50 Cfr 660.230

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Northwest Region Federal Fisheries Permits

50 CFR 660.230

OMB: 0648-0203

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230

[76 FR 74746, Dec. 1, 2011]

§ 660.230 Fixed gear fishery—management measures.
(a) General. Most species taken in limited entry fixed gear (longline and pot/trap) fisheries will be managed
with cumulative trip limits (see trip limits in Tables 2 (North) and 2 (South) of this subpart), size limits (see
§ 660.60(h)(5)), seasons (see trip limits in Tables 2 (North) and 2 (South) of this subpart and sablefish
primary season details in § 660.231), gear restrictions (see paragraph (b) of this section), and closed
areas (see paragraph (d) of this section and §§ 660.70 through 660.79). Cowcod retention is prohibited in
all fisheries, and groundfish vessels operating south of Point Conception must adhere to GEA restrictions
(see paragraph (d)(17) of this section and § 660.70). Yelloweye rockfish retention is prohibited in the
limited entry fixed gear fisheries. Regulations governing tier limits for the limited entry, fixed gear sablefish
primary season north of 36°N lat. are found in § 660.231. Vessels not participating in the sablefish
primary season are subject to daily or weekly sablefish limits in addition to cumulative limits for each
cumulative limit period. Only one sablefish landing per week may be made in excess of the daily trip limit
and, if the vessel chooses to make a landing in excess of that daily trip limit, then that is the only sablefish
landing permitted for that week. The trip limit for black rockfish caught with hook-and-line gear also
applies, see § 660.230(e). The trip limits in Table 2 (North) and Table 2 (South) of this subpart apply to
vessels participating in the limited entry groundfish fixed gear fishery and may not be exceeded.
(b) Gear restrictions —
(1) Longline and pot or trap gear are authorized in the limited entry fixed gear fishery, providing the gear
is in compliance with the restrictions set forth in this section, and gear marking requirements
described in § 660.219 of this subpart.
(2) Vessels participating in the limited entry fixed gear fishery may also fish with open access gear
subject to the gear restrictions at § 660.330(b), subpart F, but will be subject to the most restrictive
trip limits for the gear used as specified at § 660.60(h)(7), subpart C.
(3) Limited entry fixed gear (longline, trap or pot gear) must be attended at least once every 7 days.
(4) Traps or pots must have biodegradable escape panels constructed with 21 or smaller untreated
cotton twine in such a manner that an opening at least 8 inches (20.3 cm) in diameter results when
the twine deteriorates.
(5) Vessels fishing with bottom longline and snap gears as defined at § 660.11 are subject to the
requirements of the Seabird Avoidance Program described in § 660.21.
(6) Gear for use in the Nontrawl RCA. Inside the nontrawl RCA, only legal non-bottom contact hook-andline gear configurations may be used for target fishing for groundfish by vessels that participate in
the limited entry fixed gear sector as defined at § 660.11. On a fishing trip where any fishing will
occur inside the nontrawl RCA, only one type of legal non-bottom contact gear may be carried on
board, and no other fishing gear of any type may be carried on board or stowed during that trip. The
vessel may fish inside and outside the nontrawl RCA on the same fishing trip, provided a valid
declaration report as required at § 660.13(d) has been filed with NMFS OLE. Legal non-bottom
contact hook-and-line gear means stationary vertical jig gear not anchored to the bottom and
groundfish troll gear, subject to the specifications in paragraphs (b)(6)(i) and (ii) of this section.

Stationary vertical jig gear. The following requirements apply to stationary vertical jig gear:

50 CFR 660.230(b)(6)(i) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230(b)(6)(i)(A)

(A) Must be a minimum of 30 feet (9 m) between the bottom weight and the lowest fishing
(B) No more than 4 vertical mainlines attached to or fished from the vessel (e.g., rod and reel)
may be used in the water at one time with no more than 25 hooks on each mainline;
(C) No more than 100 hooks may be in the water at one time, with no more than 25 extra
hooks on board the vessel.
(ii) Groundfish troll gear. The following requirements apply to groundfish troll gear:
(A) Must be a minimum of 50 feet (15 m) between the bottom weight and the troll wire's
connection to the horizontal mainline;
(B) No more than one mainline attached to or fished form the vessel may be used in the water
at one time;
(C) No more than 500 hooks may be in the water at one time, with no more than 25 extra
hooks on board the vessel;
(D) Hooks must be spaced apart by a visible maker (e.g., floats, line wraps, colored line
splices), with no more than 25 hooks between each marker and no more than 20 markers
on the mainline; and
(E) Natural bait or weighted hooks may not be used nor be on board the vessel. Artificial lures
and bait are permitted.
(c) Sorting Requirements.
(1) In addition to the requirements at § 660.12(a)(8) the States of Washington, Oregon, and California
may also require that vessels record their landings as sorted on their state landing receipts.
(2) For limited entry fixed gear vessels, the following species must be sorted:

Coastwide —arrowtooth flounder, big skate, black rockfish, blue/deacon rockfish, canary
rockfish, darkblotched rockfish, Dover sole, English sole, lingcod, longnose skate, longspine
thornyhead, petrale sole, minor nearshore rockfish, minor shelf rockfish, minor slope rockfish,
other fish, other flatfish, Pacific cod, Pacific whiting, rougheye/blackspotted rockfish, sablefish,
shortbelly rockfish, shortraker rockfish, shortspine thornyhead, spiny dogfish, starry flounder,
widow rockfish, and yelloweye rockfish;

(ii) North of 40°10′ N lat. —cabezon (California), copper rockfish (California), Oregon cabezon/kelp
greenling complex, POP, quillback rockfish (California), Washington cabezon/kelp greenling
complex, yellowtail rockfish; and
(iii) South of 40°10′ N lat. —blackgill rockfish, bocaccio, bronzespotted rockfish, cabezon, California
scorpionfish, chilipepper rockfish, copper rockfish, cowcod, minor shallow nearshore rockfish,
minor deeper nearshore rockfish, Pacific sanddabs, quillback rockfish, splitnose rockfish, and
vermilion rockfish.
(d) Groundfish conservation areas. GCAs are defined by coordinates expressed in degrees of latitude and
longitude. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the GCA boundaries are specified at §§ 660.70
through 660.74. A vessel that is authorized by this paragraph to fish within a GCA (e.g., fishing for “other

50 CFR 660.230(d) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230(d)(1)

flatfish” with hook and line gear only), may not simultaneously have other gear on board the vessel that is
unlawful to use for fishing within the GCA. The following GCAs apply to vessels participating in the limited
entry fixed gear fishery.
(1) North coast recreational yelloweye rockfish conservation area. The latitude and longitude coordinates
of the North Coast Recreational Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA) boundaries are
specified at § 660.70, subpart C. The North Coast Recreational YRCA is designated as an area to be
avoided (a voluntary closure) by commercial fixed gear fishers.
(2) North coast commercial yelloweye rockfish conservation area. The latitude and longitude coordinates
of the North Coast Commercial Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA) boundaries are
specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the North
Coast Commercial YRCA. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or land groundfish taken with
limited entry fixed gear within the North Coast Commercial YRCA. Limited entry fixed gear vessels
may transit through the North Coast Commercial YRCA with or without groundfish on board.
(3) South coast recreational yelloweye rockfish conservation area. The latitude and longitude
coordinates of the South Coast Recreational Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA)
boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. The South Coast Recreational YRCA is designated
as an area to be avoided (a voluntary closure) by commercial fixed gear fishers.
(4) Westport offshore recreational YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates that define the
Westport Offshore Recreational YRCA boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. The Westport
Offshore Recreational YRCA is designated as an area to be avoided (a voluntary closure) by
commercial fixed gear fishers.
(5) Tillamook YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates that define the Tillamook YRCA boundaries
are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the
Tillamook YRCA on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or
land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Tillamook YRCA on dates when the
closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure may be implemented
through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the Tillamook
YRCA at any time, with or without groundfish on board.
(6) Newport YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates that define the Newport YRCA boundaries are
specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the
Newport YRCA on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or
land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Newport YRCA on dates when the
closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure may be implemented
through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the Newport
YRCA at any time, with or without groundfish on board.
(7) Florence YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates that define the Florence YRCA boundaries are
specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the
Florence YRCA on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or
land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Florence YRCA on dates when the
closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure may be implemented
through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the Florence
YRCA at any time, with or without groundfish on board.

50 CFR 660.230(d)(7) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230(d)(8)

(8) Heceta Bank YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates that define the Heceta Bank YRCA
boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited
within the Heceta Bank YRCA on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain,
possess, or land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Heceta Bank YRCA on
dates when the closure is in effect. The closure is currently in effect. This closure may be modified
through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the Heceta Bank
YRCA at any time, with or without groundfish on board.
(9) Point St. George YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the Point St. George YRCA
boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited
within the Point St. George YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and
retain, possess, or land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Point St. George
YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure
may be imposed through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through
the Point St. George YRCA, at any time, with or without groundfish on board.
(10) South Reef YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the South Reef YRCA boundaries are
specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the South
Reef YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or land
groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the South Reef YRCA, on dates when the closure
is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure may be imposed through inseason
adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the South Reef YRCA, at any time,
with or without groundfish on board.
(11) Reading Rock YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the Reading Rock YRCA boundaries
are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is prohibited within the
Reading Rock YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess,
or land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the Reading Rock YRCA, on dates when
the closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at this time. This closure may be imposed through
inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear vessels may transit through the Reading Rock YRCA,
at any time, with or without groundfish on board.
(12) Point Delgada (North) YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the Point Delgada (North)
YRCA boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is
prohibited within the Point Delgada (North) YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. It is
unlawful to take and retain, possess, or land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the
Point Delgada (North) YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at
this time. This closure may be imposed through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear
vessels may transit through the Point Delgada (North) YRCA, at any time, with or without groundfish
on board.
(13) Point Delgada (South) YRCA. The latitude and longitude coordinates of the Point Delgada (South)
YRCA boundaries are specified at § 660.70, subpart C. Fishing with limited entry fixed gear is
prohibited within the Point Delgada (South) YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. It is
unlawful to take and retain, possess, or land groundfish taken with limited entry fixed gear within the
Point Delgada (South) YRCA, on dates when the closure is in effect. The closure is not in effect at
this time. This closure may be imposed through inseason adjustment. Limited entry fixed gear
vessels may transit through the Point Delgada (South) YRCA, at any time, with or without groundfish
on board.

50 CFR 660.230(d)(13) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230(d)(14)

(14) Nontrawl Rockfish Conservation Area (RCA). The nontrawl RCA is defined at § 660.11 and with
latitude and longitude coordinates, at §§ 660.71 through 660.74 or the EEZ, where fishing for
groundfish with nontrawl gear is prohibited. Boundaries for the nontrawl RCA throughout the year are
provided in the header to Table 2 (North) and Table 2 (South) of this subpart and may be modified by
NMFS inseason pursuant to § 660.60(c).

It is unlawful to operate a vessel with limited entry nontrawl gear in the nontrawl RCA, except for
the purpose of continuous transit, or when the use of limited entry nontrawl gear is authorized
in this section. It is unlawful to take and retain, possess, or land groundfish taken with limited
entry nontrawl gear within the nontrawl RCA, unless otherwise authorized in this section.

(ii) Limited entry nontrawl vessels may transit through the nontrawl RCA, with or without groundfish
on board, provided all groundfish nontrawl gear is stowed either: Below deck; or if the gear
cannot readily be moved, in a secured and covered manner, detached from all lines, so that it is
rendered unusable for fishing.
(iii) The nontrawl RCA restrictions in this section apply to vessels registered to limited entry fixed
gear permits fishing for species other than groundfish with nontrawl gear on trips where
groundfish species are retained. Unless otherwise authorized in this section, a vessel may not
retain any groundfish taken on a fishing trip for species other than groundfish that occurs within
the nontrawl RCA. If a vessel fishes in a non-groundfish fishery in the nontrawl RCA, it may not
participate in any fishing for groundfish on that trip that is prohibited within the nontrawl RCA.
[For example, if a vessel fishes in the salmon troll fishery within the RCA, the vessel cannot on
the same trip fish in the sablefish fishery outside of the RCA.]
(iv) It is lawful to fish within the nontrawl RCA with limited entry fixed gear using hook and line gear
only when trip limits authorize such fishing, and provided a valid declaration report as required
at § 660.13(d), subpart C, has been filed with NMFS OLE.
(v) It is lawful to fish within the nontrawl RCA under the limited entry fixed gear trip limits specified
in Table 2 (North) and Table 2 (South) of this subpart only when using the non-bottom contact
hook-and-line gear types described at § 660.230(b)(6), and provided a valid declaration report
as required at § 660.13(d), subpart C, has been filed with NMFS OLE.
(15) Farallon Islands. Under California law, commercial fishing for all groundfish is prohibited between the
shoreline and the 10 fm (18 m) depth contour around the Farallon Islands. An exception to this
prohibition is that commercial fishing for “other flatfish” is allowed around the Farallon Islands using
hook and line gear only. (See Table 2 (South) of this subpart.) For a definition of the Farallon Islands,
see § 660.70, subpart C.
(16) Cordell Bank. Commercial fishing for groundfish is prohibited in waters of depths less than 100 fm
(183 m) around Cordell Bank, as defined by specific latitude and longitude coordinates at § 660.70,
subpart C. An exception to this prohibition is that commercial fishing for “other flatfish” is allowed
around Cordell Bank using hook and line gear only.
(17) Groundfish exclusion areas (GEAs). The GEAs are closed areas in the Southern California Bight,
defined by specific latitude and longitude coordinates (specified at § 660.70) where commercial and
recreational fishing for groundfish is prohibited. It is unlawful to fish for, take and retain, possess
(except for the purpose of continuous transit) or land groundfish within the GEAs. All fishing gear for
targeting groundfish must be stowed while transiting through a GEA. If fishing for non-groundfish
species within a GEA, then no groundfish may be on board the vessel.
50 CFR 660.230(d)(17) (enhanced display)

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50 CFR Part 660 (up to date as of 7/30/2024)
Fisheries off West Coast States

50 CFR 660.230(e)

(e) Black rockfish fishery management. The trip limit for black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) for commercial
fishing vessels using hook-and-line gear between the U.S.-Canada border and Cape Alava (48°09.50′ N.
lat.), and between Destruction Island (47°40′ N. lat.) and Leadbetter Point (46°38.17′ N. lat.), is 100 lbs (45
kg) or 30 percent, by weight of all fish on board, whichever is greater, per vessel per fishing trip. These per
trip limits apply to limited entry and open access fisheries, in conjunction with the cumulative trip limits
and other management measures in § 660.230, subpart E, and § 660.330, subpart F. The crossover
provisions in § 660.60(h)(7), subpart C, do not apply to the black rockfish per-trip limits.
(f) Salmon bycatch. This fishery may be closed through automatic action at § 660.60(d)(1)(v) and (vi).
(g) Essential Fish Habitat Conservation Areas (EFHCA). EFHCAs, defined at § 660.11 and with latitude and
longitude coordinates at §§ 660.75 through 660.79, apply to vessels using bottom contact gear, defined
at § 660.11, and includes limited entry fixed gear (e.g., longline and pot/trap,) among other gear types.
EFHCAs closed to bottom contact gear are listed at § 660.12(a).
[75 FR 60897, Oct. 1, 2010, as amended at 76 FR 27549, May 11, 2011; 76 FR 53838, Aug. 30, 2011; 78 FR 634, Jan. 3, 2013; 80
FR 12593, Mar. 10, 2015; 80 FR 71981, Nov. 18, 2015; 82 FR 9662, Feb. 7, 2017; 82 FR 60569, Dec. 21, 2017; 83 FR 64006, Dec. 12,
2018; 84 FR 49962, Sept. 24, 2019; 84 FR 63991, Nov. 19, 2019; 85 FR 79921, Dec. 11, 2020; 86 FR 14381, Mar. 16, 2021; 87 FR
77027, Dec. 16, 2022; 88 FR 83849, Dec. 1, 2023]

§ 660.231 Limited entry fixed gear sablefish primary fishery.
This section applies to the sablefish primary fishery for the limited entry fixed gear fishery north of 36° N. lat.
Limited entry and open access fixed gear sablefish fishing outside of the sablefish primary season north of 36° N.
lat. is governed by management measures imposed under §§ 660.230, 660.232, 660.330 and 660.332.
(a) Sablefish endorsement. In addition to requirements pertaining to fishing in the limited entry fixed gear
fishery (described in subparts C and E), a vessel may not fish in the sablefish primary season for the
limited entry fixed gear fishery, unless at least one limited entry permit with both a gear endorsement for
longline or trap (or pot) gear and a sablefish endorsement is registered for use with that vessel. Permits
with sablefish endorsements are assigned to one of three tiers, as described at § 660.25(b)(3)(iv), subpart
(b) Sablefish primary season for the limited entry fixed gear fishery —
(1) Season dates. North of 36° N lat., the sablefish primary season for the limited entry, fixed gear,
sablefish-endorsed vessels begins at 12 noon local time on April 1 and closes at 12 noon local time
on December 31, or closes for an individual vessel owner when the tier limit for the sablefish
endorsed permit(s) registered to the vessel has been reached, whichever is earlier, unless otherwise
announced by the Regional Administrator through the routine management measures process
described at § 660.60(c).
(2) Gear type. During the primary season, when fishing against primary season cumulative limits, each
vessel authorized to fish in that season under paragraph (a) of this section may fish for sablefish
with any of the gear types, except trawl gear, endorsed on at least one of the sablefish endorsed
permits registered for use with that vessel.
(3) Cumulative limits.

A vessel participating in the primary season will be constrained by the sablefish cumulative limit
associated with each of the permits registered for use with that vessel. During the primary
season, each vessel authorized to fish in that season under paragraph (a) of this section may

50 CFR 660.231(b)(3)(i) (enhanced display)

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