Appendix C2 SPP 2023-24 - Nov 2023 - Jan 2024 Surveys v9

School Pulse Panel 2023-24 Quarter 4 Revision

Appendix C2 SPP 2023-24 - Nov 2023 - Jan 2024 Surveys v9

OMB: 1850-0975

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School Pulse Panel

(SPP 2023-24)

OMB# 1850-0975 v.9

Supporting Statement

Appendix C2

Monthly Surveys

November 2023 – January 2024

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

U.S. Department of Education

August 2023

revised October 2023

School Pulse Modules by Month

Monthly Collection





(Summer Hiring Cycle & Challenges)

Internet & Technology

Community Collaboration


After-School Programs

Summer Programs



(Current Vacancies & Challenges)



School Improvement

Food Services & Supply Chains




Learning Recovery

(Planning Time + Parent Engagement)




College and Career

World Language Programs

 Principal Autonomy

Crime and Safety (Security Officers and Staff Training)



Social and Emotional Competencies

State Assessment Perceptions


Mental Health


(Upcoming Hiring Cycle)

Traumatic Brain Injuries



School Preparedness and Safety Procedures



(Repeat of October – reduced set of items)

Student Behavior



Learning Recovery



Learning Modes 

Operations Follow-Up

Italicized modules are planned but subject to change; changes will appear in subsequent 30-day packages.

Counts and Suggestions for Future Items are also asked each month

November 2023 Survey

Food Services & Supply Chains

SchLun1. As of today, how does your school provide students with breakfast and lunch?

  • Students can participate in USDA School Meal programs (e.g., the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program)

  • Students can buy meals at school but not part of USDA School Meal programs

  • All students must bring meals from home

  • Don’t Know

SchLun2. You indicated your school operates the USDA School Meal program. As of today, about what percentage of students in your school participate in these programs? {Display if SchLun1 = …PARTICIPATE IN USDA}

  • 0% {If selected, no other food items are displayed}

  • 1-25%

  • 26-50%

  • 51-75%

  • 76-99%

  • 100%

  • Don’t Know

SchLun2b. How does this percentage of students you indicated in the previous item compare to the percentage of students that participated last year?

  • It has decreased a lot

  • It has decreased a little

  • It is about the same

  • It has increased a little

  • It has increased a lot

SchLun12. For the 2023-24 school year, did your school collect household applications for free or reduced-price school meals?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

SchLun3. As of today, how does your school operate the school lunch and/or breakfast programs? {Display if SchLun1 = “Students can participate in USDA…” or “Students can buy meals…”}

  1. Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) or other special provision

  2. Other option through state or local initiative that offers all students free lunches and/or breakfasts

  3. Standard school meal program operations

  4. Partnerships or sponsorships with local food organizations

  5. Other, please specify: _____

  6. Don’t Know

SchLun6. How easy or difficult has it been for your school to operate USDA School Meal programs during this school year (2023-24) compared to last school year (2022-23) {Display if SchLun1 = “Students can participate in USDA…” or “Students can buy meals…”}

  • Much more difficult

  • A little more difficult

  • About the same

  • A little easier

  • Much easier

SchLun13. What, if any, challenges have your school experienced with school meal program operations during the 2023-24 school year? Select all that apply. {Display if SchLun1 = “Students can participate in USDA…” or “Students can buy meals…”}

  • Decreased student participation compared to last school year (2022-23)

  • Increased program costs

  • School food service staffing shortages

  • Challenges convincing parents to submit applications for free or reduced-price meals

  • Challenges processing applications for free or reduced-price meals

  • Challenges obtaining enough food, beverages and/or meal service supplies for students participating in the school meal programs

  • Challenges serving specific types of foods that were planned to be on school meal program menus

  • Difficulty maintaining compliance with meal pattern requirements

  • Increased negative feedback or complaints about school meals from parents or students

  • Other, please specify: ____________

  • Don’t Know

  • My school has not experienced any challenges with school meal program operations this year

SchLun14. As a result of the challenges you just indicated, have you had to make any of the adjustments listed below to the school meals programs? {Display if SchLun13 ≠ “My school has not experienced…” or SchLun13 ≠ Don’t Know}

  • Reducing menu options

  • Increasing paid lunch prices

  • Seeking external funding to cover excess costs of serving school meals

  • Limiting service options (e.g., stopping breakfast in the classroom)

  • No longer participating in National School Lunch Program

  • No longer participating in School Breakfast Program

  • No longer participating in other USDA child nutrition programs (e.g., afterschool snack programs)

  • Other, please specify: ____________

  • Don’t know

  • We have not had to make any adjustments to our school meal program

SchLun9 What category(s) are you experiencing issues with procuring? Select all that apply. {Display if SchLun13 = “Challenges obtaining enough food…” selected}

  • Fruits

  • Vegetables

  • Grains

  • Whole Grain Rich items

  • Milk

  • Meat/Meat Alternates

  • Low-sodium foods

  • Meal service supplies (e.g., food trays)

  • Other, please specify: ___________

  • Don’t Know

SchLun10. Are the challenges you are experiencing with school meal program food due to any of the following? Select all that apply. {Display if SchLun13 if “Challenges serving specific types…” selected}

  • Shipment delays

  • Orders arriving with missing items, reduced quantities, or product substitutions

  • Limited product availability

  • Food or supply costs

  • Labor shortages

  • Limited or no vendors available

  • Limited or restricted food delivery day or times

  • Vendor surcharges or increased purchasing minimums

  • Other, please specify: ________________

  • Don’t Know

SC1a. For which categories of items, if any, has your school experienced procurement challenges that appear to be the result of supply chain disruptions? Select all that apply.

  • Food services

  • Laptops and other electronic devices

  • Books

  • Paper, pens, markers, and other school supplies

  • Office equipment and other appliances

  • Cleaning products

  • Furniture

  • Automotive equipment

  • Athletic gear and apparel

  • We have no procurement issues that appear to be the result of supply chain disruptions

SC1b. To what extent, if any, have these procurement challenges negatively impacted your school operations?

{Display based on responses to SC1a}

No negative impact

Limited negative impact

Moderate negative impact

Severe negative impact

Don’t Know

Food services

Laptops and other electronic devices


Paper, pens, markers, and other school supplies

Office equipment and other appliances

Cleaning products


Automotive equipment

Athletic gear and apparel

SC2. Which of the following, if any, have you experienced as a result of supply chain disruptions? Select all that apply.

  • Had to reduce options available to students/staff (e.g., fewer menu items)

  • Needed to identify alternate vendors for the same product(s)

  • Purchased alternative product(s) (e.g., different brands) than originally intended

  • Purchased lower volume than originally intended

  • Needed to cancel order(s) altogether

  • Temporarily operated without adequate equipment (e.g., insufficient laptops for all students)

  • Had to cancel extracurricular activities

  • Had to cancel classes

  • Other, please specify: ___________

  • None of the above

SchLun11. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences providing your students with breakfast and/or lunch and obtaining supplies. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


School Improvement Plans

The following items are focused on school improvement plans. Some of these items may require assistance from staff at the district level. Remember to enlist in any assistance from staff to help with responding to items for which you may not know the answer.

SIP_gate. For the 2023-24 school year, has your school been identified by your state for any of the following support and improvement programs?

  • Yes, for comprehensive support and improvement (whole school supports)

  • Yes, for targeted or additional targeted support and improvement (certain student subgroups)

  • No

  • Don’t know

SIP1. For what reason was your school identified for comprehensive support and improvement {display if SIP_gate = “Comprehensive…”}

  • Low performing (CSI)

  • Low graduation rate (CSI-Grad)

  • Student group (CSI-SG)

  • Don’t know

SIP2. Which of the following, if any, is your school prioritizing for your school improvement plan? {Display if SIP_gate = Yes}

  • Curriculum, Assessment, or Instructional Materials – English Language Arts

  • Curriculum, Assessment, or Instructional Materials – Math

  • Curriculum, Assessment, or Instructional Materials – Special populations (e.g., English Learners and Students with Disabilities)

  • Curriculum, Assessment, or Instructional Materials – Other

  • Family or Community Engagement

  • Educator Professional Development or Mentoring

  • Instructional Technology

  • School Climate and Culture

  • School Leadership

  • Student Engagement

  • Supplemental Instructional Services (e.g., Tutoring, Out-Of-School Time Programs, Summer Learning and Enrichment)

  • Other, please specify: ______________

  • None of the above

SIP3. What resource inequities, if any, did your school identify to be addressed as part of your school improvement plans? {Display if SIP_gate = Yes}

  • Funding sources (e.g., funds received under specific Federal programs, State funds for school improvement activities)

  • Staffing resources (e.g., distribution of effective, experienced, and in-field teachers; access to counselors, social workers, psychologists, librarians, and school nurses; school leadership; pupil-teacher ratios; professional development; staff compensation; staff attendance; staff turnover)

  • Instructional resources (e.g., access to prekindergarten and early learning programs; access to rigorous coursework; access to high quality instructional materials; instructional time and type; access to career and technical education; access to instructional technology)

  • Physical resources (e.g., facility condition; facility design; utilization of space; broadband)

  • Other, please specify: _________

SIP_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences with school improvement plans. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  



ABS7. To the best of your knowledge, what is the average daily attendance at your school?

  • _____%

  • Don’t know

ABS8. At this point in the school year, how concerned are you with the following?

Not concerned

Slightly concerned

Somewhat concerned

Moderately concerned

Extremely concerned

Student absences

Teacher absences

Non-teaching staff absences

Obtaining substitute teachers

ABS9. What strategies, if any, are you planning to implement or have implemented to decrease student absences at your school?

ABS10. What strategies, if any, are you planning to implement or have implemented to decrease teacher and non-teaching staff absences at your school?

ABS6. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences with student, teacher, and staff absences. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.

________ teachers

STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.

________ non-teaching staff

ENROLLMENT. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.

Please enter the number of students.

________ students

Suggestions for Future Items

FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.

This item is optional.


December 2023 Survey

School Facilities

Fac1. Does your school have any of the following outdoor surfaces designated for play?

  • Only landscape surfaces (e.g., fields, porous surfaces, woodchips)

  • Only hardscape (e.g., asphalt, concrete)

  • Both landscape and hardscape surfaces

  • We have no outdoor surfaces designated for play

Fac2. Are outdoor play areas, including athletic fields and courts, available to the public outside of school hours or when school is not in session? {Display if Fac1 ≠ We have no outdoor…}

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Fac3. Please indicate which of the following athletic amenities your school has on-site.

Select all that apply.

  • All-purpose grass field (e.g., football field, soccer field, lacrosse field)

  • All-purpose turf field (e.g., football field, soccer field, lacrosse field)

  • Baseball/softball field

  • Gymnasium (e.g., basketball court, volleyball court)

  • Outdoor basketball court

  • Outdoor volleyball court

  • Indoor pool

  • Outdoor pool

  • Indoor tennis courts

  • Outdoor tennis courts

  • Indoor track

  • Outdoor track

  • Weight room

  • Other, please specify: _______

  • We have no athletic amenities on-site

Fac4. Does the school have an auditorium or cafetorium (mix of cafeteria and auditorium) on-site?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac5. Does the school have dedicated library space available?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac6. How many STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) labs are on your campus?

A STEM lab is a room or space dedicated to science, technology, and/or mathematic experiments and hands on applications of these fields.

_________ STEM labs

  • Don’t know

Fac7. Are indoor school facilities (e.g., classrooms, gym, auditorium, etc.) available for the public to use (with permission) outside of school hours or when school is not in session?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Fac8. Does your school have an outdoor space designed for teaching available?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Fac9. Is training for educators about teaching/learning outdoors available at least once per year?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac10. Does your school or district employ a dedicated groundskeeper position who works at least part-time at your school?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac11. Does your school or district employ a school garden coordinator who works at least part-time at your school?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac12. Does your school have outdoor space designed for student gardening available?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac13. Do you have an Indoor Air Quality Coordinator at your school? This may be a school or district employee, or an employee designated to serve in this role.

An Indoor Air Quality Coordinator monitors air quality conditions at the school and is responsible for reporting air quality issues and complaints.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Fac14. Does your school have carbon monoxide alarms installed?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac15. Are carbon dioxide sensors installed in classrooms and other gathering spaces to monitor for effective ventilation?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

Fac16. Are there local exhaust systems installed at airborne contaminant sources (e.g., science labs, copy/printing facilities, chemical storage rooms)?

  • Yes, at all airborne contaminant sources

  • Yes, at some airborne contaminant sources

  • No

  • We do not have any airborne contaminant sources at this school

  • Don’t know

Fac17. Does the school have an anti-idling program in place, including signage and active monitoring during pick-up and drop-off?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac18. Are the designated vehicle loading and unloading areas at least 25 feet from all building air intakes (including doors and windows)?

  • Yes

  • No

  • We do not have designated loading and unloading areas at this school

  • Don’t know

Fac19a. How many permanent buildings are in use at your school?

Do NOT include sheds, storage warehouses, or other buildings that people do not typically occupy.

______ buildings

  • None

  • Don’t know

Fac19b. How many of these buildings have received green building certification from an external organization? {Display if Fac19a > 0}

Green building certification verifies that a building has met environmental, energy, human health, and other standards in its design, construction, and performance.

______ buildings

  • None

  • Don’t know

Fac20a. How many non-permanent (portable) buildings are in use at your school?

Do NOT include sheds, storage warehouses, or other buildings that people do not typically occupy.

______ buildings

  • None

  • Don’t know

Fac20b. How many of these non-permanent buildings have received green building certification from an external organization? {Display if Fac20a > 0}

Green building certification verifies that a building has met environmental, energy, human health, and other standards in its design, construction, and performance.

______ buildings

  • None

  • Don’t know

Fac21. In what year was your school’s main instructional building constructed?

  • Year: _______

  • Don’t know

Fac22. In what year was the last major renovation of the main instructional building?

  • Year: _______

  • The main instructional building has never undergone a major renovation

  • Don’t know

Fac23. In what year was the last major building replacement or addition made to this school?

  • Year: _______

  • The school has never had a major addition or replacement

  • Don’t know

Fac24. Is any major repair/renovation/modernization work currently being performed at this school?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Fac_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ building facilities and amenities. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


Learning Recovery (Planning Time & Parent Engagement)

LSR1. Are teachers at your school provided training in any of the following?

Select all that apply.

  • Using formative assessments to inform instruction

  • Using diagnostic assessments to inform instruction

  • Using tailored accelerated instruction (i.e., using new, grade-level content to teach prior-grade concepts or skills)

  • None of the above

  • Don’t know

LSR2. Which of the following ways are parents informed about their child's learning progress, beyond report cards/summative assessments?

  • Teacher communications to the parents about areas in which the child is making progress or having difficulty

  • Parent-teacher conferences

  • Online systems where parents can access their child's grades on assignments, tests, etc.

  • Other, please specify: ______________

  • Parents are not informed of their child's learning progress beyond report cards/summative assessments

Plan1a. On average, how many minutes per week do your teachers have dedicated for planning?

____ average minutes per week

  • None

  • Don't know

Plan1b. On average, how many of these {fill from Plan1a} minutes do teachers spend planning individually and how many do they spend planning collaboratively? {Display if Plan1a > 0}

____ average minutes per week for individual planning

  • No minutes spent on individual planning

____ average minutes per week for collaborative planning

  • No minutes spent on collaborative planning

  • Don’t know

Plan2a. On average, how many times per week do your teachers have dedicated for planning? {Display if Plan1a >0 }

____ average times per week

  • Don't know

Plan2b. On average, how many of these {fill from Plan2a} times do teachers plan individually and how many times do they plan collaboratively? {Display if Plan1a > 0}

____ average times per week for individual planning

  • No times for individual planning

____ average times per week for collaborative planning

  • No times for collaborative planning

  • Don't know

Plan3a. To the best of your knowledge, has your school increased the amount of dedicated time teachers have for planning since the 2019-20 school year? {Display if Plan1a > 0}

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Plan3b. On average, how many minutes per week has planning time increased since the 2019-20 school year? {Display if Plan3a > 0}

____ average minutes per week

  • Don't know

Plan3c. On average, how much of {Fill from Plan3b} increased minutes per week have been dedicated to individual planning and how many of the increased minutes have been dedicated to collaborative planning since the 2019-20 school year? {Display if Plan3b > 0}

____ average minutes per week for individual planning

  • No minutes spent on individual planning

____ average minutes per week for collaborative planning

  • No minutes spent on collaborative planning

  • Don’t know

ParEng1. Which of the following methods, if any, does your school use to engage with parents?

Select all that apply.

  • Email

  • Phone

  • Web- or phone-based applications

  • In-person meetings

  • Parent-teacher associations or organizations

  • At-home visits

  • Other, please specify: __________

  • None of the above

  • Don’t know

ParEng2. Do you have a parent/family engagement specialist or outreach worker at your school? This may be a school or district employee, or an employee designated to serve in this role.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

ParEng3a. Have you added new parent/family engagement positions since the 2019-20 school year?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

ParEng3b. Have COVID-relief funds (e.g., ESSER funds) been used to support these hires? {Display if ParEng3a = Yes}

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

ParEng4. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of students had at least one parent or guardian participate in the following events during the 2023-24 school year?





Not Applicable

Open house or back-to-school night

All regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences

Special subject-area events (e.g., science fair, concerts)

Volunteers in the school as needed or on a regular basis

ParEng_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ teacher planning time and strategies to engage parents. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  



TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.

________ teachers

STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.

________ non-teaching staff

ENROLLMENT. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.

Please enter the number of students.

________ students

Suggestions for Future Items

FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.

This item is optional.


January 2024 Survey

College and Career Readiness

CCR_gate. In which of the following grades does your school have students enrolled?

  • Kindergarten

  • 1st grade

  • 2nd grade

  • 3rd grade

  • 4th grade

  • 5th grade {Display AdvC and CCP items if 5th grade or above is selected}

  • 6th grade

  • 7th grade

  • 8th grade

  • 9th grade/Freshman

  • 10th grade/Sophomore

  • 11th grade/Junior

  • 12th grade/Senior

  • Ungraded

AdvC1a. Does your school offer Advanced Placement (AP), Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or dual enrollment courses?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

  • This type of coursework is not applicable to students at my school

AdvC1b. How many advanced courses are taught in your school? {Display if AdvC1a = Yes}

Number of courses

We do not offer this program at our school

Don’t Know

Advanced Placement (AP)

Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Dual enrollment

AdvC1c. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of students at your school are enrolled in advanced coursework?

{Display based on > 0 responses to AdvC1b}

Percentage of students

Don’t Know

Advanced Placement (AP)

Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Dual enrollment

AdvC1d. What percentage of students in each racial/ethnic group are enrolled in any advanced coursework?

{Display COLUMNS based on > 0 responses to AdvC1b}

Percentage enrolled in AP courses

Percentage enrolled in Pre-AP courses

Percentage enrolled in IB courses

Percentage enrolled in dual enrollment

Don’t know

American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic

Asian, Non-Hispanic

Black or African American, Non-Hispanic

Hispanic or Latino, of any race

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Non-Hispanic

White, Non-Hispanic

Two or more races, Non-Hispanic

CCP1. To the best of your knowledge, what percentage of students in your school participate in the following:

Percentage of students

We do not offer this

Don’t know

Work-based learning program

Workforce credential training program

Personalized learning plan

CCP2. Does your school have a college and career readiness plan or goal?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

CCP3. Using the responses below, fill in the sentence that best describes your school: “My school does a(n) ____________ job preparing students for college.”

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Very good

  • Excellent

  • Not applicable

CCP4. Using the responses below, fill in the sentence that best describes your school: “My school does a(n) ____________ job preparing students for the workforce.”

  • Poor

  • Fair

  • Good

  • Very good

  • Excellent

  • Not applicable

CCP5. Do graduation requirements at your school include college and career milestones?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  • Not applicable – my school does not graduate students from high school

CCP6. Are graduation requirements at your school aligned to public postsecondary admissions requirements?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  • Not applicable – my school does not graduate students from high school

CCP7. Does your school employ any of the following staff to support college and career readiness? Select all that apply.

  • Work-based learning coordinator

  • Career advisors

  • Counselors

  • Workforce intermediary

  • Other, please specify: ___________

  • We do not employ any staff to support college and career readiness

  • Not applicable

CCP8. Does your school offer career and technical education?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

CCP9. To what degree does your school counseling office use your students’ college and career readiness data to inform their work and outreach to students and their families?

  • Never

  • Rarely

  • Sometimes

  • Often

  • Always

  • Don’t know

  • Not applicable

CCP_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences with college and career readiness. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


World and Dual Language Programs

Lang1. Which, if any, of the following languages are taught as independent classes at your school?

  • American Sign Language (ASL)

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)

  • Dutch

  • French

  • German

  • Hindi

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Latin

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Turkish

  • Other, please specify: __________

  • None of the above

Lang2. Approximately how many students are enrolled in these classes?

{Display based on answers to Lang1}

Number of students enrolled

Don’t Know

















Lang3. Which of the following best describes how these classes are taught at your school? Select all that apply.

{Display based on answers to Lang1}

Traditional Classroom

Dual language (two-way) immersion




Don’t Know

















Lang4. Do you offer these classes in collaboration with any of the following? Select all that apply.

{Display based on answers to Lang1}

A local high school

Community college

University campus

Heritage community school

No collaborations for this class

Don’t Know

















Dual_gate. Which of the following, if any, types of dual language programs does your school offer? Select all that apply.

  • Developmental Program (also known as a maintenance program): dual language program that enrolls primarily students who are native speakers of the partner language

  • Two-way Immersion Program (also known as a bilingual program): dual language program that enrolls a balance of native English speakers and native speakers of the partner language

  • One-way Immersion Program (also known as a foreign language program): dual language program that enrolls primarily native English speakers

  • Heritage Language Program: dual language program that mainly enrolls students who are dominant in English, but whose parents, grandparents, or other ancestors spoke the partner language.

  • None of the programs listed above are offered at my school {Do not display Dual items if selected}

Dual1. What percentage of students at your school are in the dual language program?

_________ percent of students

  • Don’t know

Dual2. Do you require that educators in your school’s dual language program are certified to teach in these programs?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Dual3. Does your school offer a seal of biliteracy?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

Dual4. Which of the following partner languages are used in your school’s dual language program(s)?

  • American Sign Language (ASL)

  • Arabic

  • Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)

  • Dutch

  • French

  • German

  • Hindi

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Latin

  • Portuguese

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Turkish

  • Other, please specify: __________

  • None of the above

Dual5. Does your school have a shortage of English Learner (EL) or English as a Second Language (ESL) instructors?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know

  • We do not have any EL or ESL students that necessitate an EL/ESL instructor

Dual_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences with world and dual language programs. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


Principal Autonomy

PAut1. How much ACTUAL influence does the principal at your school have on decisions concerning the following activities at this school?

No influence

Minor influence

Moderate influence

Major influence

Not Applicable/

Don’t Know

Setting performance standards for students

Establishing curriculum

Determining the content of in-service professional development programs for teachers

Evaluating teachers

Hiring new full-time teachers

Setting discipline policy

Deciding how your school budget will be spent

PAut_more. We’d like to learn more about schools’ experiences with principal autonomy. In the space below, please share any information you would like us to know on this topic.

This item is optional.  


Crime and Safety (Security Officers and Staff Training)

For the next set of items, use the following definitions:

Sworn Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO): an individual who ordinarily carries a firearm and a badge, has full arrest powers, and is paid from governmental funds.

School Resource Officer (SRO): A sworn law enforcement officer with arrest authority, who has specialized training and is assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations; all SROs are SLEOs, but not all SLEOs are SROs.

Security Officer: an individual who works to maintain safety and security at school but is NOT a SLEO and does not have the same authority as SLEOs (e.g., cannot make arrests).

CS6a. During 2023-24 school year, does your school have any sworn law enforcement officers (SLEOs), including School Resource Officers (SROs), present at your school at least once a week?

Do NOT include security officers who are not sworn law enforcement officers.

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

CS6b. Are SLEOs (including SROs) present at least once a week in or around your school at the following times? {Display if CS6a = YES}

Do NOT include security officers who are not sworn law enforcement officers.



Don’t Know

While students are arriving or leaving

At selected school activities (e.g., athletic and social events, open houses)

When school or school activities are not occurring

CS6c. Do any of the SLEOs (including SROs) at your school routinely: {Display if CS6a = YES}

Do NOT include security officers who are not sworn law enforcement officers.



Don’t Know

Carry physical restraints (e.g., handcuffs, tasers)

Carry chemical aerosol sprays (e.g., Mace, pepper spray)

Carry a firearm

Wear a body camera

CS6d. Do these SLEOs (including SROs) participate in the following activities at your school? {Display if CS6a = YES}

Do NOT include security officers who are not sworn law enforcement officers.



Don’t Know

Monitoring student behavior

Maintaining student discipline

Recording or reporting discipline problems to school authorities

Mentoring students

Teaching a law-related education course or training students (e.g., drug-related education, criminal law, or crime prevention courses)

Training teachers and staff in school safety or crime prevention

Providing information to school authorities about the legal definitions of behavior for recording or reporting purposes (e.g., defining “assault” for school authorities)

Emergency management (i.e., developing and implementing comprehensive safety plans and strategies in consultation with other first responders and school administrators)

Identifying problems in the school and proactively seeking solutions to those problems

Motor vehicle traffic control

Security enforcement and patrol

CS6e. During the 2023-24 school year, does your school or district have any formalized policies or written documents (e.g., Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Agreement), that outline the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of SLEOs (including SROs) at school? {Display if CS6a = YES}

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

CS6ee. Do these formalized policies or written documents include language defining the role of SLEOs (including SROs) at school in the following areas? {Display if CS6a & CS6e= YES}



Don’t Know

Student discipline

Use of physical restraints (e.g., handcuffs, Tasers) or chemical aerosol sprays (e.g., Mace, pepper spray)

Use of firearms

Making arrests on school grounds

Reporting of criminal offenses to a law enforcement agency

Continue using these definitions as your respond to the next set of items:

Sworn Law Enforcement Officer (SLEO): an individual who ordinarily carries a firearm and a badge, has full arrest powers, and is paid from governmental funds.

School Resource Officer (SRO): A sworn law enforcement officer with arrest authority, who has specialized training and is assigned to work in collaboration with school organizations; all SROs are SLEOs, but not all SLEOs are SROs.

Security Officer: an individual who works to maintain safety and security at school but is NOT a SLEO and does not have the same authority as SLEOs (e.g., cannot make arrests).

CS7a. How many of the following security personnel are present at your school at least once a week?

If an officer works full-time across various schools in the district, please count the officer as “part-time” for your school.

If your school does not have any officers present at your school at least once a week, enter 0.

  • Full-time School Resource Officer: __________

  • Part-time School Resource Officer: __________

  • Full-time sworn law enforcement officer (NOT a School Resource Officer): ________

  • Part-time sworn law enforcement officer (NOT a School Resource Officer): ________

  • Full-time security officer: __________

  • Part-time security officer: __________

CS7b. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The School Resource Officer(s) at my school make(s) a positive impact on our school community.” {Display if CS7a Full- or Part-time SROs > 0}

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Somewhat Disagree

  • Neither Agree nor Disagree

  • Somewhat Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t Know

CS7c. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The sworn law enforcement officer(s) at my school make(s) a positive impact on our school community.” {Display if CS7a Full- or Part-time sworn law enforcement officer > 0}

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Somewhat Disagree

  • Neither Agree nor Disagree

  • Somewhat Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t Know

CS7d. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The security officer(s) at my school make(s) a positive impact on our school community.” {Display if CS7a Full- or Part-time security officer > 0}

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Somewhat Disagree

  • Neither Agree nor Disagree

  • Somewhat Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • Don’t Know

CS8. Aside from SLEOs (including SROs) or other security officers or personnel who carry firearms, during the 2023-24 school year, are there any staff at your school who legally carry a firearm on school property?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know

CS9. During the 2023–24 school year, has your school or school district provided (or will they provide) any of the following trainings for classroom teachers or aides at this school?



Don’t Know

Classroom management for teachers

School-wide discipline policies and practices related to violence

School-wide discipline policies and practices related to cyberbullying

School-wide discipline policies and practices related to bullying other than cyberbullying

School-wide discipline policies and practices related to alcohol and/or drug use

Safety procedures (e.g., how to handle emergencies)

Recognizing early warning signs of students likely to exhibit violent behavior

Recognizing signs of self-harm or suicidal tendencies

Intervention and referral strategies for students displaying signs of mental health disorders (e.g., depression, mood disorders, ADHD)

Recognizing physical, social, and verbal bullying behaviors

Recognizing signs of students using/abusing alcohol and/or drugs

Positive behavioral intervention strategies

Crisis prevention and intervention

Recognizing or responding to behaviors involving bias or hate crimes against traditionally marginalized groups

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

CS10. To what extent, if any, do the following factors limit your school’s efforts to reduce or prevent disruptive behavioral issues, including crimes, from occurring on school grounds?

Limits in a major way

Limits in a minor way

Does not limit

Lack of or inadequate teacher training in classroom management

Lack of or inadequate alternative placement or programs for disruptive students

Likelihood of complaints from parents

Lack of teacher support for school policies

Lack of parental support for school policies

Teachers’ fear of student retaliation

Fear of litigation

Inadequate funds

Inconsistent application of school policies by faculty or staff

CS11. During the 2023-24 school year, does your school allow for the use of the following disciplinary actions?



Don’t Know

Removal with no continuing school services for at least the remainder of the school year

Removal with school-provided tutoring/home instruction for at least the remainder of the school year

Transfer to an alternative school for disciplinary reasons

Transfer to another regular school for disciplinary reasons

Out-of-school suspension or removal for less than the remainder of the school year with NO curriculum or services provided

Out-of-school suspension or removal for less than the remainder of the school year with curriculum or services provided

Referral to a school counselor

Assignment to a program (during school hours) designed to reduce disciplinary problems

Assignment to a program (outside of school hours) designed to reduce disciplinary problems

Loss of school bus privileges due to misbehavior

Corporal punishment

Placement on school probation with consequences if another incident occurs

Detention and/or Saturday school

Loss of student privileges

Requirement of participation in community service

CS12. We’d like to learn more about what schools are experiencing with regard to school crime and safety. In the space below, please share any other information you would like us to know about school safety and discipline at your school.

This item is optional.  



TEACHER0. Please enter an approximate total teacher count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of teachers, including full-time and part-time teachers.

________ teachers

STAFF0. Please enter an approximate total non-teacher staff count for your school as of today.

Please enter the number of non-teaching staff, including full-time and part-time non-teachers.

________ non-teaching staff

ENROLLMENT0. As of today, please enter your total student enrollment count.

Please enter the number of students.

________ students


Resp1. Are you the principal (or equivalent role) of {SCHOOL_NAME}?

  • Yes

  • No

Suggestions for Future Items

FutCont. We want to ensure we are continuing to collect information on topics that are relevant to the day-to-day functioning of U.S. public schools during the 2023-24 school year and beyond. In the space below, please share any other topics you believe are important for us to know as we continue this monthly survey collection.

This item is optional.



File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorBielamowicz, Rebecca
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2024-07-29

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