Attachment 20 - ORS Third Wave Testing Report

Attachment 20 - Third-Wave Testing Report.pdf

Occupational Requirements Survey

Attachment 20 - ORS Third Wave Testing Report

OMB: 1220-0189

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Occupational Requirements
Third Wave Testing Report
September 2022


The Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS) is an ongoing voluntary establishment survey conducted by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) under an agreement with the Social Security Administration (SSA). The survey provides information
regarding physical demands; environmental conditions; education, training, and experience; as well as cognitive and
mental requirements for occupations in the U.S. economy. BLS and SSA continue to work together to evaluate
measurement objectives from published results and plan to incorporate changes with the third wave in fiscal year 2023
to produce data relevant to SSA’s disability programs. 1
In fiscal year 2021, SSA proposed several changes to ORS measurements which required additional testing for the third
wave. Exhibit 1 displays the eight occupational requirements tested; three are new and five are modifications to existing
Exhibit 1. Proposed third wave changes tested
Occupational requirement
Cognitive and mental requirements
Public work area
Verbal interactions: Internal
Verbal interactions: External
Problem solving complexity
Adaptability: Work schedule
Adaptability: Task changes
Frequency of work being
Physical demands
Fine manipulation (including


New or modified

Measure whether work occurs in setting where the
worker is exposed to the general public.
Measure maximum frequency of verbal interactions
within a worker’s organization and update the frequency
Measure maximum frequency of verbal interactions with
the general public and update the frequency scale.
Measure problem-solving complexity as a replacement
for existing problem-solving measurement and change
the measurement scale.
Measure the incidence of whether the work schedule
varies (different days or times or different number of
hours per week).
Measure the frequency workers change critical tasks.
Update the frequency scale.


Include keyboarding in the measurement for fine






Testing overview and design
During fiscal years 2021-2022, BLS tested these proposed changes in three consecutive phases: focus groups, a
structured cognitive test, and a field test. The overall goal of testing was to determine the feasibility of producing new or
modified occupational requirements before these measurements are introduced for wide-scale collection in the third
wave. The first phase of testing, focus groups, worked with ORS economists to identify concepts or terms that are
difficult to explain to respondents and where additional resources or definitions would be helpful. The second phase was
a structured cognitive test to determine whether respondents were able to understand the concepts and definitions
explained by field economists in order to collect data in an accurate and consistent manner. The final stage of testing, a
field test, was a production simulation using a modified interview to inform final recommendations for third wave
measurements. As part of the second and third phases of testing, field economists re-contacted participating
establishments from the second wave of ORS collection.

BLS used this testing to identify critical issues with the proposed changes and potential clarifications of measurement
objectives, as well as to refine future survey collection procedures and best practices. An overview of the methods used
for these three phases are summarized below. The Results section describes the findings for each new or modified ORS
measurement across the three testing phases. Each phase of testing was used to help design and inform subsequent
work and recommendations.

Phase 1: Focus groups
Focus groups are a useful first step in a testing process because they allow researchers to collect rich, qualitative data on
a specific topic. The group setting allows participants to hear each other’s perspectives and build on one another’s
feedback, which is valuable because ORS collection involves complex measurements that are not easily conveyed in a
single question. This experience is valuable for understanding where field economists notice difficulty in explaining a
concept or where additional clarification would be beneficial to data collection.
The focus groups were moderated and documented by the Office of Survey Methods Research (OSMR). Focus group
participants included field economists with varying levels of experience and procedures, training, and review staff. Prior
to meeting, participants were provided with materials describing the proposed changes. These materials were based on
the information provided by SSA in development of the measurements and similar in format to procedures provided in
the ORS collection manual. 2
During each focus group, a free-flowing discussion was encouraged. However, from time to time, the moderator also
called on focus group members to provide input to make sure that the perspectives of all focus group members were
heard. Each new or modified ORS measure was reviewed and discussed with focus group participants, including a
description of each proposed measurement question with response options. The information from the focus groups was
used to identify potential issues and concerns with the proposed changes, including changes that could be difficult to
collect or that could have unintended consequences on the coding of related requirements.

Phase 2: Structured cognitive test
Cognitive testing techniques involve one-on-one individual interviews with respondents to gauge their reactions to the
measurement questions, response options, and concepts. Using structured follow-up probes, interviews can uncover
whether the question measures the intended construct and what sources of measurement error may be invoked by the
question, including issues with comprehension or mapping answers onto the response categories. Since the proposed
measurements reflected complex concepts and occupational behaviors, the test did not focus solely on understanding
the measurement questions exactly as worded. The protocol also included structured follow-up probes about the
respondent’s understanding of each ORS measurement.
Experienced field economists collected data for the structured cognitive test. Before the test began, all field economists
participated in a training session, which focused on the goals of the test, test logistics and materials, concepts and
questions, collection and write up, and debriefing plans. Additionally, field economists practiced administering the
questions and response options through mock interviews.
Field economists made attempts to contact the prior ORS respondent at each establishment. If the prior respondent was
no longer available to participate, field economists attempted to interview a new respondent from the sampled
establishment. The interviews were conducted remotely, using the telephone (94 percent) or Microsoft Teams (6
percent), and lasted between 15 to 30 minutes. The interviews consisted of a series of questions including both the new
and revised measurements and structured respondent probes following each question. Field economists followed a
script to ask each ORS measurement question and follow-up probes. Respondents were either emailed a showcard with

response options in advance of the interview, or field economists displayed the card during the interview if conducted
via Microsoft Teams.
After each interview, field economists documented how well respondents understood each question and the accuracy of
the responses, as well as any problems respondents had answering the questions (e.g., comprehension issues, response
selection issues). After data collection was completed, a debriefing session was held to assess the questions and get
additional field economist feedback on how the new or modified ORS measurements performed. The debriefing
questions focused on getting field economists’ general impressions of the overall test and how easy or difficult it was for
respondents to understand the concepts.
The sample for the structured cognitive test was designed to support completing up to 100 interviews covering jobs in
ten detailed occupations. 3 The ten specific detailed occupations were targeted because they were relevant for the
questions collected and were representative of a wide range of occupations and industries in the national economy.
Establishments were selected from those that provided information for jobs in the targeted occupations as part of ORS
production samples from 2018 and 2019. Field economists collected information for a job in one occupation per
interview. To reach this number of respondents, a starting sample of approximately 500 previous participating
establishments was selected to ensure field economists would have enough sample to reach the target goal of 100
interviews. A total of 90 interviews were completed.
Table 1. Number of interviews completed in the structured cognitive test by occupation code and title
Occupation code
Occupation title
Number of
General and Operations Managers
Accountants and Auditors
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
Registered Nurses
Fast Food and Counter Workers
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners
Retail Salespersons
Receptionists and Information Clerks
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
Laborers and Freight, Stock, Material Movers, Hand


Phase 3: Field test
A field test, also referred to as a dress rehearsal, was conducted as a final evaluation of the proposed measurements
using typical ORS interview methods and procedures. A field test is a valuable final phase of survey testing that provides
a last opportunity to identify any potential problems before new or modified survey questions are introduced into
Experienced field economists collected data for the field test. Before the test began, all field economists participated in a
training session, which focused on the goals of the test, test logistics and materials, concepts and questions, collection
and write up, and debriefing plans.
Like the structured cognitive test, field economists made attempts to contact the prior respondent at selected
establishments regarding one to two designated jobs collected in the prior production sample. If the prior respondent
was no longer available to participate, the field economists attempted to interview a new respondent from the selected
establishment. Field economists indicated that most of the respondents they interviewed in the field test were the prior

ORS respondent. The field test interviews were conducted remotely, using the telephone (96 percent) or Microsoft
Teams (4 percent), and lasted between 15 to 30 minutes. The field test consisted of a modified ORS interview focusing
on final changes to the new measurements and included a subset of other existing measurements to provide context
and improve question comprehension, including questions about gross manipulation, pushing/pulling with hands/arms,
and at/below the shoulder level reaching. Because the field test aimed to assess how the new and revised ORS questions
worked in a more traditional collection environment, field economists could either ask the questions as written or use
conversational interview methods as they would in a production ORS interview. Field economists provided the response
options for each ORS question verbally and/or using the showcard and were instructed to answer respondent questions
and/or provide clarification based on the procedures.
After each interview, field economists documented how often they had to change or clarify each measurement, how
well respondents understood each measurement, the accuracy and confidence of the responses, what information they
had to clarify for respondents, and anything the respondent found confusing. After data collection was complete, a field
economist debriefing session was also conducted to get field economists’ feedback and how easy or difficult it was for
respondents to understand the concepts.
The sample for the field test was designed to collect up to 130 interviews covering jobs in thirteen detailed occupations.
Establishments were selected from previous production samples with occupations that were relevant to the
measurements being tested; ten of the occupations were the same ones used in the structured cognitive test and three
new occupations were added as they were most relevant for the questions collected. Establishments were selected from
those that provided information for jobs in the targeted occupations as part of two ORS production samples collected
August 2019 to July 2021. Field economists collected information for jobs in up to two occupations per interview. A total
of 96 interviews were completed and 138 jobs were collected; 54 were obtained from respondents with one occupation
in the sample and 84 jobs were obtained from 42 respondents with two occupations in the sample.
Table 2. Number of total interviews completed in the field test by occupation code and occupation title
Occupation code
Occupation title
Number of
General and Operations Managers
Accountants and Auditors
Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education
Registered Nurses
Nursing Assistants
Police and Sheriff’s Patrol Officers
Fast Food and Counter Workers
Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners
Retail Salespersons
Receptionists and Information Clerks
Construction Laborers
Maintenance and Repair Workers, General
Laborers and Freight, Stock, Material Movers, Hand


The results section will cover the main findings across each of the three testing phases for each proposed ORS
measurement. Exhibit 2 shows the new or modified ORS measurements that were administered in each testing phase.
Two of the new proposed measurements were dropped prior to the final field test.

Exhibit 2. New or modified ORS requirements administered in each test phase
Occupational Requirement
Focus groups
Structured cognitive test
Public Work Area
Verbal Interactions: Internal and External
Problem Solving Complexity
Adaptability: Work Schedule Variability
Adaptability: Task Changes
Frequency of Work Being Checked
Fine Manipulation (including Keyboarding)

Field test

Public work area
The public work area measurement was designed to collect whether workers are required to perform critical job tasks in
a setting or environment where contact with the general public is likely to occur, and whether there is a likelihood that a
member of the general public could approach or communicate in person with workers while doing so. Members of the
general public could include any individual outside of the worker’s organization (e.g., customers and clients, routine
visitors, vendors, couriers, delivery personnel, etc.). The measurement specified that settings in which barriers designed
to prevent a member of the general public from approaching or communicating with workers should be excluded.
Barriers were defined as anything intended to restrict or prevent access to a worker or area where the worker performs
critical tasks, including walls, doors, partitions, and designated areas (e.g., areas marked “private,” “do not enter,” or
“restricted access”).
Feedback from the focus groups indicated that the concept of barriers and the types of jobs that would require them
were unclear. Thus, additional guidance and examples of physical barriers intended to prevent contact, as well as
examples of jobs that would require barriers, were incorporated into the documentation.
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated that most respondents understood the question well and
provided accurate answers. However, minor issues occurred for some jobs, such as fast food and counter workers and
teachers. These issues were related to what physical areas to include (drive-thru versus inside of store, inside or outside
of classrooms) and what to include for people who do not work for the company (e.g., contractors, temporary workers,
parents, or students). Respondents were also somewhat split on whether their answer included only in-person contacts,
or other ways of contact (e.g., talking on the telephone). Modifications for the field test included adding the term
“physically approach or communicate” into the question to highlight that it is collecting only in-person contacts.
Additionally, “read if needed” clarification information was added to the public work area question to provide guidance
regarding settings and examples of people who do not work for the same company and are therefore considered to be
part of the general public.
The question performed well in the field test and field economists were confident that respondents understood the
question and provided accurate responses. Field economists did report some issues in jobs where workers could
potentially be approached by the general public, but would not typically interact with them (e.g., a highway worker). The
concept of a barrier was also interpreted inconsistently across respondents and more broadly than intended.

Verbal interactions: Internal and external
The existing verbal interactions measurement was modified to distinguish between two types: internal and external.
The first measurement, internal verbal interactions, was designed to measure the frequency of interactions with
individuals within the worker’s organization. The second measurement, external verbal interactions, was designed to

collect the frequency of interactions with those outside of the worker’s organization. The modification retained the
definition and intent of the existing verbal interaction requirement, which captures how often workers must begin
verbally interacting with others while performing critical job tasks and included in-person contact, interactions by
telephone or videoconferencing technologies, or any other real-time interaction. Additionally, the existing frequency
scale was modified to include five options: every few minutes, less than every few minutes but at least once per hour,
less than once per hour but at least once per day, less than once per day, and never.
Key differences between the two measurements were:

Internal verbal interactions are limited to any individual within the workers’ organization including co-workers
and supervisors, regardless of whether the individual is familiar or unfamiliar to the worker.
External verbal interactions include any individual outside of the workers’ organization, such as customers and
clients, regardless of whether the individual is familiar or unfamiliar to the worker. Examples of external
contacts include routine visitors, vendors, couriers, delivery personnel, or frequent clients of the business which
are all considered members of the general public.

Feedback from the focus groups indicated that it was unclear whether the questions on verbal interactions were
designed to measure the maximum or typical frequency of verbal interactions, whether group interactions would count
as a single interaction or a series of multiple interactions, and who would be considered internal versus external
contacts. Additional clarification on these issues was incorporated into the documentation, including guidance to
capture the maximum frequency of verbal interactions during a typical workday and the frequency of new interactions
within group meetings, as well as examples of persons who are considered internal and external to an organization.
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated that most respondents understood both questions well and
provided accurate answers. However, some additional time was required to educate respondents on the difference
between internal and external interactions. Some respondents expressed confusion over the wordiness of the questions
and response options and what types of verbal interactions were considered work-related. Finally, some respondents
indicated they only included in-person interactions in their responses. For the field test, the wording used for the
frequency scale options was shortened and optional prompts were added to clarify the types of verbal interactions to
include or exclude.
During the field test, field economists indicated that they were confident that respondents understood the questions on
internal and external verbal interactions and provided accurate responses. The shortened frequency response options
and prompts clarifying the types of verbal interactions to include improved respondent comprehension of these
questions in the field test.

Problem solving complexity
The existing problem solving measurement was designed to capture the frequency workers are faced with a problem
which requires them to weigh alternatives when thinking what to do next and make a decision. Complexity in the
existing measurement was defined as problems taking more than five minutes to determine a solution and only
captured moderate to complex problem solving.
The modified problem solving complexity measurement retained the existing problem solving definition, however, the
measurement scale was changed to assess the maximum level of complexity of problems workers are required to handle
when performing their critical job tasks across three levels: low, moderate, or high. It was also assumed some level of
problem solving exists for all jobs.

Each level of problem solving complexity encompassed multiple dimensions including the level of complexity of the
problem itself, the information required to understand the problem, and the uniqueness and possible outcomes of
solutions. 4 If the complexity for any one dimension was higher than other dimensions for critical tasks, the highest level
required should be captured.
Feedback from the focus groups indicated the multidimensional nature of problem solving made the measurement both
difficult to understand conceptually and subsequently explain to respondents. Focus group participants also noted that
distinguishing between three levels of problem-solving, especially understanding the distinction of moderate compared
to low or high problem solving complexity would be challenging and lead to inconsistent classification. Thus, a
respondent showcard with a table outlining key words for each dimension and level was created to be used during
structured cognitive testing. Additional guidance was also provided for the structured cognitive test clarifying that the
maximum level of any one dimension should be used to classify workers when a job falls into different levels across
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated this question was one of the most problematic, and a
significant number of respondents did not understand the question or provide consistent responses. Analysis of the
responses across detailed occupations suggested a potential bias to select an average level of complexity for many jobs,
and thus “Moderate” was the most frequent response option chosen. Respondents struggled to select the maximum
level and tended to default to the typical level of problem solving complexity. Further, respondents noted the distinction
between the moderate and complex levels was nuanced and seemed to overlap. Although some respondents indicated
the showcard was helpful, many noted that the showcard options needed to be further simplified and required
considering too much information together and therefore, they were not able to consider all dimensions at once to
arrive at a single answer.
As a result of focus group feedback and structured cognitive testing, a reduction of response levels from three to two
and simplified response option definitions were recommended. However, because this measurement could not meet
the needs of SSA without three levels, this question was dropped and not included in the field test.

Adaptability: Work schedule variability
The intent of work schedule variability was to measure whether a job’s work schedule changes from week to week. A
work schedule was defined as the number of hours, time of day, and days worked by the employee, within the work
week set by the employer. Jobs with a set, unchanging schedule one week to the next were not considered to have work
schedule variability. Jobs would not need weekly schedule changes to be considered to have work schedule variability.
Feedback from the focus groups indicated that this measurement would be relatively straightforward to collect. Focus
group participants did note that it was unclear how a worker’s choice to have flexibility in scheduling affects work
schedule variability. Additional guidance was provided that clarified schedule changes under the worker’s control should
be excluded when determining work schedule variability.
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated that the majority of respondents understood this question
well and provided accurate answers. However, testing did reveal that respondents did not consistently:

Exclude changes under the worker’s control
Include times when workers may be asked to report early or may be dismissed early
Include seasonal changes


Consider a work schedule based on the time period intended (weekly).

Additional “read if needed” prompts were added to the work schedule variability measurement to clarify these
The measurement performed well in the field test with field economists indicating that almost all respondents
understood the question well and provided accurate responses. Field economists did note that additional information
was needed on how to collect salaried jobs who generally have flexibility over their start and stop times but may need to
work until the job gets done during busy periods.

Adaptability: Task changes
Adaptability – task changes was designed to measure the maximum frequency of critical task changes occurring during
the course of a typical workday. The measurement defined a critical task change as a change requiring the worker to
stop performing one critical task in order to focus on a different critical task. The measurement specified that changes
between sub-tasks, defined as a sequence of tasks required to perform the critical task, be excluded. Changes between
critical tasks could include performing the same critical task more than once per day at different times as long a different
intervening critical task occurred. The frequency scale included five options: every few minutes, less than every few
minutes but at least once per hour, less than once per hour but at least once per day, less than once per day, and never.
Feedback from the focus groups indicated capturing the frequency of critical task changes could be difficult since
differentiating between critical tasks and subtasks is complex and likely not able to be done consistently, especially
among different detailed occupations. Focus group participants also indicated that typical ORS respondents (i.e., human
resources personnel) may not have the in-depth knowledge to be able to accurately identify the frequency in which
critical task changes occur.
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated this question was one of the most problematic tested,
yielding issues with reporting consistency across jobs. The issues were due to inconsistent understanding of tasks at the
detailed level needed to identify changes between critical tasks. Several respondents expressed difficulty arriving at an
answer. This question had the highest proportion of non-substantive responses (e.g., ‘don’t know’) among all questions
tested. Respondents reported difficulty defining what it meant to switch from one task to another task. There was no
consistent understanding between respondents and switching was often not based on the type of changes intended to
be measured:

Switching locations but doing the same type of work was considered switching.
Respondents often included ‘sub-tasks’ when thinking about switching.
Interacting with different people but doing the same type of work was considered switching.

Additionally, field economists often had difficulty due to respondents’ confusion. While field economists can explain the
concept of critical tasks to respondents, they ultimately rely on respondents to identify the critical tasks of jobs at the
establishment. This question required additional consideration among and between critical tasks that currently cannot
be consistently measured. Using lawn care as an example, respondents are able to report whether fine manipulation is
required, or interaction with other people is required in the performance of lawn care. However, respondents are
inconsistent in whether the components of lawn care would be separate critical tasks, and further, what would be a task
vs. sub-task.
Findings from the structured cognitive test indicated that this measurement cannot be consistently or accurately
measured. Issues with this measurement were due to difficulties with the source construct (critical tasks) and cannot be

addressed with question wording changes. As a result, the decision was made to drop the measurement from further
testing, and it was not included in the field test.

Frequency of work being checked
The frequency of work being checked was designed to measure how often during a typical workday that a supervisor or
lead worker routinely reviews and assesses the performance of workers in an occupation. The measure used the new
frequency scale to be consistent with other cognitive and mental requirements measuring frequency. The frequency
scale included five options: every few minutes, less than every few minutes but at least once per hour, less than once
per hour but at least once per day, less than once per day, and never.
Few issues were identified with this measurement across all testing phases. The frequency response descriptions were
shortened as a result of feedback from the structured cognitive test that the questions and response options were too

Fine manipulation including keyboarding
Fine manipulation was designed to measure workers’ duration of touching, picking, pinching, or otherwise working
primarily with fingers rather than with the whole hand or arm, as in gross manipulation. This modified measurement
included the time spent keyboarding as fine manipulation rather than measuring keyboarding separately. The
measurement also to captured whether one or both hands are required; however, both hands would not be assumed
when keyboarding as it may not require the use of both hands (i.e., unilateral or bilateral) simultaneously.
Focus group participants indicated that clarification would be needed when determining unilateral and bilateral
requirements. While some jobs could be performed unilaterally, it might be inefficient to do so. Another issue brought
up in the focus groups was how to capture the use of a mouse while keyboarding. Additional guidance established that
the use of a traditional computer mouse would be measured as both fine manipulation and gross manipulation.
In the structured cognitive test, field economists indicated that most respondents understood the question well and
provided accurate answers. However, testing did reveal difficulties with respondents understanding they should include
only “active” fine manipulation, including keyboarding, and that this may have led to overestimating duration. In some
cases, respondents indicated that a job needed two hands, but thought that job requirements could be met using only
one hand. The intent of unilateral and bilateral measurements is to determine whether a worker could reasonably
perform the critical tasks with one hand. For this reason, minor changes were made to the wording of this question.
The fine manipulation measurement performed as expected in the field test, with occupations where keyboarding was
likely required more of the time (e.g., accountants, and receptionists) having higher durations. The field test also
assessed new wording asking about unilateral and bilateral requirements. However, field economists noted that the new
wording primed respondents to think more about what they would be willing to allow instead of what is required by the
critical tasks. Respondents included factors such as accommodations, performing tasks in a manner that may cause
safety and health concerns or unreasonable losses of productivity, and how the job is typically performed versus how it
could be performed.

This report outlines the testing activities for the third wave of ORS collection. Testing included three phases – focus
groups, structured cognitive interviews, and a field test. The findings were taken together to help identify critical issues

with the proposed changes and potential clarifications of measurement objectives, as well as to refine future survey
collection procedures and best practices. Most proposed changes performed well during testing with field economists
and respondents noting they understood the new or modified measurements well with only minor modifications
needed. However, because of critical issues identified during testing, two proposed cognitive measurements measuring
the frequency of task changes and problem solving complexity were dropped. BLS and SSA continue to work together to
evaluate these results and incorporate changes to the third wave to produce data relevant to SSA’s disability programs.

More information on ORS concepts, design, and history can be found in the Handbook of Methods at
The collection manuals and forms for all reference years are available on the information for survey respondents page.
Occupations in the ORS are classified using the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. Detailed occupations are the
lowest level of aggregation in the SOC system and are indicated by a six-digit SOC code that does not end in a zero. ORS distinguishes
jobs from occupations; a job is considered a position where one or more workers are employed at a specific establishment whereas
an occupation refers to a generalized job or family of jobs common to many industries and areas doing similar work throughout the
national economy.
Defining characteristics of high problem solving complexity included not easily understood problems, with numerous options to
consider because essential information is missing or needs to be sought out, requiring time to consider and review resulting in
unique solutions that are unlikely to apply to other types of problems. Defining characteristics of moderate problem solving
complexity included unclear problems with several options to consider because secondary information is missing or needs to be
sought out, requiring time to consider and review resulting in non-routine or rule-based solutions. Defining characteristics of low
problem solving complexity included straightforward, easy to understand problems with limited options to consider and all needed
information available resulting in routine solutions that can be applied to multiple common problems.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleORS Third Wave Testing Report
SubjectOccupational Requirements Survey
AuthorU.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
File Modified2022-09-30
File Created2022-09-30

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