If so, in
what capacity, (e.g. C-suite, digital marketing department, single webmaster, or do you use a
contracted 3rd party service provider?
Do your in-country agents have an established online recruitment reputation and robust online
recruitment channel network? 
Number of international students on campus:

Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Educational Institution Data
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities

Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities

Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities

Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities
Events & Activities

Number of international students from the country of interest:
Brief description of your educational institution.
Describe the programs/degrees and any unique programs or characteristics.
Do you have the following available for international students (check all that apply)?
Minimum TOFEL score required:
Do you accept IELTS? 
If setting up an overseas campus, please describe the financial benefits to the U.S. 
If academia, please check which best describes you: Faculty/Business; Faculty/Education;
Faculty/Other; Student/Business; Student/Education; Student/Other 
Describe the event in which the USG official is to participate (e.g., site visit, announcement, ribboncutting, business agreement signing). 
What is your latest information on the status of this event? 
What additional actions must occur before the event can materialize (e.g., financing needs to be
secured, permits obtained, Ministry approval, etc.)? 
A draft press release from your company announcing the event. 
Specific points you would like the U.S. government official to highlight regarding the event:
List any specific organizations, from the private and public sectors, with whom you know you wish to
Outline of promotional campaign to be conducted in recruiting mission (e.g., mailing, fax campaign,
brochure distribution at other trade events, radio spots).  Be as specific as possible and include
target dates, when available.
Deadline for accepting applications from participants:
Proof, such as a copy of letter of invitation, that your mission has a host organization in countries
that require such as arrangement (e. g., China).   
Specify any need for special space and/or equipment for audiovisual presentations or technical
How is the event financed (state whether financed wholly by event operator or if supported or
underwritten financially in whole or in part by other organizations.  List organizations and financial
obligation of each, including chambers of commerce, associations, business firms, city, state, or
other government organizations)?
Contact titles and names at show:
What are your business objectives for attending [name of trade show]?
Please identify decision makers for this event [name, title, organization]. 
If you are an exhibitor at [event name], what is your booth number? 
Basic history or description of show:
Specify product categories within this fair. 
Number of exhibitors/participants (U.S. and others) expected:
Number of visitors expected:
Please provide a description of your event.   
Please rank organization's top three objectives in participating in this trade mission (1=highest,
3=lowest).  Choices are: finding a sales representative, finding licenses, finding joint venture
partners, exposure to new business prospects, product testing/market research, immediate sales,
finding a distributor, government meetings, other.
Event name and date:
Event location:
Booth number at show:
Name of building and street address:
Name of fair grounds or other location which event will occupy:
Attach authority to occupy event site.
Attach license or permit to operate the event.
Date event opens:
Date event closes:
If no license or permit is required, please indicate this. 
Person(s) attending show:

Events & Activities
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

How did you find out about this event?:  e-mail; media; printed press; website; other 
Annual exports (as % of total sales): Less than 25%, More than 25%
Total number of countries currently exporting to:
Top three countries of export for the previous four years:
What government and private sector export promotion events do you participate in? 
Describe any instances in which you had to retrofit or redesign products or services to sell them in
an international market. 
How do you overcome language obstacles with your international customers? 
Describe any trade barriers your organization has faced and how they were overcome. 
If applicable, describe how you have developed a market abroad for products not previously
If applicable, describe how you have opened a new market previously closed or extremely limited to
American companies. 
Describe any other strategies you employ for increasing international sales. 
Describe how increased exports have affected employment for your organization. 
How have you notified exporters of trade opportunities? 
What documentation assistance have you provided to exporters? 
Describe any overseas trade missions that you have sponsored. 
Describe any programs you provided for international businesses. 
Describe any other export services that you provide. 
Provide three case studies describing exporters that have increased exports as a result of your help,
being sure to describe the ways in which your activities helped; alternately, describe how the
organization’s activities have resulted in community-wide export expansion. 
Percent of revenue generated through exports:
Countries in which sales are made in order of importance:
Not counting your profit margin, what percent of the cost to your foreign buyer derives from U.S.
Export Control Classification Code:
Is your company willing to modify its product to meet foreign standards? 
Can the company promptly fill any new export orders from its present inventory?
How is your product typically distributed and marketed in the US and other countries?
Product/service wishing to export:
Does U.S. content represent at least 51% of the value of the finished product? 
How would you describe your firm's top management commitment to supporting export activities? 
What are the company's international sales objectives for the next 3 years (as % of total sales)?
What prompted your company to export? 
Number of employees whose jobs are attributable to exporting: 
Export stats: Year, total sales, export sales, percent exports to total sales, income from licensing
Name key exporting problems:
Name factors that could inhibit international sales of your company or company's
Exporting experience/information:
Number of years exporting:
Products exported:
Annual exports (% of total sales):
Novice, Intermediate, Successful 
Countries exporting to (please provide the names of the countries to which you exported and the
approximate dollar value of the organization’s worldwide exports for the last two calendar years):
Are you currently selling your product or service online to consumers in overseas countries? 
Countries of interest:

Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

Export Data

Export Data
Export Data
Export Data
Export Data

Does the product/service to be exported require any special technical support of after-sales
Have you inquired about IP requirements in foreign markets? 
Which international distribution channels does your company currently use? 
Are there specific export issues that you would like to discuss? 
Not counting your profit margin, what percent of the cost to your foreign buyer derives from US
Do you have access to capital and can that money be dedicated to developing market share in one
or more foreign countries? 
Do you have enough excess capacity to handle foreign sales orders? 
Do you have the resources in your company to learn about and comply with U.S. export controls,
foreign government import controls, foreign government regulations, and foreign cultural and
business norms? 
Have you exported in the past two years and, if so, was it based on a deliberate plan or strategy? 
Company export profile:
U.S. exporters:
What type(s) of information were you looking for when visiting
What is your organization's objective to export? 
Type of export counseling desired. 
How interested are you in establishing a business connection with [name of organization] for export
sales to [location]? 
What exporting-related training have you conducted for your employees and/or international
Export Licensing: a) Are there items or technology to be exported in connection with the project that
require U.S. Government marketing or export license? (Yes/No)
b) If yes, please list the license and /or application number(s) and status: License/Application
Number(s): Status of Application:
How is your product typically distributed and marketed in other countries? 
Will patent/trademark/copyright protection abroad be necessary? 
Name factors that could inhibit international sales of your company:
What specific innovations can you offer to [foreign enterprise]? 
Value and detailed description of all projected U.S. export content:
States from which the projected U.S. export content will be sources:
Description of product or service exported:
What is your international sales model? (E.g. direct sales, distributors/agents) 
Do you currently sell online to overseas consumers? 
What specific innovations can you offer to foreign enterprise? 
Trade references (name/product, country, year, volume):
If export rights are limited to a number of countries, please list countries. 
Are you the rights holder or do you have the legal right to sell or distribute the export for which you
are asking for assistance in the foreign market or markets in question? 
Please indicate any professional expertise that might be useful for counseling exporters. Please
select one or more: Accounting/Taxes, Compliance/Export Controls, Documentation, Export
Readiness Counseling, Free Trade Agreements, Identifying/Qualifying International Buyers, General
Legal/Intellectual Property/Partnership Agreements, Logistics/Supply Chain, Marketing/Social
Media/eCommerce, Market Research/Market Entry Strategies, Methoids of
Payment/Finance/Insurance, Trade Policy, Standards/Product Registration/Certification
Please indicate any regional expertise that might be useful in counseling exporters. Please select
one or more: North America (Canda and Mexico), Central & South America & Caribbean, Africa &
The Middle East, Europe and Eurasia, China, Asia and Oceania
Would you like to add additional export regions to your listing?
Primary export regions/countries:
Secondary export regions/countries:

Export Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data
Finance Data

Gender Data
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information

Export Licensing: a) Are there items or technology to be exported in connection with the project that
require U.S. Government marketing or export license? (Yes/No)
b) If yes, please list the license and /or application number(s) and status: (required)
License/Application Number(s): Status of Application(s):
Annual sales:
Financial data information:
Capital structure:
Credit Card Information: Cardholder name, Credit card type (Visa, Master card, etc), Expiration
date, Card number
Check Payment: Account holder name, ACH/Routing number, Account number, Check number
Sales Frequency: Longer Term Suppliers, Short Term Supplier, Irregular Purchases, Single Purchases
Name and contact information for company official in charge of financing:
Average Annual Revenue: Less than $1 Million, $1-3M, $3M+
Sex: (Optional)
• Female
• Male
How would you rate the overall usability of 
Did you know that you could sign-up for e-mail updates from 
Potential services: Market Research, Gold Key Service, International Company Profile, Advocacy,
Are there any specific companies, or types of companies, you would like us to contact? If so, please
name them.
Business Service Provider categories:
Additional Business Service Provider listings authorization of international posts to disclose name of
client to the target company/individual:
International business in which your company is interested:
Would you like a free subscription to Commercial News USA? 
Desired dates for services:
Alternate dates:
Desired locations:
Additional services (needed/requested):
Explain advantages you can provide:
Describe role of foreign business partner (s) (i. e. JV, etc)  Provide name (s) address(es) and CEOs of
foreign business partner or buyers.
List all signatories for any agreements to be witness (name, title, organization):
Please describe the legal nature and impact of any document that will be signed.
Are you a member of the Industry Business Association/Club or Chamber of Commerce? 
Services/assistance requested from the post if status in approved (e.g., one-on-one business
appoints, plant visits, translators, reception, hotel and transportation arrangements):
Target date of advance trip, name of advance officer:
Please provide a brief description of how organization's participation is consistent with the goals
and objectives of this mission, as set forth in the accompanying mission statement. 
If government, please check which best describes you: federal, state, local
Outline your goals and objectives. 
Indicate names of VIP leaders, if appropriate. 
Proposed itinerary.  Please give as much detail as possible. 
Please highlight the competitiveness of the applicant’s bid or proposal in terms of technology, price,
full lifecycle cost, best value, or other factors:
Division or subsidiary of:
What seminars, workshops, or conferences has your organization conducted? 
Describe any preference, technical qualification, servicing capabilities, requirements, or prequalifications that ideal prospects must have. 
If this company is a subsidiary, the parent company(ies) and any controlling individual(s):

General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information

General Information

General Information

Are you currently working with a U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC), Dept of Commerce, U.S.
Embassy or other government organization?
If working with USEAC, please provide City and Trade Specialist Name:
Share information with other TPCC Agencies:
Securities Exchange Commission affiliation/reporting:
NAICs Code/Category:
HS Code:
ISO 9000 Registered:
TQM/Six Sigma Certified:
Working towards Certification:
Anticipated year to complete Certification:
Agreement concerning bribery and corporate policy prohibiting bribery:
Referral OIO, ODO, IBP, Trade Missions, Partner, CS Event:
Under which state's laws is your organization organized?
Provide relevant industrial economic sector(s):
Have you ever participated in any of the following CS services (check all that apply)? 
What type of contacts are you seeking (check all that apply)? 
Describe any preferences, qualifications, servicing capabilities, requirements, or pre-qualifications
that ideal prospects must have, such as English language ability, etc. 
Please list any specific educational institutions, associations, agents, etc., that you would like us to
Is your institution seeking representation on an exclusive basis in this market? 
Do you have an exclusive arrangement with your current partner? 
Is your representative aware that you are seeking additional representation? 
Desired locations/cities:
Additional services (please note any other assistance that would be required):
U.S. Embassy/Consulate Commercial Specialist responsible for lead: 
U.S. Embassy/Consulate Post: 
Companies you currently represent: 
For tenders Trade Leads - companies that are already pre-qualified: 
Is there a sovereign or corporate guarantee for this project? (Yes/No) *Imperative to know this for
exIm financing.
Can bid be submitted in English? (Yes/No)       
What type of business contacts you are seeking:* Manufacturer, Joint Venture Partner or Licensee,
Agent/Sales Representative, Franchisee, Other, Please Specify:
Should responding firms write in English or another language: English, Other/Please Specify:
Do you want responses from U.S. manufacturers only or are agents and distributors acceptable?:
U.S. Manufacturers Only, Agents and Distributors Acceptable
Is a service contract required? (Yes/No)
Place of domicile:
Bidder of record:
a) Is the applicant the bidder of record? (Please check one.) (Yes/No)
b) If no, please provide the name and nationality of the bidder of record: Name: Nationality:
Is the applicant bidding as part of a partnership, consortium, joint venture, or other form of
association with other companies? (Yes/No)
a) If yes, please list below: (If needed, list any additional partners in a separate attachment.)
Partner 1 - Company Name, Contact Name, Title, Nationality, Telephone, Email address
Partner 2 - Company Name, Contact Name, Title, Nationality, Telephone, Email address
Partner 3 - Company Name, Contact Name, Title, Nationality, Telephone, Email address

General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information

Advocacy Type: a) Is this a request for (please check only one): Commercial (non-Defense)
Advocacy?, Defense Advocacy?
b) If this is for Defense Advocacy, is this a (please check only one): Foreign Military Sale (FMS)?,
Direct Commercial Sale (DCS)?, To be Determined
Reason for requested assistance:
ITAC(s) of interest:
If the applicant is representing a trade association, identify all foreign and domestic entities
involved, including percentage of ownership and control and role of each entity.
What specific information do you want U.S. suppliers to provide to you when they respond? 
How did you learn about this program? 
How would you change or improve the site? 
What enhancements would make it more useful? 
Have you signed-up for any of our e-mail updates? 
How would you rate the overall usefulness of our e-mail updates? 
How could we make our e-mail updates more useful to you? 
Do you have [foreign language]-speaking staff members with applicable qualifications that could
work on foreign enterprise projects?
Other services or activities:
Associated companies/division or subsidiaries:
BSP categories:
Additional BSP listings:
Authorization of overseas post to disclose name of client to the target company/individual.
What type of business contacts are you seeking? 
Is your firm seeking representation on an exclusive basis in this market? 
Describe any preference, technical qualifications, servicing capabilities, requirements, or prequalifications that ideal prospects must have. 
Is your representative/partner aware you are seeking additional representation? 
What is the outcome or result you expect to accomplish by working with CS? 
List priority countries of most importance to you. 
For each market you have selected, please specify questions/topics you would like to discuss with
the Commercial Specialists.
The U.S Commercial Service has offices at U.S. Embassies/Consulates in 82 countries. Can we be
of assistance in any other markets?  
Are there any specific companies, or types of companies, you would like us to contact? If so, please
name them. 
Are there specific companies you would not like us to contact? If so, please name them. 
If applicable, please provide the necessary contact information of your current
Short Business Service Provider description:
Complete Business Service Provider description:
Description of company/products/services/objectives:
Challenged, mixed effective, effective 
Are you looking for representation in [country]? 
CAS # (Chemical Abstract Service Number) under the organization questions/data:
What is the relevant supply chain sector?
What is the relevant supply chain subsector (if any)?
Would your company like to continue to be listed in the EMC Directory? (Y/N)
What has been your experience regarding the EMC Directory?
Would you be willing to provide a public testimonial? (Y/N)
Would you like to add additional industries to your listing?
Would you like to add additional specializations to your listing?
Please provide any additional information:
Are you currently working with a U.S. Local Trade Office? (Y/N)

General Information
General Information
General Information
General Information

General Information

General Information
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Import Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Marketing Data
Minority Data

Minority Data

Minority Data

If yes, please provide the city and the name of the Trade Specialist:
Would you be interesting in providing a testimonial to be published on (Y/N)
Please provide any additional feedback on the [program] service:
Additional Information:
Is the Applicant bidding as part of a partnership, consortium, joint venture, or other form of
associationwith other companies? (Yes/No)
a)If yes, please list below (If needed, list any additional partners in a separate attachment.): Partner
1: Company Name, Company Nationality, Role of Partner, Contact Name, Contact Title, Telephone,
Email Address
Partner 2: Company Name, Company Nationality, Role of Partner, Contact Name, Contact Title,
Telephone, Email Address
Partner 3: Company Name, Company Nationality, Role of Partner, Contact Name, Contact Title,
Telephone, Email Address
Advocacy Type: a) Is this a request for (please check only one): Commercial (non-Defense)
Advocacy?, Defense Advocacy?
b) If this is for Defense Advocacy, is this a (please check only one): Foreign Military Sale (FMS)?,
Direct Commercial Sale (DCS)?, Hybrid (FMS/DCS), To be Determined
If import rights are limited to a number of countries, please list countries:
Product/service wishing to import:
Firms' objective to import: (Choose all that apply) 
Import Control Classification Code:
Can the company promptly fill any new import orders from its present inventory? 
Number of years importing:
Have you previously tried to import from the U.S.? 
Are there specific import issues that you would like to discuss? 
How would you describe your firm's top management commitment to supporting import activities? 
What prompted your company to import? 
Name and contact info for company official in charge of international sales/marketing:
Do you have an international marketing plan? 
What international marketing and promotional methods have you used? 
Where are you most interested in marketing your product? 
How is your company planning to develop sales in target markets? 
What new markets are you targeting to expand future sales? 
What promotional methods does your company use domestically?  
What market research do you conduct? 
If no, does your company need help developing a U.S. marketing plan? 
Does your firm have a U.S. marketing plan? 
What promotional methods does your company use domestically? 
What are you hoping to accomplish with market research? (Find new markets, expand current
markets, etc. Please add specific details when possible.)
Please list here any hyperlinks for marketing materials (e.g. links to online .pdf brochures, online
videos, etc.). If you prefer, please email any materials to your local contact along with this form.
What market information will be most useful for you? What are factors that predict a good market for
Is your company (check all that apply): Woman-owned (Organization is at least 51% owned,
operated, and controlled by a minimum of one U.S. citizen who is female)
Is your company (check all that apply): Veteran-owned (Organization is at least 51% owned,
operated, and controlled by a minimum of one U.S. citizen who has served or currently serving in the
U.S. armed forces) 
Is your company (check all that apply): Minority-owned (Organization is at least 51% owned,
operated, and controlled by a minimum of one U.S. citizen whose ethnic background is at least 25%
Asian-Indian, Asian-Pacific, Black, Hispanic, or Native American) 

Minority Data

Minority Data

Minority Data
Minority Data

Minority Data

Minority Data
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Is your company (check all that apply): Disabled-owned (Organization is at least 51% owned,
operated, and controlled by a minimum of one U.S. citizen who is disabled as defined by the
Americans with Disabilities Act) 
Is your company (check all that apply): Religious Minority-owned (Organization is at least 51%
owned, operated, and controlled by a minimum of one U.S. citizen whose religion is considered to
be a minority within the United States)
Is your company (check all that apply): Minority Serving Institutions (an accredited academic
institution whose enrollment of a single minority or a combination of minorities exceeds fifty
percent of the total enrollment, including graduate and undergraduate and full- and part-time
Is your company (check all that apply): None of the above / Don’t know 
If respondent selects Minority-owned, ask the following question: What is your race and/or
ethnicity? Select all that apply.
- American Indian or Alaska Native
For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native
Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Commnity, Aztec, Maya, etc.
- Asian
For example, Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc.
- Black or African American
For example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian, Ethiopian, Somali, etc.
- Hispanic
For example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Dominican, Guatemalan, etc.
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
For example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamarro, Tongan, Fijian, Marshellese, etc.
- White
For example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Scottish, etc.
If Minority Serving Institution, please select the category or categories with which you most closely
identify. Please check all that apply.
Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution (AANAPISI)
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian-Serving Institution (ANNH)
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)
Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI)
Native American-Serving Nontribal Institution (NASNTI)
Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI)
Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCU)
Provide additional information that [bureau] should be aware of to fully understand your company
and its requirements. 
Institution website address:
Organization name:
Organization address 1:
Organization address 2: 
Organization city:
Organization country:
Organization website:
Number of employees:
Ownership percentage:
Organization description:
Year organization established:
Federal Tax ID number or EIN:
IRS Waiver form:
Preferred business language:
Foreign-language speaking staff:
Staff with applicable qualifications to work on foreign enterprise projects:

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Chamber registration number:
Safety record:
Under which state's law is your organization organized:
Is your company register with the state or Commonwealth (provide name)?
Duns and Bradstreet number:
Who are your major competitors? 
List name and location of other companies:
What is your organization's primary function in the [industry name] industry?
What domestic channels of distribution does you company employ? 
What markets/product categories does your organization represent or plan to represent in the
[industry name] industry? Consumer Electronics: Audio; Emerging Technology; Automotive
Electronics; Entertainment/Content; Computer Hardware & Software; Connected Home; Lifestyle
Electronics, Content Distribution; Telecomm./Infrastructure; Digital Health and Fitness; Video;
Digital Imaging/Photography; Wireless & Wireless Devices; Electronic Gaming; Other (Industry
category names and subcategories selected via radio buttons change based on industry) 
Full corporate name:
Headquarters Address - Street, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country
Ownership (Identify any parent companies and the percentage of ownership of each parent.)
Number of Employees - In U.S.A., Outside U.S.A.
Size (number of employees?): blank, 0-50, 51-100, 100-250, 250-500, 500+
What is your organization's primary function in the [industry name] industry?  Consumer
Electronics: Buying Organization; Government; Services; Industry Organization; IT/MIS; Finance
&Investment (Organization primary functions, category  names and subcategories selected via radio
buttons change based on industry) 
Trade license number:
Organization's objective:
Describe any special features of your company's operations, interests or objectives in the target
market that can help us identify potential business partners. 
Is your company represented in the country/region? If yes, is this arrangement exclusive? 
How effective is your company with the following activities:  Conducting market research;
developing business plans; marketing/selling internationally/ finding business partners; protecting
intellectual property; ensuring compliance with US or foreign laws; managing payment/financing;
shipping/preparing export documentation; ensuring sufficient production capacity. 
Would you be able to establish a reliable supply chain to [organization]?
Please select your industry, Please select one or more…Aerospace, Agribusiness, Automotive,
Builiding Products and Construction, Chemicals, Consumer Goods, Defense Products, ECommerce, Education, Energy including Renewable, Environmental Industries, Financial Services,
Franchising, Government (state or local government agency), Health and Medical, Information and
Telecom, Logistics, Machinery, Manufacturing, Media and Entertainment, Metals, Professional
Services, Technology, Textiles and Apparel, Travel and Tourism, Transportation
Does your company file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission?
Is this business a U.S. subsidiary of a foreign-owned company?
Number of U.S. employees:
What are the characteristics of your best customers?
Please provide links to 3 companies who exemplify your ideal client (even if they are US based
Please provide links to top competitors.
Name of the foreign company:
Website of the foreign company:
Address of the foreign company:
Contact name(s) of the foreign company

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information

Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Information
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Organization Type
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data

Email of contact of the foreign company
Phone of contact of the foreign company
Would you like us to look for any specific concerns regarding the foreign company?
Company Activity: (Please select all that apply)
- Manufacturer
- Distributor/Representative
- Export Management Company
- Service Company
- Franchiser
- Other (specify):
Number of years in business:
Industry or Industries Served: Agriculture, Alcohol, Apparel, Automotive, Aviation, Construction,
Chemicals, Children's Products, Crafting, Diverse, Education, Electronics, Fertilizer, Finance, Food
Service, Food/Beverage/Groceries, Health Care, HVAC, Industrial Products, Infrastructure, Lawn
and Garden, Logistics, Manufacturing Equipment, Marine, Mining/Minerals, Oil and Gas, Personal
Care, Pet/Animal Care, Power and Energy, Pharmaceutical, Rail, Technology, Transportation,
Water/Wastewater, Weapons
If another industry, please explain:
As an EMC, what services do you provide to your clients?
Current clients or references (2 or 3):
Local Trade Specialist
Area developer 
Business or organization type (Manufacturer, Distributor, Trade Association, etc.)
Service Provider
Educational Institution
Franchisor (Master, Unit)
Client organization
Associate organizations
Division or Subsidiaries
Ownership/Parent organization
Sponsoring organization
Organization Type:* Distributor/Representative, National Government, Export Management
Company, Service Company, Franchiser, Retailer, Other/Please Specify
Please list the ecommerce sales channels in which you sell your products/services online: 
Is there a Local Content Requirement? If So, How Much? Yes/If Yes, How Much?/No
Describe the product/service(s) you are looking for.  Please be as specific as possible.* 
If you already have a U.S. Supplier(s) in mind, please indicate the company of interest below. 
Quantity needed: Price range/dollar ($) value: 
Quantity needed: Purchase needed by/Submission deadline:* 
General description of trade activities and products and services of the U.S. entity to be
U.S. goods provided by your company:
Product/Service contain 51 percent U.S. content?
Product/Service Description:
List the most important end-users or end-user industries for this product:
Does the product require any special technical support or after-sales service? 
Does the product have patent/trademark/copyright registration? 

Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Product/Service Data
Project Data

Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data
Project Data

Describe product/service competitive advantages, unique selling proposition, applications, and
unique features that differentiate your product from competition:
Benefits/unique features:
U.S. good provided by your company:
U.S. services provided by your company:
If you don't manufacture the product, provide name and location of manufacturers’ headquarters.
If not manufacturer, does your firm have documented sales or distribution authorization for the
Please list end-users and/or industries that use this product:
Is the company's product sourced/produced entirely in the US? 
Is product/service currently being sold in U.S.?
Product categories/industries to be promoted. 
If you do not manufacture the product, provide name and location of manufacturer's headquarters:
If not the manufacturer, does your firm have documented sales or distribution authorization for the
Describe product/services competitive advantages, unique selling proposition, applications, and
unique features that differentiate your product from competition. 
Discuss Intellectual Property:  
List the most important end-users or end-user industries for this product /service: 
What type of licensing or registration does the product you are seeking require in your country? 
Product description ( e.g.,  physical characteristics, CAS #, function, application, principal or end
use within the critical sector, etc.)
Do you take possession of the client’s products? (Y/N)
What are the unique advantages of your product or service? What is your value proposition to your
Provide overall economic value of the project or transaction:
Is the applicant or any of its partners seeking U.S. Government financing through EXIM Bank or the
Development Finance Corporation (DFS) for the project? (Yes/No)
a) If yes, please name the institution(s) and status of the applicantion(s):
b) If no, please indicate whether the Applicant or any of its partners plan to seek or would like
assistance in seeking such financing/support for the project: (Yes/No)
Identify all foreign and domestic entities involved, including ownership and control and role of each
entity in the project.  Entity/ownership, percent ownership of this project. 
What if any agreements/approvals have preciously occurred in connection with this project? 
How will this project/transaction affect the environment? 
Project: Name of project, location, country
Please provide a description of the project or procurement the applicant is pursuing ("the project)".
Please list the foreign government entity or entities responsible for awarding the project and other
officials who may have influence over the project.
What is the current status of the project? (Please include applicant interactions with foreign
government decision- makers to date.) 
Please provide the specific timeframe for when project actions will take place and when decisions
will be made (if known). Interim Decision Date(s): Final Decision Date:

Project Data

Project Data

Project Data

Project Data

Project Data

Project Data

Project Data
Project Data

Project Data

Project Data

Please indicate the best estimate or actual values (in U.S. Dollars only) contributed to the project by
the Applicant and other companies, including partners or suppliers, if applicable:
a) U.S.-Sourced Goods Provided by Applicant:
b) U.S.-Sourced Services Provided by Applicant:
c) U.S.-Sourced Goods Provided by Other Companies:
d) U.S.-Sourced Services Provided by Other Companies:
e) Total U.S.-Sourced Goods and Services: (a + b + c + d)
f) Foreign-Sourced Goods Provided by Applicant:
g) Foreign-Sourced Services Provided by Applicant:
h) Foreign-Sourced Goods Provided by Other Companies:
i) Foreign-Sourced Services Provided by Other Companies:
j) Total Foreign-Sourced Goods and Services: (f + g + h + i)
k) Total Project Value: (e + j)
l) Percent U.S.-Sourced Goods and Services: % (e ÷ k) x 100
Please identify the competitors for the project: (If needed, list any additional competitors in a
separate attachment.) 
a) U.S. Competitors: Company - Company - Company - Company - Company - Company b) Foreign (non-U.S.) Competitors: Company - Nationality - Company - Nationality - Company Nationality - Company - Nationality - Company - Nationality - Company - Nationality Is the applicant or any of its partners receiving advocacy or other assistance from a foreign
government for the project? (Yes/No)
a) If yes, please list the foreign government(s), and partner(s), if applicable:
What is the current status of the project? Please include interactions with the U.S.
embassy/consulate in-country and foreign government decision-makers, and other project
particulars such as requests from the foreign government for information, proposal, or quotation.
Please provide the specific timeframe of any project milestones. In addition to estimated final
award date, please include interim milestones and associated dates (if known) such as tender
release, bid submission, or downselection.
Interim Milestone(s) and Associated Date(s):
Estimated Final Award Date:
Please identify which of the project goods and/or services will be U.S.-sourced and from which U.S.
state or territory they will be exported:
a)U.S.-Sourced Goods and/or Services Provided by the Applicant: (list of Goods or Services and their
U.S. State/Territory)
b)U.S.-Sourced Goods and/or Services Provided by Other Companies: (list of Goods or Services,
Company, and U.S. State/Territory)
Please identify which of the project goods and/or services are foreign-sourced:
a) Foreign-Sourced Goods and/or Services Provided by Applicant: (list of Goods or Services,
Company, Country)
b) Foreign-Sourced Goods and/or Services Provided by Other Companies:(list of Goods or Services,
Company, Country)
How will the project be financed (if known)?
Is the project financed by any of the following Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs): World Bank
(WB), Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), African Development Bank (AfDB), European Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), or the Asian Development Bank (ADB)? (Yes/No/Not
a) If yes, please specify the MDB:
Is the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) providing support for the project? (Yes/No/Not
a) If yes, please indicate whether USTDA project support is through feasibility studies, training
grants, or other assistance (if known):
b) If no, please indicate whether the Applicant or any of its partners plan to seek or would like
assistance in seeking support from USTDA for the project: (Yes/No)

Race and Ethnicity Data

Race and Ethnicity Data

Race and Ethnicity Data

Figure 1. Race and Ethnicity Question with Minimum Categories, Multiple Detailed Checkboxes, and
Write-In Response Areas with Example Group (DO NOT DISTRIBUTE - FOR INTERNAL FEDERAL
What is your race and/or ethnicity? Select all that apply and enter additional details in the spaces
• American Indian or Alaska Native – Enter, for example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the
Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government,
Nome Eskimo Community, Aztec, Maya, etc.
• Asian – Provide details below:
• Chinese • Asian Indian • Filipino • Vietnamese • Korean • Japanese
Enter, for example, Pakistani, Hmong, Afghan, etc.
• Black or African American – Provide details below.
• African American • Jamaican • Haitian • Nigerian • Ethiopian • Somali
Enter, for example, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, Ghanaian, Congolese, etc.
• Hispanic or Latino – Provide details below.
• Mexican • Puerto Rican • Salvadoran • Cuban • Dominican • Guatemalan
Enter, for example, Colombian, Honduran, Spaniard, etc.
• Middle Eastern or North African – Provide details below.
• Lebanese • Iranian • Egyptian • Syrian • Iraqi • Israeli
Enter, for example, Moroccan, Yemeni, Kurdish, etc.
• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander – Provide details below.
• Native Hawaiian • Samoan • Chamorro • Tongan • Fijian • Marshallese
Enter, for example, Chuukese, Palauan, Tahitian, etc.
• White – Provide details below.
• English • German • Irish • Italian • Polish • Scottish
Enter, for example, French, Swedish, Norwegian, etc.
Figure 2. Race and Ethnicity Question with Minimum Categories Only and Examples (DO NOT
What is your race and/or ethnicity? Select all that apply.
• American Indian or Alaska Native – For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet
Indian Reservation of Montana, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome
Eskimo Community, Aztec, Maya, etc.
• Asian – For example, Chinese, Asian Indian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, etc.
• Black or African American – For example, African American, Jamaican, Haitian, Nigerian,
Ethiopian, Somali, etc.
• Hispanic or Latino – For example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, Cuban, Dominican,
Guatemalan, etc.
• Middle Eastern or North African – For example, Lebanese, Iranian, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, Israeli,
• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander – For example, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Chamorro, Tongan,
Fijian, Marshallese, etc.
• White – For example, English, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, Scottish, etc.
Figure 3. Race and Ethniciy Question with Minimum Categories Only (DO NOT DISTRIBUTE - FOR
What is your race and/or ethnicity?
Select all that apply.
• American Indian or Alaska Native
• Asian
• Black or African American
• Hispanic or Latino
• Middle Eastern or North African
• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
• White

Website/Digital Data

Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data

Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data

Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data

Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data
Website/Digital Data

Website/Digital Data

Is there any additional information you would like to provide about your website or digital strategy? 
Please provide your top three competitor website URLs for benchmarking purposes.
When was your website designed or last updated? 
How is your website managed?: In-house web designer: creates content, updates site, search
engine optimization External web designer: creates content, updates site, search engine
Do you track your website’s analytics?  If so, can you share them with us in order establish a
performance baseline? 
Have you done website search engine optimization (SEO) to your online promotional content in
advance of this event? 
How would you change or improve the site? What enhancements would make it more useful? 
From your website’s analytics, please provide:
Number of International site visitors last year: this year:
Number of International prospects (email addresses collected) last year: this year:
International sales revenue via website in the last year: this year:
How much does your company spend on digital marketing per year?
Do you sell your product/service via your website, or do you utilize a third-party platform (e.g.,
Amazon, Ebay, Tmall, Flipcart, etc)? If you use a third party, what platform can your products be
purchased from?
Do you have distributors selling your product/service online?
International Sales: last year:
this year:
Site Session TIme: last year:
this year:
How much money/time has your company spent on website improvements since receiving the
Is your [organization] familiar with the international regulatory requirements that impact crossborder digital activity (e.g. consumer privacy, fiscal thresholds, customs fees and tax such as Value
Added Tax (VAT) or Digital Service Tax (DST) obligations)?  If so, what is your institution doing to meet
these requirements? 
Has your [organization] taken General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into consideration? 
Does your [organization] have an IT security program, and have you updated it in the last 6 months to
address new online cyber security issues? 
Does your [organization] have an established digital strategy that supports your ability to conduct
online cross-border campaigns? 
Does your [organization] use online platforms overseas to promote the institution? If so, which
platforms promote your [organization]? 
Does your [organization] website include a translation mechanism (i.e. Google translate)? 
If your [organization] website is translated, have you assigned someone to reply to inquiries in that
Is your [organization] utilizing any 3rd party service providers to help manage your online presence in
your target markets? (e.g. social media and marketplace linking) 
Is your [organization] talking, thinking, or actively engaged in a cross-border digital strategy?
Is your [organization] aware of what your competition is doing online? If so, what have you learned
about your competition?
Does your [organization] have established Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track your website
and digital marketing progress?  If so, are you willing to share those with us to establish baseline
performance benchmarks?  

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKatelynn Byers (Contractor)
File Modified2025-02-12
File Created2025-02-12

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