Private Sector

HPAI: Testing, Surveillance, and Reporting of HPAI in Livestock; Dairy Herd Certification

HPAI Livestock Non-NAHLN Lab Reporting Results Template JUL 2024 (20241210).xlsx

Private Sector

OMB: 0579-0494

Document [xlsx]
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Sheet 1: Data

Paperwork Reduction Act

OMB Approved 0579-0494, expires XX/XXXX

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0494. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden statement or any other aspect of this information collection, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to

LabName: The official name of your laboratory. LabName LabPhoneNumber: The contact phone number for your laboratory. LabPhoneNumber LabAccessionNr: Your laboratory's accession number for the case. LabAccessionNr FADReferralNr: A State or Federal case number that accompanied the submission. FADReferralNr ProgramOid: This is an identifier for the disease (AI), use the value in the dropdown. ProgramOid AnimalorHerdID: The unique identifier for the animal or herd being tested. AnimalorHerdID Species: The species of the animal being tested. Dropdown Species OtherSpeciesName: If "Other" was chosen for Species, please enter your species name here. OtherSpeciesName FieldSpecimenID: A unique identifier, such as a barcode, applied to the specimen. FieldSpecimenID SpecimenType: The type of specimen collected for testing (e.g., blood, tissue). Dropdown SpecimenType OtherSpecimenType: If "Other" was chosen for SpecimenType, please enter your specimen type name here. OtherSpecimenType DateCollected: The date the samples were collected, when available. DateCollected DateSpcmnRcvd: The date when the specimen was received by your lab. DateSpcmnRcvd DateTested: The date when the testing was performed. DateTested TestType: The type of test performed on the specimen. Dropdown TestType TestResult: The result of the test TestResult TestInterp: The interpretation of the test result. Dropdown TestInterp PremID: The national premises identifier for the location where the samples were collected. PremID PremAddr: The address for the location where the samples were collected. PremAddr PremCity: The city of the location where the samples were collected. PremCity PremState: The state of the location where the samples were collected. Dropdown PremState OwnerName: The name of the owner of the animal or herd. OwnerName SubFirstName: The first name of the submitter (person who submitted the specimen). SubFirstName SubLastName: The last name of the submitter. SubLastName SubPhone: The phone number of the submitter. SubPhone Comments: Any additional information or comments related to the test. Comments

Sheet 2: Instructions


What to report: All positive influenza A test results with accompanying sample information collected Monday through Sunday of previous week.
When to report: Report weekly - by 17:00 each Monday
Where to report: Send completed spreadsheet to
How to report: Use only this specified spreadsheet template. Submit only one spreadsheet per email; do not attach multiple spreadsheets in one email
Note: If there is a validation issue with the data submitted  (e.g. more than one attachment, wrong form, or data validation issues) a return email will notify submitter of needed changes.
Please make the changes and resubmit the spreadsheet as soon as possible by replying to that email, or send again to and include "resubmit" in Subject

Enable Editing If applicable, must click the "Enable Editing" button to enter new data on sheet.
Enable Content If applicable, must click the "Enable Content" button for data-checks to operate. Yellow strip at top.

Navigate to the "Data" tab and input information into the required fields, which are marked with double underlines.
For the following fields, please select from the provided dropdown options (dropdown arrow located to right of cell):

Program OID

Species (If ‘Other’ is selected, please input the species name in the subsequent column)

Specimen Type (If ‘Other’ is selected, please input the specimen type in the subsequent column)

Test Type



Notes & Tips
Each column name is accompanied by a note, symbolized by a red triangle in the top right corner.
Hovering over the column name will reveal a definition for that particular column.

Cells initially appear in a light gray color. As you begin to input data into a row, the row’s color will change to white.
This color will persist until all necessary fields are completed.
These required fields are indicated by double underlines beneath their column names.

Methods for Copying same values down columns (for example, with dropdowns)
1. Drag Fill Handle

- Click on the cell that contains the value you want to copy.

- Move your cursor to the bottom-right corner of the cell until it changes to a small black cross.

- Click and drag the fill handle down the column to the desired end cell.
2. Double Click Fill Handle

- This method works if you have data in an adjacent column.

- Click on the cell that contains the value you want to copy.

- Move your cursor to the bottom-right corner of the cell until it changes to a small black cross.

- Double-click the fill handle and Excel will automatically fill the value down to the last row of your adjacent column.
3. Copy and Paste

- Click on the cell that contains the value you want to copy.

- Press `Ctrl+C` to copy the cell.

- Select the range of cells in the column where you want to paste the value.

- Press `Ctrl+V` to paste the value into the selected cells.
4. Using the Fill Command

- Click on the cell that contains the value you want to copy.

- Select the range of cells in the column where you want to paste the value.

- Go to the `Home` tab, in the `Editing` group, click `Fill`, and then click `Down`.

Column Name Descriptions
LabName The official name of your laboratory.
LabPhoneNumber The contact phone number for your laboratory.
LabAccessionNr Your laboratory's accession number for the case.
FADReferralNr A State or Federal case number that accompanied the submission.
ProgramOid This is an identifier for the disease (AI), use the value in the dropdown.
AnimalorHerdID The unique identifier for the animal or herd being tested.
Species The species of the animal being tested. Dropdown
OtherSpeciesName If "Other" was chosen for Species, please enter your species name here.
FieldSpecimenID A unique identifier, such as a barcode, applied to the specimen.
SpecimenType The type of specimen collected for testing (e.g., blood, tissue). Dropdown
OtherSpecimenType If "Other" was chosen for SpecimenType, please enter your specimen type name here.
DateCollected The date the samples were collected, when available.
DateSpcmnRcvd The date when the specimen was received by your lab.
DateTested The date when the testing was performed.
TestType The type of test performed on the specimen. Dropdown
TestResult The result of the test
TestInterp The interpretation of the test result. Dropdown
PremID The national premises identifier for the location where the samples were collected.
PremAddr The address for the location where the samples were collected.
PremCity The city of the location where the samples were collected.
PremState The state of the location where the samples were collected. Dropdown
OwnerName The name of the owner of the animal or herd.
SubFirstName The first name of the submitter (person who submitted the specimen).
SubLastName The last name of the submitter.
SubPhone The phone number of the submitter.
Comments Any additional information or comments related to the test.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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