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pdfOMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
The Letter of Interest (LI) is an indication of EXIM Bank's willingness to consider financing a given export transaction. Apply for an
LI during the bidding or negotiating stage of an export sale when the following conditions exist: (1) You need an indication from
EXIM Bank on the general eligibility of the transaction participants and the goods and services to be exported and/or (2) the
repayment terms and other program guidelines in the LI provide you with specific enough guidance for your transaction.
An online version of this application is available on EXIM's website. EXIM strongly encourages customers to apply through EXIM
Online (EOL), as it will facilitate our review and allow customers a faster response time. Additional information about applying for
an EXIM Letter of Interest can be found on EXIM's website
The review of the Letter of Interest (LI) application includes comparing the transaction information to EXIM's cover policy and other
basic eligibility criteria. The review also identifies any potential issues that may need to be analyzed in more detail when a final
commitment (AP) application is reviewed. LIs may be restricted due to circumstances including, but not limited to; country
conditions, economic impact, and/or excessive transaction or exposure amounts. EXIM may request additional information in
connection with an LI application, and issuance of a Letter of Interest is at the sole discretion of EXIM. The LI has a validity period
of one year and has an option to renew for an additional year. Please note that an LI does not represent a financing commitment
by EXIM.
The Letter of Interest processing fee is $100 and is non-refundable.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. Under corporate ownership, provide the name of the ultimate
parent company, if there is a corporate owner. For number of employees and sales volume, aggregate for the company
and all its affiliates, including corporate owners and subsidiaries.
Applicant: The applicant may be any exporter, financial institution, supplier, the primary borrower, buyer or controlling
sponsor associated with the transaction. ☐ Check if the applicant has been assisted by a city or state export agency
and provide the name of the agency: __________________________________________________
*Applicant Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Tradestyle: _____________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Duns No. ___________________
UEI No.1 __________________ Taxpayer ID No. ________________
A Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) No. is a 12-character unique number assigned to all entities (public and private companies, individuals, institutions or
organizations) who must register in to do business with the federal government. If your entity is registered in, your UEI has already
been assigned and is viewable in If you do not have a UEI No., then you must register your entity. Visit to see if
your entity has a UEI No. or to register your entity.
For an Applicant located in the United States, items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
Yes ☐
*Woman-owned business:
*Minority-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Veteran-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Disability-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Race and/or ethnicity (One or more boxes may be selected):
Black or African American ☐
Asian ☐
American Indian or Alaskan Native ☐
Middle Eastern or North African ☐
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ☐
EIB 95-09 (Rev. 8/2024)
Hispanic or Latino ☐
White ☐ Decline to Answer ☐
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OMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
Exporter: The “exporter” is the company which is contracting with the Buyer for the sale of the U.S. goods and/or
services. ☐ Check if the exporter is the applicant. Otherwise, complete the information below for each exporter
including any ancillary service providers. For more information about ancillary services visit:
*Exporter Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Tradestyle: _____________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Duns No. ___________________
Taxpayer ID No. _________________
*Corporate Ownership: _________________________________________________________________________
*Does the Exporter have any affiliates2?
Yes ☐ No ☐
*Total Number of Employees: ______________________
*Primary Industry NAICS3: ______________________
* Annual Sales Volume: ________________________
For an Exporter located in the United States, items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
*Woman-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Minority-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Veteran-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Disability-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Race and/or ethnicity (One or more boxes may be selected):
Black or African American ☐
Asian ☐
American Indian or Alaskan Native ☐
Middle Eastern or North African ☐ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ☐
Hispanic or Latino ☐
White ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
How many years has the Exporter been in commercial operations? _______________
Does the Exporter have experience with transactions of similar size, scope, and complexity? Explain below:
2 Affiliations exist when one individual or entity controls or has the power to control another or when a third party or parties control or have the
power to control both. Factors such as common ownership, common management, previous relationships with or ties to another entity, and
contractual relationships may cause affiliation. The complete definition of ‘affiliation’ is found at 13 C.F.R. § 121.103.
3 A company’s Primary Industry NAICS code is the NAICS that accounts for the largest share of sales for the most recently completed fiscal
year. The full definition of “primary industry” is set forth at 13 C.F.R. § 121.107.
Supplier. The "supplier" is the U.S. company which manufactures the goods and/or performs the services to be exported.
☐ Check if the Supplier is also the Exporter. Otherwise, complete the information below for each exporter including
any ancillary service providers. ☐ Check if the Supplier is not determined. If neither applies, attach the same information
for the primary supplier as requested above for the Exporter.
*Supplier Name: _________________________________________________________________________________
Tradestyle: _____________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
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Expires PENDING 2025
Duns No. ___________________
Taxpayer ID No. _________________
*Corporate Ownership: _________________________________________________________________________
*Does the Exporter have any affiliates2?
Yes ☐ No ☐
*Total Number of Employees: ______________________
*Primary Industry NAICS3: ______________________
* Annual Sales Volume: ________________________
How many years has the Supplier been in commercial operations? _______________
Does the Supplier have experience with transactions of similar size, scope, and complexity? Explain below:
For a Supplier located in the United States, items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Woman-owned business:
Yes ☐
*Minority-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Veteran-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Disability-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Race and/or ethnicity (One or more boxes may be selected):
Asian ☐
American Indian or Alaskan Native ☐
Hispanic or Latino ☐
Middle Eastern or North African ☐
White ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
Black or African American ☐
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ☐
Borrower or Lessee: The borrower is the entity that agrees to repay the loan. The lessee is the entity that agrees to lease
the goods and services from the lessor and pay rent under a finance lease. ☐ Check if the borrower is the applicant. If
not, complete the information below. Check for "public sector" if the borrower is at least 50% directly or indirectly owned
by a government. Check for "private sector" if the borrower is less than 50% owned by a government.
Public Sector ☐
Private Sector ☐
*Borrower/Lessee Name: _________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Duns No. ___________________
UEI No. __________________ Taxpayer ID No. ________________
How many years has the Borrower been in commercial operations? _______
Does the Borrower have experience with transactions of similar size, scope and complexity? (Please explain.)
For a borrower located in the United States, items marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Woman-owned business:
Yes ☐
*Minority-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Veteran-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Disability-owned business:
Yes ☐
No ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
*Race and/or ethnicity (One or more boxes may be selected):
Black or African American ☐
American Indian or Alaskan Native ☐
Asian ☐
Middle Eastern or North African ☐ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander ☐
Hispanic or Latino ☐
Decline to Answer ☐
White ☐
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OMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
Guarantor: The guarantor is the person or entity that agrees to repay the credit if the borrower or lessee does not.
Complete the information below for each guarantor if a guarantor is offered or required.
Check to indicate: ☐ There is no guarantor
☐ Guarantor is an individual ☐ Guarantor is a financial institution
☐ Guarantor is a corporation. Complete the information below for each guarantor if a guarantor is offered or required.
*Guarantor Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Buyer: The buyer is the entity that contracts with the exporter for the purchase of the U.S. goods and services.
Check if the buyer is also the ☐ borrower/lessee or lessor or ☐ guarantor. Otherwise complete the information
*Buyer Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
End-user. The end-user is the foreign entity that uses the U.S. goods and services. Check if the end-user is also the
☐ borrower or ☐guarantor or ☐ buyer. Otherwise, complete the information below.
*End-user Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Lender/Lessor. The lender is the company that extends the EXIM guaranteed loan to the borrower. The Lessor is
the company that extends the EXIM guaranteed finance lease to the Lessee. If the application is for a guaranteed loan,
check if the lender is also the ☐ applicant or otherwise, complete the information below. If a direct loan is being requested,
complete for Lessor, if applicable.
*Lender/Lessor Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Duns No. ___________________
UEI No.1 _____________ MGA No.: ___________________________________
*Agent Name:_________________________________________________________________________________
*Business Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
*City: _______________________
*State: _____________ *Zip/Postal Code: _________ *Country: ____________
Contact Person: _________________________________
Position Title: ________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
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OMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
Please indicate which party above the LI should be addressed to: _________________________________________
For more information:
Check one or both applicable boxes below, as appropriate, if (a) the items to be exported from the U.S. face export
subsidies from competing goods and/or services financed by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) or by other countries
(as designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury)4; and/or (b) the export items qualify as one or more of the
Transformational Export Areas designated by Congress, as necessary to advance the comparative leadership of the U.S.
which include:
If either box is checked, provide an explanation below.
☐ Face export subsidies for competing goods and/or services financed by the PRC or other covered
Are any Chinese companies competing for this sale?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Don’t Know ☐
If yes, please identity the Chinese competitor: _______________________________________________
If yes, is the Chinese competitor receiving support from any government financing agency for this sale?
Yes ☐
No ☐
Don’t Know ☐
If yes, please list the agency:
☐ Transformational Export Area (select all that apply)
Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology
Biomedical sciences
Wireless communications equipment
Quantum computing
Renewable energy, energy efficiency, &
energy storage
Semiconductor and semiconductor machinery
Emerging financial technologies
Water treatment and sanitation
High-performance computing
Associated services necessary for use of any of
the foregoing exports
4 As of this writing, no other country besides the PRC has been designated a covered country.
For more information: Make More in America Initiative | EXIM.GOV
Check if the Letter of Interest is for a Domestic Finance/Make More in America transaction. Domestic Finance refers to
medium- and long-term loans, guarantees, and insurance transaction with buyers and end-user located in the United
States of America. Please complete the required attachments below and skip to the Certifications and Signature section.
☐ Domestic Finance: Required Attachment I (Form EIB 22-05) Microsoft Word - eib95-section1-7.docx ( and
Required Attachment F (Form EIB 95-10f): Foreign and Domestic Project Finance.
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OMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
The “export items” are the goods and services to be exported from the U.S. Check the applicable box(es)
and complete and attach the required forms.
☐ Large Aircraft: Indicate if the export items include aircraft, which in a passenger configuration, contains more than 70
seats. Required Attachment A (Form EIB 95-10a): Large Aircraft Transactions. For more information:
☐ Military/Security/Police: Indicate if the buyer is associated in any way with the military, if any export items are to be
used by the military, or if any export items are defense articles or have a military application. For more information: and
☐ Project Finance: Required Attachment F (Form EIB 95-10f): Foreign and Domestic Project Finance. For more
☐ Foreign Competition: Indicate if, to the best of your knowledge, there is at least one entity offering non-U.S. goods
and/or services in direct competition for this specific export sale.
☐ Other U.S. Government Agencies: Indicate whether an application for support of this export contract or a related
project has been filed with the Agency for International Development, Maritime Administration, U.S. International
Development Finance Corporation, Trade Development Agency or a multilateral financing agency.
☐ Tied Aid Program: Indicate if you want EXIM to preclude or counter a tied aid offer. Attach any additional files (e.g.,
credit reports dated within the last six months or financial statements) that would help in evaluating this application.
For Limited Recourse Project Finance transactions, this may include a Project Information Memorandum (PIM),
independent feasibility study and/or preliminary financial model. Required Attachment C (Form EIB 95-10c): Tied
Aid Capital Project Fund. For more information:
Export Items. Describe Goods and Services, which are proposed for the scope of supply. Include make, model,
manufacturer/supplier, NAICS of goods and services, number of units, values, and estimated U.S. and foreign content.
For an aircraft transaction, include a description of the engines and if any spare parts or spare engines are included in the
export sale.
How many years have the good(s) and/or service(s) been deployed commercially? ________________________
Utilization of Export Items. Briefly describe the principal business activity of the end-user. If the export items are to be
used in a project, also provide the name, location, purpose, and scope of the project. For an aircraft transaction, include a
background summary on the airline, the reason for the purchase, proposed routes, and delivery dates.
EXIM financing support is based on the value of the eligible goods and services in the exporter’s supply contract(s)
or purchase order(s). The total level of support will be the lesser of: 85% of the value of all eligible goods and
services; or 100% of the U.S. content included in all eligible goods and services in the exporter’s supply contracts or
purchase order(s). In addition, EXIM may also finance certain local costs, ancillary services as approved, and the
exposure fee/premium.
Financing Type Requested. Check applicable box(es). You may request both a direct loan and a guarantee. If both
financing options are acceptable to EXIM, they will be indicated in the LI as options. Refer to Attachment A (Form EIB 9510a): Large Aircraft Transactions if the transaction involves the export of new large aircraft.
Direct Loan ☐
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Comprehensive Guarantee ☐
Political Risk Guarantee ☐
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Expires PENDING 2025
Contract Price. The “contract price” is the amount to be shown in the exporter’s invoice(s) related to goods to be exported from
the U.S. and services performed by U.S. companies. If there is more than one exporter, the contract price is the sum of the
exporter’s invoice amounts. The “eligible foreign content” is the portion of the contract price representing components to be
purchased by the exporter outside the U.S. and incorporate in the U.S. into the goods to be exported. Costs to be incurred in
the end-user’s country are not considered eligible foreign content. Note that the eligible foreign content, if any, is part of the
contract price. For an aircraft transaction, if credit memoranda information is available, deduct all airframe and engine credit
memoranda, if any, from the aircraft price when calculating the contract price.
U.S. Content:
Excluding Eligible Foreign Content
Eligible Foreign Content:
The aggregate price of any goods produced or manufactured outside the U.S., or
services provided by third country personnel or foreign freight costs and foreign
insurance in the net contract price (e.g., foreign items shipped from the U.S.).
Net Contract Price:
U.S. Content + Eligible Foreign Content
Cash Payment:
Percentage: ________________
Cash Payment Amount:
Cash Payment (Minimum) = “Greater” of the following: 15% x Net Contract Price OR
100% of the Eligible Foreign Content.
Local Costs:
Percentage: ________________
Local Costs Amount:
The aggregated price of all goods manufactured in and services provided by residents of
the end-user’s country. EXIM may be able to finance these amounts up to 40% or 50% of
the Net Contract Price above, depending on the Financing terms and conditions - OECD
for the buyer.
Financed Local Costs:
This can be no more than 40% or 50% of the Net Contract Price
Total Financed Amount:
(Net Contract Price – Cash Payment) + Financed Local Costs
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OMB 3048-0005
Expires PENDING 2025
Please refer to the “Standard Certifications and Covenants for EXIM Applications” set forth in Form EIB 18-CN, posted on
the EXIM website at (the “Standard
AND DIRECTLY SET FORTH HEREIN. When signing this application in the space provided below, the undersigned
authorized officer signing on the applicant's behalf certifies and represents that he or she is fully authorized to sign on the
applicant's behalf, and that HE OR SHE HAS READ the Standard Certifications referenced above AND IS CERTIFYING
AND COVENANTING, as appropriate, to all the certifications, acknowledgments and covenants set forth in the Standard
Applicant further certifies that the representations made, and the facts stated in this application and its attachments are,
true and Applicant has not misrepresented or omitted any material facts, including the reason for requesting EXIM
support. Applicant further covenants that if any statement set forth in this application or in the Standard Certifications,
becomes untrue, or is discovered to have been untrue when made, Applicant will promptly inform EXIM of all such changes
or discoveries. Applicant further understands that in accepting or approving this application, EXIM is relying upon
Applicant's statements set forth in the application and in the Standard Certifications, and all statements and certifications
to EXIM are subject to the penalties for false or misleading statements to the U.S. Government (18 USC § 1001, et. seq.).
I, __________________________ , do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed and qualified
of ________________________________________ and that as such I am authorized to execute this application on behalf
(Name of Applicant)
of __________________________________________.
(Name of Applicant)
In witness whereof, I have hereunto signed my name this
day of
. 20
Name of Applicant:
Signature: ______________________________________ (Authorized Officer)
Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________
Email: ____________________________________
Payment of $100.00, payable to the Export-Import Bank of the U.S., must accompany application; please indicate:
☐ Visa
☐ Mastercard
☐ Check
Expiration Date:
EXIM would be pleased to assist you in applying for financial support. If you have any questions, please contact EXIM's
Customer Contact Center (Telephone: 1-800-565-EXIM/202-565-EXIM). Taxpayer Identifying Numbers: EXIM intends to use the
taxpayer identifying numbers furnished on this application for purposes of collecting and reporting on any claims arising out of
such persons' or business entities' relationships with the U.S. government.
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Expires PENDING 2025
The applicant is hereby notified that information requested by this application is done so under authority of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended
(12 USC 635 et. seq.); provision of this information is mandatory and failure to provide the requested information may result in EXIM being unable to
determine eligibility for support. If any of the information provided in this application changes in any material way or if any of the certifications made herein
become untrue, the applicant must promptly inform EXIM of such changes. The information provided will be reviewed to determine the participants’ ability
to perform and pay under the transaction referenced in this application. EXIM may not require the information and applicants are not required to provide
information requested in this application unless a currently valid OMB control number is displayed on this form (see upper right of each page). EXIM reserves
the right to decline to process or to discontinue processing any application.
EXIM and its officers and employees are subject to the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1905) which requires EXIM to protect confidential business
and commercial information from disclosure, and 12 CFR 404.7 which provides that EXIM will not disclose information provided in confidence without
the submitter's consent and except as required by law. EXIM will endeavor to restrict the disclosure of all information provided in this form, to the
fullest extent permissible under Federal information disclosure laws including the Freedom of Information Act (5 USC 552), the Privacy Act of 1974
(5 USC 552a), or under any other law or court order.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement: We estimate that it will take you about 2.5 hours to complete this form. This includes the time it will take to read
the instructions, gather the necessary facts, and fill out the form. However, you are not required to provide information requested unless a valid OMB
control number is displayed on the form. If you have comments or suggestions regarding the above estimate or ways to simplify this form, forward
correspondence to EXIM and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project, OMB# 3048-0005 Washington, D.C. 20503
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File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - eib95-section1-7.docx |
Author | Douglas Ward |
File Modified | 2024-12-16 |
File Created | 2024-12-05 |