2024 National Foster Care Month Website Feedback Survey

Fast Track Generic Clearance for Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

2024 National Foster Care Month Website Survey_Final

2024 National Foster Care Month Website Feedback Survey

OMB: 0970-0401

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2024 National Foster Care Month Website Survey

PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT OF 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13) The purpose of this information collection is to gather feedback on the National Foster Care Month website to ensure capacity-building products and services meet the needs of child welfare professionals. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per respondent, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and reviewing the collection of information. This is a voluntary collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The control number for this project is 0970-0401. The control number expires on XX/XX/XXXX. If you have any comments on this collection of information, please contact Jing Sun, Child Welfare Information Gateway, by e-mail at jing.sun@icf.com. 

Please let us know how you are using this year's National Foster Care Month section of the website and how we can better meet your needs! Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and your responses will be reported anonymously. This survey is intended for customers who are at least 18 years old. If you have any questions or require accessibility assistance with this survey, please contact Child Welfare Information Gateway staff by email at info@childwelfare.gov or by telephone at 800.394.3366. Thank you for helping us help you.

  1. Please describe why you are visiting the National Foster Care Month (NFCM) section of the website. Select all that apply.

  • To find resources and outreach tools that I can use in promoting awareness of NFCM in my community and/or among my friends and family

  • To find resources and outreach tools that I can use in promoting awareness of NFCM in my organization

  • To find resources and information for my work

  • To find general information on foster care/for my personal use/for my education

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) ______________________________

  1. Please rate your agreement with the following statements regarding the National Foster Care Month (NFCM) section of the website and provide an explanation for your rating.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree


The NFCM Website enhanced or increased my knowledge of how child welfare and related professionals can ensure youth leave foster care with strengthened relationships, holistic supports, and opportunities.

The NFCM website provides access to quality outreach tools to use in campaigns at the state and/or local level.

2a. Please explain your rating for the questions above. _______________________________________

3. Which of the following best describes your background or role?

  • Professional

  • Student (Please indicate your field of study in the textbox below.) ________

  • Parent (i.e., biological/birth)

  • Relative/Kinship caregiver

  • Youth experiencing or have experienced the foster care system

  • Prospective adoptive parent

  • Foster parent

  • Adoptive parent

  • Member of the general public

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) ________

3a. Which of the following best describes your professional background?

  • Prevention services

  • Family support services

  • Child protective services

  • Foster care services

  • Kinship care services

  • Adoption services

  • Youth services

  • Legal/courts (e.g. GAL, CASA, attorney)

  • Juvenile justice

  • Law enforcement

  • Health/mental health services

  • Substance use services

  • Researcher/evaluator/consultant

  • Early childhood educator (0–5yrs)

  • Teacher (K–12)

  • Professor/faculty (higher education)

  • Media

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) _____________________________

3b. Which of the following best describes your workplace?

  • Local or county public/private agency

  • State agency

  • Tribal agency/organization

  • Federal agency

  • Community-based organization

  • Mental/behavioral health agency

  • Faith-based organization

  • National organization (e.g., nonprofit, advocacy)

  • Training and technical assistance service provider

  • Educational institution (early education, K–12, college, university)

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) ________________________

3c. Which of the following best describes your position or department within your workplace?

  • Frontline worker (e.g., caseworker, direct service worker)

  • Supervisor/manager

  • Director/administrator

  • Training /staff development

  • Licensing unit

  • Outreach/communications

  • Mental health counselor

  • Behavioral health unit

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) ____________________________

  1. The following tools and resources are available to help you and your organization/agency promote National Foster Care Month (NFCM). Please select the tools you and your organization/agency have used or intend to use to promote NFCM. (Check all that apply.) Then, please describe how you have used or intend to use these items in the textbox.

  • Shareable graphics (Please explain in the textbox below.) ________________

  • Downloadable outreach toolkit (Please explain in the textbox below.) ______________

  • Sample social media posts (Please explain in the textbox below.) ________________

  • Sample email messages (Please explain in the textbox below.) ______________

  • Reflections: Stories of Foster Care (Please explain in the textbox below.) ____________

  • Sample Federal, State, and local proclamations (Please explain in the textbox below.) _________

  • NFCM Resources (Please explain in the textbox below.) _____________________

  1. How do you use or intend to use the resources offered on the National Foster Care Month section of the website? Select all that apply and please provide details in the textboxes below the response options.

  • Inform my collaboration between child welfare professionals and community partners ___________

  • Support public awareness or advocacy efforts for National Foster Care Month _________________

  • Increase my knowledge _________________

  • Share with families and/or clients _______________

  • Share with professionals or colleagues _________________________

  • Share in a formal training environment ____________________

  • Implement, sustain, or improve programs (e.g., program management, logic model development, program evaluation) ________________________

  • Support practice improvement and/or sustain good practice

  • Conduct research or evaluation

  • Support policy change and/or sustain good policies _____________________

  • My own professional development ___________________

  • Personal use ________________

  • Other ________________

  1. How did you hear about us this year? 

  • Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo)

  • Notification (e.g., email, intranet posting, etc.) from my local or state agency

  • Linked from another website (Please describe in the textbox below.) ______________

  • Conference or presentation (Please describe in the textbox below.) __________________

  • Email from Information Gateway or the Children’s Bureau (Please describe in the textbox below.) ____________

  • Email from another organization (AdoptUSKids, National Foster Parent Association) (Please describe in the textbox below.) ______________________

  • Browsing Child Welfare Information Gateway’s website

  • Colleague or friend told me about it

  • Social media posts from Information Gateway or the Children’s Bureau (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

  • Social media posts from friends or colleagues (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)

  • Podcast/webinar

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) ____________________

  1. On a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent), please rate the following regarding your experience on the National Foster Care Month section of the website and provide an explanation of your ratings.







Ease of finding information

Ease of sharing the information and resources

Appeal of the design

Content that matches my needs and/or interests

Organization of the information and resources

Usefulness of the information

  1. Please provide an explanation for your ratings above. ________________________

  1. Please select all of the ways in which you plan to use the Raise Awareness tools to spread awareness of National Foster Care Month.

  • Post on Twitter

  • Post on Facebook

  • Post on Instagram

  • Post on LinkedIn

  • Update my social media profile picture and/or banners

  • Post a link on an organization’s website

  • Provide information to a colleague or child welfare professional

  • Provide information in an email newsletter

  • Post information on my organization’s internal website or intranet

  • Other (Please describe in the textbox below.) _____________________________

  • I’m not familiar with the Raise Awareness tools

  • I don’t plan to use the Raise Awareness tools

  1. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions (e.g., suggestions for a theme or tools for future campaigns) about the National Foster Care Month section of the website or Child Welfare Information Gateway's other products and services? ________________________________________________

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorWhitmore, McKenna
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-21

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