OMB CONTROL NUMBER = 2090-NEW, Expiration Date = mm/dd/yyyy |
OMB Burden Statement: This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. OMB Control Number: 2090-NEW. Responses to this collection of information are mandatory [2 CFR Part 200]. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 10 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to Director, Information Engagement Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW; Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address. |
Good Jobs Outcomes |
These reporting metrics ONLY APPLY for individual funded construction projects receiving more than $10M in EPA funding. |
EPA defines the term “individual funded construction projects” to generally mean EPA funded construction activities taking place at a discrete site with boundaries based on single or contiguous parcels of land that occur at the same time or sequentially without significant interruptions until the construction is complete. This is not designed for recipients or subrecipients receiving less than $10 million. Further, the $10 million threshold should be inclusive of all costs associated with a discrete construction project, and not only costs associated with construction. Projects in which construction is being undertaken on multiple single-family residence are exempt from reporting.
Reporting Cadence: Every year, with the first report occurring after a general construction contractor (or the equivalent) has been identified through competitive bidding or an EPA approved sole source contract. |
Definitions: Construction: For this form, construction should be considered to generally include, without limitation, all types of work that can be considered “construction, prosecution, completion, or repair” done by laborers and mechanics on a particular “building or work,” as these terms are defined in 29 CFR § 5.2. |
The term “building or work” generally includes construction activities of all types, as distinguished from manufacturing, furnishing of materials, or servicing and maintenance work. The term includes, without limitation, buildings, structures, and improvements of all types, such as bridges, dams, solar panels, wind turbines, broadband installation, installation of electric car chargers, plants, highways, parkways, streets, subways, tunnels, sewers, mains, power lines, pumping stations, heavy generators, railways, airports, terminals, docks, piers, wharves, ways, lighthouses, buoys, jetties, breakwaters, levees, canals, dredging, shoring, rehabilitation and reactivation of plants, scaffolding, drilling, blasting, excavating, clearing, and landscaping. The term “building or work” also includes a portion of a building or work, or the installation (where appropriate) of equipment or components into a building or work. |
Select Pending, Yes, No, or N/A from the dropdown menu as applicable. |
Pending: The metric is being pursued but is not yet implemented |
Yes: You have implemented the intended metric. |
No: You inteded to implement this metric per your application or workplan but were unable to implement. |
N/A: You did not intend to complete this metric. |
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Fill out the Additional Values as applicable. For Ancitipated or Actual Dates, indicate the date the event took place |
Good Jobs Metrics |
Response |
1a. Construction Workers: Are construction workers on the project represented by a collective bargaining agreement |
If answer to 1a is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 1a is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide estimated percentage of the construction workforce represented by a collective bargaining agreement. |
If answer to 1a is "yes" - Q 2 - List the labor unions representing construction workers on the project. |
1b.Construction Workers: Is there a project labor agreement (PLA) for the construction project? |
If answer to 1b is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 1b is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide the date the agreement was signed [MM/DD/YYYY] |
If answer to 1b is "pending" - Q 1 - Provide the anticipated date the agreement will be signed [MM/DD/YYYY] |
2. Non-construction worker: Are non-construction workers on the project represented by a collective bargaining agreement? |
If answer to 2 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 2 is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide estimated percentage of the non-construction workforce represented by a collective bargaining agreement. |
If answer to 2 is "yes" - Q 2 - List the labor unions representing construction workers on the project. |
3. Health and Safety Plan: Does the project have a workplace health and safety plan that was designed and implemented in partnership with employees? |
If answer to 3 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 3 is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide the date the plan was approved [MM/DD/YYYY] |
If answer to 3 is "pending" - Q 1 - Provide the anticipated date the plan will be approved [MM/DD/YYYY] |
4. Registered Apprenticeships: Is the project contributing to or otherwise supporting registered apprenticeship programs (e.g,. financial support, hiring participants, providing training materials and facilities, etc.)? |
If answer to 4 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 4 is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide an explanation of the support being provided (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 4 is "yes" - Q 2 - Provide estimated annual $ value of financial support provide (to the nearest $1k), whole numbers only - no decimals |
5. Pre-apprenticeships: Is the project contributing to, or otherwise supporting pre-apprenticeship program connected to registered apprenticeship (e.g., financial support, hiring participants, providing training materials and facilities, etc.)? |
If answer to 5 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 5 is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide an explanation of the support being provided (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 5 is "yes" - Q 2 - Provide estimated annual $ value (to the nearest $1k) of financial support provided, whole numbers only - no decimals |
6. Support Services: Is the project offering support services to workers or training participants? (e.g. childcare, transportation)? |
If answer to 6 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 6 is "yes" - Q 1 - List the forms of support being provided (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 6 is "yes" - Q 2 - Provide estimated annual $ value (to the nearest $1k) of financial support provided, whole numbers only - no decimals |
7. DEIA Plan: Does the recipient have a formal Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion (DEIA) Plan? |
If answer to 7 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) |
If answer to 7 is "yes" - Q 1 - Provide the date the plan was approved [MM/DD/YYYY] |
If answer to 7 is "yes" - Q 2 - Does the plan include a formal anti-discrimination or anti-harassment program or plan? If no, explain why not. (100 words or less) |
If answer to 7 is "pending" - Q 1 - Provide the anticipated date the plan will be approved [MM/DD/YYYY] |
8. Second chance opportunities: In support of second chance opportunities, does the project refrain from asking about job applicants' criminal records, arrest history, or any other history with the justice system? |
If answer to 8 is "no" - Q1 - Please explain why not (in 100 words or less) -- Example response "There are state, tribal, or local lawwhich make it impossible to support second chance opportunities" |
If answer to 8 is "yes" - Q 1 - Specify which of the following the project refrains from asking job applicants about: (1) Criminal History, (2) Arrest History, (3) Other history with the justice system). |
Do not submit Protected Personally Identifiable Information (Protected PII) to EPA. |
Pending |
Yes |
No |
N/A |