Pollution Prevention (P2) Program

General Performance Reporting for Assistance Programs (NEW)

Pollution Prevention_Performance Work Plan_August 2024 (2).xlsx

Pollution Prevention (P2) Program


Document [xlsx]
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Getting Started
Grant Project Data
Results Summary
Outreach Activities
Sample Business Establishment

Sheet 1: Getting Started

OMB Control No. 2090-NEW
Expiration Date: xx/xx/xxxx

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant Reporting Template

Using this workbook will allow you to track all required reporting and outcome elements, automatically tabulate many of your required outputs, and submit your data for sequential annual reporting. Using this workbook will also allow EPA to easily import this information into its P2 Grants Database, which aggregates P2 grant performance information across the country. EPA is planning to make the P2 Grants database widely available through a searchable public website, which will allow other P2 providers and facilities to find demonstrated P2 practices and implemented P2 actions. By using this standardized workbook to report your results, you are helping to ensure that the database contains accurate, complete, and consistent data about P2 practices, which may allow others to replicate your successes. So, thanks!

Learn more at https://www.epa.gov/p2/grant-reporting

Getting Started
Use the tabs below from left to right. Full instructions appear on each tab:

1. The Grant Project Data tab combines data entry and an automatic list. On top is the data entry area for grant/grantee information. Below that is an auto-generated tracking list that will pull in business establishment names you've entered in the numbered business establishment tabs.

2. The Results Summary tab automatically aggregates results from data entered in the Partners tab, Outreach Activities tab, and the numbered business establishment tabs.

3. The Partners tab is optional and provides a place to enter information about partners who helped strengthen your ability to provide P2 technical assistance to businesses in disadvantaged communities.

4. The Outreach Activities tab is for capturing information about outreach activities, including training, webinars, videos, etc.

5. The Sample Business Establishment tab serves as an example of how to sufficiently enter project data on the numbered business establishment tabs.

6. The numbered tabs are for data entry of business establishment-level data, one business establishment per numbered tab. While providing the business establishment name is optional, it is beneficial to do so because the Grant Project Data tab displays the name provided and associates it with its numbered tab, which will help you later when you need to find the correct tab for updating the status of follow-up, implementation and results achieved at a specific business establishment. This template has 75 numbered tabs for business establishments; please use a new file if you need more tabs.

Calculating Outcomes in the Numbered Tabs
EPA's P2 calculators are designed to help you measure environmental and economic outcomes from pollution prevention activities.

For help with calculating Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MTCO2e), the required reporting unit for reductions in CO2 and related greenhouse gases, please use the EPA P2 Greenhouse Gas Calculator. The calculator allows you to calculate your GHG reductions from electricity management, energy substitution (green energy), stationary sources, mobile sources, reduced water use, reduced chemical use, chemical substitution, and solvent remanufacturing. The calculator will also provide associated cost savings for the first five listed above (electricity management, green energy, stationary and mobile sources, and reduced water use).

For help with calculating cost savings, please use the P2 Cost Savings Calculator. This calculator allows you to calculate the annual net cost savings realized from avoiding fees and expenses from buying fewer hazardous inputs, shipping less hazardous waste, emitting fewer regulated air emissions, using less water, sending less wastewater through pre-treatment and treatment works, or buying less fuel or energy. It also allows you to calculate the cost differences of buying greener materials, fuel and energy. Users can use the tool to estimate prospective cost savings.

For help with calculating reductions in hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants, please use the P2 Calculator for Reductions in Hazardous Substances, Pollutants and Contaminants. This calculator has been expanded to cover all categories of pollutant and release reductions that EPA tracks and measures, including reductions in hazardous materials used, hazardous wastes, air emissions, water pollutants, and those achieved through solvent remanufacturing. To calculate pounds of water pollution that business establishments reduce, either use the business establishment’s permit methodology or multiply wastewater gallons by 8.35 to get pounds and divide by 10,000 to eliminate water content. The calculator also provides fluid hazardous material densities for gallon-to-pound conversions.

Working with Numbered Tabs
When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented…

1 In Column K of the numbered business establishment tab, enter “Y” (indicating, yes, that it was implemented at this business establishment) and in Column L include the date of implementation.

2 In Columns C - J, enter updated cost, savings and outcome values. For calculating MTCO2e, cost savings, and reductions in hazardous substances, pollutants, and contaminants, see the section above on “Calculating Outcomes in the Numbered Tabs.”

3 In Column N, enter quantity information associated with implementation and the unit used for MTCO2e conversion (kWh, BTU, etc.; see all units in P2 GHG Calculator).

4 In Column R, select “Y” if a case study covers this implemented action.

5 Please note: Columns C - J values for a row will tally in a tab’s Total row and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has a date implemented.

6 If more steps of a recommendation get implemented in a second year, add phase 2 steps in a separate row and complete Columns C – J.

When your follow-up confirms that a P2 recommendation has NOT yet been implemented…

1 Enter “N” in column K.

2 In Column P, enter “Y” if the business establishment plans to implement the recommendation within the next 5 years.

3 In Column Q, if the business establishment has no plans to implement the recommendation and can tell you why, enter the barrier(s) to implementation identified by the business establishment (e.g., high cost, not feasible, a regulatory barrier, etc.).

When cells are highlighted yellow…

1 On the numbered business establishment tabs, a cell will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter your response in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Last Updated: 10/10/2023

EPA Form 9600-055

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

This collection of information is approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq. (OMB Control No. 2090-NEW). Responses to this collection of information are mandatory for certain persons, as specified at 42 U.S.C 13101 and 15 U.S.C.3701. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 20 hours per response. Send comments on the Agency’s need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden to the Regulatory Support Division Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2821T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

Sheet 2: Grant Project Data

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant Reporting Template

How to Use This Tab: 1. Enter Grant/Grantee information in the top section. The Recipient and Project Number information will automatically appear on the other tabs in this workbook.
2. The Business Establishments in the bottom section will be populated automatically as you fill out the numbered business establishment tabs. This list will help you later to find business establishments when updating the status of follow-up, implementation, and results achieved.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Grant Award Date:

Grantee Contact Name:

Grantee Contact Phone Number:

Grantee Contact E-mail:

Grantee State/Tribe:

Business Establishment Names on Numbered Tabs (populated automatically)

1 Business Establishment 1:

Go to Tab
2 Business Establishment 2:

Go to Tab
3 Business Establishment 3:

Go to Tab
4 Business Establishment 4:

Go to Tab
5 Business Establishment 5:

Go to Tab
6 Business Establishment 6:

Go to Tab
7 Business Establishment 7:

Go to Tab
8 Business Establishment 8:

Go to Tab
9 Business Establishment 9:

Go to Tab
10 Business Establishment 10:

Go to Tab
11 Business Establishment 11:

Go to Tab
12 Business Establishment 12:

Go to Tab
13 Business Establishment 13:

Go to Tab
14 Business Establishment 14:

Go to Tab
15 Business Establishment 15:

Go to Tab
16 Business Establishment 16:

Go to Tab
17 Business Establishment 17:

Go to Tab
18 Business Establishment 18:

Go to Tab
19 Business Establishment 19:

Go to Tab
20 Business Establishment 20:

Go to Tab
21 Business Establishment 21:

Go to Tab
22 Business Establishment 22:

Go to Tab
23 Business Establishment 23:

Go to Tab
24 Business Establishment 24:

Go to Tab
25 Business Establishment 25:

Go to Tab
26 Business Establishment 26:

Go to Tab
27 Business Establishment 27:

Go to Tab
28 Business Establishment 28:

Go to Tab
29 Business Establishment 29:

Go to Tab
30 Business Establishment 30:

Go to Tab
31 Business Establishment 31:

Go to Tab
32 Business Establishment 32:

Go to Tab
33 Business Establishment 33:

Go to Tab
34 Business Establishment 34:

Go to Tab
35 Business Establishment 35:

Go to Tab
36 Business Establishment 36:

Go to Tab
37 Business Establishment 37:

Go to Tab
38 Business Establishment 38:

Go to Tab
39 Business Establishment 39:

Go to Tab
40 Business Establishment 40:

Go to Tab
41 Business Establishment 41:

Go to Tab
42 Business Establishment 42:

Go to Tab
43 Business Establishment 43:

Go to Tab
44 Business Establishment 44:

Go to Tab
45 Business Establishment 45:

Go to Tab
46 Business Establishment 46:

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47 Business Establishment 47:

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48 Business Establishment 48:

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49 Business Establishment 49:

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50 Business Establishment 50:

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51 Business Establishment 51:

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52 Business Establishment 52:

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53 Business Establishment 53:

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54 Business Establishment 54:

Go to Tab
55 Business Establishment 55:

Go to Tab
56 Business Establishment 56:

Go to Tab
57 Business Establishment 57:

Go to Tab
58 Business Establishment 58:

Go to Tab
59 Business Establishment 59:

Go to Tab
60 Business Establishment 60:

Go to Tab
61 Business Establishment 61:

Go to Tab
62 Business Establishment 62:

Go to Tab
63 Business Establishment 63:

Go to Tab
64 Business Establishment 64:

Go to Tab
65 Business Establishment 65:

Go to Tab
66 Business Establishment 66:

Go to Tab
67 Business Establishment 67:

Go to Tab
68 Business Establishment 68:

Go to Tab
69 Business Establishment 69:

Go to Tab
70 Business Establishment 70:

Go to Tab
71 Business Establishment 71:

Go to Tab
72 Business Establishment 72:

Go to Tab
73 Business Establishment 73:

Go to Tab
74 Business Establishment 74:

Go to Tab
75 Business Establishment 75:

Go to Tab

Sheet 3: Results Summary

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant Reporting Template

Aggregate of Verified Implemented Results for All Business Establishments

How to Use This Tab: This read-only tab summarizes the aggregate outcomes being achieved in this grant project using information entered on the other tabs in this workbook.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Federal Fiscal Year (Oct. - Sep) Cost & Savings Annual Reductions

One-time Cost to Implement ($) Annual Savings from P2 Action ($) Hazardous Material Input (lbs) Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions (lbs) Water Pollution
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e) Total lbs
Select header for details.

2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Aggregate of Output Measures for All Business Establishments

Number of partner organizations. 0

Number of outreach activities and informational materials that widely share P2 practices. 0

Number of business establishments reached through outreach activities and informational materials. 0

Number of business establishments provided technical assistance. 0

Percentage of business establishments provided technical assistance that the grantee followed up with (should be 100%) by phone call, visit, letter or email) to determine which P2 practices were implemented. 0%

Percentage of business establishments that implemented at least one new P2 practice as a result of the technical assistance provided by the grantee. 0%

Number of case studies describing specific P2 best practices implemented through the grant. 0

Sheet 4: Partners

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant Reporting Template

How to Use this Tab: This tab is optional. Enter information about the partners who helped strengthen your ability to provide P2 technical assistance to businesses in disadvantaged communities. The number of partners you entered will be captured automatically on the “Results Summary” tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Name of Partner Organization/Entity (Optional) Organization Type
(Optional. Use dropdown)
Partnership Description (Optional) Point of Contact Name
Point of Contact Email
Point of Contact Phone

(Ex: Northeast Metal Finishers Association) Trade Association NMFA provided details about the companies they represent & distributed materials created under this grant. John Doe john.doe@nmfa.org (212) 555-1212










Sheet 5: Outreach Activities

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant Reporting Template

How to Use this Tab: Use this tab to report on outreach activities, including training, webinars, videos, or other outreach.
1. List the title of each activity and identify the type of activity using the dropdown provided.
2. Enter the date of the event, if applicable. Include just the first day for multi-day events.
3. Provide information on the topics covered and number of business establishments in attendance/reached.
4. If applicable, include a link to online content or attach the content created to the report submission.
The five sample records may be used as a guide.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Outreach Activity Name Activity Type
(use dropdown provided)
Activity Date
(if applicable)
Informative Description of Activity and Topics Covered # of Business Establishments in Attendance / Reached Materials Developed
If online content was developed, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, include attachments with your report submission and supply the file name(s) here or a description of file(s).

(Ex: Part Cleaning Training 101) Training 9/1/2022 Recruited metal finishing representatives from facilities across Iowa to participate in a one-hour introductory training on alternative chemicals and products for various working applications 12 http://SampleRecipient.com/trainingslides

(Ex: Reduce Drag Out Webinar) Webinar 9/7/2022 Designed and hosted a one-hour webinar and marketed it to metal finishing line workers, supervisors, and process engineers. Topics covered included: timing drag out, tank design, use of extra rinse tanks, adding counterflow, and tank cover options. 40 http://SampleRecipient.com/webinarvideo

(Ex: Outreach Drag Out Video Series for Social Media) Video 12/4/2022 Interns worked with grantees that had implemented successful projects in the past to develop short video testimonials designed for sharing on social media including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Reach is tracked by views. 4,000 http://youtube.com/watch?v=4T1XMuoQnKo

(Ex: Metal Finishing Shops Shine with P2 factsheet) Outreach Document n/a Updated existing fact sheet to include financial, environmental, and health and safety benefits associated with improved metal finishing procedures. Includes recent success stories and testimonials from business owners in Iowa. 1,000 http://SampleRecipient.com/factsheet

(Ex: Demonstration of Water-Based Industrial Cleaner) Outreach Demonstration 11/17/2022 Demonstration of feasible water-based alternative to perchloroethylene for parts cleaning system at FineTune Metal Works facility 15 Demonstration agenda attached


















































Sheet 6: Sample Business Establishment

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Sample Business Establishment

Sample Business Establishment

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient: Sample Recipient

Grant Project Number: 12345678

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name FineTune Metal Works

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website) 123456789012

Business Establishment Contact (optional) Joe Fork

Business Establishment City and State (optional) Rivercity, IA

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website) 332215

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities? With reduced hazardous solvent use, there are fewer air emissions of perchloroethylene within the community and reduced hazardous waste shipments. Reduction in potential exposure to perchloroethylene reduces risk to adverse health outcomes including cancer.

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:
Reduce Drag Out Webinar

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy) 03/09/2023

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy) 07/12/2023

1 1 1 1 1

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action
1 Blow metal parts with compressed air between cutting and cleaning stages to remove metal particles to reduce cleaning solvent contamination. $15,000 $60,000 7,000 7,000 300

Y 04/12/2023 2023 The facility purchased an air compressor and installed it between the cutting and cleaning phases on the parts conveyor belt. Metal particles are now blown off of the parts and collected in a bin below the belt for recycling as they move towards the cleaning bath. Loan obtained from the Iowa Economic Development Targeted Small Business loan program.

Y http://StateAgency/casestudies/finetunemetalworks
2 Reduce drag-out of solvent from phase 1 cleaning and rinse tank $5,000 $25,000 300 300
2,000 2,000
Y 06/15/2023 2023 Roller brush installed at the exit of the phase 1 cleaning tank to brush solvent back into the tank - reducing solvent waste and extending the life of the rinse tank. Firm’s capital improvement budget

3 Test water-based cleaners


Y Need time to research and test alternative cleaners and may need new equipment. N






















TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $20,000 $85,000 7,300 7,300 300 2,000 2,000 0


TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $20,000 $85,000 7,300 7,300 300 2,000 2,000 0


TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Implemented? Followup?

EJ? EJ w/implementation? Case studies? Case studies?

Sheet 7: 1

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 1

Business Establishment 1

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 8: 2

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 2

Business Establishment 2

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 9: 3

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 3

Business Establishment 3

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 10: 4

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 4

Business Establishment 4

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 11: 5

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 5

Business Establishment 5

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 12: 6

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 6

Business Establishment 6

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 13: 7

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 7

Business Establishment 7

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 14: 8

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 8

Business Establishment 8

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 15: 9

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 9

Business Establishment 9

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 16: 10

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 10

Business Establishment 10

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 17: 11

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 11

Business Establishment 11

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 18: 12

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 12

Business Establishment 12

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 19: 13

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 13

Business Establishment 13

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 20: 14

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 14

Business Establishment 14

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 21: 15

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 15

Business Establishment 15

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 22: 16

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 16

Business Establishment 16

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 23: 17

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 17

Business Establishment 17

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 24: 18

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 18

Business Establishment 18

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 25: 19

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 19

Business Establishment 19

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 26: 20

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 20

Business Establishment 20

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 27: 21

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 21

Business Establishment 21

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 28: 22

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 22

Business Establishment 22

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 29: 23

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 23

Business Establishment 23

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 30: 24

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 24

Business Establishment 24

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 31: 25

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 25

Business Establishment 25

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 32: 26

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 26

Business Establishment 26

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 33: 27

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 27

Business Establishment 27

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 34: 28

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 28

Business Establishment 28

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 35: 29

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 29

Business Establishment 29

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 36: 30

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 30

Business Establishment 30

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 37: 31

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 31

Business Establishment 31

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 38: 32

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 32

Business Establishment 32

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 39: 33

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 33

Business Establishment 33

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 40: 34

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 34

Business Establishment 34

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 41: 35

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 35

Business Establishment 35

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 42: 36

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 36

Business Establishment 36

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 43: 37

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 37

Business Establishment 37

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 44: 38

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 38

Business Establishment 38

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 45: 39

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 39

Business Establishment 39

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 46: 40

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 40

Business Establishment 40

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 47: 41

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 41

Business Establishment 41

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 48: 42

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 42

Business Establishment 42

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 49: 43

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 43

Business Establishment 43

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 50: 44

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 44

Business Establishment 44

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 51: 45

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 45

Business Establishment 45

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 52: 46

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 46

Business Establishment 46

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 53: 47

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 47

Business Establishment 47

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 54: 48

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 48

Business Establishment 48

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 55: 49

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 49

Business Establishment 49

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 56: 50

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 50

Business Establishment 50

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 57: 51

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 51

Business Establishment 51

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 58: 52

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 52

Business Establishment 52

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 59: 53

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 53

Business Establishment 53

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 60: 54

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 54

Business Establishment 54

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 61: 55

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 55

Business Establishment 55

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 62: 56

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 56

Business Establishment 56

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 63: 57

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 57

Business Establishment 57

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 64: 58

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 58

Business Establishment 58

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 65: 59

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 59

Business Establishment 59

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 66: 60

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 60

Business Establishment 60

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 67: 61

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 61

Business Establishment 61

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 68: 62

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 62

Business Establishment 62

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 69: 63

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 63

Business Establishment 63

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 70: 64

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 64

Business Establishment 64

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 71: 65

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 65

Business Establishment 65

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 72: 66

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 66

Business Establishment 66

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 73: 67

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 67

Business Establishment 67

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 74: 68

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 68

Business Establishment 68

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 75: 69

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 69

Business Establishment 69

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 76: 70

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 70

Business Establishment 70

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 77: 71

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 71

Business Establishment 71

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 78: 72

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 72

Business Establishment 72

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 79: 73

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 73

Business Establishment 73

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 80: 74

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 74

Business Establishment 74

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 81: 75

P2 IIJA Communities EJ Grant: Business Establishment 75

Business Establishment 75

How to Use this Tab: 1. Enter Business Establishment Information in rows 11-20, noting that rows 12-14 are optional. For the Business Establishment Name, if you do not wish to disclose the actual name, enter a meaningful proxy so that you will be able to find it when entering follow-up information.
2. Under P2 Actions and Outcomes, enter each P2 recommendation provided as part of the technical assistance. You may enter initial estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions.
3. Once you have followed up with the business establishment to learn which P2 recommendations it has implemented, enter in row 20 the date(s) of follow up.
4. When your follow-up confirms a P2 recommendation was implemented, enter “Y” in Column K and select a date implemented in Column L. Update any preliminary estimates based on the actual implementation at the business establishment. (Important: The values in columns C - J will tally in this tab’s Total rows and in the Results Summary tab only if row 20 has a follow-up date, Column K has a “Y”, and Column L has an implementation date selected.)
5. Additionally, enter implementation details in column N. See “Working with Numbered Tabs” on the “Getting Started” tab for more details.
6. On this tab, cells will be highlighted yellow if your response is different than the expected input type (e.g., letters instead of numbers). Re-enter the information in the appropriate format to remove the highlighting.

Grant Information The information in the two cells below is populated automatically from Grant Project Data tab.

Grant Recipient:

Grant Project Number:

Business Establishment Information Note: If copy-pasting into merged cells below, click this header for help text.

Business Establishment Name

EPA Facility ID Number (optional) Facility ID Lookup (website)

Business Establishment Contact (optional)

Business Establishment City and State (optional)

Business Establishment NAICS Code (3 to 6 digits) NAICS Search (website)

Is the business establishment located in, adjacent to, or otherwise impacting a disadvantaged community?
(Yes / No / Unknown)

How do the recommended P2 actions identified below benefit disadvantaged communities?

Outreach Activity (optional)
If you made contact with the business establishment through an activity noted on the “Outreach Activities” tab, indicate the activity by choosing it from the drop-down provided:

Date P2 Recommendations Provided to Business Establishment (mm/dd/yyyy)

Date(s) of Follow-up (mm/dd/yyyy)

0 0 0

P2 Actions and Outcomes

List each P2 recommendation provided to the business establishment on a separate line. Include the what, the how, and "quantity" information if that is needed to calculate cost, savings and annual reductions, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels. - You may enter preliminary estimates of costs, annual savings and annual reductions for each Recommended P2 Action (not required).
- If the recommendation was implemented (as reflected in column L), the cost, annual savings and annual reductions must be updated based on the actual implementation at the business establishment.

Scroll right to see all columns (cols. B through S) --> Cost & Savings Annual Reductions Targeting Disadvantaged Communities Implementation Details If Not Implemented: Case Study Developed? (Y or N) Link to Case Study
If the case study is online, provide a link for EPA to view, download and share. Otherwise, please include attachments with report submission.

Informative Description of Recommended P2 Actions One-time Cost to Implement
Annual Savings from P2 Action
Hazardous Material Input
Hazardous Waste
Air Emissions
Water Pollution (lbs)
Select header for help
Water Use
GHG Emissions (MTCO2e)
Select header for help
Recommendation Implemented?
( Y or N )
Select header for help
Date Implemented
Select header for help
Federal Fiscal Year
Implementation Information. Include updated quantity information, e.g., # LEDs, # solar panels, that relates to cost, annual savings and annual reductions. For GHG emissions, note original units that were converted to MTCO2e (e.g., kWh) Description of Funding Mechanism (optional). EPA is exploring ways to facilitate access to capital for P2 projects. Learn more here: https://www.epa.gov/p2/p2-financing. If known, describe the source of funding this business establishment used (e.g., self-funded, bank loan, external grant, etc.) in implementing the P2 actions Plan to within 5 years?
(Y or N)
Barriers to Implementation (optional). Please describe any barriers to implementation (e.g., cost, long payback period, low priority) of the recommended action

























TOTAL IMPLEMENTED $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2023 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2024 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2025 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2026 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2027 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL IMPLEMENTED 2028 $0 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0
File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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