Instrument 7 Instrument 7: Final Descriptive Report

ArtsHERE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Data Collection: NEA Pilot Equity Initiative

Instrument 7. Final Descriptive Report

OMB: 3135-0148

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Attachment A: Instruments
Instrument 7. Final Descrip�ve Report
OMB No. xxxx-xxxx. Date Approved xxxx. Expires xx/xx/xxxx

PART I: Project Narra�ve
In this sec�on, please respond to each narra�ve ques�on in the text fields provided below. You may cut
and paste the answer into the form from another document, but please limit your response to the
posted character limits. As you exit each text field, it will expand to show your entered text.
Within your narra�ve, please discuss the ac�vi�es funded by your organiza�on’s ArtsHERE grant. Include
any relevant web links to copies of programs, relevant news clippings, or other evidence of your
accomplishments, including evidence of your acknowledgement of Na�onal Endowment for the Arts
(NEA) and Regional Arts Organiza�on (RAO) support.
1. What type of capacity-building project was supported at your organiza�on through ArtsHERE?
This may or may not have changed from your original applica�on. Please select all that apply.
(mul�-select checkbox)
☐ Organizational needs assessment and/or equity planning assessments
☐ Strategic planning or logic model development and/or implementation
☐ Staff development or leadership training (such as cultural competency training for staff
and/or those who develop and implement programming)
☐ Stakeholder and community engagement activities
☐ Field or community research that will help organizations to better document their
commitment to equity as evidenced within their practices and programming and relationship
with their communities
☐ Promotion and marketing activities
☐ Translation services to allow individuals with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) to participate in
programmatic activities
☐ Other capacity-building activities [please specify]: _________________ (500 characters)
2. Describe the capacity-building project ac�vi�es that were supported by ArtsHERE. Please report
solely on ac�vi�es funded by your organiza�on’s ArtsHERE grant. These ac�vi�es must be
consistent with your organiza�on’s final applica�on narra�ve, the approved project budget, and
any approved amendments in accordance with your grantee agreement document. (3,300
characters maximum)
3. Did the project encounter any challenges that disrupted or otherwise hindered your
organiza�on’s ability to conduct the project as planned? (Yes/No check box)
☐ Yes
☐ No

If yes, then please describe the challenge(s) and how you addressed them. (2,000 character
4. Has ArtsHERE, including your par�cipa�on in learning opportuni�es (i.e., e.g., monthly cohorts,
one-on-one coaching, facilitated workshops), in any way strengthened and/or supported
progress towards your organiza�on’s mission and goals?
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Unsure – please describe: (3,300 characters maximum)
a. How, if at all, has your organiza�on’s par�cipa�on in ArtsHERE informed its strategies to
sustain or increase equitable access to arts and cultural programs and services for
underserved groups/communi�es? (3,300 characters maximum)
5. To what extent has your organiza�on increased engagement with underserved
groups/communi�es as a result of ArtsHERE?
☐ Not at all
☐ To a small extent
☐ To some extent
☐ To a moderate extent
☐ To a large extent
a. [If respondent selected “to some extent”, “to a moderate extent”, or “to a large extent”
only] How, if at all, has the par�cipa�on of underserved groups/communi�es in your
organiza�on’s arts and cultural programs and services changed as a result of ArtsHERE?
Please consider prac�ces that relate to organiza�onal capacity building and/or
community engagement in arts and cultural programs in your response. (3,300
characters maximum)
6. Please describe any improvements to exis�ng prac�ces and programs or new prac�ces and
programs implemented with the support of ArtsHERE that your organiza�on intends to con�nue
a�er the grant period. Please consider prac�ces that relate to organiza�onal capacity building
and/or community engagement in arts and cultural programs in your response. (3,300 characters
7. What early indica�ons of change, if any, could your organiza�on see by the end of your grant
project? Select one or more of these early indica�ons of change from the list below and briefly
explain your selec�on(s) in the text box that follows. If none of these early indica�ons are visible,
please select “none.”
☐ Increased overall organiza�onal capaci�es due to par�cipa�on in learning opportuni�es
☐ Acquired beter or stronger connec�ons between my organiza�on and peers throughout the
☐ Improved cultural strategies that engage communi�es my organiza�on serves (cultural
strategies may include ways in which your programs or services are centered in cultural
ac�vi�es, tradi�ons, and iden��es).

☐ Gained deeper understanding of the different ways that communi�es my organiza�on serves
engage in the arts and cultural prac�ce
☐ Strengthened my organiza�on’s capacity to sustain or increase engagement with underserved
☐ Accomplished or made significant progress toward self-iden�fied goals from the beginning of
the grant period
☐ Other – please describe: (500 characters maximum)
☐ None
a. Please explain your selec�on(s). Include any reflec�ons on the degree and type of capacity
change as well as any data or informa�on that demonstrates the early indica�ons of change
iden�fied above. (5,000 characters maximum)
8. Did any of your rela�onships with these key partners or others expand during the ArtsHERE
performance period? If so, with whom and in what ways? (3,300 characters maximum)

Part II: Popula�on Descriptors
Ques�ons in this sec�on are for research purposes only; your response will not be used in panel
delibera�ons or in making funding decisions related to grant awards you may apply for in the future.
For the next sec�on, please select all racial/ethnic groups of people that your project intended to serve
directly. Then answer the follow-up ques�ons.
9. Select all the racial/ethnic groups of people that your organiza�on makes inten�onal efforts to
engage. Select all that apply and enter addi�onal details in the spaces below.
Racial/Ethnic Groups
No specific Racial/Ethnic Group
American Indian or Alaska Na�ve – Enter, for example, Navajo Nation,
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana, Native
Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo
Community, Aztec, Maya, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
Asian – Provide details below
☐ Chinese
☐ Vietnamese
☐ Asian Indian
☐ Korean
☐ Filipino
☐ Japanese
Enter, for example, Pakistani, Hmong, Afghan, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
Black or African American – Provide details below
☐ African American
☐ Nigerian
☐ Jamaican
☐ Ethiopian





☐ Hai�an
☐ Somali
Enter, for example, Trinidadian and Tobagonian, Ghanaian, Congolese, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
Hispanic or La�no – Provide details below
☐ Mexican
☐ Cuban
☐ Puerto Rican
☐ Dominican
☐ Salvadorian
☐ Guatemalan
Enter, for example, Colombian, Honduran, Spaniard, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
Middle Eastern or North African – Provide details below
☐ Lebanese
☐ Syrian
☐ Iranian
☐ Iraqi
☐ Egyp�an
☐ Israeli
Enter, for example, Moroccan, Yemeni, Kurdish, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
Na�ve Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander – Provide details below
☐ Na�ve Hawaiian
☐ Tongan
☐ Samoan
☐ Fijian
☐ Chamorro
☐ Marshallese
Enter, for example, Chuukese, Palauan, Tahitian, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)
White – Provide details below
☐ English
☐ Italian
☐ German
☐ Polish
☐ Irish
☐ Sco�sh
Enter, for example, French, Swedish, Norwegian, etc.
(open comment box) (500 characters maximum)

10. Select all the age groups of people that your organiza�on makes inten�onal efforts to engage.
Age Groups


No specific age group
Children/youth (0-17 years)
Young adults (18-24 years)
Adults (25-64 years)
Older Adults (65+ years)

11. When thinking about the underserved groups/communi�es your organiza�on engages, please
select the factors that limit their opportuni�es to benefit from arts programming. Check all that
Underserved Groups/Communi�es

Economic Status




Race or Ethnicity
Other limi�ng factor/s. Please describe: (Text boxes - 100)

12. Please select all the factors below that have limited opportuni�es for underserved
groups/communi�es to benefit from arts programming in your project. Check all that apply.
Limi�ng Factors
Access and representa�on: Barriers to accessing arts programming due to
geographical loca�on, economic constraints, or lack of representa�on within the arts
sector. Limited access to arts ins�tu�ons, museums, theaters, and galleries.
Financial barriers: Cost associated with par�cipa�ng in arts programming.
Cultural relevance: Arts programming that does not resonate with the cultural
backgrounds and experiences of underrepresented communi�es. Lack of
representa�on of diverse voices, stories, and art forms.
Educa�onal dispari�es: Dispari�es in arts educa�onal opportuni�es for
underrepresented communi�es. Limited resources for arts educa�on.
Systemic discrimina�on: Discrimina�on and bias within the arts sector for individuals
from underrepresented communi�es, including limited opportuni�es for employment,
exhibi�on, and recogni�on. Structural inequi�es within funding mechanisms, hiring
prac�ces, and ar�s�c programming.
Language and communica�on: Language barriers; lack of materials and
communica�ons are provided in languages spoken by the community.
Transporta�on and infrastructure: Limited access for individuals to physically access
arts venues and events.
Other limi�ng factor/s. Please describe: (1,000 characters maximum)

The public repor�ng burden for this collec�on of informa�on is es�mated at an average of two and a
half hours per response. This includes the �me for reviewing instruc�ons, searching exis�ng data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and comple�ng and reviewing the collec�on of
informa�on. We welcome any sugges�ons that you might have on improving the guidelines and making
them as easy to use as possible. Send comments regarding this burden es�mate or any other aspect of
this collec�on of informa�on, including sugges�ons for reducing this burden, to:,
Aten�on: Repor�ng Burden. Note: Applicants/awardees are not required to respond to the collec�on of
informa�on unless it displays a currently valid U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control
number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which expires XX/XX/XXX.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKathryn Zickuhr
File Modified2024-04-19
File Created2024-04-19

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