60-Day FRN 88 FR 55469 8-15-2023

60-Day FRN 88 FR 55469 8-15-2023.pdf

Contractor Fitness/Security Screening Request Form

60-Day FRN 88 FR 55469 8-15-2023

OMB: 1601-0039

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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1

Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 156 / Tuesday, August 15, 2023 / Notices
below. Comments should be submitted
by 5:00 p.m. ET on August 25, 2023 and
must be identified by Docket Number
DHS–2023–0023. Comments may be
submitted by one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal:
www.regulations.gov. Please follow the
instructions for submitting written
• Email: HSAC@hq.dhs.gov. Include
the Docket Number DHS–2023–0023 in
the subject line of the email.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the words ‘‘Homeland
Security Advisory Council’’ and the
Docket Number for this action.
Comments received will be posted
without alteration to
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided. You
may wish to review the Privacy &
Security notice available via a link on
the homepage of www.regulations.gov.
Docket: For access to the docket and
comments received by the Homeland
Security Advisory Council, please go to
www.regulations.gov and enter docket
number DHS–2023–0023.
Rebecca Sternhell, Acting Executive
Director, HSAC at 202–891–2876 or
this meeting is given pursuant to the
Federal Advisory Committee Act
(FACA), 5 U.S.C. 1009, which requires
each FACA committee meeting to be
open to the public unless the President,
or the head of the agency to which the
advisory committee reports, determines
that a portion of the meeting may be
closed to the public in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552b(c).
The HSAC provides organizationally
independent, strategic, timely, specific,
actionable advice, and
recommendations to the Secretary of
Homeland Security on matters related to
homeland security. The Council
consists of senior executives from
government, the private sector,
academia, law enforcement, and nongovernmental organizations.
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Threats
& Defense Subcommittee is tasked with
(1) assessing the ways AI systems can be
utilized and leveraged by adversarial
forces and (2) providing
recommendations to the Secretary on
development and research strategies and
defense initiatives to combat against
malevolent and adversarial AI
The HSAC will meet in a closed
session from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
to receive a For Official Use Only
(FOUO) and Law Enforcement Sensitive

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(LES) draft report from the AI Threats
and Defense Subcommittee. HSAC
members will receive a briefing from the
Subcommittee Leadership and then the
members will deliberate on the FOUO//
LES report and vote on the report.
Senior DHS Leadership will provide
remarks prior to adjournment.
Basis for Closure: In accordance with
5 U.S.C. 1009(d), the Secretary of
Homeland Security has determined this
meeting must be closed as the
disclosure of the information relayed
would be detrimental to the public
interest for the following reasons:
The Council will participate in a
sensitive operational discussion
containing For Official Use Only and
Law Enforcement Sensitive information.
The session is closed pursuant to U.S.C.
552b(c)(7) and (9)(B) because the
disclosure of this information could
significantly frustrate implementation of
proposed agency actions.
Dated: August 9, 2023.
Rebecca Sternhell,
Acting Executive Director, Homeland Security
Advisory Council, Department of Homeland
[FR Doc. 2023–17462 Filed 8–14–23; 8:45 am]

[Docket Number DHS–2023–0026]

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Contractor Fitness/Security
Screening Request Form; OMB Control
No. 1601–NEW
Department of Homeland
Security (DHS).
ACTION: 60-Day notice and request for

The Department of Homeland
Security will submit the following
Information Collection Request (ICR) to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until October 16, 2023.
This process is conducted in accordance
with 5 CFR 1320.1
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number Docket #
DHS–2023–0026, at:
Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Please follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number Docket # DHS–2023–
0026. All comments received will be

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posted without change to http://
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to http://

This information collection will be
used to initiate the fitness screening
process for determining if a person
invited to perform work under a
contract for the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS), is fit to
perform such work and eligible for
access to DHS resources, based on the
risk levels of the designated position.
The respondent provides and/or verifies
biographical information to complete
Section II of DHS Form 11000–25. This
collection of information is necessary to
initiate the contractor fitness screening
process for determining whether a
person (i.e., the respondent) who has
been invited to perform work under a
contract for, or on behalf of the
Department of Homeland Security
(DHS), should be deemed fit to perform
such work and eligible for logical and/
or physical access to DHS resources
based on the risk levels of the
designated position. The respondent is
responsible for providing and/or
verifying information to complete
Section II of DHS Form 11000–25; the
remaining sections of DHS Form 11000–
25 (Sections I, III, and IV) are completed
by DHS federal employees. Authorities
that that support this information
collection include:
• Executive Order (E.O.) 9397,
Numbering System for Federal
Accounts Relating to Individual
Persons, as amended by E.O. 13478,
Amendments to E.O. 9397 Relating to
Federal Agency Use of Social Security
• E.O. 10577, Amending the Civil
Service Rules and Authorizing a New
Appointment System for the
Competitive Service
• E.O. 13467, Reforming Processes
Related to Suitability for Government
Employment, Fitness for Contractor
Employees, and Eligibility for Access
to Classified National Security
• E.O. 13764, Amending the Civil
Service Rules, Executive Order 13488,
and Executive Order 13467 To
Modernize the Executive Branch-Wide
Governance Structure and Processes
for Security Clearances, Suitability
and Fitness for Employment, and
Credentialing, and Related Matters
• Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR), part 731, Suitability



ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1


Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 156 / Tuesday, August 15, 2023 / Notices

• Title 5, CFR, part 732, National
Security Positions
• Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
52.204–2, Security Requirements
• FAR 52.204–9, Personal Identity
Verification of Contractor Personnel
• Homeland Security Presidential
Directive 12
This is a new information collection.
DHS collects this information from the
respondent, so Personnel Security
entities can initiate the appropriate
screening process for determining
whether the respondent should be
deemed fit to perform work under a
contract for, or on behalf of DHS, and
eligible for logical and/or physical
access to DHS resources based on the
risk levels of the designated position.
This information collection utilizes an
automated technological solution (i.e.,
Personnel Security Forms application)
which negates the need for a paperbased DHS Form 11000 25, thereby
reducing the burden on the respondent
during the initiation phase of the
contractor fitness screening process.
After receiving an invitation to perform
work under a contact, the respondent
(i.e., DHS contractor applicant) submits
and verifies certain biographical
information (e.g., full name, position
title, SSN, gender, date and place of
birth, U.S. citizenship status, telephone
number, and email address) through a
public facing web portal. Once the
information intake is complete, the
Personnel Security Forms application
produces an automated electronic
version of the DHS Form 11000–25 for
use by the appropriate Personnel
Security entities to make a fitness
This information collection does not
have an impact on small businesses or
other small entities.
The information collection for DHS
Form 11000–25 is voluntary; however,
failure to provide this information may
delay or prevent an individual’s fitness
determination and eligibility for
physical and logical access to federally
controlled facilities or information
There is no assurance of
confidentiality provided to the
respondents. Consistent with DHS’
information sharing mission, all or a
portion of the information collection
may be disclosed outside DHS
consistent with the routine uses set
forth in Privacy Impact Assessment,
DHS/ALL/PIA–038, Integrated Security
Management System (ISMS), and
System of Record Notice, DHS/ALL–023
Department of Homeland Personnel
Security Management.
This is a new collection.

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The Office of Management and Budget
is particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.


activities with listed species unless
Federal authorization is issued that
allows such activities. The ESA also
requires that we invite public comment
before issuing permits for any activity
otherwise prohibited by the ESA with
respect to any endangered species.
DATES: We must receive comments by
September 14, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Obtaining Documents: The
applications, application supporting
materials, and any comments and other
materials that we receive will be
available for public inspection at
https://www.regulations.gov in Docket
No. FWS–HQ–IA–2023–0155.
Submitting Comments: When
submitting comments, please specify the
name of the applicant and the permit
number at the beginning of your
comment. You may submit comments
by one of the following methods:
• Internet: https://
www.regulations.gov. Search for and
submit comments on Docket No. FWS–
• U.S. Mail: Public Comments
Processing, Attn: Docket No. FWS–HQ–
IA–2023–0155; U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service Headquarters, MS: PRB/3W;
5275 Leesburg Pike; Falls Church, VA
For more information, see Public
Comment Procedures under
Timothy MacDonald, by phone at 703–
358–2185 or via email at DMAFR@
fws.gov. Individuals in the United States
who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing,
or have a speech disability may dial 711
(TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.

Fish and Wildlife Service

I. Public Comment Procedures

[Docket No. FWS–HQ–IA–2023–0155;

A. How do I comment on submitted
We invite the public and local, State,
Tribal, and Federal agencies to comment
on these applications. Before issuing
any of the requested permits, we will
take into consideration any information
that we receive during the public
comment period.
You may submit your comments and
materials by one of the methods in
ADDRESSES. We will not consider
comments sent by email or to an address
not in ADDRESSES. We will not consider
or include in our administrative record
comments we receive after the close of
the comment period (see DATES).

Agency: Department of Homeland
Security (DHS).
Title: Contractor Fitness/Security
Screening Request Form.
OMB Number: 1601–NEW.
Frequency: Annually.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Number of Respondents: 45,000.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 15
Total Burden Hours: 11,250 Hrs.
Robert Dorr,
Acting Executive Director, Business
Management Directorate.
[FR Doc. 2023–17504 Filed 8–14–23; 8:45 am]

Foreign Endangered Species; Receipt
of Permit Applications
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of receipt of permit
applications; request for comments.

We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, invite the public to
comment on applications to conduct
certain activities with foreign species
that are listed as endangered under the
Endangered Species Act (ESA). With
some exceptions, the ESA prohibits


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