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pdflotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2024 / Notices
the period of performance and closeout
of PHMSA financial assistance for the
project, estimated to be February 21,
2028. If the sources of Federal financial
assistance applied to the project are
changed, PHMSA will consider whether
the waiver continues to be warranted,
taking into account the project’s
development status at that time and any
changes in market conditions for the
products subject to the waiver.
Although City Utilities was awarded
$10 million in NGDISM grant funding in
FY2022, the majority of funding in
NGDISM projects typically goes towards
labor costs rather than materials costs.
City Utilities estimates that for its
FY2022 project the total cost of the
products proposed to be waived equals
approximately $72,000, divided across
five types of products. NIST MEP
identified several companies who have
the capability to manufacture 1A meter
swivels, nuts, and washers, yet declined
to do so after engagement with City
Utilities on the grounds that it would be
cost prohibitive to manufacture these
products at the relatively small scale
needed by City Utilities.
By contrast, the proposed waiver
would have a large impact on City
Utilities’ ability to successfully
complete its NGDISM project and
deliver meaningful safety benefits to
disadvantaged areas of Springfield, MO.
All of the products listed herein are
essential to the proper construction of a
natural gas distribution pipeline. If this
waiver is not approved, City Utilities’
project will not be completed
successfully. Additionally, City Utilities
estimates that its total materials costs for
the project will equal approximately
$800,000. The cost of the products
proposed to be waived therefore equates
to 9 percent of City Utilities’ total
materials costs, which is above the five
percent threshold applicable to DOT’s
Waiver of Buy America Requirements
for De Minimis Costs and Small Grants
(88 FR 55817).
Under OMB Memorandum M–24–02,
agencies are expected to assess
‘‘whether a significant portion of any
cost advantage of a foreign-sourced
product is the result of the use of
dumped steel, iron, or manufactured
products or the use of injuriously
subsidized steel, iron, or manufactured
products’’ as appropriate before granting
a public interest waiver. PHMSA’s
analysis has concluded that this
assessment is not applicable to this
waiver, as it is being proposed on the
basis of nonavailability, rather than
public interest or unreasonable cost.
PHMSA will consider all comments
received in the initial 15-day comment
period during our consideration of the
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proposed waiver, as required by Section
70914(c)(2) of the IIJA. Comments
received after this period, but before
notice of our finding is published in the
Federal Register, will be considered to
the extent practicable.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
23, 2024, under authority delegated in 49
CFR 1.97.
Tristan H. Brown,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2024–22118 Filed 9–26–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Comptroller of the
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Information Collection
Renewal; Submission for OMB Review;
Supervisory Guidance on Stress
Testing for Banking Organizations
With Total Consolidated Assets of
More Than $10 Billion
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
The OCC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites
comment on a continuing information
collection, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). In
accordance with the requirements of the
PRA, the OCC may not conduct or
sponsor, and the respondent is not
required to respond to, an information
collection unless it displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The OCC is
soliciting comment concerning the
renewal of its information collection
titled, ‘‘Supervisory Guidance on Stress
Testing for Banking Organizations with
Total Consolidated Assets of More Than
$10 Billion.’’ The OCC also is giving
notice that it has sent the collection to
OMB for review.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before October 28, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Commenters are encouraged
to submit comments by email, if
possible. You may submit comments by
any of the following methods:
• Email:
• Mail: Chief Counsel’s Office,
Attention: Comment Processing, Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency,
Attention: 1557–0312, 400 7th Street
SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery/Courier: 400 7th
Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
DC 20219.
PO 00000
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• Fax: (571) 293–4835.
Instructions: You must include
‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘1557–
0312’’ in your comment. In general, the
OCC will publish comments on without change,
including any business or personal
information provided, such as name and
address information, email addresses, or
phone numbers. Comments received,
including attachments and other
supporting materials, are part of the
public record and subject to public
disclosure. Do not include any
information in your comment or
supporting materials that you consider
confidential or inappropriate for public
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should also be
sent within 30 days of publication of
this notice to
do/PRAMain. You can find this
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
You may review comments and other
related materials that pertain to this
information collection following the
close of the 30-day comment period for
this notice by the method set forth in
the next bullet.
• Viewing Comments Electronically:
Go to Hover over the
‘‘Information Collection Review’’ tab
and click on ‘‘Information Collection
Review’’ from the drop-down menu.
From the ‘‘Currently under Review’’
drop-down menu, select ‘‘Department of
Treasury’’ and then click ‘‘submit.’’ This
information collection can be located by
searching by OMB control number
‘‘1557–0312’’ or ‘‘Supervisory Guidance
on Stress Testing for Banking
Organizations with Total Consolidated
Assets of More Than $10 Billion.’’ Upon
finding the appropriate information
collection, click on the related ‘‘ICR
Reference Number.’’ On the next screen,
select ‘‘View Supporting Statement and
Other Documents’’ and then click on the
link to any comment listed at the bottom
of the screen.
• For assistance in navigating, please contact the
Regulatory Information Service Center
at (202) 482–7340.
Shaquita Merritt, Clearance Officer,
(202) 649–5490, Chief Counsel’s Office,
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, 400 7th Street SW,
Washington, DC 20219. If you are deaf,
hard of hearing, or have a speech
disability, please dial 7–1–1 to access
telecommunications relay services.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 188 / Friday, September 27, 2024 / Notices
Under the
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), Federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
OMB for each collection of information
that they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
1320.3(c) to include agency requests or
requirements that members of the public
submit reports, keep records, or provide
information to a third party. The OCC
asks the OMB to extend its approval of
the collection in this notice.
Title: Supervisory Guidance on Stress
Testing for Banking Organizations with
Total Consolidated Assets of More Than
$10 Billion.
OMB Control No.: 1557–0312.
Type of Review: Regular.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
Description: On May 17, 2012, the
OCC, along with the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the
Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve (FRB), published guidance in
the Federal Register on the use of stress
testing as a means to better understand
the range of a banking organization’s 1
potential risk exposures.2 The OCC is
now seeking to renew the information
collection associated with that
The guidance provides an overview of
how a banking organization should
structure its stress testing activities to
ensure that those activities fit into the
banking organization’s overall risk
management. The purpose of the
guidance is to outline broad principles
for a satisfactory stress testing
framework and describe how stress
testing should be used. In addition, the
guidance sets forth high-level
recommendations for the development
of a stress testing framework with
clearly defined objectives; welldesigned scenarios tailored to the
organization’s business and risks; welldocumented assumptions; conceptually
sound methodologies to assess potential
impact to the organization’s financial
condition; informative management
reports; recommended actions based on
stress test results; and policies and
procedures for the framework. The
information collected informs how
banking organizations use stress testing
as a component of risk management and
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
1 For purposes of this guidance, the term
‘‘banking organization’’ means national banks,
Federal savings associations, and Federal branches
and agencies supervised by the OCC; state member
banks, bank holding companies, savings and loan
holding companies, and all other institutions for
which the Federal Reserve is the primary Federal
supervisor; and state nonmember banks, and all
other institutions for which the FDIC is the primary
Federal supervisor.
2 77 FR 29458 (May 17, 2012).
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as a tool for capital and liquidity
planning. The OCC reviews such
materials as part of its supervisory
process, which includes review of the
risk-management capabilities of OCCsupervised banking organizations.
While the guidance is not intended to
provide detailed instructions for
conducting stress testing for any
particular risk or business area, it does
describe several types of stress testing
activities and how they may be most
appropriately used by banking
organizations. The guidance does not
explicitly address the stress testing
requirements imposed upon certain
banking organizations by section 165(i)
of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform
and Consumer Protection Act.3
Estimated Frequency of Response: On
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Annual Burden: 16,120
Comments: On July 23, 2024, the OCC
published a 60-day notice for this
information collection, 89 FR 59803. No
comments were received.
Comments continue to be invited on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
OCC, including whether the information
has practical utility;
(b) The accuracy of the OCC’s
estimate of the burden of the collection
of information;
(c) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected;
(d) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and
(e) Estimates of capital or start-up
costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Patrick T. Tierney,
Assistant Director, Office of the Comptroller
of the Currency.
[FR Doc. 2024–22234 Filed 9–26–24; 8:45 am]
3 Public Law 111–203, 124 Stat. 1376 (2010), as
revised by the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief,
and Consumer Protection Act, Public Law 115–174,
132 Stat. 1296–1368 (2018), and codified at 12
U.S.C. 5365(i)(2).
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Enhanced-Use Lease of Department of
Veterans Affairs Real Property for the
Development of Permanent Supportive
Housing at the Veterans Affairs Palo
Alto Health Care System—Menlo Park
Division, Menlo Park, California
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Notice of intent to enter into an
enhanced-use lease.
The purpose of this Federal
Register notice is to provide the public
with notice that the Secretary of the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
intends to enter into an enhanced-use
lease (EUL) of approximately 2.1 acres
of underutilized land on the campus of
the VA Palo Alto Health Care System—
Menlo Park Division.
Brett Simms, Executive Director, Office
of Asset Enterprise Management, Office
of Management, 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420, 202–632–
7092. This is not a toll-free number.
to 38 U.S.C. 8161, et seq. as amended by
Public Law 117–168, the Secretary of
VA is authorized to enter into an EUL
for a term of up to 99 years, that (a)
provides supportive housing for
Veterans and their families, or (b)
enhances the use of the leased property
by directly or indirectly benefitting
Veterans. Additionally, the EUL must
not be inconsistent with and not
adversely affect the mission of VA or the
operation of VA’s facilities, programs,
and services in the area of the leased
property. Consistent with this authority,
the Secretary of VA intends to enter into
an EUL for the purpose of outleasing
approximately 2.1 acres of underutilized
land on the campus of the VA Palo Alto
Health Care System—Menlo Park
Division, to develop approximately 60
units of permanent supportive housing
for Veterans and their families and 2
manager units. The competitively
selected EUL lessee/developer, MP Oak
Gardens Associates, L.P., will finance,
design, develop, construct, manage,
maintain, and operate housing for
eligible homeless Veterans or Veterans
at risk of homelessness on a priority
placement basis. In addition, the lessee/
developer will be required to provide
supportive services that guide Veteran
residents towards long-term
independence and self-sufficiency.
Signing Authority
Denis McDonough, Secretary of
Veterans Affairs, approved and signed
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2024-09-27 |
File Created | 2024-09-27 |