Form PTO 1556 PTO 1556 Response to Petition to Revive Deficiency Letter

Substantive Submissions Made During Prosecution of the Trademark Application

0651-0054 PTO 1556 Response-to-Petition-to-Revive-Defficiency-Letter

Response to Petition to Revive Deficiency Letter

OMB: 0651-0054

Document [pdf]
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Notice: Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 requires that all U.S. Federal Agencies make their websites fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. See 29 U.S.C. §794d. While the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) forms
do comply with Section 508, the form previews currently do not meet all standards for web accessibility. If you cannot access a TEAS form preview or have any questions about this notice, please contact the Trademark Assistance Center (TAC) at 1-800-7869199 (select option#1), Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., ET.
Global Format; No Form Number
Approved for use through XX/XX/XXXX. OMB 0651-0054
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.

Response to Petition to Revive Deficiency Letter

Use this option ONLY if a specific TEAS form does not already exist for the purpose of this filing. Please double-check all possible TEAS forms before attempting to proceed.
TIMEOUT WARNING: You're required to log back in after 30 minutes of inactivity. This ensures the USPTO complies with mandatory federal information security standards and protects user information. After
25 minutes of inactivity, you will be prompted to continue your session. If you do not continue within 5 minutes, the session will end, you will be logged out of your account, and you will lose any
unsaved data in the form. Please have all of your information ready before you start.
NOTE: You must complete any field/section preceded by the symbol "*".
WARNING: To use the global form successfully, please note these requirements: Do NOT use your browser's "BACK" or "FORWARD" buttons at any time to navigate through any form; instead, always use the
navigational tools provided specifically at the bottom of the form pages. If you have installed anti-spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from, are not
falsely identified as spam or junk.

* Serial/Registration/Reference Number

Mark Information
Serial Number



Owner/Holder Information
Email Address:

Attorney Information


Email Address:

Primary Email Address for
Warning: This is the email address
currently of record in the USPTO
database. If it is not the email address
of either the appointed attorney, if
any, otherwise the owner, it must be
Secondary Email Address(es)
(Courtesy Copies)
Use this form to update the information above. A current email address must be provided for the trademark owner/holder and the appointed attorney, if any. The Primary Email Address for Correspondence is the
email address of the attorney, if appointed, if not, the trademark owner/holder. This is the official address for receiving communications from the USPTO. Courtesy email addresses may be provided within this form.

Is a newly appearing U.S.-licensed attorney filing this form or do you need to update the bar information, email address, street address, phone or fax number for an already appointed attorney?
Foreign-domiciled owners/holders must have a U.S.-licensed attorney represent them before the USPTO in any application-or registration-related filing. Information about hiring a U.S.-licensed attorney can be
found on the USPTO website.


* Text Entry/File Upload
NOTE: For additional information on how to use the free-text entry box, click here.
SPECIAL FORM INSTRUCTIONS: You must provide the following as part of this submission: a complete and full response that addresses all issues raised in the deficiency letter.
Text Entry

File Upload
WARNING: The file MUST be in JPG/PDF format (not exceeding 5 megabytes per attachment for JPG or 30 megabytes per attachment for PDF) or .WAV, .WMV, .WMA, .MP3, .MPG, or .AVI format (not
exceeding 5 megabytes for sound files or 30 megabytes for motion files).
Attach File

Uploaded Files

Owner Information
Update the mailing address, if needed. The address entered on this page is publicly viewable in the USPTO's TSDR database and is presumed to be the owner's/holder's domicile.
Owner Name
Internal Address
* Mailing Address
(Entered address is publicly viewable
in the USPTO's TSDR database. This NOTE: You must limit your entry here, and for all remaining fields within this overall section (except City, see below), to no more than 40 characters (the storage limit for the
address must be capable of receiving USPTO database). You may need to abbreviate some words, e.g., St. instead of Street. Failure to do so may result in an undeliverable address, due to truncation at the 40 character
mail and may be your street address, limit.
a P.O. box, or a "care of" address.)
* City

NOTE: You must limit your entry here to no more than 22 characters.
Select state

* State
(Required for U.S. owners/holders)
* Country/Region/Jurisdiction/U.S.
* Zip/Postal Code
(Required for U.S. and certain
international addresses)

NOTE: You must include as part of the "City" entry any information related to geographical regions (e.g., provinces) not found in the dropdown lists for "States" or "Countries."
Enter the city and then the geographical region, separated by a comma (e.g., Toronto, Ontario). In most instances, you will then also have to select the country within which the
region is found, below.
United States

Domicile Address
(Entered address is not publicly
viewable in the
USPTO's TSDR database unless it is
Uncheck this box if the Domicile Address and mailing address of the applicant owner/holder are NOT the same.
the same as the mailing address. If
your mailing address is not your
domicile, you must enter the number,
street, city, state, country or U.S.
territory, and if applicable, zip/postal
Indicate place you reside and intend to be your principal home (for individual) or your principal place of business (for entity).
code of your domicile address. In
most cases, a P.O. box, "care of"
address, or similar variation is not
acceptable as a domicile address.)
Phone Number
Fax Number
* Email Address
Confirm that the email address is
correct before continuing. The owner
email address is not publicly
viewable in the
USPTO's TSDR database.

The owner/holder is required to provide an email address and keep that address current. If the owner/holder is represented by a U.S.-licensed attorney, only the attorney's email
address will be used for correspondence by the USPTO.
NOTE: The owner/holder or the owner's/holder's attorney acknowledges that he or she is solely responsible for receiving USPTO emails. Additionally, the owner/holder or the
owner's/holder's attorney is responsible for periodically checking the status of the application/registration using the Trademark Status & Document Retrieval (TSDR) system.
USPTO notices and office actions issued in this application/registration can be viewed online using TSDR. The USPTO is not responsible for any failure to receive a USPTOissued email due to the receiver's security or anti-spam software, or any problems with the receiver's email system.

Correspondence Information
1. return to the Owner Information section (if no attorney has been appointed) and enter the change, or
2. use the Attorney Information section of the form to enter the change (if an attorney has been appointed).
Primary Email Address for Correspondence :
Email Address

Secondary Email Address(es) (Courtesy Copies) :
Enter up to 4 addresses, separated by either a semicolon or a comma.

Only the Primary Email Address for Correspondence is used for official communication by the USPTO. If an attorney has been appointed, the USPTO will correspond ONLY with the appointed
attorney; otherwise the USPTO will correspond with the owner/holder. The owner/holder or the attorney must keep this email address current with the USPTO.
NOTE: I understand that (1) a valid email address must be maintained by the owner/holder and the owner's/holder's attorney, if appointed, for correspondence and (2) all official trademark
correspondence must be submitted via the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).

Fee Section
To pay a fee for any of the items that may be listed below in the "Additional Fees" portion, use the pulldown menu in the "Multiplier" column to "activate" that fee choice. Repeat as necessary. The "Overall Total
Amount" will reflect all selected "Additional Fees," along with any "Required Fees," if specifically so designated in the form.
FOR MULTIPLE EXTENSION REQUETS: If you need to submit the fees for more than one extension request, multiply the number of classes in your application by the number of extensions you are submitting and
include that number in the field of the form that says "Number of Classes." For example, if your application has two classes, and you are submitting the fees for two extensions, include the number "4" in the "Number
of Classes" field in order to make the proper payment.
Required Fees
Fee Information


Multiplier Fee


No Required Fees
Required Fees Total


Additional Fees
Fee Information


Multiplier Fee

Petition to Revive (including a petition to director used solely as a petition to revive)

Per Application:




Application for Registration Fee

Number of Classes:




Allegation of Use Fee

Number of Classes:




Extension Request Fee

Number of Classes:




Divisional Request Fee, Per New Application (File Wrapper) Created

Number of New Applications:




Ex Parte Appeal Fee

Number of Classes:







Additional Processing Fee for Each Payment Refused or Charged Back

Number of Payments Refused or Charged Back:




Additional Fees Total




The signatory being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001, and that such willful false statements and the like may
jeopardize the validity of the application, submission, or any registration resulting therefrom, declares that the facts set forth above are true; all statements made of his/her own knowledge are true; and all
statements made on information and belief are believed to be true.
NOTE: Only one signature is required, regardless of the number of applicants. The person signing for each section may be different, depending on who has the required knowledge to sign.
* Signature

* Date Signed
Examples of acceptable "signatures" include: /john doe/; /jd/; or /1234567/.
NOTE: Must be personally signed by the individual listed in the
Signatory's Name field. 37 C.F.R. §2.193(a). The person signing may
not enter someone else's signature.


* Signatory's Name
* Signatory's Position
NOTE: Limit your entry to no more than 150 characters (the storage limit for this field in the USPTO database).
Enter appropriate title or nature of relationship to the owner/holder.
If the signer is
- An individual owner/holder, enter "Owner" or "Holder" as appropriate.
- Joint individual owners/holders, enter "Owners" or "Holders" as appropriate.
- A business entity authorized signatory, enter official title; e.g., "President" (if a corporation),"General Partner" (if a partnership), or "Principal" (if a limited
liability company).
- A U.S.-licensed attorney, enter "Attorney of record," and if not specified in the application or prior communications, specify at least one state bar admission,
e.g., "Attorney of record, New York Bar member." Also, if the signing attorney is from the same U.S. firm as the attorney of record, but was not listed in the
original filing and is not otherwise of record, also include law firm name, e.g., Associate Attorney, Smith, Jones & Davis, Virginia Bar member.
Signatory's Phone Number

*You must click one of the three buttons below to confirm that you are legally authorized to sign this form based on the trademark rules governing representation of others before the USPTO.
If you have a U.S.-licensed attorney representing you in this application, only your attorney can sign this form.

I am not required to click one of the buttons, below, to confirm that I am authorized pursuant to the rules governing representation of others before the USPTO to sign this form under 37 C.F.R. pt. 11,
because I am not filing a response as part of this submission.
Petitioner who is not represented by an attorney (pro se): I hereby confirm that

I am not represented by an attorney in this matter, and am either: (1) the petitioner; or (2) a person or person(s) with legal authority to bind the petitioner; and


If I had previously been represented by an attorney in this matter, either I revoked their power of attorney by filing a signed revocation with the USPTO or the USPTO has granted this attorney's
withdrawal request.

ADVISORY: Click the above first button only if you are the petitioner or legally authorized to bind the petitioner, such as an officer of the petitioner corporation or association, or a general partner of the
petitioner partnership.
Authorized U.S.-Licensed Attorney: I hereby confirm that

I am a U.S.-licensed attorney who is an active member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state (including the District of Columbia and any U.S. Commonwealth or territory);


I am currently the trademark petitioner's attorney or an associate thereof; and


To the best of my knowledge, if prior to my appointment another U.S.-licensed attorney not currently associated with my company/firm previously represented the petitioner in this matter:

the petitioner has revoked their power of attorney by filing a signed revocation or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO;


the USPTO has granted that attorney's withdrawal request;


the petitioner has filed a power of attorney appointing me in this matter; or


the petitioner's appointed U.S.-licensed attorney has filed a power of attorney appointing me as an associate attorney in this matter.

Authorized Canadian Trademark Attorney/Agent: I hereby confirm that

An authorized U.S.-licensed attorney has been appointed to represent the petitioner;


I have been granted reciprocal recognition under 37 C.F.R. §11.14(c)(1) by the USPTO's Office of Enrollment and Discipline; and


I am an authorized signatory based on 37 C.F.R. §11.14(c)(2).

ADVISORY: Foreign attorneys (other than authorized Canadian attorneys/agents) may not sign this form and are prohibited from representing trademark petitioners/owners/holders before the USPTO in
trademark matters.
NOTE: If there is more than one owner/holder, ALL must sign the overall submission.
The 1st Owner/Holder:

* Signature

Examples of acceptable "signatures" include: /john doe/; /jd/; or /1234567/.
NOTE: Must be personally signed by the individual listed in the

* Date Signed


Signatory's Name field. 37 C.F.R. §2.193(a). The person signing may
not enter someone else's signature.
* Signatory's Name
* Signatory's Position
NOTE: Limit your entry to no more than 150 characters (the storage limit for this field in the USPTO database).
Enter appropriate title or nature of relationship to the owner/holder.
If the signer is
- An individual owner/holder, enter "Owner" or "Holder" as appropriate.
- Joint individual owners/holders, enter "Owners" or "Holders" as appropriate (all must sign this form).
- A business entity authorized signatory, enter official title; e.g., "President" (if a corporation),"General Partner" (if a partnership), or "Principal" (if a limited liability
- A U.S.-licensed attorney, enter "Attorney of record," and if not specified in the application or prior communications, specify at least one state bar admission, e.g.,
"Attorney of record, New York Bar member." Also, if the signing attorney is from the same U.S. firm as the attorney of record, but was not listed in the original filing
and is not otherwise of record, also include law firm name, e.g., Associate Attorney, Smith, Jones & Davis, Virginia Bar member.
Signatory's Phone Number

Validation Section

You completed all mandatory fields. Please continue below to print, download and save, and/or pay/submit this filing.
STEP 1: Review the data in various formats, by clicking on the phrases under Data. Use the print function within your browser to print these pages for your own records.
Note: It is important that you review this information for accuracy and completeness now. Corrections after submission may not be permissible, thereby possibly affecting your legal rights.
Note: If you are using the e-signature approach or the handwritten pen-and-ink signature approach, you must click on the final link to access the specific "text form" for that purpose.
STEP 2: If any of the information is incorrect, click on the "Go Back to Modify" button, bottom below, to make changes and then re-validate the form. If no errors are present and you are ready to file, click on the
Pay/Submit button, which if a fee is required will bring up a screen for you to enter the appropriate payment information. After successful entry of the payment information, you can complete the submission to the
USPTO. Or, use the "Save Form" button to save your form.
STEP 3: If there are no errors and you are ready to file, confirm the Primary Email Address for Correspondence, displayed below. To make changes to this email address, use the navigation buttons below to
return to the appropriate page in the form and update either the attorney's email address, if appointed, or the applicant owner's/holder's email address. Courtesy copies are also permitted and these email address(es)
are displayed below. To update these addresses, use the navigation buttons below to return to the Correspondence Information page and enter the changes.

After you submit the form, the USPTO will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the following email address(es):
Primary Email Address for Correspondence
Secondary Email Address(es) (Courtesy Copies)
STEP 4: Read and check the following:
Important Notice:
Please note that:
(1) If a fee was required, once you submit this form, we will not refund the fee, because it is a processing fee for our substantive review.
(2) All information you submit to the USPTO at any point in the application and/or registration process will become public record, including your name, phone number, email address, and street
address. By filing this document, you acknowledge and agree that YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CONFIDENTIALITY in the information disclosed. The public will be able to view this information
in the USPTO's on-line databases and through internet search engines and other on-line databases. This information will remain public even if the application is abandoned or any registration is
surrendered, cancelled, or expired. To maintain confidentiality of banking or credit card information, only enter payment information in the secure portion of the site after validating your form. For any
information that may be subject to copyright protection, by submitting it to the USPTO, the filer is representing that he or she has the authority to grant, and is granting, the USPTO permission to make
the information available in its on-line database and in copies of the application or registration record.
(3) Private companies not associated with the USPTO often use trademark application and registration information from the USPTO's databases to mail or email trademark-related solicitations (samples
of non-USPTO solicitations included).

If you have read and understand the above notice, please check the box before you click on the Pay/Submit button.
STEP 5: To save the form data, first enter the email address to be used for this specific purpose:

Email for save form function:
(required if using Save Form)
Please re-enter your email address(es) here:
Email for save form function:
(required if using Save Form)
Then, click on the "Save Form" button at the bottom of this page for delivery of an email to the address listed above. To begin the filing process with saved data, click the "Restore" link that you will see within the
delivered email.
WARNING: The saved form will reside on the USPTO Server, but only for two (2) weeks. After that point, you will not be able to re-access any saved form, and must begin a new form.
STEP 6: If you are ready to file electronically:
Click on the Pay/Submit button, below, to access the site where you will select one of three possible payment methods. After successful entry of payment information, you can complete the submission to the

USPTO. A valid transaction will result in a screen that says SUCCESS! Also, we will send an email acknowledgment within 24 hours.
WARNING: Click on the Pay/Submit button below ONLY if you are now entirely prepared to complete the Pay/Submit process. After clicking the button, you can NOT return to the form, since you will have left
the TEAS site entirely. Once in the separate payment site, you must complete the Pay/Submit process within 30 minutes. If you are not prepared to complete the process now, you should select the "Save Form"
option to save your form, and then complete the Pay/Submit process later. Or, if you have discovered any error, use the "Go Back to Modify" button to make a correction.
WARNING: You can NOT make any fee payments by credit card from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Sunday, Eastern Time. To file during this specific period, you must use either the deposit account or electronic funds
transfer payment method; or, you may use the "Save Form" option to save your form, and then complete the Pay/Submit process at a later time with the credit card payment option.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJohnson, Jo Ann
File Modified2024-02-20
File Created2021-12-02

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