Appendix A - Burden Calculation Tables

Appendix A - Detailed Burden Estimates for Set FRM - OMS2.xlsx

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Program: Standards for 2023-2025 and Other Changes (Final Rule)

Appendix A - Burden Calculation Tables

OMB: 2060-0749

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I-Biogas Producers
II-RNG Producers
III-RNG Importers
V-RIN Generators
VII -RNG RIN separators
VIII - Third Parties
IX-Producers of RF Biogas
Labor Costs

Sheet 1: Summary

Type of Respondent Total Responses per Year Total Hours per Year Total Cost per Year (Labor and Non-Labor)
I-Biogas Producers 16,093 32,068 $4,347,787
II-RNG Producers 15,620 30,807 $4,114,902
III-RNG Importers 240 357 $28,998
IV-SFW 1,076 4,231 $399,188
V-Biogas Closed Distribution System RIN Generators 2,713 3,211 $323,012
VI-QAP Providers 81 1,057 $150,236 NOTE: QAP Providers perform third party services, are separate from other Third Parties because of they incur R&R burden directly.
VII-RNG RIN separators 21,800 10,700 $1,887,840
VIII-Third Parties 10 0 $0 NOTE: The 0 values are correct - hours and $ are billed to their clients in these estimates and are Purchased Services to them.
IX-Producers of Renewable Fuel from Biogas used as biointermediate or RNG used as feedstock 721 962 $151,984
GRAND TOTAL 58,354 83,393 $11,403,948

TOTAL NUMBER of Respondents:


Non-Labor Costs* Only:


*Non-Labor Costs include capital, O&M, and purchased services.

These costs are reflected in the "OMB Inventory."

Of the total, $5,659,472 is purchased services and $25,000 is capital, O&M.

Sheet 2: I-Biogas Producers

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table I - Biogas Producers - assumes 176 domestic and 20 foreign respondents, for a total of 196: General Requirements in 40 CFR 80.105
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year (Labor and Non-Labor) Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (ALL PURCHASED SERVICES)
40 CFR Part 80

§80.105, 80.135, 80. 1450, and 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Reporting: Registration by Biogas Producers; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1.00 0.00 0.00 92.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 196.00 18032.00 OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.105, 80.135, 80.1450, and 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration by Biogas Producers; submit company and facility program registration information under 80.135 and 1090.805 and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1.00 0.00 0.00 92.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 196.00 18032.00 OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.105, 80.135, 80.1450, and 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration by Biogas Producers; providing all detail information in 80.135 12.00 0.00 0.00 1104.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 2352.00 216384.00 OTAQREG; assumes 36 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.105, 80.135, 80.1450, and 40 CFR part 1090, supbart I Reporting: Registration by Biogas Producers; Third Party Engineering Review 0.00 0.00 16.00 3680.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 3136.00 721280.00 OTAQREG; assumes 48 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. All purchased services. $721,280.00
§80.105, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Reporting: Update registration as needed to reflect changes in information, etc. 0.50 0.00 0.00 46.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 0.50 46.00 OTAQREG; assumes 10% of respondents do this each year of this ICR. 0.00
§80.105, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: monthly batch reports that include detailed information about each batch of biogas, such as production date, volume, designation, etc. 0.50 0.00 0.00 46.00 196.00 12.00 2352.00 1176.00 108192.00 monthly RFS4100 0.00
§80.105, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: monthly batch reports that include detailed information about each batch of biogas, such as production date, volume, designation, etc.; all items listed in 80.140(b); RIN retirement for process heat 1.00 0.00 0.00 92.00 196.00 4.00 784.00 784.00 72128.00 quarterly RFS0107, RFS1701, RFS4000, RFS5400, as applicable 0.00
§80.105, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates (e.g. to program PTDs and batch number generation) 8.00 0.00 0.00 736.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 1568.00 144256.00 One time burden; 24 hours divided by 3 years to annualize 0.00
§ 80.105, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Assign batch numbers to volumes 1.00 0.00 0.00 92.00 196.00 12.00 2352.00 2352.00 216384.00 Assumes one batch per month and a somewhat automated process. 0.00
§80.105, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: keep copies of registration, reporting, and other compliance records, PTDs under 80.155(a) and keep records specific to biogas production under 80.155(b), including contracts, affidavits, etc. 4.00 0.10 0.00 373.40 196.00 12.00 2352.00 9643.20 878236.80 Assumes monthly and a customary business practice (CBP) process. Assumes a minimal amount of clerical oversight daily to ensure proper filing/retention throughout the compliance period. 0.00
§80.105, 80.150 and §80.1453 or 40 CFR part 1090, subpart L, as applicable Recordkeeping: PTD requirements 1.00 0.00 0.00 92.00 196.00 12.00 2352.00 2352.00 216384.00 Assumes monthly frequency and a somewhat automated process; PTDs are CBP. 0.00
§80.105, 80.155, and see 80.1426(f)(3)(vi) Recordkeeping: perform/retain records of sampling, testing and measurement. 0.00 0.00 1.00 230.00 196.00 12.00 2352.00 2352.00 540,960.00 Estimate assumes a monthly frequency. Assumes all purchased services. $540,960.00
§80.105, 80.160 Reporting: additional requirements for Foreign Entities; letter from RCO, bond posting, English language translations, etc. requirements specific to foreign entities. 4.00 0.00 0.00 368.00 20.00 1.00 20.00 80.00 7360.00 CBP 0.00
§80.105, 80.165 and 80.1464; 1090.1800 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 24.00 5520.00 196.00 1.00 196.00 4704.00 1,081,920.00 Within system. Follow directions at $1,081,920.00
§80.105, 80.170, 80.1469 et seq. Recordkeeping: related to participation in QAP 0.50 0.00 0.00 46.00 196.00 12.00 2352.00 1176.00 108,192.00 We estimate all parties will participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab VI-QAP of this Appendix. 0.00


16,093 32,068 4,347,786.80

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

Engineering Review Submission Guide

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:


Sheet 3: II-RNG Producers

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party

Table II - RNG Producers - assumes 100 currently registered domestic entities, plus 75 new across period covered by ICR; assumes 20 foreign, total of 195 parties. General requirements in 40 CFR 80.110.

Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes

Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (All Purchased Services ) Capital and O&M Costs
40 CFR part 80

§80.110, 80.135, 80. 1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 95 1 95 95 8,740 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 75 domestic plus 20 foreign 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: submit company and facility program registration information under 80.135 and 1090.805 and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 95 1 95 95 8,740 New registrants; OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 75 domestic plus 20 foreign 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; including the specific registration items applicable to these parties under 80.135 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 95 1 95 90 104,880 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 36 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 75 domestic plus 20 foreign 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, subpart I Reporting: Update registration as needed to reflect changes in information and changes needed due to new regulation. 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 100 1 100 1,200 110,400 OTAQREG; assumes 176 existing registrants will need to update registration. 0.00
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451 RNG RIN-less producer report 0.33 0.00 0.00 30 195 12 2,340 772 71,042 monthly RFS4900 0.00
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: EMTS (RIN generation/transactional reporting) 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 195 12 2,340 1,170 107,640 Assumes one EMTS report per month 0.00
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: periodic submission of reports, as applicable: reporting parties who own RINs, RNG producer supplemental reporting, RNG RIN retirement reporting 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 195 4 780 780 71,760 quarterly RFS0107 and quarterly RFS4800, quarterly 5400 0.00
§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 195 1 195 1,560 143,520 One time burden; 24 hours divided by 3 years to annualize 0.00
§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: keep copies of registration, reporting, and other compliance records, PTDs under 80.155(a) and keep records specific to generation and assignment of RINs under 80.155(d), including contracts, affidavits, etc. 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 195 12 2,340 9,360 861,120 Assumes weekly and a customary business practice (CBP) process. Since information to be retained is somewhat detailed related to RIN generation and assignment, assumes appropriate amount of time for weekly oversight. 0.00
§80.110, 80.155, and see 80.1426 Recordkeeping: install meters and then perform/retain records of sampling, testing and measurement. 80.110(f) contains specific RNG producer sampling, testing, measurement in paragraphs (i)-(iii) 1.00 0.00 12.00 2,852 195 1 195 2,535 556,140 Estimate assumes a monthly frequency to keep records, for R&R, considers continuous monitoring in developing estimate. $556,140.00 $25,000.00
§80.110, 80.150 and §80.1453 or 40 CFR part 1090, subpart L, as applicable Recordkeeping: PTD requirements, including custodial PTDs 1.50 0.00 0.00 138 195 12 2,340 3,510 322,920 Assumes monthly frequency and a somewhat automated process; PTDs are CBP. 0.00
§ 80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Assign batch numbers 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 195 12 2,340 2,340 215,280 Assumes monthly and a somewhat automated process. 0.00
§80.110, 80.160 Reporting: additional requirements for foreign RNG producers 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 20 1 20 80 7,360 CBP 0.00
§80.165 and 80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 32.00 7,360 195 1 195 6,240 1,435,200 Within system. Follow directions at $1,435,200.00
§80.170, 80.1469 et seq. Recordkeeping: related to participation in QAP 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 195 12 2,340 1,170 107,640 We estimate all parties will participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab VI-QAP of this Appendix. 0.00


15,620 30,807 4,114,902

Notes to Table: Many of these respondents are already registered/performing recordkeeping and reporting under 2060-0725, 2060-0731, 2060-0740

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

Engineering Review Submission Guide

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:


Sheet 4: III-RNG Importers

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party

Table III - RNG Importers - assumes two respondents; one existing, one new; General requirements in 40 CFR 80.110.

Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes

Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (All Purchased Services )
40 CFR part 80

§80.110, 80.135, 80. 1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 1 1 1 1 92 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: submit company and facility program registration information under 80.135 and 1090.805 and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 1 1 1 1 92 New registrants; OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; including the specific registration items applicable to these parties under 80.135 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 1 1 1 90 1,104 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 36 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, subpart I Reporting: Update registration as needed to reflect changes in information and changes needed due to new regulation. 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 1 1 1 12 1,104 Existing registrants; OTAQREG 0.00
§80.80.110, 80.140, 80.1452 Reporting: EMTS (RIN generation/transactional reporting) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 2 12 24 24 2,208 Assumes one EMTS report per month; EMTS 0.00
§80.80.110, 80.140, 80.1452 Reporting: RNG importer who generates RINs for foreign producer 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 2 4 8 4 368 quarterly RFS0107

§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 2 1 2 16 1,472 One time burden; 24 hours divided by 3 years to annualize 0.00
§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: keep copies of registration, reporting, and other compliance records, PTDs under 80.155(a) and keep records specific to generation and assignment of RINs under 80.155(d), including contracts, affidavits, etc. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 2 12 24 24 2,208 Assumes monthly and a customary business practice (CBP) process. Since information to be retained is somewhat detailed related to RIN generation and assignment, assumes appropriate amount of time for weekly oversight. 0.00
§80.110, 80.150 and §80.1453 or 40 CFR part 1090, subpart L, as applicable Recordkeeping: PTD requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 2 52 104 5 478 Assumes weekly frequency and a somewhat automated process; PTDs are CBP. 0.00
§ 80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Assign batch numbers 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 2 12 24 48 4,416 Assumes one batch per month and a somewhat automated process. 0.00
§80.110, 80.160 Recordkeeping: independent third party determination; third party gives report to the regulated party who keeps it ; see detail in 80.160(h) 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 2 12 24 96 8,832 Assumes one instance per month. $8,832.00
§80.110, 80.165 and 80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 12.00 2,760 2 1 2 24 5,520 Within system. Follow directions at $5,520.00
§80.170, 80.1469 et seq. Recordkeeping: related to participation in QAP 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 2 12 24 12 1,104 We estimate all parties will participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab VI-QAP of this Appendix. 0.00


240 357 28,998

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:


Sheet 5: IV-SFW

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table IV - Parties who Use Alternative Recorkdeeping for SFW: RF Producer or Biointermediate Producer who producers fuel from Separated yard waste, Separated food waste (SFW), or biogenic waste/fats/greases who uses feedstock aggregator; Alternative Recordkeeping provisions of 80.1479; assumes 35 RF Producers, 5 Biointermediate Producers, and 40 Feedstock Aggregators.
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
80.1454, 80.1479, 1090.805 Reporting: Registration of Feedstock Aggregator 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 40 1 40 160 14720 OTAQREG 0
80.1471(f), 80.1479 Recordkeeping: RF Producer or Bioint Producer QAP; reports submitted by QAP provider, see Tab VI; recorkdeeping only 0.00 0.00 2.00 460 35 1 35 70 16100 We estimate RF producers, since biointermediate producers already required to participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab VI-QAP of this Appendix. 16100.00
80.1454, 80.1479 Recordkeeping: feedstock aggregator to keep records for collection 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 40 1 40 160 14720 CBP 0
80.1453, 80.1479 Recordkeeping: PTD use 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 80 12 960 3840 353280 CBP; assumes one PTD per month 0
80.1453(f), 80.1479 Recordkeeping: PTD requirements; initial programming by feedstock aggregator 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 40 1 1 1 368 CBP; assumes 12 hour one-time burden divided by 3 years to annualize 0

1,076 4,231 399,188

Note to Table: These parties are already registered and conducting recordkeeping under 2060-0725, 2060-0731, 2060-0740; table address alternative recordkeeping only for them.

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users


(However, note that RFS0107 and RFS1700 forms that may already applicable to these parties under 2060-0725, 2060-0740 have minor edits with no additional burden.)

Sheet 6: V-RIN Generators

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 4 - BCDS RIN Generators* - assumes 25 existing plus 5 new; 30 total
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
40 CFR Part 80

§80.110, 80.135, 80. 1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 5 1 5 5 460 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0
§80.110, 80.135, 80. 1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; updates registration as needed; for changes in information, address, etc. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 3 1 3 3 276 Assumes 10% of total parties 0
§80.110, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: submit company and facility program registration information under 80.145(e)(1) and 1090.805 and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 5 1 5 5 460 New registrants; OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451 Reporting: quarterly reports - biogas closed system under 80.140 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 30 12 360 180 16,560 monthly RFS5000 0
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451 Reporting: quarterly reports - biogas closed system under 80.140 - dispensing report 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 30 12 360 180 16,560 monthly RFS5100 0
§80.110, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: EMTS (RIN generation/transactional reporting) 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 30 12 360 360 33,120 Assumes one EMTS report per week; EMTS; quarterly RFS0107; higher monthly frequency used to calculate. 0
§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates 8.00 0.00 0.00 736 30 1 30 240 22,080 One time burden; 24 hours divided by 3 years to annualize 0
§80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: keep copies of registration, reporting, and other compliance records, PTDs under 80.155(a) and keep records specific to generation and assignment of RINs under 80.155(d), including contracts, affidavits, etc. 4.00 0.00 0.00 368 30 12 360 1440 132,480 Assumes weekly and a customary business practice (CBP) process. Since information to be retained is somewhat detailed related to RIN generation and assignment, assumes appropriate amount of time for weekly oversight. 0
§80.110, 80.150 and §80.1453 or 40 CFR part 1090, subpart L, as applicable Recordkeeping: PTD requirements 0.05 0.00 0.00 5 30 12 360 18 1,656 Assumes monthly frequency and a somewhat automated process; PTDs are CBP. 0
§ 80.110, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Assign batch numbers 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 30 12 360 180 16,560 Assumes one batch per month and a somewhat automated process. 0

§80.110, 80.165, and 80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 12.00 2760 30 1 30 360 82,800 Within system. Follow directions at 82,800
§80.110, 80.170, 80.1469 et seq. Recordkeeping: related to participation in QAP 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 40 12 480 240 0.00 We estimate all parties will participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab VI-QAP of this Appendix. 0


2,713 3,211 323,012

Note to Table: Assumes most of these parties are already registered and performing recordkeeping/reporting under 2060-0725, 2060-0731, 2060-0740; new burden associated with final rule.


Sheet 7: VI-QAP

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party

Table 5 - QAP Providers* Based upon four registered QAP providers. There is not a change in burden for services already provided under 2060-0725, but the forms are modified and there may be additional clients for QAP providers.

Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes

Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)

40 CFR Part 80

§80.135 Registration: initial or update to registration steps 1 0 0 92 1 1 1 1 92 OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours divided by 3 to annualize burden 0

§80.170, 80.1451 Reporting: Batch Verification (4x/year) 10.00 0.00 0.00 920 4 4 16 160 14,720 quarterly RFS2001 0
I am not sure how many responses, 12 was a place holder.

§80.170, 80.1451 Reporting: Agreggate RIN Verification (4x/year) 5.00 0.00 0.00 460 4 4 16 80 7,360 quarterly RFS2101 0

§ 80.170, 80.1451(g) Reporting: On-Site Audit Report (4x/year) 10.00 0.00 0.00 920 4 4 16 160 14,720 quarterly RFS2201 0

§80.170, 80.1451(g) Reporting: Mass Balance 15.00 0.00 24.00 6,900 4 4 16 624 110,400 quarterly RFS2400 0

§80.170, 80.185, 80.1474 Reporting: Potentially Invalid RINs (4x/year) 2.00 0.00 0.00 184 4 4 16 32 2,944 quarterly RFS2301 0


81 1,057 150,236

Notes to the Table:

Assumes no new registrants as a result of this proposed rule, but assumes additional reporting burden, as a result of new regulations.

QAP providers already perform recordkeeping and reporting under 2060-0725, 2060-0731, 2060-0740; table represents new activities based on final rule.

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides


Sheet 8: VII -RNG RIN separators

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 6 - RNG RIN Separators - estimate 200 new registrants; general requirements in 40 CFR 80.115.
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
§80.115, 80.135, 80. 1450, subpart I Reporting: Registration; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1 0 0 92 200 1 200 200 18400 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0
§80.115, 80.135, 80.1450, subpart I Reporting: submit company and facility program registration information and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1 0 0 92 200 1 200 200 18400 New registrants; OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0
§80.115, 80.135, 80.1450, subpart I Reporting: Registration; including the specific registration items applicable to these parties under 80.135(e) 2 0 0 184 200 1 200 90 36800 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 6 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0
80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting of RIN separations in EMTS 1 0 0 92 200 12 2400 90 220800 EMTS 0
§80.140, 80.1451, 1452 Reporting: quarterly reporting by separators under 80.140, as applicable 1 0 0 92 200 4 800 800 73600 quarterly RFS0107 0
§80.140, 80.1451, 1452 Reporting: monthly reporting by separators under 80.140 0.5 0 0 46 200 12 2400 1200 110400 monthly RFS5200 0
§80.140, 80.1451, 1452 Reporting: monthly reporting by separators under 80.140 0.5 0 0 46 200 12 2400 1200 110400 monthly RFS5300 0
§80.115, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: Internal systems updates 8 0 0 736 200 1 200 1600 147200 One time burden; 24 hours divided by 3 years to annualize 0
§80.115, 80.155, Recordkeeping: perform/retain records of sampling, testing and measurement related to continous measurement of natural gas withdrawn from national gas commercial pipeline system. 0 0 1 230 200 12 2400 2400 552000 Estimate assumes a monthly frequency to keep records, for R&R, considers continuous monitoring in developing estimate. Assumes all purchased services. $552,000.00
§80.115, 80.150 and §80.1453 or 40 CFR part 1090, subpart L, as applicable Recordkeeping: PTD requirements 0.05 0 0 4.6 200 52 10400 520 47840 Assumes weekly frequency and a somewhat automated process; PTDs are CBP. 0
§80.115, 80.165 and 80.1464 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0 0 12 2760 200 1 200 2400 552,000.00 Within system. Follow directions at 552,000.00


21,800 10,700 1,887,840

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:


Sheet 9: VIII - Third Parties

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table 7 - Third Party Auditors, 3PEngineers* who register and associate with respondents for whom they submit reports. Assumes 5 new of each. Reports appear on individual respondents' tabs.
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
80.1450 & 1090 subpart I Registration by attest auditor or engineer for RFS program only 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 1 5 0 0 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0
80.1450 & 40 CFR part 1090 subpart I Association "handshake" within registration with client 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 5 1 5 0 0 OTAQ REG USER GUIDE 0

10 0 0
Notes to the Table:

The cost, hours, and submissions associated with third party registrants and attest engagements fully passed on to regulated parties as purchased services.

This table exists to get an accurate respondent count, because these auditors do register with EPA .

Many of these parties would already be registered and performing recordkeeping and reporting under 2060-0725, 2060-0731, 2060-0740.

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:

LIST OF NEW OR UPDATED FORMS & INSTRUCTIONS ON TAB VIII - Third Parties: none, forms appear on tabs w/ respondents for whom services are performed.

Sheet 10: IX-Producers of RF Biogas

Annual Respondent Burden and Cost by Type of Party
Table IX - Producers of RF from Biogas used as Biointermediate or RNG used as a feedstock - see 80.120; assumes 10 new respondents registering new pathways under 2060-0725.
Information Collection Activity Hours and Cost Total Hours and Cost Forms & Notes
Citation Activity Standard Industry Mix Hours/ Response Clerical Only Hours/ Response Purchased Services Hours/ Response Total Cost/ Response (dollars) Number of Respondents Number of Responses per party/year Total Number of Responses per Year Total Hours/ Year Total Cost/Year Non-Labor Only Portion of Column K (Capital, O&M and Purchased Services)
80.120, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; set up initial system accounts with EPA 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 1 10 10 920 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 75 domestic plus 20 foreign 0.00
80.120, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: submit company and facility program registration information under 80.135 and 1090.805 and perform necessary association with third parties (auditor) following forms & procedures 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 1 10 10 920 New registrants; OTAQREG; asumes 3 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 75 domestic plus 20 foreign 0.00
80.120, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Registration; including the specific registration items applicable to these parties under 80.135(g), including biogas producer and RF producer connection documentation 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 10 1 10 90 11,040 New registrants; OTAQREG; assumes 36 hours, divided by 3, to annualize for ICR. 0.00
80.120, 80.135, 80.1450, 40 CFR part 1090, subpart I Reporting: Update registration as needed to reflect changes in information and changes needed due to new regulation. 12.00 0.00 0.00 1,104 1 1 1 12 1,104 OTAQREG 0.00
80.120, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: RIN retirements in EMTS. 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 12 120 120 11,040 EMTS 0.00
80.120, 80.140, 80.1451, 80.1452 Reporting: RIN activity report, as applicable 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 10 4 40 20 1,840 quarterly RFS0107 0.00
80.120, 80.140, 80.1451 Reporting: quarterly reporting of retirement of RINs for RNG used as a feedstock or process heat 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 10 4 40 20 1,840 quarterly RFS5400 0.00
80.120, 80.145, 80.1454 Recordkeeping: create and retain records 1.00 0.00 0.00 92 10 12 120 120 11,040 CBP 0.00
80.120, 80.145, 80.1453 Recordkeeping: PTD requirements 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 10 12 120 60 5,520 CBP 0.00
80.120(f), 80.155 Recordkeeping: perform and retain continuous measurements 0.00 0.00 1.00 230 10 12 120 120 27,600 Estimate assumes a monthly frequency to keep records, for R&R, considers continuous monitoring in developing estimate. Assumes all purchased services. 27600.00
80.120, 80.165, 80.1464, 40 CFR 1090.1800, 1090,1805 Reporting: Attest Engagements (annual) 0.00 0.00 32.00 7,360 10 1 10 320 73,600 Within system. Follow directions at $73,600.00
80.120, 80.170 Recordkeeping: QAP 0.50 0.00 0.00 46 10 12 120 60 5,520 We estimate all parties will participate in QAP. QAP reports are submitted by QAP providers and are shown on Tab V-QAP of this Appendix. 5520.00


721 962 151,984

Helpful Registration Links - new registrants and updates:

How to Register a New Company in OTAQREG

How to Update Existing Companies Facilities and Users

Links to User Guides:

OTAQ DC FUEL User Guides

RFS EMTS User Guide:

Attest Engagement Instructions:


Sheet 11: Labor Costs

Labor Costs

Labor Type Labor Cost/hour Labor + Overhead/ houra Portion attributed/hour Employer Cost/hour

Managerial (CEO - 11-1011) 126.33 253.00 0.05 12.65

Professional/Technical (Refinery Operators - 51-8093) 41.32 83.00 0.7 58.10

Clerical (Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 43-6010) 26.88 54.00 0.2 10.80

Legal (Lawyer 23-1011) 98.36 197.00 0.05 9.85

Total Employer Cost/hour 92.00

Purchased Servicesb 230.00

a Overhead is calculated to be equal to the cost of labor; i.e. 2x labor cost, rounded up.

b The cost of purchased services (for example, cost of attest auditors) is calculated at 2.5 times the Total Employer Cost. Increased from 2 times (as a result of industry consultation/comment on RFS ICR 2060-0725).

“May 2021 National Industry-Specific Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates for NAICS 324000 - Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing”

US Bureau of Labor Statistics

See: (accessed May 2, 2022).

For each labor category, mean hourly wage was selected.

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