Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The purpose of this information collection is to help the federal program team understand diaper need in communities across the country. By completing this survey a second time, you are providing valuable information to help assess changes in diaper need in your community over time. This is a voluntary collection of information. It should take you about 15 minutes to complete this survey. Your responses will be kept private. The information collected will be shared with both federal program staff and a research team, but no personal identifying information will be shared. Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey.
Demographic Information
What organization is providing you with diapers?
Which of the following best describes your interaction with [partner organization]?
This is my first-time receiving diapers from [partner organization]
I have been receiving diapers from [partner organization] for 1-6 months
I have been receiving diapers from [partner organization] for 7-12 months
I have been receiving diapers from [partner organization] for more than one year
Prefer not to share
Household information
How many children in diapers do you have?
Information for Child 1. Please complete for each child in diapers.
Child’s Age
Child’s Race (select one or more)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Select one or more
Prefer not to share
Child’s Ethnicity
Is the child Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin (Select one or more)
a. ____No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
b. ____Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
c. ____Yes, Puerto Rican
d. ____Yes, Cuban
e. ____Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin
Your relationship to the child
Does your child have any special needs that have been diagnosed by a professional?
Is this child enrolled in Early Head Start or Head Start?
Do your children in diapers attend childcare?
If yes, do you have to provide diapers to the childcare provider for your child(ren)while they are in care?
How do you describe yourself?
Prefer not to share
What is your race? (Select one or more)
Black or African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Prefer not to share
Are you Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin (Select one or more)
a. ____No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin
b. ____Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a
c. ____Yes, Puerto Rican
d. ____Yes, Cuban
e. ____Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a or Spanish origin
What is your primary language?
Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin)
French and/or French Creole
Prefer not to share
Would you consider yourself a single parent?
Prefer not to share
What is your employment status? Please select all that apply (i.e., student and partial employment)
Full employment (40+ hours/week)
Do you hold more than one job?
Partial employment (<40 hours/week)
Do you hold more than one job?
Student enrolled in school and/or training program
Unemployed and seeking employment
Unemployed due to disability and unable to seek employment
Unemployed and not seeking employment due to another reason. Please explain:
What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Less than 6th grade
Middle school (6th, 7th, 8th)
Some high school
High school (diploma)
Some college
Associate degree (AA or AS)
Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS)
Advanced degree
Diaper Needs Assessment
How many times in the past 1 month:
Has your child(ren) had a diaper rash, bladder infection, or other diaper-related health issue?
Have you had to take your child(ren) to the emergency department due to a diaper-related health issue?
Did your child(ren) miss childcare or school due to inadequate diaper supply?
Did you miss work due to inadequate diaper supply?
How many times in the past 1 month did you do one or more of the following to stretch your diaper supply:
Borrow money or diapers from a family member or friend
Obtain diapers from an organization in your community
Stretch the diaper supply you had by changing less frequently
Kept your child diaperless
On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree), please rate your agreement with the following statements:
I typically have enough diapers to change my child as often as I need to
I often must reduce spending on other essential needs (food, utilities, etc.) to afford diapers
I often feel stress about having enough diapers for my child(ren)
I often feel stress about being able to provide my family with essential needs such as food, clothes, and shelter
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) STATEMENT OF PUBLIC BURDEN: The purpose of this information collection is to help the federal program team understand diaper need in communities across the country. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per respondent, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB # is 0970-0531and the expiration date is 09/30/2025. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Thom Campbell at
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Melara, Juliana (ACF) |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-09-17 |