0648-0432 60-day FRN

0648-0432 60 day 88 FR 64415 2023-0919.pdf

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

0648-0432 60-day FRN

OMB: 0648-0432

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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 180 / Tuesday, September 19, 2023 / Notices
month period (from August 1 through
September 30) each year; and the
revised allocations resulting from the
transfers become effective for each
participating lobster permit at the start
of the following Federal lobster fishing
year, on May 1. Both the seller and
buyer of the traps are required to sign
the application form, date the
document, and clearly show that the
seller has sufficient allocation to
transfer and that the buyer has sufficient
room under the applicable trap cap.
There were no modifications to this
Affected Public: Business or other forprofit organizations.
Frequency: As-needed.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
Obtain or Retain Benefits.
Legal Authority: Atlantic Coastal
Fisheries Cooperative Management Act
(16 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.).
This information collection request
may be viewed at www.reginfo.gov.
Follow the instructions to view the
Department of Commerce collections
currently under review by OMB.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be
submitted within 30 days of the
publication of this notice on the
following website www.reginfo.gov/
public/do/PRAMain. Find this
particular information collection by
selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function and
entering either the title of the collection
or the OMB Control Number 0648–0673.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2023–20277 Filed 9–18–23; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XD350]

Fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico;
Southeast Data, Assessment, and
Review (SEDAR); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of SEDAR 88 State of
Florida’s State Reef Fish Survey (SRFS)
Topical Working Group Scoping
Webinar for Gulf of Mexico Red

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The SEDAR 88 assessment of
Gulf of Mexico red grouper will consist
of a series of webinars. See
DATES: The SEDAR 88 SRFS Topical
Working Group Scoping Webinar will
be held October 5, 2023, from 9 a.m. to
11 a.m., eastern.
Meeting address: The meeting will be
held via webinar. The webinar is open
to members of the public. Those
interested in participating should
contact Julie A. Neer at SEDAR (see FOR
request an invitation providing webinar
access information. Please request
webinar invitations at least 24 hours in
advance of each webinar.
SEDAR address: 4055 Faber Place
Drive, Suite 201, North Charleston, SC
A. Neer, SEDAR Coordinator; phone:
(843) 571–4366; email: Julie.neer@
of Mexico, South Atlantic, and
Caribbean Fishery Management
Councils, in conjunction with NOAA
Fisheries and the Atlantic and Gulf
States Marine Fisheries Commissions
have implemented the Southeast Data,
Assessment and Review (SEDAR)
process, a multi-step method for
determining the status of fish stocks in
the Southeast Region. SEDAR is a multistep process including: (1) Data
Workshop; (2) Assessment Process
utilizing webinars; and (3) Review
Workshop. The product of the Data
Workshop is a data report that compiles
and evaluates potential datasets and
recommends which datasets are
appropriate for assessment analyses.
The product of the Assessment Process
is a stock assessment report that
describes the fisheries, evaluates the
status of the stock, estimates biological
benchmarks, projects future population
conditions, and recommends research
and monitoring needs. The assessment
is independently peer reviewed at the
Review Workshop. The product of the
Review Workshop is a Summary
documenting panel opinions regarding
the strengths and weaknesses of the
stock assessment and input data.
Participants for SEDAR Workshops are
appointed by the Gulf of Mexico, South
Atlantic, and Caribbean Fishery
Management Councils and NOAA
Fisheries Southeast Regional Office,
HMS Management Division, and
Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
Participants include data collectors and
database managers; stock assessment
scientists, biologists, and researchers;

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constituency representatives including
fishermen, environmentalists, and
NGO’s; International experts; and staff
of Councils, Commissions, and State
and Federal agencies.
The items of discussion in the
webinar are as follows:
Participants will discuss what SRFS
data may be available for use in the
assessment of Gulf of Mexico red
Although non-emergency issues not
contained in this agenda may come
before this group for discussion, those
issues may not be the subject of formal
action during this meeting. Action will
be restricted to those issues specifically
identified in this notice and any issues
arising after publication of this notice
that require emergency action under
section 305(c) of the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management
Act, provided the public has been
notified of the intent to take final action
to address the emergency.
Special Accommodations
The meeting is physically accessible
to people with disabilities. Requests for
sign language interpretation or other
auxiliary aids should be directed to the
Council office (see ADDRESSES) at least
10 business days prior to each
Note: The times and sequence specified in
this agenda are subject to change.

Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: September 14, 2023.
Diane M. DeJames-Daly,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2023–20207 Filed 9–18–23; 8:45 am]

National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
Review and Approval; Comment
Request; NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster
Scholarship Program
National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of information collection,
request for comment.

The Department of
Commerce, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), invites the general public and
other Federal agencies to comment on
proposed and continuing information





Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 180 / Tuesday, September 19, 2023 / Notices

ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

collections, which helps us assess the
impact of our information collection
requirements and minimize the public’s
reporting burden. The purpose of this
notice is to allow for 60 days of public
comment preceding submission of the
information collection request to OMB
for review and approval.
DATES: To ensure consideration,
comments regarding this proposed
information collection must be received
on or before November 20, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments to
Adrienne Thomas, NOAA PRA Officer,
at NOAA.PRA@noaa.gov. Please
reference OMB Control Number 0648–
0432 in the subject line of your
comments. Do not submit Confidential
Business Information or otherwise
sensitive or protected information.
Requests for additional information or
specific questions related to collection
activities should be directed to Seaberry
Nachbar, NOAA Dr. Nancy Foster
Scholarship Program Manager, NOAA,
99 Pacific Street, Monterey, CA 93940,
831–647–4204, Seaberry.Nachbar@
I. Abstract
This is a request for extension of an
existing information collection.
NOAA’s Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries administers the Dr. Nancy
Foster Scholarship Program, authorized
by 16 U.S.C. 1445c–1 and 16 U.S.C.
1445, recognizes outstanding
achievement in master’s and doctoral
degrees in oceanography, marine
biology, or maritime archaeology—this
can include but is not limited to ocean
and/or coastal: engineering, social
science, marine education, marine
stewardship, resource management
disciplines—and particularly to
encourage women and members of
minority groups to apply. The
scholarship supports independent
graduate level research through
financial support of graduate degrees in
such fields. Gender and minority status
are not considered when selecting
award recipients. However, special
outreach efforts are employed to solicit
applications from women and members
of minority groups. Scholarships are
distributed by disciplines, institutions,
and geography, and by degree sought,
with selections within distributions
based on financial need, the potential
for success in a graduate level studies
program (academic achievement), and
the potential for achieving research and
career goals. Data collection in the form
of a full application, letters of

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recommendation, grade point average
documents, research outline, a letter of
financial need statement, and a
declaration statement are all required to
apply for the scholarship. Applicants
submit this information through
Grants.gov system. This information is
used for the review and selection of the
individuals who will receive
scholarship funds.
Selected awardees will also be
requested to prepare a biographical
sketch and photograph for NOAA’s
scholarship web page. Awardees are
requested to prepare annual progress
reports and participate in pre- and postevaluations and one exit interview.
II. Method of Collection
Information for the application is
collected through an application
submission, either electronically
through the Grants.gov platform or if
internet is not available, applicants may
submit applications via mail.
Information from selected awardees is
collected orally.

collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. We will include or
summarize each comment in our request
to OMB to approve this ICR. Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you may ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Sheleen Dumas,
Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of
the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs,
Commerce Department.
[FR Doc. 2023–20282 Filed 9–18–23; 8:45 am]

III. Data


OMB Control Number: 0648–0432.
Form Number(s): None.
Type of Review: Regular (extension of
an approved collection).
Affected Public: Individuals.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Time per Response:
Application and transcripts: 8 hours;
Letters of recommendation: 45 minutes;
Biographical sketch and photograph of
awardees: 1 hour; Annual progress
reports: 4 hours; Pre- and postevaluations and exit interview: 10
minutes each.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 570 burden hours.
Estimated Total Annual Cost to
Public: $3,800.
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
Legal Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1445c–1
and 16 U.S.C. 1445c.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric

IV. Request for Comments
We are soliciting public comments to
permit the Department/Bureau to: (a)
Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper functions of the Department,
including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the
accuracy of our estimate of the time and
cost burden for this proposed collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
Evaluate ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) Minimize the
reporting burden on those who are to
respond, including the use of automated

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[RTID 0648–XD369]

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
Council (MAFMC); Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; public meeting.

The Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council’s Summer
Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass
Monitoring Committee will hold a
public webinar meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
Friday, October 6, 2023, from 9 a.m.
until 11 a.m. EDT. For agenda details,
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held
via webinar. Connection information
will be posted prior to the meeting at
Council address: Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council, 800 N State
Street, Suite 201, Dover, DE 19901;
telephone: (302) 674–2331;
Christopher M. Moore, Ph.D., Executive
Director, Mid-Atlantic Fishery
Management Council, telephone: (302)
Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea
Bass Monitoring Committee will meet



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File Modified2023-09-19
File Created2023-09-19

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