and Concept Testing Survey
FDIC Digital Advertising Campaign
OMB Control Number: 3064-0198
Expiration Date: January 31, 2024
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
A Federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 3064-0198. The public reporting burden for this information collection is estimated to be 1 minute for the screener questions and 6 minutes for the survey. This burden estimate includes time for reviewing instructions, researching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the needed data, and completing and submitting the information. Send comments regarding the accuracy of this burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to: U.S. Office of Personnel Management, Federal Investigative Services, Attn: OMB Number 3064-0127, 1900 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20415-7900.
Screening/Demographic Questions
Please answer a few questions to see if you qualify for the survey.
What is your age group? (Select one)
Less than 18 years old [Screen out]
Select the option below that best describes your use of a U.S. bank account. (Select one)
You currently have a checking or savings account with a bank [Answer Q2b]
You don’t currently have a checking or savings account with a bank [Skip to Q3]
2b. Did you open your checking/savings account with a bank in the U.S. in the last 12 months?
Yes [Answer Q2c]
No [Screen out]
2c. Not including banks, have you used other places for money orders, check cashing, payday loans/advance, tax refund loan, rent-to-own services, to pawn an item at a pawn shop, auto title loans, or to an app to send/receive money (e.g., Paypal, Venmo)?
What racial/ethnic group best describes you (Select all that apply)
American Indian or Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Black/African American
White, Caucasian American (non-Hispanic)
Other (specify)
What is your gender? (Select one)
What state do you currently live? [Drop-down list of states]
What language do you prefer to speak at home? (Select one) [Drop-down list of languages]
Is the place you live…(Select one)
Owned by you or someone in the household?
Other (specify)
What is the highest level of school you completed? (Select one)
Some high school or less – no diploma or GED
High school graduate – high school diploma or GED
Some college, no degree
College degree or more
Were you born…(Select one)
In the United States or one of its territories
Outside the United States
Prefer not to answer
About how much is the combined income of all members of your house for the past 12
months (before taxes and from all sources)? (Select one)
$25,000 or less
$25,001 to $40,000
$40,001 to $60,000
$60,001 or more
Prefer not to answer
Survey Questions
Thank you for your responses. You qualify for the survey. Please answer the next set of questions about banks in the U.S.
Consumers being able to have hassle-free experiences at banks
Consumers being able to place their money safely in banks
Consumers being able to securely send money to family/friends
Consumers being able to open several accounts at banks
Don’t know
None of these
Other (specify)
Have you ever seen any ads about banking… (Select all that apply)
With the hashtag #GetBanked?
About opening a bank account?
That talk about banks keeping money safe/secure?
Don’t know
have not seen any ads about banking
Other (specify)
How strongly do you agree with each of the following statements about opening a bank account? [Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree, Don’t know]
You have a positive opinion about opening a bank account.
[If unbanked in ‘Screening Question’ Q2] You feel confident your ability to open a bank account.
You believe money that people put in a bank account is safe/secure.
You trust banks with your money.
[If 3a is “Strongly disagree,” “Disagree,” or “Neutral] What information would be needed to feel more positively about opening a bank account? (Open-end)
If you were interested in learning more about bank accounts, where would you prefer to hear/see information? (Select all that apply)
Digital/online ads (social media, online searches, websites, etc.)
Radio ads
Ads at different locations (grocery stores, gyms, gas stations, public transportation)
Don’t know
None of these
Other (specify)
[If digital/online ads selected in previous question] What digital sources would you prefer to see information about bank accounts? (Select all that apply)
Google Search
A website
Don’t know
None of these
Other (specify)
[For this section, an ad will be randomly selected from the pool of current campaign or enhanced ads and shown to the respondent; a total of 3 ads will be shown in random order ensuring the respondent views a mix of current/enhanced ads; after viewing one ad, the respondent will answer the 3 questions below; then another ad will be shown and the respondent will answer the 3 questions again, etc.]
statements apply to this ad?
The ad…(Select
all that apply)
Is easy to understand
Makes you want to know more about opening a bank account
Is relevant to you
Grabs your attention
Makes you think more positively about opening a bank account
Says something different than other ads you’ve seen before
None of these
Would you change any of the words/phrases in the ad? (Select one)
Yes (specify what changes)
Would you change any of the images in the ad? (Select one)
Yes (specify what changes)
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Family-Focused Toolkit Survey |
Author | Qualtrics |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2024-07-20 |