Focus Group Protocol: Local Staff
Introduction and Consent Script (10 minutes)
Hello and thank you for joining this focus group today. My name is [NAME OF FACILITATOR], and I’m joined by my colleague [NAME OF CO-FACILITATOR]. We are working with the Office of Head Start to help them review and improve the quality of the data collected through the Program Information Report, which you may also know as the “PIR.” We appreciate your willingness to share your experiences and perspectives related to preparation, submission, and use of the PIR data. We are conducting this review under SRI International’s contract with the Division of Data and Improvement in the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation of the Administration for Children and Families.
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and no individual or entity is required to respond to, nor shall an individual or entity be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB # is 0970-0531 and the expiration date is 9/30/2025.
As a part of this review, we will be sharing findings from focus groups with the Office of Head Start and the Division of Data and Improvement. Any results we share will be summarized across all conversations we have with local, regional, and central office staff, and with other stakeholders. You will not be identified by name in any form of analysis or report, and data will be reported in a de-identified manner. In addition, when we need to use quotes to help illustrate the findings, we will only identify them by role of the participant (such as, “program director” or “data manager”). In some cases, our team may follow up with you to request additional feedback about your comments. Except for what is already public, all data collected for the review will be stored in secure environments, and we will protect the privacy of the information you provide. Finally, your participation in this focus group is voluntary, and you may decline to respond at any time.
At this time, I am going to turn on a recording to capture consent for participation in this focus group and recording.
[Turn on recording]
We would like to record this conversation to ensure we accurately capture your comments. If you agree, we will retain the recording only until we can validate our notes, at which point we will destroy the audio recording. The transcripts will be destroyed at the end of the project with the Office of Head Start. Since we are in a group setting today, if you are not comfortable being recorded at this time, we ask that you exit the call, and we will follow up with you at a later time about providing comments during in a separate, unrecorded session. At this time, I will pause to make sure everyone we have with us agrees to allow us to record the focus group. Please do so by typing “yes” in the Zoom chat or stating “yes” verbally.
[Facilitators to make note of anyone leaving the call, confirm that all remaining have consented]
Today, our main topics for discussion will be about the PIR data, including how your program collects and maintains data that is ultimately reported on the PIR, your understanding of the quality of the PIR data, and your thoughts about how the Office of Head Start can help programs report high-quality PIR data. We have scheduled 90 minutes for this focus group. We would like everyone to feel comfortable sharing open feedback, so we ask that everyone here hold our conversation in private. We will be using a tool called “Mentimeter” to ask interactive, polling-style questions; responses on Mentimeter cannot be tied to you. We also welcome you to use the Zoom chat to type comments in addition to speaking. Before we get started, I would like to allow you all to ask any questions you have about our work or the plan for our time together today.
[Address any comments or questions]
Section 1: Use of Program Information Report (PIR) Data (20 minutes)
To start, we’d like to spend a few minutes getting to know you all and learning about your familiarity with the PIR data and how you use it in your work. Before we start, we’d like to go around and have everyone tell us their name and a little bit about their role at their program.
Topic |
Questions and Prompts |
Questions to skip if not enough time |
Assessing familiarity with PIR data |
We’d like to use a poll to quickly get some information about how frequently you interact with PIR data. We have shared a link to a website called Mentimeter in the chat. You can open this link; please keep it open on your desktop as we’ll be returning to it a few more times.
[Mentimeter multiple choice question:]
Assessing PIR data responsibilities |
Now, we’d like to ask another polling question to understand more about how you help with PIR data.
[Mentimeter select all that apply question:]
Section 2: Perceptions of Data Quality (45 minutes)
As a part of this project work, we reviewed the last few years of PIR data, as well as questions programs submitted to the Head Start Enterprise System help desk and questions programs posted about the PIR on the online MyPeers community, to understand program experiences with submitting the PIR each year. We learned that some program staff encounter difficulties when they collect and maintain the large variety of data collected for the PIR, and that it can be challenging to translate data that’s used in day-to-day program administration into one report that summarizes the program’s entire year.
We’d like to spend our next few questions digging into the quality of PIR data as you understand it. Just a note: When we refer to “data quality,” we mean PIR data that is submitted in a timely manner, is complete, and accurately represents all the important work done by a program.
Topic |
Central Office Questions and Prompts |
Questions to skip if not enough time |
Understanding challenges related to collecting, maintaining, and submitting data |
Our next few questions are about three specific areas on the PIR. Based on our review of the PIR data, help desk questions, and MyPeers posts these are areas where programs noted that they needed additional guidance to ensure their data matches what’s asked for on the PIR. For each of these topic areas, we’d like to ask for your input about what, if any, challenges your program experiences in collecting, maintaining, or submitting high-quality data. These could be challenges that arise when multiple people enter data, challenges with data that you must frequently check or update during the year, issues getting your data management software to correctly “count” or aggregate data, challenges related to a lack of guidance from OHS about how to “count” or track data, or others.
The first area we want to explore is data about the children and pregnant women served by their programs. For example, some programs asked for help with tracking and reporting primary eligibility data.
Understanding challenges related to collecting, maintaining, and submitting data |
The next area we want to discuss is the child and family services data. We chose this because many programs reported that they provided specific family services to no families, while others reported that they provided specific family services to all families. Few programs reported that they provided specific family services to some of their families (that is, some families received a service, some did not).
Understanding challenges related to collecting, maintaining, and submitting data |
Our final specific topic is related to staff and grantee-level data. Our review indicated that programs sometimes needed guidance around this type of data, especially since it may not be used in your day-to-day program administration. For example, some programs needed assistance in understanding how to categorize staff who held multiple positions during the year, or understanding what activities are considered coaching.
Understanding challenges related to collecting, maintaining, and submitting data |
Understanding familiarity with OHS resources and supports |
Now we’d like to return to Mentimeter for a few more questions.
[Mentimeter slider-style question:]
Understanding what support staff access related to PIR data |
[Mentimeter slider-style question:]
Suggest skipping if needed |
Understanding what data is collected outside a program’s primary data system |
This next question is about the data management software that your program uses to enter and manage service data, such as ChildPlus, PROMIS, or COPA. Some programs use more than one data management software, so we are asking specifically about the one your program uses most frequently.
Suggest skipping if needed; this theme may naturally arise in the discussion on data challenges |
Understanding use of PIR corrections |
Section 3: Looking Forward and Wrap-Up (15 minutes)
We have 15 minutes remaining together. As we wrap up, I’d like to ask some final questions about how to make the PIR data as useful as possible and leave some time for your final thoughts.
Topic |
Central Office Questions and Prompts |
Questions to skip if not enough time |
Making PIR data useful |
[Co-facilitator to enter practices into a Mentimeter “rankings” question as identified.]
Suggest skipping this follow up if needed |
Additional thoughts |
Before we wrap up today, we want to leave a few minutes for anyone to share any thoughts about the PIR data that you haven’t had a chance to say yet.
Those are all questions we have for today. We thank you all for taking the time to participate. We appreciate your insights and comments.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | SRI Education |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-09-17 |