Agency disclosure notice & Privacy Advisory |
AGENCY DISCLOSURE NOTICE: The public reporting burden for this collection of information, 0704-0623, is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or burden reduction suggestions to the Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, at Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.
PRIVACY ADVISORY: This survey is anonymous, does not collect or use personally identifiable information, and responses are not retrievable by personal identifier. In order to better protect your privacy, do not include information that may identify you or others when completing write-in responses. The purpose of this survey is to solicit information to identify and assess gender issues and discrimination among cadets/midshipmen at the Service Academies and to evaluate the effectiveness of each Service Academy's sexual assault/harassment policies, training, and procedures. Your responses will be aggregated and will provide senior Department of Defense officials (for the Department of Homeland Security, or Department of Transportation officials, those survey results will be aggregated separately) a benchmark to track reported sexual assault/harassment trends over time.
These aggregated results will also be reported to Congress. Completing this survey is voluntary. There will be no attempt to trace responses back to the respondent. There is no penalty for not responding or skipping questions; however, maximum participation is encouraged so that the data will be complete and representative. Because the survey is anonymous, no individual situation can be addressed. Please avoid putting any identifying information in your responses. This is not the vehicle to report something that requires further attention or action by Academy officials.
Statement of Risk: The data collection procedures are not expected to involve any risk or discomfort to you. The only risk to you is accidental or unintentional disclosure of any identifying data you provide. However, OPA has a number of policies and procedures to ensure that survey data are kept anonymous and protected, to the extent provided by law. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact
Authority to Survey: The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007, Section 532 requires annual assessments of gender-related issues at the Military Service Academies (10 USC 481). DoD Service Academies are surveyed per DoDI 6495.02, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program Procedures. USCGA officials requested the Coast Guard be included, beginning in 2008, in order to evaluate and improve their programs addressing sexual assault and sexual harassment. Beginning in 2012, at the request of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), USMMA officials contracted with OPA to include USMMA in the Service Academy Gender Relations Survey and Focus Group efforts. Survey of USMMA midshipmen is codified in 46 USC 51318 subsection (g). Results for the USCGA and USMMA are reported separately from the DoD.
Completion Instructions |
Please take your time and select answers you believe are most appropriate.
Please PRINT where applicable. Do not make any marks outside of the response and write-in boxes.
If you need more room for comments, use the back page or ask a survey proctor for a blank piece of paper.
Place an “X” in the appropriate box or boxes.
To change an answer, completely black out the wrong answer and put an “X” in the correct box as shown below.
. |
Which Service Academy/Preparatory School do you attend? |
United States Military Academy |
United States Military Academy Preparatory School |
United States Naval Academy |
United States Naval Academy Preparatory School |
United States Air Force Academy |
United States Air Force Academy Preparatory School |
United States Coast Guard Academy |
United States Merchant Marine Academy |
. |
Are you…? |
Male |
Female |
. |
What is your Class year (the year you will graduate from the Academy)? |
2026 |
2028 |
2027 |
2029 |
2030 (Preparatory School only) |
Gender-related Experiences |
In this section, you will be asked about several things that someone from your Academy might have done to you that were upsetting or offensive to you and that happened since June 2025. When the questions say “someone from your Academy,” please include any person you have contact with as part of your Academy life. “Someone from your Academy” could be an officer or non-commissioned officer, fellow cadet or midshipman, civilian employee, or contractor. These persons can be Academy leadership, faculty, athletic department personnel, or support service staff. These things may have occurred on- or off-duty or on- or off-campus. Please include them as long as the person who did them to you was someone from your Academy. |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy repeatedly tell sexual “jokes” that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q7 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended by these jokes if they had heard them? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy embarrass, anger, or upset you by repeatedly suggesting that you do not act like a cadet/midshipman of your gender is supposed to? For example, by calling you a fag or gay, a dyke or butch. |
Yes |
No GO TO Q10 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended if someone had said these things to them? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy display, show, or send sexually explicit materials like pictures or videos that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q13 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended by seeing these sexually explicit materials? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy repeatedly tell you about their sexual activities or make sexual gestures/body movements (for example, thrusting their pelvis or grabbing their crotch) in a way that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q16 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended by hearing about these sexual activities or by having someone make sexual gestures/body movements (for example, thrusting their pelvis or grabbing their crotch)? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy repeatedly ask you questions about your sex life or sexual interests that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q19 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended if they had been asked these questions? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy make repeated sexual comments about your appearance or body that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q22 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended if these remarks had been directed to them? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy either take or share sexually suggestive pictures or videos of you when you did not want them to? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q25 |
. |
Did this make you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q25 |
Continue to next column.
. |
Do you think that this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended if it happened to them? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy make repeated attempts to establish an unwanted romantic or sexual relationship with you? These could range from repeatedly asking you out to asking you for sex or a “hookup.” |
Yes |
No GO TO Q29 |
. |
Did these attempts make you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q29 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended by these unwanted attempts? If you aren't sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, did someone from your Academy repeatedly touch you in a way that made you uncomfortable, angry, or upset? This could include almost any unnecessary physical contact including hugs, shoulder rubs, or touching your hair, but would not usually include handshakes or routine uniform adjustments. |
Yes |
No GO TO Q32 |
. |
Did they continue this unwanted behavior after they knew that you or someone else wanted them to stop? |
Yes |
Not applicable, they did not know I or someone else wanted them to stop |
No |
. |
Do you think this was ever severe enough that most cadets/midshipmen at your Academy would have been offended by this unnecessary touching? If you aren’t sure, choose the best answer. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, has someone from your Academy (permanent party, civilian faculty/staff, and/or cadets/midshipmen in leadership positions) made you feel as if you would get some benefit in exchange for doing something sexual? For example, they might hint that they would give you a good evaluation/fitness report, a better cadet/midshipman assignment, or better academic grade in exchange for doing something sexual. Something sexual could include talking about sex, undressing, sharing sexual pictures, or having some type of sexual contact. |
Yes |
No GO TO Q34 |
. |
What led you to believe that you would get a benefit if you agreed to do something sexual? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
They told you they would give you a reward or benefit for doing something sexual. |
b. |
They hinted you would get a reward or benefit for doing something sexual. For example, they reminded you about your evaluation/fitness report about the same time they expressed sexual interest. |
c. |
Someone else told you they got benefits from this person by doing sexual things. |
. |
Since June 2025, has someone from your Academy (permanent party, civilian faculty/staff, and/or cadets/midshipmen in leadership positions) made you feel as if you would get punished or treated unfairly at your Academy if you did not do something sexual? For example, they hinted that they would give you a bad evaluation/fitness report, a bad grade, or treat you badly if you were not willing to do something sexual. This could include being unwilling to talk about sex, undress, share sexual pictures, or have some type of sexual contact. |
Yes |
No GO TO Q36 |
Continue to next column.
. |
What led you to believe you would get punished or treated unfairly at your Academy if you did not do something sexual? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
They told you that you would be punished or treated unfairly if you did not do something sexual. |
b. |
They hinted you would be punished or treated unfairly if you did not do something sexual. For example, they reminded you about your evaluation/fitness report near the same time that they expressed sexual interest. |
c. |
Someone else told you they were punished or treated unfairly by this person for not doing something sexual. |
. |
Since June 2025, did you hear someone from your Academy say that someone of your gender is not as good as the opposite gender as a future officer, or that someone of your gender should be prevented from becoming a future officer? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q39 |
. |
Do you think their beliefs about someone of your gender ever harmed or limited your cadet/midshipman career? For example, did they hurt your evaluation/fitness report, or affect your grades or chances for leadership positions? |
Yes |
No |
. |
Was anyone who did this unwanted behavior in a position of authority/leadership over you (permanent party, civilian faculty/staff, and/or cadets/midshipmen in leadership positions)? |
Yes |
No |
. |
Since June 2025, do you think someone from your Academy (permanent party, civilian faculty/staff, and/or cadets/midshipmen in leadership positions) mistreated, ignored, excluded, or insulted you because of your gender? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q41 |
. |
Do you think this treatment ever harmed or limited your cadet/midshipman career? For example, did they hurt your evaluation/fitness report, or affect your grades or chances for leadership positions? |
Yes |
No |
If you answered “Yes” to ANY Q4–Q40, continue to Q41. Otherwise GO TO Q49. |
The following questions ask about the unwanted situation that had the greatest effect on you. Before you continue, please choose the one unwanted situation since June 2025 that you consider to be the worst or most serious. |
. |
Who was the person(s) in this situation who did this to you? Mark one answer for each item. |
Don’t know |
No |
Yes |
a. |
A fellow Academy student who was in a higher class year |
b. |
A fellow Academy student who was in the same class year |
c. |
A fellow Academy student who was in a lower class year |
d. |
A fellow Academy student who was higher in the cadet/midshipman chain of command |
e. |
A member of an intramural or club sports team at your Academy |
f. |
A member of an intercollegiate (NCAA/Division I/III) sports team at your Academy |
g. |
Academy military/uniformed faculty or staff |
h. |
Academy civilian faculty or staff |
i. |
A DoD/DHS/DOT person not affiliated with the Academy |
j. |
A person not affiliated with DoD/DHS/DOT |
k. |
Unknown person |
l. |
USMMA ONLY. A person affiliated with the maritime industry |
. |
How many people did this to you? Mark one. |
One person |
More than one person |
Not sure |
. |
Was/Were the person(s) who acted this way… Mark one. |
All men? |
All women? |
A mix of men and women? |
Not sure? |
. |
Would you describe this situation as... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Hazing? Hazing refers to so-called initiations or rites of passage in which individuals are subjected to physical or psychological harm to achieve status or be included in an organization. |
b. |
Bullying? Bullying refers to acts of aggression intended to single out individuals from their fellow cadets/midshipmen or to exclude them from an organization. |
. |
Thinking about this upsetting situation, did you discuss it with... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
The person(s) who did this to you? |
b. |
Someone in your company/squadron? |
c. |
Your friends or family outside of your company/squadron? |
d. |
A chaplain, counselor, or medical person? |
e. |
A Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) Officer, SARC, or SHARP Officer? |
. |
Did you make a complaint about this situation with/to any authority or organization? |
Yes |
No GO TO Q48 |
. |
What actions were taken in response to your complaint? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
The situation was corrected |
b. |
Your situation was/is being investigated |
c. |
You were kept informed of what actions were being taken |
d. |
You were encouraged to let it go or tough it out |
e. |
Your situation was discounted or not taken seriously |
f. |
Disciplinary action was taken against you |
g. |
Disciplinary action was taken against the offender |
h. |
Administrative action (e.g., non-judicial punishment) was taken against you |
i. |
You were ridiculed or scorned |
j. |
Some other action was taken |
k. |
You don't know what happened |
If you made a complaint GO TO Q49. Otherwise, continue. |
. |
What were your reasons for not making a complaint about this situation? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
You thought it was not important enough to make a complaint |
b. |
You did not know how to make a complaint |
c. |
You felt uncomfortable making a complaint |
d. |
You took care of the problem yourself by avoiding the person who harassed you |
e. |
You took care of the problem yourself by confronting the person who harassed you |
f. |
You took care of the problem yourself by forgetting about it and moving on |
g. |
You did not think anything would be done |
h. |
You thought making a complaint would take too much time and effort |
i. |
You thought you would be labeled a troublemaker |
j. |
You thought your evaluations or chances for leadership positions would suffer |
k. |
You did not want people talking or gossiping about you |
l. |
You thought it would hurt your reputation and standing |
m. |
You did not want to hurt the career of the person(s) who did it |
n. |
You did not want to bring undue attention or discredit on the Academy |
Please read the following special instructions before continuing the survey. Questions in this next section ask about unwanted sexual experiences of an abusive, humiliating, or sexual nature. These types of unwanted experiences may vary in severity. Some of them could be viewed as an assault. Others could be viewed as hazing or some other type of unwanted experience. They can happen to anyone. Please include experiences even if you or others had been drinking alcohol, using drugs, or were intoxicated. The following questions will ask you about situations that happened SINCE June 2025. You will have an opportunity to describe experiences that happened BEFORE June 2025 later in the survey. |
. |
Since June 2025, have you experienced any of the following intentional sexual contacts that were against your will or which occurred when you did not or could not consent in which someone... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks), or made you sexually touch them? |
b. |
Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful? |
c. |
Made you have sexual intercourse? |
d. |
Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful? |
e. |
Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object? |
If you answered “No” to ALL Q49a through Q49e GO TO Q81. |
. |
Please give your best estimate of how many different times (on how many separate occasions) since June 2025, you had these unwanted experiences. |
Times |
The following questions ask about the unwanted situation that had the greatest effect on you since June 2025. Before you continue, please choose the one unwanted situation since June 2025 that you consider to be the worst or most serious. |
. |
Which of the following experiences happened during the situation you chose as the worst or most serious? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks), or made you sexually touch them? |
b. |
Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful? |
c. |
Made you have sexual intercourse? |
d. |
Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful? |
e. |
Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object? |
Please continue to focus on this worst or most serious situation in the questions that follow. |
. |
How many people did this to you? Mark one. |
One person |
More than one person |
Not sure |
. |
Was/Were the person(s) who did this to you... Mark one. |
All men? |
All women? |
A mix of men and women? |
Not sure? |
. |
At the time of the situation, was/were the person(s) who did this to you... Mark all that apply. |
Someone you were currently dating? |
Someone you had previously dated? |
Someone you had a casual relationship with (for example, hooked up with)? |
Someone you knew from class or other activity? |
Someone you had just met? |
A stranger? |
. |
At the time of the situation, was/were the person(s) who did this to you... Mark one answer for each item. |
Don’t know |
No |
Yes |
a. |
A fellow Academy student who was in a higher class year? |
b. |
A fellow Academy student who was in the same class year? |
c. |
A fellow Academy student who was in a lower class year? |
d. |
A fellow Academy student who was higher in the cadet/midshipman chain of command? |
e. |
A member of an intramural or club sports team at your Academy? |
f. |
A member of an intercollegiate (NCAA/Division I/III) sports team at your Academy? |
g. |
Academy military/uniformed faculty or staff? |
h. |
Academy civilian faculty or staff? |
i. |
A DoD/DHS/DOT person not affiliated with the Academy? |
j. |
A person not affiliated with DoD/DHS/DOT? |
k. |
Unknown person? |
l. |
USMMA ONLY. A person affiliated with the maritime industry? |
. |
Have you ever communicated with the person(s) who did this to you via a dating application or website (such as Bumble, Tinder, Hinge, OKCupid, or Grindr)? Regardless of whether or not you had communicated previously, you are not to blame for what happened. |
Yes |
No |
. |
Did the unwanted situation occur... Mark one answer for each item. If you have not been to these locations since June 2025 please mark “Not applicable.” |
Not applicable |
No |
Yes |
a. |
On Academy grounds in a dormitory/living area? |
b. |
On Academy grounds not in a dormitory/living area? |
c. |
Off Academy grounds at a social event (for example, a party)? |
d. |
Off Academy grounds at an Academy-sponsored event (for example, a sports team trip, conference, club event, or training)? |
e. |
Off Academy grounds at the home of a sponsor or alumnus? |
f. |
Off Academy grounds at the home of a faculty or staff member? |
g. |
Some other location off Academy grounds? |
. |
When did the situation occur? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
During normal duty hours |
b. |
After duty hours not on a weekend or holiday |
c. |
After duty hours on a weekend or holiday |
d. |
On leave |
e. |
During summer experience/training/sea duty |
f. |
On exchange to another Academy |
g. |
USMMA ONLY. During maritime duty |
. |
At the time of this unwanted situation... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Was there a cadet/midshipman present who stepped in to help you? |
b. |
Was there a cadet/midshipman present who could have stepped in to help you, but did not? |
. |
Would you describe this situation as... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Hazing? Hazing refers to so-called initiations or rites of passage in which individuals are subjected to physical or psychological harm to achieve status or be included in an organization. |
b. |
Bullying? Bullying refers to acts of aggression intended to single out individuals from their fellow cadets/midshipmen or to exclude them from an organization. |
. |
Did the person(s) who did this... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Sexually harass you before this situation? |
b. |
Stalk you before this situation? |
c. |
Sexually assault you (that is, sexually touched you, attempted sex, or completed sex) before this situation? |
d. |
Sexually harass you after this situation? |
e. |
Stalk you after this situation? |
f. |
Sexually assault you (that is, sexually touched you, attempted sex, or completed sex) after this situation? |
. |
At the time of this unwanted situation, had you been drinking alcohol? Even if you had been drinking, it does not mean you are to blame for what happened. |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
. |
Just prior to this unwanted situation... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Did the person(s) who did this to you buy or give you alcohol to drink? |
b. |
Do you think that you might have been given a drug without your knowledge or consent? |
. |
At the time of this unwanted situation, had the person(s) who did it been drinking alcohol? |
Yes |
No |
Don’t know |
. |
After this unwanted situation... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
Did you consider requesting a transfer to another company/squadron? |
b. |
Did you think about leaving your Academy? |
c. |
Did your academic performance suffer? |
d. |
Did you take time off (for example, sick in quarters, leave of absence) because of the situation? |
e. |
Did the situation damage your personal relationships, for example with a person you were dating or a friend? |
DoD/DHS/DOT provides two ways in which to report a sexual assault:
. |
Did you officially report that you were a victim of a sexual assault? This could have been either a Restricted or Unrestricted Report. |
Yes |
No GO TO Q69 |
. |
What type of report did you make? Mark one. |
Restricted Report that remained restricted |
Restricted Report that you converted to unrestricted |
Restricted Report, but an independent investigation occurred anyway (e.g., someone you talked to about it notified your chain of command and they initiated an investigation) |
Unrestricted Report |
Unsure what type of report you made |
. |
What were your reasons for reporting the situation? Mark all that apply. |
Someone else made you report it or reported it themselves |
To stop the person(s) from hurting you again |
To stop the person(s) from hurting others |
It was your civic/military duty to report it |
To punish the person(s) who did it |
To discourage other potential offenders |
To get medical assistance |
To get mental health assistance |
To stop rumors |
Someone you told encouraged you to report |
Raise awareness that it occurs at the Academy |
Other |
If you reported the situation GO TO Q70. Otherwise, continue. |
. |
What were your reasons for not reporting the situation to an authority? Mark all that apply. |
You thought it was not serious enough to report |
You took care of the problem yourself by avoiding the person who assaulted you |
You took care of the problem yourself by confronting the person who assaulted you |
You took care of the problem yourself by forgetting about it and moving on |
You did not want more people to know |
You felt uncomfortable making a report |
You thought reporting would take too much time and effort |
You did not want people talking or gossiping about you |
You felt shame/embarrassment |
Other |
. |
In retrospect, would you make the same decision about reporting if you could do it over? |
Yes |
No |
. |
Thinking about the unwanted event, has anyone in a position of authority/leadership over you (i.e., permanent party leadership, such as TAC, Company Officer, AOC, Regimental Officer, TAC NCO, SEL, or AMT) either done or threatened to do any of the following after the unwanted event occurred? Mark all that apply. |
Denied you or removed you from a leadership position |
Denied you a training opportunity that could have led to a leadership position |
Rated you lower than you deserved on a performance evaluation |
Denied you an award or other form of recognition you were previously eligible to receive |
Assigned you new duties without doing the same to others |
Assigned you to duties that do not match your current class year or position within the company/squadron |
Made you perform additional duties that do not match your current class year or position within the company/squadron |
Transferred you to a different company/squadron without your request or agreement |
Ordered you to one or more mental health evaluations |
Disciplined you or ordered other corrective action |
Does not apply, you have not experienced any of the above GO TO Q75 |
. |
Which type of leadership took the actions you marked as happening to you? Mark all that apply. |
Cadet/midshipman leadership |
Academy permanent party leadership (e.g., faculty member, coach, TAC Officer, AOC, Company Officer, Regimental Officer) |
If you did not report your sexual assault GO TO Q75. Otherwise, continue. |
. |
Do you have reason to believe that any of the leadership actions you experienced were only based on your report of sexual assault (that is, not based on your conduct or performance)? |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
. |
Were any of the individual(s) who took the actions you marked as happening to you… Mark one answer for each item. |
Not sure |
No |
Yes |
a. |
Trying to get back at you for making a report (unrestricted or restricted)? |
b. |
Trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report? |
c. |
Mad at you for causing a problem for them? |
. |
Following the unwanted event, have any of your cadet/midshipman peers (including those in your cadet/midshipman chain of command) or your leadership done any of the following? Mark all that apply. |
Made insulting or disrespectful remarks or made jokes at your expense in public |
Excluded you or threatened to exclude you from social activities or interactions |
Ignored you or failed to speak to you despite your attempts to communicate (for example, gave you “the silent treatment”) |
You did not experience any of the above GO TO Q78 |
If you did not report your sexual assault GO TO Q78. Otherwise, continue. |
. |
Did any of the individual(s) who took these actions know or suspect you made an official (unrestricted or restricted) sexual assault report? |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
. |
Were any of the individual(s) who took these actions trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report or discourage others from reporting? |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
. |
Following the unwanted event, have any of your cadet/midshipman peers (including those in your cadet/midshipman chain of command) done any of the following? Mark all that apply. |
Made insulting or disrespectful remarks or made jokes at your expense to you in private |
Showed or threatened to show private images, photos, or videos of you to others |
Bullied you or made intimidating remarks about the assault |
Was physically violent with you or threatened to be physically violent |
Damaged or threatened to damage your property |
Does not apply, you did not experience any of the above GO TO Q81 |
If you did not report your sexual assault GO TO Q81. Otherwise, continue to next column. |
. |
Did any of the individual(s) who took these actions know or suspect you made an official (unrestricted or restricted) sexual assault report? |
Yes |
No |
Not sure |
. |
Were any of the individual(s) who took the actions you marked as happening to you… Mark one answer for each item. |
Not sure |
No |
Yes |
a. |
Trying to discourage you from moving forward with your report or discourage others from reporting? |
b. |
Trying to abuse or humiliate you? |
The questions so far have been about things that occurred in the past Academic Program Year (since June 2025). For the next question, please think about situations that happened more than one Academic Program Year ago, BEFORE June 2025. These are all experiences that you did not tell us about earlier in the survey. These questions assess experiences of an abusive, humiliating, or sexual nature, and that occurred even though you did not want them and did not consent. Please include an experience regardless of who did it to you or where it happened. |
. |
Before June 2025, did you ever experience any of the following intentional sexual contacts that were against your will or which occurred when you did not or could not consent in which someone... Mark all that apply. |
No, have not experienced |
Yes, since entering the Academy |
Yes, before entering the Academy |
a. |
Sexually touched you (for example, intentional touching of genitalia, breasts, or buttocks), or made you sexually touch them? |
b. |
Attempted to make you have sexual intercourse, but was not successful? |
c. |
Made you have sexual intercourse? |
d. |
Attempted to make you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object, but was not successful? |
e. |
Made you perform or receive oral sex, anal sex, or penetration by a finger or object? |
The following questions will ask whether you observed a variety of situations since June 2025. These situations could have taken place at your Academy or outside of your Academy. |
. |
Since June 2025, did you... Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
See a situation you thought was a sexual assault or could have led to a sexual assault? |
b. |
Observe someone who “crossed the line” by telling sexist comments or jokes? |
c. |
Encounter a group or individual being hazed? |
d. |
Encounter an individual being bullied? |
e. |
See someone making unwanted sexual advances towards another cadet/midshipman? |
f. |
See horseplay or roughhousing that “crossed the line” or appeared unwanted? |
g. |
Encounter someone who drank too much and needed help (e.g., getting home)? |
h. |
Encounter someone hooking up with someone who was passed out? |
If you indicated “No” to all items in Q82 GO TO Q84 [USAFA only] or Q85 [all Academies]. Otherwise, continue. |
. |
How did you respond to the situation(s) you observed? Mark “Yes” or “No” for each item. |
Yes |
No |
a. |
I spoke up to address the situation |
b. |
I told someone else about it while it was happening |
c. |
I told someone else about it after it happened |
d. |
I created a distraction |
e. |
I talked to those who experienced the situation to see if they were okay |
f. |
I intervened in some other way |
g. |
I did not intervene |
USAFA Program Participation |
. |
[USAFA ONLY] Since June 2025, which of the following programs have you participated in? Mark all that apply. |
Healthy Relationships Training (HRT) for athletes |
Healthy Relationships Education (HRE) for Cadet Wing |
Cadet Healthy Personal Skills (CHiPS) classroom training during BCT |
Sexual Communication and Consent (SCC) hybrid classroom and web-based training during BCT |
eCHECKUP TO GO web-based alcohol training during BCT |
None of the above |
I do not remember |
All cadets and midshipmen please continue to Q85. |
. |
To what extent are you willing to... Mark one answer for each item. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. |
Point out to someone that you think they “crossed the line” with gender-related comments or jokes? |
b. |
Seek help from the chain of command in stopping other students who continue to engage in sexual harassment after having been previously spoken to? |
. |
Since June 2025, to what extent have you witnessed people in your company/squadron... Mark one answer for each item. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. |
Promoting a climate based on mutual respect and trust? |
b. |
Leading by example by refraining from sexist comments and behaviors? |
c. |
Recognizing and immediately correcting incidents of sexual harassment? |
d. |
Encouraging bystander intervention to assist others in situations at risk for sexual assault or other harmful behaviors? |
. |
Have you heard of the CATCH a Serial Offender Program? |
Yes |
No |
. |
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding your company/squadron? Mark one answer for each item. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
a. |
It would be risky for me to file a sexual harassment complaint. |
b. |
A sexual harassment complaint would not be taken seriously. |
c. |
A sexual harassment complaint would be thoroughly investigated. |
d. |
I would feel comfortable reporting a sexual harassment complaint in my company/squadron. |
e. |
Sexual harassment is not tolerated in my company/squadron. |
f. |
Individuals who sexually harass others get away with it. |
g. |
I would be afraid to file a sexual harassment complaint. |
88. |
Continued. |
Strongly disagree |
Disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Agree |
Strongly agree |
h. |
Penalties against individuals who sexually harass others in my company/squadron are strongly enforced. |
i. |
Actions are being taken to prevent sexual harassment. |
. |
If you were to experience sexual assault in the future, to what extent would you... Mark one answer for each item |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. |
Trust the Academy to protect your privacy following the reported incident? |
b. |
Trust the Academy to ensure your safety following the reported incident? |
c. |
Trust the Academy to treat you with dignity and respect following the reported incident? |
. |
Since June 2025, how often have you experienced any of the following behaviors, where cadets/midshipmen... Mark one answer for each item. |
Very often |
Often |
Sometimes |
Once or twice |
Never |
a. |
Did not provide information or assistance when you needed it? |
b. |
Were excessively harsh in their criticism of your performance? |
c. |
Took credit for work or ideas that were yours? |
d. |
Gossiped/talked about you? |
e. |
Used insults, sarcasm, or gestures to humiliate you? |
f. |
Yelled when they were angry with you? |
Thank you for answering the questions so far. Remember that your answers are anonymous. In the following questions, by “drink” we mean a bottle or can of beer, a wine cooler or glass of wine, a shot of liquor, or a mixed drink or cocktail. |
. |
How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when drinking? If you do not drink, please enter 0 drink(s). |
Drink(s) |
. |
During the past 30 days, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks (4 or more if you are a woman) on the same occasion? By ‘occasion,’ we mean at the same time or within a couple of hours of each other. |
Day(s) |
. |
During the past year, how often have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking? |
Never |
Monthly or less |
2–4 times a month |
2–3 times a week |
4 or more times a week |
. |
At your Academy, to what extent do you think the persons below make honest and reasonable efforts to stop sexual harassment and sexual assault? For example, do these persons lead by example, stress the importance of sexual harassment and sexual assault prevention, and encourage reporting? Mark one answer for each item. |
No basis to judge |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. |
Cadet/midshipman leaders |
b. |
Cadets/midshipmen not in appointed leadership positions |
c. |
Commissioned officers directly in charge of your unit |
d. |
Non-commissioned officers or senior/chief petty officers directly in charge of your unit |
e. |
Academy senior leadership (for example, Superintendent, Commandant, Vice/Deputy Commandant, Dean) |
f. |
Military/uniformed academic faculty |
g. |
Civilian academic faculty |
h. |
Intercollegiate (NCAA/Division I/III) coaches and trainers |
i. |
Intercollegiate (NCAA/Division I/III) officer representatives/advisors |
j. |
Club team coaches and trainers |
k. |
Club team officer representatives/advisors |
l. |
Intramural coaches and trainers |
m. |
Intramural officer representatives/advisors |
n. |
Physical education instructors |
. |
At your Academy, to what extent do you think... Mark one answer in each item. |
Not at all |
Small extent |
Moderate extent |
Large extent |
Very large extent |
a. |
High-profile cases of sexual assault deter other victims from reporting sexual assault? |
b. |
Potential scrutiny by the media makes victims less likely to come forward to report sexual assault? |
c. |
Potential negative reaction from Academy peers makes victims less likely to report sexual assault? |
d. |
People “cry rape” to avoid punishment or after making a regrettable decision? |
e. |
“Victim blaming” occurs (i.e., holding a victim partly or entirely responsible for a sexual assault)? |
f. |
A victim's reputation affects whether Academy peers believe they were assaulted? |
g. |
The other cadets/midshipmen watch out for each other to prevent sexual assault? |
h. |
Your cadet/midshipman leaders enforce rules (such as rules against fraternization and drinking in the dormitory)? |
i. |
Your commissioned officers (AOCs, TACs, Company Officers) set good examples in their own behavior and talk? |
j. |
Your non-commissioned officers (AMTs, TAC NCOs, SELs) set good examples in their own behavior and talk? |
Additional Information |
We ask for demographic information to provide DoD/DHS/DOT leaders information about the attitudes and concerns of all subgroups of personnel so that no groups are overlooked. Your answers to any demographic questions are strictly used for this purpose and will not be used to identify individual respondents as your responses are anonymous. |
. |
Do you consider yourself to be…? Mark one. |
Heterosexual or straight |
Gay or lesbian |
Bisexual |
I use a different term |
Prefer not to answer |
. |
What sex were you assigned at birth, on your original birth certificate? Mark one. |
Male |
Female |
. |
How do you currently describe yourself? Mark all that apply. |
Male |
Female |
Transgender, non-binary, or another gender |
. |
Did you attend and graduate from your Academy’s Preparatory School or Program? If you are currently attending a prep school, please mark “No.” |
Yes |
No |
. |
Are you a member of an intercollegiate (NCAA/Division I/III) sports team at your Academy? |
Yes |
No |
. |
If you have comments or concerns that you were not able to express in answering this survey, please enter them in the space provided. Any comments you make on this questionnaire will be kept confidential, and no follow-up action will be taken in response to any specifics reported. Your feedback is useful and appreciated. Please do not include any personally identifiable information (PII) that would identify yourself or others in your comments (for example, names, addresses, company/squadron number, etc.). |
Please print. |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Padilla, Mary F CTR DMDC |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-12-22 |