60.5422b Semiannual Report (Spreadsheet Template) |
60.5422b |
draft |
2/26/2024 |
OMB Control Number: 2060-0721 Form 5900-651 For further Paperwork Reduction Act information see: https://www.epa.gov/electronic-reporting-air-emissions/paperwork-reduction-act-pra-cedri-and-ert |
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After December 6, 2022 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities that Commenced Construction On or Before December 6, 2022 |
§60.5422b and §60.5422c Semiannual Report Spreadsheet Template |
Instructions for Spreadsheet Template |
Purpose: This spreadsheet template was designed by the U.S. EPA to facilitate semiannual reporting for process unit equipment affected facilities subject under 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOb New Source Performance Standard for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities Constructed, Modified, or Reconstructed after December 6, 2022 and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities that Commenced Construction On or Before December 6, 2022. |
Electronic reporting: Electronic submission of semiannual reports through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting (CEDRI) is required under §60.5422b and §60.5422c. CEDRI is accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (https://cdx.epa.gov). |
Confidential Business Information: |
Do not submit confidential business information (CBI) to EPA via CEDRI. EPA will make all the information submitted through this form via CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available. |
Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI claim for some of the information in this report, you must submit a version of the report with the CBI omitted via CEDRI and submit a complete report, including any information claimed to be CBI, to EPA. The preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol, or other online file sharing services. Electronic submissions must be transmitted directly to the OAQPS CBI Office at the email address oaqpscbi@epa.gov to the attention of the Bulk Gasoline Terminal Sector Lead. If assistance is needed with submitting large electronic files that exceed the file size limit for email attachments, and if you do not have your own file sharing service, please email oaqpscbi@epa.gov to request a file transfer link. If you cannot transmit the file electronically, you may send CBI information through the postal service to the following address:![]() |
OAQPS Document Control Officer (C404-02) OAQPS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Attn: Oil and Gas Sector Lead 109 T.W. Alexander Drive P.O. Box 12055 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711 ![]() |
The mailed CBI material should be double wrapped and clearly marked. Any CBI markings should not show through the outer envelope. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Information not marked as CBI may be authorized for public release without prior notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2. |
Using this Template: |
The CEDRI spreadsheet template upload feature allows you to submit data in a single report for a single site or multiple sites using this EPA provided Excel workbook. Data for each site must be entered into the worksheet labeled "Site Information" in this Excel workbook. Each row in the "Site Information" worksheet includes the data for a single site. The Site Record No. will be used to match the information on each tab to the appropriate site. |
IMPORTANT: The final CEDRI upload file must be a single ZIP file, which must include this Excel workbook and any related attachments that were referenced in the workbook (i.e., additional information file found in the "Site Information" worksheet). |
For each site record found in the "Site Information" worksheet, you may reference a single file attachment that includes additional information. If you are uploading file attachments for your report, the uploaded files may be in any format (e.g., zip, docx, PDF). If you would like to include an Excel file(s) as an attachment, you must first zip the excel file(s) into a separate ZIP file to the master ZIP file that will be uploaded into CEDRI. |
For example, the file “2019Report.zip” uploaded into CEDRI may contain 2 files: 1. Completed_annual_reporting_spreadsheet_2019.xlsx 2. Attachments.zip The “Attachments.zip” file could contain as many attachments of any format (xlsx, xls, docx, pdf, zip, etc.) as needed. If you only have one file to attach, you do not need to zip it unless it is an Excel file (.xlsx, .xls). |
Template Navigation and Tabs to Complete: |
The relevant regulatory citations are listed for each data element. Some data elements provide information that is not required for federal reporting purposes, but may be helpful for report navigation (such as linked to conditional formatting) or may be needed for state or local reporting purposes (e.g., Responsible Agency Facility ID). These data elements do not have a regulatory citation associated with them. |
Within each worksheet, example rows are colored light orange (rows 14 through 23), and the XML tag row (row 13) is colored green. These rows are locked; no data entry is made in these rows. |
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5422b and §60.5422c Semiannual Report | ||||||||||||||
For each process unit affected facility, the owner or operator must include the general information specified in §60.5422b(c)(1) or §60.5422c(c)(1) in all semiannual reports. | ||||||||||||||
Note: The Site Record No. will automatically generate if you do not enter one. | ||||||||||||||
Site Record No. (Field value will automatically generate if a value is not entered.) |
Company Name (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Facility Site Name (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Address of Affected Facility (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Address 2 | City (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
County (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
State Abbreviation (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) (Select from dropdown list) |
Zip Code (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Responsible Agency Facility ID (State Facility Identifier) |
Beginning Date of Reporting Period (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Ending Date of Reporting Period (§60.5422b(b)(1), §60.5422b(c)(1), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Dates of Process Unit Shutdowns During the Reporting Period (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(4), §60.5422c(b)(1), §60.5422c(c)(1)) |
Please enter any additional information. | Enter associated file name reference. |
RecordId | CompanyName | FacilityName | AddressLine1 | AddressLine2 | CityName | CountyName | StateName | ZIPCode | StateFacID | PeriodStartDate | PeriodEndDate | ShutdownDates | AddInfo | AddFile |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: ABC Company | e.g.: XYZ Site | e.g.: 456 Broad Street | e.g.: Suite 249 | e.g.: Houston | e.g.: Cook | e.g.: TX | e.g.: 77001 | e.g.: | e.g.: 01/01/23 | e.g.: 06/30/23 | e.g.: 5/1/23 - 5/3/23 | e.g.: | e.g.: addinfo.zip |
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5422b and §60.5422c Semiannual Report | ||||||
The initial semiannual report must include the following information. You must also use this tab to report revisions to items reported in the initial report if changes have occurred since the initial report or subsequent revisions. | ||||||
to the initial report. | ||||||
Note: You must also complete the Leak_Data tab for each semiannual report, including the initial report. Site Record No. selections will appear once information is entered onto the Site_Information tab. | ||||||
Site Record No. (Select from dropdown list) |
Process unit Identification (§60.5422b(b)(2)(i), §60.5422c(b)(2)(i)) |
Is this a revision of previously submitted information? (§60.5422b(c)(5), §60.5422c(c)(5)) |
Number of valves subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400b(b) and §60.5401b(f) or §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(f) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(ii), §60.5422b(c)(5), §60.5422c(b)(2)(ii), §60.5422c(c)(5)) |
Number of pumps subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400b(b) and §60.5401b(b) or §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(b) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(iii), §60.5422b(c)(5), §60.5422c(b)(2)(iii), §60.5422c(c)(5)) |
Number of connectors subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400b(b) and §60.5401b(h) or §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(h) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(iv), §60.5422b(c)(5), §60.5422c(b)(2)(iv), §60.5422c(c)(5)) |
Number of pressure relief devices subject to the monitoring requirements of §60.5400b(b) and §60.5401b(c) or §60.5400c(b) and §60.5401c(c) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(v), §60.5422b(c)(5), §60.5422c(b)(2)(v), §60.5422c(c)(5)) |
RecordId | ProcessUnitId | RevisionFlag | InValveCt | InPumpCt | InConnectorCt | InPreRelDevCt |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: HVDry-1a | e.g.: Yes | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 |
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5422b and §60.5422c Semiannual Report | |||||||||||||||||
Submit the following information for each month during the semiannual reporting period for each process unit. | |||||||||||||||||
Note: Site Record No. selections will appear once information is entered onto the Site_Information tab. | |||||||||||||||||
Site Record No. (Select from dropdown list) |
Process unit Identification (§60.5422b(b)(2)(i), §60.5422b(c)(2), §60.5422c(b)(2)(i), §60.5422c(c)(2)) |
Month Identification (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)) (Select from dropdown list) |
Number of valves for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400b(b), §60.5401b(f), §60.5400c(b), or §60.5401c(f) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(i), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(i)) |
Number of valves for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(ii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(ii)) |
Number of instances where it was technically infeasible to replace leaking valves with low-e valves or repack existing valves with low-e packing technology (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(ii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(ii)) |
Number of pumps for which leaks were detected as described §60.5400b(b), §60.5401b(b), §60.5400c(b), or §60.5401c(b) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(iii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(iii)) |
Number of pumps for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(iv), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(iv)) |
Number of connectors for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400b(b), §60.5401b(h), §60.5400c(b), or §60.5401c(h) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(v), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(v)) |
Number of connectors for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(vi), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(vi)) |
Number of pressure relief devices for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400b(b), §60.5401b(c), §60.5400c(b), or §60.5401c(c) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(vii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(vii)) |
Number of pressure relief devices for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(viii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(viii)) |
Number of open-ended valves or lines for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400b(e), §60.5401b(d), §60.5400c(e), or §60.5401c(d) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(ix), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(ix)) |
Number of open-ended valves or lines for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(x), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(x)) |
Number of pumps, valves, or connectors in heavy liquid service or pressure relief device in light liquid or heavy liquid service for which leaks were detected as described in §60.5400b(g), §60.5401b(g), §60.5400c(g), or §60.5401c(g) (§60.5422b-c(b)(2)(vi) |
Number of pumps, valves, or connectors in heavy liquid service or pressure relief device in light liquid or heavy liquid service for which leaks were not repaired as required in §60.5400b(h), §60.5401b(i), §60.5400c(h), or §60.5401c(i) ((60.5422b-c(b)(2)) |
Reason why it was technically infeasible to replace leaking valves with low-e valves or repack existing valves with low-e packing technology (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(ii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(ii)) |
The facts that explain each delay of repair and, where appropriate, why a process unit shutdown was technically infeasible (§60.5422b(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422b(c)(3)(xiii), §60.5422c(b)(2)(vi), §60.5422c(c)(3)(xiii)) |
RecordId | ProcessUnitId | MonthID | SAValveCt | SAValveNRCt | SAValveInfeas | SAPumpCt | SAPumpNRCt | SAConnectorCt | SAConnectorNRCt | SAPreRelDevCt | SAPreRelDevNRCt | SAOelCt | SAOelNRCt | SAHeavyCt | SAHeavyNRCt | SAValveInfeasReason | DorReason |
e.g.: 1 | e.g.: HVDry-1a | e.g.: March | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: 5 | e.g.: | e.g.: |
Revision Number | Date | Description |
1.00 | Finalized Release Version | |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |