
SORN 004 SAVE 2016 11 08.pdf

Verification Request and Verification Request Supplement


OMB: 1615-0101

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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 216 / Tuesday, November 8, 2016 / Notices
individual certifying his/her agreement
for you to access his/her records.
Without the above information, the
component(s) may not be able to
conduct an effective search, and your
request may be denied due to lack of
specificity or lack of compliance with
applicable regulations.

See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.

See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.

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Information contained in this system
of records is primarily supplied by
prospective adoptive parents and adult
members of the household on forms
associated with either the Hague
Adoption Convention process or the
orphan intercountry adoption process.
These application and petition forms
• Form I–600, Petition to Classify
Orphan as an Immediate Relative
• Form I–600A, Application for
Advance Processing of Orphan Petition
• Form I–600A/Form I–600,
Supplement 1 (Listing of Adult Member
of the Household)
• Form I–800, Petition to Classify
Convention Adoptee as an Immediate
• Form I–800A, Application for
Determination of Suitability to Adopt a
Child from Convention Country
• Form I–800A Supplement 1 (Listing
of Adult Member of the Household)
• Form I–800A Supplement 2
(Consent to Disclose Information)
• Form I–800A Supplement 3
(Request for Action on Approved Form
Information contained in this system
of records is also obtained through
representatives of prospective adoptive
parents and other organizations
involved in an intercountry adoption
case including information from the
child’s country of origin; the home
study prepared by an authorized home
study preparer submitted to USCIS in
furtherance of the intercountry adoption
immigration process; interviews
performed by authorized USCIS and
DOS personnel of individuals seeking to
adopt; and data obtained from other
DHS and non-DHS federal agency’s
systems and databases, including the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, DOS,
and U.S. Customs and Border
Specifically, Intercountry Adoptions
Security stores and uses information
from the following USCIS, DHS, and
other federal agency systems of records:
File, Index, and National File Tracking

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System of Records, 78 FR 69864
(November 21, 2013);
• DHS/USCIS–002 Background Check
Service, 72 FR 31082 (June 5, 2007);
• DHS/USCIS–003 Biometric Storage
System, 72 FR 17172 (April 6, 2007);
• DHS/USCIS–006 Fraud Detection
and National Security Records (FDNS)
77 FR 47411 (August 8, 2012);
• DHS/USCIS–007 Benefit
Information System, 81 FR 72069,
(October 19, 2016)
• DHS/CBP–011 U.S. Customs and
Border Protection TECS, 73 FR 77778
(December 19, 2008);
• DHS/CBP–021 Arrival and
Departure Information System (ADIS),
80 FR 72081 (November 18, 2015);
• DHS/NPPD–004 DHS Automated
Biometric Identification System
(IDENT), 72 FR 31080 (June 5, 2007);
• JUSTICE/FBI–002 The FBI Central
Records System, 72 FR 3410 (January
25, 2007);
• JUSTICE/FBI–009 Fingerprint
Identification Records System (FIRS), 72
FR 3410 (January 25, 2007);
• STATE–05 Overseas Citizens
Services Records, 73 FR 24343 (May 2,
• STATE–26 Passport Records, 76 FR
34966 (July 6, 2011); and
• STATE–39 Visa Records, 77 FR
65245 (October 25, 2012).

Dated: October 27, 2016.
Jonathan R. Cantor,
Acting Chief Privacy Officer, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2016–26498 Filed 11–7–16; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary
[Docket No. DHS–2016–0076]

Privacy Act of 1974; Department of
Homeland Security United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services–
004 Systematic Alien Verification for
Entitlements Program System of
Department of Homeland
Security, Privacy Office.
ACTION: Notice of Privacy Act System of

In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) proposes to
update and reissue a current DHS
system of records titled, ‘‘DHS/United
States Citizenship and Immigration


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Services (USCIS)–004 Systematic Alien
Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)
Program’’ system of records. DHS/
USCIS collects, uses, and maintains the
SAVE Program records on noncitizen
applicants for public benefits, licenses,
grants, governmental credentials, or
other statutorily authorized purposes.
DHS/USCIS is updating this system of
records to: (1) Update the category of
individuals to include sponsors listed
on the Form I–864 Affidavit of Support
Under Section 213A of the Act; (2)
expand the categories of records to
clarify the data elements that USCIS
collects from benefit requestors, spouse,
and children; the Dun & Bradstreet Data
Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
number of the benefit granting agency;
and information collected from the
benefit-issuing agency about users
accessing the system to facilitate
immigration status verification; (3) add
new routine use (I) to account for
disclosure to airport operators as
authorized by the FAA Extension,
Safety, and Security Act of 2016; (4)
expand and add additional record
source categories; and (5) explain that
this system of records contains records
from systems of records that may claim
exemptions and DHS will comply with
the record source system exemptions
when relevant. Additionally, this notice
includes non-substantive changes to
simplify the formatting and text of the
previously published notice.
This updated system will be included
in the Department of Homeland
Security’s inventory of record systems.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
December 8, 2016. This updated system
will be effective December 8, 2016.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number DHS–
2016–0076 by one of the following
• Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: http:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–343–4010.
• Mail: Jonathan R. Cantor, Acting
Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy Office,
Department of Homeland Security,
Washington, DC 20528.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this rulemaking. All
comments received will be posted
without change to http://, including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, please visit http://
general questions, please contact:




Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 216 / Tuesday, November 8, 2016 / Notices

mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES

Donald K. Hawkins, (202) 272–8000,
Privacy Officer, U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services, 20 Massachusetts
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20529.
For privacy questions, please contact:
Jonathan R. Cantor, (202) 343–1717,
Acting Chief Privacy Officer, Privacy
Office, U.S. Department of Homeland
Security, Washington, DC 20528.
I. Background
In accordance with the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a, DHS/USCIS
proposes to update and reissue a current
DHS system of records titled, ‘‘DHS/U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS)–004, Systematic Alien
Verification for Entitlement (SAVE)
Program System of Records.’’
The SAVE Program is a primarily
web-based service designed to assist
Federal, State, tribal, and local
government agencies, benefit-issuing
agencies, private entities, institutions,
and licensing bureaus authorized by law
in determining immigration status for
granting benefits, licenses, and other
lawful purposes. Benefits may include
Social Security benefits, public health
care, food stamps, conducting
background investigations, armed forces
recruitment, REAL ID compliance, or
any other statutorily authorized
purpose. The SAVE Program does not
provide determinations regarding an
applicant’s eligibility for a specific
benefit or license; only the benefit
granting agency can make that
determination. The SAVE Program does
not receive the customer agency’s final
determination of benefit eligibility.
USCIS is updating this Privacy Act
System of Records Notice for the SAVE
Program to (1) update the category of
individuals covered by this SORN, to
include sponsors listed on the Form I–
864, Affidavit of Support Under Section
213A of the Act and information
collected from the benefit-issuing
agency about users accessing the system
to facilitate immigration status
verification; (2) expand the category of
records to include foreign passport
expiration number; copies of original
immigration documents submitted by
the SAVE customer; photos;
employment authorization document;
grant date; and sponsor name, address,
and Social Security number (SSN); the
Dun & Bradstreet Data Universal
Numbering System (DUNS) number of
the benefit granting agency; information
collected from the benefit-issuing
agency about users accessing the system
to facilitate immigration status
verification (e.g., agency name, address,
point(s) of contact, contact telephone
number, fax number, email address,

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user ID, type of benefit(s) the agency
issues (e.g. Unemployment Insurance,
Educational Assistance, Driver
Licensing, Social Security
Enumeration)); (3) add routine use (I) to
account for non-governmental agencies
authorized by law to access the SAVE
Program pursuant to the FAA Extension,
Safety, and Security Act of 2016; (4)
update the record source categories from
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) Nonimmigrant Information
System and Border Crossing Information
(NIIS and BCI) to CBP TECS and CBP
Automatic Tracking System-Passenger
(ATS–P) and add the USCIS Electronic
Immigration System (ELIS) and the
USCIS Person Centric Query Service
(PCQS); (5) update to include
exemptions because this system of
records receives records from other
systems that may be exempted under 5
U.S.C. 552a(j)(2). DHS will claim the
same exemptions for those records that
are claimed for the original primary
systems of records from which they
originated. Furthermore, this notice
includes non-substantive changes to
simplify the formatting and text of the
previously published notice.
Consistent with DHS’s information
sharing mission, information stored in
the DHS/USCIS–004 Systematic Alien
Verification for Entitlement (SAVE)
Program may be shared with other DHS
components that have a need to know
the information to carry out their
national security, law enforcement,
immigration, intelligence, or other
homeland security functions. In
addition, DHS/USCIS may share
information with appropriate Federal,
State, local, tribal, territorial, foreign, or
international government agencies
consistent with the routine uses set
forth in this system of records notice.
This updated system will be included
in DHS’s inventory of record systems.
II. Privacy Act
The Privacy Act embodies fair
information practice principles in a
statutory framework governing the
means by which Federal Government
agencies collect, maintain, use, and
disseminate individuals’ records. The
Privacy Act applies to information that
is maintained in a ‘‘system of records.’’
A ‘‘system of records’’ is a group of any
records under the control of an agency
from which information is retrieved by
the name of an individual or by some
identifying number, symbol, or other
identifying particular assigned to the
individual. In the Privacy Act, an
individual is defined to encompass U.S.
citizens and lawful permanent
residents. As a matter of policy, DHS
extends administrative Privacy Act

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protections to all individuals when
systems of records maintain information
on U.S. citizens, lawful permanent
residents, and visitors.
Below is the description of the DHS/
USCIS–004 Systematic Alien
Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)
System of Records.
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r),
DHS has provided a report of this
system of records to the Office of
Management and Budget and to
System of Records

Department of Homeland Security
(DHS)/U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS)–004

DHS/USCIS–004 Systematic Alien
Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)

Unclassified, For Official Use Only.

Records are maintained at USCIS
Headquarters in Washington, DC, DHS/
USCIS domestic and international field
offices, and at the DHS Stennis Data
Center (DC1).

Categories of individuals covered by
this system include both U.S. citizens
and non-U.S. citizens covered by
provisions of the Immigration and
Nationality Act of the United States,
including individuals who have been
lawfully admitted to the United States,
individuals who have been granted or
derived U.S. citizenship, and
individuals who have applied for other
immigration benefits pursuant to 8
U.S.C. 1103 et seq., as well as sponsors
listed on the Form I–864, Affidavit of
Support Under Section 213A of the Act.

Information collected from the benefit
applicant by the agency issuing the
benefit to facilitate immigration status
verification may include the following
about the benefit applicant:
• Full Name;
• Date of birth;
• Country of birth;
• A-Number;
• SSN (in very limited circumstances
using the Form G–845, Document
Verification Request);
• Receipt number;
• Admission number (I–94 number);
• Customer Agency Case number;
• Agency DUNS number;
• Visa number;
• DHS Document type;



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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 216 / Tuesday, November 8, 2016 / Notices
• DHS Document Expiration date;
• Government-issued identification
(e.g., passport):
Æ Document type;
Æ Country of issuance (COI);
Æ Document number;
Æ Expiration date; and
Æ Benefit requested (e.g.,
unemployment insurance, educational
assistance, driving licensing).
• Copies of original immigration
documents; and
• U.S. Immigration and Custom
Enforcement (ICE) Student and
Exchange Visitor Identification System
System-generated responses as a
result of the SAVE program verification
process including:
• Case Verification; and
• SAVE program response.
Information collected from the
benefit-issuing agency about users
accessing the system to facilitate
immigration status verification that may
include the following about the agency:
• Agency name;
• Address;
• Names of Point(s) of Contact;
• Contact telephone number;
• Fax number;
• Email address;
• User ID; and
• Type of benefit(s) the agency issues
(e.g., Unemployment Insurance,
Educational Assistance, Driver
Licensing, and Social Security
Individual information that may be
used by the SAVE program includes:
• Full Name;
• Date of birth;
• Country of birth;
• A-Number;
• SSN;
• Photograph;
• Government-issued identification
(e.g., passport):
Æ Document type;
Æ Country of issuance (COI);
Æ Document number; and
Æ Expiration date.
• Visa number;
• Form numbers (e.g., Form I–551,
Lawful Permanent Resident Card, Form
I–766, Employment Authorization
• Other unique identifying numbers
(e.g., Federal Bureau of Investigation
Number (FIN), SEVIS Identification
Number (SEVIS ID), Admission number
(I–94 number);
• Entry/Departure date;
• Port of entry;
• Alien Status Change date;
• Naturalization date;
• Date admitted until, country of
• Document Grant date;

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• Document Receipt number;
• Codes (e.g., class of admission, file
control office, provision of law cited for
employment authorization);
• Beneficiary information (e.g., Full
Name, A-Number, Date of birth, Country
of birth, SSN);
• Petitioner information (e.g., Full
Name, A-Number, SSN, Tax number,
Naturalization Certificate number);
• Sponsor information (e.g., Full
Name, Address, SSN);
• Spouse information (e.g., Full
Name, A-Number, Date of birth, Country
of birth, Country of citizenship, Class of
admission, Date of admission, Receipt
number, Phone number, Marriage date
and location, Naturalization date and
• Children information (e.g., Full
Name, A-Number, Date of birth, Country
of birth, Class of admission); and
• Employer information (e.g., Full
Name, Address, Supervisor’s name,
Supervisor’s Phone number).
Case history information may include:
• Alert(s);
• Case summary comments;
• Case category;
• Date of encounter;
• Encounter information;
• Custody actions and decisions;
• Case actions and decisions;
• Bonds;
• Photograph;
• Asylum applicant receipt date;
• Airline and flight number;
• Country of residence;
• City (e.g., where boarded, where
visa was issued);
• Date visa issued;
• Address in United States;
• Nationality;
• Decision memoranda; Investigatory
reports and materials compiled for the
purpose of enforcing immigration laws;
• Exhibits;
• Transcripts; and
• Other case-related papers
concerning aliens, alleged aliens, or
lawful permanent residents brought into
the administrative adjudication process.

Authority for having a system for
verification of immigration status is
found in Immigration Reform and
Control Act (IRCA), Public Law 99–603,
100 Stat. 3359 (1986); Personal
Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), Public
Law 104–193, 110 Stat. 2105 (1996);
Title IV, Subtitle A, of Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant
Responsibility Act (IIRIRA), Public Law
104–208, 110 Stat. 3009 (1997); the
REAL ID Act of 2005, Public Law 109–
13, 119 Stat. 231 (2005); Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act,

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Public Law 111–148, 124 Stat. 119 (Mar.
23, 2010), as amended by the Health
Care and Education Reconciliation Act
of 2010, Public Law 111–152, 124 Stat.
1029 (Mar. 30, 2010); and the FAA
Extension, Safety and Security Act of
2016, Public Law 114–190, 130 Stat. 615
(July 15, 2016).

The purpose of this system is to
provide a fee-based service that assists
federal, state, tribal, or local government
agencies, or contractors acting on the
agency’s behalf, private entities and
agencies and licensing bureaus for any
legally mandated purpose in accordance
with an authorizing statute to confirm
immigration and naturalized and
derived citizen status information, to
the extent that such disclosure is
necessary to enable these agencies and
entities to make decisions related to (1)
determining eligibility for a federal,
state, or local public benefit; (2) issuing
a license or grant; (3) issuing a
government credential; (4) conducting a
background investigation; or (5) any
other lawful purpose.

In addition to those disclosures
generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b) of the Privacy Act, all or a
portion of the records or information
contained in this system may be
disclosed outside DHS as a routine use
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) as
A. To the U.S. Department of Justice
(DOJ), including Offices of the United
States Attorneys, or other federal agency
conducting litigation or in proceedings
before any court, adjudicative, or
administrative body, when it is relevant
or necessary to the litigation and one of
the following is a party to the litigation
or has an interest in such litigation:
1. DHS or any component thereof;
2. Any employee or former employee
of DHS in his/her official capacity;
3. Any employee or former employee
of DHS in his/her individual capacity
when DOJ or DHS has agreed to
represent the employee; or
4. The United States or any agency
B. To a congressional office from the
record of an individual in response to
an inquiry from that congressional office
made at the request of the individual to
whom the record pertains.
C. To the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA) or
General Services Administration
pursuant to records management
inspections being conducted under the
authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.



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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 216 / Tuesday, November 8, 2016 / Notices

D. To an agency or organization for
the purpose of performing audit or
oversight operations as authorized by
law, but only such information as is
necessary and relevant to such audit or
oversight function.
E. To appropriate agencies, entities,
and persons when:
1. DHS suspects or has confirmed that
the security or confidentiality of
information in the system of records has
been compromised;
2. DHS has determined that as a result
of the suspected or confirmed
compromise, there is a risk of identity
theft or fraud, harm to economic or
property interests, harm to an
individual, or harm to the security or
integrity of this system or other systems
or programs (whether maintained by
DHS or another agency or entity) that
rely upon the compromised
information; and
3. The disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist in
connection with DHS’s efforts to
respond to the suspected or confirmed
compromise and prevent, minimize, or
remedy such harm.
F. To contractors and their agents,
grantees, experts, consultants, and
others performing or working on a
contract, service, grant, cooperative
agreement, or other assignment for DHS,
when necessary to accomplish an
agency function related to this system of
records. Individuals provided
information under this routine use are
subject to the same Privacy Act
requirements and limitations on
disclosure as are applicable to DHS
officers and employees.
G. To an appropriate federal, state,
local, tribal, territorial, international, or
foreign law enforcement agency or other
appropriate authority charged with
investigating or prosecuting a violation,
enforcing, or implementing a law, rule,
regulation, or order, when a record,
either on its face or in conjunction with
other information, indicates a violation
or potential violation of law, which
includes criminal, civil, or regulatory
violations and such disclosure is proper
and consistent with the official duties of
the person making the disclosure.
H. To approved federal, state, and
local government agencies for any
legally mandated purpose in accordance
with their authorizing statute or law and
when an approved Memorandum of
Agreement or Computer Matching
Agreement (CMA) is in place between
DHS and the entity.
I. To airport operators to determine
the eligibility of individuals seeking
unescorted access to any Security
Identification Display Area of an airport,

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as required by the FAA Extension,
Safety, and Security Act of 2016.
J. To the news media and the public,
with the approval of the Chief Privacy
Officer in consultation with counsel,
when there exists a legitimate public
interest in the disclosure of the
information, when disclosure is
necessary to preserve confidence in the
integrity of DHS, or when disclosure is
necessary to demonstrate the
accountability of DHS officers,
employees, or individuals covered by
the system, except to the extent the
Chief Privacy Officer determines that
release of the specific information in the
context of a particular case would
constitute an unwarranted invasion of
personal privacy.


USCIS stores records in this system
electronically or on paper in secure
facilities in a locked drawer behind a
locked door. The records may be stored
on magnetic disc, tape, and digital

USCIS retrieves records by name of
applicant or other unique identifier to
include (but not limited to): Verification
Number, A-Number, I–94 Number, SSN,
Passport number and Country of
Issuance (COI), Visa number, SEVIS
Identification, or by the submitting
agency name.

USCIS safeguards records in this
system according to applicable rules
and policies, including all applicable
DHS automated systems security and
access policies. USCIS has imposed
strict controls to minimize the risk of
compromising the information that is
being stored. Access to the computer
system containing the records in this
system is limited to those individuals
who have a need to know the
information for the performance of their
official duties and who have appropriate
clearances or permissions.

The retention and disposal schedule,
N1–566–08–7, has been approved by the
National Archives and Records
Administration. Records collected in the
process of enrolling in SAVE and in
verifying citizenship or immigration
status are stored and retained in SAVE
for ten (10) years from the date of the

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completion of verification, unless the
records are part of an ongoing
investigation in which case they will be
retained until completion of the
investigation. This period is based on
the statute of limitations for most types
of misuse or fraud possible using SAVE
(under 18 U.S.C. 3291, the statute of
limitations for false statements or
misuse regarding passports, citizenship,
or naturalization documents).

The DHS system manager is the Chief,
Verification Division, U.S. Citizenship
and Immigration Services, Department
of Homeland Security, 131 M Street NE.,
Suite 200, Mail Stop 200, Washington,
DC 20529.

Individuals seeking notification of
and access to any record contained in
this system of records, or seeking to
contest its content, may submit a
request in writing to the National
Records Center, Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act (PA) Office, P.O.
Box 648010, Lee’s Summit, MO 64064–
8010. Specific FOIA information can be
found at under
‘‘Contacts.’’ If an individual believes
more than one component maintains
Privacy Act records concerning him or
her, the individual may submit the
request to the Chief Privacy Officer and
Chief Freedom of Information Act
Officer, Department of Homeland
Security, 245 Murray Drive, SW.,
Building 410, STOP–0655, Washington,
DC 20528. When seeking records about
yourself from this system of records or
any other Departmental system of
records, your request must conform
with the Privacy Act regulations set
forth in 6 CFR part 5. You must first
verify your identity, meaning that you
must provide your full name, current
address, and date and place of birth.
You must sign your request, and your
signature must either be notarized or
submitted under 28 U.S.C. 1746, a law
that permits statements to be made
under penalty of perjury as a substitute
for notarization. While no specific form
is required, you may obtain forms for
this purpose from the Chief Privacy
Officer and Chief FOIA Officer, http:// or 1–866–431–0486.
In addition, you should:
• Explain why you believe the
Department would have information on
• Identify which component(s) of the
Department you believe may have the
information about you;
• Specify when you believe the
records would have been created; and



Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 216 / Tuesday, November 8, 2016 / Notices
• Provide any other information that
will help the FOIA staff determine
which DHS component agency may
have responsive records;
• If your request is seeking records
pertaining to another living individual,
you must include a statement from that
individual certifying his/her agreement
for you to access his/her records.
Without the above information, the
component(s) may not be able to
conduct an effective search, and your
request may be denied due to lack of
specificity or lack of compliance with
applicable regulations.

See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.

See ‘‘Notification procedure’’ above.

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Records are obtained from several
sources to include:
(A) Agencies and entities seeking to
determine immigration or naturalized or
derived citizenship status;
(B) Individuals seeking public
licenses, benefits, or credentials;
(C) Other DHS components assisting
with enrollment and system
maintenance processes;
(D) Information collected from the
federal databases listed below:
• Arrival/Departure Information
System (ADIS);
• Central Index System (CIS);
• Computer-Linked Application
Information Management System 3 & 4
• Customer Profile Management
System (CPMS);
• Customs and Border Protection’s
• CBP Automatic Tracking SystemPassenger (ATS–P);
• Electronic Immigration System
• Enforcement Integrated Database
• Enforcement Alien Removal
Module (EARM);
• Enterprise Service Bus Person
Centric Query Service (ESB PCQS);
• Enterprise Citizenship and
Immigration Services Centralized
Operational Repository (eCISCOR);
• Enterprise Document Management
System (EDMS);
• Marriage Fraud Amendment System
• Microfilm Digitization Application
System (MiDAS);
• National File Tracking System
• Refugees, Asylum, and Parole
System (RAPS);
• DOJ’s Immigration Review
Information Exchange System (IRIES);

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• Student and Exchange Visitor
Identification System (SEVIS);
• Immigration status (e.g., Lawful
Permanent Resident) from the
Department of Justice Executive Office
of Immigration Review (EOIR) System;
• Department of State the Consular
Consolidated Database (DOS–CCD).
(E) Information created by the
Systematic Alien Verification for
Entitlements (SAVE) program.

This system may receive records from
another system exempted in that source
system under 5 U.S.C. 552a(j)(2). DHS
will claim the same exemptions for
those records that are claimed for the
systems of records from which they
Dated: October 27, 2016.
Jonathan R. Cantor,
Acting Chief Privacy Officer, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2016–26499 Filed 11–7–16; 8:45 am]

Transportation Security Administration
Intent To Request Approval From OMB
of One New Public Collection of
Information: Certification of Identity
Form (TSA Form 415)



Christina A. Walsh at the above address,
or by telephone (571) 227–2062.
Comments Invited
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.), an agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid OMB control
number. The ICR documentation is
available at
Therefore, in preparation for OMB
review and approval of the following
information collection, TSA is soliciting
comments to—
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
information requirement is necessary for
the proper performance of the functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including using
appropriate automated, electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Information Collection Requirement


Purpose and Description of Data

The Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) invites public
comment on a new Information
Collection Request (ICR) abstracted
below that we will submit to the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) for
approval in compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). The
ICR describes the nature of the
information collection and its expected
burden. The collection involves an
individual traveler providing his or her
name and address and information
about verifying identity documents that
have been issued to the traveler but are
not present with him or her at an airport
security screening checkpoint.
DATES: Send your comments by January
9, 2017.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be emailed
to or delivered to
the TSA PRA Officer, Office of
Information Technology (OIT), TSA–11,
Transportation Security Administration,
601 South 12th Street, Arlington, VA

TSA requires individuals to provide
an acceptable verifying identity
document in order to proceed through
security screening, enter the sterile area
of the airport, or board a commercial
aircraft. Under 49 CFR 1560.3,
acceptable verifying identity documents
include federally-issued documents,
such as U.S. passports and U.S. passport
cards, passports issued by foreign
governments, and state-issued driver’s
licenses and identification cards. The
complete list of acceptable verifying
identity documents is available at
Secure driver’s licenses and
identification documents are a vital
component of the Department of
Homeland Security’s (DHS’s) national
security strategy. In particular,
preventing terrorists from obtaining
state-issued identification documents is
critical to securing the United States
against terrorism. The 9/11 Commission
noted ‘‘[f]or terrorists, travel documents
are as important as weapons’’ and
recommended that the Federal

Transportation Security
Administration, DHS.
ACTION: 60-Day notice.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2016-11-08
File Created2016-11-08

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