RM25-3-000 NOPR (Published)

RM25-3-000 NOPR (Published).pdf

FERC-725G, NOPR (RM25-3) Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk-Power System: PRC Rel Stds.

RM25-3-000 NOPR (Published)

OMB: 1902-0252

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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules
does not improve the safety of the
consumer product and that CPSC is
retaining the existing standard. If the
Commission does not take this action,
the revised voluntary standard will be
considered a consumer product safety
standard issued under section 9 of the
Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA)
(15 U.S.C. 2058), effective 180 days after
the Commission received notification of
the revision (or a later date specified by
the Commission in the Federal
Register). 15 U.S.C. 2056a(b)(4)(B).
Under this authority, the Commission
issued a mandatory safety rule that
incorporates by reference ASTM F2012–
18 epsiv;1, Safety Standard for
Stationary Activity Centers, codified at
16 CFR part 1238 (84 FR 28205, June.
18, 2019). The ASTM standard
incorporated by CPSC defines a
stationary activity center as ‘‘a
freestanding product intended to remain
stationary that enables a sitting or
standing occupant whose torso is
completely surrounded by the product
to walk, rock, play, spin or bounce, or
all of these, within a limited range of
motion.’’ 16 CFR 1238.2. This
mandatory standard includes
performance requirements and test
methods, as well as requirements for
warning labels and instructions, to
address hazards to children.
On January 6, 2025, ASTM notified
the Commission that it had approved
and published another revised version
of the voluntary standard, ASTM
F2012–2024. CPSC is assessing the
revised voluntary standard to
determine, consistent with section
104(b)(4)(B) of the CPSIA, its effect on
the safety of stationary activity centers
subject to 16 CFR part 1238. The
Commission invites public comment to
inform CPSC staff’s assessment and
subsequent Commission consideration
of the revisions in ASTM F2012–2024.1
The currently incorporated voluntary
standard (ASTM F2012–18e1) and the
revised voluntary standard (ASTM
F2012–24) are available for review in
several ways. A read-only copy of the
existing, incorporated standard is
available for viewing, at no cost, on the
ASTM website at: https://
www.astm.org/READINGLIBRARY/. A
read-only copy of the revised standard
(ASTM F2012–24), including red-lined
versions that identify the changes from
the 2018 versions to the 2024 version,
is available, at no cost, on ASTM’s
website at: https://www.astm.org/
CPSC.htm. Interested parties can also
download copies of the standards by
purchasing them from ASTM
1 On January 10, 2025, the Commission voted (4–
1) to publish this notice.

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International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,
P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA
19428–2959; phone: 610–832–9585;
https://www.astm.org. Alternatively,
interested parties can schedule an
appointment to inspect copies of the
standards at CPSC’s Office of the
Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East-West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814,
telephone: 301–504–7479.
Comments must be received by
February 4, 2025. Because of the short
statutory time frame Congress
established for the Commission to
consider revised voluntary standards
under section 104(b)(4) of the CPSIA,
CPSC will not consider comments
received after this date.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2025–01277 Filed 1–17–25; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM25–3–000]

Reliability Standards for Frequency
and Voltage Protection Settings and
Ride-Through for Inverter-Based
Federal Energy Regulatory
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.

The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to approve proposed
Reliability Standards PRC–024–4
(Frequency and Voltage Protection
Settings for Synchronous Generators,
Type 1 and Type 2 Wind Resources, and
Synchronous Condensers) and PRC–
029–1 (Frequency and Voltage Ridethrough Requirements for InverterBased Resources), which the North
American Electric Reliability
Corporation submitted in response to
Commission directives. The
Commission seeks comments on all
aspects of the proposed approval.
DATES: Comments are due March 24,
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways. Electronic filing
through http://www.ferc.gov, is
• Electronic Filing: Documents must
be filed in acceptable native

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applications and print-to-PDF, but not
in scanned or picture format.
• For those unable to file
electronically, comments may be filed
by USPS mail or by hand (including
courier) delivery.
Æ Mail via U.S. Postal Service Only:
Addressed to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street, NE,
Washington, DC 20426.
Æ Hand (including courier) delivery:
Deliver to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
Syed Ahmad (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502 8718, Syed.Ahmad@
Boris Voynik (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502 8902, Boris.Voynik@
Felicia West (Legal Information), Office
of General Counsel, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First
Street NE, Washington, DC 20426,
(202) 502 8948, Felicia.West@ferc.gov
Hampden T. Macbeth (Legal
Information), Office of General
Counsel, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502
8957, Hampden.Macbeth@ferc.gov
1. Pursuant to section 215(d)(2) of the
Federal Power Act (FPA),1 the
Commission proposes to approve the
addition of the newly defined term
‘‘Ride-through’’ to the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
Glossary of Terms and to approve the
proposed Protection and Control (PRC)
Reliability Standards PRC–024–4
(Frequency and Voltage Protection
Settings for Synchronous Generators,
Type 1 and Type 2 Wind Resources, and
Synchronous Condensers) 2 and PRC–
029–1 (Frequency and Voltage Ridethrough Requirements for InverterBased Resources (IBR)). We also propose
to approve the associated violation risk
factors, violation severity levels,
1 16

U.S.C. 824o(d)(2).
1 and type 2 wind resources are not
inverter-based wind turbine generators. Rather, type
1 and type 2 wind resources rely on passive
induction generators with limited ability to control
active power, reactive power, or voltage. NERC,
Reliability Guideline: Power Plant Model
Verification for Inverter-Based Resources, vii, ix
(Sept. 2018), https://www.nerc.com/comm/RSTC_
2 Type




Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules

implementation plans, and effective
dates for proposed Reliability Standards
PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1, as well as
to approve the retirement of currently
effective Reliability Standard PRC–024–
2. In Order No. 901, the Commission
directed NERC to develop new or
modified Reliability Standards
addressing, among other things,
reliability gaps associated with IBRs
tripping or entering momentary
cessation in aggregate.3 Specifically,
Order No. 901 directed NERC to submit
by November 4, 2024 new or modified
Reliability Standards that establish IBR
performance requirements, including
requirements addressing frequency and
voltage ride through, post disturbance
ramp rates, phase lock loop
synchronization, and other known
causes of IBR tripping or momentary
3. NERC submitted the proposed
Reliability Standards in response to
Commission directives in Order No.
901.5 The purpose of proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–024–4 ‘‘is to
ensure that protection of synchronous
generators, type 1 and type 2 wind
resources, and synchronous condensers
do not cause tripping during defined
frequency and voltage excursions in
support’’ of the Bulk-Power System.’’ 6
The purpose of proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–029–1 is to ‘‘ensure that
IBRs Ride-through disturbances to
support the Bulk-Power System . . .
during and after defined frequency and
voltage excursions.’’ 7 We seek
comments on all aspects of the proposed
4. We propose to find that proposed
Reliability Standards PRC–024–4 and
PRC–029–1 are consistent with and
responsive to applicable directives in
Order No. 901 in requiring generator
owners of IBRs to ride through
frequency and voltage excursions, such
as a fault on the transmission or subtransmission system.
5. In addition, we propose to direct
NERC to develop and submit two
informational filings 12 months and 24
months after the conclusion of NERC’s
proposed 12-month exemption request

period for existing IBRs. Proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1
includes a provision that allows existing
IBRs that are already in operation when
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
029–1 goes into effect (legacy IBRs) to
obtain an exemption to the voltage and
frequency Ride-through requirements if
hardware replacements would be
necessary to comply. The Commission
seeks to understand the volume of
exemptions, the circumstances in which
entities have invoked the exemption
provision, and ultimately to understand
what if any effect the exemption
provision has on the efficacy of
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1.
Therefore, we propose to direct that
NERC submit two informational filings
that provide details on requested
exemptions from generator owners of
legacy IBRs for frequency and/or voltage
Ride-through requirements.
I. Background
A. Section 215 and Mandatory
Reliability Standards
6. Section 215 of the FPA provides
that the Commission may certify an
Electric Reliability Organization (ERO),
the purpose of which is to develop
mandatory and enforceable Reliability
Standards, subject to Commission
review and approval.8 Reliability
Standards may be enforced by the ERO,
subject to Commission oversight, or by
the Commission independently.9
Pursuant to section 215 of the FPA, the
Commission established a process to
select and certify an ERO,10 and
subsequently certified NERC.11
B. Order No. 901
7. In Order No. 901, the Commission
explained, among other things, that the
majority of installed IBRs use gridfollowing inverters, which can track
grid state parameters (e.g., voltage angle)
in milliseconds and react nearly
instantaneously to changing grid
conditions.12 The Commission then
explained that, as found by multiple
NERC reports,13 some IBRs ‘‘are not
configured or programmed to support
grid voltage and frequency in the event
8 16

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

3 Reliability

Standards to Address Inverter-Based
Resources, Order No. 901, 88 FR 74250 (Oct. 30,
2023), 185 FERC ¶ 61,042 (2023).
4 Id. PP 7, 56, 190, 229.
5 See generally supra n.3.
6 NERC Petition at 51.
7 Id. at 24. The Bulk-Power System is defined in
the FPA as facilities and control systems necessary
for operating an interconnected electric energy
transmission network (or any portion thereof); and
electric energy from generating facilities needed to
maintain transmission system reliability. The term
does not include facilities used in the local
distribution of electric energy. 16 U.S.C. 824o(a)(1).

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U.S.C. 824o(c).
10 Rules Concerning Certification of the Elec.
Reliability Org.; & Procs. for the Establishment,
Approval, & Enforcement of Elec. Reliability
Standards, Order No. 672, 114 FERC ¶ 61,104, order
on reh’g, Order No. 672–A, 114 FERC ¶ 61,328
(2006); see also 18 CFR 39.4(b) (2024).
11 N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 116 FERC
¶ 61,062, order on reh’g & compliance, 117 FERC
¶ 61,126 (2006), aff’d sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC,
564 F.3d 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
12 Order No. 901, 185 FERC ¶ 61,042 at P 12.
13 Id. P 26 n.53 (listing 12 NERC reports
describing IBR behavior during disturbances).
9 Id.

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of a system disturbance, and, as a result,
will reduce power output, exhibit
momentary cessation, or trip in
response to variations in system voltage
or frequency.’’ 14
8. In addition, the Commission
explained that IBRs across the BulkPower System exhibit common mode
failures that are amplified when IBRs
act in the aggregate.15 ‘‘IBRs that enter
momentary cessation may act in
aggregate and cause a reduction in
power output far in excess of any
individual IBR’s impact on the BulkPower System.’’ 16 The Commission
emphasized that the anticipated growth
of IBRs would exacerbate these
reliability concerns.17
9. Therefore, the Commission directed
NERC to develop new or modified
Reliability Standards pertaining to IBRs
in four areas: (1) data sharing; (2) model
validation; (3) planning and operational
studies; and (4) performance
requirements.18 The Commission
required NERC to submit by November
4, 2024 new or modified Reliability
Standards that require registered IBR
generator owners and operators to use
appropriate settings ‘‘to ride through
frequency and voltage system
disturbances and that permit IBR
tripping only to protect the IBR
equipment in scenarios similar to when
synchronous generation resources use
tripping as protection from internal
faults.’’ 19
10. The Commission mandated that
the new or modified ride through
Reliability Standards must require
registered IBRs to continue to inject
current and perform frequency support
during Bulk-Power System
disturbances. Additionally, the new or
modified Reliability Standards must
assure that registered IBR generator
owners and operators continue to inject
energy into the electric grid during
disturbances, within an established notrip zone. Finally, the Commission
directed that the new or modified
Reliability Standards must establish
requirements for frequency and voltage
ride through, post disturbance ramp
rates, phase lock loop synchronization,
and other known causes of IBR tripping
or momentary cessation.20
11. The Commission also recognized
that some older IBRs may have
hardware limitations that IBR owners
would have to physically replace and
14 Id.
15 Id.

P 12 (footnotes omitted).
P 13.

16 Id.
17 Id.
18 E.g.,

id. PP 1, 5, 53.
PP 7, 190.
20 Id. P 190.
19 Id.



Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules
may have settings and configurations
that IBR owners could not modify
through software updates and in such
circumstances could not implement
voltage ride through performance
requirements. Thus, the Commission
directed NERC to ‘‘determine whether
the new or modified Reliability
Standards should provide for a limited
and documented exemption for certain
registered IBRs from voltage ride
through performance requirements.’’ 21
The Commission added that if NERC
determined that an exemption is
appropriate, the new or modified
Reliability Standards should mitigate
the reliability impacts to the Bulk-Power
System of such an exemption.22
II. NERC Petition
12. On November 4, 2024,23 in
response to Order No. 901, NERC
submitted for Commission approval the
proposed definition of the term Ridethrough for the NERC Glossary of
Terms, proposed Reliability Standards
PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1, the
associated violation risk factors and
violation severity levels,
implementation plans and effective
dates for Reliability Standards PRC–
024–4 and PRC–029–1, and the
retirement of currently effective
Reliability Standard PRC–024–3.24
NERC asserts that proposed Reliability
Standards PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1
would ensure that applicable BulkPower System-connected resources
Ride-through system disturbances,
avoiding reliability risks associated with
unnecessary tripping and momentary
cessation.25 According to NERC,
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
21 Id.

P 193.
P 199.
23 Following the issuance of Order No. 901, NERC
submitted an informational filing that included its
Order No. 901 Work Plan with four key milestones
for meeting the directives of Order No. 901.
Milestone 1: submit Work Plan (completed Jan. 17,
2024). Milestone 2: submit new or modified
Reliability Standards to address performance
requirements and post-event performance
validation for registered IBRs (completed with
NERC’s filing of three petitions on Nov. 4, 2024).
Milestone 3: submit new or modified Reliability
Standards to address data sharing and model
validation by Nov. 4, 2025. Milestone 4: submit new
or modified Reliability Standards to address
planning and operational studies requirements for
all IBRs by Nov. 4, 2026. NERC, Informational
Filing Regarding the Development of Reliability
Standards Responsive to Order No. 901, Docket No.
RM22–12–000, at 6 (filed Jan. 17, 2024).
24 NERC Petition at 2–3, 5. Proposed Reliability
Standards PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1 are not
attached to this notice of proposed rulemaking. The
proposed Reliability Standards are available on the
Commission’s eLibrary document retrieval system
in Docket No. RM25–3–000 and on the NERC
website, www.nerc.com.
25 Id. at 1, 19.

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

22 Id.

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029–1 addresses 13 of the Order No. 901
A. Addition of Defined Term RideThrough to NERC Glossary of Terms
13. NERC states that proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1 uses
the term Ride-through, which NERC
proposes to include in the NERC
Glossary of Terms. NERC explains that
the term Ride-through would mean that
‘‘the plant/facility remains connected
and continues to operate through
voltage or frequency system
disturbances.’’ 27
B. Proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
14. NERC explains that proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–024–4
removes language relating to IBR
functionality in Requirements R1, R2,
R3, and R4 because IBR performance
requirements are included in proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1.
Instead, proposed Reliability Standard
PRC–024–4 would maintain capabilitybased requirements for synchronous
generators, synchronous condensers,
and type 1 and type 2 wind resources.28
NERC also notes that, consistent with
the proposed definition for IBRs in the
NERC Glossary of Terms,29 type 1 and
type 2 wind resources, which operate as
asynchronous resources and lack
modern controllers capable of riding
through system events as they do not
have a power electronic device, are not
considered IBRs.30 Moreover, NERC
explains that, because synchronous
units do not require performance-based
requirements to Ride-through system
disturbances, proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–024–4 would continue to
address Ride-through compatible
frequency and voltage protection setting
ranges for synchronous generators,
26 Id. Ex. D (Standards Development
Consideration of Directives from FERC Order No.
27 Id. at 23.
28 Id. at 15.
29 On November 4, 2024, NERC concurrently filed
along with other Milestone 2 Reliability Standards,
a petition with the Commission for approval of its
proposed definition for IBR as:
A plant/facility consisting of individual devices
that are capable of exporting Real Power through a
power electronic interface(s) such as an inverter or
converter, and that are operated together as a single
resource at a common point of interconnection to
the electric system. Examples include, but are not
limited to, plants/facilities with solar photovoltaic
(PV), Type 3 and Type 4 wind, battery energy
storage system (BESS), and fuel cell devices.
NERC, Petition for Approval of a New Term
‘‘Inverter-Based Resource’’ Used in NERC
Reliability Standards, Docket No. RD25–1–000, at 1
(filed Nov. 4, 2024) (IBR Definition), currently
pending before the Commission.
30 NERC Petition at 49. See IBR Definition.

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synchronous condensers, and type 1
and type 2 wind resources.31
15. NERC also includes minor edits in
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
024–4 to maintain the Standard’s
frequency and voltage protection
capability-based requirements for
synchronous resources. Specifically,
NERC modified section 4.1.1 to restrict
the applicability of proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–024–4 to synchronous
generators and type 1 and type 2 wind
resources, and NERC added section
4.2.2 to include synchronous
condensers and associated equipment as
applicable facilities.32 Further, NERC
modified Requirements R1, R2, R3, and
R4 to apply to transmission owners that
apply frequency, voltage, and volts per
hertz protection for their synchronous
C. Proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
16. NERC explains that proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1 would
address directives in Order No. 901 by
establishing frequency and voltage Ridethrough performance requirements for
generator owners of IBRs.
1. Proposed Requirement R1
17. Under proposed Requirement R1
each generator owner of a NERCregistered IBR must ‘‘ensure the design
and operation is such that each IBR
meets or exceeds Ride-through
requirements, in accordance with the
‘must Ride-through zone’ as specified in
Attachment 1’’ of proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–029–1, except in the
following four conditions specified by
the Standard: 33
• The IBR needed to electrically
disconnect in order to clear a fault;
• The voltage at the high-side of the
main power transformer went outside
an accepted hardware limitation, in
accordance with Requirement R4;
• The instantaneous positive
sequence voltage phase angle change is
more than 25 electrical degrees at the
high-side of the main power transformer
and is initiated by a non-fault switching
event on the transmission system; or
• The Volts per Hz (V/Hz) at the highside of the main power transformer
exceed 1.1 per unit for longer than 45
seconds or exceed 1.18 per unit for
longer than 2 seconds.34
18. NERC explains that it adopted the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE) standard 2800–2022’s
(IEEE 2800–2022) terminology for ‘‘must

Petition at 49.
at 51.
33 Id. at 25.
34 Id. at 26.
32 Id.




Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules

ride-through zones,’’ which are defined
in terms of voltage and frequency
magnitude and time duration.35 NERC
explains that it considered but
ultimately rejected Ride-through criteria
more stringent than set forth in IEEE
2800–2022 due to industry comments
raised during the IBR technical
conference conveyed by NERC.36 But,
NERC adds, the must Ride-through
zones in proposed Requirement R1 are
‘‘more similar’’ to IEEE 2800–2022’s
Ride-through zones, are more robust
than currently effective PRC–024–3, and
are sufficient to address the
recommendations NERC identified in
response to reports and assessments
analyzing IBR loss of power events.37
19. NERC asserts that proposed
Requirement R1 is responsive to the
directive that NERC develop
performance-based Reliability Standards
that require IBRs to ride through voltage
system disturbances and require postdisturbance ramp rates to return to predisturbance levels.38 Similarly, NERC
avers that proposed Requirement R1 is
consistent with the directive that IBRs
inject current and perform frequency
support during a disturbance by
requiring IBRs remain connected and
fulfill control and regulation functions
to Ride-through a system disturbance.39
Additionally, NERC asserts that the
provision in proposed Requirement R1
requiring IBRs to meet or exceed Ridethrough requirements in Attachment 1
of proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
029–1 that restricts the use of
momentary cessation satisfies the
directive to prohibit momentary
cessation in the no-trip zone during
2. Proposed Requirement R2
20. Under proposed Requirement R2,
each generator owner of a NERCregistered IBR must adhere to voltage
Ride-through performance criteria
during system disturbances unless a
35 Id.

at 27.

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36 Following

the failure of the third ballot on
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–024–4 and
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–029–1, NERC
convened a public technical conference under
section 321 of the NERC Rules of Procedure to
discuss issues surrounding the Order No. 901
directives. Id. at 7. Section 321 of the NERC Rules
of Procedure allows the NERC Board of Trustees to
take special actions when a ballot pool has ‘‘failed
to approve a proposed Reliability Standard that
contains a provision to adequately address a
specific matter identified in a directive issued’’ by
the Commission. NERC, Rules of Procedure, Sec.
321 (Nov. 28, 2023), https://www.nerc.com/
37 NERC Petition at 27–28.
38 Id. at 42.
39 Id.
40 Id. at 42–43.

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documented hardware limitation exists
in accordance with Requirement R4.41
Similar to Requirement R1, NERC
asserts that proposed Requirement R2
satisfies the following directives: (1) that
NERC develop performance-based
Reliability Standards that require IBRs
to ride through voltage system
disturbances; and (2) that IBRs inject
current and perform frequency support
during a disturbance by requiring IBRs
remain connected and fulfill control and
regulation functions to Ride-through a
system disturbance.42
3. Proposed Requirement R3
21. Under proposed Requirement R3,
each generator owner of a NERCregistered IBR must ensure that its IBR
adheres to Ride-through requirements
during frequency excursion events by
continuing to exchange current and
remain electrically connected in
accordance with the ‘‘must ride-through
zone’’ as specified in the proposed
Reliability Standard’s Attachment 2 and
while the ‘‘absolute rate of change of
frequency (RoCoF) magnitude is less
than or equal to 5 Hz/second, unless a
documented hardware limitation exists
in accordance with Requirement R4.’’ 43
NERC explains that proposed
Requirement R3 contains a wider
frequency Ride-through band than
presently exists in Reliability Standard
PRC–024–3 and is consistent with IEEE
22. NERC asserts that proposed
Requirement R3 is responsive to the
directive that NERC develop
performance-based Reliability Standards
that require IBRs to ride through
frequency system disturbances.45
Additionally, NERC contends that
proposed Requirement R3 satisfies the
directive that IBRs inject current and
perform frequency support during a
disturbance by requiring IBRs remain
connected and fulfill control and
regulation functions to Ride-through a
system disturbance.46
4. Proposed Requirement R4
23. Proposed Requirement R4 would
allow each generator owner of an
existing legacy IBR, i.e., one in service
by the effective date of PRC–029–1, to
obtain an exemption to the voltage and
frequency Ride-through requirements if
the generator owner would need
hardware replacements to comply with
Requirements R1 through R3.

Specifically, Requirement R4 provides
that ‘‘[e]ach Generator Owner
identifying an IBR that is in-service by
the effective date of PRC–029–1, has
known hardware limitations that
prevent the IBR from meeting Ridethrough criteria as detailed in
Requirements R1–R3, and requires an
exemption from specific Ride-through
criteria shall . . . [d]ocument
information supporting the identified
hardware limitation. . . .’’ 47 Each
generator owner of an IBR must provide
the information (unless it is considered
proprietary by the original equipment
manufacturer) to each planning
coordinator, transmission planner,
transmission operator, and reliability
coordinator in the footprint in which
the legacy IBR is located.48 Moreover,
the generator owner must submit
documentation to the relevant
Compliance Enforcement Authority—
typically a Regional Entity—that ‘‘must
accept that all aspects of the
documentation specified in proposed
Requirement R4 have been provided by
the Generator Owner before an
exemption can [be] granted.’’ 49
According to NERC, this last
requirement ‘‘would ensure that NERC
has visibility into each hardware
exemption that is granted and that [it
has] been accurately limited to the
particular limitation of the
hardware.’’ 50
24. NERC explains that it determined
that an exemption process for generator
owners of legacy IBRs for voltage and
frequency performance requirements is
necessary. In its petition, NERC
expressed concern that hardware
limitations would lead entities to take
units offline to retrofit IBRs or risk
noncompliance and could determine
that the economically prudent course of
action is to retire the units.51 The
implementation plan gives generator
owners 12 months to request an
exemption following the effective date
of the Reliability Standard, after which
NERC will not accept further exemption
requests.52 If the hardware causing the
limitation is replaced later, the
generator owner must communicate this
information to the planning coordinator,
transmission planner, reliability
coordinator, and transmission operator
within 90 days of the hardware
replacement and comply with
Requirements R1 through R3.53 Further,
47 Id.

at 36–37.
at 37.
49 Id. at 40.
50 Id.
51 Id. at 38.
52 Id. at 37.
53 Id. at 41.

41 Id.

at 29–33.
42 Id. at 42.
43 Id. at 33.
44 Id. at 36.
45 Id. at 42.
46 Id.

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48 Id.

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Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules
NERC explains that the exemptions
must be specific and limited to the
voltage or frequency bands and
associated duration that cannot be
satisfied or as to the number of
cumulative voltage deviations within a
ten-second period that the equipment
can Ride-through if it is less than four
deviations within any ten-second
25. NERC asserts that proposed
Requirement R4 meets the directive that
NERC determine whether the new or
modified Reliability Standards provide
an opportunity for certain generator
owners of IBRs that are currently in
operation and unable to meet
performance requirements to request an
exemption from voltage ride-through
performance requirements.55 NERC
determined that a frequency exemption
was also necessary and appropriate
because of hardware-based capability
limitations for a significant amount of
installed IBRs, a concern that was raised
during the IBR technical conference
convened by NERC.56
26. Regarding the Commission
directive to NERC to develop new or
modified Reliability Standards to
mitigate the reliability impacts to the
Bulk-Power System of approved
exemptions, NERC claims that the
reliability impacts of voltage and
frequency ride-through exemptions are
mitigated by existing Reliability
Standards that address the
responsibilities of transmission
planners, planning coordinators,
reliability coordinators, and
transmission operators.57 Moreover,
under Milestone 4 of the Order No. 901
Work Plan,58 NERC indicates that it
‘‘will develop Reliability Standards that
will specifically require evaluations that
include accurately-modeled
performance capabilities of IBRs,
inclusive of any documented Ridethrough criteria exemption accepted
through the process detailed in
proposed Reliability [Standard] PRC–
029–1 Requirement R4, and that
evaluate for reliability impacts’’ on the
Bulk-Power System.59
54 Id.

at 39.
at 44.
56 Id. at 38–39.
57 Id. at 46. See also id. n.67 (providing as
examples existing Reliability Standards IRO–002–7
(Reliability Coordination—Monitoring and
Analysis), IRO–008–3 (Reliability Coordinator
Operational Analyses and Real-time Assessments),
TOP–002–4 (Operations Planning), and TPL–001–
5.1 (Transmission System Planning Performance
58 See supra note 23 for more information on the
elements of the Order No. 901 Work Plan’s
59 NERC Petition at 46.

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

55 Id.

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III. Discussion
27. Pursuant to section 215(d)(2) of
the FPA, the Commission proposes to
approve the proposed definition of
Ride-through and proposed Reliability
Standards PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1
as just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest. We also propose to
approve the associated violation risk
factors, violation severity levels,
implementation plans, and effective
dates of Reliability Standards PRC–024–
4 and PRC–029–1, as well as to approve
the retirement of currently effective
Reliability Standard PRC–024–3.
28. We propose to find that the
proposed Reliability Standards are
consistent with the performance
requirement directives of Order No. 901
as generator owners of NERC-registered
IBRs will be subject to the Ride-through
performance requirements of proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1 unless
exempted under that standard. The
Commission seeks comments on all
aspects of these proposals.
A. Proposal To Approve the Addition of
Defined Term Ride-Through to NERC
Glossary of Terms
29. NERC’s proposed definition of the
term Ride-through for inclusion in the
NERC Glossary of Terms should provide
a clear and consistent understanding of
the term across all Reliability Standards,
including proposed new or modified
Reliability Standards filed with the
Commission in response to various
Order No. 901 directives. We therefore
propose to approve the proposed
definition of the term Ride-through for
inclusion in the NERC Glossary of
B. Proposal To Approve Proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–024–4
30. Proposed Reliability Standard
PRC–024–4 should maintain the
Reliability Standard’s frequency and
voltage protection setting requirements
as applicable to only synchronous
generators, type 1 and 2 wind resources,
and synchronous condensers.
Specifically, synchronous generators,
type 1 and 2 wind resources, and
synchronous condensers will have to
have voltage and frequency protection
set to avoid tripping during defined
frequency and voltage excursions. We
believe that it is reasonable to remove
references to IBRs in proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–024–4 as IBRs
would be subject to the Ride-through
requirements in proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–029–1.
31. Therefore, we propose to approve
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–

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024–4 as just, reasonable, not unduly
discriminatory or preferential, and in
the public interest. We seek comments
on all aspects of our proposed approval
of proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
C. Proposal To Approve Proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1
32. We propose to find that the
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
029–1 responds to the relevant Order
No. 901 Ride-through performance
requirement directives. The Ridethrough provisions of proposed
Requirements R1 through R3 would
require that each generator owner of a
NERC-registered IBR ensure that their
IBR continues to inject current and
perform frequency support during a
Bulk-Power System disturbance and
avoids momentary cessation in the notrip zone during a disturbance by
meeting or exceeding the Ride-through
requirements. Further, these proposed
provisions establish specific
requirements for frequency and voltage
Ride-through, post-disturbance ramp
rates, phase lock loop synchronization,
and other known causes of IBR tripping
or momentary cessation. The Ridethrough requirements of proposed
Requirements R1 through R3 should
strengthen the reliability of the BulkPower System by ensuring that IBRs are
designed and operated to remain
connected to the Bulk-Power system
and continue to inject real and/or
reactive current during system
33. The Commission proposes to find
that NERC reasonably determined that
an exemption process for generator
owners of legacy IBRs for voltage and
frequency performance requirements as
set out in Requirement R4 is appropriate
based on industry input during the
standards drafting process, as explained
in the NERC Petition.60 Regarding
whether NERC met the Order No. 901
directive to develop new or modified
Reliability Standards to mitigate the
reliability impacts to the Bulk-Power
System of such exemptions, we will
defer our determination until after
NERC files Milestone 4 Reliability
Standards with the Commission by
November 4, 2026. As described by
NERC’s petition, NERC is planning to
meet this mitigation directive with its
anticipated approach to Milestone 4
Reliability Standards that will require
accurate modeling of IBRs’ performance
capabilities, including accepted Ridethrough criteria exemptions, and
60 Id.


at 38–41.



Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules

evaluate reliability impacts on the BulkPower System.61
34. The Commission seeks comments
on its proposed approval of proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1. While
we seek comments on all aspects of the
proposed Reliability Standard, we are
particularly interested in comments and
supporting materials, where applicable,
on concerns regarding: (1) the IBR
performance requirement set forth in
Requirement R1; (2) the absolute RoCoF
in Requirement R3; and (3) the
adequacy of NERC’s proposed
exemption provision in Requirement R4
as it pertains to both projects in service
and those under contract, but not yet inservice as of the effective date of
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1.
Comments on whether the exemption
provision is too broad or too narrow
should address the risks and benefits of
expanding or narrowing the exemption
provision and should provide detailed,
quantified, and fact-based support for
their position.

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

D. Proposed Directive for Informational
35. Finally, we propose to direct
NERC to develop and submit two
informational filings pertaining to
requests for exemption by generator
owners of legacy IBRs from frequency
and/or voltage Ride-through
requirements. While we understand the
appropriateness of a limited exemption
for certain legacy equipment that may
otherwise not be able to comply with
the proposed Ride-through
requirements, we are concerned about
the practical implications of the
exemptions as proposed. Specifically, if
too many generators are exempt from
the frequency and/or voltage Ridethrough requirements, proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1 may
fail to address the reliability gaps
associated with IBRs tripping or
entering momentary cessation in
aggregate that it is intended to
address.62 Accordingly, we propose that
12 months and 24 months after the
conclusion of the 12-month exemption
request period, NERC submit an
informational filing with the following
data for (1) each Interconnection and (2)
each reliability coordinator area (within
61 Id.

at 46.
e.g., Order No. 901, 185 FERC ¶ 61,042 at
PP 1, 13, 190.
62 See,

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that interconnection) within the United
• Total number of IBRs for which
NERC-registered generator owners will
be subject to compliance with
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1;
• Aggregated megawatts (MW)
capacity of IBRs for which NERCregistered generator owners will be
subject to compliance with Reliability
Standard PRC–029–1;
• Total number of IBRs for which
NERC-registered generator owners
requested exemptions;
• Aggregated MW capacity of IBRs for
which NERC-registered generator
owners requested exemptions;
• Total number of IBRs for which
NERC-registered generator owners were
granted exemptions;
• Aggregated MW capacity of IBRs for
which NERC-registered generator
owners were granted exemptions;
• Total number of granted
exemptions by exemption type (voltage
and/or frequency);
• Aggregated MW capacity of granted
exemptions by exemption type (voltage
and/or frequency);
• Total number of granted
exemptions by IBR type (wind, solar PV,
BESS, fuel cell); and
• Aggregated MW capacity of granted
exemptions by IBR type (wind, solar PV,
BESS, fuel cell).
Additionally, we propose that each
informational filing include an analysis
of the reasons that entities provided for
exemptions (both granted and denied),63
an evaluation of the efficacy of the
exemption process, and any
recommendations to modify either the
substance or procedural aspects.
IV. Information Collection Statement
36. The FERC–725G information
collection requirements are subject to
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under section 3507(d) of
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
OMB’s regulations require approval of
certain information collection
requirements imposed by agency rules.
Upon approval of a collection of
information, OMB will assign an OMB
control number and expiration date.
Respondents subject to the filing
requirements will not be penalized for
63 NERC Petition at 40 (explaining that under
Requirement R4.2.2, NERC will work with regional
entities to evaluate exemption submissions in a fair
and consistent manner across the ERO Enterprise
and NERC will monitor the disposition of requests
as the proposed standard is implemented).

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failing to respond to these collections of
information unless the collections of
information display a valid OMB
control number. The Commission
solicits comments on the need for this
information, whether the information
will have practical utility, the accuracy
of the burden estimates, ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected or
retained, and any suggested methods for
minimizing respondents’ burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques.
37. The Commission bases its
paperwork burden estimates on the
additional paperwork burden presented
by the proposed Reliability Standards
PRC–024–4 and PRC–029–1, as
modified and new Reliability Standards,
respectively, and the proposed directive
for NERC to submit two informational
filings related to Ride-through
exemption requests.64 Reliability
Standards are objective-based and allow
entities to choose compliance
approaches best tailored to their
systems. The NERC Compliance
Registry, as of September 2024,
identifies the following unique U.S.
entities that are subject to mandatory
compliance with Reliability Standard
PRC–024–4: 1,230 generator owners will
have an additional compliance burden.
It is estimated that there will be no
additional compliance burden for
transmission owners that have
synchronous condensers, as that data is
not included in the NERC Compliance
Registry, and transmission owners are
already applicable to PRC–024–4. The
estimated unique U.S. entities subject to
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1
compliance are based on numbers
supplied by NERC, with 591 registered
generator owners that own bulk electric
system (BES) solar and wind facilities
and a median of 755 generator owners
that own non-BES facilities.65 Based on
these assumptions, we estimate the
following reporting burden:
64 See

supra P 35.
estimates that 591 BES IBRs and a range
of 588 to 922 non-BES IBRs, with a median of 755,
will be subject to proposed Reliability Standard
PRC–029–1 and the other Milestone 2 Reliability
Standards that were filed in Docket Nos. RD25–2–
000 and RD25–3–000. See NERC, Petition For
Approval of Proposed Distribution Monitoring
Reliability Standards PRC–028–1 and PRC–002–5,
Docket No. RD25–2–000, at 41 n.60 (filed Nov. 4,
2024) (description of NERC estimates of BES IBRs
and the range of non-BES IBRs that would be
subject to compliance with proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–028–1).




Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules
Reliability standard

Type and number of entity 66

Number of
per entity

Total number
of responses

Average number of
burden hours
per response 67

Total burden hours



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

Annual Collection PRC024–4 FERC–725G
Annual review and record retention

1,230 (GO) ....................................



20 hrs. $70.67/hr ........

24,600 hrs. $1,738,482

Total for PRC–024–4 ..............




20 hrs. $70.67/hr ........

24,600 hrs. $1,738,482

Reliability standard

Type and number of entity 68

Number of
per entity

Total number
of responses

Average number of
burden hours
per response 69

Total burden hours



(1) * (2) = (3)


(3) * (4) = (5)

Annual Collection PRC–029–1 FERC–725G
Annual review and record retention

591 (BES IBR GO) .......................
755 (Non-BES IBR GO) ...............



40 hrs. $70.67/hr ........
80 hrs. $70.67/hr ........

23,640 hrs. $1,670,638.80
60,400 hrs. $4,268,468.00

Total for PRC–024–4 ..............





84,040 hrs. $5,939,106.80

38. The responses and burden hours
for Years 1–3 will total respectively as
• Year 1–3 each: for proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–024–4 will be
1,230 responses; 24,600 hours; and
• Year 1–3 each: for proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1 will be
1,346 responses; 84,040 hours.
• The annual cost burden for each
year One to Three is $1,738,482 for
proposed Reliability Standard PRC–
024–4; and $5,939,106.80 for proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1.
39. Title: Mandatory Reliability
Standards, Revised Protection and
Control Reliability Standards

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

66 The

‘‘Number of Entity’’ data is compiled from
the September 24, 2024, edition of the NERC
Compliance Registry.
67 The estimated hourly cost (salary plus benefits)
is a combination of the following categories from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website, http://
www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics2_22.htm: 75% of the
average of an Electrical Engineer (17–2071) $79.31/
hr., 79.31 × .75 = 59.4825 ($59.48-rounded) ($59.48/
hour); and 25% of an Information and Record Clerk
(43–4199) $44.74/hr., $44.74 × .25% = 11.185
($11.19 rounded) ($11.19/hour), for a total
($59.48+$11.19 = $70.67/hour).
68 The ‘‘Number of Entity’’ data is compiled from
NERC’s petition for approval of proposed Reliability
Standard PRC–028–1 in Docket No. RD25–2–000.
NERC, Petition For Approval of Proposed
Distribution Monitoring Reliability Standards PRC–
028–1 and PRC–002–5, Docket No. RD25–2–000, at
41 n.60 (filed Nov. 4, 2024).
69 The estimated hourly cost (salary plus benefits)
is a combination of the following categories from
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) website, http://
www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics2_22.htm: 75% of the
average of an Electrical Engineer (17–2071) $79.31/
hr., 79.31 × .75 = 59.4825 ($59.48-rounded) ($59.48/
hour); and 25% of an Information and Record Clerk
(43–4199) $44.74/hr., $44.74 ×.25% = 11.185
($11.19 rounded) ($11.19/hour), for a total
($59.48+$11.19 = $70.67/hour).

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Action: Revision to FERC–725G
information collection.
OMB Control No.: 1902–0281.
Respondents: Businesses or other forprofit institutions; not-for-profit
Frequency of Responses: On
Necessity of the Information: This
notice of proposed rulemaking proposes
to approve the requested modifications
to Reliability Standards pertaining to
the protection and control of the BulkPower System. As discussed above, the
Commission proposes to approve
proposed Reliability Standards PRC
024–4 and PRC–029–1 pursuant to
section 215(d)(2) of the FPA because it
establishes frequency and voltage Ridethrough requirements for IBRs.
Additionally, the Commission proposes
to direct NERC to file two informational
filings with the Commission on Ridethrough exemption requests.
Internal Review: The Commission has
reviewed the proposed Reliability
Standards and made a determination
that its action is necessary to implement
section 215 of the FPA.
Interested persons may obtain
information on the reporting
requirements by contacting the
following: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426 [Attention: Kayla
Williams, Office of the Executive
Director, email: DataClearance@
ferc.gov, phone: (202) 502–8663, fax:
(202) 273–0873].
40. For submitting comments
concerning the collection(s) of
information and the associated burden

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estimate(s), please send your comments
to the Commission, and to the Office of
Management and Budget, Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Washington, DC 20503 [Attention: Desk
Officer for the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, phone: (202)
395–4638, fax: (202) 395–7285]. For
security reasons, comments to OMB
should be submitted by email to: oira_
submission@omb.eop.gov. Comments
submitted to OMB should include
Docket Number RM25–3–000 and OMB
Control Number 1902–0281.
V. Environmental Analysis
41. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
environment.70 The Commission has
categorically excluded certain actions
from this requirement as not having a
significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion
are rules that are clarifying, corrective,
or procedural or that do not
substantially change the effect of the
regulations being amended.71 The
actions proposed herein falls within this
categorical exclusion in the
Commission’s regulations.

70 Regulations Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act, Order No. 486, 52 FR
47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783
(1987) (cross-referenced at 41 FERC ¶ 61,284).
71 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).




Federal Register / Vol. 90, No. 12 / Tuesday, January 21, 2025 / Proposed Rules

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1

VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
42. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 72 generally requires a
description and analysis of proposed
rules that will have significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities. The Small
Business Administration’s (SBA) Office
of Size Standards develops the
numerical definition of a small
business.73 The SBA revised its size
standard for electric utilities (effective
March 17, 2023) to a standard based on
the number of employees, including
affiliates (from the prior standard based
on megawatt hour sales).74
43. Proposed Reliability Standard
PRC–024–4 (included in FERC–725G)
will apply to approximately 1,230
generator owners and proposed
Reliability Standard PRC–029–1
(included in FERC–725G) will apply to
approximately 1,346 BES/IBR combined
generator owners and non-generator
owners in the United States.75 Pursuant
to SBA regulations, the employment
threshold for generator owners is 950
employees. We estimate that the
percentage of employees that are
considered small to be 74.59% based on
the North American Industry
Classification System 221121 code
(Electric Bulk Power Generation) and
that the annual cost for each entity will
be $1,413.40 for each generator owner
and $2,826.80 for each BES IBR
generator owner and $5,653.60 for each
Non-BES IBR generator owner.
44. We view this as a minimal
economic impact for each entity.
Accordingly, we certify that the
proposed Reliability Standards PRC–
024–4 and PRC–029–1 will not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
Thus, no regulatory flexibility analysis
is required.
VII. Comment Procedures
45. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
notice to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due March 24, 2025.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM25–3–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments. All
72 5

U.S.C. 601–612.
CFR 121.101.
74 13 CFR 121.201, Subsector 221 (Utilities).
75 Many respondents serve multiple roles in the
NERC Compliance Registry, so there is likely
double counting in the estimates.
73 13

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comments will be placed in the
Commission’s public files and may be
viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
46. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
website at http://www.ferc.gov. The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software must be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
47. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically may file an
original of their comment by USPS mail
or by courier-or other delivery services.
For submission sent via USPS only,
filings should be mailed to: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Office
of the Secretary, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426. Submission of
filings other than by USPS should be
delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
VIII. Document Availability
48. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (http://
49. From the Commission’s Home
Page on the internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of
this document is available on eLibrary
in PDF and Microsoft Word format for
viewing, printing, and/or downloading.
To access this document in eLibrary,
type the docket number excluding the
last three digits of this document in the
docket number field.
50. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the Commission’s website
during normal business hours from
FERC Online Support at (202) 502–6652
(toll free at 1–866–208–3676) or email at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or the
Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email the
Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.

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Issued: December 19, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
[FR Doc. 2025–00263 Filed 1–17–25; 8:45 am]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Parts 10, 128, 143
RIN 1685–AA02

Trade and National Security Actions
and Low-Value Shipments
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.

This document proposes
amendments to the U.S. Customs and
Border Protection (CBP) regulations
pertaining to the administrative
exemption for certain low-value
shipments not exceeding $800.
Specifically, CBP proposes to make
merchandise that is subject to specified
trade or national security actions
ineligible for this administrative
exemption and to require that certain
shipments claiming this exemption
provide the 10-digit Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS)
classification of the merchandise.
DATES: Comments must be received by
March 24, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments,
identified by docket number, by the
following method:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments
via docket number USCBP–2025–0003.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this rulemaking. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided.
Comments must be submitted in
English, or an English translation must
be provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
www.regulations.gov. In accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(4), a summary of
this rule may also be found at https://



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