Federal Register Notice - 60 Days Notice

FRN Published May 29.pdf

Special Use Administration

Federal Register Notice - 60 Days Notice

OMB: 0596-0082

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Federal Register
Vol. 85, No. 104
Friday, May 29, 2020

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this

Forest Service
Information Collection: Special Use
Forest Service, USDA.
Notice; request for comment.


In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Forest Service is seeking comments
from all interested individuals and
organizations on the extension with
revision of a currently approved
information collection, Special Use


Comments must be received in
writing on or before July 28, 2020 to be
assured of consideration. Comments
received after that date will be
considered to the extent practicable.
ADDRESSES: Comments concerning this
notice should be addressed to
Volunteers & Service Program Manager,
USDA Forest Service, Attention: Lands,
USDA Forest Service—Washington
Office, 1400 Independence Avenue
Southwest, Mailstop 1124, Washington,
DC 20250–1124. Comments also may be
submitted via facsimile to 703–605–
5117 or by email to: reply_lands_staff@
The public may inspect comments
received at the USDA Forest Service—
Washington Office during normal
business hours. Visitors are encouraged
to call ahead to facilitate entry to the



Mark Chandler, Realty Specialist, at
202–205–1117 or via email at
Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Relay
Service (FRS) at 1–800–877–8339
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time, Monday through Friday.

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Title: Special Use Administration.
OMB Number: 0596–0082.
Expiration Date of Approval: January
31, 2017.
Type of Request: Extension with
Abstract: The information collection
requirements are necessary for the
Forest Service to issue and administer
special use authorizations that allow the
public to use and occupy National
Forest System (NFS) lands under these
authorities. The information collected is
used by Forest Service officials (unless
otherwise noted) to ensure that uses of
NFS lands are authorized, in the public
interest, and compatible with the
Agency’s mission; and/or record
authorization of use granted by
appropriate Forest Service officials.
In addition, the Department of the
Interior (DOI) statutes for the Bureau of
Land Management (BLM), Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), National Park
Service (NPS), and Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) along with the
statute for the U.S. Army Corp of
Engineers (USACE) authorize its
collection of information and will
utilize form SF–299 ‘‘Application for
Transportation and Utility Systems and
Facilities on Federal Lands.’’
Several statutes authorize the Forest
Service to issue and administer
authorizations for use and occupancy of
NFS lands and collect information from
the public for those purposes. The laws
authorizing the collection of this
information include the Organic
Administration Act of 1897 (16 U.S.C.
551); Title V of the Federal Land Policy
and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA,
43 U.S.C. 1761–1771); Act of March 4,
1915 (16 U.S.C. 497); Alaska Term
Permit Act of March 30, 1948 (48 U.S.C.
341); Act of September 3, 1954 (68 Stat.
1146; 43 U.S.C. 931c, 931d); National
Forest Ski Area Permit Act (16 U.S.C.
497b); section 28 of the Mineral Leasing
Act (30 U.S.C. 185); National Forest
Roads and Trails Act (FRTA, 16 U.S.C.
532–538); section 7 of the Granger-Thye
Act (16 U.S.C. 480d); Act of May 26,
2000 (16 U.S.C. 460l–6d); Federal Lands
Recreation Enhancement Act (16 U.S.C.
6801–6814); Archeological Resource
Protection Act of October 31, 1979 (16
U.S.C. 1996); and the Rural
Electrification Act of 1936, as amended.
Forest Service regulations
implementing these authorities, found
at 36 CFR part 251, subpart B, contain

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information collection requirements,
including submission of applications,
execution of forms, and imposition of
terms and conditions that entail
information collection requirements,
such as the requirement to submit
annual financial information, to prepare
and update an operating plan; to
prepare and update a maintenance plan,
and to submit compliance reports and
information updates.
The information helps the Forest
Service identify the environmental and
social impacts of special uses for
purposes of compliance with the
National Environmental Policy Act and
program administration. In addition, the
Forest Service uses the information to
ascertain whether the land use fee(s)
charged for special use authorizations
are based on market value.
Information collection occurs via
application forms, as well as terms and
conditions in special use authorizations
and operating plans. There are six
categories of information collected:
(1) Information required from
proponents and applicants to evaluate
proposals and applications to use or
occupy NFS lands,
(2) Information required from
applicants to complete special use
(3) Annual financial information
required from holders to determine land
use fees,
(4) Information required from holders
to prepare and update operating plans,
(5) Information required from holders
to prepare and update maintenance
plans, and
(6) Information required from holders
to complete compliance reports and
informational updates.
The six categories cover all
information collection requirements
involved in administration of the
Special Uses program, including
application and reporting forms;
authorization forms; supplemental
special use authorization clauses in
Forest Service Handbook 2709.11,
chapter 50; and information collection
requirements not associated with an
approved standard form.
These six categories demonstrate the
complexity of the special uses program
and the importance of standard forms in
administration of the program. Special
use authorizations encompass a variety
of activities ranging from individual
private uses to large-scale commercial



Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 104 / Friday, May 29, 2020 / Notices


facilities and public services. Examples
of authorized special uses include
public and private road rights-of-way,
apiaries, domestic water supply
conveyance systems, telephone and
electric service rights-of-way, oil and
gas pipeline rights-of-way,
communications facilities, hydroelectric
power-generating facilities, ski areas,
resorts, marinas, municipal sewage
treatment plants, and public parks and
Category 1: The Application Process
1. IRS form W–9, Request for
Taxpayer Identification Number and
Certification, is used to certify permit
holder federal tax classification as part
of the permit authorization and
administration process.
2. FS–2300–43, Special Use
Application and Permit for GovernmentOwned Buildings, is the form used by
the Forest Service to collect information
and to issue permits for use of
government-owned facilities on NFS
3. FS–2700–3a, Holder-Initiated
Revocation of Existing Authorization
and Request for a Special Use Permit, is
used to facilitate issuance of a new
authorization when there is a change in
ownership of authorized improvements
or a change in control of the holder of
a special use authorization.
4. FS–2700–3b, Special Use
Application and Permit for
Noncommercial Group Use, provides
information used to evaluate requests to
use NFS lands for noncommercial
gatherings involving 75 or more people,
such as a wedding or an activity
involving the exercise of First
Amendment rights, and to authorize
such requests.
5. FS–2700–3c, Special Use
Application and Permit for Recreation
Events, is used to collect information
needed to evaluate requests to use NFS
lands for events involving an entry or
participation fee, such as an endurance
ride, and to authorize such requests.
6. FS–2700–3f, Special Use
Application and Permit, Temporary
Permit for Outfitting and Guiding, is the
form used by the Forest Service to
collect information and to issue
temporary permits to use NFS lands for
Outfitting and Guiding services.
7. FS–2700–10, Technical Data for
Communications Uses, is the form used
by the Forest Service to collect
information and to evaluate the
compatibility of communications
equipment at a communications site to
minimize frequency interference and
other compatibility problems.
8. FS–2700–11, Agreement
Concerning a Small Business

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Administration Loan for a Holder of a
Special Use Permit, is the form used by
the Forest Service to collect information
and to enter into agreement with a
holder, a lender, and the U.S. Small
Business Administration (SBA)
regarding a loan guaranteed by the SBA.
9. FS–2700–12, Agreement
Concerning a Loan for a Holder of a
Special Use Permit, is the form used by
the Forest Service to collect information
and to enter into an agreement with a
holder and a lender regarding a loan not
guaranteed by the SBA.
10. FS–2700–30, Application for
Permit for Archaeological
Investigations, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to evaluate the financial capability
and qualifications of an applicant to
undertake archaeological investigations
on NFS lands.
11. FS–2700–33, Additional Insured
Endorsement for a Special Use
Authorization, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to name the United States as an
additional insured in an insurance
policy issued to the holder of a special
use authorization.
12. FS–2700–34, Prospectus for
Campground and Related Granger-Thye
Concessions, is used to select the most
qualified applicant to operate a
concession campground in a
competitive process.
13. FS–2800–22A, Application for
Authorization for Paleontological
Resources Research or Collection, ((renumbered from and separated from FS–
2700–36)), is the form used by the Forest
Service to collect information required
to evaluate an applicant’s proposal for
paleontological research or collection to
ensure compliance with statutory and
regulatory requirements established for
such activities.
14. FS–2800–22B, Authorization to
Conduct Paleontological Resources
Research or Collection, ((re-numbered
from and separated from FS–2700–36)),
is the form used by the Forest Service
to establish stipulations for the
performance of authorized activities
related to paleontological research or
15. FS–2800–22C, Paleontological
Investigation Report Form, ((renumbered from and separated from FS–
2700–36)), is the form used by the Forest
Service to collect information necessary
to evaluate a permit holder’s
compliance with requirements
established under an authorization to
conduct paleontological research or
collection, and to collect information
used in the monitoring of
paleontological resources.

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16. FS–2800–22D, Paleontological
Specimen Data Form, ((re-numbered
from and separated from FS–2700–36)),
is the form used by the Forest Service
to provide information regarding
specimens collected under
authorization, which remain Federal
property, and which must be deposited
in an approved repository institution.
17. FS–6500–24, Financial Statement,
provides information used by the
authorized Forest Service officer or
financial analyst to evaluate the
financial capability of an applicant to
undertake the requested use and to
comply with the terms and conditions
of an authorization. This form is used
primarily for requests to operate ski
areas, resorts, and government-owned
campgrounds on NFS lands.
18. 16. FS–6500–25, Request for
Verification, is the form used by an
authorized Forest Service officer or
financial analyst to: (1) Obtain a release
of information from a financial
institution to verify the financial
capability of an applicant to undertake
the requested use, and (2) to comply
with the terms and conditions of an
authorization. This form is used
primarily for requests to operate ski
areas, resorts, and government-owned
campgrounds on NFS lands.
19. Response to a Prospectus (no
designated form). When the Forest
Service offers a new business
opportunity that requires a Special Use
authorization, for which there is
competitive interest, it is necessary to
issue a prospectus. Information
provided by applicants in response to a
prospectus is used to select the most
qualified applicant.
20. Stanislaus FS–2300–1A Tuolumne
Wild and Scenic River Permit is the
form used by the Forest Service to
collect information and to issue
temporary permits to use NFS lands for
river permit.
21. Stanislaus FS–2300–1B Cherry
Creek Self-Registration Permit is the
form used by the Forest Service to
collect information and to issue
temporary permits to use NFS lands for
river permit.
Category 2: Special Use Authorizations
1. FS–2700–4, Special Use Permit, is
the form used by the Forest Service to
collect information and to authorize a
variety of uses on NFS lands not
covered by another form.
2. FS–2700–4b, Forest Road Special
Use Permit, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to authorize, under FLPMA, the
construction and use of an NFS road,
typically to access private property
within a national forest for commercial





Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 104 / Friday, May 29, 2020 / Notices

purposes, such as timber hauling or
noncommercial purposes such as
residential use.
3. FS–2700–4c, Private Road Special
Use Permit, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to authorize, under FLPMA, the
construction and use of a road that is
not part of the forest transportation
system to access non-Federal land, a
mining claim, a mineral leasing area, or
other uses of NFS lands.
4. FS–2700–4d, Temporary Cost
Share Agreement Road Special Use
Permit, is the form used by the Forest
Service to collect information and to
authorize, under FLPMA, the
construction, maintenance, and use of a
temporary road on NFS lands covered
by a cost share agreement to access
private property within a national forest
for commercial purposes, such as timber
5. FS–2700–4h, Special Use Permit for
Campground and Related Granger-Thye
Concessions, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to authorize the operation and
maintenance of a government-owned
recreation site on NFS lands.
6. FS–2700–4h—Appendix B, Annual
Granger-Thye Fee Offset Agreement, is
used by authorized Forest Service
official and the holder to specify the
government maintenance,
reconditioning, renovation, and
improvement used to offset the land use
fee for a Campground and Related
Granger-Thye Concessions Special Use
7. FS–2700–4h—Appendix F, Special
Use Permit for Campground and Related
Granger-Thye Concessions, describes
the Forest Service’s drinking water
program and the requirements that
apply to holders authorized to operate a
federally owned drinking water system.
8. FS–2700–4h—Appendix G,
Granger-Thye Fee Offset Claim
Certification, is used by a holder to
provide a record of said holder’s direct
and indirect costs attributable to a
project enumerated in a Granger-Thye
Fee Offset Agreement.
9. FS–2700–4i, Special Use Permit for
Outfitting and Guiding, is the form used
by the Forest Service to collect
information and authorize the use and
occupancy of NFS lands to provide
outfitting and guiding services.
10. FS–2700–4j, Special Use Permit
for a Federal Agency’s Electric
Transmission Facilities, is the form used
by the Forest Service to collect
information and authorize the use and
occupancy of NFS lands by a Federal
agency that owns and operates electric
transmission lines and facilities.

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11. FS–2700–4—Shawnee, Special
Use Permit for Equestrian Outfitting on
the Shawnee National Forest, is
required as part of a litigation settlement
for the Shawnee National Forest.
12. FS–2700–5, Term Special Use
Permit, is the form used by the Forest
Service to collect information and
authorize long-term use of NFS lands
involving privately owned facilities.
13. FS–2700–5a, Term Special Use
Permit for Recreation Residences, is the
form used by the Forest Service to
collect information and authorize a
privately owned recreation residence on
NFS lands.
14. Grand Island–FS–2700–5a, Term
Special Use Permit for Recreation
Residences, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and authorize a privately owned
recreation residence on Grand Island
Recreation Area.
15. FS–2700–5b, Ski Area Term
Special Use Permit, is the form used by
the Forest Service to collect information
and authorize ski areas on NFS lands.
16. FS–2700–5c, Resort/Marina Term
Special Use Permit, is the form used by
the Forest Service to collect information
and authorize a resort/marina on NFS
17. FS–2700–5d, Resort Supplement
for Outfitting and Guiding, provides
information the Forest Service uses to
authorize outfitting and guiding
occurring at a resort/marina on NFS
18. FS–2700–9a, Agricultural
Irrigation and Livestock Watering
System Easement, is used by the Forest
Service to collect information and grant
an easement for an agricultural
irrigation or a livestock watering system
on NFS lands.
19. FS–2700–9b, Cost Share
Easement, is used by the Forest Service
to collect information and authorize,
under FRTA, the acquisition,
construction, or reconstruction and the
maintenance and use of an NFS road
that is subject to a cost share agreement.
The parties to the cost share agreement
grant each other easements within the
geographic area covered by the
agreement. A cost share easement is for
a NFS road and is subject to the cost
sharing provisions of the agreement.
20. FS–2700–9c, Non-Cost Share
Easement, is used by the Forest Service
to collect information and authorize,
under FRTA, the construction,
reconstruction, maintenance, and use of
private roads under a cost share
agreement. The parties to the cost share
agreement grant each other easements
within the geographic area covered by
the agreement. A non-cost share
easement is for a private road (rather

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than a NFS road) and is not subject to
the cost sharing provisions of the
21. FS–2700–9d, Public Road
Easement, is used by the Forest Service
to collect information and grant
easements, under FRTA, to public road
authorities, such as States or counties,
to construct and maintain public roads
that are not part of the Federal Aid
Highway System.
22. FS–2700–9e, Forest Road
Easement, is issued under the National
Forest Roads and Trails Act. This form
is used by the Forest Service to collect
information and to grant an easement,
under FRTA, to a party to a cost share
agreement, or to another non-Federal
landowner who is cooperating in the
acquisition, construction, or
maintenance of a NFS road. The
easement is for acquisition, construction
or reconstruction, maintenance, and use
of a NFS road that is outside the
boundaries of a cost share agreement. At
the time the easement is granted, the
grantor and the grantee share the costs
of acquisition, construction, and
reconstruction. After the easement is
granted, the grantor and the grantee
share only the cost of maintenance.
23. FS–2700–9f, Private Road
Easement, issued under the National
Forest Roads and Trails Act; the Forest
Service uses this form to collect
information and grant an easement,
under FRTA, to a party to a cost share
agreement, or to another non-Federal
landowner who is cooperating in the
acquisition, construction, or
maintenance of a NFS road. The
easement is for construction or
reconstruction, maintenance, and use of
a private road that is outside the
boundaries of a cost share agreement.
Since the easement is for a private
rather than a NFS road, the cost of
constructing, reconstructing, and
maintaining the road are borne by the
24. FS–2700–9g, Forest Road
Easement, issued under the Federal
Land Policy and Management Act, is
used by Forest Service to collect
information and grant an easement,
under FLPMA, for construction,
reconstruction, maintenance, and use of
an NFS road, when the grantee is not a
party to a cost share agreement for the
acquisition, construction, and
maintenance of an NFS road, or when
the grantee does not meet the
requirements for issuance of a forest
road easement under FRTA.
25. FS–2700–9h, Private Road
Easement, issued under the Federal
Land Policy and Management Act, is
used by the Forest Service to collect
information and grant an easement,




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 104 / Friday, May 29, 2020 / Notices
under FLPMA, for construction,
reconstruction, maintenance, and use of
a private road, when the grantee is not
a party to a cost share agreement for the
acquisition, construction, and
maintenance of NFS roads, or when the
grantee does not meet the requirements
for issuance of a private road easement
under FRTA.
26. FS–2700–10b, Communications
Site Lease, is the form used by the
Forest Service to collect information
and to authorize a communications use
within a designated communications
site on NFS lands.
27. FS–2700–10c (re-numbered from
2700–39), Communications use Permit
for Federal Agencies, is the form used
by the Forest Service to collect
information and to authorize a
communications use within a
designated communications site on NFS
lands is to be used ONLY for Federal
Agencies (other than the Forest Service)
who have jurisdiction over the facility.
28. FS–2700–23, Amendment for
Special Use Authorization, is used by
the Forest to collect information and
amend an existing special use
29. FS–2700–25, Temporary Special
Use Permit, is used by the Forest Service
to authorize uses of 1 year or less on
NFS lands.
30. FS–2700–26, Major Category Cost
Recovery Agreement, is used to
effectuate cost recovery for special use
applications or authorizations involving
over 50 hours to process or monitor.
31. FS–2700–26b, Cost Recovery
Master Agreement, is used by Forest
Service officials to effectuate cost
recovery for special use applications or
authorizations involving multiple
phases of development or groups of
applications or similar applications for
a specified geographic area.
32. FS–2700–27, Notice to Alaska
Native Corporations Regarding
Prospectus for Visitor Services, is used
by the Forest Service to collect
information and provide notice to
Alaska Native Corporations of the
issuance of a prospectus to conduct
visitor services in Conservation System
Units in Alaska. Notification provides
the Alaska Native Corporations a chance
to request designation as a most directly
affected Native Corporation for purposes
of competing for the opportunity to
conduct visitor services.
33. FS–2700–31, Electric
Transmission Line Easement, the Forest
Service uses this form to collect
information and to grant a long-term
easement, under FLPMA, for an electric
transmission line to a non-federal

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34. FS–2700–32, Permit for
Archaeological Investigations, the Forest
Service uses this form to collect
information and to grant a permit to a
qualified applicant to conduct
archeological investigations on or
within NFS lands.
Category 3: Annual Financial
1. FS–2700–6b, Recreation Residence
Self-Inspection Report, is the Forest
Service uses this form to review and
record any modifications made to a
recreation residence.
2. FS–2700–7, Reconciliation of Sales
for Fee Calculation, this form provides
information used by the Forest Service
to determine land use fees based on
sales revenue.
3. FS–2700–8, Reconciliation of Gross
Fixed Assets to Booked Amounts, the
Forest Service uses the information
provided on this form to determine land
use fees based on the gross fixed assets
of the holder.
4. FS–2700–10a, Telecommunications
Facility Inventory, the Forest Service
uses the information provided on this
form to determine the rent for a
communications facility based on the
number of tenants in the facility.
5. FS–2700–19, Fee Calculation for
Concession Permits, information
collected via this form is used by the
Forest to determine the land use fee for
concession permits under the Graduated
Rate Fee System.
6. FS–2700–19a, Fee Calculation for
Ski Area Permits, this form collects
information used by the Forest Service
to determine the land use fee for ski area
permits under the Ski Fee Act.
7. FS–2700–38, RUS Certification
Form—Telephone Facility, this form
collects information to determine
eligibility of fee waiver by the Rural
Utility Service.
8. Business Practices (no designated
form). The holder provides information
regarding various business practices,
such as basic accounting or financial
records, upon request by the authorized
officer or as a term and condition of an
authorization. In most circumstances,
the form used is one customarily used
for the type of business involved.
Category 4: Preparing and Updating
Operating Plans (No Designated Form)
Special use authorizations may
contain a clause requiring the holder to
prepare and update an operating plan
that governs day-to-day operations of
the authorized use. This information is
useful to the holder and the Forest
Service, because it specifies procedures
and policies for conducting the
authorized use. Typically, operating

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plans contain daily operating
guidelines, fire abatement and control
procedures, monitoring guidelines,
maintenance standards, safety and
emergency plans, and inspection
standards. Operating plans are usually
necessary for complex operations,
commercial uses, and uses conducted in
environmentally sensitive areas.
Category 5: Preparing and Updating
Maintenance Plans (No Designated
A permit or easement issued under
FLPMA or FRTA may require the holder
or grantee to submit and update a road
maintenance plan or information
necessary for the preparation of a road
maintenance plan. A road maintenance
plan governs the responsibility of the
holder or grantee to perform or pay for
maintenance of an NFS road.
Category 6: Compliance Reports and
Information Updates
1. FS–2700–1, Inspection form for
Special Uses, is used to document
onsite examination of an authorized
activity or facility to assess conditions
and inform a compliance review.
2. Compliance Reports and
Information Updates (no designated
form). Special use authorizations may
contain a clause requiring the holder to
provide the Forest Service with
compliance reports, information reports,
and other information required by
Federal law or to manage NFS lands to
ensure adequate protection of national
forest resources and public health and
safety. Examples of compliance and
information updates include dam
maintenance inspection reports and logs
required by the Reclamation Safety of
Dams Act of 1978; the Federal Dam
Safety Inspection Act of 1979; and the
Dam Safety Act of 1983; documentation
that authorized facilities passed safety
inspections; documentation showing
that the United States is named as an
additional insured in an insurance
policy issued to a holder; notifications
involving a change in ownership of
authorized improvements or a change in
control of the holder; and
documentation of compliance with Title
VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Forest Service
Estimated Annual Burden: 2.9 burden
hours per response (this is an average
burden per form; this estimated annual
burden also includes data from the DOI
and USACE.
Type of Respondents: Individuals,
Businesses, Non-profit Organizations,
and Non-Federal Governmental entities.
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 168,728 respondents (this




Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 104 / Friday, May 29, 2020 / Notices

is a 3-year user rate average as tracked
by the Special Use Data System (SUDS);
this estimated annual number of
respondents also includes data from the
Estimated Annual Number of
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 336,463.5 hours (this is an
estimation based on a three-year usage
rate as tracked by SUDS multiplied by
Burden Hours per Form; this estimated
annual burden on respondents also
includes data from the DOI and
Department of the Interior—BLM, FWS,
Estimated Annual Burden: 25 burden
hours per response.
Type of Respondents: Individuals,
Businesses, Non-profit Organizations,
and State and Local and Federal
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 5,254.
Estimated Annual Number of
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 131,051 hours.
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
Estimated Annual Burden: 25 burden
hours per response.
Type of Respondents: Individuals,
Businesses, Non-profit Organizations,
and State and Local and Federal
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 32.
Estimated Annual Number of
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: 800 hours.


Comment Is Invited
Comment is invited on: (1) Whether
this collection of information is
necessary for the stated purposes and
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical or
scientific utility; (2) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and
assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated, electronic, mechanical, or
other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information
All comments received in response to
this notice, including names and
addresses when provided, will be a

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matter of public record. Comments will
be summarized and included in the
submission request toward Office of
Management and Budget approval.
Greg Smith,
Director, Lands and Realty Management.
[FR Doc. 2020–11615 Filed 5–28–20; 8:45 am]

III. Adjourn Meeting
Dated: May 26, 2020.
David Mussatt,
Supervisory Chief, Regional Programs Unit.
[FR Doc. 2020–11663 Filed 5–27–20; 11:15 am]


National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Sunshine Act Meeting
United States Commission on
Civil Rights.
ACTION: Notice of Commission public
business meeting.


Friday June 5, 2020, 10:00 a.m.

Meeting to take place by
telephone and open to the public by
telephone: 1–888–601–3862, Conference
ID 992–9363. Computer assisted realtime transcription (CART) will be
provided. The web link to access CART
(in English) on Friday, June 5, 2020, is
player?event=USCCR. Please note that
CART is text-only translation that
occurs in real time during the meeting
and is not an exact transcript.
Zakee Martin: (202) 376–7700;

Meeting Agenda
I. Approval of Agenda
II. Business Meeting
A. Presentation by Alexandra Korry,
Chair of New York Advisory
Committee on the Committee’s
report, Education Equity in New
York: A Forgotten Dream.
B. Discussion and vote on Commission
Advisory Committees
• Chair of North Carolina Advisory
• Chair of Maine Advisory Committee
• New York Advisory Committee
• Washington Advisory Committee
C. Discussion and vote on project
planning materials in support of
Commission short-term projects on
civil rights impacts of the COVID–
19 pandemic
D. Discussion and vote on
Administrative Instruction 5–7,
Advisory Committee Meetings and
E. Update from Staff Director on virtual
F. Management and Operations
• Staff Director’s Report

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Federal Consistency Appeal by
WesternGeco of North Carolina
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Notice of extension of time to
issue a decision.

This announcement provides
notice that the deadline for issuing a
decision has been extended by 15 days
in the administrative appeal filed with
the Department of Commerce
(Department) by WesternGeco
requesting that the Secretary of
Commerce (Secretary) override an
objection by the North Carolina Division
of Coastal Management to a consistency
certification for a proposed project to
conduct a marine Geological and
Geophysical seismic survey in the
Atlantic Ocean.
DATES: The new deadline for issuing a
decision on WesternGeco’s federal
consistency appeal of North Carolina’s
objection is extended to June 15, 2020.
ADDRESSES: NOAA has provided access
to publicly available materials and
related documents comprising the
appeal record on the following website:
questions about this Notice, contact
Martha McCoy, NOAA Office of General
Counsel, Oceans and Coasts Section,
1305 East-West Highway, Room 6111,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, (301) 713–
7391, martha.mccoy@noaa.gov.

I. Notice of Appeal
On September 20, 2019, the Secretary
received a ‘‘Notice of Appeal’’ filed by
WesternGeco pursuant to the Coastal
Zone Management Act of 1972 (CZMA),
16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq., and
implementing regulations found at 15
CFR part 930, subpart H. The ‘‘Notice of
Appeal’’ is taken from an objection by
the North Carolina Division of Coastal
Management to a consistency
certification for a proposed project to



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File Modified2020-05-29
File Created2020-05-29

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