National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program - Project Instrument

NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) Program Reporting Requirements

NRT Instrument - Project (2024_04_18)

National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program - Project Instrument

OMB: 3145-0263

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National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program

Project Instrument

Version: Draft

Prepared by CBS and NSF

This instrument is filled out by the PI, Project Coordinator, and any CO-PI that the PI has granted permission to.

This instrument can only be submitted to NSF by the PI.

Pursuant to 5 CFR 1320.5(b), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to an information collection unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 3145-0263. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 24 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions. Send comments regarding this burden estimate and any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation, 2415 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA 22314; telephone (703) 292-7556; or send email to

  1. Table of Contents

1 Table of Contents 2

2 Conventions in this document 5

2.1 Survey Preparation Checklist 8

2.2 Update Trainee List 9

2.2.2 Add / Edit an NRT Funded Trainee 11

2.2.3 Add / Edit a Non-NRT Funded Trainee 14

2.3 International Experiences 17 Add International Experience 18

2.4 Project Personnel 20

2.4.2 Add / Edit a Project Coordinator 21

2.4.3 Add / Edit Evaluator 22

2.4.4 Add / Edit Co-PI or Faculty Participant 25

2.5 Project Funding 26

2.6 Project Goals and Logic Model 28

2.7 Collaborations 29

2.7.2 Add / Edit Collaboration 30 Add / Edit Academic Partner 32 Add / Edit Government Partner 34 Add / Edit Corporate or Industrial Partner 36 Add / Edit Other Partner 39

2.8 Accomplishments and Impacts 41 Add Accomplishment and Impact 42

Products* 43

2.8.2 Journal or Juried Conference Paper 43 Add Journal or Juried Conference Paper 44

2.8.3 Book 46 Add Book 47

2.8.4 Book Chapter 49 Add Book Chapter 50

2.8.5 Invention 53 Add Invention 54

2.8.6 License 55 Add License 56

2.8.7 Other Conference Presentation / Paper 57 Add Other Conference Presentation/Paper 58

2.8.8 Other Product 60 Add Other Product 61

2.8.9 Other Publication 62 Add Other Publication 63

2.8.10 Patent Application 65 Add Patent 66

2.8.11 Technology and Technique 68 Add Technology and Technique 69

2.8.12 Thesis / Dissertation 70 Add Thesis/Dissertation 71

2.8.13 Website or Other Internet Site 72 Add Website 73

2.9 Trainee Preparation 74

2.9.1 Trainee Preparation in Interdisciplinary/Convergence Research 74

Add Practice 75

2.9.2 Trainee Preparation for STEM Careers 76

2.9.3 Trainee Preparation in Professional Skills 79

2.10 Strategies for Broadening Participation 87

2.10.2 Recruitment 88 Add Recruitment Strategy and Result 94

2.10.3 Retention 95 Add Retention Strategy and Result 96

2.11 Outreach Activities 97 Add Outreach Activity 98

2.12 Project Evaluation and Advisory Committee 100

2.12.1 Advisory Committee 100

2.12.2 Project Evaluation 101

2.13 Institutional Impacts 103

2.14 Changes/Problems 105 Add Change/Problem 106

2.15 Final Submission to NSF 107

  1. Conventions in this document

The conventions described below are an attempt to render dynamic UI elements and interactive content and behaviors in this static word document.

Radio Button (select one in the group)

Checkbox (select any in the group)

Textbox (enter text)

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Dropdown box (Select one)

Searchable list of things

A search box that will narrow the results as the user types, e.g., states and countries

Date Picker

When the user selects the control a date picker will appear. They can also enter the date via the keyboard.

Single Add

As the user types a list of matching values will appear in a dropdown list. The user can click on an entry in the list, and it will be added to the textbox in a pill format. If the string of characters is new the user can hit tab/enter and the new value will also turn into a pill.

Multi Add

Same as Single Add but the user will then be able to enter further values. This is an example:


A button that performs an action. Added for context around managing lists and final submit


Text in angle brackets is inserted by the system and is read-only.

[Read only]

These data are read-only and can only be changed by contacting support.

[Read only after first year]

The data are read-only after the first year. After the first year these data can only be changed by contacting support


These data are pre-loaded at the beginning of the reporting period.


These data are copied from the previous year when preparing for a new reporting period.

[Change management]

These data are subject to other rules when they change.

{Skip Ref A-Z}

Indicates that a response to this question affects other questions after it.

{Skip when A-Z}

Indicates that the question should be skipped if the skip reference meets a certain criterion

This is instructional text

Instructions to the respondents

    1. Survey Preparation Checklist

Update Trainee List

Add International Experiences

[Open Trainee Surveys]

    1. Update Trainee List

            1. How do NRT trainees in your program earn their degree?

Mark all that apply.



Trainees earn their degrees from the NRT multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary program.

Trainees earn their degrees from traditional single-discipline departments.

Trainees earn their degrees from multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary programs, centers, or units other than NRT.

Other (certificates, etc.) {Skip Ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

            1. What is the intended average duration of support for trainees that receive NRT stipends?


[Read only]

[Change management]

1 Year

1-2 Years

2 Years

More than 2 years

List of Funded NRT Trainees


Respondents can enter as many funded trainees as they wish.

  • Trainee 1 [Edit], [Delete], [Left Project], [Move to Unfunded]

  • Trainee 2 [Edit], [Delete], [Left Project], [Move to Unfunded]

[Add Funded Trainee]

            1. List of Non-Funded NRT Trainees


Respondents can enter as many non-funded trainees as they wish.

  • Trainee 1 [Edit], [Delete], [Left Project], [Move to Funded]

  • Trainee 2 [Edit], [Delete], [Left Project], [Move to Funded]

[Add Unfunded Trainee]

      1. Add / Edit an NRT Funded Trainee

Note: Information that your trainees provide will not be available to you. However, you will have access to a monitoring system that allows you to see the progress of their submissions, i.e., which sections they have successfully completed.

            1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Middle Name or Initial


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Email Address


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. When did the trainee first enroll in graduate study at this institution?




[Read only after first year]

Date Picker

            1. When did the trainee first begin receiving NRT funding?




[Read only after first year]

Date Picker

            1. Did the trainee receive a stipend from the NRT program? (Note: A trainee who received NRT funding for any or all of the current reporting period is an NRT Funded Trainee.)

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



            1. Enter the number of months the trainee was funded by NRT. If the trainee received NRT funding for a portion of a month, please round up to the nearest whole number.

Required if above is Funded Trainee

{Skip if A is “No”}

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months

            1. Current NRT faculty advisor(s)

Read-only list (entered by the trainee on their instrument)

  • Faculty Advisor 1

  • Faculty Advisor 2

Is the trainee currently an active participant in this NRT project (e.g., still engaged in NRT program activities)?

Select one.


{Skip Ref B}



            1. Date trainee left project

{Skip if B is “Yes”}


Date picker

            1. Please describe the current situation that best describes this NRT trainee.

Select one.


Has not yet graduated but is pursuing a Ph.D. at your institution

Has not yet graduated but is pursuing a master’s degree at your institution

Has graduated from your institution with a Ph.D. {Skip Ref C}

            1. Enter month/year of Ph.D. graduation


{Skip if C is unchecked}

Date picker

Has graduated from your institution with a master’s degree {Skip Ref D}

            1. Enter month/year of master’s degree graduation


{Skip if D is unchecked}

Date picker

Has left your institution without earning a degree {Skip Ref E}

            1. Enter month/year departed institution


{Skip if E is unchecked}

Date picker

      1. Add / Edit a Non-NRT Funded Trainee

Note: Information that your trainees provide will not be available to you. However, you will have access to a monitoring system that allows you to see the progress of their submissions, i.e., which sections they have successfully completed.

            1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Middle Initial or Name


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Email Address


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. When did the trainee first enroll in graduate study at this institution?




[Read only after first year]

Date picker

            1. When did the trainee first begin participating in the NRT project?




[Read only after first year]

Date picker

            1. Has the trainee been engaged in NRT activities, research, education, or training?

Select one.




            1. Current NRT faculty advisor(s)

Read-only list (entered by the trainee on their instrument)

  • Faculty Advisor 1

  • Faculty Advisor 2

            1. Please indicate – to the best of your knowledge – the sources of support the trainee received.

Mark all that apply.


Fellowship, scholarship

Dissertation grant

Teaching, research, or other assistantship


Internship, clinical residency

Employer reimbursement/assistance

Foreign (non-U.S.) support

Personal sources: This may include loans, personal savings, personal earnings (aside from sources listed above), partner’s or family’s earnings or savings.


Other {Skip Ref A}

            1. If other type, please specify:

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Limit 100 characters

            1. Is the trainee currently an active participant in this NRT project (e.g., still engaged in NRT program activities)?

Select one.


{Skip Ref B}



            1. Date trainee left project

{Skip if B is “Yes”}


Date picker

            1. Please describe the current situation that best describes this non-NRT funded trainee.

Select one.


Has not yet graduated but is pursuing a Ph.D. at your institution

Has not yet graduated but is pursuing a master’s degree at your institution

Has graduated from your institution with a Ph.D. {Skip Ref C}

            1. Enter month/year of Ph.D. graduation

{Skip if C is unchecked}


Date picker

Has graduated from your institution with a master’s degree {Skip Ref D}

            1. Enter month/year of master’s degree graduation

{Skip if D is unchecked}


Date picker

Has left your institution without earning a degree {Skip Ref E}

            1. Enter month/year departed institution

{Skip if E is unchecked}


Date picker

    1. International Experiences

            1. Did your NRT project involve any international experiences?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” - Begin}

            1. Please enter an International Experience for each country trainees visited

Respondents can enter as many International Experiences as they wish.

  • International Experience 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • International Experience 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add International Experience]

{Skip A End}

        1. Add International Experience

            1. Country

Select one.


Searchable list of all countries

            1. Estimated start date



Date picker

            1. Estimated end date



Date picker

            1. Trainees involved:

Mark all that apply. Selection is made from trainees participating in the current award.


Trainee 1

Trainee 2

            1. Which of the following international actions or work in this country involved trainees?

Mark all that apply.


Trainees attended conferences/workshops.

Trainees undertook coursework/training.

Trainees worked, conducted research/field work, or interned in industrial settings.

Trainees worked, conducted research/field work, or interned in academic settings.

Trainees worked, conducted research/field work, or interned in other settings (e.g., national laboratories, nongovernmental organizations).

Other international actions/work. {Skip Ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

    1. Project Personnel

            1. Coordinator(s)


Respondents can enter as many Coordinators as they wish.

  • Coordinator 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Coordinator 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Project Coordinator]

            1. Evaluator(s)


Respondents can enter as many Evaluators as they wish.

  • Evaluator 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Evaluator 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Evaluator]

            1. CO-PIs and Faculty Participants


Respondents can enter as many CO-PIs and Faculty Participants as they wish.

  • CO-PI 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Faculty Participant 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add CO-PI or Faculty Participant]

      1. Add / Edit a Project Coordinator

            1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Middle Initial or Name


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Email Address


Limit 200 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

      1. Add / Edit Evaluator

            1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Middle Initial or Name


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Email Address


Limit 200 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Is this individual considered an internal or external evaluator for the program?

Select one.





            1. Institution Name


Limit 50 characters


            1. Department at Institution

Limit 200 characters


            1. Institution’s City


Limit 200 characters


            1. Institution’s State



Searchable dropdown containing all states

            1. ZIP Code


Limit 5 characters


            1. Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx)


Limit 10 characters


            1. Extension

Limit 5 characters


      1. Add / Edit Co-PI or Faculty Participant

            1. First Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Middle Initial or Name


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Last Name


Limit 50 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Email Address


Limit 200 characters


[Read only]

[Change management]

            1. Role in Project:

Select one.




Faculty Participant

    1. Project Funding

            1. Does your NRT project include undergraduate involvement?

Select one.


{Skip ref A}




            1. If yes, were NSF NRT funds used for undergraduate involvement?

{Skip if A is No}

Select one.

Required if above is Yes




            1. Does your NRT project involve postdoctoral scholars?

Select one.



{Skip Ref B}



            1. If yes, were NSF NRT funds used for postdoctoral involvement?

Select one.

Required if above is Yes


{Skip if B is “No”}



Do you have a standard or continuing grant?

Select one.


{Skip Ref C}



{Skip if C is “Standard” OR project is not in year 5 - Begin}

Do you anticipate any carryover funds?

Select one.



No {Skip Ref D}

{Skip if D is “No” - Begin}

            1. Estimate—to the nearest dollar—the NRT funds that will be carried over to the next year as of the project start date anniversary (the date when your annual report will be due in FastLane).


Dollar amount greater than 0


Please explain if carryover funds are anticipated (i.e., funds greater than 0).


Limit 1000 characters

{Skip D End}

{Skip C End}

    1. Project Goals and Logic Model

Please briefly describe the major goals and objectives (both overall and current reporting period) for interdisciplinary research, education, and training efforts. In addition, include a brief description of the education and training model adopted by your project, and upload your logic model.

            1. Describe the overall project goals and objectives.


Limit 1000 characters


            1. Describe the project goals and objectives for the current reporting period.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Upload logic model (PDF):




            1. Please indicate the estimated size of the graduate student population benefitting from your project. This population includes both NRT funded and non-NRT unfunded trainees as well as other graduate students that may participate in some of the NRT activities.


    1. Collaborations

            1. Were there active collaborations outside of your university through your NRT project?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

Examples of collaborations include other academic institutions (including NRT partners), industrial or corporate partners, government agencies and laboratories, and nonprofit organizations. If you are in doubt about whether to include information on a specific relationship between your NRT project and another organization, please include the information.

            1. Collaborations

At least one collaboration required if ‘Yes’

  • Collaboration 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Collaboration 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Collaboration]

{End Skip A}

      1. Add / Edit Collaboration

            1. Briefly describe this collaboration

Limit 1000 characters


            1. Accomplishments and outcomes: Please describe all key accomplishments or outcomes (not activities) of this collaboration.

Limit 1000 characters

            1.  I approve making the details of this collaboration available for use on, viewable by the general public, as it is written. These details specifically include the accomplishment/outcome. Prior to display on, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.
            2. Academic partners


  • Academic Partnership 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Academic Partner]

            1. Government partners


  • Government Partnership 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Government Partner]

            1. Corporate or industry partners


  • Corporate Partnership 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Corporate Partner]

            1. Other partners


  • Other Partnership 1 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Other Partner]

        1. Add / Edit Academic Partner

Institution/Organization name

Limit 200 characters


            1. Type of academic partner

Mark all that apply.



Ph.D.-granting institution

Non-Ph.D.-granting institution

Minority-serving institution

K–12 institution

Foreign-based institution

            1. Activities

Mark all that apply.



Facilities: NRT trainees use the partner’s facilities for project activities.

Collaborative Research/Teaching: The partner’s students and/or personnel work with NRT project staff on collaborative research/teaching.

Personnel Exchange: NRT trainees and/or partner’s students or personnel use each other’s facilities or work at each other’s sites on an ad hoc or as-needed basis.

Internships: NRT trainees work in the partner’s facilities specifically as interns.

Financial Arrangement: the arrangement with the partner involves exchange of funds. {Skip Ref A}

            1. Funding arrangement

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Mark all that apply.



Subaward to partner

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing NRT traineeship stipends to trainees.

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing services or support to NRT trainees.

Partner provides funding

The partner provides funding to the NRT project specifically for NRT trainees in any way (e.g., internships, travel, training).

The partner provides funding to the NRT project for research, curriculum, or other project activities but not directly for trainees.


Other {Skip Ref B}

            1. Please specify:

{Skip if B is unchecked}

        1. Add / Edit Government Partner

            1. Organization name

Limit 200 characters


            1. Type of government agency

Please select the one you feel is the best option.



U.S. Federal agency or department

U.S. Federal laboratory or research facility

Foreign institution or foreign government/agency {Skip Ref A}

            1. If foreign, please indicate country:


{Skip if A is unchecked}

Searchable dropdown containing all countries

            1. Activities

Mark all that apply.



Facilities: NRT trainees use the partner’s facilities for project activities.

Collaborative Research/Teaching: The partner’s students and/or personnel work with NRT project staff on collaborative research/teaching.

Personnel Exchange: NRT trainees and/or partner’s students or personnel use each other’s facilities or work at each other’s sites on an ad hoc or as-needed basis.

Internships: NRT trainees work in a partner’s facilities specifically as interns.

Financial Arrangement: the arrangement with the partner involves exchange of funds. {Skip Ref B}

            1. Funding arrangement

{Skip if B is unchecked}

Mark all that apply.



Subaward to collaborator/partner

NRT project provides subaward to partner for the purposes of providing NRT traineeship stipends to trainees.

NRT project provides subaward to partner for the purposes of providing services or support to NRT trainees.

Partner Provides Funding

The partner provides funding to the NRT project specifically for NRT trainees in any way (e.g., internships, travel, training).

The partner provides funding to the NRT project for research, curriculum, or other project activities but not directly for trainees.


Other {Skip Ref C}

            1. If other, please specify:

{Skip if C is unchecked}

        1. Add / Edit Corporate or Industrial Partner

            1. Business name


Limit 200 characters

            1. Corporate headquarters


Select one.


U.S.-based company

Foreign-based company

            1. Please select the sector that best describes the business of your corporate partner

Select one.



Goods Producing

Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting





Educational services

Financial activity services

Health care and social assistance services

Information services

Leisure and hospitality services

Professional and business services

Public administration


Wholesale trade

Retail trade

Transportation and warehousing

Federal government

State and local government

Other services

            1. Activities

Mark all that apply.


Facilities: NRT trainees use the partner’s facilities for project activities.

Collaborative Research/Teaching: The partner’s students and/or personnel work with NRT project staff on collaborative research/teaching.

Personnel Exchange: NRT trainees and/or partner’s students or personnel use each other’s facilities or work at each other’s sites on an ad hoc or as-needed basis.

Internships: NRT trainees work in a partner’s facilities specifically as interns.

Financial Arrangement: the arrangement with the partner involves exchange of funds. {Skip Ref A}

            1. Funding arrangement

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Mark all that apply.



Subaward to partner

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing NRT traineeship stipends to trainees.

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing services or support to NRT trainees.

Partner Provides Funding

The partner provides funding to the NRT project specifically for NRT trainees in any way (e.g., internships, travel, training).

The partner provides funding to the NRT project for research, curriculum, or other project activities but not directly for trainees.


Other {Skip ref B}

            1. If other, please specify:

{Skip if B is unchecked}

        1. Add / Edit Other Partner

            1. Organization name

Limit 200 characters


            1. Activities

Mark all that apply.


Facilities: NRT trainees use the partner’s facilities for project activities.

Collaborative Research/Teaching: The partner’s students and/or personnel work with NRT project staff on collaborative research/teaching.

Personnel Exchange: NRT trainees and/or partner’s students or personnel use each other’s facilities or work at each other’s sites on an ad hoc or as-needed basis.

Internships: NRT trainees work in the partner’s facilities specifically as interns.

Financial Arrangement: the arrangement with the partner involves exchange of funds. {Skip Ref A}

            1. Funding arrangement

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Mark all that apply.



Subaward to partner

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing NRT traineeship stipends to trainees.

NRT project provides subaward to the partner for the purposes of providing services or support to NRT trainees.

Partner Provides Funding

The partner provides funding to the NRT project specifically for NRT trainees in any way (e.g., internships, travel, training).

The partner provides funding to the NRT project for research, curriculum, or other project activities but not directly for trainees.


Other {Skip Ref B}

            1. If other, please specify:

{Skip if B is unchecked}

    1. Accomplishments and Impacts

Note: For the final system, there will be short, generalized examples included.

            1. Do you have any accomplishments and impacts to report?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

Please describe any accomplishments and impacts that:
  • Demonstrate how your NRT project has been effective in attaining the interdisciplinary research goals you originally set out to achieve.

  • Illustrate exceptional added value to the trainees’ educational experiences.

  • Involved either a single trainee or a group of trainees and was made possible through the participation of trainees in your NRT project.

If appropriate, include evidence from the evaluation that supports these outcomes.

While we do not limit the number of responses that you can enter, we expect to see 1-3 Accomplishments and Impacts in a typical reporting period.

Respondents can enter as many Accomplishments and Impacts as they wish.

  • Accomplishment and Impact 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Accomplishment and Impact 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Accomplishment and Impact]

{Skip A End}

        1. Add Accomplishment and Impact

            1. Accomplishment and Impact


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Aspects

Mark all that apply.

This accomplishment / impact has been effective in attaining the interdisciplinary research goals you originally set out to achieve

This accomplishment / impact illustrates exceptional added value to the trainees’ educational experiences

This accomplishment / impact involved either a single trainee or a group of trainees and was made possible through the participation of trainees in your NRT project

            1. If this accomplishment / impact resulted from one or more international experiences, please indicate those that are applicable.

Mark all that apply.

List is generated from the list of international experiences in the current reporting period

International experience 1

International experience 2

            1.  I approve making this Accomplishment and Impact available for use on the website, viewable by the general public, as it is written. Prior to display on this website, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.


Only products published or completed during the reporting period should be included; planned or in-press products should be reported in a subsequent report, after publication. Enter all products into the reporting system; do not upload as a pdf file. Published journal or conference papers are to be deposited in the NSF Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR). Products should be included for both NRT funded and non-NRT funded trainees. All products resulting from the project should acknowledge federal support.

      1. Journal or Juried Conference Paper

            1. Did your NRT project publish any Journal or Juried Conference Papers?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Journal or Juried Conference Papers
  • Journal or Juried Conference Paper 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Journal or Juried Conference Paper 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Journal or Juried Conference Paper 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Journal or Juried Conference Paper]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Journal or Juried Conference Paper

            1. Publication status

Select one.





Awaiting publication


Under review


            1. Citation


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Abstract


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Publication date


Date Picker

            1. NSF PAR ID

            2. Journal Name

            3. Volume

            4. Issue

            5. Page range or eLocation ID

            6. ISSN

            7. Publisher

      1. Book

            1. Did your NRT project publish any Books?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Books
  • Book 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Book 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Book 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Book]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Book

            1. Publication status

Select one.




Awaiting publication


Under review


            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Book Edition

            2. Book Volume

            3. Book Publisher

            4. Publication Location

            5. Year


Date Picker

            1. Publication Identifier

            2. Acknowledgement of Federal Support

Select one.




            1. Peer Reviewed

Select one.



      1. Book Chapter

            1. Did your NRT project publish any Book Chapters?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Book Chapters
  • Book Chapter 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Book Chapter 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Book Chapter 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Book Chapter]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Book Chapter

            1. Publication status

Select one.




Awaiting publication


Under review


            1. Chapter Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. First Page Number or eLocation ID

Limit 1000 characters

            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Book Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Book Edition

            2. Book Volume

            3. Book Publisher

            4. Publication Location

            5. Year


Date Picker

            1. Publication Identifier

            2. Publication Identifier Type

Select one.





            1. Acknowledgement of Federal Support

Select one.




            1. Peer Reviewed

Select one.



      1. Invention

            1. Did your NRT project create any Inventions?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Inventions
  • Invention 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Invention 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Invention 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Invention]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Invention

            1. Invention Title


            1. Invention Description


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Inventors


Limit 1000 characters

      1. License

            1. Did your NRT project develop any Licenses?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Licenses
  • License 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • License 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • License 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add License]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add License

            1. License Status

Select one.





            1. License Title


            1. Application Date



Date Picker

            1. Date Issued


Date Picker

            1. License Assignees

Limit 1000 characters

      1. Other Conference Presentation / Paper

Did your NRT project complete or publish any Other Conference Presentations / Papers?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Other Conference Presentations / Papers
  • Other Conference Presentation / Paper 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Conference Presentation / Paper 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Conference Presentation / Paper 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Other Conference Presentation / Paper]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Other Conference Presentation/Paper

            1. Publication status

Select one.




Awaiting publication


Under review


            1. Paper Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Conference Name


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Conference Location

            2. Year


Date Picker

            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Acknowledgement of Federal Support

Select one.




      1. Other Product

            1. Did your NRT project develop any Other Products?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Other Products
  • Other Product 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Product 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Product 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Other Product]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Other Product

            1. Product Type

Select one.



Physical Collections

Audio or Visual Products

Software or Netware


Education aids or Curricula

Instruments or Equipment

Data and Research Materials (e.g. Cell Lines, DNA Probes, Animal Models)

Evaluation Instruments

Survey Instruments


Other {Skip Ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

            1. Describe the product and how it is being shared:


Limit 1000 characters

      1. Other Publication

            1. Did your NRT project publish any Other Publications?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Other Publication
  • Other Publication 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Publication 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Other Publication 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Other Publication]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Other Publication

            1. Publication status

Select one.




Awaiting publication


Under review


            1. Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Description


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Year


Date Picker

            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Acknowledgement of Federal Support

Select one.




      1. Patent Application

            1. Did your NRT project develop any Patent Applications?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Patent Applications
  • Patent Application 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Patent Application 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Patent Application 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Patent Application]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Patent

            1. Publication status

Select one.





            1. Patent Abstract


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Patent Title


            1. Patent Number

            2. Country

Select one.


Searchable list of all countries

            1. Application Date



Date Picker

            1. Date Issued


Date Picker

      1. Technology and Technique

            1. Did your NRT project develop any Technologies or Techniques?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Technologies or Techniques
  • Technology and Technique 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Technology and Technique 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Technology and Technique 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Technology and Technique]

        1. Add Technology and Technique

            1. Description


Limit 1000 characters

      1. Thesis / Dissertation

            1. Did your NRT project trainees complete any Theses / Dissertations?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Theses / Dissertations
  • Thesis / Dissertation 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Thesis / Dissertation 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Thesis / Dissertation 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Thesis / Dissertation]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Thesis/Dissertation

            1. Title


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Author(s)


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Institution


            1. Year



Date Picker

            1. Acknowledgement of Federal Support

Select one.




      1. Website or Other Internet Site

            1. Did your NRT project create any Websites or Other Internet Sites?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

            1. List of Websites or Other Internet Sites
  • Website or Other Internet Site 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Website or Other Internet Site 2 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Website or Other Internet Site 3 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Website or Other Internet Site]

{End Skip A}

        1. Add Website

            1. Title

            2. URL


            1. Description of the website

Limit 1000 characters

    1. Trainee Preparation

      1. Trainee Preparation in Interdisciplinary/Convergence Research

            1. Did you provide Trainees with preparation in Interdisciplinary / Convergence Research?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” - Begin}

Briefly describe the practices for preparing NRT trainees to conduct collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. If both M.S. and Ph.D. students are involved, please describe the shared and unique elements for each group. While we do not limit the number of responses that you can enter, we expect to see 1-3 promising practices in a typical reporting period.

At least one response is required.

Respondents can enter as many Practices as they wish.

  • Practice 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Practice 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Practice and Measure]

{End Skip A}

Add Practice



Limit 1000 characters

 I approve making the First Trainee Preparation in Interdisciplinary/Convergence Research Practice and Measure available for use on, viewable by the general public, as it is written. Prior to display on, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.

      1. Trainee Preparation for STEM Careers

            1. Did you provide Trainees with preparation for STEM Careers?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” - Begin}

Mark the components that apply to the majority of NRT trainees involved in your project.

Mark all that apply.


Trainees received training or instruction (e.g., courses, workshops) in effective teaching practices and student mentoring.

Trainees developed and presented course and/or curriculum materials.

Trainees served as mentors to others (e.g., graduate students, undergraduates, laboratory technicians).

Trainees received training/mentoring in grant proposal preparation.

Trainees authored/coauthored and submitted grant proposals.

Trainees received training/instruction on the interaction between academic research and industrial technical requirements.

Trainees received training/instruction for applying their research to address public policy concerns or issues.

Trainees had internships (off-campus, research, educational, and/or work experiences) in nonacademic settings (e.g., industry, government).

Trainees had professional interactions other than internships with nonacademic employers (e.g., industry, government) in order to learn about career opportunities and requirements.

Trainees communicated, worked, or collaborated with scientists of other nationalities.

Other preparation for careers in academia. {Skip Ref B}

If Other, please specify:

{Skip if B unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

Other preparation for nonacademic careers (e.g., industry, government) {Skip Ref C}

If Other, please specify:

{Skip if C unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

{End Skip A}

            1. What career sectors were trainees exposed to during their training?

Mark all that apply.






Other Education

Other {Skip Ref A}

            1. If other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

      1. Trainee Preparation in Professional Skills

            1. Did you provide Trainees with preparation in Professional Skills?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” - Begin}

Briefly describe the formal training activities (e.g., coursework, workshop, professional speaker) for preparing NRT trainees to effectively communicate scientific endeavors to general audiences. Describe the rubrics/instruments for measuring proficiency and progress in communication skills, as well as opportunities for trainees to receive regular, structured feedback on their communication skills. If both M.S. and Ph.D. students are involved, please describe the shared and unique professional development and training elements for each group. While we do not limit the number of responses that you can enter, we expect to see 1-3 formal training activities in a typical reporting period.

At least one response is required.

Respondents can enter as many Training Activities as they wish.

  • Training Activity 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Training Activity 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Training Activity]

{End Skip A}

Please describe the components of the adopted traineeship model that have been developed and implemented for broad, transferrable professional skill development (not content area courses). If both M.S. and Ph.D. students are involved, please describe the shared and unique professional development and training elements for each group. For training in communications. Describe the rubrics/instruments for measuring proficiency and progress in communication skills, as well as opportunities for trainees to receive regular, structured feedback on their communication skills.

  • Activity 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Activity 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Professional Skill Development Activity]

{Skip A End}

Do you have any professional skill development activities to report?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is “No” Begin}

Activity description:

Limit 2000 characters

What was the target audience of this activity?

Mark all that apply.




Was this activity required or optional for NRT faculty?

Select one.




Was this activity required or optional for NRT trainees?

Select one.




What was the focus of this professional development activity?

Mark all that apply.


Trainee preparation in interdisciplinary/convergence research

Trainee preparation in professional skills

Trainee preparation for STEM careers

Faculty Professional Development

Other {Skip Ref A}

If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

What specific skills were addressed in this activity?

Mark all that apply.


Project Management




Conflict Resolution





Other {Skip Ref B}

If Other, please specify:

{Skip if B unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

Describe method of delivery (e.g., single day workshop, course, virtual or in person, monthly seminar etc.):

Limit 100 characters

Describe length and frequency of activity (e.g., weekly course Fall 2021 for total of 12 hours):

Limit 100 characters

What stakeholders were served by this activity?

Mark all that apply.


NRT Funded Trainees {Skip Ref C}

Non-NRT Funded Trainees {Skip Ref D}

Non-trainee graduate students {Skip Ref E}

Faculty {Skip Ref F}

Other {Skip Ref G}

If Other, please specify:

{Skip if G unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

Approximate total number of participants:



Number of NRT-funded trainees:

{Skip if C unchecked}

Positive Integer

Number of non-NRT funded trainees:

{Skip if D unchecked}

Positive Integer

Number of non-trainee graduate students:

{Skip if E unchecked}

Positive Integer

Number of faculty:

{Skip if F unchecked}

Positive Integer

    1. Strategies for Broadening Participation

One purpose of NRT is to create a program strategy and a plan for recruiting, mentoring, retaining, and graduating U.S. graduate students that includes efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering. With these goals in mind, please respond to the following questions.

            1. Do you have an overall active plan with a specific set of goals and timelines for the recruitment and retention of trainees, including specifics for broadening participation of groups underrepresented in science and engineering?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



            1. If no, please explain:

{Skip if A is “Yes”}

Limit 1000 characters

      1. Recruitment

            1. Please describe your activities to recruit U.S. graduate students, including efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering. Please support the discussion in this section with aggregate demographic data, placing your current program demographics within your institutional and participating unit contexts and projecting forward to your stated target levels. This should be a narrative-style response; no tables or charts are needed or expected.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Which of the following practices are you using to recruit trainees in general?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that can provide an undergraduate pool of potential NRT trainees (e.g., REUs).

Relationships with faculty and programs at other academic institutions.

New opportunities for research/education/training developed by faculty.

Use of recruiting resources on your campus (e.g., career service office, graduate studies office).

Collaboration with other NRT projects on recruitment.

Use of professional meetings, conferences, and associations to communicate with, reach out to, and market to potential NRT trainees.

Interaction with professional associations, organizations, or committees serving underrepresented communities (e.g., National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Society of Women Engineers, committees in professional societies focused on women).

Bridge programs for entering graduate students.

Other {Skip ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

            1. Were any recruiting practices (including those described above) focused on recruiting members of the following groups?

Mark all that apply.


Members of racial/ethnic minorities underrepresented in STEM {Skip ref B}

Women {Skip ref C}

Individuals with disabilities {Skip ref D}

Veterans {Skip ref E}

{Skip if B unchecked}

            1. Which of the following practices are you using to recruit trainees from members of racial/ethnic minorities who are underrepresented in STEM?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that specifically focus on broadening participation (e.g., Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation, Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate, Tribal Colleges and Universities Program).

Mentoring or advising arrangements that pair trainees with underrepresented minority faculty or graduate students on campus.

Relationships with faculty and programs at minority-serving academic institutions (e.g., historically black colleges and universities, Hispanic-serving institutions, or tribal colleges).

Other {Skip ref F}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if F unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

{End Skip B}

{Skip if C unchecked}

            1. Which of the following practices are you using to recruit trainees who are women?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that specifically focus on broadening participation of women in STEM (e.g., ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions).

Use of resources on your campus (e.g., academic advancement programs, offices for campus diversity, or women’s student groups).

Interaction with professional associations, organizations, or committees serving women (e.g., Society of Women Engineers, committees in professional societies focused on women).

Mentoring or advising arrangements that pair trainees with women faculty or graduate students on campus.

Other {Skip ref G}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if G unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

{End Skip C}

{Skip if D unchecked}

            1. Which of the following practices are you using to recruit trainees with disabilities?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that specifically focus on broadening participation of individuals with disabilities working in STEM (e.g., Persons with Disabilities – STEM Engagement and Access, Facilitation Awards for Scientists and Engineers with Disabilities).

Use of resources on your campus (e.g., academic advancement programs, offices for campus diversity, or disabled student groups).

Interaction with professional associations, organizations, or committees serving individuals with disabilities (e.g., The Foundation for Science and Disability, committees in professional societies focused on individuals with disabilities).

Mentoring or advising arrangements that pair trainees with disabled faculty or graduate students on campus.

Ensure promotional materials, including websites, are available in accessible formats and include information on how individuals can request accommodations

Other {Skip ref H}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if H unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

{End Skip D}

{Skip if E unchecked}

            1. Which of the following practices are you using to recruit veterans?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that specifically focus on broadening participation of veterans in STEM (e.g., Veterans Research Supplement).

Use of resources on your campus (e.g., academic advancement programs, offices for campus diversity, or veteran student groups).

Interaction with professional associations, organizations, or committees serving veterans (e.g., committees in professional societies focused on veterans).

Mentoring or advising arrangements that pair trainees with faculty or graduate students on campus that are veterans.

Other {Skip ref I}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if I unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

{End Skip E}

            1. Do you have any promising strategies and/or results for recruiting qualified trainees to your NRT project?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is No - Begin}

            1. Which of the following recruiting practices employed by your NRT project do you consider are the most promising or effective for recruiting qualified trainees?

Mark all that apply.


Relationships with NSF programs that specifically focus on broadening participation of veterans in STEM (e.g., Veterans Research Supplement).

Use of resources on your campus (e.g., academic advancement programs, offices for campus diversity, or veteran student groups).

Interaction with professional associations, organizations, or committees serving veterans (e.g., committees in professional societies focused on veterans).

Mentoring or advising arrangements that pair trainees with faculty or graduate students on campus that are veterans.

Other {Skip ref I}

            1. Please describe promising strategies and results for recruiting qualified trainees to your NRT project, including efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering. This should be a narrative-style response; no tables or charts are needed or expected. While we do not limit the number of responses you can enter, we expect to see 1-3 strategies and their results in a typical reporting period.

At least one response is required.

Respondents can enter as many Recruitment Strategies and Results as they wish.

  • Recruitment strategy and result 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Recruitment strategy and result 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Recruitment Strategy and Result]

{Skip A End}

        1. Add Recruitment Strategy and Result

            1. Strategy:


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Result:


Limit 1000 characters

            1.  I approve making this Strategy and Result for Recruitment in broadening Participation Practices available for use on, viewable by the general public, as it is written. Prior to display on, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.

      1. Retention

            1. Please describe your activities to retain U.S. graduate students, including efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering. Please support the discussion in this section with aggregate demographic data, placing your current program demographics within your institutional and participating unit contexts and projecting forward to your stated target levels. This should be a narrative-style response; no tables or charts are needed or expected.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Do you have any promising strategies and/or results for retaining qualified trainees in your NRT project?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip if A is No - Begin}

            1. Please describe the promising strategies and results for retaining qualified trainees in your NRT project, including efforts aimed at members of groups underrepresented in science and engineering. This should be a narrative-style response, no tables or charts are needed or expected. While we do not limit the number of responses you can enter, we expect to see 1-3 strategies and their results in a typical reporting period.

Respondents can enter as many Retention Strategies and Results as they wish.

  • Retention Strategy and Result 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Retention Strategy and Result 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Retention Strategy and Result]

{Skip A End}

        1. Add Retention Strategy and Result

            1. Strategy:


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Result:


Limit 1000 characters

            1.  I approve making this Strategy and Result for Retention in broadening Participation Practices available for use on, viewable by the general public, as it is written. Prior to display on, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.

    1. Outreach Activities

Please report any outreach activities involving your NRT project. Outreach activities include your NRT project, NRT faculty, and/or NRT trainees being featured in the media (e.g., TV, radio, magazine articles) or talks, presentations, or workshops given to school groups, civic groups, non‑scientifically-based professional groups, members of the government, or the general public.

            1. Do you have any Outreach Activities to report?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



            1. List of Outreach Activities

{Skip if A is “No”}

Respondents can enter as many Outreach Activities as they wish.

  • Outreach Activity 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Outreach Activity 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Outreach Activity]

        1. Add Outreach Activity

            1. Please provide a short title for this activity.


Limit 50 characters

Please provide the name of the media outlet or organization for which the outreach was done.


Limit 50 characters

            1. Date of the activity



Date picker

            1. Type of activity







Informal Science

Other {Skip ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A is not Other}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

            1. Briefly describe this activity.


Limit 1000 characters

    1. Project Evaluation and Advisory Committee

      1. Advisory Committee

            1. Describe the advisory committee’s methods and activities.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Describe the interactions with the advisory committee and how the advisory activities and associated outcomes/findings have informed the project. This section should be completed in collaboration with the evaluator.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Upload Supporting Document, e.g. Advisory Committee Report (PDF):


      1. Project Evaluation

            1. Describe the evaluation’s methods and activities.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Describe the evaluation findings and how the evaluation and associated outcomes/findings have informed the project. This section should be completed in collaboration with the evaluator.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. What do you plan to do during the next reporting period? Report evaluator, advisory board, and any other relevant recommendations that came out of your project during the current reporting period and how you plan to use that information to improve the training model and/or project. This section should be completed in collaboration with the evaluator.


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Have the results been disseminated?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



            1. Please describe how the project results, including the outcomes of any training, have been disseminated.

Limit 1000 characters

{Skip if A is “No”}

            1. Upload Supporting Document, e.g. Full Evaluation or Executive Summary (PDF):


    1. Institutional Impacts

            1. Please indicate any changes and/or impacts that have occurred in your institution as a result of your NRT project.

Mark all that apply.


The institution(s) involved in your NRT project has/have been successful in obtaining large-scale Federal grants (e.g., Science and Technology Centers, Engineering Research Centers, Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers).

Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary courses have been developed for NRT trainees and associates.

Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary courses are being delivered to NRT trainees and associates.

Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary courses that have been developed for NRT are being delivered to non-NRT students.

Interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary courses that have been developed for NRT have been institutionalized in the course offerings on the NRT campus

New certificate or degree programs have been developed and are available on the NRT campus(es).

Department curriculum or policy changes took place to emphasize or require interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary preparation for all graduate students.

Institutional changes that support and encourage team multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary course development and teaching have occurred.

Institutional changes that support and encourage team-based graduate student learning and assessment have occurred.

Institutional changes that support and encourage graduate students to gain laboratory and research experiences across disciplines have occurred.

Institutional changes incorporating improved recruitment and retention policies and practices for underrepresented groups and women based on NRT have occurred.

Other institutional actions/work. {Skip Ref A}

            1. If Other, please specify:

{Skip if A is unchecked}

Limit 5 items

Multi Add

            1. Please describe a demonstrable change (if any) in institutional practice or policy that has occurred due to NRT. Include any improvements to recruitment and retention policies and practices for underrepresented groups and women.


Limit 1000 characters

            1.  I approve making the contents of the text box above on demonstrable institutional changes available for use on, viewable by the general public, as it is written. Prior to display on, materials will undergo an internal review process. Staff may reach out to PIs if there are any concerns or changes required.

    1. Changes/Problems

            1. Did your NRT project encounter any changes or problems?

Select one.


{Skip Ref A}



{Skip A Begin}

            1. Please identify and describe the key changes/problems (e.g., programmatic, institutional) you have encountered in the process of implementing your NRT project, including barriers to institutionalizing effective training elements. For each change/problem identified, briefly describe how your project has responded.

At least one response is required.

Respondents can enter as many Changes/Problems as they wish.

  • Change/Problem 1 [Edit], [Delete]

  • Change/Problem 2 [Edit], [Delete]

[Add Change/Problem]

{Skip A End}

        1. Add Change/Problem

            1. Change/Problem


Limit 1000 characters

            1. Response


Limit 1000 characters

    1. Final Submission to NSF

Final Data are ready to submit.

This section provides the link for PIs to submit their completed surveys. Final submission is possible once the required sections for your award are completed and trainees have completed their portion of the NRT survey.

You have chosen to notify NSF that your data are final. Are you sure you are ready to finalize the data for the current reporting period? After submission, the NRT Data Reporting System will revert to a read-only version of your data. You will be able to view your final results but not update them.

To submit your final data, click on Send Final Submission below. Click on Cancel to return to the Main Menu without submitting your data. Note: If you click Cancel, your data will be saved, and you will still be able to report or revise your data. If you are confident that you have finished reporting your data, respond to the burden question below and click Send Final Submission.

            1. Approximately how many person hours were required to prepare data and complete the NRT online survey?


I certify that all of the information that I entered in the annual report is correct to the best of my knowledge.

[Send Final Submission]



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