Instrument 2 Instrument 2: Grantee Baseline Survey

ArtsHERE Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan Data Collection: NEA Pilot Equity Initiative

Instrument 2. Grantee Baseline Survey

OMB: 3135-0148

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Instrument 2. Grantee Baseline Survey
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) is conducting an evaluation of ArtsHERE. The evaluation
aims to understand the project activities supported through this program and how grantees approach
the work. As part of the evaluation, this survey is being administered to all ArtsHERE grantees upon
acceptance of a grant award.
As an ArtsHERE grantee organization, your participation in this survey is required. This survey expands
on information collected during the application process about ArtsHERE awarded organizations’
characteristics and capacities, community(ies) needs and priorities, and program and community
demographics prior to implementation of an ArtsHERE capacity-building project. Your responses will
inform the development of learning and information services tailored to meet the specific needs and
interests of ArtsHERE-awarded organizations, particularly those historically underfunded cultural
These data will be made available to the program evaluator and will not be shared with the NEA, South
Arts, and RAOs except as described below. Informa�on collected for evalua�on purposes, including
individual informa�on deemed sensi�ve in nature, is considered confiden�al and will remain anonymous
and private to the extent permited by law. When results of the ArtsHERE evalua�on are shared with the
public via reports, presenta�ons, and other materials, these results will only be shared in aggregate form
(percentages, means, summaries) to protect the iden�ty of par�cipants. Any subject-iden�fiable
informa�on (including names, contact informa�on, etc.) will not be released without a par�cipant’s
explicit permission. The Evaluator may ask to iden�fy a par�cipant to atribute direct quotes or case
studies to it in reports, presenta�ons, or other materials, and the par�cipant may choose to remain
Repor�ng on grant ac�vi�es, including annual progress and final reports, and comple�ng forms or
surveys intended to collect informa�on or feedback that can inform ArtsHERE services will be required of
all grantees. Your responses in this survey will not impact your current or future awards from the NEA or
its partners. You will not receive any compensa�on for responding to the survey. You may decline to
answer any ques�on you wish. Under the Paperwork Reduc�on Act of 1995, no persons are required to
respond to a collec�on of informa�on unless such collec�on displays a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The OMB control number for this survey is OMB No. 3135-XXXX, which
expires XX/XX/XXX.
We realize how limited your time is; the survey should take an average of 30 minutes to complete.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Patricia Moore Shaffer, lead for the evaluation, at
Instructions: Please complete the following questions about your organization. Your organization will
submit one survey, but responses should reflect input from the core group of individuals involved in
planning and implementing your ArtsHERE capacity-building project.

Your Organization and Environment
1. Grant award number [open text box]

2. What are the primary "sectors" of focus for your organiza�on? (check all that apply)
☐ Arts and cultural sector
☐ Child development
☐ Child welfare system
☐ Community center or mul�-use nonresiden�al facility where people meet for social,
educa�onal, and/or recrea�onal ac�vi�es
☐ Educa�on
☐ Economic/business development
☐ Faith-based organiza�ons
☐ Family services
☐ Health
☐ Housing
☐ Military support
☐ Rehabilita�on, treatment, and recovery services/programs (substance abuse)
☐ Re-entry programs/Jus�ce (juvenile, adult)
☐ Senior services
☐ Youth services
☐ Other (please describe):
3. What is the primary ar�s�c discipline(s) of your program (i.e. your standard programming)?
(check all that apply)
☐ Ar�st Communi�es (residencies that provide dedicated space, �me, and resources to
ar�sts for the crea�on or development of new work)
☐ Arts Educa�on
☐ Dance
☐ Design
☐ Folk & Tradi�onal Arts
☐ Literary Arts
☐ Local Arts Agencies
☐ Media Arts
☐ Museums
☐ Music
☐ Musical Theater
☐ Opera
☐ Presen�ng & Mul�disciplinary Works (presen�ng works from across disciplines,
mul�disciplinary works, and/or interdisciplinary ar�sts)
☐ Theater
☐ Visual Arts
☐ Other (please describe): _______________________

4. What are your organiza�on’s primary service delivery models for arts and cultural
programming? (check all that apply)
☐ Ongoing class/other ongoing engagement (e.g., meets regularly for a dis�nct period)
☐ Ongoing drop-in program (e.g., an open studio where par�cipa�on may vary)
☐ Single event (e.g., workshop or exhibi�on individuals par�cipate in one �me)
☐ Par�cipant exhibi�ons or performances of their work
☐ Par�cipants atend performances or exhibi�ons as viewers
☐ Other (please describe):
5. What is your organiza�on’s primary method for offering arts and cultural programming?
(Select one)
☐ In-person only. Refers to arts experiences that occur 100% in-person and do NOT have an
online component.
☐ Virtual only. Refers to arts experiences that occur 100% online.
☐ Both in-person and virtual (i.e., hybrid). Refers to arts experiences that have both virtual
and in-person components.
6. Has the number of staff, volunteers, and board members that are part of your organiza�on
changed since the submission of your full ArtsHERE applica�on? (Select one)
☐ Yes
☐ No
[Skip Logic: Only show if YES to Q5]
5a. What staffing changes has/is your organiza�on facing? (please select all that apply)
☐ Loss of execu�ve director and/or founder
☐ New execu�ve director or interim director hired
☐ Loss of board chair
☐ New board chair
☐ Significant board turnover (50% or more)
☐ Significant staff turnover (50% or more)
☐ Significant volunteer turnover (50% or more)
☐ Other (please describe)
5b. Please let us know how many staff, volunteers, and board members are a part of your
organiza�on at this �me. (Provide a count of number of individuals for each category specified

# full-�me staff
# part-�me staff
# full-�me volunteers
# part-�me volunteers
# board members

7. Please use this comment box to clarify or describe any staffing, volunteer, and/or board
structure trends that may need addi�onal explana�on. (Example: how many people hold
mul�ple posi�ons such as staff/volunteer, volunteer/board member, etc.?) (Open Comment
8. What aspects of your organiza�on’s current staffing and/or board structure work well?
Consider in your response: (Open Comment Box)
a. What has helped your staffing and/or board structure to be successful in these areas?
b. How, if at all, do you envision ArtsHERE will support your staffing and board structure to
be successful?
8. What, if any, aspects of your organiza�on’s current staffing and/or board structure are not
working as well as you would like? Consider in your response: (Open Comment Box)
a. What organiza�onal capaci�es, resources, and/or tools might be needed to support
staffing and board structures at your organiza�on?
9. Which types of financial support does your organiza�on receive? (Check all that apply)
☐ Federal
☐ State
☐ Local
☐ Corporate dona�ons or sponsorships
☐ Other [please specify]
10. What financial or fundraising support needs have you iden�fied, if any? (Open Comment Box)
a. What have been some of your fundraising strengths?
11. What accomplishments or milestones would your organiza�on like to achieve with its capacity
building project? Consider in your response: (Open Comment Box)
a. Ideally, where do you hope to be as an organiza�on relevant to staffing, board, budget,
opera�ons, or other capaci�es?
12. What, if any, barriers or challenges to building organiza�onal capacity has your organiza�on
experienced in the past, and/or might it an�cipate during the period of performance for
ArtsHERE? Consider in your response: (Open Comment Box)
a. How, if at all, do you envision your par�cipa�on in ArtsHERE informing strategies,
capaci�es, and/or resources to address these barriers and challenges?
About Your Community
13. How would you describe the par�cipa�on trends of your organiza�on’s arts and cultural
programs and services among underserved groups/communi�es in the most recent fiscal year?
Please respond based on your organiza�on's fiscal year. (please select one)
(The term “underserved” refers to those whose opportunities to experience the arts are
limited relative to: geography, race/ethnicity, economics, or disability.)
☐ Our par�cipa�on numbers among underserved groups/communi�es are growing

☐ Our par�cipa�on numbers among underserved groups/communi�es are stable
☐ We’re seeing a mix (some events are up and some are down)
☐ We’re seeing a decline in par�cipa�on among underserved groups/communi�es.
☐ Don’t know
14. What are your community’s needs that your organiza�on has worked to address? Consider in
your response: (Open Comment Box)
a. How were these needs iden�fied?
15. What strategies, prac�ces, and/or programs are working well to engage underserved
communi�es? Consider in your response: (Open comment box)
a. What supports the success of these strategies, prac�ces, and/or programs (i.e.,
organiza�onal strengths, resources, tools and/or community strengths)?
16. What strategies, prac�ces, and/or programs would you like to improve to beter engage
underserved communi�es? (Open comment box)
a. Please consider in your response any challenges your organiza�on has experienced
relevant to sustaining or increasing par�cipa�on in programs by underserved
17. How do you envision your ArtsHERE capacity-building project suppor�ng your organiza�on’s
efforts to meaningfully engage underserved communi�es? (Open comment box)
a. Please consider in your response any types of support you need to sustain and/or
improve your community engagement efforts.

About Your Networks and Partnerships
18. What sectors do your organiza�on’s key partners belong to? (check all that apply)
☐ Arts and cultural sector
☐ Child development
☐ Child welfare system
☐ Community center or mul�-use nonresiden�al center facility where people meet for social,
educa�onal, and/or recrea�onal ac�vi�es.
☐ Educa�on
☐ Economic/business development
☐ Faith-based organiza�ons
☐ Family services
☐ Health
☐ Housing
☐ Military support
☐ Rehabilita�on, treatment, and recovery services/programs (substance abuse)
☐ Re-entry programs/Jus�ce (juvenile, adult…)
☐ Senior services
☐ Youth services

☐ Other (please describe):
What partnership opportuni�es would further your organiza�on’s capacity to sustain engagement
with underserved communi�es? (Open Comment Box)

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorKathryn Zickuhr
File Modified2024-04-19
File Created2024-04-19

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