
Att 7 - DCIPHER PIA.pdf

[OPHDST] Generic Clearance for the Collection of Minimal Data Necessary for Case Data During an Emergency Response



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Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA): CDC - DCIPHER SaaS - QTR2 - 2023 - CDC6742855
Created Date: 5/1/2023 3:03 PM Last Updated: 12/12/2023 3:00 PM

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ATO - Authorization to Operate
CAC - Common Access Card
FISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act
ISA - Information Sharing Agreement
HHS - Department of Health and Human Services
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
NARA - National Archives and Record Administration
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
PIA - Privacy Impact Assessment
PII - Personally Identifiable Information
POC - Point of Contact
PTA - Privacy Threshold Assessment
SORN - System of Records Notice
SSN - Social Security Number
URL - Uniform Resource Locator
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General Information
PIA Name:

CDC - DCIPHER SaaS - QTR2 - 2023 - CDC6742855



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Overall Status:

PIA Queue:


WANG, Terry

# Days Open:




Submit Date:




Expiration Date: 12/11/2026






Make PIA
available to


Legacy PIA ID:


Identify the Enterprise Performance Lifecycle Phase of the system

Operations and Maintenance


Is this a FISMA-Reportable system?



Does the system have or is it covered by a Security Authorization to
Operate (ATO)?



ATO Date or Planned ATO Date


Privacy Threshold Analysis (PTA)
PTA Name

CDC - DCIPHER SaaS - QTR2 - 2023 - CDC6716620
History Log:

View History Log

PTA - 2:

Indicate the following reason(s) for this PTA. Choose from the following

PIA Validation (PIA Refresh)

PTA - 2A:

Describe in further detail any changes to the system that have occurred
since the last PIA.

No Changes

PTA - 3:

Is the data contained in the system owned by the agency or contractor?


The system collects, integrates, manages, analyzes,
visualizes and shares traditional and non-traditional
data sets used to support the management of allhazards public health event responses, surveillance,
research, statistical, and other public health
activities. A system such as this that links and shares
these data sets was identified as a critical gap in
preparedness exercises and a common theme
identified across response after action reports.

PTA - 4:

Please give a brief overview and purpose of the system by describing
what the functions of the system are and how the system carries out
those functions.

PTA - 5:

List and/or describe all the types of information that are collected (into), The system collects, maintains and stores diverse
types of data including epidemiological case data,
maintained, and/or shared in the system regardless of whether that
laboratory test orders/results, outbreak and
information is PII and how long that information is stored.
environmental investigations and any related
supporting data, contact tracing, molecular data,
population-based health information, and publicly
accessible datasets.
The data contained in this platform, including PII,
will be used to support and manage routine public
health activities (e.g., surveillance, statistical
analysis, research, etc.) and emergency event
responses (e.g., outbreaks, disasters, etc.). Data will
be used to describe relationships and trends
between population health and various health
conditions and/or risk factors, as well as to inform
public health event response decisions and
management. Analysis and visualizations will be
included in various reports, presentations,
dashboards, and websites.
Information collected are names, phone numbers,
email address, mailing address, Date of Birth,
Medical Notes, Medical Record Numbers, Passport
Number, and Employment Status.
The blanket answer is all of those data are collected
to support program specific needs for conducting
routine public health surveillance and to support
outbreak response management operations.
All of those categories are not mutually exclusive
either but live along a continuum. For example: Part
of why programs collect epi surveillance and lab
data is to assist with program or pathogen specific
contract tracing for response purposes to any
outbreak that may be occurring.

PTA - 5A:

Are user credentials used to access the system?

PTA - 5B:

Please identify the type of user credentials used to access the system.

PTA - 6:

Describe why all types of information is collected (into), maintained,
and/or shared with another system. This description should specify
what information is collected about each category of individual.

DCIPHER is a web-based data integration and
management platform for use across CDC programs
to 1-collate, 2-link, 3-manage, 4-analyze, 5visualize, and 6-share data from multiple sources to
facilitate data interpretation and to inform public
health decisions. It collects, stores, and shares (as
needed) epidemiological, surveillance, laboratory,
environmental, personal identity, logistics,
emergency response, population health, and
general statistical information. It also manages a
repository of historic surveillance, outbreak,
emergency event response and other collected data.
The data contained in this platform, including PII,
will be used to support and manage routine public
health activities (e.g., surveillance, statistical
analysis, research, etc.) and emergency event
responses (e.g., outbreaks, disasters, etc.). Data will
be used to describe relationships and trends
between population health and various health
conditions and/or risk factors, as well as to inform
public health event response decisions and
management. Analysis and visualizations will be
included in various reports, presentations,
dashboards, and websites.

The blanket answer is all of those data are
collected to support program specific
needs for conducting routine public health
surveillance and to support outbreak
response management operations.
All of those categories are not mutually
exclusive either but live along a
continuum. For example: Part of why
programs collect epi surveillance and lab
data is to assist with program or pathogen
specific contract tracing for response
purposes to any outbreak that may be
A Memorandum of Understanding will be signed by
CDC programs that want to use DCIPHER that
outlines program-level responsibilities, including the
use and treatment of PII, the adherence to records
retention policies and procedures and Office of
Management and Budget (OMB(/Paperwork
Reduction responsibilities.
PTA - 7:

Does the system collect, maintain, use or share PII?


PTA - 7A:

Does this include Sensitive PII as defined by HHS?


PTA - 8:

Does the system include a website or online application?


PTA - 8A:

Are any of the URLs listed accessible by the general public (to include
publicly accessible log in and internet websites/online applications)?


PTA - 9:

Describe the purpose of the website, who has access to it, and how
users access the web site (via public URL, log in, etc.). Please address
each element in your response.

The website is accessible to public health officials
and the system is accessible via SAMS for login.
DCIPHER SaaS is a web-based data integration and
management platform for use across CDC programs
to 1-collate, 2-link, 3-manage, 4-analyze, 5visualize, and 6-share data from multiple sources to
facilitate data interpretation and to inform public
health decisions. It collects, stores, and shares (as
needed) epidemiological, surveillance, laboratory,
environmental, personal identity, logistics,
emergency response, population health, and
general statistical information. It also manages a
repository of historic surveillance, outbreak,
emergency event response and other collected data.

PTA - 10:

Does the website have a posted privacy notice?


PTA - 11:

Does the website contain links to non-federal government websites
external to HHS?


PTA - 11A:

Is a disclaimer notice provided to users that follow external links to
websites not owned or operated by HHS?

PTA - 12:

Does the website use web measurement and customization

PTA - 12A:

Select the type(s) of website measurement and customization
technologies in use and if it is used to collect PII.

PTA - 13:

Does the website have any information or pages directed at children
under the age of thirteen?

PTA - 13A:

Does the website collect PII from children under the age thirteen?

PTA - 13B:

Is there a unique privacy policy for the website and does the unique
privacy policy address the process for obtaining parental consent if any
information is collected?

PTA - 14:

Does the system have a mobile application?

PTA - 14A:

Is the mobile application HHS developed and managed or a third-party

PTA - 15:

Describe the purpose of the mobile application, who has access to it,
and how users access it. Please address each element in your response.

PTA - 16:

Does the mobile application/ have a privacy notice?

PTA - 17:

Does the mobile application contain links to non-federal government
website external to HHS?

PTA - 17A:

Is a disclaimer notice provided to users that follow external links to
resources not owned or operated by HHS?

PTA - 18:

Does the mobile application use measurement and customization

PTA - 18A:

Describe the type(s) of measurement and customization technologies or
techniques in use and what information is collected.

PTA - 19:

Does the mobile application have any information or pages directed at
children under the age of thirteen?

PTA - 19A:

Does the mobile application collect PII from children under the age

PTA - 19B:

Is there a unique privacy policy for the mobile application and does the
unique privacy policy address the process for obtaining parental
consent if any information is collected?

PTA - 20:

Is there a third-party website or application (TPWA) associated with the


PTA - 21:

Does this system use artificial intelligence (AI) tools or technologies?





PIA - 1:

Indicate the type(s) of personally identifiable information (PII) that the
system will collect, maintain, or share.

Email Address
Phone numbers
Medical records (PHI)
Date of Birth
Mailing Address
Medical Records Number
Employment Status
Passport Number

PIA - 2:

Indicate the categories of individuals about whom PII is collected,
maintained or shared.

Business Partners/Contacts (Federal, state, local
Employees/ HHS Direct Contractors

PIA - 3:

Indicate the approximate number of individuals whose PII is maintained
in the system.

Above 2000

PIA - 4:

For what primary purpose is the PII used?

PII will be used to support and manage public health
event responses and routine public health activities
in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

PIA - 5:

Describe any secondary uses for which the PII will be used (e.g. testing,
training or research).

PII will also be used to support research projects as
authorized/ initiated by the respective programs
that own the data. Further, data will be used to
describe relationships and trends between
population health and various health conditions
and/ or risk factors, as well as to inform public
health event response decisions and management.

PIA - 6:

Describe the function of the SSN and/or Taxpayer ID.


PIA - 6A:

Cite the legal authority to use the SSN.


PIA - 7:

Identify legal authorities, governing information use and disclosure
specific to the system and program.

Public Health Service Act, Section 301, "Research
and Investigation," (42 U.S.C. 241); sections 304,
306, and 308(d), which discuss authority to grant
assurances of confidentiality for health research and
related activities (42 U.S.C. 242 b, k, and m(d)); and
section 361, "Quarantine and Inspection, Control of
Communicable Diseases,` (42 U.S.C. 264).

PIA - 8:

Are records in the system retrieved by one or more PII data elements?


PIA - 8A:

Please specify which PII data elements are used to retrieve records.

Name, Medical Record Number,

PIA - 8B:

Provide the number, title, and URL of the Privacy Act System of Records
Notice (SORN) that is being used to cover the system or indicate
whether a new or revised SORN is in development.

09-20-0113-Epidemic Investigation Case Records,
09-20-0136 Epidemiologic Studies and Surveillance
of Disease Problems, 09-20-0106-Specimen
Handling for Testing and Related Data 09-20-0171Quarantine and Traveler Related Activities, Including
Records for Contact Tracing Investigation and

PIA - 9:

Identify the sources of PII in the system.

Government Sources
Within the OPDIV
Other Federal Entities

PIA - 10:

Is there an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) information
collection approval number?

PIA - 10A:

Provide the information collection approval number.

PIA - 10B:

Identify the OMB information collection approval number expiration

PIA - 10C:

Explain why an OMB information collection approval number is not

N/A, PII not being collected directly from the public.

PIA - 11:

Is the PII shared with other organizations outside the system’s
Operating Division?


PIA - 11A:

Identify with whom the PII is shared or disclosed.

Other Federal Agency/Agencies
State or Local Agency/Agencies
Within HHS

PIA - 11B:

Please provide the purpose(s) for the disclosures described in PIA - 11A.

Within HHS_ To support and manage public health
event responses and routine public health activities
at the state/local/tribal level.
Other Federal Agency/Agencies- To support and
manage public health event responses and routine
public health activities at the federal level.
State or Local Agency/Agencies- To support and
manage public health event responses and routine
public health activities at the state/local/tribal

PIA - 11C:

List any agreements in place that authorize the information sharing or
disclosure (e.g., Computer Matching Agreement (CMA), Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU), or Information Sharing Agreement (ISA)).

DCIPHER SaaS will have an MOU in place with CDC
Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR)
Personnel Workforce Management System (PWMS)
that allows the sharing of information from PWMS
DCIPHER SaaS also has Data Use Agreements (that
define system to system connections) and Program
Engagement Agreements (that define the program
to program responsibilities and relationships) with
the various systems and program providing data to
DCIPHER SaaS. These agreements place
responsibility with the program to manage their
own data, and share appropriately with states and
locals based on the policies, procedures, and
agreements in place within the participating

PIA - 11D:

Describe process and procedures for logging/tracking/accounting for
the sharing and/or disclosing of PII. If no process or procedures are in
place, please explain why not.

Data disclosures ("data export events") from
DCIPHER SaaS are tracked by the audit/traceability
functionality provided within DCIPHER SaaS .

PIA - 12:

Is the submission of PII by individuals voluntary or mandatory?


PIA - 12A:

If PII submission is mandatory, provide the specific legal requirement
that requires individuals to provide information or face potential civil or
criminal penalties.

PIA - 13:

Describe the method for individuals to opt-out of the collection or use
of their PII. If there is no option to object to the information collection,
provide a reason.

DCIPHER SaaS receives its information from other
systems, and those source systems are responsible
for providing methods for individuals to opt out of
the collection or use of their PII.

PIA - 14:

Describe the process to notify and obtain consent from the individuals
whose PII is in the system when major changes occur to the system
(e.g., disclosure and/or data uses have changed since the notice at the
time of original collection). Alternatively, describe why they cannot be
notified or have their consent obtained.

PII data are collected by State/Local/Tribal Public
Health Departments and are submitted to CDC in
support of public health surveillance, investigation,
and response activities. In the event a major system
change significantly alters the disclosure and/or use
of PII maintained in the system, DCIPHER SaaS will
notify the participating CDC programs and external
partners, with whom we exchange data and
maintain Data User Agreements and Program
Engagement agreements, of the change so they can
take appropriate action to notify their program
partners, such as states, and obtain consent from
the affected individuals.

PIA - 15:

Describe the process in place to resolve an individual's concerns when
they believe their PII has been inappropriately obtained, used, or
disclosed, or that the PII is inaccurate. If no process exists, explain why

To report and resolve concerns, individuals can
contact the POC listed in this form, who will notify
the relevant program lead. The communication
should reasonably identify the record and specify
the information being contested, the corrective
action sought, and the reasons for requesting the
correction, along with supporting information to
show how the record is inaccurate, incomplete,
untimely, or irrelevant.

PIA - 16:

Describe the process in place for periodic reviews of PII contained in the
system to ensure the data's integrity, availability, accuracy and
relevancy. Please address each element in your response. If no
processes are in place, explain why not.

DCIPHER SaaS provides participating CDC programs
and external partners with an interface to review all
data and PII and programs/external partners can
conduct their own reviews as needed or as
consistent with their existing policies. This program
responsibility, including the reminder that the
program is responsible for these periodic audits, is
written into the DCIPHER Program Engagement
Agreement, signed by the participating programs, as
a responsibility delegated to the participating
programs and is further codified in the Data Use
Agreement that each program lead signs as part of
the on-boarding process for DCIPHER SaaS .

PIA - 17:

Identify who will have access to the PII in the system.


PIA - 17A:

Select the type of contractor.

HHS/OpDiv Direct Contractors

PIA - 17B:

Do contracts include Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and other
appropriate clauses ensuring adherence to privacy provisions and


PIA - 18:

Provide the reason why each of the groups identified in PIA - 17 needs
access to PII.

Users- Program users will need access to the PII in
their specific data sources in order to carry out their
regular job duties.
Administrators- Administrators will need to assist in
mapping incoming data into the platform.
Developers-Developers will need to appropriately
map incoming data into the platform, perform
validation checks, build ontology.
Contractors-Indirect Contractors are used on this
project for design, development, configuration,
customization and maintenance.
Other- State/local/tribal users who are owners of PII
will need to access their data in order to carry out
their regular job duties.
System user access to PII is determined and
managed by role-based system access, audit trail,
and traceability.

PIA - 19:

Describe the administrative procedures in place to determine which
system users (administrators, developers, contractors, etc.) may access

PIA - 20:

Describe the technical methods in place to allow those with access to PII DCIPHER SaaS utilizes a model that allows CDC
administrators to assign individual security labels
to only access the minimum amount of information necessary to
and permissions to every piece of data ingested into
perform their job.
the platform at the object, property, and
relationship level. CDC administrators create unique
profiles for each user and assign users to groups and
subgroups, and determine controls and clearance
levels associated with each user and group based on
the least privileged model.

PIA - 21:

Identify the general security and privacy awareness training provided to
system users (system owners, managers, operators, contractors and/or
program managers) using the system to make them aware of their
responsibilities for protecting the information being collected and

All CDC employees, contractors and fellows are
required to complete Privacy and Security
Awareness Training on an annual basis.

PIA - 22:

Describe training system users receive (above and beyond general
security and privacy awareness training).

All DCIPHER SaaS users receive Role-Based Training
for DCIPHER SaaS .

PIA - 23:

Describe the process and guidelines in place with regard to the
retention and destruction of PII. Cite specific National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) records retention schedule(s) and
include the retention period(s).

Processes and guidelines with regard to the
retention and destruction of PII varies and is
dependent upon the individual systems from which
the data comes. Each program using DCIPHER SaaS
is responsible for applying its own existing records
retention schedules to PII data, and schedules will
vary across programs. This program responsibility
as to following their defined records retention
procedures is written into the DCIPHER White House
Response (WHR) Program Engagement Agreement
(PEA) that each program lead signs as part of the
on-boarding process for DCIPHER SaaS which
identifies the participating program as responsible
(and not DCIPHER SaaS ) for any and all retention
related requirements with respect to their data.
DCIPHER can be further configured to support
automated and semi-automated deletions in
accordance with program requirements as laid out
in the PEA.

PIA - 24:

Describe how the PII will be secured in the system using administrative,
technical, and physical controls. Please address each element in your

Administrative Controls:
PII is secured in the system via FISMA compliant
Management, Operational, and Technical controls
documented in the systems security authorization
package. Management Controls include Federal,
HHS, and CDC specific Privacy, Risk Assessment, and
Incident Management Policies, as well as, annual
system privacy impact assessments; maintaining
security & privacy incident response procedures;
and mandatory annual security & privacy awareness
Technical Controls include application level rolebased access controls; column and row level data
security; server audit and accountability measures;
encryption of PII at rest and in transit; and
adherence to organizationally defined minimum
security controls including anti-virus and adherence
to period system software security tests.
Physical Controls include security guards at every
facility, and physical facilities management by
restricting access to the data center to authorized

Review & Comments
Privacy Analyst Review
OpDiv Privacy
Analyst Review


Privacy Analyst
Review Date:

Privacy Analyst

OpDiv Privacy Analyst: Joshua Mosios

Privacy Analyst
Days Open:


Status: Approved
Date: November 16, 2023

SOP Review
SOP Review


SOP Comments: Approved on behalf of Beverly Walker

SOP Signature:

JWO Signature.docx

SOP Review


SOP Days Open: 14

Agency Privacy Analyst Review
Agency Privacy
Analyst Review


Agency Privacy
Analyst Review


Agency Privacy
Analyst Review

Reviewer: Shanai Shobowale


This PIA is ready for SAOP review and approval.

Agency Privacy
Analyst Days


SAOP Signature:

SAOP Review
SAOP Review

SAOP Review




Supporting Document(s)



Upload Date


No Records Found

Question Name




PIA - 14

OSHODI, Jarell


What does WHR stand for?

PIA - 23

MOSIOS, Joshua


Please see SOP comment about WHR.
What does it stand for? Please define
all acronyms upon first use.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2024-08-11
File Created2024-07-02

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