60-Day FRN

0648-0316 60-Day 88 FR 84128 2023-1204.pdf

Prohibited Species Donation Program

60-Day FRN

OMB: 0648-0316

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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 231 / Monday, December 4, 2023 / Notices

filing deadlines vary by program or
Program information may be made
available in languages other than
English. Persons with disabilities who
require alternative means of
communication to obtain program
information (e.g., Braille, large print,
audiotape, American Sign Language)
should contact the responsible Mission
Area, agency, staff office or the 711
Relay Service.
To file a program discrimination
complaint, a complainant should
complete a Form AD–3027, USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint
Form, which can be obtained online at
files/documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any
USDA office, by calling (866) 632–9992,
or by writing a letter addressed to
USDA. The letter must contain the
complainant’s name, address, telephone
number, and a written description of the
alleged discriminatory action in
sufficient detail to inform the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about
the nature and date of an alleged civil
rights violation. The completed AD–
3027 form or letter must be submitted to
USDA by:
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20250–9410; or
(2) Fax: (833) 256–1665 or (202) 690–
7442; or
(3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov.
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider, employer, and lender.
Karama Neal,
Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative
Service, USDA Rural Development.


Richard Boll, Designated Federal
Officer, Room 11004, U.S. Department
of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20230; phone
202–482–1135; email: richard.boll@
Department of Commerce, with the
concurrence of the General Services
Administration, renewed the Advisory
Committee on Supply Chain
Competitiveness. The effective date of
the charter renewal is November 9,
2023. This Notice is published in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA). It has been
determined that renewal of the
Committee is necessary and in the
public interest. The Committee was
established pursuant to Commerce’s
authority under 15 U.S.C. 1512, in
accordance with the FACA, and with
the concurrence of the General Services
Administration. The Committee
provides advice to the Secretary on the
necessary elements of a comprehensive
policy approach to supply chain
competitiveness designed to support
U.S. export growth and national
economic competitiveness, encourage
innovation, facilitate the movement of
goods, and improve the competitiveness
of U.S. supply chains for goods and
services in the domestic and global
economy; and to provide advice to the
Secretary on regulatory policies and
programs and investment priorities that
affect the competitiveness of U.S.
supply chains. The total number of
members that may serve on the
Committee is a maximum of 45.
Dated: November 29, 2023.
Heather Sykes,
Director, Office of Supply Chain Services.

[FR Doc. 2023–26562 Filed 12–1–23; 8:45 am]

[FR Doc. 2023–26536 Filed 12–1–23; 8:45 am]


International Trade Administration
Advisory Committee on Supply Chain
Competitiveness Renewal
International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1


The Department of
Commerce, with the concurrence of the
General Services Administration,
renewed the Advisory Committee on
Supply Chain Competitiveness.
DATES: The charter for the Advisory
Committee on Supply Chain
Competitiveness was renewed on
November 9, 2023.

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Jkt 262001

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
Review and Approval; Comment
Request; Alaska Prohibited Species
Donation (PSD) Program
National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of information collection,
request for comment.

The Department of
Commerce, in accordance with the


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Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to comment on
proposed, and continuing information
collections, which helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. The purpose of this
notice is to allow for 60 days of public
comment preceding submission of the
collection to OMB.
DATES: To ensure consideration,
comments regarding this proposed
information collection must be received
on or before February 2, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments to
Adrienne Thomas, NOAA PRA Officer,
at Adrienne.thomas@noaa.gov. Please
reference OMB Control Number 0648–
0316 in the subject line of your
comments. Do not submit Confidential
Business Information or otherwise
sensitive or protected information.
Requests for additional information or
specific questions related to collection
activities should be directed to Megan
Mackey, Fishery Management
Specialist, NOAA, (907) 586–7228,
I. Abstract
The National Marine Fisheries
Services (NMFS) Alaska Regional Office
is requesting extension of a currently
approved information collection for the
Prohibited Species Donation Program
(PSD Program).
Retention of incidentally caught
prohibited species is prohibited in the
groundfish fisheries except for salmon
and halibut for the purposes of the PSD
Program. The PSD Program allows
participating seafood vessels and
processors to retain salmon and halibut
bycatch for distribution to economically
disadvantaged individuals. Regulations
at 50 CFR 679.26 authorize the
voluntary distribution of salmon and
halibut taken incidentally in the
groundfish trawl fisheries off Alaska to
economically disadvantaged individuals
by tax-exempt organizations through an
authorized distributor.
The Administrator, Alaska Region,
NMFS (Regional Administrator) may
select one or more tax-exempt
organizations to be authorized
distributors, as defined at § 679.2. An
organization seeking to distribute
salmon bycatch and halibut bycatch
under the PSD Program must provide
the Regional Administrator with the
information listed at 50 CFR




Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 231 / Monday, December 4, 2023 / Notices
NMFS uses the information provided
by an applicant to determine the
organization’s nonprofit status. In
addition, the application provides
information about the ability of the
organization to arrange for and
distribute donated salmon and halibut
as a high quality food product.
II. Method of Collection
There is no form for this application.
The application to become a PSD
distributor, and any changes or updates
to the application, are submitted to
NMFS as an email attachment.
III. Data
OMB Control Number: 0648–0316.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Regular submission
(extension of a current information
Affected Public: Not-for-profit
Estimated Number of Respondents: 1.
Estimated Time per Response:
Application to be a NMFS Authorized
Distributor, 17 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 17 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $0 in recordkeeping and
reporting costs.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or retain benefits.
Legal Authority: Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.).
IV. Request for Comments
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department/Bureau to: (a)
Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the
accuracy of our estimate of the time and
cost burden for this proposed collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
Evaluate ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) Minimize the

reporting burden on those who are to
respond, including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. We will include or
summarize each comment in our request
to OMB to approve this ICR. Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you may ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2023–26567 Filed 12–1–23; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XD556]

Research Track Assessment for Black
Sea Bass
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

NMFS will convene the
Research Track Assessment Peer Review
Meeting for the purpose of reviewing
Black Sea Bass. The Research Track
Assessment Peer Review is a formal
scientific peer-review process for
evaluating and presenting stock
assessment results to managers for fish
stocks in the offshore U.S. waters of the



northwest Atlantic. Assessments are
prepared by the research track working
group and reviewed by an independent
panel of stock assessment experts from
the Center of Independent Experts (CIE).
The public is invited to attend the
presentations and discussions between
the review panel and the scientists who
have participated in the stock
assessment process.
DATES: The public portion of the
Research Track Assessment Peer Review
Meeting will be held from December 5,
2023–December 7, 2023. The meeting
will conclude on December 7, 2023 at 4
p.m. eastern standard time. Please see
daily meeting agenda.
The meeting will be held via WebEx:
Meeting number (access code): 2760
957 5065.
Meeting password: HMzTG9qhd73.
Michele Traver, 508–495–2195;
further information, please visit the
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
(NEFSC) website at https://
fishery-stock-assessments-new-englandand-mid-atlantic. For additional
information about research track
assessment peer review, please visit the
NEFSC web page at https://
Daily Meeting Agenda—Research Track
Peer Review Meeting
The agenda is subject to change; all
times are approximate and may be
changed at the discretion of the Peer
Review Chair.



ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Tuesday, December 5, 2023
9 a.m.–9:15 a.m ...............

Welcome/Logistics Introductions/
Agenda/Conduct of Meeting.

9:15 a.m.–9:45 a.m ..........

Introduction/Executive Summary .......

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Michele Traver, Assessment Process
Lead; Larry Alade, Acting PopDy
Branch Chief; Olaf Jensen, Panel
Anna Mercer (WG chair)/Kiersten
Curti (assessment lead).

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Biology, movement, management
overview, flag areas of major
progress in the Research Track
(new data sources, indices, M exploration, discard mortality exploration, new model, etc.).


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2023-12-02
File Created2023-12-02

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