Data collection instruments: Online survey for current grantees, rejected organizations and GovGrants participants
Consultancy on the equity and inclusion within the IAF Online survey for grantees and other organizations (Phase 1) |
Dear participant, Econometría has been contracted by the Inter American Foundation (IAF), an autonomous agency of the U.S. government, to carry out a study analyzing the effectiveness of its method of channeling development assistance through grassroot organizations and NGOs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The study's objective is to gather information that allows the identification of the level of inclusivity of both the IAF and grassroots organizations in the distribution of the benefits of their assistance. It also aims to identify the main barriers and facilitators for grassroots organizations and NGOs to access IAF assistance, as well as the contribution of the IAF to achieving the objectives of the communities receiving their assistance. Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. Before we begin, we would like to inform you that the data you provide will be kept completely confidential; your name and the name of your organization will not be mentioned in the documents resulting from the consultancy. You will not receive any payment or gift for answering the survey. You can refuse to answer any question at any time. You may terminate the survey at any time without any repercussions from either Econometria or the IAF. If your organization is a current IAF grantee, responding to this survey in no way affects the terms of your agreement with the IAF. The survey consists of a total of 32 questions, which should take no more than 15 minutes to answer. For any concerns regarding the survey or the study, you can contact María Carolina Latorre, the coordinator of the consultancy, at |
Do you agree to participate in this survey and your responses being used for the purpose of this study? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Terminate |
1.1. Organization name |
_______________________________ |
1.2. Position/role of survey respondent
Check all that apply |
a. Legal representative |
☐ |
b. Founder |
☐ |
c. Manager |
☐ |
d. Director |
☐ |
e. Assistant |
☐ |
f. Secretary |
☐ |
g. Leader |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1.3. Under which of these categories does your organization fall into? |
a. Grassroots organization |
☐ |
b. NGO at the local/sub-national level |
☐ |
c. NGO at the national level |
☐ |
d. Cooperative |
☐ |
e. Community Foundation |
☐ |
f. Corporate foundation |
☐ |
g. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1.4. Since which year has the organization been operating? |
|__|__|_|__| |
1.5. In which year was the organization legally registered? |
|__|__|_|__| |
1.6. How much was the organization's annual budget (USD) last year? |
a. Between $0 and $250.000 USD |
☐ |
b. Between $250.000 and $500.000 USD |
☐ |
c. Between $500.000 and $750.000 USD |
☐ |
d. Between $750.000 and $1.000.000 USD |
☐ |
e. More than $1.000.000 USD |
☐ |
f. Other (please specify in a currency other than USD) |
………… |
1.7. Which of the following groups does or has the organization worked with?
Check all that apply |
a. Women |
☐ |
b. Children |
☐ |
c. Indigenous people |
☐ |
d. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
e. Migrants, migrant-returnees or refugees |
☐ |
f. Victims of forced internal displacement |
☐ |
g. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
h. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
1. None of the above |
☐ |
1.8. Which of the following groups does the organization's mission focus on?
Check all that apply |
a. Women |
☐ |
b. Children |
☐ |
c. Indigenous people |
☐ |
d. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
e. Migrants, migrant-returnees or refugees |
☐ |
f. Victims of forced internal displacement |
☐ |
g. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
h. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
1. None of the above |
☐ |
1.9. In which country/countries does the organization work in?
Check all that apply |
a. Argentina |
☐ |
l. Haiti |
☐ |
b. Belize |
☐ |
m. Honduras |
☐ |
c. Bolivia |
☐ |
n. Jamaica |
☐ |
d. Brazil |
☐ |
o. Mexico |
☐ |
e. Chile |
☐ |
p. Nicaragua |
☐ |
f. Colombia |
☐ |
q. Panama |
☐ |
g. Costa Rica |
☐ |
r. Paraguay |
☐ |
h. Dominican Republic |
☐ |
s. Peru |
☐ |
i. Ecuador |
☐ |
t. Uruguay |
☐ |
j. El Salvador |
☐ |
o. Southern and/or Eastern Caribbean Specify which country(ies) _______________ |
☐ |
k. Guatemala |
☐ |
1.10. Does more than 50% of the organization's management group belong to any of the following groups? Check all that apply |
a. Men |
☐ |
b. Women |
☐ |
c. Children |
☐ |
d. Adults |
☐ |
e. Indigenous people |
☐ |
f. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
g. Migrants |
☐ |
h. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
i. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
j. Mixed-race population |
☐ |
k. White population |
☐ |
l. Other, which one? ______________ |
☐ |
2.1. Have you heard of the Inter-American Foundation (IAF)? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Terminate |
2.2. Do you know the donation options offered by the IAF? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Terminate |
2.3. How did you hear about these donation options? Check all that apply |
a. IAF Website |
☐ |
b. Social media |
☐ |
c. Through a national government entity |
☐ |
d. Through a local government entity |
☐ |
e. Through a community organization |
☐ |
f. Other, which one?__________________ |
☐ |
2.4. Has the organization applied for funding offered by the IAF? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Section 3 |
2.5. Has the organization submitted an application for IAF grants to support any of the following population groups? Check all that apply
a. Women |
☐ |
b. Children |
☐ |
c. indigenous people |
☐ |
d. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
e. Migrant populations |
☐ |
f. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
g. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
1. None of the above |
☐ |
2.6. Thinking about the last application submitted by your organization to access the grants offered by the IAF, what was the outcome of the application submitted? Check all that apply |
1. The application was accepted and the organization received the donation |
☐ |
2. The application was accepted, but the organization did not receive the donation. |
☐ |
3. The application was rejected |
☐ |
4. The application was rejected after receiving a call and/or a visit from someone from the IAF. |
☐ |
5. Application was rejected, but IAF asked organization to reapply |
☐ |
6. IAF did not inform the organization of the outcome of the application |
☐ |
3.1. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very easy and 4 is very difficult: How was it for your organization to find information about the grants offered by the IAF? |
a. 1- Very easy |
☐ |
b. 2- Easy |
☐ |
c. 3- Difficult |
☐ |
d. 4- Very difficult |
☐ |
3.2. Which of the following factors do you think help an organization find information about IAF grantmaking?
Check all that apply |
a. Social media posts |
☐ |
b. Community meetings |
☐ |
c. E-mail communications |
☐ |
d. Publications on the IAF website |
☐ |
e. Publications on radio stations |
☐ |
f. Other, which one? |
☐ |
3.3. Which of the following factors do you think make it difficult for an organization to find information about the IAF's grantmaking?
Check all that apply |
a. Limited internet access for organizations |
☐ |
b. Lack of clarity of information |
☐ |
c. Language restrictions |
☐ |
d. Few dissemination channels |
☐ |
e. Other, which one? |
☐ |
3.4. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very easy and 4 is very difficult, how do you consider the application process for IAF grants to be? |
a. 1- Very easy |
☐ |
b. 2-Easy |
☐ |
c. 3- Difficult |
☐ |
d. 4- Very difficult |
☐ |
e. 5- Don’t know |
☐ |
f. 6- Not applicable |
☐ |
3.5. Which of the following factors do you think facilitate/ease the process of applying for a grant from the IAF?
Check all that apply |
a. Clear information about the process |
☐ |
b. Sufficient time to prepare the application |
☐ |
c. Assistance from the IAF in the application process. |
☐ |
d. Assistance from other organizations in the application process. |
☐ |
e. Previous experience of the organization in this type of processes |
☐ |
f. Organization's staff available to participate in the application process. |
☐ |
g. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
3.6. Which of the following factors do you think make it difficult to apply for an IAF grant?
Check all that apply
a. Lack of information about the process |
☐ |
b. Limited time to prepare the application |
☐ |
c. Lack of assistance from the IAF in the application process |
☐ |
d. Lack of assistance from other organizations in the application process |
☐ |
e. Lack of previous experience of the organization in this type of process. |
☐ |
f. Lack of availability of the organization's staff to participate in the application process |
☐ |
g. Lack of feedback from the IAF on the outcome of the application |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
3.7. Comparing the process for applying for a grant from the IAF with similar programmes offered by other entities, you consider that:
1. The process for applying for a grant from the IAF is easier than the processes for accessing grants or funding from other organizations. |
☐ |
2. The process for applying for a grant from the IAF is just as easy as the processes for accessing grants or funding from other organizations. |
☐ |
3. The process for applying for a grant from the IAF is more difficult than the processes for accessing grants or funding from other organizations. |
☐ |
4. The process for applying for a grant from the IAF is just as difficult as the processes for accessing grants or funding from other organizations. |
☐ |
5. Processes of other entities are not known |
☐ |
Applies only to those who answered option 1 in question =2.6 |
4.1. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very little and 4 is a lot; How much has the IAF's grant contributed to the achievement of your organization's objectives? |
a. 1- Very little |
☐ |
b. 2- little |
☐ |
c. 3- Some |
☐ |
a. 4- A lot |
☐ |
4.2. Which of the following factors of the IAF's grant helped your organization achieve its objectives?
Check all that apply |
a. Amount of the resource obtained |
☐ |
b. Accompaniment for the implementation of the resource |
☐ |
c. Assistance by IAF staff |
☐ |
d. Networking with other organizations |
☐ |
e. Training |
☐ |
f. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
4.3. Which of the following factors of the IAF's grant made it difficult to achieve your organization's objectives?
Check all that apply |
a. Amount of the resource obtained |
☐ |
b. Lack of support for the implementation of the resource. |
☐ |
c. Difficulties in communicating with IAF personnel |
☐ |
d. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
5.1. Did your organization participate in the Gov Grants training provided by the IAF? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ →Terminate |
5.2. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very easy and 4 is very difficult: How difficult was it for your organization to register to participate in the training? |
a. 1- Very easy |
☐ |
b. 2- Easy |
☐ |
c. 3- Difficult |
☐ |
d. 4- Very difficult |
☐ |
5.3. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very easy and 4 is very difficult; How difficult was it for your organization to understand the content explained in the training? |
a. 1- Very easy |
☐ |
b. 2- Easy |
☐ |
c. 3- Difficult |
☐ |
d. 4- Very difficult |
☐ |
5.4. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very incomplete and 4 is very complete: How complete was the content explained in the training? |
a. 1- Very incomplete |
☐ |
b. 2- Incomplete |
☐ |
c. 3- Complete |
☐ |
d. 4- Very complete |
☐ |
5.5. Did the adoption of the GovGrants system encourage you to apply for IAF funds? |
a. 1-Yesi |
☐ |
b. 2- Maybe |
☐ |
c. 3- No |
☐ |
d. 4- Don’t know |
☐ |
5.6. Please explain briefly why the adoption of the GovGrants system did or did not encourage your organization to apply for IAF funds? |
____________________________________ |
Dear Participant, Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey on social inclusion and equity within the Inter American Foundation (IAF). Your insights play a crucial role in helping us understand the effectiveness of the IAF's approach to channeling development assistance through grassroots organizations and NGOs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Your feedback is essential to identifying the level of inclusivity in the distribution of benefits and understanding the barriers and facilitators for grassroots organizations and NGOs in accessing IAF assistance. This information will contribute to enhancing the impact of IAF's initiatives on the communities they serve. Again, we want to assure you that the information you provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your name and the name of your organization will not be disclosed in any documents resulting from this consultancy. Your participation in this survey will not influence your relationship with the IAF. The terms of your agreement with the IAF remain unaffected by your responses. Once again, we appreciate your cooperation in this study. If you have any concerns or questions about the survey or the study, please feel free to contact María Carolina Latorre, the coordinator of the consultancy, at Thank you, The Econometria team |
Data collection instruments: Online survey for current grantees only
Consultancy on the equity and inclusion of IAF grantees
Online survey for grantees (Phase 2) |
Dear participant, Econometría has been contracted by the Inter American Foundation (IAF), an autonomous agency of the U.S. government, to carry out a study analyzing the effectiveness of its method of channeling development assistance through grassroot organizations and NGOs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The study's objective is to gather information that allows the identification of the level of inclusivity of both the IAF and grassroots organizations in the distribution of the benefits of their assistance. It also aims to identify the main barriers and facilitators for grassroots organizations and NGOs to access IAF assistance, as well as the contribution of the IAF to achieving the objectives of the communities receiving their assistance. Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey. Before we begin, we would like to inform you that the data you provide will be kept completely confidential; your name and the name of your organization will not be mentioned in the documents resulting from the consultancy. You will not receive any payment or gift for answering the survey. You can refuse to answer any question at any time. You may terminate the survey at any time without any repercussions from either Econometria or the IAF. If your organization is a current IAF grantee, responding to this survey in no way affects the terms of your agreement with the IAF. The survey consists of a total of 32 questions, which should take no more than 15 minutes to answer. For any concerns regarding the survey or the study, you can contact María Carolina Latorre, the coordinator of the consultancy, at |
Do you agree to participate in this survey and your responses being used for the purpose of this study? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Terminate |
1.1. Organization name |
______________________________ |
1.2. Position/role of survey respondent
Check all that apply
a. Legal representative |
☐ |
b. Founder |
☐ |
c. Manager |
☐ |
d. Director |
☐ |
e. Assistant |
☐ |
f. Secretary |
☐ |
g. Leader |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None of the above |
☐ |
1.3. How much was the organization's Annual Budget (USD) last year? |
a. Between $0 and $250.000 USD |
☐ |
b. Between $250.000 and $500.000 USD |
☐ |
c. Between $500.000 and $750.000 USD |
☐ |
d. Between $750.000 and $1.000.000 USD |
☐ |
e. More than $1.000.000 USD |
☐ |
f. Other (please specify in a currency other than USD) |
……………….. |
1.4. What is the current status of the grant your organization received from the IAF? |
1. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented is in the initial stage (in the first year of the development of the activities) |
☐ |
2. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented is at an intermediate stage (in the second/third (but not final) year of the development of the activities). |
☐ |
3. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented is in the final stage (in the last year of the development of the activities, without amendment). |
☐ |
4. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented has been completed. An amendment for additional time or funds was requested from the IAF and approved. |
☐ |
5. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented has been completed and an amendment for additional time and/or funds was requested from the IAF and rejected. |
☐ |
6. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented has been completed and an amendment for additional time or funds has been requested and is under review. |
☐ |
7. The organization received the grant and the project/activity to be implemented has been completed and no additional time or funds were requested from the IAF. |
☐ |
1.5. What is the position/role of the person who leads (led) the project/activity implemented with the IAF's grant
Check all that apply |
a. Legal representative |
☐ |
b. Founder |
☐ |
c. Manager |
☐ |
d. Director |
☐ |
e. Assistant |
☐ |
f. Secretary |
☐ |
g. Leader |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. None of the above |
☐ |
1.6. Within the team that led the project/activity implemented with the IAF donations, were at least 50% of the members part of any of the following groups?
Check all that apply
a. Men |
☐ |
b. Women |
☐ |
c. Children |
☐ |
d. Adults |
☐ |
e. Indigenous people |
☐ |
f. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
g. Migrants |
☐ |
h. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
i. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
j. Mixed-race population |
☐ |
k. White population |
☐ |
l. Other, which one? ______________ |
☐ |
1.7. Which of the following groups primarily benefit(ed) from the project/activity implemented with the IAF grant?
Check all that apply
a. Men |
☐ |
b. Women |
☐ |
c. Children |
☐ |
d. Adults |
☐ |
e. Indigenous people |
☐ |
f. Afro-descendant people |
☐ |
g. Migrants |
☐ |
h. LGBTQI+ community |
☐ |
i. Persons with disabilities |
☐ |
j. Mixed-race population |
☐ |
k. White population |
☐ |
l. Other, which one? ______________ |
☐ |
2.1. What do you consider to be good practices in the IAF's grantee selection process? Check all that apply |
a. Clarity of information |
☐ |
b. Technical assistance |
☐ |
c. A timely response to the request submitted by the organization. |
☐ |
d. Feedback on the application submitted by the organization |
☐ |
e. Ease of compliance with the requested requirements |
☐ |
f. Other, which one? ______________________ |
☐ |
2.2. Where could the IAF's grantee selection process be improved?
Check all that apply |
a. Providing more clear information on the selection process |
☐ |
b. Assisting and accompanying organizations in the preparation of their application. |
☐ |
c. Reducing the application response times |
☐ |
d. Provide individual feedback on the application submitted by the organization |
☐ |
e. Reduce the number of requirements to obtain the donation |
☐ |
f. Other, which one? ______________________ |
☐ |
2.3. Did you require assistance or support in preparing your application for IAF grants? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Section 3 |
2.4. Did you request assistance or accompaniment in preparing your application for IAF grants? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Section 3 |
2.5. Did you receive assistance or accompaniment in preparing your application for IAF grants? |
1. Yes ☐ |
2. No ☐ → Section 3 |
2.6. From whom did you receive assistance or support in preparing your application for IAF grants? Check all that apply
a. IAF staff in your country |
☐ |
b. IAF staff in the USA (Washington DC) |
☐ |
c. IAF staff in other countries |
☐ |
d. Members of your organization |
☐ |
e. Members of other organizations |
☐ |
f. External consultant |
☐ |
g. Local government staff |
☐ |
h. National government staff |
☐ |
i. Other, which one? ____________________ |
☐ |
2.7. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is not at all and 4 is very much: How much did the technical assistance and accompaniment help you prepare your application for IAF grants? |
a. 1- Not at all |
☐ |
b. 2- A little |
☐ |
c. 3- Somewhat |
☐ |
d. 4- Very much |
☐ |
2.8. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is not at all and 4 is very much: How timely was the technical assistance and accompaniment you received in preparing your application for IAF grants? |
a. 1- Not at all |
☐ |
b. 2- A little |
☐ |
c. 3- Somewhat |
☐ |
d. 4- Very much |
☐ |
3.1. During the development of the project/activity implemented with the IAF grant, what is the frequency of your interaction with IAF officials?
Check all that apply |
a. Once or more a day |
☐ |
b. Between once and three times per week |
☐ |
c. Between once and tree times per month |
☐ |
d. Between once and tree times per semester (half year) |
☐ |
e. Between once and three times per year |
☐ |
f. Other, which one? |
☐ |
3.2. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is not at all and 4 is very sufficient: Do you consider that the frequency of your interaction with IAF officials was sufficient? |
a. 1- Not at all |
☐ |
b. 2- Somewhat too little |
☐ |
c. 3- Somewhat sufficient |
☐ |
d. 4- Very sufficient |
☐ |
3.3. What was the main purpose of your interaction with IAF officials?
Check all that apply |
a. Administrative issues |
☐ |
b. Technical assistance |
☐ |
c. Follow-up visits |
☐ |
d. Other monitoring issues |
☐ |
e. Training |
☐ |
f. Accountability |
☐ |
g. Other, which one? |
☐ |
3.4. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is Not at all and 4 is a very sufficient: Do you consider that the technical assistance provided by IAF staff during the development of the project/activity implemented with the grant was sufficient? |
a. 1- Not at all |
☐ |
b. 2- Somewhat too little |
☐ |
c. 3- Somewhat sufficient |
☐ |
d. 4- Very sufficient |
☐ |
3.5. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very bad and 4 is excellent: How would you rate the technical assistance provided by IAF staff during the development of the project/activity implemented with the grant? |
a. 1- Very bad |
☐ |
b. 2- Bad |
☐ |
c. 3- Good |
☐ |
d. 4- Excellent |
☐ |
3.6. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very Inadequate and 4 is very adequate: Do you consider that the technical assistance provided by IAF staff during the development of the project/activity implemented with the grant was adequate for the organization's needs? |
a. 1- Very inadequate |
☐ |
b. 2- Inadequate |
☐ |
c. 3- Adequate |
☐ |
d. 4- Very adequate |
☐ |
3.7. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very disrespectful and 4 is very respectful, how would you rate the treatment of IAF officials towards members of the organization during the project/activity implemented? |
a. 1- Very disrespectful |
☐ |
b. 2- Disrespectful |
☐ |
c. 3- Respectful |
☐ |
d. 4- Very respectful |
☐ |
3.8. Have you felt discriminated against by IAF officials? |
a. 1- Yes, always |
☐ |
b. 2- Yes, sometimes |
☐ |
c. 3- No, almost never |
☐ |
d. 4- No, never |
☐ |
3.9 With whom in the IAF team have you experienced discriminatory attitudes or acts?
Check all that apply
a. The IAF representative |
☐ |
b. The IAF's local officer in your country |
☐ |
c. The IAF's monitoring officer |
☐ |
d. The auditor in your country |
☐ |
e. The corresponding IAF's U.S.-based official |
☐ |
f. Other IAF officials based in the U.S. |
☐ |
1. Has not experienced discriminatory attitudes or acts with any IAF employees |
☐ |
4.1. Before making the decision to participate in the application process for IAF grants, did the organization focus on projects or activities to improve the living conditions of marginalized populations (women, youth, migrants, displaced people, LGTBQ+ populations, people with disabilities, indigenous populations or Afro-descendant populations)? |
Yes |
☐ |
No |
☐ |
4.2. Before making the decision to participate in the application process for IAF grants, was the organization led by members of marginalized population groups (women, youth, migrants, displaced people, LGTBQ+ populations, people with disabilities, indigenous populations or Afro-descendant populations)? |
Yes |
☐ |
No |
☐ |
4.3. Before making the decision to participate in the application process for IAF grants, did the organization have staff members from marginalized population groups (women, youth, migrants, displaced people, LGTBQ+ populations, people with disabilities, indigenous populations or Afro-descendant populations)? |
Yes |
☐ |
No |
☐ |
4.4. As a result of the IAF's grant, which of the following population groups, if any, now have a greater share of the organization's senior staff than before?
Check all that apply |
a. Women |
☐ |
c. Children |
☐ |
e. Indigenous people |
☐ |
f. Afrodescendent people |
☐ |
g. Migrants |
☐ |
h. LGBTQI+ people |
☐ |
i. People with disabilities |
☐ |
j. Other, which one? ______________ |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
4.5. As a result of the IAF's grant, which of the following population groups now have a greater share of the organization's technical and administrative staff than before?
Check all that apply |
a. Women |
☐ |
c. Children |
☐ |
e. Indigenous people |
☐ |
f. Afrodescendent people |
☐ |
g. Migrants |
☐ |
h. LGBTQI+ people |
☐ |
i. People with disabilities |
☐ |
j. Other, which one? ______________ |
☐ |
1. None |
☐ |
4.6. On a scale of 1 to 4, where 1 is very little and 4 is a lot: Do you consider that the IAF's grant contributed to achieving the expected objectives for the benefit of marginalized populations? |
a. 1- Very little |
☐ |
b. 2- Little |
☐ |
c. 3- Some |
☐ |
d. 4- A lot |
☐ |
4.7. Were any of the following factors conducive to the achievement of these objectives? |
a. Giving visibility to marginalized population groups |
☐ |
b. Assistance and accompaniment provided for the implementation of the project/activity. |
☐ |
c. Networking possibilities with other organizations provided through the IAF |
☐ |
d. Reduced stigmatization through IAF support |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. No, none |
☐ |
4.8. Did any of the following factors prevent greater achievement of the expected objectives for the benefit of marginalized populations? |
a. Weaknesses of the organization in project implementation |
☐ |
b. Limited assistance and accompaniment provided for project/activity implementation. |
☐ |
c. Lack of support from other organizations and government actors |
☐ |
d. Stigmatization towards marginalized population groups |
☐ |
h. Other, which one? |
☐ |
1. No, none |
☐ |
Dear Participant, Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey on social inclusion and equity within the Inter American Foundation (IAF). Your insights play a crucial role in helping us understand the effectiveness of the IAF's approach to channeling development assistance through grassroots organizations and NGOs in Latin America and the Caribbean. Your feedback is essential to identifying the level of inclusivity in the distribution of benefits and understanding the barriers and facilitators for grassroots organizations and NGOs in accessing IAF assistance. This information will contribute to enhancing the impact of IAF's initiatives on the communities they serve. Again, we want to assure you that the information you provided will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your name and the name of your organization will not be disclosed in any documents resulting from this consultancy. Your participation in this survey will not influence your relationship with the IAF. The terms of your agreement with the IAF remain unaffected by your responses. Once again, we appreciate your cooperation in this study. If you have any concerns or questions about the survey or the study, please feel free to contact María Carolina Latorre, the coordinator of the consultancy, at Thank you, The Econometria team |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Nicole Stinson |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-23 |