List of MDN for Case Data

Att 3 - List of MDN for Case Data.xlsx

[OPHDST] Generic Clearance for the Collection of Minimal Data Necessary for Case Data During an Emergency Response

List of MDN for Case Data


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Num Data Element Description Data Type Value Set Code
1 Person ID The jurisdictional identifier that uniquely identifies the person. Text N/A
2 Birth Date Person’s date of birth Date N/A
3 Sex Sex, from any data source. Coded PHVS_Sex_NNDSS (value set under construction. See subsequent tab)
4 Race Category Race category - Major OMB Race Categories. Detailed race information would be rolled up to these major OMB race categories. Coded PHVS_RaceCategory_CDC_NullFlavor
5 Ethnic Group Based on the self-identity of the person as Hispanic or Latino Coded PHVS_EthnicityGroup_CDC_Unk
6 Person Address County County of residence of the person at time of calculated case counting date (CCCD) Coded PHVS_County_FIPS_6-4
7 Person Address State State of residence of the person at time of calculated case counting date (CCCD) Coded PHVS_State_FIPS_5-2
8 Person Address ZIP Code ZIP Code of residence of the person at time of calculated case counting date (CCCD) Text N/A
9 Symptomatic Indicator Indicator that the person was symptomatic with symptoms associated with the condition being reported Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
10 Symptom Onset Date The earliest date of the onset of symptoms relevant to the reported condition. Date N/A
11 Clinical Diagnosis Date The earliest date that the condition being reported to public health system was identified by a clinician as the final, suspected, or most likely diagnosis. Date N/A
12 Earliest Specimen Collection Date Associated with a Positive Lab Result The earliest date a clinical specimen was collected from the person that produced a laboratory result that was positive or indicative of the disease or condition being reported to a public health agency. Date N/A
13 Earliest Result Date of a Positive Lab Result The date on which the first result that was positive or indicative of the disease or condition was either generated or reported by the laboratory. Date N/A
14 Pregnancy Status Indicator that the person is pregnant at the time of the calculated case counting date Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
15 Hospitalized Did person have a hospitalization associated with the condition? Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
16 Person Deceased Indicator that the person is deceased Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
17 Deceased Date Date and time at which the person's death occurred. Date N/A
18 Death Associated with Condition Indicator that death was associated with the condition Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
19 Condition Code Condition or event that constitutes the reason the notification is being sent. Coded PHVS_NotifiableEvent_Disease_Condition_CDC_NNDSS
20 Case ID The jurisdictional identifier that uniquely identifies the case. Text N/A
21 Calculated Case Counting Date The calculated case counting date (CCCD) is the value of the earliest of the available component dates of Symptom Onset Date, Clinical Diagnosis Date, Earliest Specimen Collection Date Associated with a Positive Lab Result, Earliest Result Date of a Positive Lab Result, Date First Received by Public Health Agency, and Date Entered/Record Initiated Date N/A
22 Age Person's age at time of calculated case counting date (CCCD) Numeric N/A
23 Age Units Units for person's age at time of calculated case counting date (CCCD) Coded PHVS_AgeUnit_UCUM
24 Case Disease Imported Code Indication of where the disease/condition was likely acquired. Coded PHVS_DiseaseAcquiredJurisdiction_NND
25 Gender Identity Person-identified gender identity (i.e., an individual's personal sense of being a man, woman, or another gender, regardless of the sex that person was assigned at birth) Coded PHVS_DisabilityType_NNDSS (value set under construction. See subsequent tab)
26 Case Status Status of the case/event as suspect, probable, confirmed, or not a case per CSTE/CDC/ surveillance case definitions. Coded PHVS_CaseClassStatus_NND
27 Case Outbreak Name A state-assigned name for an identified outbreak. Text N/A
28 Notification Result Status Status of the notification Coded PHVS_ResultStatus_NND
29 Date First Received by Public Health Agency The earliest date a report for the case was received by any public health agency, whether a state/territory or county/local agency, within the jurisdiction in which the case will be counted. Reports may include phone calls and any other mechanisms accepted by the agency. Date N/A
30 Date of Electronic Case Notification to CDC Date/time this version of the electronic case notification was sent. It will be the same value as NOT103 for the original notification. For updates, this is the update/send date/time. DateTime N/A
31 MMWR Week MMWR Week for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. MMWR Week to be based on calculated case counting date (CCCD). Numeric N/A
32 MMWR Year MMWR Year (YYYY) for which case information is to be counted for MMWR publication. MMWR Year to be based on calculated case counting date (CCCD). Date N/A
33 National Reporting Jurisdiction National jurisdiction reporting the notification to CDC Coded PHVS_NationalReportingJurisdiction_NND
34 Disability Type Type of disability (vision, hearing, mobility, cognition, self-care, independent living, communication, or intellectual/developmental). Coded PHVS_DisabilityType_NNDSS (value set under construction. See subsequent tab)
35 Disability Type Indicator Indicator representing whether or not the person had the disability in the corresponding instance of the repeating group Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
36 Exposure Was the person exposed to any of the following during the XX days prior to symptom onset? Note: If the symptom onset date is unknown, then the date that the patient first tested positive can be used as a proxy for symptom onset date. Coded PHVS_Exposure_NNDSS (value set under construction. See subsequent tab)
37 Exposure Indicator Indicator representing whether or not the person had the exposure in the corresponding instance of the repeating group Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
38 Exposure Comment Use this field to communicate anything about the person's exposures for this condition. LongText N/A
39 Clinical Manifestation Signs, symptoms, or other clinical manifestations associated with the condition being reported Coded N/A
40 Clinical Manifestation Indicator Indicator representing whether or not the person had the clinical manifestation in the corresponding instance of the repeating group Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
41 Clinical Manifestation Comment Use this field to communicate anything about the person's signs, symptoms, or other clinical manifestations for this condition. LongText N/A
42 Underlying Health Condition Pre-existing health conditions that may worsen the course or severity of the disease or health condition Coded N/A
43 Underlying Health Condition Indicator Indicator representing whether or not the person had the underlying health condition in the corresponding instance of the repeating group Coded PHVS_YesNoUnknown_CDC
44 Underlying Health Condition Comment Use this field to communicate anything about the person's underlying health conditions for this condition. LongText N/A
45 Current Occupation This data element is used to capture the narrative text of a person's current occupation. Text N/A
46 Current Occupation Standardized This data element is used to capture the CDC NIOSH standard occupation code based upon the narrative text of a person's current occupation. (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed a web-based software tool designed to translate industry and occupation text to standardized Industry and Occupation codes. The NIOSH Industry and Occupational Computerized Coding System (NIOCCS) is available here: CodedNoText PHVS_Occupation_CDC_Census2010
47 Current Industry This data element is used to capture the narrative text of a person's current industry. Text N/A
48 Current Industry Standardized This data element is used to capture the CDC NIOSH standard industry code based upon the narrative text of a person's current industry. (The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has developed a web-based software tool designed to translate industry and occupation text to standardized Industry and Occupation codes. The NIOSH Industry and Occupational Computerized Coding System (NIOCCS) is available here: CodedNoText PHVS_Industry_CDC_Census2010
49 Test Type The lab test or analysis that was performed on the specimen Coded PHVS_LabTestName_CDC
50 Test Result Data Type This field identifies the HL7 data type used for Test Result Coded To be SNOMED CT for coded values
51 Test Result Qualitative or quantitative results for test performed. This can include various types of results such as numeric, coded, text, or other types relevant to the specific result. None N/A
52 Test Result Units Units of measure for the quantitative test result value Coded PHVS_UnitsOfMeasure_CDC
53 Test Result Reference Range Identifies the upper and lower limits or bounds of test result values for the quantitative test result value Text N/A
54 Specimen Type This indicates the type of specimen tested. Coded PHVS_Specimen_CDC
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