Main job
Worker satisfaction with their current employment arrangement
Task-based and platform work (also preference, reason, work schedule items)
Earnings (only workers not provided in basic)
Second job (less detail than main - no preference or reason, no earnings)
Contingent and alternative arrangements (including ind/occ of second job)
Task-based and platform work (no work schedule items)
Supplement universe will be all employed, except unpaid family workers. After intro, wage and salary workers start with S1VER (the do you have the same job you had last week question). All self-employed start with S8IC (the are you self-employed as an independent contractor question).
If MLR=3-7, then end supplement for this person.
If IO1COW=8, then end supplement for this person.
If IO1COW=9 or blank and IO2COW=9 or blank, then end supplement for this person.
If MLR=1 or 2 and IO1COW=1-7, 10, or 11, then go to PRESUP.
Else go to end supplement or go to next person in household.
Now we have some additional questions about people’s work arrangements. Your answers are important to us because the information you provide will help us learn how work in the U.S. may be changing.
Answers to the supplement questions will provide information to help us understand a variety of employment arrangements in the U.S., including temporary work, independent contracting, and work obtained through apps or websites, among others. We want to learn both about people who are in these types of arrangements and those who are not.
If MLR=1 or 2 and IO1COW=1-5 or 10, then go to S1VER
Else if MLR=1 or 2 and IO1COW=6, 7, or 11, then go to S8IC
(MLR = 1 or 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-5 or 10)
Employed wage and salary workers
Suppress first fill after first appearance of question.
If MJ = 1, fill “Is (your/NAME’s) main job still with”, else fill “(Do/Does) (you/NAME) still work for”
If IO1NAM = entry, fill with employer's name from basic CPS – IO1NAM, else fill “the place that (you/NAME) worked last week”
(Before I continue,/Blank) I need to check that (you/NAME) still (have/has) the same job today that (you/he/she) had last week.
(Is (your/NAME’s) main job still with/(Do/Does) (you/NAME) still work for) (employer's name from basic CPS – IO1NAM)/(the place that (you/NAME) worked last week)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S1]
S1VER = 1, 2, D, or R
Employed wage and salary workers
If S1VER = 1, fill “Is”; else if S1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “Was”
If MJ = 1, fill “main job”, else fill “job”
Some people are in temporary jobs that last for a limited time or until the completion of a project. (Is/Was) (your/NAME’s) (main job/job) temporary?
(1) Yes [Go to S1a]
(2) No [If S1VER = 1, go to S1SCR, else go to S1SCRI]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [If S1VER = 1, go to S1SCR, else go to S1SCRI]
[Blind] (R) Refused [If S1VER = 1, go to S1SCR, else go to S1SCRI]
S1 = 2, D, or R AND S1VER = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary who didn’t say job was temporary and are not in same job as last week
If MJ = 1, fill “main job”, else fill “job”
Could (you/NAME) have continued to work at (your/his/her) (main job/job) if (you/he/she) had wished?
(1) Yes [If S1 = D or R, go to S2INS, else go to S2]
(2) No [Go to S1a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1a]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1a]
S1 = 2, D, or R AND S1VER = 1
Wage and salary who didn’t say job was temporary and are in same job as last week
If MJ = 2, D, or R, fill “job performance”, else fill “performance on (your/his/her) main job”
Provided the economy does not change and (your/NAME’s) (job performance/performance on (your/his/her) main job) is adequate, can (you/he/she) continue to work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)?
(1) Yes [If S1 = D or R go to S2INS, else go to S2]
(2) No [Go to S1a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1a]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1a]
S1 = 1 OR S1SCRI = 2, D, or R OR S1SCR = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary job or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish
If S1VER = 2 AND S1 = 1 AND RESPLI = LINENO, fill “Were”
Else if S1VER = 2 AND S1 = 1 AND RESPLI ne LINENO, fill “Was”
Else if S1 = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if S1 = 1 AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if S1VER = 2, D, or R AND S1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Were”
Else, if S1VER = 2, D, or R AND S1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Was”
(Are/Is/Were/Was) (you/NAME) working only until a specific project (is/was) completed?
(1) Yes [Go to S2CK]
(2) No [Go to S1b]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1b]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1b]
S1a = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) hired to temporarily replace another worker?
(1) Yes [Go to S2INS]
(2) No [Go to S1c]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1c]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1c]
S1b = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) hired for a fixed period of time?
(1) Yes [Go to S2INS]
(2) No [Go to S1d]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1d]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1d]
S1c = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period
If S1VER = 1, fill “Is”; If S1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “Was”
If MJ = 1, fill “main job”, else fill “job”
(Is/Was) (your/NAME’s) (main job/job) a year‑round job or (is/was) it only AVAILABLE during certain times of the year?
(1) Year‑round job [Go to S1i]
(2) Only available certain times of the year [Go to S2INS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S1i]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S1i]
S1d=1, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period and who’s job isn’t seasonal (only certain times of the year)
If S1=1 fill with “(your/NAME’s) job is temporary”
Else if S1SCR=2, D, or R fill with “(you/NAME) cannot work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)”
Else if S1SCRI=2, D, or R fill with “(you/NAME) (do/does) not have the job (you/he/she) had last week”
What is the MAIN reason [(your/NAME’s) job is temporary]/[(you/NAME) cannot work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)]/[(you/NAME) (do/does) not have the job (you/he/she) had last week]?
Economic Personal
‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑-- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑--
(1) Job is temporary (4) Job performance
(2) Business conditions (5) Obtaining another job
(3) Other economic (6) Attending school
(7) Family responsibilities
(8) Retirement
(9) Other personal
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S2CK]
S1i = 1-9, D, or R [S1i was asked]
Wage and salary in temporary job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period and who’s job isn’t seasonal (only certain times of the year)
If S1 = 1, D, or R, then go to S2INS
Else if S1 = 2, then go to S2
S1 = 1, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker in temporary job
If S1VER = 2 AND S1 = 1 AND RESPLI = LINENO, fill “Were”
Else if S1VER = 2 AND S1 = 1 AND RESPLI ne LINENO, fill “Was”
Else if S1 = 1, R, or D AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if S1 = 1, R, or D AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if S1VER = 2, D, or R AND S1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Were”
Else if S1VER = 2, D, or R AND S1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Was”
If MJ = 1, then fill “main job”, else fill “job”
(Are/Is/Were/Was) (you/NAME) paid by a temporary help agency on (your/his/her) (main job/job)?
Read only if necessary: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies on an as needed basis.
(1) Yes [Go to S2aINS]
(2) No [Go to S4]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S4]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S4]
S1 = 2
Employed wage and salary worker not in temporary job
If MJ = 1, then fill “main job”, else fill “job”
If S1VER = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “is” and “are”
Else if S1VER ne 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “was” and “were”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, then fill “was” and “was”
Even though you told me (your/NAME’s) (main job/job) (is/was) not temporary,
(are/were/was) (you/he/she) paid by a temporary help agency?
Read only if necessary: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies primarily for short-term assignments.
(1) Yes [Go to S2aINS]
(2) No [Go to S4]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S4]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S4]
S2 = 1 OR S2INS = 1
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) registered with more than one temporary help agency last week?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S2a]
S2aINS = 1, 2, D, or R [S2aINS was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) assigned to work at more than one place last week by (your/his/her) temporary help agency?
Read only if necessary: If (you/NAME) worked at two or more departments in the same company last week, count it as one place.
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S3CK]
S2a = 1, 2, D, or R [S2a was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency
If IO1NAM = R, then go to S25CK
Else if IO1NAM = entry, or D go to S3
S2a = 1, 2, D, or R AND IO1NAM = entry or D
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency with employer's name or D from basic CPS
If IO1NAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS –IO1NAM).”
If IO1NAM = D and MJ=1, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) main job.”
Else if IO1NAM = D and MJ ne1, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer.”
(Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS –IO1NAM)./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) main job./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer.)
Is this the place where (your/his/her) temporary help agency assigned (you/him/her) to work or is this the temporary help agency?
Place where temporary help agency assigned (me/NAME) to work
[Go to S25CK]
(2) Temporary help agency [Go to S3a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S25CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S25CK]
S3 = 2
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
If S2a = 1, then fill “the most hours”, else leave blank
Is the place where (you/NAME) (were/was) assigned to work (the most hours/blank) last week: a government agency, a private company, or a non‑profit organization?
(1) Government agency [Go to S3b1]
(2) Private company [Go to S3b2]
(3) Non‑profit organization [Go to S3b3]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S25CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S25CK]
S3a = 1
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for government agency
What is the name of the government agency where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
______________________________________ [Go to S3c]
S3a = 2
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private for-profit company
What is the name of the company where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to S3c]
S3a = 3
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private non-profit organization
What is the name of the non‑profit organization where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to S3c]
(S3b1= entry, D, or R) OR (S3b2= entry, D, or R) OR (S3b3 = entry, D, or R)
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
What kind of business or industry is this?
_______________________________________ [Go to S3d]
S3a = 1-3
Temporary help agency worker who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
ASK IF NECESSARY: Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?
(1) Manufacturing
(2) Retail trade
(3) Wholesale trade
(4) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S25CK]
S2INS = 2, D, or R OR S2 = 2, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency
Suppress first definition fill after first appearance of question.
If MJ = 1, fill “on (your/his/her) main job”; else leave blank
[Some people are in a pool of workers who are ONLY called to work as needed, although they can be scheduled to work for several days or weeks in a row, for example substitute teachers and construction workers supplied by a union hiring hall. These people are sometimes referred to as ON‑CALL workers.]
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) an ON‑CALL worker (on (your/his/her) main job/blank) last week?
(1) Yes [Go to S4A]
(2) No [Go to S6]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S6]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S6]
S4 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker
Some ON-CALL workers have regularly scheduled hours, but IN ADDITION must work when called (for example, doctors, nurses, and managers). Other ON-CALL workers work ONLY when called (for example, substitute teachers). Which type of ON-CALL worker (are/is) (you/NAME)?
(1) Work regular hours, but must be available [Go to S6]
(2) Only work when called [Go to S6]
(3) Other (Specify) [Go to S4AS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S6]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S6]
S4A = 3
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker and specified answer to type of on-call worker
_______________________________________ [Go to S6]
S4 = 1, 2, D, or R [S4 was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency
Suppress first definition fill after first appearance of question.
If MJ = 1, fill “On (your/his/her) main job, did”; else fill “Did”
[Some companies provide employees or their services to others under contract. A few examples of services that can be contracted out include security, food service, medical care, health services, or computer programming.]
(On (your/his/her) main job, did/Did) (you/NAME) work for a company that contracts out (you/him/her) or (your/his/her) services last week?
(1) Yes [Go to S6a]
(2) No [Go to S7CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S7CK]
S6 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
(Are/Is) (you/NAME) usually assigned to more than one customer?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S6b]
S6a = 1, 2, D, or R [S6a was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) usually work at the customer's worksite?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Don't have a usual worksite
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S6IOCK]
S6b = 1, 2, 3, D OR R [S6b was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
If S6a = 2 AND S6b = 1, then go to S6IOCK1
Else go to S7CK
S6a = 2 AND S6b = 1
Contract company workers who are not usually assigned to more than one customer and who usually work at the customer's worksite
If IO1NAM = R, then go to S7CK
Else if IO1NAM = entry or D then go to S6IO
S6a = 2 AND S6b = 1 AND (IO1NAM = entry or D)
Contract company workers who are not usually assigned to more than one customer and who usually work at the customer's worksite who did not refuse to provide employer’s name in basic CPS
If IO1NAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS –IO1NAM).”
If IO1NAM =D and MJ=1, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) main job.”
Else if IO1NAM =D and MJ ne1, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer.”
(Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS –IO1NAM)./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) main job./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer.)
Is this the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services or the customer for whom (you/he/she) (do/does) the work?
(1) Company that contracts out [Go to S6IOa]
(2) Customer for whom do the work [Go to S7CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S7CK]
S6IO = 1
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS
Is (your/NAME’s) customer a government agency, a private company, or a non‑profit organization?
(1) Government agency [Go to S6IOb1]
(2) Private for-profit company [Go to S6IOb2]
(3) Non‑profit organization [Go to S6IOb3]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to S7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S7CK]
S6IOa = 1
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for government agency
What is the name of the government agency where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to S6IOc]
S6IOa = 2
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private for-profit company
What is the name of the company where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to S6IOc]
S6IOa = 3
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for non-profit organization
What is the name of the non-profit organization where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to S6IOc]
S6IO = 1
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS
What kind of business or industry is this?
_______________________________________ [Go to S6IOd]
S6IOc = entry, D, or R [S6IOc was asked]
Contract company worker who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS
Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?
(1) Manufacturing
(2) Retail trade
(3) Wholesale trade
(4) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S7CK]
S6 = 1, 2, D, OR R [S6 was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency
If S4 = 1 or S6 =1, then go to S25CK
Else if (S4 = 2, D, or R) AND (S6 = 2, D, or R), then go to S7
S4 = 2, D, or R AND S6 = 2, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker not paid by temporary help agency who is not an on-call worker AND doesn’t work for a contract company
If MJ = 1, fill “on (your/his/her) main job”; else leave blank
Last week, (were/was) (you/NAME) working as any of the following: an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a free-lance worker (on (your/his/her) main job/blank)?
Read only if necessary: If you are unsure about how to respond, it could be helpful to think about what tax forms (you/he/she) may have received for (your/his/her) (main job/job), if any. Independent contractors, independent consultants, and free-lancers typically do not receive W-2 tax forms, but may receive 1099s. These workers often use schedule C when filing taxes and pay self-employment taxes.
(1) Yes [Go to PreS8]
(2) No [Go to S25CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S25CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S25CK]
S7 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker who is an independent contractor
For the rest of the survey, we will refer to (you/NAME) as an independent contractor.
S7 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker who is an independent contractor
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be an independent contractor?
(1) Years [Go to S8ICDN]
(2) Months [Go to S8ICDN]
(3) Weeks [Go to S8ICDN]
(4) Days [Go to S8ICDN]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S8ICDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S8ICDa]
S8ICDt = 1-4
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor is specific time
S8ICDt = 0
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor is something other than specific time
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be an independent contractor?
(1) As long as wants [Go to S8ICDa]
(2) Until retires [Go to S8ICDb]
(3) Until finds other employment [Go to S8ICDa]
(4) Until finishes school [Go to S8ICDb]
(5) Until goes back to school [Go to S8ICDb]
(6) Other (not much longer, rest of career,
until project is finished) [Go to S8ICDa]
(7) No longer an independent contractor [Go to S9CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S8ICDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S8ICDa]
(S8ICDt = D or R) OR (S8ICD1 = 1, 3, 6, D, or R)
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor is something other than specific time and is not a specific event
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) think it will be more than a year?
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S9CK]
S8ICD1 = 2, 4, or 5
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor is something other than specific time and is a specific event
Is that more than a year away?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S9CK]
(MLR = 1 or 2) AND (IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11)
All self-employed
If MJ = 1, fill “On (your/his/her) main job, (are/is)”; else fill “(Are/Is)”
(On (your/his/her) main job, (are/is)/(Are/Is)) (you/NAME) self-employed as any of the following: an independent contractor, independent consultant, free-lance worker, or something else?
Read if necessary: Something else such as a shop or restaurant owner
(1) Independent contractor/independent consultant/free-lance worker
(2) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused
[All go to S8SEDt]
S8IC = 1, 2, D, or R [S8IC has entry]
All self-employed
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be self-employed (on his MAIN job)?
(0) Something else [Go to S8SED1]
(1) Years [Go to S8SEDN]
(2) Months [Go to S8SEDN]
(3) Weeks [Go to S8SEDN]
(4) Days [Go to S8SEDN]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S8SEDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S8SEDa]
S8SEDt = 1-4
Expected duration of self-employment is specific time
S8SEDt = 0
Expected duration of self-employment is something other than specific time
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be self-employed?
(1) As long as (I/he/she) (want/wants) [Go to S8SEDa]
(2) Until (I/he/she) (retire/retires) [Go to S8SEDb]
(3) Until I/he/she) (find/finds) other employment [Go to S8SEDa]
(4) No longer self-employed [Go to S9CK]
(5) Other (not much longer, rest of career,
until project is finished) [Go to S8SEDa]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S8SEDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S8SEDa]
(S8SEDt = D or R) OR (S8SED1 = 1, 3, 5, D, or R)
Expected duration of self-employment is something other than specific time and is not a specific event
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) think it will be more than a year?
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S9CK]
S8SED1 = 2
Expected duration of self-employment is something other than specific time and is a specific event
Is that more than a year away?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S9CK]
S7=1 or S8IC = 1, 2, D, or R [S8IC has entry]
Wage and salary workers who are independent contractors and all self-employed
If IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND MISCK = 4 or 8, then go to S10TIM
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND MISCK = 1-3 or 5-7, then go to S9a
Else if S7=1, then go to MJ9a
S7 = 1 OR (IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND MISCK = 1-3 or 5-7)
Wage and salary workers who are independent contractors and all self-employed who did not already get question in basic CPS (MIS 4 and 8)
If S8SED1 = 4 OR S8ICD1 = 7, then fill “Did”
Else if LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “Do”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, then fill “Does”
(Did/Do/Does) (you/NAME) usually have any paid employees?
(1) Yes [Go to S9b]
(2) No [Go to S10TIM]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S10TIM]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S10TIM]
S9a = 1
Wage and salary independent contractors and self-employed with paid employees
If S8SED1 = 4 OR S8ICD1=7, then fill “did”
Else if LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “do”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, then fill “does”
Excluding all owners, how many employees (did/do/does) (you/NAME) usually have?
IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 OR S7 = 1
All self-employed and wage and salary workers who are independent contractors
If IO1COW = 6,7, or 11, then fill “self-employed”
Else if S7 = 1, then fill “an independent contractor”
How long (have/has) (you/NAME) been (self-employed/an independent contractor)?
(1) Years [Go to S10NUM]
(2) Months [Go to S10NUM]
(3) Weeks [Go to S10NUM]
(4) Days [Go to S10NUM]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S10NPR]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S10NPR]
S10TIM = 1-4
Duration of self-employment or independent contractor is specific time
S10TIM = D or R
No specific answer to duration of self-employment or independent contractor
Has it been more than a year?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S25CK]
MLR=1 or 2 and IO1COW=1-7, 10, or 11
All employed except unpaid family workers
If S1 = 1, then go to S25a (Wage and salary who say job is temporary)
If (S1SCRI = 2, D, or R OR S1SCR = 2, D, or R), then go to S25b (Wage and salary who couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished OR who can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish)
If (S1SCRI = 1 AND S1 = 2) OR (S1SCR = 1 AND S1 = 2), then go to S26TMPCK (Wage and salary not in temporary jobs who could continue last week’s job if wished OR who can continue to work for employer as long as wish)
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND S8IC = 1, 2, D, or R, then go to S26ICCK (All self-employed)
Else if S7 = 1, then go to S26ICCK (Wage and salary independent contractors)
S1 = 1
Wage and salary worker who said job was temporary
Would (you/NAME) prefer to have a job that is permanent rather than temporary?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S25aR]
S25a = 1-3, D, or R [S25a was asked]
Wage and salary worker who said job was temporary
Suppress first explanation fill after first appearance of question.
If S1VER = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “have”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “has”
Else if S1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “had”
[People have temporary jobs for a variety of reasons. For example, some people have temporary jobs because it is the only type of work they could find. Others have them because of the flexibility or for other reasons.]
What is the MAIN reason (you/NAME) (have/has/had) a temporary job?
Only work could find
Flexibility of schedule
Make more money/need money quickly
In school/training
Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S26TMPCK]
S1SCRI = 2, D, or R OR S1SCR = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary who couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished OR who can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish
If (S1SCR = 2 OR S1SCRI = 2), fill “(you/NAME) could not”
Else, fill “(you/NAME) did not know if (you/he/she) could”
If S1VER = 1, fill “wish”; else if S1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “wished”
You indicated ((you/NAME) could not/(you/NAME) did not know if (you/he/she) could) stay in (your/his/her) job for as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wished). Would (you/NAME) prefer to be in a job where (you/he/she) could almost certainly stay for as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wished)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S25bR]
S25b = 1-3, D, or R [S25b was asked]
Wage and salary who couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished OR who can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish
Suppress first explanation fill after first appearance of question.
If S1VER = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “have” and “cannot” and “wish”
Else if S1VER = 1 AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “has” and “cannot” and “wishes”
Else if S1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “had” and “could not” and “wished”
[There are a variety of reasons people are in jobs where they cannot stay as long as they wish. For example, some people are in these types of jobs because it is the only type of work they could find. Others have them because of the flexibility or for other reasons.]
What is the MAIN reason (you/NAME) (have/has/had) a job (you/he/she) (cannot/could not) stay in as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes/wished)?
Only work could find
Flexibility of schedule
Make more money/need money quickly
In school/training
Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S26TMPCK]
MLR=1 or 2 and IO1COW=1-7, 10, or 11
All employed except unpaid family workers
If S2INS=1 OR S2=1, then go to S26TP (Temporary help agency workers)
Else if (S2INS = 2, D, or R OR S2 = 2, D, or R), then go to S26OCCK (Not temporary help agency workers)
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND S8IC = 1, 2, D, or R, then go to S26ICCK (All self-employed)
Else if OR S7 = 1, then go to S26ICCK (Wage and salary independent contractors)
S2INS = 1 OR S2 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency
Earlier you said (you/NAME) (were/was) paid by a temporary help agency. Would (you/he/she) prefer a job with a different type of employer?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S26TR]
S26TP = 1, 2, 3, D, or R [S26TP was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency
If S1 = 2, D, or R, then show first explanation fill only in first appearance and suppress after first appearance of question
Else if S1=1, then leave blank and suppress explanation for all
[People work for temporary help agencies for a variety of reasons. For example, some people work for temporary help agencies because it is the only type of work they can find. Others because of the flexibility or for other reasons./blank]
What is the MAIN reason (you/NAME) (work/works) for a temporary help agency?
Only work could find
Flexibility of schedule
Make more money/need money quickly
In school/training
Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P1]
S4 = 1, 2, D, or R [S4 was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency
If S4=1, then ask S26OC
Else if S4 = 2, D, or R OR IO1COW = 6,7, or 11, then go to S26ICCK
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker
Earlier you said (you/NAME) (were/was) an on‑call worker. Would (you/he/she) prefer a job where (you/he/she) worked regularly scheduled hours?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S26OR]
S26OC = 1-3, D, or R [S26OC was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker
Suppress first explanation fill after first appearance of question.
[People work on‑call for a variety of reasons. For example, some work on‑call because the arrangement offers them flexibility; others are on‑call because it is the only type of work they can find.]
What is the MAIN reason (you/NAME) (are/is) an on‑call worker?
Only work could find
Flexibility of schedule
Make more money/need money quickly
In school/training
Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P1]
(IO1COW=6, 7, or 11 OR S7 = 1) OR (IO1COW = 1-5 or 10 AND S7 = 2, D, or R)
All employed except unpaid family workers
If IO1COW= 6, 7, or 11 OR S7=1, then go to S26IC (All self-employed OR wage and salary workers who are independent contractors)
Else if IO1COW = 1-5 or 10 AND S7 = 2, D, or R, then go to P1 (All wage and salary workers who are not independent contractors)
IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 OR S7 = 1
All self-employed OR wage and salary workers who are independent contractors
If IO1COW = 6,7, or 11, then fill “self-employed”
If S7 = 1, then fill “an independent contractor”
Would (you/NAME) prefer to work for someone else rather than being (self-employed/an independent contractor)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S26IR]
S26IC = 1-3, D, or R [S26IC was asked]
All self-employed and wage and salary workers who are independent contractors
Suppress first explanation fill after first appearance of question.
If IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11, fill both parentheses with “self-employed”
Else if S7 = 1, fill first parenthesis with “independent contractors” and second parenthesis with “an independent contractor”
[People are (self-employed/independent contractors) for a variety of reasons.]
What is the MAIN reason (you/NAME) (are/is) (self-employed/an independent contractor)?
Only work could find
Flexibility of schedule
Independence/enjoy being own boss
Make more money/need money quickly
In school/training
Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P1]
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
All employed except unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
If MJ = 1, fill “at (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else leave blank
Does (your/NAME’s) work (at (your/his/her) MAIN job/blank) involve (you/him/her) getting short-term tasks, jobs, or projects to do, often for different customers or employers?
READ FOR FIRST HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. Read if necessary for others: For example, lining up work as a handyman, freelance graphic designer, in-home health care aide, substitute teacher, or rideshare or food-delivery driver.
(1) Yes [Go to P2A]
(2) No [Go to P2B]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P2B]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P2B]
Task-based workers
(Do you/Does NAME) use an app or website to get these short-term tasks, jobs, or projects?
(1) Yes [Go to P2C]
(2) No [Go to P3]
(3) Sometimes [Go to P2C]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P3]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P3]
P1 = 2, D, or R
Not task-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “for (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else leave blank
(Do you/Does NAME) use an app or website to select projects, get jobs, pick tasks, or directly connect (you/him/her) to customers to do tasks (for (your/his/her) MAIN job/blank)?
READ FOR FIRST HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. Read if necessary for others: For example, people may use an app that lists tasks for hire or a website that lists customers with specific projects like creating software, designing a logo, or painting a house.
(1) Yes [Go to P2C]
(2) No [Go to P13CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P13CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P13CK]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “for (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else leave blank
What is the name of the app or website where (you get/NAME gets) MOST of (your/his/her) work (for (your/his/her) MAIN job/blank)?
FR INSTRUCTION: Record only the ONE app or website used to get MOST work
VERBATIM: [Go to P3]
P1=1 or P2B=1
Task-based and/or app-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how”, else fill “How”
(At (your/NAME’s) MAIN job, how/How) long does a typical task, job, or project last?
(1) An hour or less
(2) Up to a day (but more than an hour)
(3) 2 to 7 days (more than a day, up to a week)
(4) Less than a month (but more than a week)
(5) 1 to 2 months
(6) 3 to 5 months
(7) 6 months to a year
(8) More than a year
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P4]
P1=1 or P2B=1
Task-based and/or app-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “On (your/his/her) main job, (are/is)”; else fill “(Are/Is)”
(On (your/his/her) MAIN job, (are/is)/(Are/Is)) (you/NAME) ONLY paid by the task, job, or project?
(1) Yes [Go to P5CK]
(2) No [Go to P5CK]
(3) Paid hourly [Go to P4A]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P5CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P5CK]
Task-based and/or app-based workers who said they were paid hourly
Even though (you are/NAME is) paid hourly, is the total amount (you receive/NAME receives) paid by the task, job, or project?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P5CK]
P4 = 1, 2, 3, D, or R (P4 was asked)
Task-based and/or app-based workers
If P2A=1 or 3 OR P2B=1, then go to P5 (app-based workers)
Else go to P13CK
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “at (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else blank
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the SAME app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work”
Excluding tips, [at (your/his/her) MAIN job,/blank] (do you/does NAME) get paid through [P2C_VERBATIM/the SAME app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work] or directly by the customer?
Read if necessary: If (you use/NAME uses) more than one app or website, think about the one (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work.
(1) The app or website
(2) Directly by customer
(3) Both
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P5A]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “On (your/his/her) MAIN job, does”, else fill ”Does”
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work”
[On (your/his/her) MAIN job, does/Does] [P2C_VERBATIM/the app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work] control the price (you/NAME) can charge or what (you get/he gets/she gets) paid for a task, job, or project?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Sometimes
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P5B]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Can (you/NAME) decide to not work by turning off or not checking (P2C_VERBATIM/this app or website)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P5C]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
How (do you/does NAME) usually get work using (P2C_VERBATIM/this app or website? Does it assign work; (do/does) (you/he/her) select tasks, jobs, or projects; do customers choose (you/him/her); or something else?
(1) The app assigns it [Go to P9]
(2) (I/he/she) (select/selects) tasks, jobs, or projects [Go to P9]
(3) Customers choose (me/him/her) [Go to P9]
(4) Something else [Go to P5CS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P9]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P9]
P5C = 4 (Something else)
App-based workers who specified how they get work using app
______________________________________ [Go to P9]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the app or website”
Did (P2C_VERBATIM/the app or website) require (you/NAME) to create a profile before (you/he/she) could get work through it?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P10]
P9 = 1-2, D, or R (P9 was asked)
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the SAME app or website where (you/he/she) (get/gets) tasks, jobs, or projects”
Can customers rate (your/his/her) work through (P2C_VERBATIM/the SAME app or website where (you/he/she) (get/gets) tasks, jobs, or projects)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P11]
P10 = 1-2, D, or R (P10 was asked)
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Did (you/he/she) use (P2C_VERBATIM/this app or website) ONLY to rent property, such as (your/his/her) home, car, or tools?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P12]
P11 = 1-2, D, or R (P11 was asked)
App-based workers
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with P2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Did (you/he/she) use (P2C_VERBATIM/this app or website) ONLY to sell items online, including used and handmade goods?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P12A]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
If MJ = 1, fill “at (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else leave blank
Would (you/NAME) prefer an arrangement where (you/he/she) did not use an app or website to get (your/his/her) own work (at (your/his/her) MAIN job/blank)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Depends
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to P12B]
P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1
App-based workers
There are a variety of reasons people work in arrangements where they use an app or website to get their own work. For example, some people do this because it is the only work they can find. Others do it for the flexibility or other reasons.
What is the MAIN reason that (you/NAME) (work/works) in an arrangement where (you/he/she) (use/uses) an app or website to get (your/his/her) own work?
(1) Only work could find [Go to P13CK]
(2) Flexibility of schedule [Go to P13CK]
(3) Independence/enjoy being own boss [Go to P13CK]
(4) Make more money/need money quickly [Go to P13CK]
(5) In school/training [Go to P13CK]
(6) Something else [Go to P12BS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P13CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P13CK]
P12B=6 (Something else)
Get next task other than boss/supervisor assigns it and specified reason
What is that reason?
______________________________________ [Go to P13CK]
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
All employed except unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
If IO1COW = 1-5 or 10, then go to P13
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11, then go to SEARNCK
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-5, 10)
Employed wage and salary workers
If MJ = 1, fill “for (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else leave blank
Which of the following best describes how much control (your/NAME’s) employer has over the days and hours (you/he/she) usually (work/works) (for (your/his/her) MAIN job/blank)?
FR INSTRUCTION: Read all options, have respondent pick one
(1) Work times are controlled by the employer, and
(I/NAME) cannot change them on (my/his/her) own [Go to P14]
(2) Work times are partially controlled by the employer,
but (I/NAME) can make changes within certain limits [Go to P14]
(3) (I decide/NAME decides) work times [Go to SEARNCK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to P14]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to P14]
P13 = 1, 2, D, or R
Wage and salary workers with limited control of schedule
How far in advance (do you/does NAME) usually know (your/his/her) work schedule, that is, the days and hours (you work/he works/she works)?
(1) One day or less
(2) 2 to 3 days
(3) 4 to 6 days
(4) 1 week
(5) 2 to 3 weeks
(6) 4 weeks or more
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to SEARNCK]
(MLR = 1 or 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
Employed other than unpaid family workers
Earnings should be collected for people not in the outgoing rotations who are contingent workers, temporary help agency workers, contract company workers, on-call workers, task-based workers, or app-based workers
If ( (S1=1 OR S1SCRI=2, D, or R OR S1SCR=2, D, or R) [temporary job]
OR (S2 = 1 OR S2INS = 1) [paid by temp agency]
OR S4 = 1 [on-call worker]
OR S6 = 1 [contract company worker]
OR S7 = 1 [independent contractor - wage and salary]
OR (IO1COW = 6) [self-employed]
OR (P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1) [ app-based worker]
OR P1 = 1 [task-based worker] )
AND MISCK = 1-3 or 5-7, then go to SX
Workers in a temporary job, paid by a temp help agency, on-call worker, contract company worker, wage and salary independent contractor, unincorporated or corporation status unknown self-employed worker, app-based worker, or tasked-based worker AND in continuing month in samples (MIS 1-3 or 5-7) will be asked the earnings questions.
Else if (IO1COW = 7 or 11 AND MISCK = 1-8), then go to SX
The unincorporated and unclassified self-employed who did not get earnings questions in outgoing rotations should be asked earnings.
Else go to MJCK
Workers in “traditional” arrangements who are not contingent, app-based, or tasked-based workers go to multiple job holder check.
((S1=1 OR S1SCRI=2, D, or R OR S1SCR=2, D, or R) OR (S2 = 1 OR S2INS = 1) OR (S4 = 1) OR (S6 = 1) OR (S7 = 1) OR (IO1COW = 6) OR (P2A = 1 or 3 OR P2B = 1) OR (P1 = 1)) AND (MISCK = 1-3 or 5-7))
OR (IO1COW= 7 or 11 AND MISCK = 1-8)
Now I have a few questions about earnings.
SX = 1
If MJ = 1 AND (WORK = 1 OR ABSPD = D OR R), fill “MAIN job”, else fill “job”
For (your/NAME’s) (MAIN job/job), what is the easiest way for you to report (your/his/her) total earnings BEFORE taxes or other deductions: hourly, weekly, annually, or on some other basis? [ERNPR]
Read if necessary: We use this information to compare the amount that people earn in different types of jobs.
(1) Hourly [Go to SXB]
(2) Weekly [Go to SXB]
(3) Bi‑weekly [Go to SXB]
(4) Twice monthly [Go to SXB]
(5) Monthly [Go to SXB]
(6) Annually [Go to SXB]
(7) Other (specify) [Go to SXAS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXB]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXI]
SXA = 7
_______________________________________ [Go to SXB]
SXA = 1-7 OR D
If MJ = 1, fill “commissions at (your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “commissions”
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) usually receive overtime pay, tips, or (commissions at (your/his/her) MAIN job)/commissions)? [ERNUOT]
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused
If SXA = 1, go to SXCD; if SXA = 2,7,D, go to SXD2; if SXA = 3, go to SXD5; if SXA = 4, go to SXD3T; if SXA = 5, go to SXD3; if SXA = 6, go to SXD4.
SXA = 1 AND SXB = 1, 2, D, or R
If SXB = 1, then fill “EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what” else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (this job/(your/his/her) MAIN job)? [ERNHRT]
If SXCD = D, store D in SXC and go to SXCDK
If SXCD = R, store R in SXC AND SERNX1 and go to SXI
If SXCD = 0-99, then go to SXCC
SXCD = 0-99
If SXB = 1, then fill “Excluding overtime pay, tips and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, fill “MAIN”, else leave blank
(EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on (your/his/her) (MAIN/blank) job? [ERNHRT]
$ _____ (0-99)
SXA = 1 AND SXB = 1, 2, D, or R
***Non-Displayed Item*** [ERNHRT]
Store SXCD + SXCC into SXC (xx.yy).
Store SXC in SXH1O
If SXC = R, store R in SERNX1
If SXC = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99 then go to SXCR
If SXC = 1.00-30.00 then go to SXC1
If SXC = D, then go to SXCDK
If SXC = R, then go to SXI
Soft Check
SXC = 0.00
You have entered a 0 (zero) as the amount of earnings per hour, before taxes or other deductions, that were received by this person.
Is this CORRECT?
If a value of 0 (zero) earnings per hour is correct, the person did not receive any earnings, then press “S” to Suppress.
If you were trying to enter a Don’t know or Refused, go back and enter CTRL-D or CTRL-R.
If “S” selected and SXC = 0.00, then go to SWHY01.
*Do not read to respondent
Enter the reason for reporting the total earnings as zero (0).
Store SWHY01 in SWHY0 for output.
If SXC = 0.00, go to SXCR
What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay? [ERNHRE]
$ ______ (0-99)
If SXCDKD = D OR R, then store D OR R in SERNX1
If SXCDKD = D OR R, go to SXI
If SXCDKD = 0-99, go to SXCDKC
SXCDKD = 0-99
What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay? [ERNHRE]
$ ______ (0-99)
If SXCDK = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99, go to SXCR
If SXCDK = 1.00-30.00, go to SXC1
If SXCDK = D OR R, go to SXI
***Non-Displayed Item*** [ERNHRE]
Store SXCDKD + SXCDKC into SXCDK (xx.yy)
Store SXCDK in SXH1O
If SXCDK = D OR R, store D OR R in SERNX1
If SXCDK = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99 then go to SXCR
If SXCDK = 1.00-30.00 then go to SXC1
If SXCDK = D OR R, then go to SXI
((SXCDK = 0.00 - 0.99 or 30.01 - 99.99) AND (SXC = D)) OR (SXC = 0.00 - 0.99 or 30.01 - 99.99)
(1) Yes [Go to SXC1]
(2) No [Go to SXCR2D]
SXCR = 2
$ __ (0-99)
SXCR2D = 0-99
$ __ (0-99)
SXCR = 2
***Non-Displayed Item*** [ERNHCO]
Store SXCR2D + SXCR2C into SXCR2 (xx.yy)
Store SXCR2 in SXH1O
Go to SXC1.
SXB = 1, 2, D, or R AND SXA = 1 AND [(SXCR2 = 0.00 to 99.99) OR
(SXCR = 1) OR (SXCDK = 01.00 to 30.00) OR (SXC = 01.00 to 30.00)]
How many hours (do/does) (you/NAME) usually work per week at this rate? [ERNHR]
__ (01‑99)
If SXC1 = 1-99, store SXC1 in SXHRO
If SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = D OR V, store D in SXHRO
If SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = R, store R in SXHRO
If SXC1 = D OR R, store HRUSL1 in SXHRO
If SXC1 = 1-99 AND SXB = 1, go to SXOTP
Else if SXC1 = 1-99, go to SXD1V
If SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = D,V OR R, go to SXD2
If SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = entry AND SXB = 1, go to SXOTP
Else if SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = entry, go to SXD1V
(SXB = 1) AND [(SXC1 = 01-99) OR ((SXC1 = D, R) AND (HRUSL1 = entry))]
If MJ = 1, then fill “At (your/NAME’s) MAIN job, how”; else, fill “How”
(At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how/How) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTP]
FR INSTRUCTION: Enter periodicity
(1) Per hour [Go to SXOTH]
(2) Per day [Go to SXOTA]
(3) Per week [Go to SXOTA]
(4) Per month [Go to SXOTA]
(5) Per year [Go to SXOTA]
(6) Other [Go to SXD1DK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXD1DK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXI]
SXOTP = 2-5
If MJ = 1, then fill “At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how”, else fill “How”
(At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how/How) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTA]
* Do not read to respondent
$ _____
SXOTAD + SXOTAC = SXOTA (xxxxx.yy)
If SXOTAD = 0-99999, go to SXOTAC
SXOTAD = 0-99999
If MJ = 1, then fill “At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how”, else fill “How”
(At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how/How) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTA]
*Do not read to respondent
$ _____
SXOTAD + SXOTAC = SXOTA (xxxxx.yy)
If SXOTA = 0-99999.99, store SXOTA in SXOTO
If (SXOTP = 2) AND (SXOTA = 1-240), go to SXD1DK
If (SXOTP = 3) AND (SXOTA = 1-1500), go to SXD1V
If (SXOTP = 4) AND (SXOTA = 1-6000), go to SXD1V
If (SXOTP = 5) AND (SXOTA = 1-72000), go to SXD1V
SXOTAD = 0-99999
SXOTAD + SXOTAC = SXOTA (xxxxx.yy)
If SXOTA = 0-99999.99, store SXOTA in SXOTO
If (SXOTP = 2) AND (SXOTA = 1-240), go to SXD1DK
If (SXOTP = 3) AND (SXOTA = 1-1500), go to SXD1V
If (SXOTP = 4) AND (SXOTA = 1-6000), go to SXD1V
If (SXOTP = 5) AND (SXOTA = 1-72000), go to SXD1V
If (SXOTP = 2) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 240.01-99999.99), go to SXD1R
If (SXOTP = 3) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 1501.01-99999.99), go to SXD1R
If (SXOTP = 4) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 6000.01-99999.99), go to SXD1R
If (SXOTP = 5) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 72000.01-99999.99), go to SXD1R
If MJ = 1, then fill “At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how”, else fill “How”
(At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how/How) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTH]
* Do not read to respondent
$ _____
If SXOTHD = 0-99, go to SXOTHC
SXOTHD = 0-99
If MJ = 1, then fill “At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how”, else fill “How”
(At (your/his/her) MAIN job, how/How) much (do/does) (you/he/she) usually receive JUST in overtime pay, tips or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTA]
*Do not read to respondent
$ _____
If SXOTH = 1.00-30.00, go to SXD1a
If SXOTH = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99, go to SXD1R
If SXOTH = 0.00-99.99, store SXOTH in SXOTO
If SXOTH = 1.00-30.00, go to SXD1a
If SXOTH = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99, go to SXD1R
(SXOTP = 6 OR D) OR (SXOTP = 2 AND SXOTA = 1-240)
What is your best estimate of how much (you/he/she) usually (earn/earns) WEEKLY, JUST in overtime pay, tips, or commissions, before taxes or other deductions? [ERNOTE]
$ ____ (0-9999)
If SXD1DK = 1-1500, go to SXD1V
If SXD1DK = 0, 1501-9999, go to SXD1R
If SXD1DK = D OR R, go to SXI
((SXOTP = 2) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 240.01-99999.99)) OR
((SXOTP = 3) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 1501.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 4)
AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR 6000.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 5) AND (SXOTA
= 0.00-0.99 OR 72000.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 1) AND (SXOTH = 0.00-0.99
OR 30.01-99.99)) OR SXD1DK = 0, 1501-9999
If SXD1DK = entry, then fill “weekly”
If SXOTP = 1, then fill “hourly”; else if SXOTP = 3, then fill “weekly”; else if SXOTP = 4, then fill “monthly”; else if SXOTP = 5, then fill “annual”
*** DO NOT ASK*** [ERNRG2]
Usual (hourly/weekly/monthly/annual) earnings in overtime pay, tips or commissions recorded as: (SXOTO). IS THIS ENTRY CORRECT?
(1) Yes
(2) No
If SXD1R = 1 AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXD1a
If ((SXD1R = 1) AND (((SXOTP = 2) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99
OR 240.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 3) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR
1501.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 4) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR
6000.01-99999.99)) OR ((SXOTP = 5) AND (SXOTA = 0.00-0.99 OR
72000.01-99999.99)) OR SXD1DK = 0, 1501-9999)), go to SXD1V
If SXD1R = 2 AND SXOTA = entry, go to SXD1R2D
If (SXD1R = 2) AND (SXOTA = empty), go to SXOCHD
SXD1R = 2 AND SXOTA = entry
SXD1R2D + SXD1R2C = SXD1R2 (xx.yy)
Store SXD1R2 in SXOTO
If SXD1R2D = 0-99999, go to SXD1R2C
SXD1R2D = 0-99999
SXD1R2D + SXD1R2C = SXD1R2 (xx.yy)
Store SXD1R2 in SXOTO
Go to SXD1V
SXD1R = 2 AND SXOTA = entry
Store SXD1R2D + SXD1R2C = SXD1R2 (xx.yy)
Store SXD1R2 in SXOTO
If SXOTP = 1, go to SXD1a
(SXD1R = 2) AND (SXOTA = empty)
If SXOCHD = 0-99, go to SXOCHC
SXOCHD = 0-99
If SXOCH = 0-99 AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXD1a
SXD1R = 2 AND SXOTA = empty
If SXOCH = 0.00-99.99 AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXD1a
(SXOCH = 0.00-99.99 AND SXOTP = 1) OR (SXD1R = 1 AND
SXOTP = 1) OR (SXOTH = 1.00-30.00 AND SXOTP = 1) OR (SXD1R2 = 0.00-99.99
How many hours (do/does) (you/NAME) usually work per week at this rate? [ERNOH]
If SXD1a = 0-99, go to SXD1V
If SXD1a = D, go to SXD1b
If SXD1a = R, go to SXI
SXD1a = D
What is your best estimate of the number of hours per week (you/he/she) usually (work/works) at this rate? [ERNOHE]
If SXD1b = 0-99, go to SXD1V
If SXD1b = D OR R, go to SXI
SXD1b = 0-99 OR SXD1a = 0-99 OR SXD1DK = 0-9999 OR (SXC1 = 1-99 AND SXB = 2, D, or R) OR (SXC1 = D OR R AND HRUSL1 = 0-99 AND SXB = 2, D, or R) OR (SXOTP = 3-5 AND SXOTA = 0-99999.99)
If MJ = 1, then fill “for (your/his/her) MAIN job as”, else fill “as”
I have estimated (your/his/her) usual WEEKLY earnings (for (your/his/her) main job as/as) $(SERNX1/SXAMT) before taxes or other deductions. [ERNVR1]
Does that sound correct?
(1) Yes [Go to SXI]
(2) No [Go to SXVRA]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXVRA]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXI]
Store blank or empty in SHWKR_r, SERN_r, and SERNX1_r
Store blank in SHWKR, SERN, SERNX1
BLAISE NEEDS TO ROUND AND TRUNCATE ALL ARITHMATIC OPERATIONS. Do all calculations until the end and then store into character variables.
If [(SXHRO ne D AND ne R) AND (SXC1 = entry OR HRUSL1 = entry)] AND
[(SXH1O ne D AND ne R) AND (SXC = entry OR SXCDK = entry OR SXCR2 =
entry)] then:
set: SHWKR_r = SXHRO x SXH1O
If (SXOTO ne D AND ne R) AND (SXOTA = entry OR SXOTH = entry OR SXD1DK
= entry OR SXD1R2 = entry OR SXOCH = entry)] then:
If SXD1DK = response then:
If SXOTP = 1 AND SXD1a = response, then:
set: SERN_r = SXOTO x SXD1a
If SXOTP = 1 AND SXD1b = response, then:
set: SERN_r = SXOTO x SXD1b
If SXOTP= 3, then:
set: SERN_r = SXOTO
If SXOTP = 4, then:
set: SERN_r = SXOTO/4.0
If SXOTP = 5, then:
set: SERN_r = SXOTO/52.0
If SERN_r ne 0.0, then set: SERN = SERN_r
If SERNX1_r ne 0.0, then set: SERNX1 = SERNX1_r
If [(SXOTO ne D AND ne R) AND (SXOTA = entry OR SXOTH = entry OR
SXD1DK = entry OR SXD1R2 = entry OR SXOCH = entry)], then set:
SXD1V = 2 OR D
I have recorded: [ERNVRA]
1. (SXH1O) as (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay. [Go to SXH1C]
2. (SXHRO) as the number of hours (you/he/she) usually worked at this rate.
[Go to SXHC]
3. If SXOTA = entry OR SXOTH = entry OR SXD1DK = entry OR SXD1R2 =
entry, then fill (3), else leave blank.
(SXOTO) as the amount (you/he/she) usually earned (hourly/monthly/annually) in
overtime pay, tips and commissions. [If SXOTP = 1, go to
SXOHC, else, go to
4. If SXD1a = response OR SXD1b = response, then fill (4), else leave blank.
(SXD1a/SXD1b) as the number of hours per week (you/he/she) usually
(work/works) at this rate. [Go to SXH2C]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXWK1]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXI]
Which piece or pieces of information do not seem to be correct?
Enter all that apply, separate by commas.
If all information is correct, enter (0) to continue. [Go to SXWK1]
1 selected in SXVRA
What is (your/NAME’s) hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNH1C]
$ _____ (0-99)
SXH1CD + SXH1CC = SXH1C (xx.yy)
If SXH1CD = D OR R, then store D OR R in SXH1C
If SXH1CD = 0-99, go to SXH1CC
If SXH1CD = D OR R, go to SXI
SXH1CD = 0-99
What is (your/NAME’s) hourly rate of pay on this job, excluding overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNH1C]
$ ____ (0-99)
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 2 selected in SXVRA, go to SXHC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXOHC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA, go to SXOTC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C; else go to SERNX2
If SXH1C = D OR R, go to SXI
1 selected in SXVRA
SXH1CD + SXH1CC = SXH1C (xx.yy)
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 2 selected in SXVRA, go to SXHC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXOHC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA, go to SXOTC
If SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C; else go to SERNX2
If SXH1C = D OR R, go to SXI
2 selected in SXVRA AND SXH1C = 0.00-99.99
How many hours (do/does) (you/NAME) usually work per week at the rate of
___ (01‑99)
If SXHC = 1-99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA AND SXOTP = 1, go to SXOHC
If SXHC = 1-99 AND 3 selected in SXVRA, go to SXOTC
If SXHC = 1-99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C; else go to SERNX2
If SXHC = D OR R, go to SXI
SXVRA = 3 AND SXOTP ne 1 AND SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND SXHC = 1-99
How much (do/does) (you/NAME) usually earn (weekly/monthly/annually) just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNOTC]
$ ____ (0-99999)
If SXOTCD = D OR R, store D OR R in SXOTC
If SXOTCD = 0-99999, go to SXOTCC AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C;
else go to SERNX2
If SXOTCD = D OR R, go to SXI
SXOTCD = 0-99999
How much (do/does) (you/NAME) usually earn (weekly/monthly/annually) just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNOTC]
$ ____ (0-99)
SXOTCD + SXOTCC = SXOTC (xxxxx.yy)
If SXOTCC = 0-99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C; else go to SERNX2
If SCOTC = D OR R, go to SXI
SXVRA = 3 AND SXOTP ne 1 AND SXH1C = 0.00-99.99 AND SXHC = 1-99
SXOTCD + SXOTCC = SXOTC (xxxxx.yy)
If SXOTC = 0.00-99.99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C; else go to SERNX2
If SXOTC = D OR R, go to SXI
SXOTP = 1 AND SXVRA = 3 AND (SXH1CD = 0-99 AND SXHC = 1-99)
How much (do/does) (you/NAME) usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNOHC]
$ ___ (0-99)
If SXOHCD = D OR R, then store D OR R in SXOHC
If SXOHCD = 0-99, go to SXOHCC
If SXOHCD = D OR R, go to SXI
SXOHCD = 0-99
How much (do/does) (you/NAME) usually earn hourly just in overtime pay, tips or commissions? [ERNOHC]
$ ____ (00-99)
If SXOHC = 0.00-99.99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C, else go to
If SXOHC = D OR R, go to SXI
SXOTP = 1 AND SXVRA = 3 AND (SXH1CD = 0-99 AND SXHC = 1-99)
If SXOHC = 0.00-99.99 AND 4 selected in SXVRA, go to SXH2C, else go to
If SXOHC = D OR R, go to SXI
SXVRA = 4 AND (SXD1a = response AND SXD1b = response) AND
(SXH1CD = 0-99 AND SXHC = 1-99 AND SXOHCD = 0-99)
If SXOHC = response AND SXD1V = 2, D AND any entry in SXVRA(1-4) = 3 AND SXOTP = 1, fill “SXOHC”, else fill “SXOTO”
How many hours (do/does) (you/NAME) usually work per week at the rate of (SXOHC/SXOTO)? [ERNH2C]
___ (00‑99)
If SXH2C = 0-99, go to SERNX2
If SXH2C = D OR R, go to SXI
If MJ = 1, fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
Then, including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what are (your/NAME’s) usual WEEKLY earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNWK1]
$ ____ (0-9999)
If SXWK1 = 0-9999, go to SERNX2
If SXWK1 = D OR R, go to SXI
(SXD1V = 2 OR D AND SXVRA = 0 OR D AND SXWK1 = 0-9999) OR
(SXVRA = 1 AND SXH1C = response) OR (SXVRA = 2 AND SXHC = response) OR ((SXVRA = 3 AND (SXOTC = response OR SXOHC = response)) OR (SXVRA = 4 AND SXH2C = response)
If ((HourlyRate in SXVRA) AND SXH1C = response) OR (TotalHours in SXVRA)
AND SXHC = response) OR ((Overtime in SXVRA) AND (SXOTC = response OR SXOHC = response)) OR ((HoursPerWeek in SXVRA) AND SXH2C = response) OR (((Continue in SXVRA) OR SXVRA = D) AND SXWK1 = response), then:
If (SXH1C = response AND SXHC = response), then:
Elseif (SXH1C = response AND SXHC = empty) then:
Elseif (SXH1C = empty AND SXHC = response) then:
If SHWKR2_r <> 0, then:
If SXOTC = response OR SXOHC = response, then:
If SXOTP = Hour, then:
If SXH2C = response, then:
Elseif SXH2C = empty AND SXD1a = response, then:
Elseif SXH2C = empty AND SXD1b = response, then:
Elseif SXOTP = Month AND SXOTC = response, then:
Elseif SXOTP = Annual AND SXOTC = response, then:
SERN2_r = SXOTC/52
Elseif (SXOTP = Day OR SXOTP = Week) AND SXOTC = response, then:
If SXOTP = empty, then:
If SXOHC = response, then:
SERNX2_r = SERN2_r
Elseif SXOTO = response, then:
If SXH2C = response AND SXOTP = Hour AND SXOHC = empty AND SXOTO = response AND SXH2C = response, then:
SHWKR2_r = SHWKR_r + SERN2_r
If NOT (Overtime in SXVRA) AND NOT (HoursPerWeek in SXVRA), then:
SERN2_r = SERN_r
SERNX2_r = SHWKR2_r + SERN2_r
If SXB = NO, then:
If (CARDINAL(SXVRA) = 0 OR SXVRA = D) AND (SXWK1 = response), then:
If SXWK1 = response, then:
If SERN2_r <> 0, then:
If SERNX2 _r <> 0, then:
[Go to SXD1V3]
[[(SXVRA = 1 AND SXH1C = response) OR (SXVRA = 2 AND SXHC =
response) OR (SXVRA = 3 AND (SXOTC = response OR SXOHC = response)) OR
(SXVRA = 4 AND SXH2C = response)] AND (SXH1C ne D OR R AND SXHC ne D
OR (SXVRA = 0, D AND SXWK1 = 0-9999)
If MJ = 1, fill “for (your/his/her) main job, as”; else fill “as”
I have estimated (your/his/her) total WEEKLY earnings (for (your/his/her) MAIN job, as/as) $(SERNX2) WEEKLY before taxes or other deductions. [ERNVR3]
Does that sound correct?
(1) Yes [Go to SXI]
(2) No (Irreconcilable difference) [Go to SXI]
SXA = 2,7,D AND SXB = 1, 2, D, or R
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/NAME’s) usual weekly earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNWK]
$____ (0-9999)
Store SXD2 in SXAMT
If SXD2 = 1-1500, go to SXD2V
If SXD2 = 0, 1501-9999, go to SXD2R
If SXD2 = D, go to SXD2DK
If SXD2 = R AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If SXD2 = R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
SXA = 4
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/NAME’s) usual twice-monthly earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNTMN]
$____ (0-9999)
Store SXD3T in SXAMT
If SXD3T = 1-3000, go to SXD2V
If SXD3T = 0, 3001-9999, go to SXD2R
If SXD3T = D, go to SXD2DK
If SXD3T = R AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If SXD3T = R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
SXA = 5
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/NAME’s) usual monthly earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNMON]
$____ (0-9999)
Store SXD3 in SXAMT
If SXD3 = 1-6000, go to SXD2V
If SXD3 = 0, 6001-9999, go to SXD2R
If SXD3 = D, go to SXD2DK
If SXD3 = R AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If SXD3 = R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
SXA = 6
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/NAME’s) usual annual earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNANN]
$____ (0-999999)
Store SXD4 in SXAMT
If SXD4 = 1-72000, go to SXD2V
If SXD4 = 0, 72001-999999, go to SXD2R
If SXD4 = D, go to SXD2DK
If SXD4 = R AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If SXD4 = R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
SXA = 3
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/NAME’s) usual bi‑weekly earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNBWK]
$ ____ (0-9999)
Store SXD5 in SXAMT
If SXD5 = 1-3000, go to SXD2V
If SXD5 = 0, 3001-9999, go to SXD2R
If SXD5 = D, go to SXD2DK
If SXD5 = R AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If SXD5 = R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
Soft Check
SXD2 = 0 OR SXD3T = 0 OR SXD3 = 0 OR SXD4 = 0 OR SXD5 = 0
You have entered a 0 (zero) as the amount of (hourly/weekly/monthly/annual) earnings, before taxes or other deductions, that were received by this person.
Is this CORRECT?
*If a value of 0 (zero) is correct, the person did not receive any earnings, then press “S” for suppress.
*If you were trying to enter a Don’t Know or a Refused, go back and enter CTRL-D or CTRL-R.
If “S” selected and (SXD2 = 0 OR SXD3T = 0 OR SXD3 = 0 OR SXD4 = 0
OR SXD5 = 0), then go to SWHY02.
Do not read to respondent
Enter the reason for reporting the total earnings as zero (0).
Store SWHY02 in SWHY0 for output.
If (SXD2 = 0 OR SXD3T = 0 OR SXD3 = 0 OR SXD4 = 0 OR SXD5 = 0),
go to SXD2R.
What is your best estimate of (your/his/her) usual (weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annual) earnings before taxes or other deductions? [ERNDKP]
$ ___ (0-99999)
If SXA = 1 AND SXD2DK = response, go to SXD2R
If [(SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2DK = 1-1500) OR (SXA = 3,4 AND SXD2DK =
1-3000) OR (SXA = 5 AND SXD2DK = 1-6000) OR (SXA = 6 AND SXD2DK
= 1-72000), go to SXD2V
If [(SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2DK = 0,1501-99999) OR (SXA = 3,4 AND
SXD2DK = 0,3001-99999) OR (SXA = 5 AND SXD2DK = 0,6001-99999) OR
(SXA = 6 AND SXD2DK = 0,72001-99999)], go to SXD2R
If (D), go to SXG
If (R) AND SXA = 2-7, go to SXG
If (R) AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
(SXD2 = 0,1501-9999) OR (SXD3T = 0,3001-9999) OR (SXD3 =
0,6001-9999) OR (SXD4 = 0,72001-999999) OR (SXD5 = 0,3001-9999) OR (SXA =
2,7, D AND SXD2DK = 0, 1501-99999) OR (SXA = 3, 4 AND SXD2DK =
0,3001-99999) OR (SXA = 5 AND SXD2DK = 0,6001-99999) OR (SXA = 6 AND
SXD2DK = 0,72001-99999) OR (SXA = 1 AND SXD2DK = response)
If SXA = 6 AND SXD4 = 72001-999999, fill “***REPORTED EARNINGS ARE
GREATER THAN $72,000***”, Else fill “ “
(weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annual) earnings recorded as: (SXAMT).
Is this entry correct?
(1) Yes
(2) No
If SXD2R = 1, go to SXD2V
If SXD2R = 2, go to SXD2R
SXD2R = 2
Incorrect entry was reported as: (SXAMT)
(weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annually)
Correct entry is:
$ ____ (0-99999)
Store SXD2R2 in SXAMT
Go to SXD2V
(SXD2R2 = 0-99999) OR (SXA = 2,7,D AND SXAMT = 1-1500) OR
(SXD2R = 1) OR (SXA = 3,4 AND SXAMT = 1-3000) OR (SXA = 5 AND SXAMT =
1-6000) OR (SXA = 6 AND SXAMT = 1-72000) OR (SXD2 = 1-1500) OR (SXD3 =
1-6000) OR (SXD4 = 1-72000) OR (SXD5 = 1-3000) OR (SXD3T = 1-3000) OR
(SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2DK = 1-1500) OR (SXA = 3,4 AND SXD2DK = 1-3000)
OR (SXA = 5 AND SXD2DK = 1-6000) OR (SXA = 6 AND SXD2DK = 1-72000)
If WORK = 1 AND MJ = 1, fill “for (your/his/her) main job as”, Else, fill “as”
I have recorded (your/his/her) total earnings (for (your/his/her) main job as/as) $(SXAMT) (weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annually) before taxes or other deductions. [ERNVR4]
Is that correct?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused
If SXD2V = 1 AND SXA = 2,7,D, go to SXG
If SXD2V = 1,D,R AND SXA = 6, go to SXF
If SXD2V = 1,D,R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
If SXD2V = 1,D,R, go to SXG
If SXD2V = 2, go to SXD2V2
SXD2V = 2
If SXB = 1, then fill “Including overtime pay, tips, and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Including overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) are (your/his/her) usual (weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annual) earnings on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job), before taxes or other deductions? [ERNCOR]
If SXD2V2 = 0-99999, then store SXD2V2 in SXAMT
If SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2V2 = 1-1500, go to SXG
If SXA = 3,4 AND SXD2V2 = 1-3000, go to SXG
If SXA = 5 AND SXD2V2 = 1-6000, go to SXG
If SXA = 6 AND SXD2V2 = 1-72000, go to SXF
If SXA = 1, go to SXRG4
If SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2V2 = 0,1501-99999, go to SXRG4
If SXA = 3,4 AND SXD2V2 = 0,3001-99999, go to SXRG4
If SXA = 5 AND SXD2V2 = 0, 6001-99999, go to SXRG4
If SXA = 6 AND SXD2V2 = 0,72001-99999, go to SXRG4
If SXD2V2 = D OR R AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
If SXD2V2 = D OR R AND SXA = 2-6, go to SXG
[(SXA = 2,7,D AND SXD2V2 = 0,1501-99999) OR (SXA = 3,4 AND
SXD2V2 = 0,3001-99999) OR (SXA = 5 AND SXD2V2 = 0,6001-99999) OR (SXA =
6 AND SXD2V2 = 72001-99999) OR (SXA = 1 AND SXD2V2 = response)]
(Weekly/Bi‑weekly/Twice monthly/Monthly/Annual) earnings recorded as: $(SXAMT) (weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annual)
(1) Yes
(2) No
If SXRG4 = 1 AND SXA = 2,7,D, go to SXG
If SXRG4 = 1 AND SXA = 6, go to SXF
If SXRG4 = 1 AND SXA = 1, go to SXI
If SXRG4 = 1 AND SXA = 3,4,5, go to SXG
If SXRG4 = 2, go to SXRP2
SXRG4 = 2
(weekly/bi‑weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annually)
$ ____ (0-99999)
Store SXRP2 in SXAMT
If SXA = 2,7,D, go to SXG
If SXA = 6, go to SXF
If SXA = 1, go to SXI
If SXA = 3,4,5, go to SXG
[(SXA = 6 AND SXD2V2 = 1-72000) OR (SXD2V = 1,D,R AND SXA =
6) OR (SXRP2 = 0-99999 AND SXA = 6) OR (SXA = 6 AND SXAMT = 1-72000)
OR (SXA = 6 AND SXD2V2 = 0,72001-99999 AND SXRG4 = 1)] AND SXD4 =
entry, D, or R
How many weeks a year (do/does) (you/NAME) get paid for? [ERNWKP]
___ (1-52)
All (1-52, D, or R), go to SXG
SXA = 2-7, D
If SXA = 1-6, fill “Even though you told me it is easier to report (your/his/her) earnings (weekly/bi-weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annually), (are/is)”, else fill “(Are/Is)”
If MJ = 1, fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(Even though you told me it is easier to report (your/his/her) earnings (weekly/bi-weekly/twice monthly/monthly/annually), (are/is)/(Are/Is)) (you/he/she) PAID AT AN HOURLY RATE on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job)? [ERNRT]
(1) Yes [Go to SXHD]
(2) No [Go to SXI]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXI]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXI]
SXG = 1 AND (SXD2 = response OR SXD3 = response OR SXD4 =
response OR SXD5 = response OR SXD3T = response OR SXD2DK = response)
If SXB = 1, then fill “EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job)? [ERNH2]
$ ___ (0-99)
SXHD + SXHS = SXH (xx.yy)
If SXHD = D OR R, store D OR R in SXH
If SXHD = 0-99, go to SXHS
If SXHD = D OR R, go to SXI
SXHD = 0-99
If SXB = 1, then fill “EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what”, else fill “What”
If MJ = 1, then fill “(your/his/her) MAIN job”, else fill “this job”
(EXCLUDING overtime pay, tips and commissions, what/What) is (your/his/her) hourly rate of pay on ((your/his/her) MAIN job/this job)? [ERNH2]
$ ___ (0-99)
SXHD + SXHS = SXH (xx.yy)
If SXHC = 0-99, go to SXH
SXG = 1 AND (SXD2 = response OR SXD3 = response OR SXD4 =
response OR SXD5 = response OR SXD3T = response OR SXD2DK = response)
SXHD + SXHS = SXH (xx.yy)
If SXH = 1-30, D, or R, go to SXI
If SXH = 0-0.99, 30.01-99.99, go to SXRG5
SXH = 0.00-0.99 OR 30.01-99.99
Hourly earnings recorded as: $(SXH) hourly.
(1) Yes
(2) No
If SXRG5 = 1, go to SXI
If SXRG5 = 2, go to SXRP3D
SXRG5 = 2
$ ___ (0-99)
SXRP3D + SXRP3C = SXRP3 (xx.yy)
If SXRP3D = 0-99, go to SXRP3C
SXRP3D = 0-99
$ ___ (0-99)
SXRP3D + SXRP3C = SXRP3 (xx.yy)
If SXRP3C = 0-99, go to SXI
SXRG5 = 2
SXRP3D + SXRP3C = SXRP3 (xx.yy)
If SXRP3 = 0.00-99.99, go to SXI
SXD1DK = D OR R) OR (SXD1a = R) OR (SXD1b = D OR R) OR SXD1V = 1 OR
OR (SXA = 1) OR (SXD2 = R) OR (SXD2DK = D OR R) OR (SXD3 = R) OR
(SXD3T = R) OR (SXD4 = R) OR (SXD5 = R) OR (SXH = 1.00-30.00, D, or R) OR
(SXD1V3 = 1,2) OR (SXRG5 = 1) OR (SXRP3 = 0.00-99.99) OR (SXG = 2,D OR R)
On this job, (are/is) (you/NAME) a member of a labor union or of an employee association similar to a union? [ERNLAB]
(1) Yes [Go to SXHRY]
(2) No [Go to SXJ]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXJ]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXJ]
SXI = 2, D, or R
On this job, (are/is) (you/NAME) covered by a union or employee association contract? [ERNCOV]
(1) Yes [Go to SXHRY]
(2) No [Go to SXHRY]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to SXHRY]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to SXHRY]
SXI = 1, 2, D, or R [ERNHRY]
Store blank or empty in SXHRY
If (SXA = empty, R) OR ((SXA = D AND (SXG = D OR R)) OR (SXG =
empty AND SXA = 2-7,D OR R), store D in SXHRY
Else, if SXA = 2-7 AND SXG = D), store D IN SXHRY
Else, if (SXA = 1 OR SXG = 1) AND (SXHRY = empty), store 1 in SXHRY
Else, if (SXA = 2-7, D, or R OR SXG = 2,D OR R) AND (SXHRY = empty),
store 2 in SXHRY
[Go to MJCK]
Store R, if entry of D<R OR V in HRUSL1
Store D OR, if D OR R entry in SXCDK
Store R, if entry or R in SXOTA
Store D OR R, if D OR R entry in SXD1DK
Store result of (SXH1O x SXHRO) + SERN
Store SXD1DK entry if not equal to D OR R
Store result of multiplying SXD1a OR SXD1b entry by SXOTO entry if entry of 1 in
Store SXOTO, if entry of 3 in SXOTP
Store result of dividing SXOTO by 4, if entry of 4 in SXOTP
Store result of dividing SXOTO by 52, if entry of 5 in SXOTP
Store result of multiplying SXOTC by SXH2C entry, if SXOTC entry is not D OR R
AND if entry of 1 in SXOTP AND SXH2C entry is not D OR R
Store result of multiplying SXOTC entry by SXD1a OR SXD1b entry, if SXOTP entry
is 1 AND if no entry in SXH2C
Store SXOTC, if entry of 2 OR 3 in SXOTP
Store result of dividing SXOTC by 4, if entry of 4 in SXOTP
Store result of dividing SXOTC by 52, if entry of 5 in SXOTP
Store SXC entry, if entry of D OR R in SXC
Store SXCDK entry, if entry of D OR R in SXCDK
Store SXCR2 entry, if entry in SXCR2
Store HRUSL1entry of V OR D as D AND HRUSL1 entry of R as R, and HRUSL1
entry of 1-99 if SXC1 = D OR R
Store SXC1 entry of 1-99, D, or R
Store SXOTA entry, if entry of D OR R in SXOTA
Store SXD1DK entry, if entry of D OR R in SXD1DK
Store SXA entry of 1-7, D, or R into SXPER
WHY01 AND WHY02 are stored here for output.
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
All employed except unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
If MJ=1, then go to MJIntro
Else go to S49LED
All multiple jobholders
Now I have a few questions about (your/NAME’s) SECOND job.
Read only if necessary: By second job I mean the one that (you/NAME) worked the second most hours.
[All go to MJOICK]
All multiple jobholders
If MIS = 4 or 8, then go to MJ1VERCK
Else if MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7, then go to MJNAME
Else if MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 1-6 or 10-11, then go to MJCOW
MJ=1 AND (MIS = 1-3 or 5-7) AND (IO1COW=1-6 or 10-11)
Multiple jobholders who are not in outgoing rotations and who are not unincorporated self-employed (who would not get asked class of worker on second job in the basic CPS)
LAST WEEK at (your/NAME’s) SECOND job, (were/was) (you/NAME) employed by government, by a private company, a non-profit organization, or (were/was) (you/NAME) self-employed
(1) Government [Go to MJNAME]
(2) Private for-profit company [Go to MJNAME]
(3) Non-profit organization incl. tax exempt
and charitable organizations [Go to MJNAME]
(4) Self-employed [Go to MJINC]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJNAME]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJNAME]
Multiple jobholders who are self-employed on second job and who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
Is this business incorporated?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJBUS]
Multiple jobholders who are self-employed on second job and who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
What is the name of (your/NAME’s) business?
______________________________________ [Go to MJIND]
MJCOW = 1-3, D, or R OR MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7
Multiple jobholders who are wage and salary workers on second job and who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
If MJCOW = 1 OR IO2COW = 1-3 or 10, then fill “the government agency”
Else if MJCOW = 2 OR IO2COW = 4, then fill “the company”
Else if MJCOW = 3 OR IO2COW = 5, then fill “the non-profit organization”
Else if IO2COW = 6 or 7, then fill “your/NAME’s business”
Else fill “organization”
What is the name of the (government agency/company/non-profit organization/ organization) for which (you/NAME) (work/works) at (your/his/her) SECOND job?
______________________________________ [Go to MJIND]
MJCOW = 1-4, D, or R OR MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7 (MJCOW was asked)
Multiple jobholders who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
What kind of business or industry is this?
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJMFG]
MJCOW = 1-4, D, or R OR MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7 (MJCOW was asked)
Multiple jobholders who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?
(1) Manufacturing
(2) Retail trade
(3) Wholesale trade
(4) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJOCC]
MJMFG = 1-4 or D or R OR MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7 (MJMFG was asked)
Multiple jobholders who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
What kind of work (do/does) (you/NAME) do at (your/his/her) SECOND job, that is, what is (your/his/her) occupation? (For example: plumber, typist, farmer.)
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJACT]
MJMFG = 1-4 or D or R OR MIS = 1-3 or 5-7 AND IO1COW = 7 (MJMFG was asked)
Multiple jobholders who would not have been asked about the occupation and industry of their second jobs in the basic CPS
What are (your/NAME’s) usual activities or duties at this job? (For example: typing, keeping account books, filing, selling cars, operating printing press, laying brick.)
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ1VERCK]
MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW ne 9) OR (MJCOW = 1-4, D, or R)]
All multiple jobholders except those whose second job is unidentified class of worker
If MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW =1-5 or 10) OR (MJCOW = 1-3, D, or R)], then go to MJ1VER
Else if MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW = 6, 7, or 11) OR (MJCOW = 4)], then go to MJ8IC
Else if MJ = 1 AND IO2COW = 8, then go to S49LED
If MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW =1-5 or 10) OR (MJCOW = 1-3, D, or R)]
Wage and salary workers on second job
If IO2NAM = entry, then fill with employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM
Else if MJNAME = entry, then fill with employer's name from MJNAME
Else fill with “the place that (you/NAME) worked last week”
I need to check that (you/NAME) still (have/has) the same SECOND job today that (you/he/she) had last week. (Is (your/his/her) SECOND job still with (employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM/employers name from MJNAME/the place that (you/NAME) worked last week)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ1]
MJ1VER = 1, 2, D, or R (MJ1VER was asked)
Multiple job holders who are wage and salary workers on second job
If MJ1VER = 1, fill “Is”; else if MJ1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “Was”
Some people are in temporary jobs that last for a limited time or until the completion of a project. (Is/Was) (your/NAME’s) SECOND job temporary?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ1a]
(2) No [If MJ1VER = 1, go to MJ1SCR, else go to MJ1SCRI]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [If MJ1VER = 1, go to MJ1SCR, else go to MJ1SCRI]
[Blind] (R) Refused [If MJ1VER = 1, go to MJ1SCR, else go to MJ1SCRI]
MJ1 = 2, D, or R AND MJ1VER = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary who didn’t say second job was temporary and are not in same job as last week
Could (you/NAME) have continued to work at (your/his/her) SECOND job if (you/he/she) had wished?
(1) Yes [If MJ1 = D or R, go to MJ2INS, else go to MJ2]
(2) No [Go to MJ1a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1a]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1a]
MJ1 = 2, D, or R AND MJ1VER = 1
Wage and salary who didn’t say second job was temporary and are in same job as last week
Provided the economy does not change and (your/NAME’s) performance on (your/his/her) SECOND job is adequate, can (you/he/she) continue to work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)?
(1) Yes [If MJ1 = D or R, go to MJ2INS, else go to MJ2]
(2) No [Go to MJ1a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1a]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1a]
MJ1 = 1 OR MJ1SCRI = 2, D, or R OR MJ1SCR = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary whose second job is temporary job or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish
If MJ1VER = 2 AND MJ1 = 1 AND RESPLI = LINENO, fill “were” and “was”
Else if MJ1VER = 2 AND MJ1 = 1 AND RESPLI ne LINENO, fill “was” and “was”
Else if MJ1 = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “are” and “is”
Else if MJ1 = 1 AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “is” and “is”
Else if MJ1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “are” and “is”
Else if MJ1VER = 1 AND S1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “is” and “is”
Else if MJ1VER = 2, D, or R AND S1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “were” and “was”
Else, if MJ1VER = 2, D, or R AND MJ1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “was” and “was”
On (your/his/her) SECOND job, (are/is/were/was) (you/NAME) working only until a specific project (is/was) completed?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ2CK]
(2) No [Go to MJ1b]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1b]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1b]
MJ1a = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary second job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed
On (your/his/her) second job, (were/was) (you/NAME) hired to temporarily replace another worker?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ2INS]
(2) No [Go to MJ1c]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1c]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1c]
MJ1b = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary second job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) hired for a fixed period of time?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ2INS]
(2) No [Go to MJ1d]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1d]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1d]
MJ1c = 2, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary second job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period
If MJ1VER = 1, fill “Is”; If MJ1VER = 2, D, or R, fill “Was”
(Is/Was) (your/NAME’s) SECOND job a year‑round job or (is/was) it only AVAILABLE during certain times of the year?
(1) Year‑round job [Go to MJ1i]
(2) Only available certain times of the year [Go to MJ2INS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ1i]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ1i]
MJ1d=1, D, or R
Wage and salary in temporary second job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period and who’s job isn’t seasonal (only certain times of the year)
If MJ1=1 fill with “(your/NAME’s) job is temporary”
Else if MJ1SCR=2, D, or R fill with “(you/NAME) cannot work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)”
Else if MJ1SCRI=2, D, or R fill with “(you/NAME) (do/does) not have the job (you/he/she) had last week”
For (your/his/her) SECOND job, what is the MAIN reason [(your/NAME’s) job is temporary/(you/NAME) cannot work for (your/his/her) current employer as long as (you/he/she) (wish/wishes)/(you/NAME) (do/does) not have the job (you/he/she) had last week)?
Economic Personal
‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑-- ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑--
(1) Job is temporary (4) Job performance
(2) Business conditions (5) Obtaining another job
(3) Other economic (6) Attending school
(7) Family responsibilities
(8) Retirement
(9) Other personal
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ2CK]
MJ1i = 1-9, D, or R [MJ1i was asked]
Wage and salary in temporary second job (or couldn’t continue last week’s job if wished or can’t continue to work for employer as long as wish) who aren’t working until a project is completed and who weren’t hired to replace another worker and who weren’t hired for a fixed period and who’s job isn’t seasonal (only certain times of the year)
If MJ1 = 1, D, or R, then go to MJ2INS
Else if MJ1 = 2, then go to MJ2
MJ1 = 1, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker in temporary second job
If MJ1VER = 2 AND MJ1 = 1 AND RESPLI = LINENO, fill “Were”
Else if MJ1VER = 2 AND MJ1 = 1 AND RESPLI ne LINENO, fill “Was”
Else if MJ1 = 1, R, or D AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if MJ1 = 1, R, or D AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if MJ1VER = 1 AND MJ1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Are”
Else if MJ1VER = 1 AND MJ1SCR = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Is”
Else if MJ1VER = 2, D, or R AND MJ1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO = RESPLI, fill “Were”
Else if MJ1VER = 2, D, or R AND MJ1SCRI = 2, D, or R AND LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “Was”
(Are/Is/Were/Was) (you/NAME) paid by a temporary help agency on (your/his/her) SECOND job?
Read only if necessary: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies on an as needed basis.
(1) Yes [Go to MJ3CK]
(2) No [Go to MJ4]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ4]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ4]
MJ1 = 2
Employed wage and salary worker not in temporary second job
If MJ1VER = 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “is” and “are”
Else if MJ1VER ne 1 AND LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “was” and “were”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, fill “was” and “was”
Even though you told me (your/NAME’s) SECOND job (is/was) not temporary,
(are/were/was) (you/he/she) paid by a temporary help agency?
Read only if necessary: A temporary help agency supplies workers to other companies primarily for short-term assignments.
(1) Yes [Go to MJ3CK]
(2) No [Go to MJ4]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ4]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ4]
MJ2 = 1 OR MJ2INS = 1
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency on second job
If IO2NAM = R OR MJNAM = R, then go to MJP1
Else if (IO2NAM = entry or D) OR (MJNAM = entry or D), then go to MJ3
(MJ2 = 1 OR MJ2INS = 1) AND [(IO2NAM = entry or D) OR (MJNAM = entry or D)]
Employed wage and salary worker paid by temporary help agency on second job with employer's name or D from basic CPS
If IO2NAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM).”
If MJNAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from supplement – MJNAM).”
Else if IO1NAM = D OR IO1NAM = D, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) SECOND job.”
(Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM)./Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from supplement – MJNAM)./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) SECOND job.)
Is this the place where (your/his/her) temporary help agency assigned (you/him/her) to work or is this the temporary help agency?
Place where temporary help agency assigned (me/NAME) to work
[Go to MJP1]
(2) Temporary help agency [Go to MJ3a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJP1]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP1]
MJ3 = 2
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
Is the place where (you/NAME) (were/was) assigned to work the most hours last week: a government agency, a private company, or a non‑profit organization?
(1) Government agency [Go to MJ3b1]
(2) Private for-profit company [Go to MJ3b2]
(3) Non‑profit organization [Go to MJ3b3]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJP1]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP1]
MJ3a = 1
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for government agency
What is the name of the government agency where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
______________________________________ [Go to MJ3c]
MJ3a = 2
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private for-profit company
What is the name of the company where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ3c]
MJ3a = 3
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private non-profit organization
What is the name of the non‑profit organization where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ3c]
(MJ3b1= entry, D, or R) OR (MJ3b2= entry, D, or R) OR (MJ3b3 = entry, D, or R)
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
What kind of business or industry is this?
Read if necessary: What do (you/they) make or do where (you/they) work?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ3d]
MJ3a = 1-3
Temporary help agency worker on second job who reported agency as employer in basic CPS
ASK IF NECESSARY: Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?
(1) Manufacturing
(2) Retail trade
(3) Wholesale trade
(4) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP1]
MJ2INS = 2, D, or R OR MJ2 = 2, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency
Suppress first definition fill after first appearance of question.
[Some people are in a pool of workers who are ONLY called to work as needed, although they can be scheduled to work for several days or weeks in a row, for example substitute teachers and construction workers supplied by a union hiring hall. These people are sometimes referred to as ON‑CALL workers.]
(Were/Was) (you/NAME) an ON‑CALL worker on (your/his/her) SECOND job last week?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ4A]
(2) No [Go to MJ6]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ6]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ6]
MJ4 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker
Some ON-CALL workers have regularly scheduled hours, but IN ADDITION must work when called (for example, doctors, nurses, and managers). Other ON-CALL workers work ONLY when called (for example, substitute teachers). Which type of ON-CALL worker (are/is) (you/NAME)?
(1) Work regular hours, but must be available [Go to MJ6]
(2) Only work when called [Go to MJ6]
(3) Other (Specify) [Go to MJ4AS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ6]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ6]
MJ4A = 3
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency who is an on-call worker and specified answer to type of on-call worker
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ6]
MJ4 = 1, 2, D, or R [MJ4 was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency
Suppress first definition fill after first appearance of question.
[Some companies provide employees or their services to others under contract. A few examples of services that can be contracted out include security, food service, medical care, health services, or computer programming.]
On (your/his/her) SECOND job, did (you/NAME) work for a company that contracts out (you/him/her) or (your/his/her) services last week?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ6a]
(2) No [Go to MJ7CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ7CK]
MJ6 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
(Are/Is) (you/NAME) usually assigned to more than one customer?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ6b]
MJ6a = 1, 2, D, or R [MJ6a was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) usually work at the customer's worksite?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Don't have a usual worksite
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ6IOCK]
MJ6b = 1, 2, 3, D OR R [MJ6b was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency whose services are contracted out
If MJ6a = 2 AND MJ6b = 1, then go to MJ6IOCK1
Else go to MJ7CK
MJ6a = 2 AND MJ6b = 1
Contract company workers on second job who are not usually assigned to more than one customer and who usually work at the customer's worksite
If IO2NAM = R OR MJNAM = R, then go to MJ7CK
Else if (IO2NAM = entry or D) OR (MJNAM = entry or D), then go to MJ6IO
(MJ6a = 2 AND MJ6b = 1) AND [(IO2NAM = entry or D) OR (MJNAM = entry or D)]
Contract company worker on second job (services are contracted out to one customer and works at customer’s worksite) with employer's name or D in basic CPS
If IO2NAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM).”
If MJNAM = entry, then fill “Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from supplement – MJNAM).”
Else if IO1NAM = D OR IO1NAM = D, then fill “Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) SECOND job.”
(Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from basic CPS – IO2NAM)./Earlier you told me (you/NAME) worked for (employer's name from supplement – MJNAM)./Earlier you told me about (your/NAME’s) employer on (your/his/her) SECOND job.)
Is this the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services or the customer for whom (you/he/she) (do/does) the work?
(1) Company that contracts out [Go to MJ6IOa]
(2) Customer for whom do the work [Go to MJ7CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ7CK]
MJ6IO = 1
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer
Is (your/NAME’s) customer a government agency, a private company, or a non‑profit organization?
(1) Government agency [Go to MJ6IOb1]
(2) Private for-profit company [Go to MJ6IOb2]
(3) Non‑profit organization [Go to MJ6IOb3]
[Blind] (D) Don’t know [Go to MJ7CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ7CK]
MJ6IOa = 1
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for government agency
What is the name of the government agency where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ6IOc]
MJ6IOa = 2
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for private for-profit company
What is the name of the company where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ6IOc]
MJ6IOa = 3
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS and is assigned to work for non-profit organization
What is the name of the non-profit organization where (you/NAME) (were/was) working?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ6IOc]
(MJ6IOb1 = entry, D, or R) OR (MJ6IOb2 = entry, D, or R) OR (MJ6IOb3 = entry, D, or R)
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS
What kind of business or industry is this?
Read if necessary: What do (you/they) make or do where (you/they) work?
_______________________________________ [Go to MJ6IOd]
MJ6IOc = entry, D, or R [MJ6IOc was asked]
Contract company worker on second job who reported contract company as employer in basic CPS
Is this business or organization mainly manufacturing, retail trade, wholesale trade, or something else?
(1) Manufacturing
(2) Retail trade
(3) Wholesale trade
(4) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ7CK]
MJ6 = 1, 2, D, OR R [MJ6 was asked]
Employed wage and salary worker on second job NOT paid by temporary help agency
If MJ4 = 1 or MJ6 =1, then go to MJP1
Else if (MJ4 = 2, D, or R) AND (MJ6 = 2, D, or R), then go to MJ7
MJ4 = 2, D, or R AND MJ6 = 2, D, or R
Employed wage and salary worker on second job not paid by temporary help agency who is not an on-call worker AND doesn’t work for a contract company
Last week, (were/was) (you/NAME) working as any of the following: an independent contractor, an independent consultant, or a free-lance worker on (your/his/her) SECOND job?
Read only if necessary: If you are unsure about how to respond, it could be helpful to think about what tax forms (you/he/she) may have received for (your/his/her) (main job/job), if any. Independent contractors, independent consultants, and free-lancers typically do not receive W-2 tax forms, but may receive 1099s. These workers often use schedule C when filing taxes and pay self-employment taxes.
(1) Yes [Go to MJPreMJ8]
(2) No [Go to MJP1]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJP1]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP1]
MJ7 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker who is an independent contractor on second job
For the rest of the survey, we will refer to (you/NAME) as an independent contractor.
MJ7 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker who is an independent contractor on second job
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be an independent contractor?
(1) Years [Go to MJ8ICDN]
(2) Months [Go to MJ8ICDN]
(3) Weeks [Go to MJ8ICDN]
(4) Days [Go to MJ8ICDN]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ8ICDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ8ICDa]
MJ8ICDt = 1-4
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor on second job is specific time
MJ8ICDt = 0
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor on second job is something other than specific time
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be an independent contractor?
(1) As long as wants [Go to MJ8ICDa]
(2) Until retires [Go to MJ8ICDb]
(3) Until finds other employment [Go to MJ8ICDa]
(4) Until finishes school [Go to MJ8ICDb]
(5) Until goes back to school [Go to MJ8ICDb]
(6) Other (not much longer, rest of career,
until project is finished) [Go to MJ8ICDa]
(7) No longer an independent contractor [Go to MJ9CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ8ICDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ8ICDa]
(MJ8ICDt = D or R) OR (MJ8ICD1 = 1, 3, 6, D, or R)
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor on second job is something other than specific time and is not a specific event
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) think it will be more than a year?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ9CK]
MJ8ICD1 = 2, 4, or 5
Expected duration of wage and salary independent contractor on second job is something other than specific time and is a specific event
Is that more than a year away?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ9CK]
MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW = 6, 7, or 11) OR (MJCOW = 4)]
All self-employed on second job
On (your/his/her) SECOND job, (are/is) (you/NAME) self-employed as any of the following: an independent contractor, independent consultant, free-lance worker, or something else?
Read if necessary: Something else such as a shop or restaurant owner
(1) Independent contractor/independent consultant/free-lance worker
(2) Something else
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused
[All go to MJ8SEDt]
MJ8IC = 1, 2, D, or R [MJ8IC has entry]
All self-employed on second job
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be self-employed on his second job?
(1) Years [Go to MJ8SEDN]
(2) Months [Go to MJ8SEDN]
(3) Weeks [Go to MJ8SEDN]
(4) Days [Go to MJ8SEDN]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ8SEDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ8SEDa]
MJ8SEDt = 1-4
Expected duration of self-employment on second job is specific time
S8SEDt = 0
Expected duration of self-employment on second job is something other than specific time
How much longer (do/does) (you/NAME) expect to be self-employed?
(1) As long as (you/he/she) (want/wants) [Go to MJ8SEDa]
(2) Until (you/he/she) (retire/retires) [Go to MJ8SEDb]
(3) Until (you/he/she) (find/finds) other employment [Go to MJ8SEDa]
(4) No longer self-employed [Go to MJ9CK]
(5) Other (not much longer, rest of career,
until project is finished) [Go to MJ8SEDa]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ8SEDa]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ8SEDa]
(MJ8SEDt = D or R) OR (MJ8SED1 = 1, 3, 5, D, or R)
Expected duration of self-employment on second job is something other than specific time and is not a specific event
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) think it will be more than a year?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ9CK]
MJ8SED1 = 2
Expected duration of self-employment on second job is something other than specific time and is a specific event
Is that more than a year away?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJ9CK]
MJ7=1 or MJ8IC = 1, 2, D, or R [MJ8IC has entry]
Wage and salary workers who are independent contractors on second job and all self-employed on second job
If IO2COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND MISCK = 4 or 8, then go to MJ10TIM
Else if IO2COW = 6, 7, or 11 AND MISCK = 1-3 or 5-7, then go to MJ9a
Else if MJ7=1, then go to MJ9a
MJ7 = 1 OR MJ8IC = 1, 2, D, or R
Wage and salary workers who are independent contractors on second job and all self-employed on second job
If MJ8SED1 = 4 OR MJ8ICD1 = 7, then fill “Did”
Else if LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “Do”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, then fill “Does”
(Did/Do/Does) (you/NAME) usually have any paid employees?
(1) Yes [Go to MJ9b]
(2) No [Go to MJ10TIM]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ10TIM]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ10TIM]
MJ9a = 1
Wage and salary independent contractors and self-employed with paid employees on second job
If MJ8SED1 = 4 OR MJ8ICD1 = 7, then fill “Did”
Else if LINENO = RESPLI, then fill “Do”
Else if LINENO ne RESPLI, then fill “Does”
Excluding all owners, how many employees (did/do/does) (you/NAME) usually have?
MJ9a = 1, 2, D, or R
Wage and salary workers who are independent contractors on second job and all self-employed on second job
If MJ7 = 1, then fill “an independent contractor”
Else fill “self-employed”
How long (have/has) (you/NAME) been (an independent contractor/self-employed)?
(1) Years [Go to MJ10NUM]
(2) Months [Go to MJ10NUM]
(3) Weeks [Go to MJ10NUM]
(4) Days [Go to MJ10NUM]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJ10NPR]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJ10NPR]
MJ10TIM = 1-4
Duration of self-employment or independent contractor on second job is specific time
MJ10TIM = D or R
No specific answer to duration of self-employment or independent contractor on second job
Has it been more than a year?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP1]
MJ = 1 AND [(IO2COW ne 8-9) OR (MJCOW = 1-4, D, or R)]
All multiple jobholders except those whose second job is unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
Does (your/NAME’s) work at (your/his/her) SECOND job involve (you/him/her) getting short-term tasks, jobs, or projects to do, often for different customers or employers?
READ FOR FIRST HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. Read if necessary for others: For example, lining up work as a handyman, freelance graphic designer, in-home health care aide, substitute teacher, or rideshare or food-delivery driver.
(1) Yes [Go to MJP2A]
(2) No [Go to MJP2B]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJP2B]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP2B]
Task-based worker on second job
(Do you/Does NAME) use an app or website to get these short-term tasks, jobs, or projects?
(1) Yes [Go to MJP2C]
(2) No [Go to MJP3]
(3) Sometimes [Go to MJP2C]]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJP3]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP3]
MJP1 = 2, D, or R
Not task-based worker on second job
(Do you/Does NAME) use an app or website to select projects, get jobs, pick tasks, or directly connect (you/him/her) to customers to do tasks for (your/his/her) SECOND job?
READ FOR FIRST HOUSEHOLD MEMBER. Read if necessary for others: For example, people may use an app that lists tasks for hire or a website that lists customers with specific projects like creating software, designing a logo, or painting a house.
(1) Yes [Go to MJP2C]
(2) No [Go to S49LED]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to S49LED]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to S49LED]
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
What is the name of the app or website where (you get/NAME gets) MOST of (your/his/her) work for (your/his/her) SECOND job?
FR INSTRUCTION: Record only the ONE app or website used to get MOST work
VERBATIM: [All go to MJP3]
MJP1=1 or MJP2B=1
Task-based and/or app-based worker on second job
At (your/NAME’s) SECOND job, how long does a typical task, job, or project last?
(1) An hour or less
(2) Up to a day (but more than an hour)
(3) 2 to 7 days (more than a day, up to a week)
(4) Less than a month (but more than a week)
(5) 1 to 2 months
(6) 3 to 5 months
(7) 6 months to a year
(8) More than a year
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP4]
MJP1=1 or MJP2B=1
Task-based and/or app-based worker on second job
At (your/his/her) SECOND job, (are you/is NAME) ONLY paid by the task, job, or project?
(1) Yes [Go to MJP5CK]
(2) No [Go to MJP5CK]
(3) Paid hourly [Go to MJP4A]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJP5CK]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP5CK]
Task-based and/or app-based workers on second job who said they were paid hourly
Even though (you are/NAME is) paid hourly, is the total amount (you receive/NAME receives) paid by the task, job, or project?
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP5CK]
MJP4 = 1, 2, 3, D, or R (MJP4 was asked)
Task-based and/or app-based worker on second job
If MJP2A=1 or 3 OR MJP2B=1, then go to MJP5 (app-based workers)
Else go to S49LED
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the SAME app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work”
Excluding tips, at (your/his/her) SECOND job, (do you/does NAME) get paid through [MJP2C_VERBATIM/the SAME app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work] or directly by the customer?
Read only if necessary: If (you use/NAME uses) more than one app or website, think about the one (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work.
(1) The app or website
(2) Directly by the customer
(3) Both
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP5A]
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
If P2C_VERBATIM = entry, fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work”
On (your/his/her) SECOND job, does [P2C_MJVERBATIM/the app or website (you use/he uses/she uses) to get most of (your/his/her) work] control the price (you/NAME) can charge or what (you get/he gets/she gets) paid for a task, job, or project?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Sometimes
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP5B]
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Can (you/NAME) decide to not work by turning off or not checking (MJP2C_VERBATIM/this app or website)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP5C]
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
How (do you/does NAME) usually get work using (MJP2C_VERBATIM/this app or website)? Does it assign work; (do/does) (you/he/her) select tasks, jobs, or projects; do customers choose (you/him/her); or something else?
(1) The app assigns it [Go to MJP9]
(2) (I/he/she) (select/selects) tasks, jobs, or projects [Go to MJP9]
(3) Customers choose (me/him/her) [Go to MJP9]
(4) Something else [Go to MJP5CS]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to MJP9]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to MJP9]
MJP5C = 4 (Something else)
App-based workers on second job who specified how they get work using app
______________________________________ [Go to MJP9]
MJP2A = 1 or 3 OR MJP2B = 1
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the app or website”
Did (MJP2C_VERBATIM/the app or website) require (you/NAME) to create a profile before (you/he/she) could get work through it?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP10]
MJP9 = 1-2, D, or R (MJP9 was asked)
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “the SAME app or website where (you/he/she) (get/gets) tasks, jobs, or projects”
Can customers rate (your/his/her) work through (MJP2C_VERBATIM/the SAME app or website where (you/he/she) (get/gets) tasks, jobs, or projects)?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP11]
MJP10 = 1-2, D, or R (MJP10 was asked)
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Did (you/he/she) use (MJP2C_VERBATIM/this app or website) ONLY to rent property, such as (your/his/her) home, car, or tools?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to MJP12]
MJP11 = 1-2, D, or R (MJP11 was asked)
App-based worker on second job
If MJP2C_VERBATIM = entry, then fill with MJP2C_VERBATIM entry, else fill “this app or website”
Did (you/he/she) use (MJP2C_VERBATIM/this app or website) ONLY to sell items online, including used and handmade goods?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S49LED]
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
All employed except unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
Now I would like to ask you a few questions about health insurance coverage.
(MLR = 1 OR 2) AND (IO1COW = 1-7 or 10-11)
All employed except unpaid family workers (or unidentified class of worker)
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) have health insurance from any source?
(1) Yes [Go to S50CK]
(2) No [Go to S53CK]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to end supplement or next person]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to end supplement or next person]
S49 = 1
Employed with health insurance
If IO1COW = 1-5 or 10, then go to S50
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11, then go to S52a
S49 = 1 AND IO1COW = 1-5 or 10
Employed wage and salary worker with health insurance
If IO1COW = 1-5 AND (S2 = 2, D, or R OR S2INS = 2, D, or R) AND S6 = 2, D, or R AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
If (S2 = 1 OR S2INS =1) [paid by temp agency], fill “(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency”
If S6 = 1 [contract worker] AND S6IO = 2 [customer for whom do the work], fill “the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services”
If S6 = 1 AND S6IO = 1 [company that contracts out] AND IO1COW = 1-5 AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
Else if MJ = 1, then fill “(your/NAME’s) MAIN job”
Else fill “(your/NAME’s) employer”
(Do/Does) (you/NAME) receive this health insurance through
(IO1NAM/(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency/the company that contracts
out (your/NAME’s) services/(your/NAME’s) employer/(your/NAME’s) MAIN job)?
(1) Yes [Go to S50A]
(2) No [Go to S52a]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to end supplement or next person]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to end supplement or next person]
S50 = 1
Employed wage and salary worker with health insurance through employer
If IO1COW = 1-5 AND (S2 = 2, D, or R OR S2INS = 2, D, or R) AND S6 = 2, D, or R AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
If (S2 = 1 OR S2INS =1) [paid by temp agency], fill “(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency”
If S6 = 1 [contract worker] AND S6IO = 2 [customer for whom do the work], fill “the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services”
If S6 = 1 AND S6IO = 1 [company that contracts out] AND IO1COW = 1-5 AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
Else if MJ = 1, then fill “(your/NAME’s) MAIN job”
Else fill “(your/NAME’s) employer”
If (IO1NAM/(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency/the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services/(your/NAME’s) employer/(your/NAME’s) MAIN job) did not offer health insurance, could (you/NAME) have been covered by another family member's insurance?
(1) Yes
(2) No
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S51]
S50A = 1, 2, D, or R (S50A was asked)
Employed wage and salary worker with health insurance through employer
If IO1COW = 1-5 AND (S2 = 2, D, or R OR S2INS = 2, D, or R) AND S6 = 2, D, or R AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
If (S2 = 1 OR S2INS =1) [paid by temp agency], fill “(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency”
If S6 = 1 [contract worker] AND S6IO = 2 [customer for whom do the work], fill “the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services”
If S6 = 1 AND S6IO = 1 [company that contracts out] AND IO1COW = 1-5 AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
Else if MJ = 1, then fill “(your/NAME’s) MAIN job”
Else fill “(your/NAME’s) employer”
Does (IO1NAM/(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency/the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services/(your/NAME’s) employer/(your/NAME’s) MAIN job) pay for all, part, or none of the insurance premium?
(1) All
(2) Part
(3) None
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to end supplement or next person]
(S49 = 1 AND IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11) OR S50 = 2
Self-employed with health insurance or wage and salary worker with health insurance that is not provided by employer
Only display precode (1) where IO1COW = 6, 7, or 11 OR S7 = 1
How did (you/NAME) obtain (your/his/her) health insurance?
(1) Through company/business/work
(2) Spouse or other family member’s health insurance
(3) Through other/previous job
(4) Purchased insurance on own (including through a health
insurance exchange)
(5) Medicare
(6) Medicaid
(7) Other
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to S53CK]
S49 = 2 OR S52a = 1-7, D, or R
Employed without health insurance or self-employed with health insurance or wage and salary worker with health insurance that is not provided by employer
If IO1COW = 1-5, 10, then go to S53
Else if IO1COW = 6, 7, 11, then end supplement or next person
(IO1COW = 1-5, 10) AND (S49 = 2 OR S52a = 1-7, D, or R)
Wage and salary worker with no health insurance or health insurance that is not provided by employer
If IO1COW = 1-5 AND (S2 = 2, D, or R OR S2INS = 2, D, or R) AND S6 = 2, D, or R AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
If (S2 = 1 OR S2INS =1) [paid by temp agency], fill “(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency” AND “temporary”
If S6 = 1 [contract worker] AND S6IO = 2 [customer for whom do the work], fill “the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services”
If S6 = 1 AND S6IO = 1 [company that contracts out] AND IO1COW = 1-5 AND IO1NAM = entry, fill “IO1NAM”
Else if MJ = 1, then fill “(your/NAME’s) MAIN job”
Else fill “(your/NAME’s) employer”
Does (IO1NAM/(your/NAME’s) temporary help agency/the company that contracts out (your/NAME’s) services/(your/NAME’s) employer/(your/NAME’s) MAIN job) offer health insurance to any of its (temporary) employees?
(1) Yes [Go to S54]
(2) No [Go to end supplement or next person]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to end supplement or next person]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to end supplement or next person]
S53 = 1
Wage and salary worker (with no health insurance or health insurance that is not provided by employer) whose employer offers health insurance
Could (you/NAME) be in this plan if (you/he/she) wanted to?
(1) Yes [Go to S55]
(2) No [Go to S56]
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know [Go to end supplement or next person]
[Blind] (R) Refused [Go to end supplement or next person]
S54 = 1
Wage and salary worker (with no health insurance or health insurance that is not provided by employer) who could be in employer’s plan
Why (aren't/isn’t) (you/NAME) in this plan?
(1) Covered by another plan
(2) Traded health insurance for higher pay
(3) Too expensive
(4) Don't need health insurance
(5) Have a pre‑existing condition
(6) Haven't worked for this employer long enough to be covered
(7) Contract or temporary employees not allowed in plan
(8) Other
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to end supplement or next person]
S54 = 2
Wage and salary worker (with no health insurance or health insurance that is not provided by employer) who could not be in employer’s plan
Why not?
(1) Don't work enough hours per week or weeks per year
(2) Contract or temporary employees not allowed in plan
(3) Haven't worked for this employer long enough to be covered
(4) Have a pre‑existing condition
(5) Too expensive
(6) Other
[Blind] (D) Don’t Know
[Blind] (R) Refused [All go to end supplement or next person]
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Contingent Work Supplement 2025 Questionnaire |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2025-03-12 |