Document Type |
Form No. |
Form Name |
Instrument File |
Available Electronically? |
Can Be Submitted Electronically? |
Electronic Capability |
Other-C04 SFPS Brochure (G1a, G1b) |
C04 SFPS Brochure (G1a, G1b).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C05 SmNoEm RO St CN (G1ab,G2ab,G3,LOA,FOA) |
C05 SmNoEm RO St CN (G1ab,G2ab,G3,LOA,FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Printable Only |
Other-C06 St CN Dir Sd In Dt Rq Em (G1ab,G2ab,G3) |
C06 St CN Dir Sd In Dt Rq Em (G1ab,G2ab,G3).docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C09 Endors Let (G1ab, G2ab, G3, FOA, LOA) |
C09 Endors Let (G1ab, G2ab, G3, FOA, LOA).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-C14 SFPS Food Purch Plan Interview (G1ab) |
C14 SFPS Food Purch Plan Interview (G1ab).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-C15 SFPS Pur Data Web Invite (G1ab) |
C15 SFPS Pur Data Web Invite (G1ab).docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C16_E11 SFA Dir Plan Int _Eng(G2ab,G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
C16_E11 SFA Dir Plan Int _Eng(G2ab,G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Paper Only |
Other-C17 SFA Post-Planning Email (G2ab, G3) |
C17 SFA Post-Planning Email (G2ab, G3).docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C21 Next Steps for Principals Email (G2ab) |
C21 Next Steps for Principals Email (G2ab).docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C22 School Plan Interview (G2ab, G3, FOA) |
C22 School Plan Interview (G2ab, G3, FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-E02_E13 Sta CN Dir Da Req Em _Eng (FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
E02_E13 Sta CN Dir Da Req Em _Eng (FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-E03_E15 SFA Dir Samp Notif Sta CN Eng(FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
E03_E15 SFA Dir Samp Notif Sta CN Eng(FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-E05_ E18 SFA Post-Plan Email_Eng(FOA, LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
E05_ E18 SFA Post-Plan Email_Eng(FOA, LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F01.01_F01.02 SFPS Qtr Pr Form_Req Data Chklst(G1ab) |
F01.01_F01.02 SFPS Qtr Pr Form_Req Data Chklst(G1ab).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F01.03 SFPS Quart Prog Data Form (G1ab) |
F01.03 SFPS Quart Prog Data Form (G1ab).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F01.04 SFPS SFA YE FU Surv Spec (G1ab) |
F01.04 SFPS SFA YE FU Surv Spec (G1ab).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F01.05 Req SDAs Sub USDA Fds Data (G1ab, G3) |
F01.05 Req SDAs Sub USDA Fds Data (G1ab, G3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F01.07 SFPS Tel Qtr Data Clarif(G1ab) |
F01.07 SFPS Tel Qtr Data Clarif(G1ab).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-F02.01 Menu Survey (G2a,3F,FOA) |
F02.01 Menu Survey (G2a,3F,FOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F02.02 Menu Survey - Sp_Eng (LOA) |
F02.02 Menu Survey - Sp_Eng (LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F02.03 Fruit and Veg Qs and MPC Report (G2a, G3) |
F02.03 Fruit and Veg Qs and MPC Report (G2a, G3).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F02.04 FFVP Menu Survey (G2b) |
F02.04 FFVP Menu Survey (G2b).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F03.01 SFA Dir Survey (G1abc, 2a, 3) |
F03.01 SFA Dir Survey (G1abc, 2a, 3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F03.07 Princ Surv (G2a,G3) |
F03.07 Princ Surv (G2a,G3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F04.01 SNM Survey (G2a, G3) |
F04.01 SNM Survey (G2a, G3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F04.02 FFVP SNM Survey (G2b) |
F04.02 FFVP SNM Survey (G2b).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.01 SA Indirect Cost Survey (G3, FOA) |
F05.01 SA Indirect Cost Survey (G3, FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.02_F05.03 SFA Cost Int_Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
F05.02_F05.03 SFA Cost Int_Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.04_F05.05 Food Cost Wrksht_Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
F05.04_F05.05 Food Cost Wrksht_Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Other-F05.06_F05.07 SFA FU Web Surv_Eng(G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
F05.06_F05.07 SFA FU Web Surv_Eng(G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.08_F05.09 SFA FU Cost Int _Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA) |
F05.08_F05.09 SFA FU Cost Int _Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.10 SNM Cost Int w Ref Guide (G3, FOA) |
F05.10 SNM Cost Int w Ref Guide (G3, FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Other-F05.11 SA Indir Cst Surv Inv Let_Em(G3,FOA) |
F05.11 SA Indir Cst Surv Inv Let_Em(G3,FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.12 Princ Cost Int w Ref Guide (G3, FOA) |
F05.12 Princ Cost Int w Ref Guide (G3, FOA).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F05.13 On-Site SS_MTO Bar Form (G3) |
F05.13 On-Site SS_MTO Bar Form (G3).docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-F05.14_F05.15 SFA FU Web Eml Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_ Sp(LOA) |
F05.14_F05.15 SFA FU Web Eml Eng (G3,FOA,LOA)_ Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F06 Reim Meal Sale Data Req Frm (G2ab) |
F06 Reim Meal Sale Data Req Frm (G2ab).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |
Other-F07 Obs Guide (G2ab, G3) |
F07 Obs Guide (G2ab, G3).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Printable |
Other-F08.03 School Sources of Fd Form (G2ab) |
F08.03 School Sources of Fd Form (G2ab).docx
Yes |
Yes |
Printable Only |
Other-F09 Plate Waste Observation Booklet (G3) |
F09 Plate Waste Observation Booklet (G3).docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C11_E10 St Web Inv Web Eng(G1ab,2ab,3,FOA,LOA)_ Sp(LOA) |
C11_E10 St Web Inv Web Eng(G1ab,2ab,3,FOA,LOA)_ Sp(LOA).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C03 Study Overview (G1ab, G2ab, G3) |
C03 Study Overview (G1ab, G2ab, G3).pdf
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C07 SFA Dir Not Sta CN Dir (G1ab, G2ab, G3)_CLEAN |
C07 SFA Dir Not Sta CN Dir (G1ab, G2ab, G3)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C12 SFA Dir Recruit Adv Letter (G1ab, G2ab, G3)_CLEAN |
C12 SFA Dir Recruit Adv Letter (G1ab, G2ab, G3)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C13 Recru Call Scrpt (G1ab,G2ab,G3,LOA,FOA)_CLEAN |
C13 Recru Call Scrpt (G1ab,G2ab,G3,LOA,FOA)_CLEAN.docx
No |
Paper Only |
Other-C19 Princ Intro Email to Schools (G2ab, G3)_CLEAN |
C19 Princ Intro Email to Schools (G2ab, G3)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-C20 SNM Intro Email (G2ab, G3)_CLEAN |
C20 SNM Intro Email (G2ab, G3)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-E04_E16 SFA Dir Recruit Adv Let (OA, FULL_LTD)_CLEAN |
E04_E16 SFA Dir Recruit Adv Let (OA, FULL_LTD)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-E06 Principal Intro Letter to Schools (FOA)_CLEAN |
E06 Principal Intro Letter to Schools (FOA)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-E07 SNM Introduction Letter (FOA)_CLEAN |
E07 SNM Introduction Letter (FOA)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F03.02 SFA Dir Advance Letter_Email (G1c)_CLEAN |
F03.02 SFA Dir Advance Letter_Email (G1c)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F03.03 SFA Dir Princ Em Inv (G1ab, G2a, G3)_CLEAN |
F03.03 SFA Dir Princ Em Inv (G1ab, G2a, G3)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-F03.04. SFA Dir Survey Invite (GROUP 1C)_CLEAN |
F03.04. SFA Dir Survey Invite (GROUP 1C)_CLEAN.docx
Yes |
No |
Printable Only |
Other-D01 School Roster Data Req (G2ab)_clean |
D01 School Roster Data Req (G2ab)_clean.docx
Yes |
Yes |
Fillable Fileable |