Name of This Primary Participant: ________________________________ Date of Birth:_______________
Name(s) & Date(s) of Birth of Other Linked Primary Participants (up to 2 people, as applicable):
Name of Other Linked PP: ______________________________________ Date of Birth:_______________
Name of Other Linked PP: ______________________________________ Date of Birth:_______________
Name of Interviewer: ______________________________
Names and dates of birth are included above for grantee tracking purposes only and should not be submitted to HRSA. The primary participant for this form is a woman (reproductive age female) who is enrolled for preconception, prenatal, postpartum, or parenting/interconception health; an enrolled father/male partner; or other non-enrolled adult who has primary responsibility for/custody of an enrolled child.
Burden Statement:
The purpose of this data collection is to obtain
consistent information across all grantees about Healthy Start and
its outcomes.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required
to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this
information collection is 0915-0338 and it is valid until
This information collection is voluntary. Public reporting burden
for this collection of information is estimated to average 0.5
hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden
estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information,
including suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports
Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14N136B, Rockville,
Maryland, 20857 or
This form must be administered by a trained case worker or other Healthy Start grantee staff member to ensure consistency in responding across participants and grantees when questions or misunderstandings arise. It should not be self-administered or administered by untrained staff.
Every form should include the primary participant’s Unique ID# (UID). Each person’s UID should remain the same across phases and years, and should be in the format described in Question G2.
If there is more than one primary participant in the family unit, the UIDs must appear together on this form so that all associated UIDs can be linked in the database.
Regardless of which reproductive phase she/he is in, every primary participant should complete this form according to her/his own experiences.
Complete the ‘Pregnancy/Childbirth History’ and ‘Previous Births’ sections for enrolled mothers only; not for fathers/male partners or other non-enrolled adults with responsibility for/custody of enrolled children.
Items in italics are questions for, or statements to, the participant. Instructions to staff may be [bracketed].
See the next page for instructions on completing form updates.
Form Update
When a participant experiences a phase change, is up for annual rescreening, exits the program, or continues enrollment after an enrolled child exits, please complete:
General Information: Question G8 (and G9, if exiting)
And, rescreen the following questions/sections:
General Information: Questions G3, G4, and G10
Participant General Information: Question 2
Participant Health Care: All Questions (Q6-Q10)
Personal Well-Being: All Questions (Q11-Q20)
Reproductive Life Planning: All Questions (Q21-Q26)
Pregnancy and Childbirth History: For enrolled women only - All Questions (Q27-Q28)
For other updates: To update a specific question(s) or section(s), such as when a participant experiences a major life event or a significant change in health status, please complete Question G8, “Other update,” and revise the relevant question(s) and/or section(s).
Annual Rescreening
Annual rescreening - A participant must be rescreened per the instructions above when a year has passed since they were last screened and no phase change has occurred. If a participant experiences a phase change, they must be rescreened as soon as possible per the instructions above, and complete all additional data collection forms that correspond with their current phase (e.g., if a woman becomes pregnant, she should be rescreened following the procedures above and complete a prenatal form).
Other Linked Primary Participant or Custodial Adult Updates
To add an “other linked primary participant,” complete Question G8, “Other update,” and add the other linked primary participant’s UID in Question G3.
To change/remove an “other linked primary participant,” email using the subject line, “Technical Support Request for HSMED-II” with your requested change/removal.
If the custodial adult or other linked primary participant changes, a new background form will need to be completed with a new UID for that person.
Participant Re-Enrollment
If a participant exits the program and then re-enrolls at a later date, the completion of the background form should be treated like an update. To perform the “re-enrollment”:
Select “other update” in Question G8 of the Background Form
Add the date of the update (“re-enrollment”)
For update reason, indicate “re-enrollment after exit”
Remove the exit information from Question G9
Re-screen all sections of the form except for Questions G2, G5-G8, 1-1a, and 3-5
Note: The participant’s PPUID should never change; use the same PPUID as when first enrolled.
[GENERAL INFORMATION to be completed by staff before uploading data for this participant:]
G1. Participant Type:
Primary Participant
Enrolled woman (primary person receiving support is/identifies as a female)
Enrolled man (primary person receiving support is/identifies as a male)
Other adult with primary custody of enrolled child, Specify_______________________
G2. THIS Primary Participant’s Unique ID#: ______________________________________
[Enter as One Number: Grantee Org Code + PP + Client’s Unique ID (e.g., 123PP45678)]
G3. other participants’ (if applicable) Unique ID numbers that should be linked to this Primary participant (Enter up to 2 & Use format indicated in question g2):
Other Linked PP ID#: ______________________________________
Other Linked PP ID#: ______________________________________
Or, no other participants are linked to the primary participant completing this form
G4. This participant has at least one enrolled child attached to her/Him:
Yes, currently [Staff: Complete Parent/Child Form]
No, never
Formerly, but no longer
G5. Date of this Primary Participant’s Enrollment in Healthy Start:
Date ____________________ [Staff: Leave blank if not enrolled]
G6. What phase of the Reproductive Cycle was the Primary Participant in when he/she first enrolled in hs? (Select all that apply)
Woman (no prior pregnancies)
Man (no prior children)
Currently pregnant
Partner is currently pregnant
Has a live infant less than 6 months old
Partner has a live infant less than 6 months old
Had a pregnancy loss less than 6 months ago
Partner had a pregnancy loss less than 6 months ago
Has child(ren) 6-18 months enrolled in HS
Has children, but they are not enrolled in or are not eligible for HS services
A woman with no live children but who had a pregnancy loss 6 or more months ago
A man with no live children but whose partner had a pregnancy loss 6 or more months ago
An non-enrolled adult who has primary responsibility for/custody of an enrolled child
G7. Initial completion of this form:
Date of initial completion of this Background Information form: _____________
[Staff: This is the date that the form (all applicable parts) has been completed in its entirety.]
G8. this form has been Updated with the primary participant following its initial completion based on [select below as applicable]:
Enrolled woman enters prenatal phase
Date updated: _____________
Enrolled woman ends prenatal phase
Date updated: _____________
Already enrolled child turns 6 months
Date updated: _____________
Other update (e.g., primary participant continues enrollment after enrolled child exits program, annual rescreening occurs with no phase change on primary participant’s part, major life event such as death of spouse/partner or divorce, significant change in health status, added/removed other linked primary participant)
Date updated: _____________
Specify reason for update: _____________________________________
G9. update this form when the participant exits HS:
Date of exit from HS services: _____________
Reason for exit:________________________________________________
G10. Age Classification:
Based on date of birth entered on first page, please indicate which age group below the participant falls into:
10-14 years
15-19 years
20-24 years
25-34 years
35-44 years
45+ years
[Staff: Please read the following statement to the participant:]
Thank you for participating in the Healthy Start program. The purpose of these forms is to examine how well the Healthy Start program is meeting its goals of helping families improve their health and the health of their babies. This questionnaire should take about 25 minutes to complete. Any information you provide will be kept confidential. You do not have to answer any questions you do not want to, and you can end the interview at any time without any penalty or loss of benefits.
Participant General Information
[Select one.]
Don’t know
Declined to answer
1a. [Staff: Indicate here if participant expresses discomfort with or reluctance to use the male/female binary classification.]
Participant prefers not to use the male/female binary categorization (including ‘I’m not sure/don’t know/don’t want to answer’ responses)
No, the participant seemed comfortable with the binary male/female designation
Unable to determine
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, Hispanic or Latino
No, Not Hispanic or Latino
Don’t know
Declined to answer
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Don’t know
Declined to answer
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
More than one race/biracial/multiracial
Other: ______________________________
Don’t know
Declined to answer
Participant Health Care
Next, I’d like to ask you some questions about your current health care. Collecting this information gives us a better idea of our participants’ experiences and needs, so we can improve the services we offer.
Don't know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Doctor’s Office
Hospital Emergency Room
Hospital Outpatient Department
Clinic or Health Center
Retail Store Clinic or “Minute Clinic”
School (Nurse’s Office, Athletic Trainer’s Office)
Some other place* _____________________________
Don't Know
Declined to answer
[Staff: If participant says ‘urgent care,’ mark this as ‘some other place’ and write in ‘urgent care.’ If participant does not know what a ‘Minute Clinic’ is, explain that it is a walk-in clinic at a local pharmacy or store.]
Yes, I was covered all 12 months
Yes, but I had a gap in coverage
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select all that apply.]
Insurance Type |
Check if currently have |
a. |
Private health insurance from my job or the job of my spouse or partner |
b. |
Private health insurance from my parents |
c. |
Private health insurance from the <State> Health Insurance Marketplace or <state website> or |
d. |
Medicaid (Title XIX) (required: state Medicaid name____________________________________) |
e. |
CHIP (Title XXI) |
f. |
Subsidized ACA plan (also called ‘subsidized premium or subsidized coverage through the Affordable Care Act’) |
g. |
TRICARE or other military health care |
h. |
*Indian Health Service or tribal [also check ‘I do not have health insurance now’ below if the participant does not have other insurance type] |
i. |
Other health insurance. Please tell us:________________________________________________ |
j. |
I do not have health insurance now |
k. |
Don’t know |
l. |
Declined to answer |
[Staff Note: If the participant uses Indian Health Service, please indicate above. We understand that Indian Health Service (IHS) does not constitute insurance. If a participant uses IHS, please check both the IHS and the ‘I do not have health insurance now’ boxes, if the participant does not have other insurance. This will enable HS to track IHS as a separate item in addition to being counted as not having health insurance.]
[Select one.]
Don't know
Declined to Answer
[Staff: A visit for preventive medical care DOES NOT include prenatal care.]
Personal Well-Being
[Select one.]
$0 to $16,000
$16,001 to $20,000
$20,001 to $24,000
$24,001 to $28,000
$28,001 to $32,000
$32,001 to $40,000
$40,001 to $48,000
$48,001 to $57,000
$57,001 to $60,000
$60,001 to $73,000
$73,001 to $85,000
$85,001 or more
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Staff: Enter number of people.]
Don’t know
Declined to answer
Adults age 18 or older:_____________ [Note: A pregnant woman counts as one person]
Children age 17 or younger:_________
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, How many?______________ [Staff: Participant will need to complete the mandatory Parent/Child Form if the child is, or will be, enrolled in HS]
Don’t know
Declined to answer
Next I’m going to ask you a couple of questions about how your mood has been lately.
[Staff: Read each item to participant, and check one response for each item. A Total Score of 3 or more indicates additional screening and possible referral is needed.]
Mood |
Not at all |
Several Days |
More than half the days |
Nearly every day |
Declined to answer |
a. |
Little interest or pleasure in doing things |
b. |
Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless |
Yes, both items
Yes, but only one item
No, was not able to administer this
Participant’s total score was less than 3 and so did not indicate a need for referral
Participant’s total score of 3 or more indicates that additional screening and referral is needed and referral was provided
Participant’s total score of 3 or more indicates that additional screening and referral is needed but referral was WAS NOT provided because:
Client is already receiving services for possible depression
Client declined referral
Substance Type |
Daily or Almost Daily |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Less than Monthly |
Never |
Declined to answer |
a. |
Used any tobacco product (for example, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or smokeless tobacco)? |
b. |
For women: Had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol in one day? For men: Had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol in one day? One standard drink is about 1 small glass of wine (5 oz), 1 beer (12 oz), or 1 single shot of liquor. |
c. |
Used marijuana? |
d. |
Used any illicit drugs including cocaine or crack, heroin, methamphetamine (crystal meth), hallucinogens, ecstasy/MDMA? |
e. |
Used any prescription medications just for the feeling, more than prescribed, or that were not prescribed for you? Prescription medications that may be used this way include: Opioid pain relievers (for example, OxyContin, Vicodin, Percocet, Methadone) Medications for anxiety or sleeping (for example, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin) Medications for ADHD (for example, Adderall or Ritalin) |
During the past 12 months has anyone… |
Current or Former Intimate Partner |
Other Family Member |
Someone Else |
No-one |
Declined to answer |
a. |
Threatened you or made you feel unsafe in some way? |
b. |
Made you feel frightened for your safety or your family’s safety because of their anger or threats? |
c. |
Tried to control your daily activities, for example, control who you could talk to or where you could go? |
d. |
Pushed, hit, slapped, kicked, choked, or physically hurt you in any other way? |
e. |
Forced you to take part in touching or any sexual activity when you did not want to? |
[Staff: Indicate IPV screening status below]:
Screening completed (all questions answered)
Screening not completed due to
Presence of partner
Presence of family member/friend
Participant declined to answer one or more questions
Other reason, please specify___________________________________________
[Staff: If any of the
above screenings was not completed, please screen on next visit.]
Next, I have a few questions about your thoughts about having (more) children. This information will help me support you in making decisions about whether and when you might have (more) children.
Do you want any (more) children?
Yes [Go to next question]
No [Skip to Question 24]
Unable to get pregnant [Skip to Question 25]
[Check “No” and answer Question 24 if participant has sought/will seek sterilization via procedure]
Don’t know [Skip to Question 24]
Declined to answer [Skip to Question 24]
→If you want (more) children... How many (more) children do you want?
______________(# of children)
Don’t know
Declined to answer
→If you want (more) children... How long do you plan to wait until you become pregnant (again)?
_____________months [Staff: Convert response to # of months; round to nearest whole number]
Don’t know
Declined to answer
→What kind of birth control are you using now to keep from getting pregnant before you are ready? Or, if you are currently pregnant, what method do you plan to use following your pregnancy to prevent becoming pregnant again before you are ready?
[Select all that apply.]
Tubes tied or blocked (female sterilization or Essure®)
Vasectomy (male sterilization)
Birth control pills
Shots or injections (Depo-Provera®)
Contraceptive patch (OrthoEvra®) or vaginal ring (NuvaRing®)
IUD (including Mirena®, ParaGard®, Liletta®,or Skyla®)
Contraceptive implant in the arm (Nexplanon® or Implanon® )
Natural family planning (including rhythm method)
Withdrawal (pulling out)
Not having sex (abstinence)
Other, Please specify ________
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
N/A—not sexually active
Don’t know
Declined to answer
Yes, participant has completed all relevant items to create a satisfactory RLP
No, participant responded to at least some of the questions but the RLP leaves her/him vulnerable to unplanned pregnancies
No, was not able to administer this
[Staff: If the participant has not yet created a satisfactory RLP, flag this item and work with her at a later time (e.g., the next visit) until she has, and then update these questions accordingly.]
[Staff: Note the following directions based on participant type:
Enrolled men and non-enrolled persons with custody of an enrolled child: This form is now complete. Complete the Parent/Child Form if he/she has an enrolled child.
Enrolled women: Continue on to the next section.]
Pregnancy and Childbirth History
Yes [Participant will need to complete the mandatory Prenatal Form]
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select all that apply.]
Live birth, Number______
Pregnancy that did not result in a live birth
Ectopic or tubal pregnancy, Number ______
Miscarriage (pregnancy ended spontaneously before 20 weeks), Number ______
Stillbirth or fetal death (pregnancy ended at 20 weeks or more), Number ______
Termination of pregnancy, Number ______
None of the above (no prior pregnancies)
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Staff: Note the following directions based on response to Question 28:
If participant has had no live births (Question 28), this form is complete.
If the participant is currently pregnant, complete the Prenatal Form.
If participant has had a live birth (Question 28), continue on to the next section.]
Complete only for enrolled women who have had a previous live birth
(Question 28).]
[Staff: If participant becomes distressed at any point, empathize and provide emotional support. If necessary, complete any additional required forms at a later time (e.g., the next visit).]
Next, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your previous births.
[Select one.]
Yes, Number of prior preterm deliveries: ______
No, Number of prior full term deliveries: ______
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, How many babies: ______
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, How many babies: ______
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, How many babies: ______
Don’t know
Declined to answer
[Select one.]
Yes, How many______, Please specify reason _____________________________
Declined to answer
Yes [go to next question]
No [this form is complete]
Declined to answer [this form is complete]
Number of children who died within 0 to 27 days of life (neonatal): ______
Number of children who died 28 to 364 days after birth (infant): ______
Number of children who died at 12 months or older (post-infancy): ______
[Staff: Note the following directions based on woman’s phase of the reproductive cycle:
If the woman is currently pregnant, complete the Prenatal Form.
If the woman has an enrolled child, complete the Parent/Child Form.]
The Healthy Start Mandatory Background Information Form is Complete. Thank you!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Healthy Start Background Information |
Author | Harwood, Robin (HRSA);; |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-24 |