The following pre-notice newsletter is mailed to all study participants.
This newsletter will reengage participants and let them know to expect
the survey to open soon.
Please keep us updated
Have you recently moved or changed
your email address?
Has your name changed?
Please visit our website to
update your contact information.
Your Subject ID can be found below
the barcode on the address side of
this newsletter.
time to
It’s almost
r health
update you
. The
y will
2024 surve
be available n!
our website
Dear Participant,
I want to express my heartfelt thanks for your commitment to the Millennium
Cohort Study. As the head researcher, I’m humbled every day by the sacrifices
that you and your fellow service members make for our country.
We started this journey in 2001 with a small group of over 77,000 participants,
many of whom courageously went on missions after 9/11. Today, we take
pride in the impressive growth of our study, with over a quarter of a million
participants from all military branches, including Reservists and National
Guardsmen. Your invaluable contributions have been key to this remarkable
Thank you for your unwavering service and ongoing dedication to this study. Your
participation plays a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare for our nation’s
Very respectfully,
Rudy Rull, PhD, MPH
Principal Investigator, Millennium Cohort Study
The Millennium Cohort Study continues to be the U.S. Department of Defense’s largest and longest-running
study and celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2021. Between 2001 and 2021, the Millennium Cohort Study has
enrolled over a quarter of a million service members making it one of the largest cohort studies in the world!
You represent your service branch, gender, and age group, so your participation is incredibly valuable to the
continued success of this study.
Below is a breakdown of the data that describes key characteristics of the 201,619 participants that joined in the
Cohort between 2001 and 2011. Where do you fit in?
years old
Remaining involved with the
study as you age is critical to
answering many challenging
questions about the long-term
effects of military service on
health and well-being.
years old
<35 years old
years old
years old
Age of the Cohort
Separation Status
75% of participants have
separated from the military and
are no longer on active duty
16% of males and 32% of females
have a body mass index
(BMI) of 18.5-24.9 kg/m², which is in
the healthy weight range
49% of participants have at
least an associate degree
12% of participants drink
above recommended limits*
Marital Status
93% of participants have
either never smoked or have
quit smoking
73% of participants are
currently married
Participants get an average of
6.4 hours of sleep per night
87% of participants exercise at
least 2 times per week
5 most commonly reported health issues
Tinnitus* 34%
Depression 29%
High blood pressure 26%
High cholesterol 23%
Migraine headache 24%
Tinnitus* 22%
Sleep apnea 23%
Posttraumatic stress disorder 20%
Depression 18%
Degenerative joint disease 19%
*7 drinks/week for women and
14 drinks/week for men
Cohort by service branch
at time of enrollment
Marine Corps
Air Force*
Coast Guard
*Tinnitus is the sensation of hearing ringing, buzzing, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds.
*At this time, the Air Force count includes Space Force service members.
U.S. Army photo by Adam Garlington
The main objective of the Millennium Cohort Study is to provide evidence-based knowledge to inform and improve interventions,
clinical practice guidelines, and policies of key stakeholders, including Department of Defense (DoD) and Veteran’s Administration (VA)
Since the launch of the cohort in 2001, the Millennium Cohort Study has investigated the impact of military service, including
deployments and other occupational exposures, on long-term mental, physical, and behavioral health of service members and veterans.
Along with our publications, we also fulfill requests for research that will be used to aid in policy decisions. For example, our team
recently provided results and findings describing the impacts of sexual harassment and sexual assault on service members to the Office
of Personnel and Readiness, Health Services Policy and Oversight. We have also conducted analyses examining adverse mental health
outcomes among Army veterinarians and veterinary technicians, as requested by the Commanding Officer of the Walter Reed Army
Institute of Research.
The unique strength of the Millennium Cohort Study is our ability to measure long-term health outcomes over a wide range of
exposures. We hope study results will help define healthcare policies, guide prevention and treatment programs, and strengthen
opportunities for future generations of military personnel. Examples of findings from the Millennium Cohort Study that have been used to
inform policy include:
Women’s Health
Substance Use
The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) directed the
Millennium Cohort Study to provide annual reports to Congress on
gynecological and perinatal health through 2022.
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report in 2013
entitled “Substance Use Disorders in the U.S. Armed
Forces” that included direct mention of the Millennium
Cohort Study and the unique capability to examine
substance use in service members and military families.
Respiratory Health
Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
In 2020, the National Academies Press published a consensus report
on respiratory health outcomes among service members who were
deployed to the Persian Gulf region and Afghanistan. Specific focus
of the analysis was on health outcomes of exposure to airborne
hazards associated with service in these regions. In particular, the study
evaluated and summarized “emerging evidence on respiratory health
outcomes in service members from research such as the Millennium
Cohort Study.”1 The report summarized findings across multiple studies
and recommendations for future research and policies as related to
respiratory health.
The Millennium Cohort Study is considered a
population health resource for informing performance
and readiness optimization of active-duty personnel.
Data from the study on obesity and deployability
have been used to inform current body composition
standards. Specific policy changes have been made
in DoD recruitment and retention policies. In addition,
information has been used to inform Veteran’s
Health Administration (VHA) weight management
Why is Sleep Research Important?
Sleep is essential for good health. Not getting enough uninterrupted sleep negatively affects a person’s attention, learning and memory,
and physical health.
• Sleep deficiency (too short or too long of sleep) and untreated sleep disorders are associated with a growing number of
health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and depression, all of which can be harmful
to military readiness.
• In addition to health problems, poor sleep is associated with lost worker productivity, and poor sleep and fatigue can cause
accidents, making sleep a serious public health issue.2
• Sleeping 7-9 hours per night is essential for optimal performance of the service member.
Key Points: What did the Millennium Cohort Study Find?
The Millennium Cohort Study is collaborating with leading sleep researchers to conduct research to understand how sleep affects health
over time and influences readiness and warfighter performance. Some example studies are featured below in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Millennium Cohort Study Sleep Research Results
New Onset
Sleep and
New Onset
Anxiety Disorder
New Onset
Summary: A 2013 study from the
Millennium Cohort Team showed
that combat-related trauma and
pre-deployment insomnia symptoms
were significantly associated with
developing post-traumatic stress
disorder, depression, and anxiety
following deployment at 3-year
Summary: A 2016 study from
our research team showed that
insomnia impairs military readiness.
Participants with insomnia symptoms
were significantly more likely to have
worse self-rated health, more lost
workdays, lower odds of deployment,
higher odds of leaving military
service early, and more health care
utilization, compared to participants
without insomnia symptoms.4
Impaired Military
Sleep and
Lower Self-Rated
Health Status
Increased Health
Care Use
Lost Workdays
Lower Odds of
Why is Research on Tobacco Use Important?
Tobacco use, through its many forms (cigarettes, vaping, cigars, smokeless tobacco), has many negative health effects and is related
to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Tobacco use is the leading cause of
preventable death in the world.5
• Cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products are more often used among service members than the U.S. population.
• Regular tobacco use leads to diminished force readiness, medical morbidity (chronic conditions) and mortality (early death),
and increased spending for medical costs.
• According to the Military Health System, “using tobacco in any form poses a threat to readiness and the overall health
of the force.”6
• It is thought that smoking is used as a coping strategy for the stress experienced in military deployments.
Key Points: What did the Millennium Cohort Study Find?
The Millennium Cohort Study is collaborating with leading tobacco researchers to conduct research to understand how military service
and deployment affect tobacco use trends, mental and physical health in relation to tobacco use, and tobacco cessation. Some example
studies are featured below in Figure 2. We are currently collecting data related to vape use and will be reporting on this in the future.
Figure 2. Millennium Cohort Study Tobacco Research Results
New Onset
New Onset Smokeless
Tobacco Use
Military deployment, prolonged
deployments, multiple
deployments, and combat
exposures are strongly related to
smoking relapse among people
who have previously
quit smoking.7
Our research has shown that military
deployment is associated with smoking
and smokeless tobacco initiation
among non-users.7,8
Racial, Ethnic, and Sex Disparities in Mental Health Among U.S. Service Members and Veterans
Mental health experiences vary among people of different backgrounds. This study explored whether similar differences exist
within the U.S. military, focusing on how factors like race, ethnicity, and gender might influence the mental health of service
members and veterans. This paper is available online ahead of print at the American Journal of Epidemiology.
Individual and Military Factors That Modify the Association Between Recent Sexual Trauma and Health
Outcomes Among U.S. Service Members and Veterans
Experiences like sexual harassment and assault can take a toll on both your mind and body, affecting people in military and
civilian life alike. This study looked at whether personal experiences and military service influence how sexual trauma impacts
health, including anxiety, depression, physical pain, and sleep problems. This paper was published in the September 2023 issue of
Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
Lifetime Traumatic Brain Injury and Risk of Post-Concussive Symptoms
Many service members have experienced traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). This study looked at whether having more TBIs makes
symptoms like headaches, memory problems, and trouble sleeping (called post-concussive symptoms) more likely. This paper
was published in the June 26, 2023 issue of Journal of Neurotrauma.
Single and Repeated High-Level Blast, Low-Level Blast, and New-Onset Self-Reported Health Conditions in the
U.S. Millennium Cohort Study: An Exploratory Investigation
Service members exposed to blasts may experience various health issues. This study investigated whether service members who
experienced powerful blasts (from incoming fire) or smaller ones (from their own artillery) were more likely to report health
problems such as anxiety, depression, hearing loss, ringing in the ears, tiredness, and severe headaches. This paper was published
in the March 21, 2023 issue of Frontiers in Neurology.
Identifying At-Risk Marines: A Person-Centered Approach to Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health,
and Social Support
While past studies have linked tough childhood experiences (like abuse or neglect) with health problems later in life, they often
examined each type of experience separately. This study took a different approach by looking at how unique combinations
of these experiences might affect people differently, giving us a clearer understanding of these connections. This project was
published in the March 15, 2023 issue of Journal of Affective Disorders.
Contribution of Post-Trauma Insomnia to Depression and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women Service
This project examined whether women service members and veterans who experienced recent combat and/or sexual
trauma were more likely to struggle with sleep problems (insomnia) compared with women who did not report these recent
experiences, and whether insomnia was linked with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. This paper was published
in the March 9, 2023 issue of Sleep.
Risk and Protective Factors for Cancer Mortality Among United States Service Members and Veterans
This study examined factors, including health behaviors and military experiences, that could affect the risk of dying from cancer
and focused on those who served in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This paper was published in the May 1, 2023 issue of Cancer
Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
The Bi-Directional Relationship Between Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Obstructive Sleep Apnea and/or
Insomnia in a Large U.S. Military Cohort
This study explored whether sleep problems like sleep apnea and insomnia could both cause and be caused by PTSD in service
members and veterans, and whether experiences such as combat deployment could affect these relationships. This project was
published in the December 2022 issue of Sleep Health.
1. National Research Council. Respiratory Health Effects of Airborne Hazards Exposures in the Southwest Asia Theater of Military
Operations. 2020. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
2. National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. Sleep Science and Sleep Disorders. 2021.
3. Gehrman P, Seelig AD, Jacobson IG, Boyko EJ, Hooper TI, Gackstetter GD, Ulmer CS, Smith TC. Predeployment Sleep Duration and
Insomnia Symptoms as Risk Factors for New-Onset Mental Health Disorders Following Military Deployment. Sleep. 2013 Jul 1;36(7):10091018. PMID: 23814337.
4. Seelig AD, Jacobson IG, Donoho CJ, Trone DW, Crum-Cianflone NF, Balkin TJ. Sleep and Health Resilience Metrics in a Large Military
Cohort. Sleep. 2016 May 1;39(5):1111-20. PMID: 26951391.
5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking & Tobacco Use. Fast Facts and Fact Sheets. 2021.
6. Military Health System Communications Office. Spit smokeless tobacco out – for good. 2020.
7. Hermes ED, Wells TS, Smith B, Boyko EJ, Gackstetter GG, Miller SC, Smith TC; Millennium Cohort Study Team. Smokeless tobacco use
related to military deployment, cigarettes and mental health symptoms in a large, prospective cohort study among US service members.
Addiction. 2012 May;107(5):983-94. PMID: 22126651.
8. Smith B, Ryan MA, Wingard DL, Patterson TL, Slymen DJ, Macera CA; Millennium Cohort Study Team. Cigarette smoking and military
deployment: a prospective evaluation. Am J Prev Med. 2008 Dec;35(6):539-46. PMID: 18842388.
Millennium Cohort Study
Deployment Health Research Department
PO Box 85777
San Diego, CA 92186-5777
PERMIT # 3909
The following email about the pre-notice newsletter is sent to all study
participants. This email will send a link to the digital version of the
newsletter and provide them with a way to update their mailing
address should they not receive the postal mail.
Dear ,
As the Principal Investigator of the Millennium Cohort Study, I extend my deepest gratitude for your commitment
to this landmark study as well as for the sacrifices you have made for our nation.
Since its launch in 2001, the Millennium Cohort study has proudly grown from 77,000 participants to over a
quarter of a million, spanning all service branches and including Reservists and National Guardsmen. This
remarkable achievement would not have been possible without your invaluable contributions.
You should have recently received a newsletter from the Millennium Cohort Study team, highlighting the upcoming
survey launch, the impact of our research on policy decisions, and other key updates. If you haven't received the
newsletter, it is accessible online at
In the event you haven't received the newsletter, please take a moment to update your mailing address with the
study team. To do so, simply visit our website at and click on "Update Contact Info."
Thank you for your unwavering service and your commitment to this study. Your participation contributes
significantly to shaping the future of healthcare for our nation's heroes.
Very respectfully,
Rudy Rull, PhD, MPH
Principal Investigator, Millennium Cohort Study
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
The following letter announces the launch of the 2024-2025
survey cycle and provides participants with the necessary
information to access their survey.
Committed to Understanding Service Member and Veteran Health
Sample Name
Any Street
Any Street 2
Any City, State Zip_Code
Dear ,
We recently contacted you announcing our plans to launch our next follow-up survey as part of the
ongoing Millennium Cohort Study. This is the largest and longest-running health study in history assessing
wellbeing, chronic illness, and other physical and psychological concerns affecting current and former U.S.
service members.
Your participation is crucial to the success of this study. We understand that your time is valuable, and we
want to express our sincere gratitude for your willingness to contribute to this important research.
Completing the survey is easy and convenient!
We’ve made it as simple as possible for you to complete the survey online. Simply visit our secure website
at or scan the QR code below.
Your Subject ID is:
After you submit your questionnaire online, you will have the opportunity to select a $5 gift card or
a Millennium Cohort hat or coin as a small way of expressing our appreciation for your previous and
continued efforts to make a difference in the lives of current and future military members.
Your responses are essential!
Even if you are no longer on active duty, or are not experiencing any health concerns, your responses
are still very important. We strive to gather data from a wide range of participants to gain a deeper
understanding of the health and wellbeing of our service members, past, present, and future.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Team Study at or call toll free
1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465, and reference your Subject Id:
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control Symbol # DD-HA(AR)2106,
Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0720-0029, and Primary Institutional Review Board Protocol # NHRC.2000.0007.
P.O. BOX 85777 • SAN DIEGO, CA 92186-5777 • DSN: 553-7465 • PHONE: 888-942-5222 • MILLENNIUMCOHORT.ORG
226161-2_82952 Leidos-24FebInvitationLT.indd 1
2/28/24 6:58 AM
Participants will receive one of the follow emails announcing the launch of
the 2024-2025 survey cycle.
Participants will receive one (1) of the following emails.
Launch Email - Version 1
Dear ,
We recently invited you to participate in a follow-up survey as part of the ongoing Millennium Cohort Study. If you
did not receive your invitation letter, please be sure to reach out to the study team to update your mailing
The site is now open, and even though we have not heard from you for a while, we still welcome your
participation. We have made it as easy as possible to complete your survey online.
Simply visit our website by using the following link.
Your Subject ID is:
After completing your survey online, you will have the opportunity to select a $5 gift card or a Millennium Cohort
hat or coin as a small token our appreciation for your ongoing participation in this project. Completing your survey
online is fast, convenient, secure, and environmentally friendly!
Even if you are no longer on active duty, or are not experiencing any health concerns, your responses are still very
important. We strive to gather data from a wide range of participants to gain a deeper understanding of the health
and wellbeing of our service members, past, present, and future.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
Launch Email - Version 2
Dear ,
We recently invited you to participate in a follow-up survey as part of the ongoing Millennium Cohort Study.
The site is now open, and we welcome your participation. We have made it as easy as possible to complete your
survey online.
Simply visit our website by using the following link.
Your Subject ID is:
If you did not receive your invitation letter, please be sure to reach out to the study team to update your mailing
After completing your survey online, you will have the opportunity to select a $5 gift card or a Millennium Cohort
Study hat or coin as a small token our appreciation for your ongoing participation in this project. Completing your
survey online is fast, convenient, secure, and environmentally friendly!
Even if you are no longer on active duty, or are not experiencing any health concerns, your responses are still very
important. We strive to gather data from a wide range of participants to gain a deeper understanding of the health
and wellbeing of our service members, past, present, and future.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders for confidential help at the
Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call toll free 1-888-942-5222 or
DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of
Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
The following are reminder emails about the 2024-2025 survey cycle.
Reminder Email
Dear ,
Mental health is vital to everyone’s overall health but is often overlooked or stigmatized. Millennium Cohort Study
research shows that mental health conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety can often coexist with other
problems like insomnia, substance abuse, or unhealthy weight, all of which can lower quality of life.
By completing your current Millennium Cohort Study survey, you will help us better understand the impact of
military service on the long-term mental health and quality of life of service members. To get started, simply visit
our website at:
Your Subject ID is:
A 2016 study using Millennium Cohort Study data found that service members with combat deployments
developed PTSD and other mental health disorders (anxiety, depression, etc.) more often than those with noncombat deployments or no deployments.
The research team is working to better understand and identify risk factors for these mental health conditions.
Through this investigation, the team can strengthen prevention measures and inform policies to promote mental
health care and education.
Our research team can only conduct this important work due to the continued involvement of our dedicated
Thank you for your time and consideration.
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
Reminder Email
Dear ,
Military service can present a range of physical and mental stressors, from daily duties to deployment and combat.
The Millennium Cohort Study aims to document these stressors and their impact on the health of current and
former service members. Even if you don't feel stressed by your military experience, your input is still invaluable.
We're currently gathering information about participants' experiences and health status. If you have not yet had
an opportunity to complete your Millennium Cohort Study survey, you can do so by going online to our secure
Your Subject ID is:
By reviewing the common stressors that participants report having, we hope to make further strides in research
toward developing the most effective ways to approach stress management among military personnel. This
research is not possible without your participation. You can help us recognize the underlying causes of stress in the
military by participating in our survey.
Thank you for working with us to help protect, promote, and strengthen the health of our service members and
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
Reminder Email
Dear ,
Your par cipa on in the Millennium Cohort Study is vital to understanding the long-term impact of military
service on the health and well-being of our Service members and veterans. Many of your fellow Soldiers, Sailors,
Airmen, and Marines have already completed their surveys, but each individual response is needed to make this
study as comprehensive as possible.
To complete your survey, please visit:
Your Subject ID is:
Even if you are no longer ac vely serving, or do not currently have any health concerns, your con nued
par cipa on is s ll crucial. The most significant benefits of this study will emerge over me, and your input helps
ensure that future genera ons of Service members and veterans receive the best care and support possible.
Thank you for your dedica on to this important study, helping us protect the health of those who serve.
Very respec ully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confiden al help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or tex ng 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any ques ons, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Ins tu onal
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
Incomplete Reminder Email
Dear ,
Thank you for taking the me to start filling out your Millennium Cohort survey. We understand that your me is
very valuable, but your par cipa on in this landmark study is very important.
Please follow the link below to finish the remaining ques ons:
Your Subject ID is:
Your con nued involvement in this important project makes it possible to inform policy makers regarding your
experiences and to guide preven on measures that posi vely impact former, current, and future Service members.
Thank you in advance for comple ng this important DoD survey.
Very respec ully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confiden al help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or tex ng 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any ques ons, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Ins tu onal
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
The following are our annual messages to our participants for
Veterans and Memorial Day.
Veterans Day Email
Dear ,
On Veterans Day, we honor the sacrifices and bravery of those who have served. From the frontlines to the home
front, your selfless service is a testament to your courage and devotion to our nation.
You should receive a Veterans Day postcard in the mail from the Millennium Cohort Study team. You can also view
it online by visiting our website at
The Millennium Cohort Study stands united in support of our veterans.
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Note Report Control
Symbol #DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional
Review Board Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit
Memorial Day Email
Dear ,
On this Memorial Day, we unite to honor the courageous men and women who sacrificed their lives for our
nation's freedom. We reflect on the true cost of our liberties and acknowledge the profound debt we owe to those
who paid it.
You should soon receive a Memorial Day postcard in the mail from the Millennium Cohort Study team. You can
also view it online by visiting our website at
Wishing you a meaningful Memorial Day as we honor our fallen heroes.
Very respectfully,
The Millennium Cohort Study Team
If you are a Veteran or service member in crisis or concerned about one, please connect with qualified responders
for confidential help at the Veteran Crisis Line by DIALING 988 then PRESS 1 or texting 838255. You can get more
resources at
For any questions, please contact the Millennium Cohort Study Team at or call
toll free 1-888-942-5222 or DSN 553-7465 and reference your Subject ID: .
The Millennium Cohort Study is an authorized Department of Defense research project. Report Control Symbol
#DD-NAVY-2678, Office of Management and Budget Approval # 0703-0064, and Primary Institutional Review Board
Protocol #NHRC.2000.0007.
If you would like this email address to be removed from our email list, please visit