Crosswalk: Semi-Annual Report


[Medicaid] Administrative Requirements for Section 6071 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (CMS-10249)

Crosswalk: Semi-Annual Report

OMB: 0938-1053

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change

Section A - General Information
Organization Information
1. Full Name of Grantee Organization
2. Program's Public Name
3. Program's Website
Project Director
4. Project Director Name
5. Project Director Email
Grantee Signatory / Authorizing Official
Representative (AOR)
6. Grantee Signatory Name
7. Grantee Signatory Email
8. Has the Grantee Signatory changed since
last report?
CMS Project Officer
9. CMS Project Officer Name

Section A - General Information
Form Filtering Questions
1. Select the reporting period.
2. Select the year of the reporting period.
3. Is this your state or territory’s final semiannual progress report (SAR) for your period
of performance in the MFP demonstration?
Organization Information
4. Name of MFP Operating Organization
5. State or Territory Medicaid Agency
6. State or Territory Medicaid Director
7. MFP Program's Public Name
8. MFP Program's Website
Authorized Organizational Representative
9. AOR Name
10. AOR Title/Agency
11. AOR Email
12. Has the AOR changed since last report?
Project Director
13. Project Director Name
14. Project Director Title
15. Project Director Email
CMS Project Officer
16. CMS Project Officer Name

Added questions previously
provided by file naming
convention (reporting
period, year) A.1. – A.3. in
2023 form.

Questions were added to
capture information needed
for the online form, which
will allow the form to be
tailored to only questions
that are relevant to the
specifics of the grantee’s

Added organizational
information for Medicaid
agency and Medicaid
director (A.4. – A.6. in 2023
Added call for titles for the
AOR and Project Director
(A.9 & A.13)


Organization information
was added to increase
efficiency with
communications and capture
staff changes more

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change

Section B - Transitions
1. Please specify your MFP program’s
“Other” target population(s) here if
2. Number of people assessed for MFP
3. Number of institutional residents who
transitioned during this reporting period and
enrolled in MFP.
4. Cumulative number of MFP transitions to
5. Total number of current MFPparticipants.
6. Number of MFP participants reinstitutionalized.
- Please indicate any factors that
contributed to re-institutionalization. (check
7. Number of MFP participants reinstitutionalized for longer than 30 days,
who were re- enrolled in the MFP program
during the reporting period.
8. Number of MFP participants -who ever
transitioned -who completed the 365-day
transition period during the reporting
- Please indicate any factors that
contributed to participants not completing
the 365-day transition period
9. Please specify the total number of
participant deaths that occurred during the
reporting period.
10. Did your program have difficulty
transitioning the projected number of
persons it proposed to transition in the
Operational Protocol? If yes, please check
the target populations that apply.

Section B – Recruitment, Enrollment, and
1. Number of people who signed an MFP
informed consent form in the reporting
2. Number of MFP transitions in the
reporting period.
3. Number of MFP transitions from qualified
institutions in the reporting period.
4. Number of MFP transitions to qualified
residences in the reporting period.
5. Total number of active MFP participants
in the reporting period.
6. Number of MFP participants completing
the program in the reporting period.
7. Number of people re-enrolled in MFP
during the reporting period.
8. Number of MFP participants disenrolled
from the program during the reporting
9. (Optional) Number of HCBS participants
(including MFP participants) admitted to a
facility from the community, by length of
stay and age group.

Removed the following
questions from 2023 form:
1. Please specify your MFP
program’s “Other” target
population(s) here if
4. Cumulative number of
MFP transitions to date.
11. Do you intend to seek
CMS approval to amend your
annual or total
Demonstration period
transition benchmarks in
your approved Operational
(If Yes) Please explain the
proposed changes to your
transition benchmarks.

Details provided in the
previous version were either
determined to be redundant,
no longer necessary to be
provided in this report,
required simplification, or
that movement to another
section would streamline the
reporting process. Questions
were added to improve
ability to monitor the
demonstrations effectively


Added question B.3. (2023
Revised and clarified the
information being asked for
in Questions B.6., B.7., and
B.9. (2021 form) to
Questions B.7., B.8., and B.9.
(2023 form)
Moved questions to the
state-specific section where
the goal of the questions
remained but the language
was revised to align with
logical call for information
B.10. (2021 form) to C.3.and
C.5. (2023 form).

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
- Please describe your difficulties for each
target population
11. Do you intend to seek CMS approval to
amend your annual or total Demonstration
period transition benchmarks in your
approved Operational Protocol?
(If Yes) Please explain the proposed changes
to your transition benchmarks.

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


Revised questions to
improve clarity and logical
flow but maintained the
overall intent:
• B.2. (2021 form) to B.1.
(2023 form)
• B.3. (2021 form to B.2.
(2023 form)
• B.5. (2021 form) to B.5.
(2023 form)
• B.8. (2021 form) to B.6.
(2023 form)

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section C – Total Expenditures for Home &
Community-Based Services
Completed during the second reporting
period (July-December) and for close-out.
1. Do you require modifying the Actual Level
of Spending for last period? Yes/No
(If Yes) Please describe why the changes
were necessary and update in the table
2. Please enter data for the relevant
reporting period and year.
3. Please specify (CY or SFY) and the dates of
your SFY here.
4. Use this box to explain missing,
incomplete, or other qualifications to the
data reported in this section (C).

2023 (new version)

Type of Change
Section C (2021 form) was
removed in the revised 2023

Reason for Change

This section was redundant, Reduced
as the information is
included in the Maintenance
of Effort (MOE) form and
Form CMS-64.

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section–D - Additional Benchmarks
This section requests information and data
on progress made towards achieving the
state’s additional MFP benchmarks, at least
one of which reflects the state’s
reinvestment of savings generated under
MFP to rebalance the state’s long-term care
system. The information below reflects your
state’s additional benchmarks as described
in the CMS-approved Operational Protocol.
If your state has not achieved the
benchmark measure for this reporting
period, please use the text box below to
explain the barriers or challenges that have
hindered progress, and plans to address
Benchmarks for grantees participating in the
Tribal Initiative can be added here.
Please enter data for the relevant reporting
period and year. Green outlined cells
indicate the PDF will auto-calculate the field.
Benchmark #1: [Please describe as specified
in Operational Protocol
Measure –1 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –2 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –3 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Benchmark #2: [Please describe as specified
in Operational Protocol
Measure –1 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –2 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –3 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)

2023 (new version)
Section C. State- or Territory-specific
1. Provide data on performance measures or
indicators used for monitoring progress
toward the objective during the current
reporting period. Include progress toward
milestones and key deliverables.
2. If quantitative targets were provided in
the MFP Work Plan, complete the table
3. Were targets for performance measures
or expected time frames for deliverables
3a. [If no] Describe progress towards
reaching the target/milestone during the
reporting period. How close are you to
meeting the target? How do you plan to
address the obstacle(s) to meeting the
4. Describe any progress made under this
initiative during the reporting period that is
not otherwise mentioned under the
5. Describe any issues or challenges that
have impacted the development and
implementation of the initiative during the
reporting period not otherwise mentioned
under the objective(s). Detail what impact
any issues may have on the state or
territory’s increased ability to provide HCBS,
rather than institutional services, and how
you plan to address these issues.
6. List and describe any collaborations you
have with any external parties to run the
initiative tasks or to achieve initiative goals.

Type of Change
Initiatives outlined in Work
Plan (WP) will be prepopulated in the web-based
SAR (e.g., name, objectives,
performance measures and

Reason for Change

Moving questionsto another Reduced
section streamlines the
reporting process and
improves logical flow of

There is no longer a call for
additional benchmarks in
2023 form; all measures will
be reported under the
relevant state-specific
initiative reported C.1.-C.6.
(2023 form).
The questions listed in
Section C. State-specific
initiatives do not capture the
full series of questions. The
full set of questions is C.1. –
C.8. (2023 form). C.7. – C.8.
are captured in the next
section of the crosswalk.

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Benchmark #3: [Please describe as specified
in Operational Protocol
Measure –1 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –2 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Measure –3 - Please explain your Year End
rate of progress: (Open Text)
Do you intend to seek CMS approval to
amend your additional benchmarks in your
approved Operational Protocol? Yes/No

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section E – Rebalancing Efforts
Completed only during the first period
(January – June) of each year and for closeout.
In the table below, enter information on
expenditures and activities, whether
continuing from prior reporting periods or
initiated during this current reporting
period, for each current, new, or expanded
rebalancing initiative resulting from state
savings from MFP program participation. If
there are more than 6 rebalancing
initiatives, please combine related programs
and initiatives so that there are no more
than 6.
If you have not implemented rebalancing
initiatives to date, enter “$0.00” in the Total
Actual Expenditures box, and in the text box,
describe your state’s planned rebalancing
initiatives and projected expenditures for
Rebalancing Initiative Name
Total Actual Expenditures for this initiative
(cumulative spending from start of MFP
grant program through end of last calendar
Explain any missing or incomplete data.
Brief Description of Initiative

2023 (new version)
Section C. State-specific initiatives
7. Initiative expenditures by quarter and
funding source
8. Taking the lag time for reporting
expenditures into account, is the state or
territory on track to fully expend funds
within the projected timeframe for this
a. [If no] Briefly explain what has
contributed to lower than projected
expenditures (e.g. challenges with hiring,
delays in start-up) and describe your revised
timeframe for fully expending awarded

Type of Change
State-specific initiatives
outlined in Work Plan (WP)
will be pre-populated in the
web-based SAR (e.g., name,
objectives, performance
measures and targets).
Restructured table (2021
form) to improve clarity and
focus on quantitative data,
which has a new
requirement of quarterly
reporting (C.7. in 2023 form)

Reason for Change

Moving questionsto another Neutral
section streamlines the
reporting process and
improves logical flow of
Initiative expenditures are
reported quarterly as
required under the
Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2021.

Revised questions to
improve clarity and logical
flow but maintained the
overall intent:
• “Explain any missing or
incomplete data” (2021
form) to C.8. (2023
The questions listed in
Section C. State-specific
initiatives do not capture the
full series of questions. The
full set of questions is C.1. –
C.8. (2023 form). C.1. – C.6.
are captured in the previous
section of the crosswalk.

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)

2023 (new version)

Section F - Recruitment & Enrollment
This is no longer a standalone section.
1. Number and percent of MFP participants Information is captured in Section B or was
transitioned during this period whose length removed.
of time from assessment to actual transition
• Less than 2 months
• 2 to 6 months
• 6 to 12 months
• 12 to 18 months
• 18 to 24 months
• 24 months or more
Please indicate the average length of time
required from assessment to actual
2. Total number of individuals who were
referredto the MFP program through MDS
3.0 Section Q referrals during the reporting
period. Please report an unduplicated count.
3. Of the MDS 3.0 Section Q referrals ever
received by the MFP program, number of
individuals who subsequently enrolled in
MFP and transitioned to the community
during this reporting period.

Type of Change

Reason for Change

Question F.1. (2021 form)
will be reported in Question
B.2. (2023 form) and no
longer requires reporting on
how long it took from
assessment to actual

Details provided in the
previous version were either
determined to be redundant,
no longer necessary to be
provided in this report.

MDS Section Q referral
questions F.2. and F.3. were
removed from 2023 form.


How a grantee will use
referral sources is described
in the Operational Protocol.
Reporting metrics for an
initiative around recruitment
will occur in the statespecific section (Section C) of
revised 2023 form, if

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section G - Self-Direction
Did your state have any self-direction
programs in effect during this reporting
period? Yes / No
1. If YES, how many MFP participants were
in a self-direction program as of the last day
the reporting period? (describe by target
2. Of those MFP participants in a selfdirection program how many:
• Hired or supervised their own personal
• Managed their allowance or budget

2023 (new version)

Type of Change
Section G (2021 form) was
removed in the revised 2023

Reason for Change
To streamline reporting;
grantees will report this
information in the statespecific initiative section
(Section C) if applicable in
the new 2023 form.


Use this box to explain missing, incomplete,
or other qualifications to the data reported
in this section (G).

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section H - MFP Quality Requirements
For every service and program that serves
MFP individuals, the state must have a
quality management strategy consistent
with the section 1915(c) waiver
requirements including the use of
performance measures, remediation
strategies, trending and analysis, and the
implementation of quality improvement
initiatives. In addition, the state must also
have the following three quality
requirements in place in order to assure the
health and welfare of MFP participants upon
discharge to a community setting:
1. A critical incident reporting and
management system and a process to
ensure that the system is working as
2. A risk assessment and mitigation
protocol and a process to ensure that
the protocol is working as planned; and
3. A backup strategy in place that includes
access to a 24 hour back up service to
address a lapse in the provision of
essential health and support services or
other circumstances that could have a
negative effect on participant health or
welfare, and a process to ensure that
the strategy is working as planned.
Section H. will ask about the work that your
state is doing related to each of these

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change

Section H (2021 form) was
removed in the revised 2023

To streamline reporting,
grantees will report progress
on quality initiatives in the
state-specific initiative
section (Section C) in the
new 2023 form.


To reduce burden, grantees
will leverage reporting
systems for their section
1915(c) waiver programs to
report critical incidents (H.1.
in 2021 form).
To reduce redundancies,
grantees will describe 24hour back-up services and
risk assessment and
mitigation processes in the
Operational Protocol

Section H.1 - Critical incident reporting
1. MFP programs are required to have a
critical incident (CI) and management
system and a process to ensure that the

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
system is working as planned. A critical
incident (e.g., abuse, neglect and
exploitation) is an event that could bring
harm, or create potential harm, to a
participant. Please complete the table below
to report on each type of critical incident
related to the MFP program and MFP
Critical Incident Area
• Abuse
• Neglect
• Exploitation
• Involvement with Criminal Justice
• Medication Administration Errors
• Deaths reported to state CI system

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


Please specify the number of times this type
of critical incident occurred
Did the state make any changes, either for
the consumer(s) or its system, as a result of
the analysis of critical incidents?
What is the current status of the issue?
If resolved or abandoned, please explain
2. Please summarize any additional
information on progress, challenges, or
solutions related to your critical incident
reporting and management system
Section H.2 - Risk assessment and
1. What notable improvements did your
program make to your HCBS quality

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
management systems that affect MFP
participants? These improvements may
include improvements to quality
management systems for your state's waiver
• Improved intra/inter departmental
• Implemented/Enhanced data collection
• Implemented/Enhanced information
technology applications
• Implemented/Enhanced consumer
complaint processes
• Implemented/Enhanced quality
monitoring protocols DURING the oneyear transition period (that is, methods
to track quality-related outcomes using
identified benchmarks or identifying
participants at risk of poor outcomes
and triggering further review at a later
point in time))
• Enhanced a critical incident reporting
and tracking system
• Enhanced a risk management process
• None
• Other, specify below - Please describe
the improvement.
2. Please summarize any additional
information on progress, challenges, or
solutions related to your risk assessment
and mitigation protocol.

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


Section H.3 - 24 hour back up services
1. How many calls did your program receive
from MFP participants for emergency backup assistance during the reporting period by
type of assistance needed? Emergency

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
refers to situations that could endanger the
health or well-being of a participant and
may lead to a critical incident if not
addressed. (Please note this question only
captures calls that were considered to be
emergencies and not those that are
informational or complaints.)
Describe by population group
• Transportation to get to medical
• Life-support equipment
• Critical health services
• Direct service/support workers not
showing up
• Other, Please Specify
2. For what number of the calls received
were you able to provide the assistance that
was needed when it was needed?
Describe by population group
3. Did your program have to change back-up
services or quality management systems due
to an identified problem or challenge in the
operation of your back-up systems? Yes / No
(If Yes) Please Describe
4. Did your program experience any
challenges in:
• Developing adequate and appropriate
service plans for participants, i.e.,
developing service plans that address
the participant’s assessed needs and
personal goals
• Assessing participants' risk
• Developing, implementing, or adjusting
risk mitigation strategies
• Addressing emergent risks in a timely

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Delivering all the services and supports
specified in the service plan
• Modifying the service plan to
accommodate participants' changing
needs or circumstances, i.e., increasing
units of a service, adding a different
type of service, changing time of day
when services are delivered, etc.
• Identifying threats to participants'
health or welfare Addressing threats to
participants' health or welfare None
• Other, describe below.
5. Please summarize any additional
information on progress, challenges, or
solutions related to your 24 hour back up
services and systems.


2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section I - Housing for Participants
1. What notable achievements in improving
housing options for MFP participants did
your program accomplish during the
reporting period? Choose from the list
below and describe by target population for
each checked box.
• Developed inventory of affordable and
accessible housing
• Developed local or state coalitions of
housing and human service
organizations to identify needs and/or
create housing-related initiatives
• Developed statewide housing registry
• Improved funding or resources for
developing assistive technology related
to housing
• Improved information systems about
affordable and accessible housing
• Partnered with local public housing
authority or state housing agency to
create preferences for MFP participants
and/or increase rental assistance
• Increased affordable/accessible housing
opportunities for MFP participants
• Increased opportunities for apartments
in MFP qualified assisted living settings
• Increased group home opportunities
qualifying for MFP
• Increased/Improved funding for home
• Other, specify below
• None
Populations Affected
Please describe the achievements

2023 (new version)
This is no longer a standalone section.
Information is e captured in Section B or
Section C.

Type of Change
Replaced I.1. and I.3. (2021
form) with Section C. statespecific initiatives (2023
Moved I.2. (2021 form) to
B.4.(2023 form).

Reason for Change
To streamline reporting,
grantees will report this
information in the statespecific initiative section
(Section C) under their
housing-related supports


Questions moved to other
sections of the form to
improve logical flow of

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
2. How many MFP participants who
transitioned to the community during the
reporting period moved to each type of
qualified residence? The sum total reported
below should equal the number of
individuals who transitioned to the
community this period, reported in Question
B.3. (Transitions).
• Home (owned or leased by individual or
• Apartment (individual lease, lockable
access, etc)
• Group home or other residence in
which 4 or fewer unrelated individuals
• Apartment in qualified assisted living
3. Describe specific housing efforts
associated with this initiative and housing
challenges during this reporting period.

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section J - Organization & Administration
1. Were there any changes in the
organization or administration of the MFP
program during this reporting period? For
example, did your Medicaid agency undergo
a reorganization that altered the reporting
relationship of the MFP Project Director?
Yes / No (If Yes) Please describe the changes

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Section D - Organization & Administration Added questions D.2. – D.4.
1. Were there any changes in the
to 2023 form.
organization or administration of the MFP
program during this reporting period? For
example, did your Medicaid agency undergo
a reorganization that altered the reporting
relationship of the MFP Project Director?
1a. [If Yes] Describe the changes below.
2. Is the Project Director an employee of the
recipient agency or state/territory Medicaid
2a. [If no] Provide the name of the employer
and reporting relationship with the recipient
3. Are there hiring or retention challenges
for MFP staff, including the MFP Project
Director and MFP Data and Quality Analyst?
3a. [If yes] Describe the challenges.
4. Describe the technical assistance activities
MFP staff have engaged in during the
reporting period (e.g., participation in a
learning collaborative or other training
5. Are there additional technical assistance
resources or supports that your state or
territory would benefit from?
5a. [If yes] Describe additional technical
assistance resources or supports.

Reason for Change
These questions were added
to improve the
understanding of the
organization or
administration of grantee’s
MFP demonstration and
improve technical assistance


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section K - Challenges & Developments
Please use this section to describe any
challenges, achievements, or major changes
to your MFP program during the reporting
period. Updates may focus on, but are not
limited to the following: recruitment and
enrollment, informed consent and
guardianship, outreach, marketing, and
education, stakeholder involvement,
benefits and services, participant access to
services, self-direction, housing for
participants, employment supports and
services, organization and administration,
and independent evaluation.
1. What types of overall challenges have
affected almost all aspects of the program?
2. Did your program report any notable
achievements during the reporting period?
3. Were there any major changes to your
program during the reporting period?

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Section E – Additional Achievements
Question K.1. (2021 form)
Please use this section to describe any
was removed in the revised
additional achievements or promising
2023 form.
practices that have contributed to the
effective operation of the demonstration
and successful transitions during the
reporting period. Achievements or topics
which have been discussed in previous
sections do not need reiterated here. Use
the topics below as a guide, but please note
other important updates.
• Person-centered planning and services
• No Wrong Door systems
• Community transition support
• Direct service workforce and caregivers
• Housing to support community-based
living options
• Employment support
• Convenient and accessible transportation
• Data-based decision-making
• Financing approaches
• Stakeholder engagement
• Quality measurement and improvement
• Equity and SDOH
1. Please describe any notable achievements
or identify any promising practices by your
MFP program that have not been captured
2. Indicate whether your state or territory
has developments or changes to operations,
objectives, or other aspects of MFP program
administration that will amendments to the
Operational Protocol.
2a. [If yes] Describe the developments or
changes below.

Reason for Change
Details provided in the
previous version were either
determined to be redundant,
no longer necessary to be
provided in this report.


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section L - Sustainability
Completed during the second reporting
period (July-December) only and at closeout.
1. Please indicate any MFP staff positions
that will be sustained at the end of the
demonstration. Check all that apply.
• Administrative staff Data analyst
Housing coordinator Outreach staff
• Quality and monitoring staff Social
• Transition coordinator
• Other. Please describe below:
2. Please indicate any MFP demonstration or
supplemental services that will be sustained
at the end of the demonstration, the target
population, and under what Medicaid
authority the service will be sustained.
• MFP Service
• Target Population (check all that apply)
• Medicaid authority (for example Section
3. Please describe any additional detail on
MFP services that will be sustained in the
text box below.
4. Please indicate what demonstration or
supplemental services will not be sustained,
and why.
• MFP services that will not be sustained
• Reason (select all that apply)
5. Please enter any additional description
below related to what demonstration
services will not be sustained.
6. Indicate how your program assesses
participants' experience of care:

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change

Section L (2021 form) was
removed in the revised 2023

It was determined that,
although these questions are
important to address,
grantees will report on
funding sources for
sustained state-specific
initiatives in the Work Plan.


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
MFP participants are included in a
survey through our HCBS waiver
• MFP participants complete a unique
MFP experience of care survey or
standard survey.
• MFP participants are not surveyed
about their experience of care at this
• Our MFP participants continue to
complete the MFP Quality of Life
7. What are the major barriers to sustaining
activities and initiatives implemented
through your current MFP program?
• Lack of, or insufficient funding
• Restrictions on the benefits that can be
provided under existing Medicaid
authorities Staff turnover or lack of staff
• Difficulties with referrals or lack of
• Housing challenges
• State legislative authority
• Other. Please describe below.
8. What efforts have you made during the
reporting period to advance sustainability of
program activities and initiatives? [Note:
Programs that plan to discontinue, do not
need to complete this question.]
9. What activities do you have planned for
the next six months to advance your
sustainability of program activities and
initiatives? [Note: Programs that plan to
discontinue, do not need to complete this

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
Section M - Tribal Initiative
This section is to be completed by Tribal
Initiative grantees only.
1. Report the number of people enrolled,
transitioned and re-institutionalized during
the report period by population served, i.e.,
Older Adults, ID/DD, MI, PD, Other.
Reported numbers are a subset of the total
numbers reported in questions 2, 3, and 6 in
Section B.
a. Enrolled
b. Transitioned
c. Re-institutionalized for more than 30

2023 (new version)

Type of Change
Section M (2021 form) was
removed in the revised 2023

Reason for Change
To streamline reporting,
grantees will report this
information in the statespecific initiative section
(Section C) if applicable in
the new form.


Did the Tribal Initiative have any difficulty
transitioning the projected number of
individuals it proposed in the Operational
Protocol during the reporting period?
Use this box to explain missing, incomplete,
or other qualifications to the data reported
2. Identify challenges that the program had
recruiting and/or enrolling individuals during
this reporting period.
3. Provide reasons why tribal members in
the Tribal Initiative could not enroll in MFP
and the average length of time from
assessment to actual transition. Identify any
barriers or challenges in implementing the
activities proposed in your grant application
and steps you are taking to resolve them.
4. Describe any improvement(s) or
challenge(s) related to the quality

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MFP Semi-Annual Report Crosswalk
2021 (old version)
management within the Tribal Initiative this
reporting period. Include reported critical
incidents as a subset of those identified in
question H.1. Describe the challenges
related to the development of adequate
service plans, assessing risk implementing or
assessing risk mitigation strategies,
addressing emergent risks in a timely
fashion and delivering services as specified
in the plans.
5. Describe as a subset of the totals reported
in question B.9 and H.1, total number of
participant deaths (Question B.9), and
critical incidents that occurred (Question
6. As a subset of the totals in Question I.2
report by population where tribal members
transitioned to as a results of the program.
• Home (owned or leased by individual or
• Apartment (individual lease, lockable
access, etc)
• Group home or other residence in
which 4 or fewer unrelated individuals
• Apartment in qualified assisted living
7. If not previously discussed, describe
specific developments that you want to
highlight for this program including any

2023 (new version)

Type of Change

Reason for Change


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMoney Follows the Person Semi-Annual Progress Report Template Crosswalk
SubjectMoney Follows the Person, MFP, semi-annual report, SAR, progress report, long-term care, LTSS, Medicaid, home and community-base
AuthorCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
File Modified2023-10-17
File Created2023-10-05

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