
Att 13 - ADDP-DEMO-PIA-FY23_SAOP-Approved-Delegated (1).pdf

[NCHS] National Health Interview Survey


OMB: 0920-0214

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Template Version Number: 01-2021

U.S. Department of Commerce
U.S. Census Bureau

Privacy Impact Assessment
for the
Associate Directorate for Demographic Programs (DEMO)
Demographic Census, Surveys, and Special Processing

Reviewed by:

Byron A. Crenshaw
_____________________________________, Bureau Chief Privacy Officer

☐ Concurrence of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer
☐ Non-concurrence of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer


Digitally signed by BYRON CRENSHAW
Date: 2023.01.25 12:42:35 -05'00'

Signature of Senior Agency Official for Privacy/DOC Chief Privacy Officer

Template Version Number: 01-2021

U.S. Department of Commerce Privacy Impact Assessment
U.S. Census Bureau/DEMO Demographic Census, Surveys, and Special
Unique Project Identifier: 006-000400500
Introduction: System Description
Provide a brief description of the information system.
The Associate Directorate for Demographic Programs (ADDP) is composed of a collection of
application components that support the Demographic Directorate business functions. These
applications provide users with the ability to develop, collect, analyze, model, and disseminate
demographic data. The application components inside the Demographic Statistical Data
Processing system are comprised of ongoing work done on Linux machines across five distinct
Divisions within the Demographic Directorate. They are as follows: the Social, Economic, &
Housing Statistics Division (SEHSD), the Population Division (POP), the Demographic
Statistical Methods Division (DSMD), the Demographic Systems Division (DSD), and the
Associate Director for Demographic Programs (ADDP).

Address the following elements:
(a) Whether it is a general support system, major application, or other type of system
The U.S. Census Bureau’s Demographic Programs Directorate (DEMO) Demographic
Census, Surveys, and Special Processing System is an IT system comprised of a collection of
major and minor applications that support the Demographic Directorate business functions.
(b) System location
All DEMO components reside on servers located within the Census Bureau’s Bowie
Computer Center (BCC).

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(c) Whether it is a standalone system or interconnects with other systems (identifying and
describing any other systems to which it interconnects)
DEMO applications interconnect with internal Census Bureau IT systems to leverage
enterprise services provided by the following divisions:
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Data Communications system
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Network Services system
DEMO applications inherit security controls provided by the Enterprise Common Control
Providers (ECCP):
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Data Communications system
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Network Services system
In addition, DEMO transmits/receives data required for statistical data collection and
processing to/from these IT systems:
• Associate Director for Economic Programs (ADEP) Economic Census and Surveys
and Special Processing
• Associate Director for Research and Methodology (ADRM) Center for Enterprise
Dissemination (CED)
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Enterprise Applications
• Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs (ADDCP) American Community
Survey Office
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Field Systems Major Application
• Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Centurion
• Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs (ADDCP) American Geography
• Associate Director for Decennial Census Programs (ADDCP) American Decennial
• Associate Director for Economic Programs (ADEP) Longitudinal EmployerHousehold Dynamics (LEHD)
• Associate Director for Economic Programs (ADEP) Economic Applications Division
(EAD) Windows Applications System
DEMO also interconnects with external IT systems for the purpose of statistical data
collection and processing. Each external interconnection has a different function and purpose
as described below:
The interconnection between DEMO and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is used to
transmit data between Census Bureau Special Sworn Status (SSS) individuals located at BLS
and SSS BLS agents located at the Census Bureau in support of the Current Population

Template Version Number: 01-2021

Survey (CPS), American Time Use Survey (ATUS), and Consumer Expenditure Survey
Utilizing virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), Census Bureau provides the Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) staff with Special Sworn Status (SSS) access to the
American Housing Survey (AHS) and other surveys they sponsor.
The same is true for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau
(MCHB), HRSA’s National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA), the New
York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD), the Bureau of
Justice Statistics (BJS), the United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research
Service (USDA-ERS), the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and the staff of
the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) at the National Science
Foundation (NSF). These entities gain access to these data utilizing VDI.
The interconnection between DEMO and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is
used to make data available from Census Bureau resources to return processed data to NCHS
(using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Secure Access Management
System (SAMS)).
(d) The way the system operates to achieve the purpose(s) identified in Section 4
Personally identifiable information (PII) is collected through various demographic data
surveys, focus groups/cognitive interviews, methodological studies, IT systems, and
programs to produce national statistical information.
The data is used to calculate and process the statistical data input for the purpose of creating
statistical information and reports (i.e., Annual household and group quarters’ population
estimates by age, sex, race, and origin for counties).
The survey data for demographic programs is collected using a multi-mode approach made
up of:
• Face-to-face interviews conducted by field representatives (FRs) using Computer
Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) on Field IT systems;
• Telephone interviews conducted by centralized interviewers using Computer Assisted
Telephone Interview (CATI) (Field) or by FRs conducting decentralized telephone
interviews using CAPI;
• Web-based interviews by respondents. Respondents use a web-based application


Template Version Number: 01-2021

instrument that resides on the Census Bureau network via Centurion or Qualtrics.
Respondents use their personal computers to access Centurion or Qualtrics.
Once the information is collected by the survey instruments, the information is stored in a
DEMO repository for use.
(e) How information in the system is retrieved by the user
Files are identified with either a Case ID or control number, or by a personal identifier (e.g.
last four digits of Social Security Number (SSN)) for certain surveys or special research
projects. The specified Case ID, control number, or personal identifier is used to retrieve the
individual case within a file.
(f) How information is transmitted to and from the system
The information is collected/transmitted using Federal Information Processing Standards
(FIPS) 140-2 compliant encryption.
(g) Any information sharing conducted by the system
There is PII being shared as follows:

DEMO shares information with Economic Census and Surveys and Special
Processing, Geography, Decennial, CED, LEHD, Enterprise Applications, American
Fact Finder - Data Access & Dissemination Systems (AFF-DADS), and American
Community Survey Office. In addition, DEMO receives information from CED,
American Community Survey Office and EAD Windows Applications System.


The Census Bureau provides access to staff at HUD with SSS for AHS and other
surveys they sponsor via VDI in their Survey Sponsor Data Center. The same is true
of the HHS, HRSA and HRSA’s MCHB or the National Survey of Children’s Health
(NSCH), the HPD, and HHS and HRSA’s National Center for Health Workforce
Analysis for the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses (NSSRN).


The Census Bureau provides some BLS staff access to CPS, ATUS, and CE data on a
DEMO server. BLS staff have SSS to have Census Bureau accounts to access the
server. Consumer Expenditure staff at BLS access CPS data for weighting purposes.


The Census Bureau sends data files to NCHS for the National Ambulatory Medical
Care Survey (NAMCS), the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
(NHAMCS) and National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Data transfers are

Template Version Number: 01-2021

conducted through CDC SAMS.

The Census Bureau sends data files to the National Center for Education Statistics
(NCES) for the National Household Education Survey (NHES), the School Survey on
Crime and Safety (SSOCS), the Private School Survey (PSS), the National Teacher
and Principal Survey (NTPS), the Teacher Follow-up Survey (TFS), the Principal
Follow-Up Survey (PFS), the School Pulse Panel (SPP), and the National Training,
Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS) seeded sample. Data transfers are
conducted through the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) Members Site.


The Census Bureau provides restricted access to staff of the National Center for
Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) at the National Science Foundation
(NSF) for the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) and the National
Training, Education, and Workforce Survey (NTEWS). Staff of the National Center
for Education Statistics (NCES) are also provided restricted access for the NTEWS.
Staff with access have SSS and connect via the Census Bureau VDI.


The Census Bureau provides restricted access to BJS staff for the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS) and related NCVS supplements. Staff with access have
SSS and connect via the Census Bureau VDI.


The Census Bureau provides restricted access to internal Household Pulse Survey
data to staff with SSS access from the United States Department of Agriculture
Economic Research Service (USDA-ERS) through the Bureau’s internal research
environment (IRE).

(h) The specific programmatic authorities (statutes or Executive Orders) for collecting,
maintaining, using, and disseminating the information
13 USC Sections 8(b), 23(c), 182, 193, 196
(i) The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 199 security impact category for the
This is categorized as a moderate system.
Section 1: Status of the Information System

Indicate whether the information system is a new or existing system.
_____ This is a new information system.


Template Version Number: 01-2021

_____ This is an existing information system with changes that create new privacy risks.
(Check all that apply.)
Changes That Create New Privacy Risks (CTCNPR)
a. Conversions
d. Significant Merging
b. Anonymous to None. New Public Access
c. Significant System
f. Commercial Sources
Management Changes
j. Other changes that create new privacy risks (specify):

g. New Interagency Uses
h. Internal Flow or
i. Alteration in Character
of Data


This is an existing information system in which changes do not create new privacy
risks, and there is not a SAOP approved Privacy Impact Assessment.


This is an existing information system in which changes do not create new privacy
risks, and there is a SAOP approved Privacy Impact Assessment.

Section 2: Information in the System

Indicate what personally identifiable information (PII)/business identifiable information
(BII) is collected, maintained, or disseminated. (Check all that apply.)

Identifying Numbers (IN)
a. Social Security*
b. Taxpayer ID
c. Employer ID
d. Employee ID
e. File/Case ID
n. Other identifying numbers (specify):

Driver’s License
Alien Registration
Credit Card


Financial Account
Financial Transaction
Vehicle Identifier
Medical Record

*Explanation for the business need to collect, maintain, or disseminate the Social Security number, including
truncated form:

The last 4-digits of the SSN is used in admin records matching to NHIS.
The justification for the necessity of collecting this information, taken from the latest approved
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Information Collection Request (ICR) supporting
statement is below:
Social Security Number and Health Insurance Claim Number: The last four digits of the (SSN
is asked on the NHIS questionnaire to allow linkage with administrative and vital records, such
as the National Death Index (NDI). The NDI is a computerized central file of death record
information. It is compiled from data obtained by NCHS from the State vital statistics offices.
The data contain a standard set of identifying information on decedents from 1979 to the
present. Records are matched using Social Security Number and other variables such as name,

Template Version Number: 01-2021

father's surname, date of birth, sex, state of residence, and marital status. Of these, Social
Security Number is the most important identifier for successful matching. The last four digits
has been shown to be nearly as effective for matching as the full number.
The SSN is also used by the Medical Expenditure Panel Study to help track the location of
respondents who have changed residence since their NHIS interview. Finding a correct address
for respondents is essential to maintaining response levels at an acceptable level in linked
surveys, and the Social Security Number is a key item for establishing a correct address.
Medicare beneficiaries are given a health insurance claim (HIC) number that is their (or their
spouse’s) SSN with an alphabetic prefix. The NHIS also asks for the last four digits of that
number so that the NHIS data can be linked to Medicare claims information for purposes of
statistical research.
General Personal Data (GPD)
a. Name
h. Date of Birth
o. Financial Information
b. Maiden Name
i. Place of Birth
p. Medical Information
c. Alias
j. Home Address
q. Military Service
d. Gender
k. Telephone Number
r. Criminal Record
e. Age
l. Email Address
s. Physical Characteristics
f. Race/Ethnicity
m. Education
t. Mother’s Maiden Name
g. Citizenship
n. Religion
u. Other general personal data (specify): sexual orientation, gender identity, federal stimulus payments (if
applicable), and federal tax credits.
Work-Related Data (WRD)
a. Occupation
b. Job Title


e. Work Email Address
f. Salary


c. Work Address


g. Work History


d. Work Telephone



h. Employment
Performance Ratings or
other Performance
Other work-related data (specify): Paradata



Business Associates
Proprietary or Business
k. Procurement/contracting

Distinguishing Features/Biometrics (DFB)
a. Fingerprints
f. Scars, Marks, Tattoos
k. Signatures
b. Palm Prints
g. Hair Color
l. Vascular Scans
c. Voice/Audio Recording
h. Eye Color
m. DNA Sample or Profile
d. Video Recording
i. Height
n. Retina/Iris Scans
e. Photographs
j. Weight
o. Dental Profile
p. Other distinguishing features/biometrics (specify): Eye tracking technology which captures a photograph of
the exterior of the subjects’ eyes 1.
Eye tracking technology does not scan the iris or retina of the eye. It captures a photograph of the exterior of the eye. The Census Bureau will
also use an eye tracking technology to help evaluate the attentiveness and focus of research participants when reviewing Census Bureau
questionnaires. The eye tracking technology uses a light source to illuminate the eye causing highly visible reflections. An image of the eye is
captured by a camera and is used to identify the reflection of the light source on the cornea (glint) and in the pupil. Census Bureau researchers



Template Version Number: 01-2021

System Administration/Audit Data (SAAD)
a. User ID
c. Date/Time of Access
b. IP Address
f. Queries Run
g. Other system administration/audit data (specify):


e. ID Files Accessed
f. Contents of Files

Other Information (specify)


Indicate sources of the PII/BII in the system. (Check all that apply.)

Directly from Individual about Whom the Information Pertains
In Person
Hard Copy: Mail/Fax
Other (specify):

Government Sources
Within the Bureau
State, Local, Tribal
Other (specify):


Non-government Sources
Public Organizations
Third Party Website or Application
Other (specify):



Other DOC Bureaus

Private Sector




Other Federal Agencies


Commercial Data Brokers


Describe how the accuracy of the information in the system is ensured.

The survey instruments include questions to verify the sample person or sample address
before asking the remaining questions in the survey instrument to help ensure we are
collecting data from the intended sample person/address. Survey program areas ensure the
accuracy of the information collected, processed, and disseminated. Quality control and
review processes, both automated within the systems, and manual reviews of system outputs
are used to ensure the accuracy and quality of the data and information produced within the
system. Ongoing system development practices (i.e., code reviews, configuration
management, etc.), ensure system development meets requirements.
The accuracy of the information on DEMO servers is ensured via FIPS 140-2 compliant
will use this information to calculate a vector formed by the angle between the cornea and pupil reflections. This information is then used to
calculate the gaze direction. The eye tracking technology, including eye images captured by the Census Bureau are done on secure government
computers and handled in a manner consistent with federal data protection requirements as detailed in this PIA.


Template Version Number: 01-2021



Is the information covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act?
Yes, the information is covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act.
Provide the OMB control number and the agency number for the collection.
2528-0017, 1220-0175, 1220-0187, 0607-0354, 1220-0050, 0970-0416, 3045-0139, 0660-0221, 12200153, 0607-0049, 1220-0100, 1220-0104, 0607-0610, 1018-0088, 0536-0043, 0607-0179, 1121-0317,
0920-0234, 3064-0167, 1121-0111, 0920-0278, 1850-0768, 0920-0214, 3145-0141 ,0607-0990, 18500598, 0607-0757, 1121-0260, 1850-0641, 0607-0464, 1121-0184, 0607-0977, 2528-0013, 3135-0136,
0607-0980, 1850-0761, 1121-0302, 1220-0044, 0925-0368, 1220-0102, 1220-0176, 1850-0617
No, the information is not covered by the Paperwork Reduction Act.

Indicate the technologies used that contain PII/BII in ways that have not been previously
deployed. (Check all that apply.)

Technologies Used Containing PII/BII Not Previously Deployed (TUCPBNPD)
Smart Cards
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Cards
Other (specify):


There are not any technologies used that contain PII/BII in ways that have not been previously deployed.

Section 3: System Supported Activities

Indicate IT system supported activities which raise privacy risks/concerns. (Check all that

Audio recordings
Building entry readers
Video surveillance
Electronic purchase transactions
Other (specify): For Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI), the Demographic Programs Directorate
(DEMO) uses Computer-audio recording interviewing (CARI) for select interviews for the SIPP and Consumer
Expenditure Survey (CES); in the future DEMO may incorporate CARI for additional demographic CAPI
surveys. For Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) surveys, the NICE Sentinel 2.5 system is used to
record selected interviews for quality assurance (QA) purposes. Both types of recordings contain PII.
There are not any IT system supported activities which raise privacy risks/concerns.

Section 4: Purpose of the System

Indicate why the PII/BII in the IT system is being collected, maintained, or disseminated.
(Check all that apply.)

Template Version Number: 01-2021
For a Computer Matching Program
For administering human resources programs
For administrative matters
To promote information sharing initiatives
For litigation
For criminal law enforcement activities
For civil enforcement activities
For intelligence activities
To improve Federal services online
For employee or customer satisfaction
For web measurement and customization
For web measurement and customization
technologies (single-session)
technologies (multi-session)
Other (specify): For statistical purposes (i.e., Censuses/Surveys)

Section 5: Use of the Information

In the context of functional areas (business processes, missions, operations, etc.) supported
by the IT system, describe how the PII/BII that is collected, maintained, or disseminated
will be used. Indicate if the PII/BII identified in Section 2.1 of this document is in
reference to a federal employee/contractor, member of the public, foreign national, visitor
or other (specify).

To improve Federal services online: The statistical data products created and disseminated by
the DEMO systems provide valuable information to other federal, state and local
governments, other private organizations and the general public. This improves online
Federal Services and customer satisfaction by effectively and efficiently making this critical
data freely available in easy to find and use methods.
For statistical purposes (i.e., Censuses/Surveys): PII is collected from the public through
various demographic data surveys, programs, focus groups/cognitive interviews, or
methodological studies to produce national statistical information.
The data is used to calculate and process the statistical data input for the purpose of creating
statistical information and reports (e.g., Annual household and group quarters’ population
estimates by age, sex, race, and origin for counties, etc.).
The information that is collected in this system is from members of the public and DOC


Describe any potential threats to privacy, such as insider threat, as a result of the
bureau’s/operating unit’s use of the information, and controls that the bureau/operating
unit has put into place to ensure that the information is handled, retained, and disposed
appropriately. (For example: mandatory training for system users regarding appropriate
handling of information, automatic purging of information in accordance with the
retention schedule, etc.)


Template Version Number: 01-2021

The U.S. Census Bureau use of data/information presents possible threats such as internal
breaches caused by employees within an organization. Today’s most damaging security
threats are not originating from malicious outsiders or malware but from trusted insiders both malicious insiders and negligent insiders. Inside threats are not just malicious employees
that intend to directly harm the Bureau through theft or sabotage. Negligent employees can
unintentionally cause security breaches and leaks by accident. To prevent or mitigate
potential threats to privacy the U.S. Census Bureau has put into place mandatory training for
all system users. All Census Bureau employees and contractors undergo mandatory annual
data stewardship training to include proper handling, dissemination, and disposal of
BII/PII/Title 13/Title 26 data.
In addition, the Census Bureau Information technology systems employ a multitude of
layered security controls to protect PII/BII at rest, during processing, as well as in transit.
These the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-53 controls, at a
minimum, are deployed and managed at the enterprise
level, including, but not limited to the following:
• Intrusion Detection | Prevention Systems (IDS | IPS)
• Firewalls
• Mandatory use of hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTP(S)) for Census Bureau Public
facing websites
• Use of trusted internet connection (TIC)
• Anti-Virus software to protect host/end user systems
• Encryption of databases (Data at rest)
• HSPD-12 Compliant PIV cards
• Access Controls
The Census Bureau Information technology systems also follow NIST standards including
special publications 800-53, 800-63, 800-37 etc. Any system within the Census Bureau that
contains, transmits, or processes BII/PII has a current authority to operate (ATO) and goes
through continuous monitoring on a yearly basis to ensure controls are implemented and
operating as intended. The census Bureau also deploys an enterprise email Data Loss
Prevention (DLP) solution.
The information in DEMO is handled, retained and disposed of in accordance with
appropriate federal record schedules.
Section 6: Information Sharing and Access

Indicate with whom the bureau intends to share the PII/BII in the IT system and how the
PII/BII will be shared. (Check all that apply.)

Within the bureau




How Information will be Shared
Bulk Transfer
Direct Access

Template Version Number: 01-2021
DOC bureaus
Federal agencies
State, local, tribal gov’t agencies
Private sector
Foreign governments
Foreign entities
Other (specify):



The PII/BII in the system will not be shared.



Does the DOC bureau/operating unit place a limitation on re-dissemination of PII/BII
shared with external agencies/entities?
Yes, the external agency/entity is required to verify with the DOC bureau/operating unit before redissemination of PII/BII.
No, the external agency/entity is not required to verify with the DOC bureau/operating unit before redissemination of PII/BII.
No, the bureau/operating unit does not share PII/BII with external agencies/entities.



Indicate whether the IT system connects with or receives information from any other IT
systems authorized to process PII and/or BII.
Yes, this IT system connects with or receives information from another IT system(s) authorized to
process PII and/or BII.
Provide the name of the IT system and describe the technical controls which prevent PII/BII leakage:
DEMO transmits/receives data required for statistical data collection and processing to/from these IT
ADEP Economic Census and Surveys and Special Processing
ADRM Center for Enterprise Dissemination (CED)
OCIO Enterprise Applications
ADDCP American Community Survey Office
OCIO Field Systems Major Application System
OCIO Centurion
ADDCP Geography
ADDPC Decennial
ADEP Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)
ADEP EAD Windows Applications System
DEMO also interconnects with external IT systems for the purpose of statistical data collection and
processing. Each external interconnection has a different function and purpose as described below:
The interconnection between DEMO and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is used to transmit data
between Census Bureau Special Sworn Status (SSS) individuals located at BLS and SSS BLS agents
located at the Census Bureau in support of the Current Population Survey (CPS), American Time Use
Survey (ATUS), and Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES).
Utilizing virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), Census Bureau provides Department of Housing and
Urban Development (HUD) staff with Special Sworn Status (SSS) access to the American Housing


Template Version Number: 01-2021
Survey (AHS) and other surveys they sponsor.
The same is true for U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and
Services Administration (HRSA), HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), HRSA’s
National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA), the New York City Department of Housing
Preservation and Development (HPD), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), the National Center for
Education Statistics (NCES), and the staff of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
(NCSES) at the National Science Foundation (NSF). These entities gain access to these data utilizing
The interconnection between DEMO and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is used to
make data available from Census Bureau resources to return processed data to NCHS (using the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Secure Access Management System (SAMS)).
The DEMO system uses a multitude of security controls mandated by the Federal Information Security
Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) and various other regulatory control frameworks including NIST
special publication 800 series. These security controls include but are not limited to the use of mandatory
HTTPS for public facing websites, access controls, anti-virus solutions, enterprise auditing/monitoring,
encryption of data at rest, and various physical controls at Census Bureau facilities that house Information
Technology systems. The Census Bureau also deploys an enterprise DLP solution as well.
No, this IT system does not connect with or receive information from another IT system(s) authorized to
process PII and/or BII.


Identify the class of users who will have access to the IT system and the PII/BII. (Check
all that apply.)

Class of Users
General Public
Other (specify):

Government Employees



Section 7: Notice and Consent

Indicate whether individuals will be notified if their PII/BII is collected, maintained, or
disseminated by the system. (Check all that apply.)


Yes, notice is provided pursuant to a system of records notice published in the Federal Register and
discussed in Section 9.
Yes, notice is provided by a Privacy Act statement and/or privacy policy. The Privacy Act statement
and/or privacy policy can be found at: https://www.census.gov/about/policies/privacy/privacypolicy.html


Yes, notice is provided by other means.

Specify how: Official correspondence letter or email from the
Census Bureau to respondents.


Template Version Number: 01-2021
No, notice is not provided.


Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to decline to provide PII/BII.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
decline to provide PII/BII.
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to decline to provide



Specify why not:

Specify how: DEMO surveys are voluntary. Individuals may
refuse to participate in the survey or, if they do participate, they
may refuse to answer specific questions.
Specify why not:

Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to consent to particular uses of
their PII/BII.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
consent to particular uses of their
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to consent to particular
uses of their PII/BII.

Specify how:
Specify why not: For records covered under System of Record
Notice (SORN) Census-3 and SORN Census-7 the data is
collected for statistical purposes and there is no opportunity to
consent to uses of the data.
Exception: SIPP has a Respondent Identification Policy (RIP)
question that allows an individual respondent to decline sharing
their PII as dependent data in the next interview, though it is
still part of the dataset in the interview it was collected.



Indicate whether and how individuals have an opportunity to review/update PII/BII
pertaining to them.
Yes, individuals have an opportunity to
review/update PII/BII pertaining to
No, individuals do not have an
opportunity to review/update PII/BII
pertaining to them.

Specify how:
Specify why not: For records covered under SORNs Census -3
and SORN Census-7 there are no access to the records since
the data is collected for statistical purposes.

Section 8: Administrative and Technological Controls

Indicate the administrative and technological controls for the system. (Check all that
All users signed a confidentiality agreement or non-disclosure agreement.
All users are subject to a Code of Conduct that includes the requirement for confidentiality.
Staff (employees and contractors) received training on privacy and confidentiality policies and practices.
Access to the PII/BII is restricted to authorized personnel only.


Template Version Number: 01-2021

Access to the PII/BII is being monitored, tracked, or recorded.
Explanation: Only authorized government/contractor personnel are allowed to access PII/BII within a
system. Authorizations for users occur yearly, at a minimum in accordance with applicable Bureau,
Agency, and Federal policies/guidelines. In addition to system processes that handle PII/BII, all manual
extractions for PII/BII are logged and recorded per Department of Commerce Policy, the NIST 800-53
Appendix J Privacy Control Catalog, and specifically NIST control AU-03, Content of Audit records.


The information is secured in accordance with the Federal Information Security Modernization Act
(FISMA) requirements.
Provide date of most recent Assessment and Authorization (A&A): 6/29/22
☐ This is a new system. The A&A date will be provided when the A&A package is approved.
The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 199 security impact category for this system is a
moderate or higher.
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-122 and NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 Appendix J recommended
security controls for protecting PII/BII are in place and functioning as intended; or have an approved Plan
of Action and Milestones (POA&M).
A security assessment report has been reviewed for the information system and it has been determined
that there are no additional privacy risks.
Contractors that have access to the system are subject to information security provisions in their contracts
required by DOC policy.
Contracts with customers establish DOC ownership rights over data including PII/BII.
Acceptance of liability for exposure of PII/BII is clearly defined in agreements with customers.
Other (specify): Publications are approved by the Disclosure Reviewed Board.




Provide a general description of the technologies used to protect PII/BII on the IT system.
(Include data encryption in transit and/or at rest, if applicable).

Census Bureau Information technology systems employ a multitude of layered security
controls to protect PII/BII at rest, during processing, as well as in transit. These NIST 800-53
controls, at a minimum, are deployed and managed at the enterprise level including, but not
limited to the following:
• Intrusion Detection | Prevention Systems (IDS | IPS)
• Firewalls
• Mandatory use of HTTP(S) for Census Public facing websites
• Use of trusted internet connection (TIC)
• Anti-Virus software to protect host/end user systems
• Encryption of databases (Data at rest)
• HSPD-12 Compliant PIV cards
• Access Controls
Census bureau Information technology systems also follow NIST standards including special
publications 800-53, 800-63, 800-37 etc. Any system within the Census that contains,
transmits, or processes PII has a current ATO and goes through continuous monitoring on a
yearly basis to ensure controls are implemented and operating as intended. Census also
deploys an enterprise email DLP solution as well.

Section 9: Privacy Act

Template Version Number: 01-2021


Is the PII/BII searchable by a personal identifier (e.g., name or Social Security number)?
___X_ Yes, the PII/BII is searchable by a personal identifier.


No, the PII/BII is not searchable by a personal identifier.

Indicate whether a system of records is being created under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C.
§ 552a. (A new system of records notice (SORN) is required if the system is not covered
by an existing SORN).

As per the Privacy Act of 1974, “the term ‘system of records’ means a group of any records under the control of any agency from which
information is retrieved by the name of the individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned
to the individual.”


Yes, this system is covered by an existing system of records notice (SORN).
Provide the SORN name, number, and link. (list all that apply):
COMMERCE/CENSUS-3, Special Censuses, Surveys, and Other Studies
COMMERCE/CENSUS-7, Demographic Survey Collection (Non-Census Bureau Sampling Frame)

Yes, a SORN has been submitted to the Department for approval on (date).
No, this system is not a system of records and a SORN is not applicable.

Section 10: Retention of Information
10.1 Indicate whether these records are covered by an approved records control schedule and
monitored for compliance. (Check all that apply.)

There is an approved record control schedule.
Provide the name of the record control schedule:

GRS 3.1
GRS 3.2
GRS 4.1

GRS 5.1 and 5.2
No, there is not an approved record control schedule.
Provide the stage in which the project is in developing and submitting a records control schedule:


Template Version Number: 01-2021


Yes, retention is monitored for compliance to the schedule.
No, retention is not monitored for compliance to the schedule. Provide explanation:

10.2 Indicate the disposal method of the PII/BII. (Check all that apply.)
Other (specify):




Section 11: NIST Special Publication 800-122 PII Confidentiality Impact Level
11.1 Indicate the potential impact that could result to the subject individuals and/or the
organization if PII were inappropriately accessed, used, or disclosed. (The PII
Confidentiality Impact Level is not the same, and does not have to be the same, as the
Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 199 security impact category.)


Low – the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a limited adverse
effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
Moderate – the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a serious
adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.
High – the loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be expected to have a severe or
catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals.

11.2 Indicate which factors were used to determine the above PII confidentiality impact level.
(Check all that apply.)


Provide explanation: PII collected can be directly used to identify


Quantity of PII

Provide explanation: The collection is for Census Bureau
Censuses and surveys; therefore, a severe or catastrophic number
of individuals would be affected if there was loss, theft or
compromise of the data.


Data Field Sensitivity

Provide explanation: The PII, alone or in combination, are
directly usable in other contexts and make the individual or
organization vulnerable to harms, such as identity theft,
embarrassment, loss of trust, or costs.


Context of Use

Provide explanation: Disclosure of the PII may result in severe or
catastrophic harm to the individual or organization.


Obligation to Protect Confidentiality

Provide explanation: PII collected is required to be protected in
accordance with Title 13 Section 9 and organizational policy.


Template Version Number: 01-2021
Violations may result in severe civil or criminal penalties.

Access to and Location of PII


Provide explanation: PII is located on computers controlled by the
Census Bureau or on mobile devices or storage media. Access
limited to certain populations of the Census Bureau’s workforce
and limited to Special Sworn Status individuals. Access is only
allowed by organization-owned equipment outside of the physical
locations, and only with a secured connection.
Provide explanation:

Section 12: Analysis
12.1 Identify and evaluate any potential threats to privacy that exist in light of the information
collected or the sources from which the information is collected. Also, describe the
choices that the bureau/operating unit made with regard to the type or quantity of
information collected and the sources providing the information in order to prevent or
mitigate threats to privacy. (For example: If a decision was made to collect less data,
include a discussion of this decision; if it is necessary to obtain information from sources
other than the individual, explain why.)
Although this IT system can only be accessed by authorized individuals that have a business
need to know, the potential risk from insider threat to the organization, which may cause
harm such as identity theft, embarrassment, loss of trust, or cost, still exists. The Census
Bureau conducts routine security awareness training on recognizing and reporting potential
indicators of insider threat. Insider threat is always possible. In addition to the security
protocols already described in this assessment, the Census Bureau limits access to sensitive
information to sworn employees who have an authorized business need to know.
The Census Bureau Information technology systems employ a multitude of layered security
controls to protect PII at rest, during processing, as well as in transit. These NIST 800-53
controls, at a minimum, are deployed and managed at the enterprise level including, but not
limited to the following:
Intrusion Detection | Prevention Systems (IDS | IPS)
Mandatory use of HTTP(S) for Census Public facing websites
Use of trusted internet connection (TIC)
Anti-Virus software to protect host/end user systems
Encryption of databases (Data at rest)
HSPD-12 Compliant PIV cards
Access Controls
The Census Bureau Information technology systems also follow NIST) standards including
special publications 800-53, 800-63, 800-37 etc. Any system within the Census Bureau that
contains, transmits, or processes BII/PII has a current ATO and goes through continuous
monitoring on a yearly basis to ensure controls are implemented and operating as intended.

Template Version Number: 01-2021

The Census Bureau also deploys a DLP solution as well and requires Census Bureau
information system users to complete annual Data Stewardship Awareness training.

12.2 Indicate whether the conduct of this PIA results in any required business process changes.
Yes, the conduct of this PIA results in required business process changes.

No, the conduct of this PIA does not result in any required business process changes.

12.3 Indicate whether the conduct of this PIA results in any required technology changes.
Yes, the conduct of this PIA results in required technology changes.

No, the conduct of this PIA does not result in any required technology changes.


Template Version Number: 01-2021

Points of Contact and Signatures
System Owner

Chief Information Security Officer

I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the
security controls in place to protect PII/BII processed on
this IT system.

I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the security controls in
place to protect PII/BII processed on this IT system.

Name: Jeffrey Sisson
Office: Demographic Surveys Division (DSD)
Phone: (301) 763-2082
Email: jeffrey.d.sisson@census.gov

signed by
JEFFREY Digitally
Date: 2023.01.09
15:05:34 -05'00'


Date signed:

Name: Beau Houser
Office: Office of Information Security
Phone: (301) 763-1235
Email: beau.houser@census.gov

Digitally signed by BEAU
Signature: ___________________________________

Date signed:

Date: 2023.01.10
17:22:28 -05'00'

Privacy Act Officer

Agency Authorizing Official

I certify that the appropriate authorities and SORNs (if
applicable) are cited in this PIA.

I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the security controls in
place to protect PII/BII processed on this IT system.

Digitally signed by
Signature: BYRON

Digitally signed by LUIS
Signature: __________________________________

Name: Byron Crenshaw
Office: Policy Coordination Office (PCO)
Phone: (301) 763-7997
Email: byron.crenshaw@census.gov

Date signed: W

Date: 2023.01.25
12:43:02 -05'00'


Bureau Chief Privacy Officer

Name: Byron Crenshaw
Office: Policy Coordination Office (PCO)
Phone: (301) 763-7997
Email: byron.crenshaw@census.gov
I certify that the PII/BII processed in this IT system is
necessary and this PIA ensures compliance with DOC
policy to protect privacy.
Digitally signed by

Date signed: W

Date: 2023.01.25
12:43:22 -05'00'

Name: Luis Cano
Office: Office of the Chief Information Officer
Phone: (301) 763-3968
Email: luis.j.cano@census.gov

Date: 2023.01.11 14:00:01

Date signed: _________________________________

Business Authorizing Official

Name: Victoria A. Velkoff
Office: Associate Director and Chief Demographer
Demographic Programs Directorate
Phone: 301-763-1372
Email: victoria.a.velkoff@census.gov
I certify that this PIA is an accurate representation of the security controls in
place to protect PII/BII processed on this IT system.
Digitally signed by
Signature: __________________________________

Date: 2023.01.19 15:49:36
Date signed: _________________________________


This page is for internal routing purposes and documentation of approvals. Upon final
approval, this page must be removed prior to publication of the PIA.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Title2020 PIA Template
File Modified2023-02-08
File Created2023-01-09

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