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pdfU.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
ServiceNow Enclave
February 28, 2025
Office of Information Technology
Publication History
Changes Made
Original Document
Update for compliance with E.O. 14168
Privacy Impact Assessment
ServiceNow Enclave
Name of Project or System
Section 1: System Overview
ServiceNow Enclave
Is the system internally or externally hosted?
Internally Hosted (SEC)
Externally Hosted
(Contractor or other
Reason for completing PIA
☒ New project or system
☐ This is an existing system undergoing an update
First developed: 7/2/2024
Last updated:
Description of update:
Does the system or program employ any of the following technologies?
☐ Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
☐ Social Media
☐ Mobile Application (or GPS)
☒ Cloud Computing Services
☒ Web Portal
☐ None of the Above
Section 2: Authority and Purpose of Collection
Describe the project and its purpose or function in the SEC’s IT environment
ServiceNow Enclave consists of several ServiceNow applications operating under one security authorization
boundary. The Enclave provides project management, enterprise assessment management, change management,
system development life cycle assurance, HR related inquiries, and help desk support for information technology
(IT) to the SEC. The Enclave will grow as applications are added to the authorization boundary. Currently, the
following ServiceNow applications are included in the Enclave:
askHR (HRSD) – Searchable interactive knowledge base and customer service portal for agency human
resources information and requests for related information.
Change Management – Repository for IT Change Requests and tracking.
Discovery – Auto populates the ServiceNow configuration management database (CMDB) with information
for servers, network devices, security devices, workstations, and printers.
askIT (ITSM) – Provides SEC staff with a convenient, central access point for making and tracking IT-related
requests and incidents.
PaLMS – PaLMS streamlines, integrates, and automates the SEC's Investment lifecycle, which includes
Intake, Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC), Project Management and Service Delivery
Framework (SDF). It consolidates and connects the entire Investment lifecycle, associated data, tracking tools
and other activities on a single PPM portal, allowing the SEC to enhance governance, efficiency,
collaboration, and information sharing.
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SecOps– Lays the foundations of Security Operations in ServiceNow. This application will support the
automation of vulnerability tracking, remediation and reporting of data via application programming
interface (API) integration with Tenable Security Center.
What specific legal authorities, arrangements, and/or agreements allow the information to be collected?
U.S.C. § 302 Delegation of Authority and 44 U.S.C. § 3101 Records Management by Agency Heads.
15 U.S.C. 77a et seq., 78a et seq., 80a-1 et seq., and 80b-1 et seq.
44 U.S.C. § 3534; Federal Information Security Act (Pub. L. 104-106, section 5113);
Electronic Government Act (Pub. L. 104-347, section 203);
Executive Order 9397 (SSN), as amended by EOs 13478, 9830, and 12107.
NARA Bulletin 2015-04: Metadata Guidance for the Transfer of Permanent Electronic Records
OMB/NARA Memorandum (M-19-21), Transition to Electronic Records, June 28, 2019
Does the project use, collect, or maintain Social Security numbers (SSNs)? This includes truncated SSNs.
☐ No
☒ Yes
If yes, provide the purpose of
Truncated SSN is captured in the
HR profile within the application of
HRSD and utilized by SEC Office
of Human Resources (OHR)
If yes, provide the legal authority:
The legal authority to collect the SSN is including Executive Orders
9397, as amended by 13478, 9830, and 12107.
Do you retrieve data in the system by using a personal identifier?
☐ No
☐ Yes, a SORN is in progress
☒ Yes, there is an existing SORN
Applications currently operating in the ServiceNow Enclave are covered by the following SORNs:
SEC-26 Mailing, Contact and Other Lists, (85 FR 85440, January 27, 2021)
SEC-33 General Information Technology Records, (85 FR 85440, January 27, 2021)
OPM/GOVT-1 General Personnel Records, (80 FR 74815, November 30, 2015)
OPM/GOVT–10 Employee Medical File System Records, (80 FR 74815, November 30, 2015)
Is the information covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)?
☒ No
☐ Yes
Considering the purpose of the collection, what privacy risks were identified and how were those risks
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The privacy risk related to the purpose of the collection is that collected information may be used for an
unintended purpose. This risk is mitigated by limiting information collected to that which is necessary to meet the
purpose of the collection.
Section 3: Data Collection, Minimization, and Retention
What information is collected, maintained, used, or disseminated about individuals? Check all that apply.
☐ The system does not collect, maintain, use, or disseminate information about individuals.
Identifying Numbers
☐ Social Security Number
☐ Alien Registration
☐ Financial Accounts
☐ Taxpayer ID
☐ Driver’s License Number
☐ Financial Transactions
☒ Employee ID
☐ Vehicle Identifiers
☐ File/Case ID
☐ Employer ID
☐ Credit Card Number
☒ Other: See Identifying Numbers in AskHR PIA located on the SEC Privacy site.
General Personal Data
☒ Name
☐ Date of Birth
☐ Marriage Records
☐ Maiden Name
☐ Place of Birth
☐ Financial Information
☐ Alias
☐ Home Address
☐ Medical Information
☐ Sex
☐ Telephone Number
☐ Military Service
☐ Age
☐ Mother’s Maiden Name
☐ Race/Ethnicity
☐ Education Records
☐ Health Plan Numbers
☐ Civil or Criminal History
in AskHR PIA located on the SEC Privacy site.
Work-Related Data
☐ Occupation
☒ Telephone Number
☐ Salary
☐ Job Title
☒ Email Address
☐ Work History
☒ Work Address
☐ Certificate/License Number
☐ Business Associates
☒ Other: See Work Related Data in AskHR PIA located on the SEC Privacy site.
Distinguishing Features/Biometrics
☐ Fingerprints
☐ Photographs
☐ Genetic Information
☐ Voice Signature
☐ Other:
System Administration/Audit Data
☒ User ID
☒ Date/Time of Access
☒ ID Files Accessed
☒ Contents of Files
☐ Other:
Why is the PII listed in Question 3.1 collected, used, shared, or maintained by the system or project?
Currently, HRSD is the only application in the Enclave that collects or maintains PII. PII may be collected in
HRSD when necessary for OHR to process employee requests or resolve personnel issues.
Whose information may be collected, used, shared, or maintained by the system?
☒ SEC Employees
SEC employees may submit HR inquiries through HRSD to OHR.
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SEC Federal Contractors
Limited contractor information may be collected in HRSD related to a contractor submitting
inquiries for themselves or on behalf of an SEC employee.
Interns may submit HR inquiries through HRSD to OHR for processing.
Members of the Public
Employee Family Members
SEC employees may provide family member information through HRSD for certain inquiries
such as benefit changes.
Former Employees
Former employees may submit HR inquiries to OHR for processing through an inbound email
action called HRSD alias.
Job Applicants
Job applicants may submit inquiries to OHR via HRSD alias.
Vendors for an HR program may submit an inquiry to OHR regarding active or separated SEC
Describe the PII minimizing mechanisms and if the PII from the system is being used for testing, training,
and/or research efforts.
HRSD collects the minimum PII that is necessary to process employee requests or resolve issues. Instructions,
provided at the point of data entry, are used to minimize excessive PII input. PII collected is not used for testing,
training, or research.
Has a retention schedule been established by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)?
☒ Yes.
Multiple NARA schedules have been identified based on the available records within the platform.
General Record Schedule
GRS 2.7.063 Employee Health and Safety
GRS 03.1.020 General Technology
Management Records
GRS 03.1.040 Technology Management
GRS 05.2.010 Transitory and Intermediary
GRS 5.8.010 Administrative Help Desk
GRS 2.2.010 Employee Management Records
Item Description
Vaccination Attestations and Proof of Vaccination Records
Information Technology Operations and Maintenance
Information Technology Oversight and Compliance Record
Transitory Records
Technical and Administrative Help Desk Operational Recor
Employee Management Administrative Records
What are the procedures for identification and disposition at the end of the retention period?
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Per each GRS, the identification and disposition procedures are as follows: System Administrators will destroy
records based on the following business rules approved by OHR management and in accordance with the
designated NARA GRS classification defined for different record types. Records are destroyed once retention
period is reached. Process steps to identify and remove records are as follows:
The OHR Program Manager will request for a report to show eligible records for deletion aligning with the
OHR file plan.
With concurrence of the appropriate OHR staff, the Records Liaison shall obtain approval from SEC Office of
Records Management Services (ORMS) for deletion, pursuant to the Records Destruction Directive OP7-1C,
or existing SEC Directive at the time of deletion action.
Upon obtaining deletion approval from ORMS, the Records Liaison shall notify the System Administrator that
the records past retention are ready for deletion, who will carry out deletion of data.
Upon notification from the Records Liaison, system administrator shall execute deletion of records.
Records identified for permanent deletion will not be recoverable.
General Record Schedule
GRS 2.7.063 Employee Health and
Safety Records
GRS 03.1.020 General
Technology Management Records
Disposition Instruction
Temporary – Destroy when 3 years old
Temporary – Destroy 3 years after agreement, control measures,
procedures, project, activity, or transaction is obsolete, completed,
terminated, or superseded (longer retention is authorized if required for
business use)
GRS 03.1.040 Technology
Temporary - Destroy 5 years after the project/activity/ transaction is
Management Records
completed or superseded, but longer retention is authorized if required
for business use
GRS 05.2.010 Transitory and
Temporary – destroy when no longer needed for business use, or
Intermediary Records
according to agency predetermined time period or business rule
GRS 5.8.010 Administrative Help Temporary – destroy 1 year after resolved, or when no longer needed
Desk Records
for business use, whichever is appropriate
GRS 2.2.010 Employee
Temporary – Destroy when 3 years old, but longer retention is
Management Records
authorized if required for business use
Will the system monitor members of the public, employees, and/or contractors?
☒ N/A
☐ Members of the Public
☐ Employees
☐ Contractors
Considering the type of information collected, what privacy risks were identified and how were those risks
The primary privacy risks, related to the type of information collected in the Enclave, is inadvertent disclosure and
unauthorized access of nonpublic information. To mitigate these risks, applications employ access control to limit
user access to only the information for which they have need-to-know. Active Directory (AD) user authentication
ensures that only authorized users may access applications in the Enclave.
Section 4: Openness and Transparency
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What forms of privacy notice were provided to the individuals prior to collection of data? Check all that
☒ Privacy Act Statement
Posted on HRSD homepage
☒ System of Records Notice
• SEC-26 Mailing, Contact and Other Lists, (85 FR 85440, January 27, 2021)
• SEC-33 General Information Technology Records, 85 FR 85440 (January 27, 2021)
• OPM/GOVT-1 General Personnel Records, (80 FR 74815, November 30, 2015)
• OPM/GOVT–10, Employee Medical File System Records, (80 FR 74815, November 30, 2015)
The following SORNs are not provided to individuals prior to collection but are published in the Federal
Register and available on the SEC’s website,
Privacy Impact Assessment(s)
The askHR PIA is not provided to individuals prior to collection, but is available on the SEC website
Date of Last Update:
Web Privacy Policy
Other notice:
ServiceNow Services Privacy Statement
Notice was not provided.
Considering the method(s) of notice provided, what privacy risks were identified regarding adequate notice
and how were those risks mitigated?
The risk of inadequate notice is minimal because the SORNs, PIAs, and the ServiceNow Privacy Statement
identified in section 4.1 provide adequate notice.
Section 5: Limits on Uses and Sharing of Information
What methods are used to analyze the data?
The system does not analyze collected data for any purpose.
Will internal organizations have access to the data?
☐ No
☒ Yes
Organizations: All SEC Divisions and Offices
Describe the risk to privacy from internal sharing and describe how the risks are mitigated.
The risk related to internal sharing is that information may be shared with SEC personnel who do not have a need
to know the information. This risk is mitigated by using access controls and an enterprise-wide use of a System
Access Request process for requesting application access within the platform. Use of these tools, restrict user
access to only the information based on need to know or necessary to perform assigned work tasks.
Will external organizations have access to the data?
☐ No
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External organization cannot directly access data in the ServiceNow Enclave. However, the
SEC may share information externally with other Federal and State authorities when
required by law or policy. Information may also be shared externally from askHR pursuant
to routine uses outlined in the applicable SORNs.
Describe the risk to privacy from external sharing and describe how the risks are mitigated.
The risk to privacy from external sharing is minimal. Information from the ServiceNow Enclave is only shared
with an external organization if required. If information is shared, encrypted email or data encryption protocols
are used to transmit the information securely via the internet, with appropriate data sharing agreements in place to
ensure parties understand the safeguards for handling the information
Section 6: Data Quality and Integrity
Is the information collected directly from the individual or from another source?
☒ Directly from the individual.
☒ Other source(s): Enterprise Human Capital Repository (EHCR)
What methods will be used to collect the data?
Information is provided directly by the individuals via forms in ServiceNow. Most of these forms are within
the HRSD and ITSM applications. Additional information may be requested from an individual to respond to
or complete an individual’s inquiry or request. Individuals may upload supporting information to an active
HR Case in HRSD. The Service Desk may also utilize some of the information already present, ingested from
EHCR, in a User’s ServiceNow Profile.
How will the data collected from individuals, or derived by the system, be checked for accuracy and
HR staff review information via HRSD and verify accuracy against existing SEC OHR systems in consultation
with the individual. If information provided is determined to be inaccurate, the HR staff will contact the individual
to request the correct information.
Does the project or system process, or access, PII in any other SEC system?
☐ No
☒ Yes.
System(s): Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, EHCR
Consider the sources of the data and methods of collection and discuss the privacy risk for this system
related to data quality and integrity? How are these risks mitigated?
Identified privacy risks are inaccurate or outdated information populated in the Enclave. The risk is minimized
because the information is collected directly from employees or is derived from information previously provided
by the employee is assumed to be accurate. Where information is received from EHCR, EHCR is considered the
authoritative source for that data and is responsible for data quality and integrity. Additionally, applications such
as HRSD and ITSM have processes in place to request individuals “confirm” fulfillment of their inquiry,
presenting an opportunity to correct data submission before closing the inquiry.
Section 7: Individual Participation
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What opportunities are available for individuals to consent to uses, decline to provide information, or opt
out of the project? If no opportunities are available to consent, decline or opt out, please explain.
Use of the applications in the ServiceNow Enclave is voluntary. If an individual declines to use the ServiceNow
applications, assistance may not be provided to the individual.
What procedures are in place to allow individuals to access their information?
Users can directly access information previously submitted in HRSD and ITSM. In addition, individuals may
submit a written request to the FOIA/Privacy Act Officer, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street,
N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-2736.
Can individuals amend information about themselves in the system? If so, how?
Individuals may amend information about themselves by submitting the amended information to HR through a
new HRSD service ticket or submit a request in writing to the FOIA/PA Officer, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-2736 or email
Discuss the privacy risks related to individual participation and redress? How were these risks mitigated?
Privacy risk related to individual participation and redress is that information may be incorrect and may require
updates due to changes over time. This risk is mitigated by allowing individuals to voluntarily amend information,
submitted about themselves, through a new HRSD service ticket or submit a request in writing to the FOIA/PA
Officer, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549-2736 or email
Section 8: Security
Can the system be accessed outside of a connected SEC network?
☒ No
☐ Yes
If yes, is secured authentication required?
Is the session encrypted?
Does the project or system involve an online collection of personal data?
☒ No
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Does the site have a posted privacy notice?
☐ No
☒ Yes
Section 9: Accountability and Auditing
Describe what privacy training is provided to users, either general or specific to the system or project.
All SEC staff and contractors receive initial and annual privacy awareness training, which outlines roles and
responsibilities for proper handling and protection of PII. SEC Rules of the Road ensure that employees and
contractors are aware of their security responsibilities and how to fulfill them.
Does the system generate reports that contain information on individuals?
☐ No
☒ Yes
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Do contracts for the system include Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other applicable clauses
ensuring adherence to the privacy provisions and practices?
☐ No
☒ Yes
☐ This is not a contractor operated system
Does the system employ audit logging or event logging?
☐ No
☒ Yes
Given the sensitivity of the PII in the system, manner of use, and established safeguards, describe the
expected residual risk related to access.
The residual risks include unauthorized access and disclosure. However, these risks are mitigated through access
controls noted above in 8.2 and further mitigated by implementing security and auditing controls as discussed in
sections 8.2 and 9.5.
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File Type | application/pdf |
Author | McDaniel, Ronnette |
File Modified | 2025-02-28 |
File Created | 2025-02-28 |