5900-650 Part_60_Subpart_OOOOb_60.5420b(b)_Annual_Report

Standards of Performance for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources and Emissions Guidelines for Existing Sources: Oil and Natural Gas Sector Climate Review (Final Rule)


OMB: 2060-0721

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Sheet 1: Welcome

Template Name 60.5420b-c(b) Annual Report (Spreadsheet Template)
CitationID 60.5420b-c(b)
Template Version draft
Last Updated Date 3/9/2024

OMB Control Number: 2060-0721
Form 5900-650
For further Paperwork Reduction Act information see:

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After December 6, 2022
40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities that Commenced Construction On or Before December 6, 2022

§60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report Spreadsheet Template

Instructions for Spreadsheet Template


This spreadsheet template was designed by the U.S. EPA to facilitate annual reporting for process unit equipment affected facilities subject under 40 CFR part 60, subpart OOOOb New Source Performance Standard for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities Constructed, Modified, or Reconstructed after December 6 2022 and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities that Commenced Construction On or Before December 6, 2022.

Electronic reporting:

Electronic submission of annual reports through the EPA's Compliance and Emissions Data Reporting (CEDRI) is required under §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b). Additionally, information on sweetening units, including excess emissions periods, is required to be reported in the annual report under §60.5423b and §60.5423c and information related to compliance with the alternative GHG and VOC standards specified in §60.5398b or §60.5398c is required to be reported in the annual report under §60.5424b and §60.5424c. CEDRI is accessed through the EPA's Central Data Exchange (https://cdx.epa.gov).

Confidential Business Information:

Do not submit confidential business information (CBI) to EPA via CEDRI. EPA will make all the information submitted through this form via CEDRI available to the public without further notice to you. All CBI claims must be asserted at the time of submission. Anything submitted using CEDRI cannot later be claimed to be CBI. Furthermore, under CAA section 114(c) emissions data is not entitled to confidential treatment, and EPA is required to make emissions data available to the public. Thus, emissions data will not be protected as CBI and will be made publicly available.

Although we do not expect persons to assert a claim of CBI, if persons wish to assert a CBI claim for some of the information in this report, you must submit a version of the report with the CBI omitted via CEDRI and submit a complete report, including any information claimed to be CBI, to EPA. The preferred method to receive CBI is for it to be transmitted electronically using email attachments, File Transfer Protocol, or other online file sharing services. Electronic submissions must be transmitted directly to the OAQPS CBI Office at the email address oaqpscbi@epa.gov to the attention of the Oil and Gas Sector Lead. If assistance is needed with submitting large electronic files that exceed the file size limit for email attachments, and if you do not have your own file sharing service, please email oaqpscbi@epa.gov to request a file transfer link. If you cannot transmit the file electronically, you may send CBI information through the postal service to the following address:

OAQPS Document Control Officer (C404-02)
OAQPS, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Attn: Oil and Gas Sector Lead
109 T.W. Alexander Drive
P.O. Box 12055
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

The mailed CBI material should be double wrapped and clearly marked. Any CBI markings should not show through the outer envelope. Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be CBI. Information not marked as CBI may be authorized for public release without prior notice. Information marked as CBI will not be disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2.

Using this Template:

The CEDRI spreadsheet template upload feature allows you to submit data in a single report for a single site or multiple sites using this EPA provided Excel workbook. Data for each site must be entered into the worksheet labeled "Site Information" in this Excel workbook. Each row in the "Site Information" worksheet includes the data for a single site. The Site Record No. will be used to match the information on each tab to the appropriate site.

IMPORTANT: The final CEDRI upload file must be a single ZIP file, which must include this Excel workbook and any related attachments that were referenced in the workbook (i.e., additional information file found in the "Site Information" worksheet).

For each site record found in the "Site Information" worksheet, you may reference a single file attachment that includes additional information. If you are uploading file attachments for your report, the uploaded files may be in any format (e.g., zip, docx, PDF). If you would like to include an Excel file(s) as an attachment, you must first zip the excel file(s) into a separate ZIP file to the master ZIP file that will be uploaded into CEDRI.

For example, the file “2019Report.zip” uploaded into CEDRI may contain 2 files:
1. Completed_annual_reporting_spreadsheet_2019.xlsx
2. Attachments.zip
The “Attachments.zip” file could contain as many attachments of any format (xlsx, xls, docx, pdf, zip, etc.) as needed.
If you only have one file to attach, you do not need to zip it unless it is an Excel file (.xlsx, .xls).

Template Navigation and Tabs to Complete:

The worksheet titled "General Info" contains a list of questions about the information you will be reporting. You are not required to complete this tab, but doing so will make navigation of the remaining tabs easier. Selecting "No" in the list of questions will hide the tabs associated with worksheets that are not relevant to your reporting. For example, if you answer "No" to whether you will be reporting for affected process controllers, the "Controller_Facility", "Individual_Controllers", and "Alaska_Controllers" worksheets will be hidden from that point forward, unless you change the answer back to "Yes".

Within some of the worksheets, there are questions which are linked to conditional formatting. Depending on your answer to these questions, certain cells will be blacked out, indicating that those data fields are no longer relevant based on your answer.

The relevant regulatory citations are listed for each data element. Some data elements provide information that is not required for federal reporting purposes, but may be helpful for report navigation (such as linked to conditional formatting) or may be needed for state or local reporting purposes (e.g., Responsible Agency Facility ID). These data elements do not have a regulatory citation associated with them.

Within each worksheet, example rows are colored light orange (rows 14 through 23), and the XML tag row (row 13) is colored green. These rows are locked; no data entry is made in these rows.

Sheet 2: Site_Information

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

The general information specified §60.5420b(b)(1)(i) through (v) is required for all reports.

Note: The Site Record No. will be automatically generated from your Company and Site Name. You must enter a physical address for the site, or if a physical address is not available, you must enter a description of the site location and the coordinates for the site. If you provide an answer in Column E, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Field value will automatically generate.)
Company Name
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Facility Site Name
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Does the site have a physical address?
(Select from dropdown list)
Address of Affected/Designated Facility
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Address 2 City
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
State Abbreviation
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
(Select from dropdown list)
Zip Code
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Description of Site Location
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Latitude of the Site (decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Longitude of the Site (decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
Responsible Agency Facility ID
(State Facility Identifier)
Beginning Date of Reporting Period
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(iii))
Ending Date of Reporting Period
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(iii))
Please enter any additional information. Enter associated file name reference.
RecordId FacilityName SiteName AddressFlag AddressLine1 AddressLine2 CityName CountyName StateName ZipCode SiteDescription SiteLatitude SiteLongitude StateFacId PeriodStartDate PeriodEndDate AddInfo AddFile
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: ABC Company e.g.: XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: No

e.g.: Cook e.g.: IL
e.g.: 7 miles NE of the intersection of Hwy 123 and Hwy 456 e.g.: 34.12345 e.g.: -101.12345 e.g.: e.g.: 01/01/16 e.g.: 06/30/16 e.g.: e.g.: addlinfo.zip
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: DEF Company e.g.: DEF Well Site e.g.: Yes e.g.: 456 Broad Street e.g.: Suite 250 e.g.: Houston e.g.: Houston e.g.: TX e.g.: 77002

e.g.: e.g.: 01/01/18 e.g.: 06/30/18 e.g.: e.g.: DEFWellSite.pdf

Sheet 3: Associated_Well_ID

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

(b)(1) The general information specified in §60.5420b(b)(1)(i) through (v) is required for all reports.

(i) ...US Well ID or US Well ID associated with the affected or designated facility, if applicable…

Note: This tab is only required for affected/designated facilities that are associated with a Well ID. Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Each row should contain one facility and one Well ID. If multiple wells are associated with an affected/designated facility, add a line for each Well ID associated with the affected/designated facility. If a single Well ID is associated with multiple affected/designated facilities, list each affected/designated facility to which it is associated on a separate line.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Affected/Designated Facility Identification
(§60.5420a(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
Type of Affected/Designated Facility
(Select from dropdown list)
US Well ID or US Well ID Associated with the Affected Facility
(§60.5420a(b)(1)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(i))
RecordId AffectedFacID AffectedFacType AssociatedWellId
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Comp-12a e.g.: centrifugal compressor e.g.: 12-345-67890-12

Sheet 4: General_Info

Based on your answers to the following questions, relevant tabs will stay visible or be hidden in this workbook.

This worksheet is optional. You are not required to provide the information below.

Will you be reporting for the following affected facilities:


Centrifugal Compressor?

Reciprocating Compressor?

Process Controller?

Storage Vessel?

Fugitive Emissions?


Sweetening Unit?

Do you need to report information on a super-emitter emissions event?

For Wells:

Do you need to report selling or buying a well?

Do you need to report on liquids unloading?

Do you need to report on wells with associated gas?

For Fugitive Emissions:

Do you need to report information for a fugitive monitoring survey under §60.5397b or §60.5397c? If you comply with an alternative fugitive emissions standard under §60.5399b that isn't site-specific and must report information required by §60.5420b(b)(9)(i) and (ii), answer yes to this question.

Do you need to report information for a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with the alternative periodic screening requirements under §60.5398b(b) or §60.5398c(b)?

For a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with the alternative periodic screening requirements under §60.5398b(b) or §60.5398c(b), do you need to report information related to inspections following a confirmed detection or for an annual OGI survey or OGI survey that replaced a periodic screening event?

Do you need to report information for a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with the continuous monitoring system requirements under §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c)?

For a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with the continuous monitoring system requirements under §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c), do you need to report information on exceedances of operational downtime?

For a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with the continuous monitoring system requirements under §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c), do you need to report information on exceedances of an action level?

Do you need to report information for a fugitive emissions affected facility complying with an alternative fugitive emissions standard under §60.5399b or §60.5399c?

For Closed Vent Systems and Control Devices:

Are you required to report information on covers and closed vent systems?

Is the closed vent system connected to a control device that you need to report information on?

Do you need to report deviations for a well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump or control device?

Is this an initial report for a sweetening unit?

Sheet 5: Well_Sales

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

(1) The general information specified in §60.5420b(b)(1)(i) through (v) or §60.5420c(b)(1)(i) through (v) is required for all reports.

(v) Identification of each well affected/designated facility for which ownership changed due to sale or transfer of ownership including the United States Well Number; the latitude and longitude coordinates of the well affected/designated facility in decimal degrees to an accuracy and precision of five (5) decimals of a degree using the North American Datum of 1983; and the information

in paragraph (b)(1)(v)(A) or (B).

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected/Designated Well
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Latitude of the Well
(decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Longitude of the Well
(decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Did you buy the affected/designated well site or sell the affected/designated well site?
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
(Select from dropdown list)
Name of the Owner or Operator to Which You Sold or Transferred Ownership of the Well Affected/Designated Facility OR from Whom You Acquired the Well Affected/Designated Facility
(§60.5420v(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Phone Number of the Owner or Operator to Which You Sold or Transferred Ownership of the Well Affected/Designated Facility OR from Whom You Acquired the Well Affected/Designated Facility
(§60.5420v(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Email Address of the Owner or Operator to Which You Sold or Transferred Ownership of the Well Affected/Designated Facility OR from Whom You Acquired the Well Affected/Designated Facility
(§60.5420v(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Mailing Address of the Owner or Operator to Which You Sold or Transferred Ownership of the Well Affected/Designated Facility OR from Whom You Acquired the Well Affected/Designated Facility
(§60.5420v(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Mailing Address 2 Mailing Address City
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
Mailing Address State Abbreviation
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
(Select from dropdown list)
Mailing Address Zip Code
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(v), §60.5420c(b)(1)(v))
RecordId WellSaleId WellSaleLat WellSaleLong WellSaleFlag WellSaleOtherOwner WellSaleOtherPhone WellSaleOtherEmail WellSaleOtherAddress WellSaleOtherAddress2 WellSaleOtherCity WellSaleOtherState WellSaleOtherZip
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-12 e.g.: 38.88948 e.g.: -77.03526 e.g.: bought e.g.: The Old Owner e.g.: (555) 555-5555 e.g.: someone@somewhere e.g.: 123 Main Street e.g.: Suite 2 e.g.: City e.g.: OK 55555
e.g.: DEF Company ABC Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-13 e.g.: 38.88950 e.g.: -77.03528 e.g.: sold e.g.: The New Owner e.g.: (111) 111-1111 e.g.: someone@anywhere e.g.: 123 Main Street e.g.: Box 123 e.g.: Sometown e.g.: TX 12345

Sheet 6: Wells

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each well affected facility that is subject to §60.5375b(a) or (f), the records of each well completion operation conducted during the reporting period, including the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(2)(i) through (xiv), if applicable. In lieu of submitting the records specified in (b)(2)(i) through (xiv), the owner or operator may submit a list of each well completion with hydraulic fracturing and the digital photograph required by (c)(1)(v). For each well affected facility that routes flowback entirely through one or more production separators, only the information required by (b)(2)(i) through (b)(2)(iv) and (b)(2)(vi) are required to be reported.

For periods where salable gas is unable to be separated, the information required by (b)(2)(iv) and (b)(2)(viii) through (xii) must also be reported, as applicable.

For each well affected facility that is subject to §60.5375a(g), the information required by (b)(2)(xv) is required to be reported. For each well affected facility which makes a claim that the exemption in §60.5375b(h) was met, the records specified in paragraph (b)(2)(i) through (iv) and (b)(2)(xvi) of this section are required to be reported.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(2)(xii) should be reported on the Deviations tab. List each well completion operation conducted during the reporting period on a separate line. If you provide answers in Columns D, E, G, L, Y and/or AB, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected Well
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(2)(iii))
Are you making a claim that the exemption in §60.5375b(h) was met?
(Select from dropdown list)
Does the well produce less than 300 scf of gas per stock tank barrel of oil produced?
(Select from dropdown list)
List the attachment file name that contains the supporting analysis performed in order to make that claim. List each well on a separate line.
Are you submitting a digital photo in lieu of the records specified in §60.5420b(b)(2)(i) through (b)(2)(xiv)?
(Select from dropdown list)
List the attachment file name that contains the digital photograph. List each event on a separate line.
Latitude of the Well (decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
Longitude of the Well (decimal degrees to 5 decimals using the North American Datum of 1983)
Well Completion ID
Did the well immediately start production following hydraulic fracturing or refracturing?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Onset of Flowback Following Hydraulic Fracturing or Refracturing
Time of Onset of Flowback Following Hydraulic Fracturing or Refracturing
Date of Attempt to Direct Flowback to a Separator as Required in §60.5375b(a)(1)(ii)
Time of Attempt to Direct Flowback to a Separator as Required in §60.5375b(a)(1)(ii)
Date Well was Shut In and Flowback Equipment was Permanently Disconnected or the Startup of Production
Time Well was Shut In and Flowback Equipment was Permanently Disconnected or the Startup of Production
Duration of Flowback
(in hours)
Duration of Recovery
(in hours)
Disposition of Recovery
(Select from dropdown list)
Duration of Combustion
(in hours)
Duration of Venting
(in hours)
Specific Reasons for Venting In Lieu of Capture or Combustion
Is the well affected facility subject to §60.5375b(f)?
(Select from dropdown list)
Well Type
(Select from dropdown list)
List the attachment file name that contains the supporting inputs and calculations.
Are you claiming an exception under §60.5375b(a)(2)?
(Select from dropdown list)
Specific Exception Claimed
(Select from dropdown list)
Why the Well Meets the Claimed Exception
RecordId WellId WellExemptionFlag WellLowProdFlag WellLowProdCalcFile WellPhotoFlag WellPhotoFile WellLat WellLong WellCompletionId WellProdStartFlag WellFlowbackDate WellFlowbackTime WellSepDate WellSepTime WellShutDate WellShutTime WellFlowbackDuration WellRecoveryDuration WellRecoveryDisposition WellCombustDuration WellVentDuration WellVentReason WellSubjFlag WellType WellSupportCalcFile WellExceptFlag WellExceptClaim WellExceptReason
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-12 e.g.: No e.g.: No
e.g.: No
e.g.: 38.88948 e.g.: -77.03526 e.g.: Completion ABC e.g.: Yes, flowback was routed through a production separator and production immediately started

e.g.: 10/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM

e.g.: DEF Company ABC Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-13 e.g.: No e.g.: No
e.g.: No
e.g.: 38.88950 e.g.: -77.03528 e.g.: Completion ABC e.g.: No, production did not immediately start e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 7 e.g.: 7 e.g.: Used as on onsite fuel source e.g.: 7 e.g.: 7 e.g.: No onsite storage or combustion unit was available at the time of completion. e.g.: No

e.g.: No

e.g.: DEF Company XYZ Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-16 e.g.: No e.g.: Yes e.g.: GORcalcs.pdf

e.g.: DEF Company 123 Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-17 e.g.: No e.g.: No
e.g.: Yes e.g.: completion16.pdf

e.g.: DEF Company 345 Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-18 e.g.: No e.g.: No
e.g.: No
e.g.: 38.88950 e.g.: -77.03528 e.g.: Completion ABC e.g.: Yes, flowback was routed through a production separator, but saleable gas was unable to be separated e.g.: e.g.:

e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM
e.g.: 7 e.g.: Used as on onsite fuel source e.g.: 7 e.g.: 7 e.g.: No onsite storage or combustion unit was available at the time of completion.

e.g.: DEF Company 678 Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-19 e.g.: No e.g.: No
e.g.: No
e.g.: 38.88950 e.g.: -77.03528 e.g.: Completion ABC e.g.: No, production did not immediately start e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 11/16/16 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 7 e.g.: 7 e.g.: Used as on onsite fuel source e.g.: 7 e.g.: 7 e.g.: No onsite storage or combustion unit was available at the time of completion. e.g.: Yes e.g.: Wildcat well e.g.: supportingdata12.pdf e.g.: Yes e.g.: Technically infeasible to use for another useful purpose e.g.:
e.g.: DEF Company 678 Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-18 e.g.: The well completion operation requirements of §60.5375b(a)(1) through (3) were met. e.g.: No
e.g.: No
e.g.: 38.88950 e.g.: -77.03528 e.g.: Completion ABC e.g.: Yes, flowback was routed through a production separator and production immediately started

Sheet 7: Liquids_Unloading

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each well affected or designated facility that is subject to §60.5376b or §60.5390c, your annual report is required to include the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(3)(i) and (ii) and §60.5420c(b)(2)(i) and (ii), as applicable.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(2) and 60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(E) or §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(D) and (ii)(F) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Depending on your answer in Column C, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Which option do all gas well liquids unloading operations comply with?
(§60.5420b(b)(3), §60.5420c(b)(2))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected/Designated Well that conducts a gas well liquid unloading operation
(U.S. Well ID)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(A), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(A), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(A))
Non-venting Technology or Technique Used
(Identify all methods used during the reporting period)
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(A), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(A))
Number of Gas Well Liquids Unloading Operations Conducted with Unplanned Venting to the Atmosphere and Best Management Practices were Conducted According to Plan
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B))
Number of Liquids Unloading Events where Unplanned Emissions Vented to Atmosphere During Gas Well Liquids Unloading Operation Where You Complied with Best Management Practices to Minimize Emissions
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(C), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(C))
Number of Liquids Unloading Events Conducted During the Reporting Period
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(B))
Number of Liquids Unloading Events that Best Management Practices Were Conducted According to Your Best Management Practice Plan
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(D))
Number of Liquids Unloading Events Where Deviations from Your Best Management Practice Plan Occurred
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(E), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(E))
Log of Best Management Practice Plan Steps Used During the Reporting Period to Minimize Emissions to the Maximum Extent Possible
(§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(1), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(C), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(1), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(C))
RecordId UnloadingComplyOption UnloadingWellId UnloadingTechnique UnloadingOpNo UnloadingVentNo UnloadingEventNo UnloadingBmpNo UnloadingBmpDevNo UnloadingBmpLog
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: §60.5376b(a)(1) e.g.: 12-345-67890-12 e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: 1

e.g.: 1 e.g.:
e.g.: DEF Company XYZ Well Site e.g.: §60.5376b(b) and (c) e.g.: 12-345-67890-13

e.g.: 2 e.g.: 1 e.g.: 1 e.g.:

Sheet 8: Associated_Gas

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each associated gas affected facility subject to §60.5377b, the applicable information specified in §60.5420b(b)(4)(i) through (vi). For each associated gas well at your well designated facility that is subject to §60.5391c, the applicable information specified in §60.5420c(b)(3)(i) through (v).

Information on instances when associated gas is routed to a control device or atmosphere should be reported on the Associated_Gas_Venting worksheet.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(4)(vi) or §60.5420c(b)(3)(v) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(4)(iii)(E) and (vi) or §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii)(A) and (B) should be

reported on the Closed_Vent_Systems and Control_Devices worksheets. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(4)(v) or §60.5420c(b)(3)(iv) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. Based on the answers provided in Columns D and E cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Associated Gas Well
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii); §60.5420b(b)(4)(i), (iii)(A)-(C); §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(A), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii)(A))
Does the associated gas well comply with §60.5377b(a) or §60.5391c(a)?
(Select from dropdown list)
Was the well constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(A), §60.5420b(b)(4)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Do you comply with §60.5377b(f) or §60.5391c(b) with a control device that reduces VOC and methane emissions by at least 95.0 percent?
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(iii)(C), §60.5420b(b)(4)(iv), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
What category does the associated gas well fall into?
(Select from dropdown list)
List the attachment name that contains the infeasibility certification in accordance with §60.5377b(g) or §60.5391b(b)(2) or annual methane emissions determined in accordance with §60.5391c(e)(1).
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(iii)(A)-(D), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii)(D)-(E))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(vi), §60.5420c(b)(3)(v))
RecordId AGasWellId AGasWellComplyFlag AGasWellConstruct AGasWellControlFlag AGasWellCat AGasWellCertFile AGasWellDeviationFlag
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-12 e.g.: No e.g.: Constructed e.g.: Yes e.g.: Commenced construction between May 7, 2024 and May 7, 2026 e.g.: infeasible.pdf e.g.: Yes
e.g.: DEF Company XYZ Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-13 e.g.: Yes e.g.: Subject to NSPS but did not become an affected facility this period

e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period.
e.g.: DEF Company 678 Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-19 e.g.: e.g.: Existing well (designated facility) e.g.: Yes

e.g.: Yes

Sheet 9: Associated_Gas_Venting

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each associated gas affected facility subject to §60.5377b, the applicable information specified in §60.5420b(b)(4)(i) through (vi). For each associated gas well at your well designated facility that is subject to §60.5391c, the applicable information specified in §60.5420c(b)(3)(i) through (v).

Use this worksheet to report instances when associated gas is routed to a control device or to atmosphere.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Based on the answer provided in Column D cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Associated Gas Well
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(4)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i))
Was associated gas temporarily routed to a control device (§60.5377b(d)/§60.5391c(c)) or did you temporarily vent the associated gas (§60.5377b(e)/§60.5391c(d))?
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B), (4)(ii); §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B), (3)(ii), (3)(iii)(C))
Reason for Incident
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B)(1), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(1), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Start Date of Incident
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
Start Time of Incident
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
Duration of Incident
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
Were all CVS requirements specified in §60.5411b(a) and (c) or §60.5411c(a) and (c)and all control device requirements specified in §60.5412b or §60.5412c met during the incident?
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(i)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(3)(i)(B)(3))
(Select from dropdown)
VOC Emissions Emitted During Incident
Methane Emissions Emitted During Incident
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(C), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(C), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
Cumulative Duration of Venting Incidents in the Calendar Year
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
Cumulative VOC Emissions for All Incidents in Calendar Year
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(D))
Cumulative Methane Emissions for All Incidents in Calendar Year
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(4)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(3)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii))
RecordId AGasWellId AGasWellRouteFlag AGasWellVentReason AGasWellVentStartDate AGasWellVentStartTime AGasWellVentDuration AGasWellVentCvsFlag AGasWellVentVoc AGasWellVentMethane AGasWellAllVentAmt AGasWellAllVentVoc AGasWellAllVentMethane
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-12 e.g.: Routed to control device (§60.5377b(d)) e.g.: (d)(3) Temporary interruption in service from the gathering or pipeline system e.g.: 08/25/24 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 1 e.g.: Yes

e.g.: DEF Company XYZ Well Site e.g.: 12-345-67890-13 e.g.: Temporarily vented (§60.5377b(e)) e.g.: (e)(1) Protect the safety of personnel e.g.: 09/25/24 e.g.: 11:00 AM e.g.: 2
e.g.: 20 e.g.: 20 e.g.: 3 e.g.: 25 e.g.: 30

Sheet 10: Centrifugal_Compressor

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each wet seal centrifugal compressor affected facility: §60.5420b(b)(5)(i) through (v). For each self-contained wet seal centrifugal compressor, Alaska North Slope centrifugal compressor equipped with sour seal oil separator and capture system, or dry seal centrifugal compressor affected facility: §60.5420b(b)(5)(vi) through (ix).

For each centrifugal compressor equipped with a wet seal and centrifugal compressor equipped with sour seal oil separator and capture system that is a designated facility: §60.5420c(b)(4)(i) through (vii). For each centrifugal compressor equipped with a dry seal that is a designated facility: §60.5420c(b)(4)(i) through (xi).

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(5)(ii) or §60.5420c(b)(4)(ii) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(5)(iii)-(iv) or §60.5420c(b)(4)(v)-(vi) should be reported on the

Closed_Vent_Systems and Control_Devices worksheets. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(5)(v) or §60.5420c(b)(4)(vii) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. Depending on your answer in Column E cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Centrifugal Compressor ID
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(5)(i), §60.5420c(b)(4)(i))
Was the centrifugal compressor using a wet seal system and constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period?
(Select from dropdown list)
Was a control device used to reduce emissions to comply with §60.5380b(a)(1) or §60.5392c(a)(4)?
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(iv), §60.5420c(b)(4)(vi))
(Select from dropdown list)
What are the cumulative number of hours of operation which have elapsed prior to conducting your volumetric flow rate emission measurement or emissions screening?
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(vi), §60.5420c(b)(4)(iii))
Method Used for the Volumetric Emissions Measurement or Emissions Screening
(§60.5420b(b)(5)((vii), §60.5420c(b)(4)(iv))
Results of the Volumetric Emissions Measurement or Emissions Screening
(§60.5420b(b)(5)((vii), §60.5420c(b)(4)(iv))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(4)(ii))
RecordId CentCompressorId CentCompressorConstruct CentCompControlFlag CentCompOpTime CentCompFlowMethod CentCompFlowResult CentCompDeviationFlag
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Comp-12a e.g.: Constructed e.g.: Yes

e.g.: Yes
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Comp-12c e.g.: Existing designated source
e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period.

Sheet 11: Reciprocating_Compressor

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each reciprocating compressor affected or designated facility, an owner or operator must include the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(6)(i) through (vii) or §60.5420c(b)(5)(i) through (vii) in all annual reports.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(6)(ii) or §60.5420c(b)(5)(ii) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(6)(iv) or §60.5420c(b)(5)(iv) should

be reported on the Closed_Vent_Systems worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(6)(vii) or §60.5420c(b)(5)(vii) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. If you answer yes in Column E, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Reciprocating Compressor ID
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(6)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Are emissions from the rod packing being routed to a process through a closed vent system?
(§60.5420b(b)(6)(i), §60.5420c(b)(5)(i))
(Select from dropdown list)
What are the cumulative number of hours of operation which have elapsed prior to conducting your volumetric flow rate emission measurement or emissions screening?
(§60.5420b(b)(6)(i), §60.5420c(b)(5)(i))
Method Used for Volumetric Flow Rate Measurement or Emissions Screening
(§60.5420b(b)(6)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(iii))
Results of Volumetric Flow Rate Measurement or Emissions Screening
(§60.5420b(b)(6)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(iii))
RecordId RecipCompressorId RecipCompressorDeviationFlag RecipRodCvsFlag RecipOpTime RecipFowMethod RecipFlowResult
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Comp-12b e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period. e.g.: Yes

e.g.: ABC Company 123 Compressor Station e.g.: Comp-6a e.g.: Yes e.g.: No e.g.: 6 e.g.: e.g.:

Sheet 12: Compressor_DOR

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

This worksheet is used to report information on delay of repairs for centrifugal and reciprocating compressors under §60.5420b(b)(5), §60.5420b(b)(6), §60.5420c(b)(4), and §60.5420c(b)(5).

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Report additional information for centrifugal compressors on Centrifugal_Compressor worksheet and additional information for

reciprocating compressors on Reciprocating_Compressor worksheet.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Compressor
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(5)(i), §60.5420b(b)(6)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(4)(i), §60.5420c(b)(5)(i))
Type of Seal (Centrifugal Compressors) or Type of Rod Packing Replacement/Repair (Reciprocating Compressors)
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(6)(v), §60.5420c(b)(4)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(5)(v))
Number of Type Specified in Column D on Delay of Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(6)(v), §60.5420c(b)(4)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(v))
Explanation for Delay of Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(6)(v), §60.5420c(b)(4)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(v))
Date of Planned Shutdown(s) During Reporting Period
(§60.5420b(b)(5)(ix), §60.5420b(b)(6)(vi), §60.5420c(b)(4)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(5)(vi))
RecordId CompressorDorType CompressorDorSealType CompressorDorTypeNo CompressorDorReason CompressorDorShutdownDate
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: centrifugal e.g.: wet seal e.g.: 1 e.g.: e.g.: none

Sheet 13: Controller_Facility

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

Each annual report must contain the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(7)(iv) through (x) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(iv) through (x) for each process controller

affected or designated facility.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Report additional information for controllers on

the Individual_Controllers and Alaska_Controllers worksheets.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Process Controller Affected or Designated Facility Identification
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(7), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(6))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(6)(ix))
(Select from dropdown list)
RecordId ControllerFacId ControllerDeviationFlag
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Controller 12A e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period.

Sheet 14: Individual_Controllers

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each process controller affected or designated facility, an owner or operator must include the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(7)(i) through (iii) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(i) through (iii) in the initial report and in subsequent annual reports for each process controller affected facility that is constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period.

Each annual report must contain the information specified in paragraphs §60.5420b(b)(7)(iv) through (x) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(iv) through (x) for each process controller affected or designated facility.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. You may need to report additional controller information on the Controller_Facility and Alaska_Controllers worksheets. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(7)(ix) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(ix) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required

by §60.5420b(b)(7)(v) and (viii) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(v) and (viii) should be reported on the Closed_Vent_Systems and Control_Devices worksheets. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(7)(x) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(x) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. Depending on your answers in Columns E and G, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Process Controller Affected or Designated Facility Identification
(must allow traceability to records in §60.5420b(c)(6)(i) or §60.5420c(c)(5)(i) if applicable)
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(7), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(6))
Individual Controller Identification
(§60.5420b(b)(7), §60.5420c(b)(6))
Was the process controller constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period or did the method of compliance change?
(§60.5420b(b)(7), §60.5420c(b)(6))
(Select from dropdown list)
Is the process controller driven by natural gas?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(i), §60.5420c(b)(6)(i))
(Select from dropdown list)
Compliance option
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(6)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Inspection Required Under §60.5416b(b) or §60.5416c(b)
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vi)(A), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vi)(A))
Defect or Leak Identified During Process Controller System Inspection
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vi)(B), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vi)(B))
Date of Repair or Date of Anticipated Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vi)(B), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vi)(B))
RecordId ControllerFacId ControllerId ControllerConstruct ControllerNgFlag ControllerComplianceOption ControllerInspDate ControllerDefect ControllerRepairDate
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Controller 12A e.g.: Controller 12A-1 e.g.: Constructed e.g.: No e.g.: §60.5390b(a)(1) - Routed to a process

e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Controller 12B e.g.: Controller 12B-1 e.g.: No but reporting inspection

e.g.: 09/25/24 e.g.: None e.g.:

Sheet 15: Alaska_Controllers

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each process controller affected or designated facility, an owner or operator must include the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(7)(i) through (iii) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(i) through (iii) in the initial report and in subsequent annual reports for each process controller affected facility that is constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period. For each process controller affected facility located at a site in Alaska that does not have access to electrical power and that complies with §60.5390b(b) or §60.5394c(b), you must report

the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(7)(iii)(A), (B), or (C) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii)(A), (B), or (C), as applicable. (iv) Identification of each process controller which changes its method of compliance during the reporting period. (vii) For each process controller in the affected facility complying with the requirements of §60.5390b(b)(2) or §60.5394c(b)(2), you must report the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(A) and (B) or §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(A) and (B).

Note: This tab is used to report information on process controller facilities located at a site in Alaska that does not have access to electrical power. You may need to report additional controller information on the Controller_Facility, Individual_Controllers, Deviations, Closed_Vent_Systems, and Control_Devices worksheets.

Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on your answers in Columns F, G, and H, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

If there were emissions to the atmosphere during idle period monitoring
Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Process Controller Affected or Designated Facility Identification
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(i), §60.5420b(b)(7)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(6)(i), §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii))
Individual Controller Identification
(§60.5420b(b)(7), §60.5420c(b)(6))
Is the process controller driven by natural gas?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(i), §60.5420c(b)(6)(i))
(Select from dropdown list)
Was the process controller constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period or did the method of compliance change?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(iii)-(iv), §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii)-(iv))
(Select from dropdown list)
What provision does the controller comply with?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Is the process controller designed and operated to achieve a bleed rate less than or equal to 6 scfh?
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(iii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii)(A))
(Select from dropdown list)
Demonstration Why a Process Controller with a Natural Gas Bleed Rate Greater than 6 scfh is Necessary
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(iii)(A)(2), §60.5420c(b)(6)(iii)(A)(2))
Date of Monitoring when Controller is Idle
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(A))
Results of Monitoring when Controller is Idle
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(A))
Date of Repair or Replacement or Date of Anticipated Repair or Replacement
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(B))
Date of Re-survey after Repair or Replacement
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(B))
Results of the Re-survey after Repair or Replacement
(§60.5420b(b)(7)(vii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(6)(vii)(B))
RecordId ControllerFacId AkControllerId AkControllerNgFlag AkControllerConstruct AkControllerComplyOption AkControllerBleedFlag AkControllerBleedReason AkControllerMonitorDate AkControllerMonitorResult AkControllerRepairDate AkControllerResurveyDate AkControllerResurveyResult
e.g.: ABC Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Controller 12A e.g.: Controller 12A-1 e.g.: Yes e.g.: Constructed e.g.: §60.5390b(b)(3) - routed to a control device

e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Controller 12B e.g.: Controller 12B-1 e.g.: Yes e.g.: No but reporting monitoring

e.g.: 10/21/22 e.g.: e.g.: 10/22/22 e.g.:10/22/22 e.g.:
e.g.: DEF Company ABC Well Site e.g.: Controller 12C e.g.: Controller 12C-1 e.g.: Yes e.g.: Modified e.g.: §60.5390b(b)(1) - continuous bleed e.g.: Yes

Sheet 16: Storage_Vessels

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each storage vessel affected or designated facility, an owner or operator must include the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(8)(i) through (xi) or §60.5420c(b)(7)(i) through (xi) in all annual reports.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(8)(iii) or §60.5420c(b)(7)(iii) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(8)(iv) and (vi) or §60.5420c(b)(7)(iv) and (vi) should be reported on the Closed_Vent_Systems and Control_Devices worksheets. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(8)(v) or §60.5420b(b)(7)(v) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. Depending on answers in Columns D, H, K, and O, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Storage Vessel Affected or Designated Facility ID
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(8)(i), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(i))
Was the storage vessel affected facility constructed, modified or reconstructed during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(i), §60.5420c(b)(7)(i))
(Select from dropdown list)
Latitude of Storage Vessel Affected or Designated Facility (Decimal Degrees to 5 Decimals Using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(i), §60.5420c(b)(7)(i))
Longitude of Storage Vessel Affected or Designated Facility (Decimal Degrees to 5 Decimals Using the North American Datum of 1983)
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(i), §60.5420c(b)(7)(i))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Was the storage vessel affected or designated facility removed from service during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(vii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(vii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date Removed from Service
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(vii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(vii))
If the affected or designated facility is a group of tanks, list the individual tanks removed from service and the date each was removed.
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(vii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(vii))
Was the storage vessel affected or designated facility or portion of an affected or designated facility returned to service during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(viii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date Returned to Service
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(viii))
Documentation of the methane and VOC emission rate determination according to §60.5365b(e)(1) or the methane emission rate determination according to §60.5386c(e)(1)
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(7)(ii))
Does the storage vessel comply with §60.5395b(a)(2) or §60.5396c(a)(2) using a control device?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(iv), §60.5420c(b)(7)(iv))
(Select from dropdown list)
Does the storage vessel affected or designated facility now comply with §60.5395b(a)(2) instead of §60.5395b(a)(3) or §60.5396c(a)(2) instead of §60.5396c(a)(3)?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(ix))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identify the date when compliance with §60.5395b(a)(2) or §60.5396c(a)(2) began.
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(ix))
Reason for the Change in the Method of Compliance
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(ix))
(Select from dropdown list)
List the attachment file name that contains the documentation of the emissions rate.
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(ix))
Are you complying with §60.112b(a)(1) or (2)?
(§60.5420b(b)(8)(x), §60.5420c(b)(7)(x))
(Select from dropdown list)
RecordId VesselId VesselConstruct VesselLatitude VesselLongitude SVDeviationFlag VesselRemoveFlag VesselRemoveDate SVTankGroup VesselReturnFlag VesselReturnDate VesselVocRateDesc SVControlFlag SVMethodChange SVDateChange SVReasonChange SVChangeRateFile SVNspsKbFlag
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Tank 125 e.g.: Constructed e.g.: 34.12345 e.g.: -101.12345 e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period. e.g.: Yes e.g.: 11/15/22 e.g.: N/A e.g.: No
e.g.: VOC emission rate is 6.5 tpy. See file rate_determination.pdf for more information. e.g.: Yes e.g.: N/A

e.g.: No
e.g.: DEF Company 123 Well Site e.g.: Tank 120 e.g.: No e.g.: 34.34572 e.g.: -100.12345 e.g.: Yes e.g.: No

e.g.: Yes e.g.: 11/15/22 e.g.: VOC emission rate is 6.5 tpy. See file rate_determination.pdf for more information. e.g.: Yes e.g.: Yes e.g.: 11/15/22 e.g.: increase in the monthly emissions determination e.g.: rate_determination.pdf e.g.: No

Sheet 17: Collection_of_Fugitives

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each fugitive emissions components affected or designated facility, submit the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(i) through (v) or §60.5420c(b)(8)(i) through (iv), as applicable.

Note: Identification of Each Affected or Designated Facility selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on answers in Columns C, D, G, H, J, L, R, T, and W, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black. Information will be continued on the Fugitive_Surveys, Fugitives_Found, and Alternative_Fugitive worksheets, as applicable.

Identification of Each Affected or Designated Facility
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Site
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(A), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(A))
(Select from dropdown list)
Did this site become an affected or designated facility during the reporting period?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of the Startup of Production or Date of the First Day of Production After Modification
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(B), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(B))
Date of Startup or the Date of Modification
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(B), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(B))
What is the well site type?
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(C), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(C))
(Select from dropdown list)
Did you complete the removal of all major production and processing equipment during the reporting period?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Change to Status as a Wellhead Only Well Site
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(D), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(D))
During the reporting period, did you add back major production and processing equipment after previously reporting the removal of all major production and processing period?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date First Piece of Major Production and Processing Equipment Was Added Back
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(E), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(E))
Did you undertake well closure requirements during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(F))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Cessation of Production From All Wells at the Well Site
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(F))
Date You Began Well Closure Activities
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(F))
Date of Well Closure Plan Submitted in Accordance with §60.5420b(a)(4)(i) or §60.5420b(a)(4)(i)
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(F))
Date of the Notification of Intent to Close Submitted in Accordance with §60.5420b(a)(4)(ii) or §60.5420c(a)(4)(ii)
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(i)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(i)(F))
List the attachment file name that contains the status report for the well closure activities.
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(A), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(A))
Were all steps in the closure plan completed in the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(A), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(A))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Completion of Closure Steps
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(A), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(A))
Was an optical gas imaging survey performed during the reporting period?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of survey
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(1), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(1))
Monitoring Instrument Used
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(2))
Were fugitive emissions found?
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(3))
(Select from dropdown list)
Description of Steps Taken to Eliminate Emissions
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(3))
Date of Resurvey
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(3))
Results of Resurvey
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(3))
Date of Final Resurvey Where No Emissions Were Detected
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(iv)(B)(3), §60.5420c(b)(8)(iii)(B)(3))
RecordId SiteType FugNewFlag FugWellStartDate FugCompStartDate FugSiteType FugRemovalFlag FugWellheadDate FugAddBackFlag FugAddBackDate FugClosureFlag FugProdEndDate FugClosureStartDate FugPlanSubmitDate FugNoticeSubmitDate FugStatusReportFile FugClosePlanCompleteFile FugCloseEndDate FugCloseOgiFlag FugCloseSurveyDate FugCloseOgiInst FugCloseEmissionFlag FugCloseStepsTaken FugCloseDateResurvey FugCloseResurveyResult FugCloseFinalResurveyDate
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: compressor station e.g.: Yes
e.g.: 01/01/22

e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: well site e.g.: No

e.g.: Single wellhead only well site e.g.: Yes e.g.: 01/01/22

e.g.: Yes e.g.: 06/01/22 e.g.: 06/20/22 e.g.: 06/10/22 e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: status.pdf e.g.: Yes e.g.: 10/01/22 e.g.: Yes e.g.: 09/01/22 e.g.: Company ABC optical gas imaging camera e.g.: Yes e.g.: e.g.: 09/02/22 e.g.: No fugitive emissions were found. e.g.: 09/02/22
e.g.: ABC Company GHI Well Site e.g.: well site e.g.: Yes e.g.: 01/01/22
e.g.: Small wellsite

e.g.: No
e.g.: Yes e.g.: 07/01/22 e.g.: 07/20/22 e.g.: 07/15/22 e.g.: 07/15/22 e.g.: status.pdf e.g.: No
e.g.: No

e.g.: DEF Company JKL Well Site e.g.: well site e.g.: No

e.g.: Well site with major production and processing equipment

e.g.: Yes e.g.: 01/01/22 e.g.: No

Sheet 18: Fugitive_Surveys

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each fugitive emissions components affected facility, submit the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(ii) or §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii), as applicable.

For each fugitive emissions monitoring survey performed during the annual reporting period, the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(A) through (G) or §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(A) through (G). (Information will be continued on Fugitives_Found worksheet.)

Note: Identification of Each Affected Facility selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Only surveys with a yes in Column E will appear on the Fugitives Found worksheet.

Identification of Each Affected or Designated Facility
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Survey
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(A), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(A))
Do you need to report fugitives found during the survey?
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(D))
(Select from dropdown list)
Monitoring Instrument Used or Notation that AVO Methods Were Used
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(B), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(B))
Deviations From Monitoring Plan Elements Under §60.5397b-c(c)(1), (2), (7), (c)(8)(i), or (d)
or Statement that There Were No Deviations From These Monitoring Plan Elements
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(C), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(C))
Date of Planned Shutdown(s) that Occurred During the Reporting Period if Components are on Delay of Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(G), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(G))
RecordId SurveyDate FugFlag MonitoringInstrument PlanDeviation FugShutdownDate
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: 01/15/22 e.g.: yes e.g.: Company ABC optical gas imaging camera e.g.: There were no deviations from the monitoring plan. e.g.: 01/02/22

Sheet 19: Fugitives_Found

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each fugitive emissions components affected facility, submit the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(ii) or §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii), as applicable.

For each fugitive emissions monitoring survey performed during the annual reporting period, the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(A) through (G) or §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(A) through (G). (Information continued from Fugitive_Surveys worksheet.)

Note: Affected Facility and Survey Date selections appear once information is added to Fugitive_Surveys worksheet. Depending on answers in Columns C and G, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Affected or Designated Facility and Survey Date
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Component for which Fugitive Emissions Detected
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(D))
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Component If "Other" Selected in Column D
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(D))
Number of Each Component Type for which Fugitive Emissions Detected
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(D), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(D))
Number of Each Component Type Not Repaired as Required in §60.5397b(h) or §60.5397c(h)
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(E), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(E))
Number of Each Component Type Placed on Delay of Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(F))
Explanation for Delay of Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(9)(ii)(F), §60.5420c(b)(8)(ii)(F))
FugSurvey FugitiveType FugOtherType FugitiveNum NotRepairedNum DelayRepairNum DelayRepairExplanation
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station 01/05/22 e.g.: thief hatch
e.g.: 2 e.g.: 1 e.g.: 1 e.g.: Unsafe to repair until next shutdown
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station 01/05/22 e.g.: valve
e.g.: 1 e.g.: 1 e.g.: 0
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station 01/05/22 e.g.: connector
e.g.: 2 e.g.: 0 e.g.: 0
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station 01/05/22 e.g.: flange
e.g.: 1 e.g.: 0 e.g.: 0

Sheet 20: Alternative_Fugitive

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each fugitive emissions components affected facility complying with an alternative fugitive emissions standard under §60.5399b, in lieu of the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(i) and (ii),

you must provide the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(9)(iii)(A) through (C).

Note: Identification of Each Affected or Designated Facility selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. If you answer "No" in Column E, you must provide the information specified in


Identification of Each Affected/Designated Facility
(Select from dropdown list)
The alternative standard with which you are complying.
Is the report specified by the alternative fugitive emission standard site-specific?
(Select from dropdown list)
If you answered "Yes" in Column E, list the attachment file name that contains the site-specific report specified by the alternative fugitive emissions standard.
RecordId FugAltStandard FugAltReportFlag FugAltReportFile
e.g.: DEF Company Well Site ABC e.g.: State X General Permit #, effective February 7, 2026 e.g.: Yes e.g.: wellsiteabc2020survey.pdf
e.g.: GHI Company Well Site MNO e.g.: State Y Regulation X, Part 2, effective February 14, 2025 e.g.: No

Sheet 21: Individual_Pumps

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each pump affected or designated facility, the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(10)(i) through (iv) and §60.5420c(b)(9)(i) through (iv) in your initial annual report and in subsequent

annual reports for each pump affected facility that is constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Report each pump driven by natural gas in a separate row.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Pump Affected or Designated Facility ID
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(10), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(9))
Was the pump constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(10), §60.5420c(b)(9))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Pump Driven by Natural Gas
(allows traceability to the records in §60.5420b(c)(15)(i) or §60.5420c(b)(14)(i))
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(i), §60.5420c(b)(9)(i)-(viii))
RecordId PumpFacId PumpConstFlag PumpNgId
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Pumps A e.g.: Constructed e.g.: Pump 12

Sheet 22: Pump_Facilities

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each pump affected facility, the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(10)(i) through (iv) or §60.5420c(b)(9)(i) through (iv) in your initial annual report and in subsequent annual reports for each pump affected or designated facility that is constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period. Each annual report must contain the information specified in §60.5420b(b)(10)(v) through (ix) or §60.5420c(b)(9)(i) through (iv)for each pump affected or designated facility.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(10)(viii) or §60.5420c(b)(9)(viii) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(10)(vi) and (vii) or §60.5420c(b)(9)(vi) and (vii) should be reported on the Closed_Vent_Systems and Control_Devices worksheets. Information required by §60.5420b(b)(10)(ix) or §60.5420c(b)(9)(ix) should be reported on the relevant Alt_Tech worksheets. Depending on answers in Column D cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Pump Affected or Designated Facility ID
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(10), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
Was the pump constructed, modified, or reconstructed during the reporting period or was there a change in a previously reported condition?
(§60.5420b(b)(10), §60.5420c(b)(9))
(Select from dropdown list)
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(9)(viii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Is there a control device or vapor recovery unit on site?
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(ii)-(iv), §60.5420c(b)(9)(ii)-(iv))
(Select from dropdown list)
Certification Required by Condition Reported in Column E, as applicable
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(ii)-(iv), §60.5420c(b)(9)(ii)-(iv))
Emissions Reduction Control Device is Designed to Achieve
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(9)(ii))
Date the Pump Facility Meets the Change Condition
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(v), §60.5420c(b)(9)(v))
Which condition does the pump meet?
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(v), §60.5420c(b)(9)(v))
(Select from dropdown list)
If you answered "Other" in Column J, identify the new compliance method.
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(v)(C), §60.5420b(b)(9)(v)(C))
Certification required by §60.5420b(b)(10)(v)(B), §60.5420b(b)(10)(v)(C), §60.5420c(b)(9)(v)(B), or §60.5420c(b)(9)(v)(C), if applicable
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(v)(B)-(C), §60.5420c(b)(9)(v)(B)-(C))
Emissions Reduction Control Device is Designed to Achieve (if required)
(§60.5420b(b)(10)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(10)(v)(C))
RecordId PumpFacId PumpConstruct PumpDevFlag PumpCdFlag PumpCert PumpReductionPercent PumpChangeDate PumpChangeCond PumpChangeOther PumpChangeCert PumpChangePercent
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Pumps A e.g.: Constructed e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period. e.g.: Yes, emissions are routed to a control device, but it does not achieve 95% emissions reduction. e.g.: See file attached certification.pdf. e.g.: 90%

e.g.: DEF Company ABC Well Site e.g.: Pumps B e.g.: No e.g.: No deviations occurred during the reporting period.

e.g.: DEF Company 123 Well Site e.g.: Pumps C e.g.: Change in reported condition e.g.: Yes

e.g.: 10/25/22 e.g.: No longer complying with §60.5393b(b)(1) or (3). Process/control device removed from site or is no longer available. There is no ability to route the emissions to a process or control device at the site. e.g.: e.g.: See file attached - pumpcertification.pdf. e.g.:

Sheet 23: Closed_Vent_Systems

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump, or process unit equipment affected or designated facility which uses a closed vent system routed to a control device to meet the emissions reduction standard, you must submit the information in §60.5420b(b)(11)(i)-(v) or §60.5420c(b)(10)(i)-(v).

For each reciprocating compressor, process controller, pump, storage vessel, or process unit equipment which uses a closed vent system to route to a process, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (iv) of §60.5420b or (b)(10)(i) through (iv) of §60.5420c.

For each centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, and storage vessel equipped with a cover, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) and (ii) of §60.5420b or (b)(10)(i) and (ii) of §60.5420c.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet.

If subject to the bypass requirements of §60.5416b(a)(4) or §60.5416c(a)(4) In the reporting year in which the certification is signed
Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Affected or Designated Facility
(§60.5420b(b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), (b)(7), (b)(8), and (b)(10); §60.5420c(b)(3), (b)(4), (b)(5), (b)(6), (b)(7), and (b)(9))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Facility with Closed Vent System
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
Date of Inspection Required Under §60.5416b(a) and (b) or §60.5416c(a) and (b)
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(i), §60.5420c(b)(10)(i))
Each Defect or Emissions Identified During the Inspection
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(ii))
Date of Repair or Date of Anticipated Repair
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(ii))
Date of Bypass Alarm or Key Checked Out
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(iii))
Time of Bypass Alarm or Key Checked Out
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(iii))
List the attachment file name that contains the certification signed by a qualified professional engineer or in-house engineer for each closed vent system routing to a control device or process.
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(iv), §60.5420c(b)(10)(iv))
RecordId CVSFacType CVSFacID CVSInspectDate CVSDefect CVSRepairDate CVSBypassDate CVSBypassTime PeCertFile
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: centrifugal compressor e.g.: Comp-S2a e.g.: 10/16/22 e.g.: Compressor seal leaking e.g.: 10/17/22 e.g.: 10/17/22 e.g.: 7:00 AM e.g.: Certification.pdf

Sheet 24: Control_Devices

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump, or process unit equipment affected facility which uses a closed vent system routed to a control device to meet the emissions reduction standard, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (v) of §60.5420b or (b)(10)(i) through (v) of §60.5420c.

If you comply with the emissions standard with a control device, the information in §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(A) through (L) or §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(A) through (L), unless you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412b(d) or §60.5412c(d).

Note: If you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412b(d) or §60.5412c(d), report information on the Control_Device_Alt_Method worksheet. Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Depending on answers in Columns U, AC, and AE, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(E) and (F) or §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(E) and (F) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet.

If a performance test was conducted For each continuous parameter monitoring system used to demonstrate compliance Flare or Enclosed Combustion Device After return to operation from a maintenance or repair activity Flare or Enclosed Combustion Device
Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Affected or Designated Facility with Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(iv), (b)(5)(iv), (b)(6), (b)(7)(viii), (8)(iv), (10)(vii); §60.5420b(b)(3)(iii)(A), (4)(vi), (5)(iv), (6)(viii), (7)(iv), (9)(vii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Facility Controlled by Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(C), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), (§60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(C))
Identification of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(A), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(A))
Make of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Model of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Date of Installation of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Date the performance test was conducted
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(H), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(H))
Pollutant(s) tested
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(H), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(H))
Unique Continuous Parameter Monitoring System Identifier
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(D), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(D))
Make of Continuous Parameter Monitoring System
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(D), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(D))
Model Number of Continuous Parameter Monitoring System
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(D), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(D))
Date of Last Calibration Check of the Continuous Parameter Monitoring System
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(D), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(D))
Was the control device observed with OGI or during an AVO inspection?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Observation with OGI or AVO
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
Results of Observation with OGI or AVO
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Visible Emissions Test or Observation of the Video Surveillance Output
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(G), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(G))
Length of the Observation
(in minutes)
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(G), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(G))
Amount of Time Visible Emissions Present
(in minutes)
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(G), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(G))
Was a demonstration of the NHV of the inlet gas to the enclosed combustion device or flare conducted during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(K), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(K))
(Select from dropdown list)
Reason for Re-evaluation
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
Required Minimum Vent Gas NHV
(in Btu/scf)
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(K), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(K))
(Select from dropdown list)
Were samples continuous or twice daily?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
(Select from dropdown list)
Number of Hourly Average NHV Values that are Less than 1.2 Times Required Minimum NHV (Twice Daily), Less than Required NHV (Continuous), or Less than 95.0 Percent (continuous efficiency monitoring)
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
Is NHV monitoring required in accordance with §60.5417b(d)(8)(iii)(D) or (H) or §60.5417c(d)(8)(iii)(D) or (H)?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Sampling
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(K), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(K))
NHV Value for Vent Gas Sample
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(K), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(K))
Does the enclosed combustion device or flare have the potential to receive inert gases?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
(Select from dropdown list)
Did the sampling include periods where the highest percentage of inert gases were sent to the enclosed combustion device or flare?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(I), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(I))
(Select from dropdown list)
Was a demonstration conducted that the maximum potential pressure of units manifolded cannot cause the maximum inlet flow rate or flare tip velocity limit to be exceeded?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(J), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(J))
(Select from dropdown list)
Reason for Re-evaluation
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(J), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(J))
List the attachment file name that contains the demonstration and engineering calculations that demonstrate the maximum inlet flow rate or the flare tip velocity limit cannot be exceeded
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(J), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(J))
RecordId CdFacType CdFacId CdId CdMake CdModel CdDateInstall CdTestDate CdPollutant CdCmsId CdCmsMake CdCmsModel CdCmsCalDate CdObvsType CdObvsDate CdObvsResult CdVeDate CdVeTime CdVePresent CdNhvFlag CdNhvReason CdNhvReq CdNhvSampleFlag CdNhvHourNo CdNhvFlag CdNhvDate CdNhvValue CdNhvInertFlag CdNhvInerts CdFlowFlag CdFlowReason CdDemoFile
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: centrifugal compressor e.g.: Comp-S2a e.g.: Enclosed Combustor 12 e.g.: Incinerator Guy e.g.: 400 Combustor e.g.: 01/01/24 e.g.: 02/02/24 e.g.: THC e.g.: Flowmeter ABC e.g.: Flowmeter Maker e.g.: Model XYZ e.g.: 02/01/24 e.g.: OGI e.g.: 04/01/24 e.g.: No uncombusted emissions present e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: Initial e.g.: e.g.: 200 e.g.: Twice daily e.g.: 0 e.g.: No

e.g.: no
e.g.: N/A

Sheet 25: Control_Device_Alt_Method

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

For each well, centrifugal compressor, reciprocating compressor, storage vessel, process controller, pump, or process unit equipment affected facility which uses a closed vent system routed to a control device to meet the emissions reduction standard, you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(11)(i) through (v) of §60.5420b or (b)(10)(i) through (v) of §60.5420c.

If you use an enclosed combustion device or flare using an alternative test method approved under §60.5412b(d) or §60.5412c(d), the information in §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(A) through (C) and (L) through (P) or §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(A) through (C) and (L) through (P).

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site_Information worksheet. Depending on the answer in Column N, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black. Deviation information required by §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(N) and §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(N) should be reported on the Deviations worksheet. Each date that data is unavailable should be reported on a new row.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Affected or Designated Facility with Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(4)(iv), (b)(5)(iv), (b)(7)(iii)(C), (b)(8)(iv), and (b)(10)(iii); §60.5420c(b)(3)(iii), (b)(4)(iv), (b)(6)(iii)(C), (b)(7)(iv), and (b)(9)(iii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Facility Controlled by Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(C), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii), (§60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(C))
Identification of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(A), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(A))
Make of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Model of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Date of Installation of Control Device
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(B), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(B))
Was the control device observed with OGI or during an AVO inspection?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Observation with OGI or AVO
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
Results of Observation with OGI or AVO
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(L), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(L))
(Select from dropdown list)
Alternative Test Method Used
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(M), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(M))
Were there deviations during the reporting period?
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(N)-(P), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(N)-(P))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Deviation from Data Availability
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(O), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(O))
Any additional information required to be reported as specified by the Administrator as part of the alternative test method approval under §60.5412b(d).
(§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(Q), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(Q))
RecordId CdAltFacilityType CdAltFacId CdAltCdId CdAltCdMake CdAltCdModel CdAltInstallDate CdAltObvsType CdAltObvsDate CdAltObvsResult CdAltMethod CdAltDevFlag CdAltDevDate CdAltAddInfo
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: centrifugal compressor e.g.: Comp-S2a e.g.: Enclosed Combustor 12 e.g.: Incinerator Guy e.g.: 400 Combustor e.g.: 01/01/24 e.g.: OGI e.g.: 04/01/24 e.g.: No uncombusted emissions present e.g.: ALT-555 e.g.: Data availability deviation e.g.: 05/21/24 e.g.:

Sheet 26: Deviations

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

Use this worksheet to record deviations for wells, associated gas wells, centrifugal compressors, reciprocating compressors, controllers, storage vessels, pumps, and control devices. Column H lists the types of deviations that should be reported using this worksheet.

Deviation reporting on this worksheet covers the requirements in §60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), §60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(E), §60.5420b(b)(4)(vi), §60.5420b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(6)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(7)(ix), §60.5420b(b)(8)(iii), §60.5420b(b)(10)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(E), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(F), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(N), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(E), §60.5420c(b)(3)(v), §60.5420c(b)(4)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(6)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(9)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(E), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(F), and §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(N).

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answer in Column H, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Relevant Citations: (§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii)) (§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii)) (§60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), (3)(i)(B)(2), (3)(ii)(E), (4)(vi), (5)(ii), (6)(ii), (7)(ix), (8)(iii), (10)(viii), (11)(v)(E), (11)(v)(F), and (11)(v)(N); §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), (2)(ii)(E), (3)(v), (4)(ii), (5)(ii), (6)(ix), (7)(iii), (9)(viii), (10)(v)(E), (10)(v)(F), (10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), (3)(i)(B)(2), (3)(ii)(E), (4)(vi), (5)(ii), (6)(ii), (7)(ix), (8)(iii), (10)(viii), (11)(v)(E), (11)(v)(F), and (11)(v)(N); §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), (2)(ii)(E), (3)(v), (4)(ii), (5)(ii), (6)(ix), (7)(iii), (9)(viii), (10)(v)(E), (10)(v)(F), (10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), (3)(i)(B)(2), (3)(ii)(E), (4)(vi), (5)(ii), (6)(ii), (7)(ix), (8)(iii), (10)(viii), (11)(v)(E), (11)(v)(F), and (11)(v)(N); §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), (2)(ii)(E), (3)(v), (4)(ii), (5)(ii), (6)(ix), (7)(iii), (9)(viii), (10)(v)(E), (10)(v)(F), (10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), (3)(i)(B)(2), (3)(ii)(E), (4)(vi), (5)(ii), (6)(ii), (7)(ix), (8)(iii), (10)(viii), (11)(v)(E), (11)(v)(F), and (11)(v)(N); §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), (2)(ii)(E), (3)(v), (4)(ii), (5)(ii), (6)(ix), (7)(iii), (9)(viii), (10)(v)(E), (10)(v)(F), (10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(2)(xii), §60.5420b(b)(4)(vi), §60.5420b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(6)(ii), §60.5420b(b)(7)(ix), §60.5420b(b)(8)(iii), §60.5420b(b)(10)(viii), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(E),§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(N), §60.5420c(b)(3)(v), §60.5420c(b)(4)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(5)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(6)(ix), §60.5420c(b)(7)(iii), §60.5420c(b)(9)(viii), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(E), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(E), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(F), §60.5420b(b)(11)(v)(N), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(E), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(F), §60.5420c(b)(10)(v)(N)) (§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(E), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(E)) (§60.5420b(b)(3)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420b(b)(3)(ii)(E), §60.5420c(b)(2)(i)(B)(2), §60.5420c(b)(2)(ii)(E))
Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Affected or Designated Facility
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Affected or Designated Facility Date Deviation Began Time Deviation Began Duration of Deviation
(in hours)
Deviation Category
(Select from dropdown list)
Description of Deviation or if a Control Device Deviation the Type of Deviation Cause of Deviation Documentation of Why Best Management Practice Plan Steps Were Not Followed What steps, in lieu of your best management practice plan steps, were followed to minimize emissions to the maximum extent possible?
RecordId DeviationFacType DeviationFacID DeviationStartDate DeviationStartTime DeviationDuration DeviationType DeviationDesc DeviationCause DeviationBmpReason DeviationBmpSteps
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: centrifugal compressor e.g.: Comp-2A-1 e.g.:10/16/22 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 5 e.g.: Centrifugal compressor was not operated in compliance with the requirements e.g.:

e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: well e.g.: Pump 46 e.g.:10/16/22 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 5 e.g.: Emissions were vented to the atmosphere during a gas well liquids unloading operation

e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: storage vessel e.g.: Tank 345 e.g.:10/16/22 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 5 e.g.: Control device deviation other than CPMS data availability
e.g.: Control Equipment Problems

Sheet 27: Super_Emitters

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you had a super-emitter event during the reporting period, the start date of the super-emitter event, the duration of the super-emitter event in hours,

and the affected facility associated with the super-emitter event, if applicable.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Start Date of Super-Emitter Event
(§60.5420b(b)(14), §60.5420c(b)(13))
Duration of Super-Emitter Event
(in hours)
(§60.5420b(b)(14), §60.5420c(b)(13))
Emissions Source Affected or Designated Facility Associated with the Super-Emitter Event (if applicable)
(§60.5420b(b)(14), §60.5420c(b)(13))
RecordId SEStartDate SEDuration SESource
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 10/01/22 e.g.: 10 e.g.: Tank ABC

Sheet 28: Sweetening_Units_Initial

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

§60.5423b What are my additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements for sweetening unit affected facilities?

(b) In your initial annual report submitted in accordance with the procedures and schedule in §60.5420b(b), include the information in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Reporting is continued on the Sweetening_Units_Annual worksheet.

Run 1 Run 2 Run 3
Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Sweetening Unit
Required Minimum SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency, as determined from Table 4
(in %)
Run 1 Average Sulfur Feed Rate
(in Mg/D)
Run 1 Average Volumetric Flow Rate of Acid Gas From Sweetening Unit
(in dscm/day)
Run 1 H2S Concentration in the Acid Gas Feed From the Sweetening Unit
(in percent by volume)
Run 1 Emission Rate of Sulfur
(in kg/hr)
Run 1 Sulfur Production Rate
(in kg/hr)
Run 1 Emission Reduction Efficiency Achieved by the Sulfur Recovery Technology
(in %)
Run 1 Required Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency, as determined from Table 3
(in %)
Run 2 Average Sulfur Feed Rate
(in Mg/D)
Run 2 Average Volumetric Flow Rate of Acid Gas From Sweetening Unit
(in dscm/day)
Run 2 H2S Concentration in the Acid Gas Feed From the Sweetening Unit
(in percent by volume)
Run 2 Emission Rate of Sulfur
(in kg/hr)
Run 2 Sulfur Production Rate
(in kg/hr)
Run 2 Emission Reduction Efficiency Achieved by the Sulfur Recovery Technology
(in %)
Run 2 Required Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency, as determined from Table 3
(in %)
Run 3 Average Sulfur Feed Rate
(in Mg/D)
Run 3 Average Volumetric Flow Rate of Acid Gas From Sweetening Unit
(in dscm/day)
Run 3 H2S Concentration in the Acid Gas Feed From the Sweetening Unit
(in percent by volume)
Run 3 Emission Rate of Sulfur
(in kg/hr)
Run 3 Sulfur Production Rate
(in kg/hr)
Run 3 Emission Reduction Efficiency Achieved by the Sulfur Recovery Technology
(in %)
Run 3 Required Initial SO2 Emission Reduction Efficiency, as determined from Table 3
(in %)
RecordId SweeteningId SweetRedEff SweetRun1Sulfur SweetRun1Flow SweetRun1SConc SweetRun1ERS SweetRun1SRate SweetRun1RedEff SweetRun1ReqRedEff SweetRun2Sulfur SweetRun2Flow SweetRun2SConc SweetRun2ERS SweetRun2SRate SweetRun2RedEff SweetRun2ReqRedEff SweetRun3Sulfur SweetRun3Flow SweetRun3SConc SweetRun3ERS SweetRun3SRate SweetRun3RedEff SweetRun3ReqRedEff
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Sweetening Unit 1 e.g.: 97.5% e.g.: 400.2 e.g.: 736951 e.g.: 40.8% e.g.: 2.3 e.g.: 125 e.g.: 98.2 % e.g.: 97.9% e.g.: 378.2 e.g.: 628644 e.g.: 45.2% e.g.: 1.8 e.g.: 115 e.g.: 98.5% e.g.: 97.9% e.g.: 394.5 e.g.: 914795 e.g.: 32.4% e.g.: 1.4 e.g.: 105 e.g.: 98.7% e.g.: 97.9%

Sheet 29: Sweetening_Units_Annual

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

§60.5423b What are my additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements for sweetening unit affected facilities?

(d) You must submit a report of excess emissions to the Administrator in your annual report if you had excess emissions during the reporting period. (3) For each period of excess emissions during the reporting period, include the following information in your report.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answer in Column H, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black. If this is the initial report for your sweetening unit, you must also complete the Sweetening_Units_Initial worksheet.

Site Record No.
(Select from dropdown list)
Identification of Sweetening Unit
Time of Commencement of Excess Emissions Period
Date of Commencement of Excess Emissions Period
Time of Completion of Excess Emissions Period
Date of Completion of Excess Emissions Period
Which type of excess emissions is this?
(Select from dropdown list)
Required Minimum Efficiency (Z)
Actual Average Sulfur Emissions Reduction Efficiency (R)
Appropriate Operating Temperature
Actual Average Temperature of the Gases Leaving the Combustion Zone
RecordId SweeteningId ExcessTimeStart ExcessDateStart ExcessTimeStop ExcessDateStop ExcessEventType ReqMinEfficiency AvgSulfurReduction OpTemp AvgExitGasTemp
e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Sweetening Unit 1 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 01/01/19 e.g.: 2:00 PM e.g.: 01/02/19 e.g.: Sulfur emission reduction efficiency e.g.: 97.50 e.g.: 95.00

e.g.: ABC Company XYZ Compressor Station e.g.: Sweetening Unit 2 e.g.: 10:00 AM e.g.: 01/01/19 e.g.: 2:00 PM e.g.: 01/02/19 e.g.: Temperature of the gases leaving the combustion zone

e.g.: 820 C e.g.: 750 C

Sheet 30: Alt_Tech_Periodic

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the periodic screening requirements of §60.5398b(b) or §60.5398c(b), you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of §60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10).

Use a separate row to report each periodic screening event. Additional information on fugitives found during inspections following a confirmed detection are reported on the Alt_Tech_Periodic_OGI worksheet. If you are required to conduct an annual OGI inspection, report the information for that inspection on the Alt_Tech_Periodic_OGI worksheet.

Additional information on emissions from and defects of covers and closed vent systems found during inspections following a confirmed detection are reported on the Alt_Tech_Periodic_Inspection worksheet.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answer in Column I, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Required when the results of the periodic screening indicate a confirmed detection of emissions from an affected or designated facility
Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Is this the notification of initial adoption of the alternative standards?
(§60.5424b(a), §60.5424c(a))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Periodic Screening
(§60.5424b(b)(1), §60.5424c(b)(1))
Date Results of Periodic Screening Received
(§60.5424b(b)(1), §60.5424c(b)(1))
Alternative Test Method Used for Screening
(§60.5424b(b)(2), §60.5424c(b)(2))
Technology Used for Screening
(§60.5424b(b)(2), §60.5424c(b)(2))
Spatial Resolution of Technology Used
(§60.5424b(b)(2), §60.5424c(b)(2))
(Select from dropdown list)
Were there deviations from the monitoring plan developed under §60.5398b(b)(2) or §60.5398c(b)(1)?
(§60.5424b(b)(3), §60.5424c(b)(3))
(Select from dropdown list)
Deviations from the Fugitives Monitoring Plan
(§60.5424b(b)(3), §60.5424c(b)(3))
Results from each periodic screening
(§60.5424b(b)(4), §60.5424c(b)(4))
Date of Monitoring Survey of Entire or Required Portion of Fugitive Emissions Components Affected or Designated Facility
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(i), §60.5424c(b)(4)(i))
Were fugitives found during the survey?
(Select from dropdown list)
Date You Completed the Instrument Inspections of Your Covers and Closed Vent Systems(s)
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(ii), §60.5424c(b)(4)(ii))
Date You Conducted the Visual Inspection for Emissions of Required Covers and Closed Vent Systems
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iii), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iii))
Were emissions or a defect found during the inspections?
(Select from dropdown list)
Provide any additional information, or the name of the attachment containing the information, specified by the Administrator as part of the alternative test method approval described in §60.5398b(d) or §60.5398c(d).
(§60.5424b(b)(6), §60.5424c(b)(6))
RecordId AltTechPeriodicFlag AltTechPerScreenDate AltTechPerScreenReceived AltTechPerMethod AltTechPerUsed AltTechPerSpatial AltTechPerDevFlag AltTechPerDeviations AltTechPerScreenResult AltTechPerFugDate AltTechPerFugFlag AltTechPerCvsInstDate AltTechPerCvsVisDate AltTechPerCvsFlag AltTechPerAddInfo
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Yes e.g.: 06/01/22 e.g.: 06/10/22 e.g.: ALT-181 e.g.: Technology Maker's Model ABC Gizmo e.g.: facility-level e.g.: There were no deviations from the monitoring plan.
e.g.: Emissions were detected at the site. e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: Yes e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: No e.g.:

Sheet 31: Alt_Tech_Periodic_OGI

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the periodic screening requirements of §60.5398b(b) or §60.5398c(b), you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of §60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10).

Use this worksheet to report information on fugitives found during inspections following a confirmed detection during a periodic screening event.

If you are required to conduct an annual OGI inspection or if you replace a periodic screening event with an OGI survey, report the information for that inspection on this worksheet.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answers in Column C, E, and J, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Inspection following confirmed detection, annual OGI survey, or OGI survey replacement for periodic screening?
(§60.5424b(b), §60.5424c(b))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of OGI survey
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(i), §60.5424c(b)(4)(i), §60.5424b(b)(5)(i), §60.5424c(b)(5)(i))
Type of Component for which Fugitive Emissions Detected
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(i)(A), §60.5424c(b)(4)(i)(A), §60.5424b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5424c(b)(5)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Type of Component If "Other" Selected in Column E
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(i)(A), §60.5424c(b)(4)(i)(A), §60.5424b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5424c(b)(5)(ii))
Number of Each Component Type for which Fugitive Emissions Detected
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(A), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(A), §60.5424b(b)(5)(ii), §60.5424c(b)(5)(ii))
Date(s) of Repair for Fugitive Emissions Components
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(C), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(C))
Number of Each Component Type Not Repaired as Required in §60.5397b(h)
(§60.5424b(b)(5)(iii), §60.5424c(b)(5)(iii))
Number of Each Component Type Placed on Delay of Repair
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424b(b)(5)(iv), §60.5424c(b)(5)(iv))
Explanation for Delay of Repair
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424b(b)(5)(iv), §60.5424c(b)(5)(iv))
RecordId AltTechPerOgiType AltTechPerOgiDate AltTechPerOgiComp AltTechPerOgiCompOther AltTechPerOgiCompNo AltTechPerOgiRepairDate AltTechPerOgiNotRepaired AltTechPerOgiDor AltTechPerOgiDorReason
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site Inspection following confirmed detection e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: thief hatch
e.g.: 1 e.g.: 06/15/22
e.g.: 0
e.g.: DEF Company GHI Well Site Annual OGI survey e.g.: 10/15/22 e.g.: valve
e.g.: 2
e.g.: 1 e.g.: 1 e.g.: Unsafe to repair until next shutdown

Sheet 32: Alt_Tech_Periodic_Inspection

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the periodic screening requirements of §60.5398b(b) or §60.5398c(b), you must submit the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of §60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10).

Use this worksheet to report information on emissions and defects found during inspections following a confirmed detection during a periodic screening event.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answer in Column G, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Date of Inspection
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(ii), §60.5424c(b)(4)(ii), §60.5424b(b)(4)(iii), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iii))
CVS or Cover ID
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv))
Emission or Defect Identified
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(B), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(B))
Date of Repair
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(C), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(C))
Was the cover or closed vent system placed on delay of repair?
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(D))
(Select from dropdown list)
Explanation for Delay of Repair
(§60.5424b(b)(4)(iv)(D), §60.5424c(b)(4)(iv)(D))
RecordId AltTechPerCvsDate AltTechPerCvsId AltTechPerCvsDefect AltTechPerCvsRepairDate AltTechPerCvsDorFlag AltTechPerCvsDorReason
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: 06/15/22 e.g.: e.g.: e.g.: 06/19/22 e.g.: No

Sheet 33: Alt_Tech_Continuous

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the continuous monitoring system requirements of §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c), you must submit the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of §60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10).

If the 12-month rolling average operational downtime exceeds 10%, additional information on downtime is reported on the Alt_Tech_Continuous_Downtime worksheet.

If either action level is exceed during the reporting period, additional information on exceedances is reported on the Alt_Tech_Continuous_Exceedance worksheet.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet. Depending on the answers in Columns D and I, cells that are not relevant will be shaded in black.

Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Is this the notification of initial adoption of the alternative standards?
(§60.5424b(a), §60.5424c(a))
(Select from dropdown list)
Was either action level exceeded during the reporting period?
(§60.5424b(d), §60.5424c(d))
(Select from dropdown list)
7-Day Action Level
(§60.5424b(d)(4), §60.5424c(d)(4))
(Select from dropdown list)
Highest 7-Day Rolling Average
(§60.5424b(d)(4), §60.5424c(d)(4))
90-Day Action Level
(§60.5424b(d)(4), §60.5424c(d)(4))
(Select from dropdown list)
Highest 90-Day Rolling Average
(§60.5424b(d)(4), §60.5424c(d)(4))
Did the 12-month rolling average operational downtime of the system exceed 10 percent during the reporting period?
(§60.5424b(d)(5), §60.5424c(d)(5))
(Select from dropdown list)
Highest Value of the 12-Month Rolling Average Operational Downtime During the Reporting Period
(in %)
(§60.5424b(d)(5), §60.5424c(d)(5))
Provide any additional information, or the name of the attachment containing the information, specified by the Administrator as part of the alternative test method approval described in §60.5398b(d) or §60.5398c(d).
(§60.5424b(d)(6), §60.5424c(d)(6))
RecordId AltTechContFlag AltTechContExceedFlag AltTechCont7Al AltTechCont7High AltTechCont90Al AltTechCont90High AltTechContDownFlag AltTechContDownHigh AltTechContAddInfo
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Yes e.g.: Yes

e.g.: No e.g.: 3.2% e.g.: See attachment continuous.pdf
e.g.: DEF Company GHI Well Site e.g.: No e.g.: No e.g.: 21 e.g.: 14 e.g.: 1.6 e.g.: 0.85 e.g.: Yes

Sheet 34: Alt_Tech_Continuous_Downtime

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the continuous monitoring system requirements of §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c), you must submit the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of

§60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10). (5) The start date for each instance where the

12-month rolling average operational downtime of the system exceeded 10 percent and the value of the 12-month rolling average operational downtime during the period.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet.

Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Start Date for Exceedance of 12-Month Rolling Average Operational Downtime
(§60.5424b(d)(5), §60.5424c(d)(5))
Highest Value of 12-Month Rolling Average Operational Downtime During Exceedance Period
(§60.5424b(d)(5), §60.5424c(d)(5))
RecordId AltTechContDownStartDate AltTechContDownExceedHigh
e.g.: DEF Company GHI Well Site e.g.: 09/01/22 e.g.: 11

Sheet 35: Alt_Tech_Continuous_Exceedance

40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOb and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOOOc - Oil and Natural Gas Facilities; §60.5420b(b) and §60.5420c(b) Annual Report

If you comply with the continuous monitoring system requirements of §60.5398b(c) or §60.5398c(c), you must submit the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (6) of §60.5424b or §60.5424c in the annual report required by §60.5420b(b)(4) through (b)(11) or §60.5420c(b)(3) through (b)(10).

(1) The start date and end date for each period where the emissions rate determined in accordance with §60.5398b(c)(6) or §60.5398c(c)(5) exceeded one of the action levels determined in accordance with §60.5398b(c)(4) or §60.5398c(c)(4). Include which action level was exceeded (the 7-day or 90-day rolling average), the numerical value of the action level, and the mass emission rate

calculated by the continuous monitoring system in the report.
(2) The date the investigatvie analysis was initiated, and the result of the investigative analysis conducted, as applicable.
(3) Dates of implementation and completion of actions taken to reduce the mass emission rate and a description of the action(s) taken in accordance with §60.5398b-c(c)(7), as applicable.

Note: Site Record No. selections appear once Facility Site Name(s) are added to Site Information worksheet.

Site Record No.
(§60.5420b(b)(1)(ii), §60.5420c(b)(1)(ii))
(Select from dropdown list)
Which action level was exceeded?
(§60.5424b(d)(1), §60.5424c(d)(1))
(Select from dropdown list)
Start Date for Action Level Exceedance Period
(§60.5424b(d)(1), §60.5424c(d)(1))
End Date for Action Level Exceedance Period
(§60.5424b(d)(1), §60.5424c(d)(1))
Action Level
(§60.5424b(d)(1), §60.5424c(d)(1))
(Select from dropdown list)
Mass Emission Rate Calculated by the Continuous Monitoring System
(§60.5424b(d)(1), §60.5424c(d)(1))
Date Investigative Analysis Initiated
(§60.5424b(d)(2), §60.5424c(d)(2))
Result of Investigative Analysis
(§60.5424b(d)(2), §60.5424c(d)(2))
Date of Implementation of Corrective Action(s)
(§60.5424b(d)(3), §60.5424c(d)(3))
Date of Completion of Corrective Action(s)
(§60.5424b(d)(3), §60.5424c(d)(3))
Description of Action(s) Taken in Accordance with §60.5398b(c)(7) or §60.5398c(c)(7)
(§60.5424b(d)(3), §60.5424c(d)(3))
RecordId AltTechContAlExceed AltTechContExceedStart AltTechContExceedEnd AltTechContAl AltTechContMer AltTechContInvDate AltTechContInvResult AltTechContCaImp AltTechContCaComp AltTechContCaDesc
e.g.: DEF Company DEF Well Site e.g.: Rolling 7-day e.g.: 10/09/22 e.g.: 10/17/22 e.g.: 15 e.g.: 16.1 e.g.: 10/10/22 e.g.: e.g.: 10/15/22 e.g.: 10/16/22 e.g.:

Sheet 36: Revisions

Revision Number Date Description
Finalized Release Version

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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